How Dopa Forces Enemy To FF

  • Опубліковано 4 лют 2025


  • @dhruvhitesh1003
    @dhruvhitesh1003 Рік тому +53

    man please post more of your mastering character series i love them

  • @cykablyat9333
    @cykablyat9333 5 місяців тому +21

    'and yep the games over' i cant believe dopa's strat was so strong it won u the game magically

  • @MrAmarow
    @MrAmarow 11 місяців тому +5

    I like this alot. You got big potential! Thanks for the laughs and ill defenitly sub✌🏼 big up🎉

  • @cagezinho4090
    @cagezinho4090 7 місяців тому +17

    pin my comment pls
    dopa is pretty sistematic and one big thing about dopa is how hard he mastered laning phase, he doens't pay attention to it but he still does it perfectly he knows every little secret about every matchup but in general he follows this:
    Meele all-in(yasuo, irelia)
    You(ranged) should freeze at level 1(auto same time as enemy and last hit only) poke enemy if they walk up for CS but only outside of their minions auto range to avoid pulling aggro and breaking freeze, keep card for all-in(stun them inside our wave causing them to pull aggro turning their wave into a slow push + minion damage helps you win trade)
    Meele poke(ekko, zed) they can break freeze and farm from safety
    Slow push instead, if enemy has great push power auto more than normal so win push, if you can poke, do inside minions range to pull them back and stack a bigger wave, walk up level 2.
    (5 minions in the 4th wave gives level 4)
    (to auto more if the enemy picks the safe poke hard wave clearing hability its better to unlock E first, otherwise normal W start)
    (against roaming champions from level 4or5 onwards must push every wave to restrain them)
    Ranged skillshot(syndra, orianna)
    The key is fake autoing and stepping in and out of their range to bait out the skillshots, avoid autoing if their hability is up, walk in to bait habilities in your wave to force their push to be faster and use the time while you are safe under turret to farm as much as possible.
    (Rush boots)
    Other ranged
    Farm. Don’t die.
    (rules for macro apply)
    he also gave 10 simple tips for twisted fate one time
    1.Use high noon twisted fate skin because Q cards are harder to see
    2.Boots of swiftness: dodge skillshots(orianna, Taliyah, ekko, viktor)
    Mercury threads: heavy ap and cc (kassadin, ahri, syndra, cassiopeia)
    Ninja tabis: heavy ad (zed, Lucian, yasuo, jayce)
    3.At level 5, your Q has 3 points, and can clear the minion wave with 2 Qs. This is a good way to farm safely and avoid ganks even without flash
    4.Before level 6, you need to recall. If you don’t, you will have no mana to ult. Also because the enemy mid can’t push while you can at this timing level 5 is the perfect B(rule 3)
    5.Zone the enemy from farming with gold card. It may look like you have a jungler even if you don’t(especially cannons)
    6.If they had pink ward but it disappears from inventory push wave to clear the ward
    7.Don’t only use Q when you hit gold card. Use Q when the enemy is trying to last hit. The enemy can’t move when they are autoing
    8.Split push constantly until your ult comes up. If you keep your lane crowded, you will see opportunities in other lanes, that way you can constantly profit, but do not die while split-
    pushing. If you keep repeating this, there will be at least one mistake from the enemy team. Even if they don’t make a mistake, the situation will always profit your team because the minions can’t cross the equator of the map and keep coming in. Pushing all the way causes enemy to come defend and then you can ult to help teamfight with numbers advantage
    9.Ignite: gets kills and changes enemy playstyle to be more cautious
    exhaust: against heavy damage (syndra, Cassiopeia, zed)
    cleanse: against heavy cc (veigar)
    10. Middle of lane positioning is OP(gank immunity) Apdo almost always plays defensively and wins off of trades that the enemy can't respond to. Then he somehow gets rotational advantage from that because of HP/Mana advantage, goes where he is needed and snowballs from clean macro. Very clean play
    his macro and positioning can be summarized in a few rules
    Don’t walk up too far in sidelanes against assassins or engaging bruisers that may come(missing)
    If the team has no vision in neutral objective group to face check with team(always group for objectives)
    Bad fights don’t join, at max just peel and stay away
    Be in and out of map synchronized with your team to be able to join in plays
    "No matter what always do the most consistent play, treat your team like they won’t troll even if they will"

    • @cagezinho4090
      @cagezinho4090 7 місяців тому +6

      early game focus on farming pressuring lane and ult opportunities, midgame sidelane farm and push as much as possible without risking death and have ult to group for objectives, you can split near objectives to place wards in that jungle quadrant to make teamfights simpler though you don't need to risk your life for deep wards, shallow wards are enough as your ult gives vision, if you keep up CS as twisted fate you always win lane so as long as you don't die and CS well you are ahead from your passive and if you fall behind from playing terribly just get your CS up in sidelanes, lategame you need to close out the game follow the tempo lines and lane to lane macro, and 2 lane setup you can finish a game faster as twisted fate has no damage to win a game at level 18 full build even matches.

  • @dairymilk316
    @dairymilk316 Рік тому +1

    Glad you posted some new videos!

  • @tonylovesducks2501
    @tonylovesducks2501 11 місяців тому +1

    Entertaining af please more

  • @mokisable
    @mokisable Місяць тому

    If you understand what DOPA is really saying, you won't feel the need to copy-paste his exact setups.
    He is talking about "concepts", "fundamentos"
    Or ... "Analyzing the optimal choices in a system"
    I play Aurora... and you can do the same thing but easier. Her waveclear is nutty. You only need one ability and an auto to proc Electrocute... Take 1 mana rune OR 2 mana runes... so you can stay in lane comfortably. This way you can stay in lane with low mana if you need to stall for a purchase... (as your spikes are the most important thing on Aurora) or you can conserve your mana by only using abilities when you have electrocute. You can kill the enemy in 4 trades early. At least you will get them down to base and shove the wave in. Make sure you have 6 or are close enough to 6. Base. You just back on 1300g for Lost Chapter... or Boots+Amp+Darkseal on 1050g.
    Walk back or TP to lane... shove another wave then roam with R to botlane. You will pick up 1-2 kills. Go back to lane. You are now able to stay in lane infinitely and farm to any desired spike. If you saved TP, you can get your planned purchase of completing Ludens+Sorcs+Darkseal and just TP back with it in full. You should have R again. Proc one Q-E trade with electrocute. Then if they are 60%, wait for one more electrocute proc to come back up, then R them into a full combo. Shove lane. Profit. Hold your laner hostage and roam when you can.
    At this point you can one-shot waves, never run out of mana. And you can bully your own lane. You have W to escape...E to escape... R to escape. Just hold the waves hostage and roam when you see an opportunity by oneshotting wave.
    There is no counter to you at this point but your own stupidity. I LEGIT think if DOPA was playing right now, he would be playing Aurora.

  • @AuroraTheFirstLight
    @AuroraTheFirstLight 7 місяців тому

    About the atention part, this is something that FPS players do in CSGO so they aim automatically, to really ensure you are distracted put some music talk to someone or put netflix on your other screen

  • @jakesoccerplayer97
    @jakesoccerplayer97 11 місяців тому +1

    I don’t know if this helps but you definitely can kill Yone in this match up just not with the roa build

  • @oraffault
    @oraffault 11 місяців тому +2

    Low sensitivity is holding you back imo Midlaners usually have high sens to be able to go back and forth very rapidly

    • @oraffault
      @oraffault 11 місяців тому

      Dopa is using 1000dpi 55ig with mouse acceleration and 2560x1440res btw

    • @woodsy.2977
      @woodsy.2977 9 місяців тому +1

      Settings do not matter in league it’s all preference.

    • @grzyb4274
      @grzyb4274 Місяць тому

      its litteraly the opposite

  • @schneezockt
    @schneezockt 3 місяці тому

    Nice video

  • @griffinheart2535
    @griffinheart2535 9 місяців тому

    Dude you have to comeback your content is great! Please :3

  • @sebastiandorflinger3587
    @sebastiandorflinger3587 10 місяців тому +1

    Whats the 1 hour Video you mentioned at the start. Cant find it

  • @GoldenJoy-b1p
    @GoldenJoy-b1p Місяць тому

    yo that was funny

  • @poissonrouge9786
    @poissonrouge9786 Рік тому

    Good vid

  • @SeannyB-6969
    @SeannyB-6969 3 дні тому

    Lane over😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂hahahhah

  • @the_sadistic_one
    @the_sadistic_one 6 місяців тому

    "cheat" 🤓

  • @KingdomDumb
    @KingdomDumb 11 місяців тому +1

    Gross Gore is better than you or Dopa. Get better.

    • @simuntigmo6220
      @simuntigmo6220 10 місяців тому +3


    • @DwytAI
      @DwytAI 7 місяців тому +1


    • @tomjaap2933
      @tomjaap2933 6 місяців тому +1

      happy that shark nose is off twitch

  • @NorthRage14
    @NorthRage14 10 місяців тому +1

    TF is only for smart and having good understanding of everything. Even if you copy us do everything what we do. Analyze everthing from us. You cant be one of us! If you dont posses the talent we have! Your nit cut out for that shit better find your own role. Beleived me you just gonna get stack mid way eventually!

  • @tostupidforname
    @tostupidforname Рік тому

    Probs better to go boots on your lv5 recall