Reaction To What You Should NOT Do In Poland

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @GdzieJestNemo
    @GdzieJestNemo Рік тому +40

    talking loud on a phone is bullshit - it's very trashy and uncultured to do so. First of all you are not supposed to even pick up the phone while on public transport and if you have to then you need to do it quietly and preferably just say "hey, sorry, i'm on the bus, will call you later, bye"

    • @dragonania
      @dragonania Рік тому +7

      True, can't agree more! Of course there are people who don't care (and sadly it's more and more common :C), but general rule is not to talk in public transport

    • @cytrynowysorbet80
      @cytrynowysorbet80 Рік тому +6

      I'm Pole too and I avoid talking on the phone when I'm inside a bus, tram, train etc. I do it only if it's necessary. Most of Poles who I observe every day also try to be polite and calm in the public transport.

  • @danielmarkiewicz8489
    @danielmarkiewicz8489 Рік тому +55

    it is even more then that (BABCIA situation). Even if Babia is living alone, she is always prepared to have guests. cakes, sweets, you can drop by for surprise dinner and she will be prepared.

    • @bredi7811
      @bredi7811 Рік тому +4

      Dosłownie, kiedyś wpadłem do babci nie zapowiedziany(taką niespodziankę chciałem jej sprawić) a ona miała gotowe jedzonko. I to tyle, że i dla mnie i dla niej starczyło

  • @izabelagmerek5640
    @izabelagmerek5640 11 місяців тому +10

    Babcia jest zawsze najkochańsza na świecie i najlepiej gotuje:))

  • @kawaiikiwi4937
    @kawaiikiwi4937 Рік тому +11

    I've seen this video a few yers ago. I especially liked the part about pierogi, cuz a lot of people can't get it right. This guy really makes good content and I highly recommend for you to check out more of his videos. And if you would like something similar, there is another channel calld Love My Poland! where a guy from USA talks about his experiences after he moved to Poland

  • @KatarzynaP-s8v
    @KatarzynaP-s8v 11 місяців тому +2

    My babcia cheese cake was the best ,I'm married to English man for last 7 years, and he is still shocked every so often about how I'm not changing my mind (specially I'm a wo😊)what I sey it is what I do ,yep we speak loud😊

  • @agnieszka7231
    @agnieszka7231 Рік тому +10

    Everything in this video is true. You are always too skinny and 100% hungry for grandma. Besides, grandma is always right, if you want everyone to wear a scarf, you wear it no matter how old you are ;) We are hospitable and very verbal. Like all northern people, we don't like being touched or standing too close.

  • @marvolom787
    @marvolom787 10 місяців тому

    That's honestly very acurate video.
    Of course I'd love to complain with others - like seriously, complaining is 'caring' in it's own twisted way

  • @piotrp1821
    @piotrp1821 10 місяців тому

    Be consistent - yes, indeed

  • @Greg74948
    @Greg74948 Рік тому +1

    It's not a big deal, but I thought I should remind something: there's no such thing as 'A" or 'AN' or 'THE' in Polish - those words just don't exist.
    So it's just 'babcia', NOT 'a babcia'. Please keep that in mind when you quote something in Polish.

  • @janinathomann7511
    @janinathomann7511 Рік тому

    Loud talking in public places has a historical roots. It comes from comunism time. We used to talk loud back then to show we had nothing to hide. And yes, it is still common in Poland.

  • @ZetkaFM
    @ZetkaFM 7 місяців тому

    Co warto zwiedzić najpierw: Kraków, Wrocław, Toruń, Gdynia-Gdańsk. Warszawa yyyy nie! albo na końcu 😅

  • @grzegorzkapica7930
    @grzegorzkapica7930 2 місяці тому

    Guys, you are dumb here. Be yourself. Do what is important. Say what is important. Resistance you will find at the beginning will go, once the person on the other side sees, it is important to you. You want tea, ask for tea. Be polite. Be truthful to the bone. Say, you do not eat meat. Say, you love to drink water. Thank for the hospitality, if you find it to be important.
    You are consistent by changing yourself for the engagement, is just cheating. If you do not know, what your consistency is, just drop it.
    So; the most important thing is: know what is important to you.

  • @GLight_8D
    @GLight_8D 11 місяців тому

    Optimistic person says there is light in tunel Polish knows in what kind of tunel they are (a..s )

  • @dareklenovo8883
    @dareklenovo8883 Рік тому

    Moi dziadkowie zostali upodleni przez ruskich. Kiedy babcia chciała opowiadać o kreskach to ja gasił synek Krzysiu mój ojciec i pamiętam te zdarzenia. W tedy był za komuchami. Co za syf, babci nie poznałem bo muj stary chciał zapewnić życie rodzinie aby dostać mieszkanie w bloku. I mnie nas odcinał od babci kiedykolwiek chciała coś powiedzieć bał się zemsty komuchuw. Fack. Nigdy więcej komu how

  • @MaciejRedowicz
    @MaciejRedowicz Рік тому

    First trip go to cracow

  • @xxxxxx-n4s2h
    @xxxxxx-n4s2h Рік тому +1

    Co ten cygan czy syryjczyk wie o Polsce?

    • @Pawciio952
      @Pawciio952 Рік тому +8

      Trochę przestrzeliłeś, JT jest z Dominikany i od wielu lat mieszka w Polsce, więc ma swoje spojrzenie i spostrzeżenia dotyczące Polski.

    • @xxxxxx-n4s2h
      @xxxxxx-n4s2h Рік тому

      Ten gość jest z Portugalii.Oglądnij jego filmy to się dowiesz jaki głupoty o Polsce gada.@@Pawciio952

  • @cyga303
    @cyga303 Рік тому +43

    Well... it's all true. I'd like to add many foreigners say Polish people don't smile. We do smile, but for different reasons - simple as that! Our country has been through a lot, so we may value some thing more, some things less... But anyway I think there is an universal rule that everyone should respect: You can not judge a book by its cover. You visit a country - meet its people, talk to them, get to know them. Then express Your opinion. Simple as that!

    • @magdalenasteplewski3963
      @magdalenasteplewski3963 Рік тому +10

      My employees sometimes confined in me that I always look grumpy. But man why I would walked around with smile plastered on my face? We don`t do that. My reply is: " Don`t worry it is my happy expression. You haven`t see me being angry yet."

  • @mariostepien4526
    @mariostepien4526 Рік тому +46

    Babcie zawsze są kochane ❤👍👍👍

  • @abcedex2323
    @abcedex2323 Рік тому +6

    What i don't like about native English speakers (Uk&USA) is that no matter how shitty their day was, they wlll always give you the same answer to the question:
    How are you/How you doing?
    I'm fine, thanks...

  • @skusim6633
    @skusim6633 Рік тому +39

    Best thing I was offerend from a Babcia was pierogi and 10zł (Common thing in Poland that babcia give small amount of money to her grandchildren)

    • @piotrmich956
      @piotrmich956 Рік тому +1

      Pewnie przez te wielkie emerytury 😂

    • @adamlubieniecki
      @adamlubieniecki Рік тому +5

      schowane w czekoladzie co by rodzicie nie wiedzieli :P

    • @pawejabonka5095
      @pawejabonka5095 Рік тому +2

      My late Babcia would give me 50 zł, tell me to go and buy her e.g. a cabbage (which was like 1 zł back then) and keep the change for myself, I'd always keep maybe 10 zł and sneak to her wallet to put there the rest cuz she'd refuse to take it

    • @yoruipaulina
      @yoruipaulina Рік тому

      I once got 500zł from my grandparents 🤔

    • @DrinkedTooMuch
      @DrinkedTooMuch 11 місяців тому +2

      They often give it even if they don't have enough to sustain themselves too, insane

  • @jagoda3797
    @jagoda3797 Рік тому +54

    I live in England, but whenever I go to Poland for the summer holidays to stay at my grandparents' house, my grandma always gives me extra food and there's NO WAY I can refuse. Especially since my grandma used to be a cook 😂

    • @monamoron8789
      @monamoron8789 11 місяців тому +4

      The golden rule: you can't ever say NO to Babcia. NEVER ;)

  • @Karudzik
    @Karudzik Рік тому +5

    Where did your fascination with Poland come from? Or you just noticed that we like to view videos of foreigners watching polish pop-culture?

  • @xFurashux
    @xFurashux Рік тому +26

    With grandmas you sometimes refuse the first time, especially if she's giving you money or a 3rd dessert.
    Being honest is way better than being nice. Smiling from the start without a reason is an easy way to make a Pole suspicious about you. Like maybe you want something from us.
    Complaining is a B plan for every time you have nothing to talk about with someone. It actually is a great way to connect when we can complain about the same thing. Although I think now we get a little more optimistic and after complaining you can hear some neutral approach like "no co zrobisz?" (nothing to do about it) or "życie" (that's life").
    Those polite interruptions for me are a way to show that I'm paying attention, I get what that person is talking about or that I can relate to that. A bad version of it is when someone actually interrupts because they thought of their similar situation and don't let you finish yours.

  • @janpeplinski6701
    @janpeplinski6701 Рік тому +14

    Whenever I go to my babcia they will not allow me to leave without eating something it’s not that it would be rude to leave without eating they just won’t let you leave with out it xD

  • @paulinarapicka
    @paulinarapicka Рік тому +17

    That was... Surprisingly more in-depth than I expected from such a video. This guy gave some serious thought to making this video. Color me impressed!
    The old saying: "Gość w dom, Bóg w dom" (a guest in the home is a God in the home) points out, that we are a hospitable nation.
    What we don't like is someone behaving arrogantly, not listening, and not paying attention to the people surrounding him/her. Sure, U can not know something, but pay attention and it will be all right ;) Be yourself, and not try to pose as someone else.

  • @martynapk7691
    @martynapk7691 Рік тому +8

    I'm polish and I interrupt all the time 😂It's very polish thing lol

  • @magdalenasteplewski3963
    @magdalenasteplewski3963 Рік тому +9

    do not eat with your hat on. Do not enter the Church with your hat on. Do not cut the waiting line... This is few that come to mind

  • @krecik-a
    @krecik-a Рік тому +3

    "Smile, tomorrow will be worse" is the most popular phrase I hear my surroundings. So Polish 😅
    Cheap. Yeah it could piss us off. Imagine: your salary is 500 euro per month (about 3000 pln). 2000 pln you pay for renting a small flat, because any bank could give you a credit for your own home. So u have 1000 pln to survive to another month. And I forgot that u have to pay for media (water, gass heating, electricity) 200-500 pln. So u have 500 pln for food, clothes, shoes... for entire month. Bread costs 4-7 pln. And you hear 'Poland is cheap'. So you're boiling inside, because for the same job you do for those pennies, foreigners earn 6 times more and can live normal life with dignity.

  • @voyageur8208
    @voyageur8208 Рік тому +4

    I love your Scottish accent man. When I watched you for the first time I was like oo such interesting accent but will I be able to understand it? And I am without any problem. Now I find your accent / Scottish accent the most beautiful of all english accents.

  • @miciaqaviation6065
    @miciaqaviation6065 11 місяців тому +3

    I told my babcia once that I like crisps and now every time I come over to her house there's just a pack of them waiting for me.

  • @88Agemo
    @88Agemo Рік тому +12

    My history :))
    Grandma: I'll make you eggs mixed with mushrooms (forest)
    Me: Okay, only two at most. Please
    Grandma: okay
    few minutes later...
    Grandma brings a platter with at least 10 mixed eggs full of mushrooms
    ... I don't know how it's possible, but the magic of grandmothers makes you manage to eat it all

  • @bryzolek
    @bryzolek Рік тому +4

    my biggest curiosity is why you start reacting on polish releases, checked u've reacted on polish related so far only? Is there any specific reason?

  • @nygaman
    @nygaman Рік тому +5

    Mert Pol you are more Polish than you think you are

  • @karlafrytka7737
    @karlafrytka7737 11 місяців тому +3

    I live in the UK for almost 15 years now. At first when asked, how was I doing, I was honest. After seeing people confused faces I learned just to say I'm fine, as now I know, nobody really cares how am I 🙂

  • @annaochlik8633
    @annaochlik8633 Рік тому +5

    Watch the whole season of Polish serial named " Stawka Większa Niż Życie" this is the best serial that we ever had as "Czterej Pancerni i Pies" You wan't regret it!

  • @rudakitka6929
    @rudakitka6929 Рік тому +6

    When I go back to my house by feet my babcia is doing a luch for me. She is sooooooooooooooooo lovely 🙂

  • @lucastreder-mu7ok
    @lucastreder-mu7ok Рік тому +5

    Use tip of the guy, visit villages and of course some typical places like Cracov. This way You can see history, art, architecture. But for culture, traditions and food im always reccomend to go to village. They really eat traditional food, its not a slogan of restaurant. And in case of Poland its true that peoplle are intrested of foreigners, especially on country side. A lot of people never go out of Poland so they will be really interest to talk with foreigners. Possibly it would be first time for a person or even a village, a good gossip :) and i proove the Polish hostingness, You will be close to overeat

  • @italianspiderman5012
    @italianspiderman5012 Рік тому +7

    I’m a Pole living in Ireland, I keep joking that if an Irish person tells you “I’ll be there in 15 minutes” what they really mean is 30/45 minutes, it’s like no one cares to be on time, still didn’t get used to it.

  • @krzys2090
    @krzys2090 Рік тому +13

    As a polish person myself. If i had to name one thing u "You Should NOT Do In Poland", genocide is pretty high on the list

  • @GraceCanadaful
    @GraceCanadaful Рік тому +2

    No offering should be refused - take at least a small piece. It is not just babcia. Today Babcia is a computer savy, does not have a land line phone anymore, and plays computer games with her grand kids. Do not stereotype .
    Do not be fake
    Ask "Jak sie masz" only if you really mean it. Dzien dobry is ok.
    Poles believe: You may be an enemy, unless you prove otherwise.
    Never be late

  • @Night19821
    @Night19821 10 місяців тому +4

    My Babcia ( Grandmother ) has always been giving me money for visiting her doing groceries and bringing coal and wood for her fireplace. I could never take the amount she said was "for lolipops" and I was always leaving them in the kitchen where she could see them sometime after thinking she must have left them.... Always respect your grandparents and take nothing for the help you offer. Good things always come back! This is the Polish way.

  • @marcelmarceli8238
    @marcelmarceli8238 Рік тому +12

    If you feel angry, the angry will always come back to you. Do good, avoid evil.

  • @Natka505
    @Natka505 Рік тому +9

    It's nice to hear that you understand every point in this video ☺

  • @marekjureczko9551
    @marekjureczko9551 Рік тому +4

    everything is true, you definitely won't make any friends in Poland by doing these things.
    you can change your mind from time to time - no exaggeration, but another truth is you have to be consistent, trustworthy, reliable you will not achieve any social position without these qualities.

  • @Waldee84
    @Waldee84 3 місяці тому +1

    The highest level of diplomacy is to explain to polish babcia that you're not hungry

  • @monamoron8789
    @monamoron8789 11 місяців тому +3

    My Babcia used to make health tonics with alcohol. Once, during my studies, I visited her and she "cured" me of all "future diseases". I had a headache for 3 days. Today I would give anything for another treatment with my Babcia. I miss her so much...

  • @omegasail9299
    @omegasail9299 10 місяців тому +1

    Lent dishes are served during Polish Christmas Eve, so in most cases vegans should not complain.

  • @niktnikt9654
    @niktnikt9654 Рік тому +4

    I just found your channel recently, and I must say its suprisingly funny for me (as a pole). Also, there is one thing I absoluetly hate in general, the "politically correct sentences". Awful thing, but it seems you're just here for some fun. I'm joining for a ride

  • @Macio3555
    @Macio3555 Рік тому +3

    Babcia daje pieniążki i pyszne jedzonko!!

  • @czarekp3552
    @czarekp3552 11 місяців тому +1

    30 years ago, when ganja was either inaccessible for us kids, or too expensive.... we tried to grow some ourselves.... needless to say we didn't know, so we've killed every sapling, but mate's Babcia fell in love with the plants smell and look of it.... we broke her heart eventually after we smoked her Dutch rose..... i know more now and gear and technology is better now, but her Rose beats mine every time.... she died never knowing, or hash she died happy... i'll never know

  • @marekmagdziak5916
    @marekmagdziak5916 10 місяців тому +1

    Don't talk about politics is the most important rule :D

  • @xanti4x336
    @xanti4x336 Рік тому +1

    Yeah I love to complain sometimes but I think we complain since communism times

  • @VoytekPavlik
    @VoytekPavlik Рік тому +1

    The extra chair has been debunked

  • @rufsven8312
    @rufsven8312 Рік тому +2

    Babcia daje pyszne jedzonko!!

  • @maciekszymanski8340
    @maciekszymanski8340 9 місяців тому

    It doesn't matter who you are and where you came from but DO NOT MESS with BABCIA.
    Same about politics - you can criticise only when you have the best dental surgery insurance ;)

  • @arkadiuszkrasicki5478
    @arkadiuszkrasicki5478 2 місяці тому

    This Dominican is called "Vigo", but this name could be polonized, in Poland there is a name like "Wincenty" and in my opinion this name would best suit his new homeland...

  • @BoldDreadman
    @BoldDreadman 3 місяці тому

    I live in UK in 32m2 1 bedroom flat but honestly every visitor me and my wife host, no matter family, friend or just someone's close to family or friend, if they stay overnight, they get bedroom and we move to living room. That was always in my parents house. Love your takes on our culture mate.❤

  • @mieczysawpastafarianski8901
    @mieczysawpastafarianski8901 7 місяців тому

    There is a certain correlation between the amount and art of complaining and the need for therapy with psychologists. The more complaints, the less psychologists have to do. Social, free, publicly available therapy for everyone. It is slowly being replaced by models from other cultures (as evidenced by the number of UA-camrs encouraging people to take part in therapy), but it is still deeply rooted, especially in the lower social classes. It may seem strange, but it really has a great impact on the mental health of society
    P.S. I don't like commenting, but I comment on yours a lot myself. I think I also perceive the topic and general approach as a way to improve my mental health. Appreciation or something like that, I watched and know Vigos dad for the same reason.
    And I think I like your accent, when I was in the UK (Devon) I worked with many Scots, many of them I couldn't understand. But I still love the accent
    In the UK it's not as common as you might think, but we have a lot of trouble acclimatizing to the US. Everyone there has to be happy and smiling, it is the complete opposite of our mentality.

  • @DarekKulczyna
    @DarekKulczyna Рік тому +1

    My babcia did pierogi 🥟 every Friday... And I ate them like crazy 🤪

  • @pabloantonio6474
    @pabloantonio6474 8 місяців тому

    When you drop bread on the ground, pick it up and kiss it, that's what Poles do.
    Men shake hands, sometimes a woman's hand is rarely kissed. Never fucking try to hug a Pole. For Poles, the church is sacred, don't you dare insult the Polish Pope. When you are at a Pole's house, eat what he offers you, it is a sign of respect.

  • @arturartur3397
    @arturartur3397 11 місяців тому

    It is true , if you say you can help , u will help if someone will ask fro help ." I have a friend in insurances" that mean YOU have friend and you can help.Its normal thing , if you refuse , after you offered help , then you are liar , and lost respect.Normal thing in Poland.Should be everywhere.

  • @arkadiuszkrasicki5478
    @arkadiuszkrasicki5478 2 місяці тому

    It is rather a film about "what to be like" in Poland, about the fact that Poles like assertive and transparent people, they cannot stand lying and forcing something, before I watched this film in the original it seemed to me that this was normal and people everywhere wanted for someone to tell them the truth, even if it is inconvenient, and it turns out that it is not so obvious, for example, Americans are often said to have a mentality similar to Poles, but they do not, because they prefer to hear only compliments and it does not matter how far from the truth they are...

  • @KatarzynaOlszewska-cg7ml
    @KatarzynaOlszewska-cg7ml 3 місяці тому

    I am from Poland and he is so accurate about everything. Spot on

  • @hakunamatata7778
    @hakunamatata7778 11 місяців тому

    Come up to mine Scotish Brother. Free room and I will take you around. You are more than Welcome in EŁk Poland.

  • @dana-mi1po
    @dana-mi1po 3 місяці тому

    Avoid talking loudly on the phone on public transport

  • @szymek16s
    @szymek16s Рік тому +1

    It''s doesnt work like that. If you have shity day and someone comes to you and have also shity day you can complain together but if you have good day and other person not. So you try to cheer him up. That's with honesety. And come one we live in Poland ofc everyone has shitty day :D

    • @joannaszczepanska2099
      @joannaszczepanska2099 11 місяців тому

      Współczuję. Ja chyba nie jestem typową Polką. Kocham swój kraj, doceniam to co mam, nie lubię narzekać. Uważam że Polacy powinni nauczyć się wdzievznosci za życie wogóle. Większość rzeczy ważnych mamy za darmo. Słońce, niebo, drzewa, chmury, przyjaciół, matkę, siostrę, ojca, dzieci. Nie lubię w rodakach tego narzekania.

  • @mieczysawpastafarianski8901
    @mieczysawpastafarianski8901 7 місяців тому

    Because you have so many immigrants (I was one). It's like a liquid into which you pour another liquid. The basic one is no longer the same, some say it is better because of it, richer, others say it is worse because they got used to the previous one. One thing is for sure, he is not the same anymore. Unfortunately, this is what awaits us too, even though we resist

  • @ukaszmroczkowski3283
    @ukaszmroczkowski3283 10 місяців тому

    Practical one: never try to shake other then right hand :) I remember it was the suprise for my Turkish mates.

  • @fear_not
    @fear_not 10 місяців тому +1

    I’m from Poland but I live in London for almost 8 years. I always get in trouble with people for being honest and complaining 🤣 Now I understood that there is nothing wrong with me, I’m not being rude or negative, I’m just being a Pole 🙈

  • @lili_dwazero
    @lili_dwazero 11 місяців тому

    When i heard that in other countries people doesen't put their shoes off i was like what?? 🤨

  • @mikolaj77edi
    @mikolaj77edi 11 місяців тому

    Don't cross on red light even if there's no cars in sight - you'll be fined

  • @isabellali5331
    @isabellali5331 11 місяців тому +1

    My babcia is a perfect example of it 😁 but what touched me lately a lot was when my 11y old son said- You're just like babcia!- You always give me this at least one piece more than I wanted 😅😂 ❤
    So the tradition continues 😆

  • @marcelsynoradzki2036
    @marcelsynoradzki2036 10 місяців тому

    If there is 6 peapole to feed then babcia will give food for 10 not matter if we eat it or not

  • @ParagonGoola
    @ParagonGoola 10 місяців тому

    oglądam kanał Vigos od dawna, dobrą robotę robi :)

  • @woj_kal
    @woj_kal Рік тому


  • @___AJ__
    @___AJ__ Рік тому +1

    Always have some change when paying in cash.

  • @Liaminthanas
    @Liaminthanas Рік тому

    I watched many of Vigos dad episodes, and he got good grasp of polish ppl, maybe Little to good, we are not xD so about this video you can refuse food, but It Will Be offered many times, by the host[granda, mam, your friends wife, mostle women^^, but not only, Men often ofers drinks]. Yes we do complain a lot, becouse what else can you talk about with much older person in shop line? weather? no, we complain about prices xD waiting for doctor visit? about health problem. with friends? who else Will we tell that we have problem? at work, in relationship etc. its better that visit with psychologist^^ and speaking loudly in public transport, its not good, but we are temperamental, so if we need to talk we do it, and often its ends loud, excitement, anger we forget our maners xD and most of US anderstandvthat, thats why we dont silence those that are loud most of the time.

  • @lili_dwazero
    @lili_dwazero 11 місяців тому

    You could visit Warsaw !
    Bc there are many beautifull places to see.

  • @pavelklem8083
    @pavelklem8083 Рік тому

    Did you ever hear about Great Polish Map of Scotland?

  • @MarcinWolski-q7y
    @MarcinWolski-q7y Рік тому

    U R Irish or Walsh 😊... good 4 U. ❤ greetings from Poland

  • @equilibrum999
    @equilibrum999 Рік тому

    Babcias and babushkas are some other variant of olden people of old, surreal.

  • @KrystianGaleczka5
    @KrystianGaleczka5 Рік тому

    Sometimes I Think people in Poland like to talk out loud because they want everyone to hear them 😅😂

  • @wladkawanat
    @wladkawanat 10 місяців тому

    dobra robota! good job !!!!!!!!

  • @Asgarden
    @Asgarden Рік тому +2

    Ja jestem jaroszem od lat osiemdziesiątych i rodzina musiała to zaakceptować.
    Na Wigilię oprócz ryb jest kilka potraw jarskich, więc akurat w Wigilię zawsze było nieźle.

    • @knightshroom2393
      @knightshroom2393 10 місяців тому +2

      bądz se czym chcesz, tylko nie kaz innym się truć

    • @Asgarden
      @Asgarden 10 місяців тому

      @@knightshroom2393 Nie karz? Przecież sami się karzą trucizną.
      Nie każ innym, by byli posiłkiem.

    • @marylasioo5034
      @marylasioo5034 10 місяців тому

      @@knightshroom2393Chyba jednak każ od kazać , nie od karać .

  • @TheMrWiktor
    @TheMrWiktor Рік тому +2

    Even though we have a seat for an unexpected guest on Christmas Eve, 99% of Poles would probably not welcome anyone. Unfortunately, it became just a tradition