If the focus becomes who should pay for it then we know it has little to do with climate & more to do with income redistribution. Equity of climate. Mankind does not make the climate. The globe is split into climatic biomes with 2 main attributes-temp & precipitation.
Actually it's China. We are not going to relinquish our standard of living just to satisfy a treaty. See we have regs on our books & over 50 years of the Clean Air Act our admissions are way down across the board. In addition, we have cleaner waters than Asia does.
What about mitigating Global warming ?
Thanks for posting on this subject.
It's scam
very well-explained
very insightful
If the focus becomes who should pay for it then we know it has little to do with climate & more to do with income redistribution. Equity of climate. Mankind does not make the climate. The globe is split into climatic biomes with 2 main attributes-temp & precipitation.
Actually it's China. We are not going to relinquish our standard of living just to satisfy a treaty. See we have regs on our books & over 50 years of the Clean Air Act our admissions are way down across the board. In addition, we have cleaner waters than Asia does.