Gillian Gibbons and the Teddy bear

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • *Update*
    She has been charged with insulting religion, inciting hatred and showing contempt for religious beliefs.
    Her sentence is 15 days in Jail.


  • @mylife1221
    @mylife1221 12 років тому

    She was a former headteacher of my school :O Happy 80th birthday Dovecot School

  • @kurtilein3
    @kurtilein3 17 років тому

    you can move it over to the other video a few days before the project ends ^^

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    He was kicked out. They are finally learning.

  • @particle409
    @particle409 17 років тому

    I'm not sure how clear the law in Sudan was on this subject... First of all, the students named the bear, not the teacher. Secondly, it's unclear how even if the teacher had named it, that would amount to "insulting Islam and inciting violence."

  • @particle409
    @particle409 17 років тому

    "I aggree with everything xJediHoweieX says but i also aggree with you narcoleptus"
    I agree with Dwarf250, but I disagree with xJediHoweieX and narcoleptus.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    "becoz ppl are still stupid, weak and greed"
    Religion takes these human qualities and runs with them.

  • @bo3of
    @bo3of 17 років тому

    Free that lady! She named the bear after one her students! The student told the authorities about it!

  • @bluespiral58
    @bluespiral58 17 років тому

    If naming a toy bear Muhammad is "making an image" of Muhammad, then I would think naming one's child Muhammad would be the same.

  • @frid9999
    @frid9999 17 років тому

    What is any educated person doing within 500 miles of Sudan!

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    Let me just qualify what you say. The majority of Muslims who condemn this action, only condemn it because Mrs Gibbons did not mean to insult the Prophet. These same people would not show support if she had meant to insult the Prophet, as I did.

  • @TomEveson99
    @TomEveson99 17 років тому

    Yeh, I feel the same, its hard! but I'm concerned for that poor woman!
    The Sudanese authorities have no control or power over their Islamic extremists and their lynch mobs!
    Responsible muslims, throughout the world should demand her release immediately!

  • @nounnoun
    @nounnoun 17 років тому

    Travers54:Yes, I support freedom of speech. However, that freedom should not be abused, nor exploited to advocate hatred or violence against a discriminated minority group. The holocaust is an unequivocal verification as to what happens, if freedom of speech is unlimited. A person's right, their freedom to go about their business, without being subjected to daily abuse, ridicule or violence is far greater than a person's right to express that abuse...

  • @Jarezev
    @Jarezev 17 років тому

    What? Did you really call ME a racist? For what, if I may ask?

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    I made it clear that she was innocent of insulting Islam.

  • @Omer698
    @Omer698 17 років тому

    She shouldn't of even been teaching in North Sudan she should of went to the south and help the kids that really need it not the Unity High school wealthy kids

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    I have never hurt a Muslim in my life. I lived in Saudi for 15 years.
    Making a video like this cannot compete with what Muslim extremists are doing.... Don't you dare compare me to those people.
    Now, you avoided my question......What does Islam say to do if a Muslim(me) insults the Prophet. No "Al-takiya" please.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    If only a small group of extremists get upset over insulting Mohamed......I have a challenge for you. Go to any Muslim country you like and publicly insult Prophet Muhammad and see if you come back unharmed.
    Don't play games or do "Al-takiya" with me.....I told you, I have lived in Saudi, Egypt, Bahrain for decades.....I would be killed or punished for my views on Religion and YOU KNOW THIS.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    Thankqwerty. How on earth could this teddy bear nonsense come about without the Religious influence?? It couldn't.
    With Religion any stupidity or insanity can be justified.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    And I don't think Religion can be eradicated, but we can at least stop religious laws and we can stop electing leaders who subscribe to Religious dogmas.
    e.g. Bush.

  • @buddybleau
    @buddybleau 17 років тому

    I am outraged but not surprised at the reaction of these damned diaper heads! I find it difficult to have feeling's for Mrs. Gibbons when she has no business being there in the first place. I know she mean't well, but some people you just can't help.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    What about me? Would you allow me to make this video?

  • @Jarezev
    @Jarezev 17 років тому

    Everything is more or less a political motive. In the west political motives are also disquised. But letting religion count as a reason for something is like giving a free pass to politicians. The people in the middle east certainly didn't understand that this is a political motive. And far worse things than this teddy bear thing have happened becource of religion.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    "believing in Islam in itself is irrational."
    Sure....but if you do believe in Islam......

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    You are not allowed to make an image of muhammad in Islam. That's why they were so upset about the cartoons.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    I am guilty of insulting the Prophet Muhammed. Should I be punished?

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    She only got away because she is british. A Sudanese man insulted Prophet Mohamed would be beaten or killed. According to Islamic Law people who attack or fight Islam should be killed.

  • @elieri
    @elieri 17 років тому

    this is true, however, this is not the way christianity works today. There are no nations anymore where the word of the bible is law. Christianity has been modernized, so to speak. This is not the case with islam.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    There is always someone being abused by islamosacists narco. Remaining silent will only set a precedent and ultimately prolong these kind of injustices. We need to nip it in the bud. They have to learn that they don't have a right not to be offended.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    "Nothing to do with Religion"
    The denial is amazing.
    You contradict yourself when you say Humans are the problem, not Religion. Religion is man-made and therefore part of the human problem.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    Yes kurtilein I was thinking about doing that, but I will get more views if I put it as a response to Pat. Take care bro.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    I insulted the Prophet Muhammad in this video.
    What does Islam say should happen to me?
    No "Al-takiya" please.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    It's not irrational, if you believe in Islam....

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    The Jews and Christians are only now under control because of Secularism.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    Muhammad was given God's final revelation. It is unalterable.

  • @sftim725
    @sftim725 14 років тому

    Yeah, you're not a hate speaking person or anything. I personally can't stand any of the big religions around today because of their complete ignorance and lack of actual proof. To think that people would put suck a selfless person through so much fear and pain out of religious absolutism is why I turned away from religion. The militant nature of many Muslims toward these matters is what makes a holy war feel inevitable.

  • @Jarezev
    @Jarezev 17 років тому

    The same thing might have happened there too. But, surely she was completely innocent. If they are so conserned about people redeculing the muslim prophet, they should not make a spectacle that encourages people to name their pets Mohamed. I mean someone even started selling Mohamed teddybears.

  • @reiyi1096
    @reiyi1096 17 років тому

    Who said so?

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    To be more accurate, Fascism.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    sanandrea. You can insult Jesus in the west, it's no problem. We have movies, TV series, documentaries, nobody goes to jail for this in the west, unlike in Muslim countries. It's called freedom, an alien concept to Islam(submission). Yes there are crazy Christians who will kill atheists in the west....but at least it is illegal.
    Why do I insult Islam? Amazing you even have to ask...... If you think Islam is even near perfect, your mind is twisted.

  • @becciatio
    @becciatio 17 років тому


  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    Lets hope people don't believe it forever.
    Let's hope Mecca becomes
    "Disney's magic Kingdom of Allah"
    Thank you Dan Dennett. :D

  • @Swaggg32
    @Swaggg32 13 років тому

    @MrKir333 lolololol

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    many thanks Infidel. :D

  • @TomEveson99
    @TomEveson99 17 років тому

    We have a responsibility to get her out safely would you not agree!
    ..or are you willing to sacrifice her for the sake of 'The fight against Fascism'
    Apart from the 40 lashes and 6months inside a stinking prison there's a real danger of an angry mob storming the police station and lynching her!
    Try and see it from Gillian Gibbons point of view, put yourself in her shoes!

  • @TomEveson99
    @TomEveson99 17 років тому

    This doesn't help Gillian Gibbons, as well intentioned as it may be, showing a pic of her and following that with the cartoon depicted is simply going to inflame the situation and this won't help her at all.
    You don't put out a fire by throwing petrol on it!
    ...and I'm certain Gillian Gibbons would want you too take it down!
    .....Please think about it!

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    Very easy for you to say when you live in a SECULAR country like Canada. I doubt you would say anything if you lived in Sudan. I don't blame you. You would be next in line for the whip

  • @rozeboosje
    @rozeboosje 17 років тому

    I'll be very happy to demand this right here. But I would be an awful lot happier to see Muslims posting here joining us in this demand.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    I wonder how many ex-muslims have changed their name? Would kinda suck to be called Muhammed. It's like being called Adolf. :)

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    The kid chose the name, not her. Anyway what's your point?....Do you support punishment for Mrs Gibbons?

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    I will not alter my behavior for a single second to appease fascists. You surrender if you want.

  • @sftim725
    @sftim725 14 років тому

    Yeah, you're not a hate speaking person or anything. I personally can't stand any of the big religions around today because of their complete ignorance and lack of actual proof. To think that people would put suck a selfless person through so much fear and pain out of religious absolutism is why I turned away from religion. The militant nature of many Muslims toward these matters is what makes a holy war feel inevitable.

  • @UpTheShakers
    @UpTheShakers 17 років тому

    couldn't agree more Will. But how is islam different from christianity? I am still haunted by the idea of george bush and tony blair praying together. tally up the figures, you'll find that more people have been tortured and murdered for daring to question christ's infinite love for them, than those who have suffered the same at the hands of islamists.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    What does Islam say to do to people who insult the Prophet?

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    They can't protest. They will be next in line for the whip.

  • @nounnoun
    @nounnoun 17 років тому

    "You don't know much about the life of Muhammed do you?"
    Unlike you, xJediHowieX, I am acquainted with the events of Prophets Muhammad's life and your claims are spurious nonsense. PS: before you ask, I am not a Muslim myself.

  • @aston0708
    @aston0708 17 років тому

    The old gall is inadvertently doing us all a huge favour by debunking one of the greatest falsehoods of the 21st century; I.E islam is peace and tolerance and non-violent,,,, my arse it is...She's a hero,, peace be upon her!

  • @nounnoun
    @nounnoun 17 років тому

    I think this video should be flagged for its fatuous, vacuous Islamophia nonsense. Yes, whilst we all condemn her imprisonment, it does not justify this level of hatred!

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    You don't know much about the life of Muhammed do you?

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    You can dl the soundtrack on the documentary website.

  • @mnsnowboy
    @mnsnowboy 17 років тому

    Please read "Prophet Of Doom" by Craig Winn. If you have not read it, do so. It will give you more insight. Have your bookstore order it.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    Would you like to see me killed for this video?

  • @adrianbarratt
    @adrianbarratt 17 років тому

    i dont think the 15 day jail sentence was all that bad but deporting her to Liverpool was a bit strong

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    Apply that Logic to those who apposed Hitler.

  • @reiyi1096
    @reiyi1096 17 років тому

    The teddy bear was named after the boy whose name is Muhammad. Nothing to do with the Prophet.

  • @bluespiral58
    @bluespiral58 17 років тому

    I thought Muhammad was not an uncommon name among muslims. It's just a toy bear.

  • @Jarezev
    @Jarezev 17 років тому

    Just out of curiosity, who does represent islam?

  • @sihyeon100
    @sihyeon100 12 років тому

    ms gillian is teaching in our school

  • @truongvedan
    @truongvedan 12 років тому

    She is my teacher!

  • @AtheistCitizen
    @AtheistCitizen 17 років тому

    keep it coming..

  • @mnsnowboy
    @mnsnowboy 17 років тому


  • @oldelpaso1987
    @oldelpaso1987 17 років тому

    Amen to that!