You know... not discussing politics is at least partially responsible for where we are right now. There is a difference between having a discussion and targeting someone's proclivities because they aren't yours. One of those scenario's you can learn and grow from, the other is just brow beating a person with your beliefs.
Man this was my favorite Triforce yet I think. A lot of dad wisdom getting dropped. Thank you guys, I really appreciate you continuing to get together and put these out.
Lewis you're wrong, studies show children who have single parents do statistically worse. Speaking as someone who never knew their parents together but never went through a breakup, it's more to do with having less available advisers shall we say. If you only have one parent you have half as many people to help you and give knowledge.
Exactly my thoughts. I think it would be interesting to extend the research and find out how much better is people faring in life because they had access to more protective and educational adults than others, like for example having their grandparents being more present or supportive uncles/aunts, actual good teachers, and so on.
Statistically speaking it should be harder for them, but that general statement does no credit to those who break the mold. I mean, you get less family time... sometimes a parent is busy or can't give full attention due to life. Likely means less transportation for after school activities which could lead to stunted social development. I bet there are some bonuses to go along with the drawbacks as well. Interesting topic. I digress, all I really meant to say was that just because the statistics show a thing doesn't mean that is always the outcome and looking at it that way could be potentially damning to the individual in question.
He never said he was right in the first place. His job in this podcast is to be a devil's advocate no matter how stupid he may sound. But speaking of having two parents, while they did separate and I think my mom did a good job raising me, I do believe having two parents help balance things out.
"no good gm is going to let your characters die." 0.0, wtf, no good gm is going to NOTlet your characters die whats the fun if your characters are invincible...
We assume that a two parent system is key to upbringing children properly because of our own background but I'm sure kinship systems that have a more communal family unit would disagree. Those who have grandparents in the home to help raise the children would say that that is necessary to properly raise children, having those who are already well experienced with childrearing and who have gone through the process of trial and error to figure out a more precise system compared to the new parents. If you are in a polygamous relationship, or live in a communal space, or with your and your partner's siblings, to have a larger group of parental figures raise everyone else's children might be seen as a superior and necessary system by those who use those system. Here there is even more compromise and you have individuals who can instill various attributes and teach the youth about topics concerning their personal experiences and education that the other parents may not have. There is a plethora of possible families that you could examine instead of the Western nuclear model alone.
I don't think its all that important for a child to have two parents honestly i grew up with only one and honestly i didn't even fully understand what a dad was until i was like 8 and it never bothered me in the slightest you just need a couple of kinda half way decent adult figures and you can pretty much wing the rest.
Having two parents is incredibly important, but if you're unfortunate to not have two parents you should at least have other adult figures in your life that could fill the role of the father or mother. You probably turned out alright because of that.
Emotes on Twitch is a simple concept really. It follows the saying "a picture tells tells a thousand words", it's a little picture that conveys your emotion or response to the stream. When a joke is said and 500 people spam LUL it conveys the same effect as a crowd laughing. monkaS is there to convey that the chat is watching with unease as something is about to happen. I feel no need to say them out loud however, those kinds of people are either qualified memelords and/or potentially insane.
God, London is that uppity? I can't _imagine_ living in a city where I can't talk to any woman without her assuming I'm hitting on her. That's just such a stupid societal limitation. Here in Denver, CO I can talk to basically anyone generally without either party assuming the other's intentions.
i remember one of the most fun things i ever set out to do just because i wanted to in a video game was in elderscrolls morrowind the assassination of king heleseth for his ring. i did not know if there was any quest for it nor did i care i knew he had that ring and i wanted it. so began my mission. now, killing a king is no small task and killing king heleseth is greater still i could not simply walk up to him and put him down no, no, i was weaker then him and with his ring he was not only completely immune but also able to reflect back all of the magic that i had so painstakingly built my character to exclusively use this would require preparation i would need power, physical power i chose the form of the only physical skill i had. in my minor skills it was there "blunt weapons" for this i brewed special potions that would fortify my strength to ludicrous amounts just thousands of strength and i created a spell a spell that would fortify my strength and blunts skills as far as i could manage with my magic pool for at least 20 seconds but this was not enough now i would need weapons as the strength fortification had the drawback of damageing the weapon used as well as the target rendering the weapon useless after just 2-3 swings. deadric staffs and i needed a few at least 4. but even this was difficult as there are only a scarce few available in the game and so i set out and scoured the lands delving deep dungeons and taking down deadra, undead, man, and mer alike for my tools and once they were gathered i was ready but the battle could not yet take place for i needed audience with king heleseth himself if i was to kill him and there was one way and one location. the throne room. i would have to strike down not only heleseth himself a man with such power and vitality that it dwarfed his political power even but all of his elite guards as well and all at once though even this had to wait for heleseth would not grant me audience until i earned his trust so began my work... climbing the latter, running jobs for the royal guard themselves, becoming a hero to the people and an invaluable asset to the kingdom itself all while remaining silent of my selfish goal knowing that once it had been achieved i would be an enemy to all of morrowind but it would be too late, by placing that ring unto my finger my power would become complete and i would be a god! how could they kill a god!? after many grand adventures and assisting the tribunal themselves i had finally reached my goal. and audience with the king... my action was swift and without mercy or hesitation. i was ready, i knew i was ready! and the battle was long and bloody. an all out war between the king and his elite guard against me a single being who stood against a kingdom! it went for hours but in time the king's men began to fall and in time the king himself fell and once he had i quickly claimed his ring and it was done the great necromancer teil's power was complete and the remaining guard were helpless to her onslaught but this was not enough, no i had to measure this power, had to test it. and who better to test it on then the most powerful beings in all of morrowind!? dagoth ur, tellvanni lord fyr, queen barenziah, and almalexia herself. all were hinted down, all were faced in battle, and all fell. my mission was complete...
no the best GM's are GM's who give you a situation with difficulty that lets you to make mistakes to die it should never be your defiantly going to die it should be because something you have done wrong but it is the GM's job to give you a balanced game experience not to lead you through the campaign like a small child
The single parent thing is tough. In the end a parent needs other people to talk to, rely on, trust, etc. They might doubt themselves sometimes, they might believe they are right no matter what and need a smack in the head by someone. Things like this come up with parenting and normally your significant other would help resolve these doubts and issues, working with you but if you are single then I really think you need someone else, at least at the real tough times. Being alone is cool and all but when you are moulding another human into shape, two hands just ain't enough.
Challenge: Watch 3 Episodes of Triforce (of your choice) and take a shot each time Lewis stutters, Pyrion says he hates or doesn't understand something and Sips being a dad.
Oh man I’ve gotten in a lot of arguments with my SO about the meaning of “homely” apparently it means ugly or bland but I’ve always known it to mean very home like and comforting
Lewis, the Libra "I do like to take the other side of things, argue from the other angle" Sips, the Gemini "I don't like to lose, but I do like to make a shit storm if I can"
Am I experiencing deja vu or have they talked about these exact specifics before- still love the triforce podcast though- really helping me get through these hell like a levels- scarily promoting sociology revision with this conversation- your points made a lot of sense p flax and you were on the right lines of a new rights/ functionalist argument I think 😅😰
Guys the book 'Come as you are', whilst focused on women's sexuality, gives some scientific answers/suggestions to answers to the questions you've been wondering about, especially to do with sex and neuroligy between the sexes
Half an hour in aaaaand... I dunno. My parents did the whole "okay we hate each other but we're sticking together until the kids are old enough" and that fucked me up quite bad. Because let me tell you, kids are not stupid. By the age of 12 I'd figured out that this was going nowhere good, and just living with that timebomb and getting to feel responsible for keeping it from exploding did nothing good for my mental health. Fucking destroyed me when it finally happened (I mean really, I had a friggan year-long silent schizophrenic episode). The thing is though, them finally divorcing each other was the best thing to happen to all of us! Dads happy, moms mental abuse-rates towards everyone has dropped like all hell and I finally feel like I can have a life! I actually wish that they'd done it sooner, like, years and years sooner.
hey so i know noone cares but in case you do, I've researched the single parent argument for modern studies, so i know about this and I've experienced it. Firstly, one good aspect of single parent families is the lack of conflict. Arguing, generally is not done well in homes with an ongoing conflict. Children isolate themselves to get away from the arguing. However, in single parent families, there is not a high likelihood of parental conflict, because there's one parent. If the child stays with both parents routinely or stays with one parent and does not witness any arguments between parents, then this is a stable environment. Unfortunately, this is hard to get right. Also, what Lewis was saying about the poverty rates and education ect may be true in some places, but in the UK a school-wide study was done and they found that in areas with a higher occurrence of single parents had less funding and less resources, and the children were likely to be emotionally underdeveloped. These are just two points of interest i remember from writing an essay on bad parenting. In essence, single parenting isnt ideal, but its possible to make the best out of a shitty situation. In my experience, I was 16 when my father left. the circumstances were traumatic. i had chronic issues with mental illness, and my brother has autism. my mum went out to work every day, got the house redone, and juggled two unpredictable children each with very real challenges, as well as her own. she's unbelievably strong, but so are we. to cope, my mum and i both had our own problems. she was an alcoholic. i stayed on at school, passed 2 sets of exams and am on my third. my mum still has a steady job, we're okay financially, and I'm gonna move soon i think. she took me through some of the hardest years of my life so far by herself as a new single parent, and I'm okay. bit scarred by the stuff before that tho lmao oh well but yeah single parents are crazy good at life and my education is fine, i achieve and im doing something with myself so that's good i guess hahah
Lewis was completely wrong about there not being a difference between children from single mother homes and children from two-parent homes; apart from being disabled, coming from a single mother home is probably one of the biggest disadvantages you can have. Its been observed that children from single mother homes are far, far more likely to be unsuccessful in life, gain drug addictions, commit crime, be homeless and develop behavioural issues, the effect on children is absolutely devestating. Thats not to say all children will end up that way, but the odds are very much against them.
For me, the part about het couples discussing attractiveness was really useful. Thank you very much for it. Being bi and in relationships with other sexually wibblywobbly people means talking about attraction has never been a purely abstract concept that I'm incapable of experiencing. Even where a partner was close to entirely monosexual, I could still share attraction to people. I'm glad I got to hear about how Pyrion and Sips approach it. :)
You do need two parents. We have physical evidence (data collected by the CDC here in the US) that children raised in single parent households are more likely to have depression and commit crimes.
Just saying, I think that the worst thing you can possibly do is stay together for kids Sips. Eventually it will get too much and the break-up will be much messier than if you were to just split up when you could be sensible about it. Also it will be a massive shock to the kids as they will believe their parents are totally fine until one day they snap which will make it so much worse.
Ginger Quokka Agreed. If you’re able to stay together for the kids then surely that means you’re able to arrange a sensible divorce in a civil manner where you ensure the children spend time with both parents and communicate with your kids about what is happening and why. I think if you have very young children then that might be the exception. Maybe best if you can to stay together until your kids are about 6-7 and old enough to properly comprehend what’s going on. But like you say, and explosive separation will be far more damaging.
lol and other things were made for all ages witch i think is weird to be honest it just makes it seem cool so older people do it than younger people write actual sentences and it switches
Im 20, and I have always, thought about women on the long term, I have some times broken the chase, if you will. If she turned out to be shallow or just not very interesting. And also "Girl fiends" (friends who are female). Whom I had 0 interest in before getting to know their personality suddenly became super attractive because of some personality thing.
Since the YogPod is dead and it's probably never coming back, I don't think we should care if they use this channel to make yet another podcast with 3 members of the Yogscast.
Quick Question to you guys. Where should we listen to you to support you the most? Spotify or UA-cam? I don't care either way but i really love your Podcast that's why i'm asking :)
Ribby Couldn't agree more, oh my giddy gosh. I usually avoid UA-cam comments but couldn't resist peeking at how desperately some people leapt on the chance to be their worst selves. Wow.
My mum is a single parent and she's brilliant. I see my dad and have a relationship with him, but he's in a miserable marriage and he and his wife are still together 'for the kids' (my half sisters). I can pretty much GUARANTEE that Ive had a more balanced childhood than my sisters will ever get living with two people who can't stand each other. I've never understood that mentality
Gratz, you are one of the statistically few who made it. No one ever claimed it was impossible, nor did they disagree with the notion that bad 2-parent situations can be worse than a single parent.
Hey, I wasn't dissing the triforce guys, I love them. It was just one of the first videos I've watched where I can give an educated decision on what they talked about, so I did ☺
12 minutes in and oh boy... This is awkward...
ThatMadCat you manage to make most of your videos weird in about 10 seconds
Closer to 12 seconds.
Oh boy, what are you planning now? :D
Sometimes I wish they could have a conversation without being vulgar and immature.
I think we are in for a treat
I would like to know if Tri-force wives/girlfriend listen to Tri-Force. It's brilliant!
I'm 99% sure they don't.
and 1% unsure
I hope for the boys sake that they don't.
So your saying there's a chance
no grills allowed!
A little throwback to Lewis and Simon talking about the whole LoL (lots of love) thing.
Your Nan died, LoL from Mom
They had that argument with Notch lol
oh man, i still haven't caught up on atleast the three last podcasts and the thumbnail for this one is really intriguing *help*
Random Yogscast Crap Lucky you.
watch when editing Sips Funny Moments compilations
Not many people can resist clicking on a thumbnail with Sips' face in it.
Oh my god they actually found a sponsor.
so your an anarcho-communist intrsting
Let's not with the politics, christ.
Actually the opposite. But yeah, no politics here.
shini saber why the fuck do you have to bring politics into this? also *interesting
You know... not discussing politics is at least partially responsible for where we are right now. There is a difference between having a discussion and targeting someone's proclivities because they aren't yours. One of those scenario's you can learn and grow from, the other is just brow beating a person with your beliefs.
Man this was my favorite Triforce yet I think. A lot of dad wisdom getting dropped. Thank you guys, I really appreciate you continuing to get together and put these out.
"you ah wanna come back to my house so I can break your ass like dishes" the best thing
Worst one I ever got that IMMEDIATELY took me from 10 to zero was a guy telling me, and I quote, "I want to breed with you." NOPE.
Jeez, if a woman did that to me, I would bail the fuck out too! What a creepy way to hook up...
Chrysanthus I've had a girl immediately mention pregnancy or something like that dont remember the quote and I noped the fuck out
@@Epicchannelify Hah! Thats a surefire way to get a young man to nope out in an instant, commitment and babies xD
this is one of the best episodes
Just finished listening back to all the podcasts and nothing is more satisfying then the way pyrion says room
34:56 lol both pyrion and sips told stories theyve all ready told AND last time they told them they told them at the same time like this time now
Yes another one!!! I must be dreaming, quick someone pinch me
Dj khaled
fukn nerd
*Pinches nipples*
I've always wanted to hug lewis
Valentine yes
That lol confusion part reminded me of the YogPod conversation about lots of love vs laughing out loud. Exactly the same example was used xD
Perfect timing for me to cook while I listen to this again, you guys rule!
Squirtle_ In_Shades again? Are you from the future? When does 67 come out?
The boys are back in town
Lewis you're wrong, studies show children who have single parents do statistically worse. Speaking as someone who never knew their parents together but never went through a breakup, it's more to do with having less available advisers shall we say. If you only have one parent you have half as many people to help you and give knowledge.
Exactly my thoughts. I think it would be interesting to extend the research and find out how much better is people faring in life because they had access to more protective and educational adults than others, like for example having their grandparents being more present or supportive uncles/aunts, actual good teachers, and so on.
Yeh i agree. Had one parent, feel like kids with both parents turn out far better.
Statistically speaking it should be harder for them, but that general statement does no credit to those who break the mold. I mean, you get less family time... sometimes a parent is busy or can't give full attention due to life. Likely means less transportation for after school activities which could lead to stunted social development. I bet there are some bonuses to go along with the drawbacks as well. Interesting topic.
I digress, all I really meant to say was that just because the statistics show a thing doesn't mean that is always the outcome and looking at it that way could be potentially damning to the individual in question.
He never said he was right in the first place. His job in this podcast is to be a devil's advocate no matter how stupid he may sound. But speaking of having two parents, while they did separate and I think my mom did a good job raising me, I do believe having two parents help balance things out.
@dat harass I agree with that. Statistics are but probabilities. It never is an absolute indicator of an outcome.
Thank you for making another Triforce Episode. Enjoyable as always. Especially the part where you were talking about what women find sexy in a man.
This was again a pleasant experience! Thanks dads and Lewlew.
This is such a real podcast
Man its a really weird feeling seeing regular content , like the kind that gives you shivers
"no good gm is going to let your characters die." 0.0, wtf, no good gm is going to NOTlet your characters die whats the fun if your characters are invincible...
Easily one of the best Tri-forces yet. I almost ROFLed.
We assume that a two parent system is key to upbringing children properly because of our own background but I'm sure kinship systems that have a more communal family unit would disagree. Those who have grandparents in the home to help raise the children would say that that is necessary to properly raise children, having those who are already well experienced with childrearing and who have gone through the process of trial and error to figure out a more precise system compared to the new parents. If you are in a polygamous relationship, or live in a communal space, or with your and your partner's siblings, to have a larger group of parental figures raise everyone else's children might be seen as a superior and necessary system by those who use those system. Here there is even more compromise and you have individuals who can instill various attributes and teach the youth about topics concerning their personal experiences and education that the other parents may not have. There is a plethora of possible families that you could examine instead of the Western nuclear model alone.
Fuck yes lads needed this
Thank you for posting this love these podcasts hope you have a nice day
the thumbnail is god-tier
Yey love these!
I don't think its all that important for a child to have two parents honestly i grew up with only one and honestly i didn't even fully understand what a dad was until i was like 8 and it never bothered me in the slightest you just need a couple of kinda half way decent adult figures and you can pretty much wing the rest.
I grew up with one parent also and i strongly disagree.
Having two parents is incredibly important, but if you're unfortunate to not have two parents you should at least have other adult figures in your life that could fill the role of the father or mother. You probably turned out alright because of that.
66 episodes in and I still tune in every week to listen to dick and ball talk 😂 and it never gets old
Emotes on Twitch is a simple concept really. It follows the saying "a picture tells tells a thousand words", it's a little picture that conveys your emotion or response to the stream. When a joke is said and 500 people spam LUL it conveys the same effect as a crowd laughing. monkaS is there to convey that the chat is watching with unease as something is about to happen.
I feel no need to say them out loud however, those kinds of people are either qualified memelords and/or potentially insane.
God, London is that uppity? I can't _imagine_ living in a city where I can't talk to any woman without her assuming I'm hitting on her. That's just such a stupid societal limitation. Here in Denver, CO I can talk to basically anyone generally without either party assuming the other's intentions.
Xanthanarium London is so fuckin poncy. Any posh stereotype is from that cesspool of a city.
i remember one of the most fun things i ever set out to do just because i wanted to in a video game was in elderscrolls morrowind
the assassination of king heleseth for his ring. i did not know if there was any quest for it nor did i care i knew he had that ring and i wanted it.
so began my mission. now, killing a king is no small task and killing king heleseth is greater still i could not simply walk up to him and put him down
no, no, i was weaker then him and with his ring he was not only completely immune but also able to reflect back all of the magic that i had so painstakingly built my character to exclusively use
this would require preparation i would need power, physical power i chose the form of the only physical skill i had. in my minor skills it was there "blunt weapons" for this i brewed special potions that would fortify my strength to ludicrous amounts just thousands of strength and i created a spell a spell that would fortify my strength and blunts skills as far as i could manage with my magic pool for at least 20 seconds but this was not enough now i would need weapons as the strength fortification had the drawback of damageing the weapon used as well as the target rendering the weapon useless after just 2-3 swings. deadric staffs and i needed a few at least 4. but even this was difficult as there are only a scarce few available in the game and so i set out and scoured the lands delving deep dungeons and taking down deadra, undead, man, and mer alike for my tools and once they were gathered i was ready but the battle could not yet take place for i needed audience with king heleseth himself if i was to kill him and there was one way and one location.
the throne room. i would have to strike down not only heleseth himself a man with such power and vitality that it dwarfed his political power even but all of his elite guards as well and all at once
though even this had to wait for heleseth would not grant me audience until i earned his trust so began my work... climbing the latter, running jobs for the royal guard themselves, becoming a hero to the people and an invaluable asset to the kingdom itself all while remaining silent of my selfish goal knowing that once it had been achieved i would be an enemy to all of morrowind but it would be too late, by placing that ring unto my finger my power would become complete and i would be a god! how could they kill a god!? after many grand adventures and assisting the tribunal themselves i had finally reached my goal. and audience with the king... my action was swift and without mercy or hesitation. i was ready, i knew i was ready! and the battle was long and bloody. an all out war between the king and his elite guard against me a single being who stood against a kingdom! it went for hours but in time the king's men began to fall and in time the king himself fell and once he had i quickly claimed his ring and it was done the great necromancer teil's power was complete and the remaining guard were helpless to her onslaught but this was not enough, no i had to measure this power, had to test it. and who better to test it on then the most powerful beings in all of morrowind!? dagoth ur, tellvanni lord fyr, queen barenziah, and almalexia herself. all were hinted down, all were faced in battle, and all fell.
my mission was complete...
I work nights in the private security industry and I’ve literally listened to all of your old n new podcasts about 5 times. Make some more for me 😉😂
Jack Cutts I started listening to the Rooster Teeth podcast when I ran out of Triforce. I would try them. There’s like 490 episodes already.
Nick Lawrence that the one with the hot blonde chick? If not, do they have a podcast haha
no the best GM's are GM's who give you a situation with difficulty that lets you to make mistakes to die it should never be your defiantly going to die it should be because something you have done wrong but it is the GM's job to give you a balanced game experience not to lead you through the campaign like a small child
I never understood twitch chat until I got the bttv and ffz emote things
It's fun to just spam and go along with chat
borpa borpaspin
The single parent thing is tough. In the end a parent needs other people to talk to, rely on, trust, etc. They might doubt themselves sometimes, they might believe they are right no matter what and need a smack in the head by someone. Things like this come up with parenting and normally your significant other would help resolve these doubts and issues, working with you but if you are single then I really think you need someone else, at least at the real tough times. Being alone is cool and all but when you are moulding another human into shape, two hands just ain't enough.
Challenge: Watch 3 Episodes of Triforce (of your choice) and take a shot each time Lewis stutters, Pyrion says he hates or doesn't understand something and Sips being a dad.
"You find Sandra at work attractive?"
Three middle-aged men trying to make sense of life. This was fuckin' incredible. This could also be called "They workshop it a bit."
I love the thumbnail
Oh man I’ve gotten in a lot of arguments with my SO about the meaning of “homely” apparently it means ugly or bland but I’ve always known it to mean very home like and comforting
Triforce: #66 Sips digs himself a hole
Lewis, the Libra "I do like to take the other side of things, argue from the other angle"
Sips, the Gemini "I don't like to lose, but I do like to make a shit storm if I can"
I agree completely that children need 2 parents. Sociologists have released study's this year saying divorce can affect grandchildren.
As someone who's come out of a relatively toxic relationship recently (on both our parts) Pflax was entirely right about the co-dependency points.
"Haha" is one of the creepiest, insincere things you can write.
Am I experiencing deja vu or have they talked about these exact specifics before- still love the triforce podcast though- really helping me get through these hell like a levels- scarily promoting sociology revision with this conversation- your points made a lot of sense p flax and you were on the right lines of a new rights/ functionalist argument I think 😅😰
This one was gooooood :)
Can Dildo tracker help me find local Dildonian's too?
nuthulu that’s coming in the next patch
I'd love to see Mark Hulmes' reaction to Lewis saying only bad DMs kill players.
Oooh what a day. What a lovely day!
"we're in the middle of the Congo, where the fuck did you come from?!"
No joke i am doing an essay on digital paralanguages and this shit is helpful
I like how flax says MonkaS. MONK ASS.
this made my horrible day so much better
I love this podcast
We’re like 5 generations away from being the tamarins from TNG
This is a rewind to the old episode where thet talked about the messed up nintento controllers
Simon originally made the grandma dying, LOL story on the yogpod
I think the chowder place might be Ivar's acres of clams.
Oh! Happy days!
New Triforce? MonkaS Kappa KappaPride ROFLMAO
Guys the book 'Come as you are', whilst focused on women's sexuality, gives some scientific answers/suggestions to answers to the questions you've been wondering about, especially to do with sex and neuroligy between the sexes
Half an hour in aaaaand... I dunno. My parents did the whole "okay we hate each other but we're sticking together until the kids are old enough" and that fucked me up quite bad. Because let me tell you, kids are not stupid. By the age of 12 I'd figured out that this was going nowhere good, and just living with that timebomb and getting to feel responsible for keeping it from exploding did nothing good for my mental health. Fucking destroyed me when it finally happened (I mean really, I had a friggan year-long silent schizophrenic episode). The thing is though, them finally divorcing each other was the best thing to happen to all of us! Dads happy, moms mental abuse-rates towards everyone has dropped like all hell and I finally feel like I can have a life! I actually wish that they'd done it sooner, like, years and years sooner.
The Exact Thing I needed Holy shit
Love these hour long podcasts... but I sure miss me some Bodega.
hey so i know noone cares but in case you do, I've researched the single parent argument for modern studies, so i know about this and I've experienced it.
Firstly, one good aspect of single parent families is the lack of conflict. Arguing, generally is not done well in homes with an ongoing conflict. Children isolate themselves to get away from the arguing. However, in single parent families, there is not a high likelihood of parental conflict, because there's one parent. If the child stays with both parents routinely or stays with one parent and does not witness any arguments between parents, then this is a stable environment. Unfortunately, this is hard to get right.
Also, what Lewis was saying about the poverty rates and education ect may be true in some places, but in the UK a school-wide study was done and they found that in areas with a higher occurrence of single parents had less funding and less resources, and the children were likely to be emotionally underdeveloped.
These are just two points of interest i remember from writing an essay on bad parenting. In essence, single parenting isnt ideal, but its possible to make the best out of a shitty situation.
In my experience, I was 16 when my father left. the circumstances were traumatic. i had chronic issues with mental illness, and my brother has autism. my mum went out to work every day, got the house redone, and juggled two unpredictable children each with very real challenges, as well as her own. she's unbelievably strong, but so are we. to cope, my mum and i both had our own problems. she was an alcoholic. i stayed on at school, passed 2 sets of exams and am on my third. my mum still has a steady job, we're okay financially, and I'm gonna move soon i think. she took me through some of the hardest years of my life so far by herself as a new single parent, and I'm okay. bit scarred by the stuff before that tho lmao oh well but yeah single parents are crazy good at life and my education is fine, i achieve and im doing something with myself so that's good i guess hahah
What happened to Team Double Dragon
36:05 :) it all comes full circle huh.
Fuck yeah. Maybe I go for the evening walk after all...
Love the podcast! Have to leave a UA-cam comment to say that lol
You all forgot to share your escape room stories!
you can't learn Italian without learning the hand movements, that's a sjin fact if i ever heard one, they are not part of learning to speak Italian.
Anthony J Fitzpatrick they are a big part of actually speaking Italian to a native Italian, not necessarily a part in the language learning process
love u guys btw keep up the good work
As much as I love this podcast it hurts my heart to see the channel name change from the yogpod
Lewis was completely wrong about there not being a difference between children from single mother homes and children from two-parent homes; apart from being disabled, coming from a single mother home is probably one of the biggest disadvantages you can have. Its been observed that children from single mother homes are far, far more likely to be unsuccessful in life, gain drug addictions, commit crime, be homeless and develop behavioural issues, the effect on children is absolutely devestating. Thats not to say all children will end up that way, but the odds are very much against them.
Love these guys!!!!!
Who's watching this to cure exam stress?
GCSE Stress for sure
Me rn
-exam- stress
omg i think i went to the same chowder shop as pyrion
For me, the part about het couples discussing attractiveness was really useful. Thank you very much for it. Being bi and in relationships with other sexually wibblywobbly people means talking about attraction has never been a purely abstract concept that I'm incapable of experiencing. Even where a partner was close to entirely monosexual, I could still share attraction to people. I'm glad I got to hear about how Pyrion and Sips approach it. :)
snake kills dumbledore in infinity wars
You do need two parents. We have physical evidence (data collected by the CDC here in the US) that children raised in single parent households are more likely to have depression and commit crimes.
You guys are going to seattle!!?!?!?!!? Thats where i am! Please let us know if you are gunna be anywhere you want to say hi to people!
Wait... Is pyrion an honourary battleboy?
Just saying, I think that the worst thing you can possibly do is stay together for kids Sips. Eventually it will get too much and the break-up will be much messier than if you were to just split up when you could be sensible about it. Also it will be a massive shock to the kids as they will believe their parents are totally fine until one day they snap which will make it so much worse.
Ginger Quokka Agreed. If you’re able to stay together for the kids then surely that means you’re able to arrange a sensible divorce in a civil manner where you ensure the children spend time with both parents and communicate with your kids about what is happening and why.
I think if you have very young children then that might be the exception. Maybe best if you can to stay together until your kids are about 6-7 and old enough to properly comprehend what’s going on. But like you say, and explosive separation will be far more damaging.
lol and other things were made for all ages witch i think is weird to be honest it just makes it seem cool so older people do it than younger people write actual sentences and it switches
my mom actually started to use them and i feel like i want to die
flashbacks to old yogpod with the lol stuff
nordrassil radio i believe
everyone has an artifact key except for me FeelsBadMan :gun:
Im 20, and I have always, thought about women on the long term, I have some times broken the chase, if you will. If she turned out to be shallow or just not very interesting.
And also "Girl fiends" (friends who are female). Whom I had 0 interest in before getting to know their personality suddenly became super attractive because of some personality thing.
On the topic of people fucking up dirty talk at the last minute. One guy actually used the term "fart box" while talking about my ass.
In sweden we have a years parental leave
Change the YogPod Logo back to the YogPod on Itunes. Make the Triforce its own Podcast please.
I am Dave! Yognaught. And i have the balls.
yeah! with the yogpod being dead it deserves some respect!
no you are emily fox
Since the YogPod is dead and it's probably never coming back, I don't think we should care if they use this channel to make yet another podcast with 3 members of the Yogscast.
Rest In Peace Sips' UA-cam channel. 4 months no content.
cdrain08 he's streaming constantly which he enjoys a lot more tbf to him
Quick Question to you guys. Where should we listen to you to support you the most? Spotify or UA-cam? I don't care either way but i really love your Podcast that's why i'm asking :)
More of a Reddit question actually. And they're on Spotify too? I might actually get back onto that...
talking about hearthstone and dota i wonder what the connection with them is ................................
Some real bad eggs in the comments of this one
Ribby Couldn't agree more, oh my giddy gosh. I usually avoid UA-cam comments but couldn't resist peeking at how desperately some people leapt on the chance to be their worst selves. Wow.
My mum is a single parent and she's brilliant. I see my dad and have a relationship with him, but he's in a miserable marriage and he and his wife are still together 'for the kids' (my half sisters). I can pretty much GUARANTEE that Ive had a more balanced childhood than my sisters will ever get living with two people who can't stand each other. I've never understood that mentality
Gratz, you are one of the statistically few who made it. No one ever claimed it was impossible, nor did they disagree with the notion that bad 2-parent situations can be worse than a single parent.
Hey, I wasn't dissing the triforce guys, I love them. It was just one of the first videos I've watched where I can give an educated decision on what they talked about, so I did ☺
Yes! Now I can take my hour long dump.
Matt Duhamel i have seen your comment for three pods in a row for some reason, dad ?
If you hold it up between podcasts, no wonder it takes an hour.
Korenn Yeah its challenging I usually just gently shove a cork up my bum until a new podcast is released.
I guess studying will wait