+yuske05 Teaching english lol. Not that hard from what I have heard Other jobs are out of the question though. Only a few foreigners have jobs other than teaching english
+yuske05 No I'm South African but I worked as a tech expert for a company I can't really name (they find me posting and I'm fired) and am bilingual..paid well for the time..
That sounds so depressing. The world should be structured differently so we only need to work 6 hours a day. Life is short. Long hours in an office is so depressing, we should be happy as humans. The world needs to slow down, produce less and be less competitive.
I may sound nice but it is a disaster in long run . India should reduce its pop growth but shouldn't go below the fertility rate of 2.1 as that is the minimum u need to replace ur population.
I don't think sacrificing sovereignty is worth saving an economy in which expenses are only going to continue inflating. What needs to happen is a change in work ethics, and lowering the cost of living.
Good point. In addition, parents often make their kids spend hours at cram school with little opportunity to try to find a girlfriend or boyfriend. I have also heard that some parents also forbid dating when their children aren't in cram school, stating that it is going to interfere with studying as well.
Skyline Fever That's not just Japan. It's all of Asia. The rule of thumb is, Bachelor's degree first, literally. After that, you can think about dating, though technically, some wait until they have their master's, or in my cousin's case, PhD (I'm Chinese by the way).
Japan can be actually pretty racist without ill intent, they don't allow Muslims permanent citizenship in Japan and they are put on pretty strict surveillance by the Japanese government, they are fair though, you can practice religion and there are a few mosques in Japan, Besides Japan is easily one of the most peaceful countries in the world, and partly because they are extremely prejudice to those who are Islamic faith when it comes to immigration, they did reject 99% of refugees. Oh and war is officially illegal in Japan, by law their government and military cannot declare war unless in self defense, Japans only army is known as the JDSF (Japanese self defense force) they're doing something right
This is not only Japan, most western countries are suffering this. We are too consumed by work work work life goes by too quickly suddenly ppl realize life is finished. Really sad existence I think humanity needs to transcend from that into the next level where we don’t work ourselves to death.
@@davidbolha there're so many variables in case of robotics taking over...I guess we can partially tell by looking at history of u.k...the county which seize control of resources (Africa) and reach robotics age first will surely take over trade for a while and for that I nominate China firstly and European countries/America will follow up
Agree. Very little time to have REAL fun in the Western and developed world. Plus its too expensive to have kids. health insurance, day care, education...all those are on you. Its silent war on the family.
I lived in Hawaii for a few years where there are many Japanese companies. I worked for a few. And let me tell you: while they have an incredible work ethic it is at the same time utterly stupid. If a Japanese worker broke their leg and it was dangling from 1 tendon they would drag it into work rather than go to the hospital. That’s how insane they are. And here’s a hint: it’s not pride... it’s fear. There’s a certain hierarchy within their culture built upon respect of those at the top and the fear of speaking out for yourself... will always prevail. My Japanese girlfriend who works exclusively for her own people, has been dragged into work at the strangest of hours and will never complain. Talk about unfettered capitalism. Here you go. You don’t want a union? This is what you will have America
houdinididit don’t know why it’s about capitalism, so far it’s worked better than socialism where all wealth is distributed equally, and socialism never succeed once... it opened room for government corruption and poverty because no one wants their hard work to go to someone else. It’s more about culture and our modern world.
houdinididit it's your gf fault for letting this happen because unfettered capitalism is based on the idea of free transactions if she allows herself to be used that way and doesn't speak up for herself it's her problem not anyone's else's
At the same time Unions destroy the very provider of jobs. They constantly demand increase salary and benefits while wanting less hours and more paid vacation to eventually run the business into the ground or the business will leave entirely to another country.
In Asia, the collective always mattered more. That’s the opposite of how the west (America in particular) works. America is built upon the idea that the Individual matters more, that they are free to choose their own path so long as it doesn’t step on other people’s toes.
I know several women with children in Japan. The shrinking labor force means that more women are needed in the workforce. But business culture in Japan treats children as a huge liability - a mother will be rejected for nearly all jobs, and there is absolutely no flexibility for mothers to leave work early or have flexible hours. So it is no surprise that women are simply not willing to have children.
@@nicholasrandall3507 Right. The solution is to force all women to stay home and breed. Newsflash, not all people should breed. Guess you're totally okay with more situations where women not cut out for motherhood to go Andrea Yates on their kids huh?
Honda has several factories in the USA, Canada, Mexico, and the UK, so don't expect them to disappear. However, I'm not sure if Honda will still be able to find the engineering geniuses needed to make better cars and motorcycles.
I don't know if Honda's engineers have to be Japanese or not. Sometimes the cars and motorcycles they build are made differently for each country they are sold. That increases the number of opportunities for engineers outside Honda to design cars and motorcycles for Honda.
Men in Japan are scared to have a family because it would blackmail them to work SO HARD. Most family men in Japan work 'til they drop. Who wants that? Having a family supposed to make you happy, not force you to work so hard. If any man is given a choice to have a family but have to work so hard for the rest of their lives.. maybe 80% would answer NO THANKS! I'll just live single.
The Japanese are perfectionists. As a long-time skier, I could always spot a Japanese individual on the slopes because he or she would be deadly intent on making perfect turns. They turn a sport into a job. And they turn a job into a 24-7 obsession. It must be in their genes.
christian pandapotan Having children in a Japanese way is truly expensive. Maybe they should've tried the western African or Southern Indian way. Just make some love, and let God take care the rest. LOL .... Most Japanese is very - very religious person. Not!
I work in the prefecture next to Tokyo and the work hours are crazy. I work 6 days a week most weeks and working 12 hours days is not rare st all. Many people who are married at my job do not have time date and even put time into the relationship they are in. I think the culprit is the insanely demanding work schedule. If Japanese people worked 5 days a week and 7-8 hours a day, this problem would disappear quick
Long working hour but terrible productivity in employees. For some part of the community, it is percieved as diligent and good manner. They only seem working hard, but not. Jeez, what a hypocrite dishonest employees.
cost of living goes up so who can afford to have kids these days? Paying for a daycare to watch over one child is already half my salary. Governments keep taxing people more and more. I remember when 20 dollars got me a full cart of groceries for a week. Now it's over 120 dollars a week.
not everyone is a millionaire. How much do you think it cost for daycare per child per month? 1100 times 2 for two kids is 2200/mth. Mortgage is another 1500/mth plus property tax, utilities, car payment, car insurance, it will easily reach 5 grand with grocery feeding a family of four. That's a 85k salary after taxes. The median is only 50k a year here in Canada. Maybe you're Bill Gates but the average middle income earners have all those payments for everyday bills.
@The Truth Im interested in their xenofobic culture, their strong conservative link to the ancient past (shinto). I love how politically incorrect they are.
Japan is not America. The reporter is looking at things the media in America might look at: mainly small cultural aspects without really touching on Japan's special economic conditions compared to the rest of the world. What makes the lower birthrate in Japan such a problem compared to Western nations stems from different immigration policies and a set of unique economic issues from the 90s. Instead of looking at larger national institutions like public schools or hospitals or even interviewing members of the government, you see more interviews of small towns and churches. The Japanese church thumbnail and focus on those places during the video struck me as especially strange, considering that about 2% of Japanese people identify as Christian. There are many other institutions more significant to Japanese lives and economy in regards to religion, such as Shinto or Buddhism. However, if the reporter approached Japan as they would the United States, interviewing church members and community organizations involving them might make more sense.
Andre Lee true but it will effect the rural areas FIRST as a problem, move to churches, and THEN move to cities. I believe the reporter started interviewing in places where it has already effected
Andre Lee probably cause the interviewers and reporter didn't know what Japan's main religions were and thought americas mostly Christian maybe japan is too lol just a thought
Terrible Tanner American's fault, they imposed to pay after WW2. Germany payed the Versailles's debts of WW1, but the Allies didn't give debts for WW2 (maybe) also because Germany was split in two after WW2.
Ummm. Debt based economy?! Are you talking about Japan?! Japan's work ethic and ability to save is legendary. It has no debt but that can also be a bad thing (a story for another day perhaps). I do however take your sentiment and agree with the dangers of not building a society that forgets the importance of institutions such as families... Japan is an insular (though cohesive) society which, as this article suggests, creates a number of long term issues if people are not having enough children to replace an aging population. An analysis of this could take days but really, let me try to summarise it by suggesting this is what happens when society's primary focus is about economic success (a focus of the post war rebuild) and forget that people need time and resources to have families. Afterall, families are expensive and are of marginal utility in such environments. All work and no play makes Jack (or indeed, Hiro) a dull boy.
@@Anonymousdude2001 kinda weird, it depends on your work, and the company and the co-workers in my case you wait a little bit more but you spend the whole day at work and half of your time goes to work...
U need more younger people to replace the elderly.If There is no people to replace them the economy shrinks and the companies will sooner or later leave
the economic model that requires an every increasing population is no longer sustainable. Natural resources have been explioted to the point where moratoriums have had to be forced on fishing and land clearance. The era of AI and mass automation is already upon us and with it mass unemployment. Japanese women are still having children, just not 3~5 like they did a generation ago. The population is levelling off naturally to a more sustainable level.
Japan's culture is "dominantly numb ". Mostly, Japnese people (not all), they were "trained " to have full affection for "science and discoveries" rather than "becoming humane" with human beings. They have this "belief" being human is weak and vulnerable unlike the "new technology", it excites the human brain and "helps" the people to make their work easier (like robots, implants, etc.). This is what's "killing Japan".
yup thats why they got dudes marrying a nintendo ds game, its depressing considering how powerful their people used to be in regards to being a human. now they've been bought out by science and anti spirtuality, sure they got that buddhist stuff but it's nothing like the Lord.
One of the scariest parts of this problem is, society is aging with no one to work and care for the elderly, so when they become sick, everyone pushes for the “end of life” methods. Hospitals don’t fight for elderly and poor people to survive anymore. They make no effort to conceal the fact that they are a financial drain and should be let go, and can even be aggressive about it.
It used to be that children cared for their parents. Now that women spend their child bearing years working, they end up having to draw more off the welfare state. So either women need to get out of the workforce until their kids are grown, or we kill every woman who cannot reproduce (women cost more than men to sustain as they get older). It's the price we pay for commun..., er, feminism. Gulags, anyone?
Too late. If you went there in 2014 you'd have a chance. But Japanese now are very depressed and poor. Only if you offer them dinner and pay everything for them, then maaaaybe
Yes because you're in living in one of the most misinformed nations in the world with pretty much the lowest press freedom amongst all developed nations. Abe has put so many Japanese in debt by exploiting your nationalistic consumerism in an attempt to boost the stagnating economy. Instead of reading domestic news, why not look at concrete statistics by global bodies such as the OECD, IMF, WB, etc. All three have flashed red lights at Abenomics in recent times. All things seem fine now until another recession hits like 2007~08, which is quite possible considering how much trust the government has put into cryptocurrency. Remember when you could go to Korea for cheap shopping? Well the Yen and Won are practically 1:1 now due to currency deflation. That means Sony buys LG displays for more expensive, either leading to a higher consumer price or lower profit. Either way, that's terrible. Your industries have resorted to currency deflation to pump out low priced exports and profit by high volume sales. Are you China? What has happened to Japan.
more "Chicken Little" fear mongering..."lowest press freedom among developed nations"...There's this thing called the Internet which unlike China is uncensored.
Too many Chinese, Koreans, Asians, Americans, Africans, and all the sorts of people live in Japan. The majority is still Nipponese, that is only the fact.
They lack of work force it means they are decreasing in number which is the equivalent to future economic rate slow and they go for internship program to supply the manpower they need
This is a global phenomenon where young people, or what older people labeled as millennial, do not buy house, get married... etc. This is partly because of the way younger people are brought up, being thought about things like "don't settle for less" , "you deserve to be your best" , "fight for what you want" .... etc. Everyone becomes "smarter" in a way and starts to look for something big, make a difference...etc , most often, not even knowing what they actually want. Eventually, everyone ends up wanting to earn a lot of money, and forgetting that family and reproduction of your next generation. People also became more cold hearted with an indifference attitude. At the same time, most of the development and investment by big companies to build and improve the world, has already slow down since world war 2. Back then, people just came out of war and we spent about 70 years until today to rebuild our country and improve living standard. Unfortunately, all the investment has already been done and companies and government are focused on cutting cost, causing salary to fall with respect to inflation. This makes things worst for the young people nowadays. With companies focussed on cutting cost, the mass production of robot automation and increased efficiency of the younger generation, it only means that companies need to hire less and less people into the future. With less demand for employees, salary will mostly fall further. At the same time, the rich will get even richer, and the poor will get poorer. This situation is getting worst, even warren buffet once said, "we should just hand money to the poor". Unless some big changes happen, this problem will only get worst. One possible solution is, giving a universal income to everyone. However, this is too big of a change and may cause new problem to arise. Another possible solution, is human being discovered something new, and opens up a whole new thing for company to heavily invest in. With investment, comes new job and new demand for employees. One very possible thing is Artificial Intelligence and Data Centers, which is already happening. But this actually makes things worst in the long run, because with AI, it means even less human employees are needed. The young people knows about all these, or know some of these information about the future. Young people couldn't see a good future ahead, and hence lost interest in getting married, buying a house, and have children. Think of it this way, if the world ends tomorrow, you won't care about buying house and having children anymore. And in this case, the world doesn't end tomorrow, just that it becomes harder and harder for the next generation.
Intelligence and common sense don't exactly go hand and hand... It's obvious that Japan is only just starting to understand that "all work, and no play" isn't going very well for them...
@kippered beef Japan is no stranger to innovation. Like modern Israel, Japan is one of the greatest places for many innovations in science, technology, and art. Enough said.
So Japan is the new Nazi's?!...Interesting. Maybe we could round up Antifa and ship them ALL over to Japan. And all the homeless in Cali. BC. Toronto and New York. And Ship all 3 of those groups over to Japan and China. Everybody wins! (How about that?!)
Good for them. Mix Japan and other countries, Japanese culture dies. When Japanese culture dies, the country becomes ungovernable. After WW2, that was well understood. That was why the emperor was allowed to stay in power. Without their culture, the population of Japan has no center and reverts to the tribalism of the past. Not a happy outcome at all.
@@joshmilo8523 Let me tell you, you cannot infact differentiate between some indians and others. Because alot of us are black, some are really light skinned (I'm not saying light brown like priyanka chopra or deepika. They're just brown if you know them). Majority are brown. We even have ppl who look like they're asians in our country. 😊 Average iq does make sense. We have a billion ppl here. The no. Of illiterates are high too. So???
The only reason this isn’t effecting the US as quickly as Japan is because we replace ourselves with immigrants. Us hasn’t had a positive native replacement rate since the 70s.
Why have children when you work 70 hrs a week? Why have children when life is expensive as it is? The govt just wants people to have kids to be another cog in their 70 hr workweek machine.
Every country will go through this stage since demographic shift after a certain point where it's fully developed as a country. The richer countries are going to go through it first then the current developing countries will go through it next. Boomers got away with spawning 5 or more children per household, but in today's climate, it's just not sustainable. Immigration won't solve the overall aging of any country. It's just redistributing it somewhere else. Birthrates are slowing down everywhere in the world. Japan only looks worse because they're in a more advanced stage than the rest of us. What we see there is what we'll see everywhere in the future.
Japan may be an advanced case, but they didn't resort to mass-immigration of known terrorists. So imagine Japan, but with weekly Islamic bomb attacks and you have Europe in about three years.
Not all of Africa though , north african countries for instance ( Morocco , Tunisia , algeria , Lybia, Egypt) have hit the lowest birth rate record in their history , and the birth rate over there in general is in total decline mainly due to economic reasons amongst other calamities .
I wish the same for the Philippines. Hungry and homeless children are never a sight to behold. I find it sadistic for any religion or political organization to promote increasing the number of children without offering the basic necessities in life. That's pure sadistic and selfish.
You know, having a large and young population is actually good for an economy to boom. The real problem is lack of discipline and lack of real education (such as social responsibility/ basic humanity) and our rampant "blame mentality" which really doesn't solve anything.
Vicente Mahusay Filipinos are thriving in every country they are in, even if they hold so called "blue collar" jobs. They only have to be hardworking. Like Filipino butchers in Canada. Filipino caregivers in the US. Filipino construction workers in the Middle East. In other countries, these blue collar workers have decent roof over their head, driving their own car, eating food that only so called "rich" people can afford in the Philippines. The Philippines don't offer the same economic opportunies and dignity of labor in these so called "blue collar" jobs. The big question is WHY?Why Canada can do these things for a Filipino butcher working in Canada and not your ordinary "matador"(Filipino butcher) working in the Philippines? Because of graft and corruption, and poor Filipinos becoming used to and complacent in being poor. Of course it is the parents obligations to provide for their children. But it's the state's obligation to provide a decent work, decent pay and decent living conditions to its citizens. Having a population explosion is never an advantage to poor, corrupt countries like the Philippines. For they are just being used for religious and political purposes. Whether you like it or not, whether you believe it or not.
I live in Japan. Rural areas are emptying quickly. I don’t see the problem with a bit of depopulation - in many countries population growth is out of control. Here it’s a “crisis” yet in India the opposite is a “crisis”. It’s just scaremongering. They’ll be fine.
M Hodges, it already is. I don't remember it's name but it's popular and easy to find. It's about the government forcing young people to have kids within a given time period, or else the government will kill them.
that seems so stupid haha like the whole point of the story would be to have the birth rate increase and with it making the population younger over all but simply killing off the couple that doesn't have a child is abit counter-intuitive but what could you expect out of a manga writer anyway i bet its just full of fan service.
Well informed, intelligent societies tend to lead to low birth rates. People just get smarter and self aware about other ways to full fill ones life other than pumping out babies.
It's not so much about "filling life" it's rather about trying to have enough babies so a few will make it through a punishingly atrocious infant mortality barrier as well as to have enough to take care of the elderly in the family, and then those cultures colliding with modern western style living that causes a drop in the infant mortality and the rise of of alternative care options but the old norm remaining.
They are not, they take plenty of holidays.......Germans work smart but they are not workaholics.....They are too smart for that....Being a workaholic would be unhealthy, which would be illogical to a German.
Nothing logical related. It's just because Germany is full of big companies that have a massive production and crush other smaller players that have to work more hourse o produce the same amount of items
As a nature lover, that's what I think. We in Spain have the same problem, but as I see it, it's the best thing ever. Spain could become Hispania again, that beautiful land who marveled the Romans. They said "one squirrel could go from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean from one tree to another". Now Spain is overpopulated, as all Europe. A squirrel can't go from my backyard to my neighbour's one.
@@inigoro5177 Same was said of Britain. At one time, that a squirrel could jump from tree to tree from one end of Britain to the other and never set a paw on the ground. Not so now.
Because high IQ populations are ruled by corporations who work them to within an inch of their life, robbing them of any chance of raising a family, to maintain profits.
I have been to Japan several times. The Japanese are the most polite people that I have ever seen. However, the Japanese all seem so depressed. It's like a country full of depressed people. Most young men in Japan are hooked to video game arcades. They don't even care about hooking up with a real girl. These young guys just want their virtual girlfriends.
Endless working hour is counter-productive to creativity. They do need a more balanced life, just like those living in the US or europe. We work less but can be as much or even more productive and creative than the japanese
I've been to Japan twice and on my second trip, I was on a nearly two week stay in Tokyo alone. I just noticed that SO MANY people live in the city and people there seem to work late into the night. They probably live in the city because the ONLY good work is there, and given long work hours, it's just not conducive to procreation. They should find a way to decentralize work so that not everyone flocks to the city for work. They should also do something about those long work hours. I see so many office building in Tokyo still busy late into the night. If people can't even have time for themselves, how can they have time to be couples? Much less family. It's so toxic. What the Japanese need is a CHILL PILL.
Stupid video and over hyped claims, no Japan isn't dying, they have 120 million people crowded onto cramped islands, sure there population will decrease some but will still be very high and crowded in 30 years, and cultural still be Japan. And Japan's economy is stronger than the US, they have very low unemployment and higher productively and work participation than the US, much higher. Since they use automation they don't need so many workers while people are healthy and work longer, and wages stay high so the birth rate is even going up in some places.
Japan's problem is almost entirely economic. They have been dealing with a really bad recession for decades and their young people don't have confidence in the economy. The end result is that few young people feel like they're economically stable enough to have a family. This same problem is happening in the west. There needs to be a higher minimum wage, overtime laws and paid vacation to ensure that young people have enough money and time to invest in families or the population will continue to shrink.
I'm afraid the extortionate "minimum" wage is one of the causes of mass unemployment. Businesses - large and small - simply cannot take on adequate staffing. But the wage cannot be dropped due to the ridiculous inflation of day-to-day living costs. This is what happens when you have a debt-based economy instead of a wealth-based one.
The people are not flirty. They are too busy working, almost everyone in the house has a job. The government excise tax too much. Even in public school it is burdensome, they pay monthly. Its around ¥15000 per child. They pay resident tax for each one in the family yearly, almost equivalent to 40 dollars. Their car registration fee is ¥120,000 ($1,200 approximately every 2 years per regular car with white plate number plus tax yearly, while the yellow plated its ¥70,000 around $670 registration fee for compact vehicle.plus tax of around 70 dollars if I’m not mistaken. You see that ridiculous! But the JAPANESE are no complainers. They just pay. The gov’t is very lucky to have them. It’s the foreigners who are living here noticed the abuse. Yes I call it abuse, that’s why the citizen have little time to play, it’s all work. Japan and it’s culture are beautiful but it’s the burden that they put in the back of the people are so heart breaking.
The same happens in Albania, North Korea, Irak, Afghanistan, Cuba, Venezuela, China and Japan! The Governments of these countries do not deserve their people!
Maybe because they see this kind of abuse as "an economic standpoint", and as we all know, Japanese people are really proud of their wealth and they do want to stand-out from other countries, that's why they're really strict with their laws regarding the economy.
126 million, and you're worried about them "disappearing" LOL Meanwhile there are countries in Europe with population of only 2 million or less, and their birth rates are even lower than Japan's, and population shrinking just as fast !! Now they have a huge tendency to worry about "disappearing"
Dumbass, they didn't say Japanese men and women should have more babies than ever, they're saying they should move away from those critical numbers, no country should allow this to happen, ever.
Soy mexicano y aqui se sabe que Japón es la tercera economía del mundo , luego si tienen un alto nivel de vida debería alcanzar para que cada familia tuviera al menos 1 hijo. Al no tenerlos indica que las personas son muy egoístas ya que no desean compartir con nadie su prosperidad. Que lastima dan.!
Paísano, los que damos lástima somos nosotros, al menos ellos no están trayendo al mundo a sufrir a inocentes y tienen solamente los bebés que saben que van a poder cuidar bien, en cambio aquí en México la mayoría tiene hijos que ni siquiera pueden darles una vida descente, si es que se le puede llamar vida.
If females could keep their jobs after having kids, they’d be more willing to do so. The major problem is how they view a married woman, and especially one with kids. The females deserve to keep their jobs they worked hard to get. Change this and more will actually want to have a family. They work to much as well. Bosses expect you to work till late at night all the time. People need a chance to have a life outside work. It takes two working parents to actually raise a family. So much needs to change if they want to fix this.
Maintaining gender respect , as to Laws of Nature is duty of Humanity. Females try to escape , the hardest and responsible job on Earth , which is , House Wife. Everything is easy , if you know it. Nothing is hard , if you are used to it. Cheers*
UA-camr 2018 There is something which is not created in this world. It's human limitation that we tend to think that everything is created. Can u imagine inifinity,infinite space. Nothing comes out Emptiness or zero. U need to answer my question first.
UA-camr 2018 What is nature Sun light,heat energy Water and its forms Fire Soil earth. Space Theory of natural selection. For selection one needs thinking power. So nature is just an abstract term used for combination of these. Do these have any brain,thinking power. So nature itself cant do anything. If body is just combination of chemicals why cant a dead body comes to alive. It has all the chemicals present when it was alive. Just think combination of these elements of nature making as complex thing called humans,let be in trillions of yrs of time on thier own.
I am living in Japan. I think this is the reality in Japan now. fewer women want babies, fewer women want to get married. The big reason I think the society of Japan is not supportive for women. They have to quit jobs when they have a baby.
Yep, read a comment also outlining that romantic relations are banned in high school. Amidst a myriad of other factors i bet. Overall it seems the Japanese Government caused this, not they're in a panic. kek to that
Harshit Madan And workaholics. Also exploitation and more. Do a bit more like the French (or any good example of societies in social aspect) who work to live and not live to work.
Don't worry. The Baby Boomers don't live so long as the pre-WW II generations. The Baby Boomers diet is heavily influenced by the unhealthy American diet! They'll die younger, as the present US old people do.
I really feel bad for that country. I’m half Japanese and my cousins in the Japanese side don’t even want to have a family because they’d rather focus on climbing up in their career way too much. With the population they could lose their identity. I watched a documentary where there are more old people because younger people don’t want to be married and have kids. How they’d rather have a “real” job. So the elders are now having trouble to find anyone to pass on their techniques on making traditional works that represents their culture. They have such a beautiful and colourful culture that’s so different in each prefecture it would be so sad to see it fade.
Living longer and not enough children is a major crisis in Japan right now, but that’s what happens in a country that pushing economy first than marriage and the future.
What’s wrong with a smaller population? It relieves the pressures on the remaining natural resources and allows for less crowded cities and more green spaces. Once the oldest die off, there will be a balance in the economy and government programs.
Problem is they're not going to die early... the life expectancy is 84yo. If they start retiring at 60s that's 24 years of increasing debt and less productivity because of lower young population.
The Japanese economy can increase productivity with more technology. Japanese people of all ages can have their work done for them by intelligent robots.
china already suffering from aging population that is why it changed 1 child policy and in india fertility rates are falling fast which will also result in aging population in future.
I wish that would happen to Indonesia my home country. I just hate it people in indonesia always look down on others who did not get married. Plus it pisses me off how low income families in Indonesia would give birth to 4 or 5 children thinking that it will help to bring more income to them when their children grow up. Like cmon!
Hakuna matata Yup ... Kadangkala keimanan berjalan terbalik dengan logika. Semakin beriman, semakin bego. Anak itu rejeki, anak itu titipan Tuhan, pasti akan ada jalan. Kenyataannya : - Anak itu rejeki kalau kebetulan dapet rejeki. Atau orang tuanya cukup kreatif - Pasti ada jalan yang tidak diawasi satpol PP. Cukup bawa ecek - ecek dan kemoceng. - Anak itu titipan Tuhan, jadi sering dibawa ke rumah Tuhan untuk ngemis disana - Mungkin itulah maksudnya banyak anak banyak rejeki Mungkin komen ane agak ofensif, tapi ane setuju dengan ente. Siapapun pemerintahnya nanti, jangan dukung kebijakan yang memanjakan orang miskin. Mereka memang perlu dibantu, tapi tidak dimanjakan. Ane sendiri bukan orang kaya. Tapi gemes juga liat orang - orang yang ente deskripsikan tadi.
Actually yes, it is mostly Kurdish people that have so much babies... Before it was not a problem as, many of the children were not able to survive, as actually it is natural if you make so many babies... But now, most of them live, as health care is there. Before the births were mostly at the house, but now even if there is a little difficulty, they give caesarean birth...
@@Ann-bs7bh The population decline has nothing to do with standards. It's simply a result of each successive generation having fewer children. Families are still having children, just not 3~5 like they did 2 generations ago. Japan has the largest percentage of people over the age of 80. Their population will level off to a more sustainable number in the age of mass automation and AI. While other nations will be at odds with each other culturally and social unrest will continue to be an issue, Japan will continue to be the model of social harmony.
Aman Sahu what are you talking about? Do you mean 'Nanking Massacre', when the soldiers of the Japanese Empire raped, murdered, tortured, and ate my countrymen? How is that relevant here? The past is the past.
To be honest, I'm not too happy with my government at the moment. They are trying to desinicise us and force us to become Taiwanese instead of Chinese.
My dear friend. I have lived and worked here in Japan for 39 yrs, not three days for a report. I know what it takes. The reporter should spend more time here, put in a bit more effort. Japanese consumers will not suffer- only those Japanese capitalists who have been dining off the masses since the end of the War.
Oh please, Japan has one of the lowest gini coefficients in the world. Their overwork is a culture problem, not an economic problem. It's the asian culture of hard work being put on steroids, and as a result young people are forgetting to pursue something other than a career. But of course, the economically illiterate will always try to find a way to blame someone else. :)
I think the robot solution is on point. Nowadays people are becoming more and more independent and less willing to do uninteresting work for the sake of family/norms. Robots is a great way to automate uninteresting work and make everyone's life freer. Say if robots take care of all housework and tedious part of health care, people would be more willing to get married and will have more time for emotional support of each other. Of course the long hour thing should also change, it's about working smart not working hard.
We already have robots. They're assembling the cars we used to assemble, printing the signs we used to print, making all the everyday items we used to make. Technology has cost us more jobs than offshoring and immigration put together. On top of that, corporations have greater incentive to hire less and work them harder.
After the US bombed Japan, the Japanese had to rebuild. And get better. One of the first things that had to go was family and children. You are not just working for a corporation you helped build and maintain it. Think about it, look at how advanced their tech is and yes 3rd economic standing in the world. You don't get there by sleeping, drinking marrying or having intercourse. That was placed after WW2.
The cost of living in Japan is so high its near impossible to raise a family..I spent a few months there and the work hours are madness!!
Are you Japanese? From what I hear you may have better luck finding a needle in a haystack than being a foreigner with a job in Japan.
Teaching english lol. Not that hard from what I have heard
Other jobs are out of the question though. Only a few foreigners have jobs other than teaching english
+yuske05 No I'm South African but I worked as a tech expert for a company I can't really name (they find me posting and I'm fired) and am bilingual..paid well for the time..
Why not just live outside the city? Maybe twenty minutes away?
I have heard that the trains that go to major cities can get extremely crowded, that is why some people need to be in the middle of the big city.
They live to work and buy a expensive small apartment so they live closer to their work to work more.
The attitude we need in Murica
Yo dawg we heard u like to work so we put a office in yo car, so u can work while u drive!
That is one of most depressing things I have read.
That sounds so depressing. The world should be structured differently so we only need to work 6 hours a day. Life is short. Long hours in an office is so depressing, we should be happy as humans. The world needs to slow down, produce less and be less competitive.
everyone is working to survive and nobody has time to play.
bird718 For thousands of years people had to work much harder and were much poorer than us, so this can't be the problem.
bird718 - and no body has tym to play 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Kristina S. Imagine if you work 16hours a day without holiday and your salary is only enough just for yourself. That's japan.
bird718 awwwww. too bad. All those pretty women.
John the_human pretty woman are everywhere
This mean anime's production will decrease
Victory Royale!
I'll riot
Nah. China and Korea will still be producing it. It might not be the same but hey, what can you do.
i wish this would happen to India
I may sound nice but it is a disaster in long run . India should reduce its pop growth but shouldn't go below the fertility rate of 2.1 as that is the minimum u need to replace ur population.
why now they can move to Japan. india is having less kids but Japan has room now and those other countries too
I don't think sacrificing sovereignty is worth saving an economy in which expenses are only going to continue inflating. What needs to happen is a change in work ethics, and lowering the cost of living.
prasam mehta impossible when you have large muslim population in your country. Their fertility rate is much higher.
most Japanese schools dont allow dating AT ALL as a school rule, so you have generations of highschool graduates that are romantically awkward af
Good point. In addition, parents often make their kids spend hours at cram school with little opportunity to try to find a girlfriend or boyfriend. I have also heard that some parents also forbid dating when their children aren't in cram school, stating that it is going to interfere with studying as well.
Is there a feminist problem?
Skyline Fever
That's not just Japan. It's all of Asia. The rule of thumb is, Bachelor's degree first, literally. After that, you can think about dating, though technically, some wait until they have their master's, or in my cousin's case, PhD (I'm Chinese by the way).
Okay, I wasn't aware that it was in several other parts of Asia.
Japan can be actually pretty racist without ill intent, they don't allow Muslims permanent citizenship in Japan and they are put on pretty strict surveillance by the Japanese government, they are fair though, you can practice religion and there are a few mosques in Japan, Besides Japan is easily one of the most peaceful countries in the world, and partly because they are extremely prejudice to those who are Islamic faith when it comes to immigration, they did reject 99% of refugees. Oh and war is officially illegal in Japan, by law their government and military cannot declare war unless in self defense, Japans only army is known as the JDSF (Japanese self defense force) they're doing something right
This shrinking thing is what is happening to my bank account.
It's a blessing in disguise I'm sure.....you don't want to be like Africa or India or China... ..say no more....tq
In the majority of millennials' wallets
Why’d this make me laugh tho
This is not only Japan, most western countries are suffering this. We are too consumed by work work work life goes by too quickly suddenly ppl realize life is finished. Really sad existence I think humanity needs to transcend from that into the next level where we don’t work ourselves to death.
So you want communism more or less?
True, but with 3D printers & so hiperproduction will bring us that "workless" utopia. Or a financial collapse. 🤔
@@davidbolha there're so many variables in case of robotics taking over...I guess we can partially tell by looking at history of u.k...the county which seize control of resources (Africa) and reach robotics age first will surely take over trade for a while and for that I nominate China firstly and European countries/America will follow up
@@meh2063 I agree with your conjectures. 😏
Agree. Very little time to have REAL fun in the Western and developed world. Plus its too expensive to have kids. health insurance, day care, education...all those are on you. Its silent war on the family.
I lived in Hawaii for a few years where there are many Japanese companies. I worked for a few. And let me tell you: while they have an incredible work ethic it is at the same time utterly stupid. If a Japanese worker broke their leg and it was dangling from 1 tendon they would drag it into work rather than go to the hospital. That’s how insane they are.
And here’s a hint: it’s not pride... it’s fear. There’s a certain hierarchy within their culture built upon respect of those at the top and the fear of speaking out for yourself... will always prevail.
My Japanese girlfriend who works exclusively for her own people, has been dragged into work at the strangest of hours and will never complain.
Talk about unfettered capitalism. Here you go. You don’t want a union? This is what you will have America
houdinididit This is what we want,well at least I want it.
houdinididit don’t know why it’s about capitalism, so far it’s worked better than socialism where all wealth is distributed equally, and socialism never succeed once... it opened room for government corruption and poverty because no one wants their hard work to go to someone else. It’s more about culture and our modern world.
houdinididit it's your gf fault for letting this happen because unfettered capitalism is based on the idea of free transactions if she allows herself to be used that way and doesn't speak up for herself it's her problem not anyone's else's
At the same time Unions destroy the very provider of jobs. They constantly demand increase salary and benefits while wanting less hours and more paid vacation to eventually run the business into the ground or the business will leave entirely to another country.
In Asia, the collective always mattered more. That’s the opposite of how the west (America in particular) works. America is built upon the idea that the Individual matters more, that they are free to choose their own path so long as it doesn’t step on other people’s toes.
It's all that Hentai, how can real girls compete with Hentai chicks?!??!
Teeny Verse 😂😂 funny and true
unrealistic body standards
*hilarious and original*
real girls can work out their anuses, to make hole bigger.
@@donoles2 thanks for that visual
I know several women with children in Japan. The shrinking labor force means that more women are needed in the workforce. But business culture in Japan treats children as a huge liability - a mother will be rejected for nearly all jobs, and there is absolutely no flexibility for mothers to leave work early or have flexible hours.
So it is no surprise that women are simply not willing to have children.
Or women could just refuse to work and make the companies offer higher wages to men.
@@nicholasrandall3507 do you understand the comment you just replied to at all smh
@@abigailowusu4866 I do. What's the inconsistency?
@@nicholasrandall3507 you're so oblivious...
@@nicholasrandall3507 Right. The solution is to force all women to stay home and breed. Newsflash, not all people should breed. Guess you're totally okay with more situations where women not cut out for motherhood to go Andrea Yates on their kids huh?
Because sometimes some humans forget this fact
when people act this unlike the result will be horrible
Meanwhile in the Philippines, families are suffering because of having too many children
Jerone Lailo developing country for yeh :)
Na ah, not really, most of the problem is finding a job
yeh that's part of a developing country
Problem with Philippines... too few jobs and yet the country keeps on pumping out people. Economy can't support that many people.
The Catholic Church has a strong doctrinal hold over the reproductive choices of Filipinos.
1. organize more groups that encourage having children
2. reform working habits
3. exempt couples from.paying taxes with 3 children or more
Or ban hentai and ecchi
felipe costa
Im sure all the VPNs would love that lmao
Efficiency 100%
Because that’s just so easy
Tax reform on 3 children or more is a great idea! I wish they did that in the US :)
Will we still have Honda
Honda has several factories in the USA, Canada, Mexico, and the UK, so don't expect them to disappear.
However, I'm not sure if Honda will still be able to find the engineering geniuses needed to make better cars and motorcycles.
Do engineers have to be Japanese or something? lol
I don't know if Honda's engineers have to be Japanese or not. Sometimes the cars and motorcycles they build are made differently for each country they are sold. That increases the number of opportunities for engineers outside Honda to design cars and motorcycles for Honda.
Yes, it's all built in Ohio
Soon honda will be gone in formula 1
Men in Japan are scared to have a family because it would blackmail them to work SO HARD.
Most family men in Japan work 'til they drop. Who wants that? Having a family supposed to make you happy, not force you to work so hard. If any man is given a choice to have a family but have to work so hard for the rest of their lives.. maybe 80% would answer NO THANKS! I'll just live single.
The Japanese are perfectionists. As a long-time skier, I could always spot a Japanese individual on the slopes because he or she would be deadly intent on making perfect turns. They turn a sport into a job. And they turn a job into a 24-7 obsession. It must be in their genes.
That explains the high stress and suicide rate in Japan. Karoshi...is what they call it I believe.
Lin Bin
Not all of us are like that though. But I guess I shouldn’t talk since I’m not really involved with Japan anymore after I moved to Europe.
That's actually kinda funny lol
I've had similar experiences
They do not want their culture and traditions to be lost or replaced. That's why foreigners are less welcome in there.
Normal work hours 8 a day and not 12 people need to be people and not slaves to the system.
How else you are going to survive. Unless you are smart enough for a degree in computer science(which the average person is far away from it)
8 hours is still too long
@@Tigerman303 true
@@Tigerman303 I think its fine with breaks included and two days weekend .
Amen. The Japanese work culture is extremely unhealthy.
I pray for the Nation of Japan that Salvation thru Jesus Christ to save them My heart goes out to all of Japan
Stop talking about that f...g Abrahamanic religions that only have left hate and wars in this world.
Working with Japanese people, it was informed that having children is a total luxury. Expensive.
christian pandapotan
Having children in a Japanese way is truly expensive. Maybe they should've tried the western African or Southern Indian way. Just make some love, and let God take care the rest. LOL .... Most Japanese is very - very religious person. Not!
I work in the prefecture next to Tokyo and the work hours are crazy. I work 6 days a week most weeks and working 12 hours days is not rare st all. Many people who are married at my job do not have time date and even put time into the relationship they are in. I think the culprit is the insanely demanding work schedule. If Japanese people worked 5 days a week and 7-8 hours a day, this problem would disappear quick
But why work so much? What benefits do you get? Is slavery what you want?
Long working hour but terrible productivity in employees. For some part of the community, it is percieved as diligent and good manner.
They only seem working hard, but not. Jeez, what a hypocrite dishonest employees.
輝希 your work or your life its your choices but honestly if i where in your place i will leave the country CUZ it's a terrible place to make a FAMILY.
輝希 sign
5 days per week for 7,8,9 hours is still too much. Maximum 6 hours per day would be great, everything beyond is slavery.
cost of living goes up so who can afford to have kids these days? Paying for a daycare to watch over one child is already half my salary. Governments keep taxing people more and more. I remember when 20 dollars got me a full cart of groceries for a week. Now it's over 120 dollars a week.
And who will pay your bills?
my point exactly! By the time food is covered, there's not much left to cover the utility bills, insurance bills, hygiene bills etc.
+Kris M
Sounds like your increment is a lot lower than inflation.... have you been in the same job for 30 years or something?
not everyone is a millionaire. How much do you think it cost for daycare per child per month? 1100 times 2 for two kids is 2200/mth. Mortgage is another 1500/mth plus property tax, utilities, car payment, car insurance, it will easily reach 5 grand with grocery feeding a family of four. That's a 85k salary after taxes. The median is only 50k a year here in Canada. Maybe you're Bill Gates but the average middle income earners have all those payments for everyday bills.
So Canada is accelerating ageing
"Let in a bunch of foreigners"
That's worked real well everywhere else hasn't it, right Sweden?
what do you know about Sweden,? do you liv there?
@NibiruLives no idiots I never got the notification untill you wrote it
@NibiruLives really what do you base on your facts, do you have any statistic fact that support your argument?
@@genocidejoe it has been reported by the police and Swedish people themselves
@@versnellingspookie okey, do you have any reliable source?
Come on!
The world is only interesting because of Japanese culture and their different perspective of life.
*Don't die Japan!*
@Shakam RaishLahab
Read the Comment properly, I never said it was an objective fact.
It was a quirky subjective opinion.
So read properly next time:)
We only care because of anime and sushi, don't lie to yourselves...
relax weebos hehe it's not going to dissapear.
@The Truth Im interested in their xenofobic culture, their strong conservative link to the ancient past (shinto). I love how politically incorrect they are.
The women there are really beautiful I look forward to meeting one .
Japan is not America. The reporter is looking at things the media in America might look at: mainly small cultural aspects without really touching on Japan's special economic conditions compared to the rest of the world. What makes the lower birthrate in Japan such a problem compared to Western nations stems from different immigration policies and a set of unique economic issues from the 90s. Instead of looking at larger national institutions like public schools or hospitals or even interviewing members of the government, you see more interviews of small towns and churches.
The Japanese church thumbnail and focus on those places during the video struck me as especially strange, considering that about 2% of Japanese people identify as Christian. There are many other institutions more significant to Japanese lives and economy in regards to religion, such as Shinto or Buddhism. However, if the reporter approached Japan as they would the United States, interviewing church members and community organizations involving them might make more sense.
All industrialized countries have very low fertility rates, nothing special about Japan.
Andre Lee I
Andre Lee true but it will effect the rural areas FIRST as a problem, move to churches, and THEN move to cities. I believe the reporter started interviewing in places where it has already effected
Andre Lee probably cause the interviewers and reporter didn't know what Japan's main religions were and thought americas mostly Christian maybe japan is too lol just a thought
Well, this is what happens when you have a debt-based economy with never-ending inflation. Eventually, a family will be nothing more than a luxury.
Terrible Tanner so sadly true....
Terrible Tanner American's fault, they imposed to pay after WW2. Germany payed the Versailles's debts of WW1, but the Allies didn't give debts for WW2 (maybe) also because Germany was split in two after WW2.
Correct. The Japanese are beginning to emigrate.
It's too difficult to live there with the standings of their current economy.
Ummm. Debt based economy?! Are you talking about Japan?! Japan's work ethic and ability to save is legendary. It has no debt but that can also be a bad thing (a story for another day perhaps).
I do however take your sentiment and agree with the dangers of not building a society that forgets the importance of institutions such as families...
Japan is an insular (though cohesive) society which, as this article suggests, creates a number of long term issues if people are not having enough children to replace an aging population.
An analysis of this could take days but really, let me try to summarise it by suggesting this is what happens when society's primary focus is about economic success (a focus of the post war rebuild) and forget that people need time and resources to have families.
Afterall, families are expensive and are of marginal utility in such environments.
All work and no play makes Jack (or indeed, Hiro) a dull boy.
Well, this is what happens when you think you know it all
12 hour work days are not helping
Mhm. 😏
I used to work 12 hours per day
@@almagabriela2021 and how was the feeling?
@@Anonymousdude2001 kinda weird, it depends on your work, and the company and the co-workers in my case you wait a little bit more but you spend the whole day at work and half of your time goes to work...
Present trend is , work to live.*
*Work work work work* if u think about it there not truly living there lives just surviving
65 is the new 17
Kermitpan lmao
Mongolia has 3 million people we are doing great, what is the problem with having less people, the earth is already crowded.
"The earth is already crowded"; well, if this is your belief, and you think the population should shrink, then why not make a start?
U need more younger people to replace the elderly.If There is no people to replace them the economy shrinks and the companies will sooner or later leave
Belle Blanch Let me guess, you live in a city? All you see are crowded streets, so of course it seems crowded to you, though it's really not.
the economic model that requires an every increasing population is no longer sustainable. Natural resources have been explioted to the point where moratoriums have had to be forced on fishing and land clearance. The era of AI and mass automation is already upon us and with it mass unemployment. Japanese women are still having children, just not 3~5 like they did a generation ago. The population is levelling off naturally to a more sustainable level.
I've lived in Mongolia for 3 years and it is far from great
Japan's culture is "dominantly numb ". Mostly, Japnese people (not all), they were "trained " to have full affection for "science and discoveries" rather than "becoming humane" with human beings. They have this "belief" being human is weak and vulnerable unlike the "new technology", it excites the human brain and "helps" the people to make their work easier (like robots, implants, etc.). This is what's "killing Japan".
yup thats why they got dudes marrying a nintendo ds game, its depressing considering how powerful their people used to be in regards to being a human. now they've been bought out by science and anti spirtuality, sure they got that buddhist stuff but it's nothing like the Lord.
One of the scariest parts of this problem is, society is aging with no one to work and care for the elderly, so when they become sick, everyone pushes for the “end of life” methods. Hospitals don’t fight for elderly and poor people to survive anymore. They make no effort to conceal the fact that they are a financial drain and should be let go, and can even be aggressive about it.
christie bowman yes true, life is a cycle and everyone has their parts to play for balance
It used to be that children cared for their parents. Now that women spend their child bearing years working, they end up having to draw more off the welfare state.
So either women need to get out of the workforce until their kids are grown, or we kill every woman who cannot reproduce (women cost more than men to sustain as they get older).
It's the price we pay for commun..., er, feminism. Gulags, anyone?
This is true and It's sad. Smh what happened to the hippacratic oath
I want to go to Japan. Ladies wait for me.
sasuke ishikawa 😂😂
You misunderstand. The women though pretty are not into it.
You only need a waifu pillow
Too late. If you went there in 2014 you'd have a chance. But Japanese now are very depressed and poor. Only if you offer them dinner and pay everything for them, then maaaaybe
You know what they say those Japanese girls want that American Titan dong
"japan is dying." lol even I live in Japan, I haven't known that! this is why I don't trust medias.
Yes because you're in living in one of the most misinformed nations in the world with pretty much the lowest press freedom amongst all developed nations.
Abe has put so many Japanese in debt by exploiting your nationalistic consumerism in an attempt to boost the stagnating economy.
Instead of reading domestic news, why not look at concrete statistics by global bodies such as the OECD, IMF, WB, etc.
All three have flashed red lights at Abenomics in recent times.
All things seem fine now until another recession hits like 2007~08, which is quite possible considering how much trust the government has put into cryptocurrency.
Remember when you could go to Korea for cheap shopping? Well the Yen and Won are practically 1:1 now due to currency deflation. That means Sony buys LG displays for more expensive, either leading to a higher consumer price or lower profit. Either way, that's terrible.
Your industries have resorted to currency deflation to pump out low priced exports and profit by high volume sales. Are you China? What has happened to Japan.
more "Chicken Little" fear mongering..."lowest press freedom among developed nations"...There's this thing called the Internet which unlike China is uncensored.
mildseven73 media (plural), medium (singular). Sorry I can't help it.
someone took Latin...Bravo! It paid off!
demographics is destiny...or are you that dense?
100% work = 0% reproduction, example: Japan
0% work = 100 % reproduction, example: Africa
50% work = 50% reproduction, example: 404 not found.
@@thesportsguy3088 Not across all demographics.
@@thesportsguy3088 no the US has alot of immigrants so the population grows slightly.
saudi arabia
julia sam
Sweden. Perfect country. Aside from politics.
Now population DECLINE is considered a crisis? Pick one please!
Over population is a hoax more people is better 90% of the time you will have more people improving society.
More old people and less younger... Who will take care the old ¿
Japan is not LITERALLY shrinking...
Too many Chinese, Koreans, Asians, Americans, Africans, and all the sorts of people live in Japan. The majority is still Nipponese, that is only the fact.
Too many? Japan has the lowest % of immigration of developped countries.
You guys are missing the point...
I get what ur saying cuh ur saying it's not literally shrinking as in landmass lol good one bro 😂.
They lack of work force it means they are decreasing in number which is the equivalent to future economic rate slow and they go for internship program to supply the manpower they need
This is a global phenomenon where young people, or what older people labeled as millennial, do not buy house, get married... etc.
This is partly because of the way younger people are brought up, being thought about things like "don't settle for less" , "you deserve to be your best" , "fight for what you want" .... etc.
Everyone becomes "smarter" in a way and starts to look for something big, make a difference...etc , most often, not even knowing what they actually want.
Eventually, everyone ends up wanting to earn a lot of money, and forgetting that family and reproduction of your next generation. People also became more cold hearted with an indifference attitude.
At the same time, most of the development and investment by big companies to build and improve the world, has already slow down since world war 2. Back then, people just came out of war and we spent about 70 years until today to rebuild our country and improve living standard. Unfortunately, all the investment has already been done and companies and government are focused on cutting cost, causing salary to fall with respect to inflation. This makes things worst for the young people nowadays.
With companies focussed on cutting cost, the mass production of robot automation and increased efficiency of the younger generation, it only means that companies need to hire less and less people into the future. With less demand for employees, salary will mostly fall further. At the same time, the rich will get even richer, and the poor will get poorer. This situation is getting worst, even warren buffet once said, "we should just hand money to the poor".
Unless some big changes happen, this problem will only get worst. One possible solution is, giving a universal income to everyone. However, this is too big of a change and may cause new problem to arise.
Another possible solution, is human being discovered something new, and opens up a whole new thing for company to heavily invest in. With investment, comes new job and new demand for employees. One very possible thing is Artificial Intelligence and Data Centers, which is already happening. But this actually makes things worst in the long run, because with AI, it means even less human employees are needed.
The young people knows about all these, or know some of these information about the future. Young people couldn't see a good future ahead, and hence lost interest in getting married, buying a house, and have children. Think of it this way, if the world ends tomorrow, you won't care about buying house and having children anymore. And in this case, the world doesn't end tomorrow, just that it becomes harder and harder for the next generation.
Very insightful
Buffett could have just done it instead of talking. He and his friends are one of the reason for this problem.
If humanity doesn't postpone birth when postponing death. Nature will find it's own methodes for regulating our population.
One of the smartest country in the world thinks that marriage is a waste of time. Need i say more?
Did you watch the video? See where that brings them in 20 years, and call them smartest again
Lost ability to share and lives like an atheist who worships God of money. Bread alone. what good is it to gain the whole world and lose your soul.
@@javenotin7671 ah right I forgot the church lives in poverty, the poor things
Intelligence and common sense don't exactly go hand and hand...
It's obvious that Japan is only just starting to understand that
"all work, and no play" isn't going very well for them...
@kippered beef
Japan is no stranger to innovation. Like modern Israel, Japan is one of the greatest places for many innovations in science, technology, and art. Enough said.
Japan is very very expensive. I bought a combo meal from McDonalds there in 1996 and it cost me $21 in American currency. This was 1996!
It is probably way cheaper now, they experience deflation
@random 15 Yep I was in the Navy back then
21 dollars??? dayaam... does a "Happy Ending" come with that Happy Meal?
@@hassanmuhammad2799 Hahaha
yes that would be around $3.50 here maybe.
The entire world needs this so called "PROBLEM"
Japan won't allow immigrantion. They want a pure race. This country is already very crowded
Obviously you don't follow the news.
So Japan is the new Nazi's?!...Interesting. Maybe we could round up Antifa and ship them ALL over to Japan. And all the homeless in Cali. BC. Toronto and New York. And Ship all 3 of those groups over to Japan and China. Everybody wins! (How about that?!)
They do now, they are looking for workers as i am typing this, it is new.
Good for them. Mix Japan and other countries, Japanese culture dies. When Japanese culture dies, the country becomes ungovernable. After WW2, that was well understood. That was why the emperor was allowed to stay in power. Without their culture, the population of Japan has no center and reverts to the tribalism of the past. Not a happy outcome at all.
@@joshmilo8523 Let me tell you, you cannot infact differentiate between some indians and others. Because alot of us are black, some are really light skinned (I'm not saying light brown like priyanka chopra or deepika. They're just brown if you know them). Majority are brown. We even have ppl who look like they're asians in our country. 😊
Average iq does make sense. We have a billion ppl here. The no. Of illiterates are high too. So???
The only reason this isn’t effecting the US as quickly as Japan is because we replace ourselves with immigrants. Us hasn’t had a positive native replacement rate since the 70s.
Meanwhile swedens population is rising and not in a good way. :)))
One word: gay
IMxYOURxDADDY muslim and african... muslim is the belief in Islam. Soooo what do u mean muslim and african?
yes, sweden is filling its streets with jihadi maniacs..
@IMxYOURxDADDY thats terrible..not good for swedish future...
So it means less anime
Aqib Khan nooooooo!!!!!
Aqib Khan lol my worst nightmare
Aqib Khan ohh noooo 😱😱. Anime is my life .. 😭
Oh dear god nooo......!!!
I hope noooooo... But fortunately vietnam and other country join the project anime
I must go. Japan needs me.
How is that going to make more Japanese people?
deleted I can morph myself to look japanese tho, it's all about the looks, right ?
Mimou Chiron but ur kids won’t look Japanese as morphing yourself doesn’t change ur genes.
Dylan S Yeah go very fast 😂😂😂they badly need you..
Thirty years too late, dude
Why have children when you work 70 hrs a week? Why have children when life is expensive as it is? The govt just wants people to have kids to be another cog in their 70 hr workweek machine.
Every country will go through this stage since demographic shift after a certain point where it's fully developed as a country. The richer countries are going to go through it first then the current developing countries will go through it next. Boomers got away with spawning 5 or more children per household, but in today's climate, it's just not sustainable. Immigration won't solve the overall aging of any country. It's just redistributing it somewhere else. Birthrates are slowing down everywhere in the world. Japan only looks worse because they're in a more advanced stage than the rest of us. What we see there is what we'll see everywhere in the future.
Kevin Eusebio Brilliant Explanation
Japan may be an advanced case, but they didn't resort to mass-immigration of known terrorists. So imagine Japan, but with weekly Islamic bomb attacks and you have Europe in about three years.
This is a problem everywhere. Japan is just the extreme case
No..not really..africa coutries are having an opposite problem.
yup, alot european country have lower birth rate than japan, italy spain germany, & poland
What about India?
Not all of Africa though , north african countries for instance ( Morocco , Tunisia , algeria , Lybia, Egypt) have hit the lowest birth rate record in their history , and the birth rate over there in general is in total decline mainly due to economic reasons amongst other calamities .
I wish the same for the Philippines. Hungry and homeless children are never a sight to behold. I find it sadistic for any religion or political organization to promote increasing the number of children without offering the basic necessities in life. That's pure sadistic and selfish.
It's parents job to provide for children, goverment should be blaming for making it difficult.
Philippines also adopt the western culture. High school students date a lot and teen pregnancy is rampant there.
@@qtaro-7097 Teenage pregnancy has gone way down in Western countries.
You know, having a large and young population is actually good for an economy to boom. The real problem is lack of discipline and lack of real education (such as social responsibility/ basic humanity) and our rampant "blame mentality" which really doesn't solve anything.
Vicente Mahusay Filipinos are thriving in every country they are in, even if they hold so called "blue collar" jobs. They only have to be hardworking. Like Filipino butchers in Canada. Filipino caregivers in the US. Filipino construction workers in the Middle East. In other countries, these blue collar workers have decent roof over their head, driving their own car, eating food that only so called "rich" people can afford in the Philippines. The Philippines don't offer the same economic opportunies and dignity of labor in these so called "blue collar" jobs. The big question is WHY?Why Canada can do these things for a Filipino butcher working in Canada and not your ordinary "matador"(Filipino butcher) working in the Philippines? Because of graft and corruption, and poor Filipinos becoming used to and complacent in being poor. Of course it is the parents obligations to provide for their children. But it's the state's obligation to provide a decent work, decent pay and decent living conditions to its citizens. Having a population explosion is never an advantage to poor, corrupt countries like the Philippines. For they are just being used for religious and political purposes. Whether you like it or not, whether you believe it or not.
I live in Japan. Rural areas are emptying quickly. I don’t see the problem with a bit of depopulation - in many countries population growth is out of control. Here it’s a “crisis” yet in India the opposite is a “crisis”. It’s just scaremongering. They’ll be fine.
Sounds like a great idea for a manga.
M Hodges, it already is. I don't remember it's name but it's popular and easy to find. It's about the government forcing young people to have kids within a given time period, or else the government will kill them.
that seems so stupid haha like the whole point of the story would be to have the birth rate increase and with it making the population younger over all but simply killing off the couple that doesn't have a child is abit counter-intuitive but what could you expect out of a manga writer anyway i bet its just full of fan service.
Therese Winland the names koi to uso
@@ayakwany3384 you mean Battle Royale movies?
Tokyo is one of the most expensive city in the world. At least you must have US$ 3000 in month just to live and eat.
Try israel. A couple needs to earn 3500$ each a month at least in order to have a life beside work.
Sounds like Calofornia
In Somalia 150 Dollar is enough
Fahmy Ash Shiddiqie try San Francisco ...3k ain’t too bad
Well informed, intelligent societies tend to lead to low birth rates. People just get smarter and self aware about other ways to full fill ones life other than pumping out babies.
UA-cam Comments Suck and what are those "other ways"?
UA-cam Comments Suck ah yes "smart people" would rather do drugs, get wasted on alcohol and women than to start a family and have children.
It's not so much about "filling life" it's rather about trying to have enough babies so a few will make it through a punishingly atrocious infant mortality barrier as well as to have enough to take care of the elderly in the family, and then those cultures colliding with modern western style living that causes a drop in the infant mortality and the rise of of alternative care options but the old norm remaining.
See smart people knows that raising a family only wastes money, just use the money you earn for yourself
It's a supply and demand dynamic
Can't understand why they talk about shrinking population like it's a bad thing? Japan is WAY too crowded now!
Y'all messed up the model of a family and expect things to be the same. Are you for real? Go back to the root to fix the problem, globally.
Take women's rights away or kill the elderly. Or war. Or hyperinflation. However much blood you're comfortable with.
Finally someone said it
The status quo needs to be broken, that is for sure.
@@nicholasrandall3507 Taking women's rights away is actually a great first step towards solving the problem.
Workoholic countries.
They are not, they take plenty of holidays.......Germans work smart but they are not workaholics.....They are too smart for that....Being a workaholic would be unhealthy, which would be illogical to a German.
Nothing logical related. It's just because Germany is full of big companies that have a massive production and crush other smaller players that have to work more hourse o produce the same amount of items
The world is merely a slave camp.
Brib Delang i wouldn’t blame productivity... I would blame feminism.
everything is so expensive, houses, food, its not advantagous to start family in Japan
@otowise Prices won't drop. That's a guarantee. The entire world financial system is based on continuous inflation and infinite growth.
Less people=more land and resource for everyone=higher standard of living, sounds like a good deal
If people lived forever
Countries are increasing in automation so such high populations or the need for migrants won't be necessary.
The same thing the Georgia Guidestones promiss. 😉
As a nature lover, that's what I think. We in Spain have the same problem, but as I see it, it's the best thing ever. Spain could become Hispania again, that beautiful land who marveled the Romans. They said "one squirrel could go from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean from one tree to another". Now Spain is overpopulated, as all Europe. A squirrel can't go from my backyard to my neighbour's one.
@@inigoro5177 Same was said of Britain. At one time, that a squirrel could jump from tree to tree from one end of Britain to the other and never set a paw on the ground. Not so now.
Beautiful country, Beautiful people
shittest government
They're governments modeled after ours though
Beautiful people LOL
Georgina Axyen beautiful people WTF
Not another "so called" israelite and YES japanese people are very intelligent, beautiful and well mannered. better than the likes of you.
It's tragic that the big scale trend is that low Iq populations are breeding like crazy, while the opposite is happening in high Iq populations.
Nalis Solus Yup.Every place on the list of declining populations are the top places I've always wanted to live.
Because high IQ populations are ruled by corporations who work them to within an inch of their life, robbing them of any chance of raising a family, to maintain profits.
It's not "tragic" it's predictable.
I have been to Japan several times. The Japanese are the most polite people that I have ever seen. However, the Japanese all seem so depressed. It's like a country full of depressed people.
Most young men in Japan are hooked to video game arcades. They don't even care about hooking up with a real girl. These young guys just want their virtual girlfriends.
K Star go f yourself
fd11fd33fd99 because the government of japan are feminist
Couples Are supposed to support each other not see their partner as a benefit for money
Endless working hour is counter-productive to creativity. They do need a more balanced life, just like those living in the US or europe. We work less but can be as much or even more productive and creative than the japanese
Look how clean their roads and streets are. Immaculate.
You must be gay huh?
@@kyle1717 Ask your mum
I've been to Japan twice and on my second trip, I was on a nearly two week stay in Tokyo alone. I just noticed that SO MANY people live in the city and people there seem to work late into the night. They probably live in the city because the ONLY good work is there, and given long work hours, it's just not conducive to procreation. They should find a way to decentralize work so that not everyone flocks to the city for work. They should also do something about those long work hours. I see so many office building in Tokyo still busy late into the night. If people can't even have time for themselves, how can they have time to be couples? Much less family. It's so toxic. What the Japanese need is a CHILL PILL.
Liri 👽-"Kyle Lopez-Vito.....& lots of it along with some weeds/shrooms."
Stupid video and over hyped claims, no Japan isn't dying, they have 120 million people crowded onto cramped islands, sure there population will decrease some but will still be very high and crowded in 30 years, and cultural still be Japan. And Japan's economy is stronger than the US, they have very low unemployment and higher productively and work participation than the US, much higher. Since they use automation they don't need so many workers while people are healthy and work longer, and wages stay high so the birth rate is even going up in some places.
Japan's problem is almost entirely economic. They have been dealing with a really bad recession for decades and their young people don't have confidence in the economy. The end result is that few young people feel like they're economically stable enough to have a family. This same problem is happening in the west. There needs to be a higher minimum wage, overtime laws and paid vacation to ensure that young people have enough money and time to invest in families or the population will continue to shrink.
I'm afraid the extortionate "minimum" wage is one of the causes of mass unemployment. Businesses - large and small - simply cannot take on adequate staffing. But the wage cannot be dropped due to the ridiculous inflation of day-to-day living costs. This is what happens when you have a debt-based economy instead of a wealth-based one.
Consequences of blurring body parts in educational videos😂
The people are not flirty. They are too busy working, almost everyone in the house has a job. The government excise tax too much. Even in public school it is burdensome, they pay monthly. Its around ¥15000 per child. They pay resident tax for each one in the family yearly, almost equivalent to 40 dollars. Their car registration fee is ¥120,000 ($1,200 approximately every 2 years per regular car with white plate number plus tax yearly, while the yellow plated its ¥70,000 around $670 registration fee for compact vehicle.plus tax of around 70 dollars if I’m not mistaken. You see that ridiculous! But the JAPANESE are no complainers. They just pay. The gov’t is very lucky to have them. It’s the foreigners who are living here noticed the abuse. Yes I call it abuse, that’s why the citizen have little time to play, it’s all work. Japan and it’s culture are beautiful but it’s the burden that they put in the back of the people are so heart breaking.
The same happens in Albania, North Korea, Irak, Afghanistan, Cuba, Venezuela, China and Japan! The Governments of these countries do not deserve their people!
Maybe because they see this kind of abuse as "an economic standpoint", and as we all know, Japanese people are really proud of their wealth and they do want to stand-out from other countries, that's why they're really strict with their laws regarding the economy.
:( Japan. Please survive and improve. I don't want to see you all disappear!
126 million, and you're worried about them "disappearing" LOL
Meanwhile there are countries in Europe with population of only 2 million or less, and their birth rates are even lower than Japan's, and population shrinking just as fast !! Now they have a huge tendency to worry about "disappearing"
Haru Kim
CNN => Fake News!!!
it's about quality not quantity humans
luluzzz lol. In arkansas its quantity. And each one is dumber than the last. More welfare every year. At least Japan only making smart babies
Dumbass, they didn't say Japanese men and women should have more babies than ever, they're saying they should move away from those critical numbers, no country should allow this to happen, ever.
Soy mexicano y aqui se sabe que Japón es la tercera economía del mundo , luego si tienen un alto nivel de vida debería alcanzar para que cada familia tuviera al menos 1 hijo. Al no tenerlos indica que las personas son muy egoístas ya que no desean compartir con nadie su prosperidad. Que lastima dan.!
Paísano, los que damos lástima somos nosotros, al menos ellos no están trayendo al mundo a sufrir a inocentes y tienen solamente los bebés que saben que van a poder cuidar bien, en cambio aquí en México la mayoría tiene hijos que ni siquiera pueden darles una vida descente, si es que se le puede llamar vida.
exactly !
If females could keep their jobs after having kids, they’d be more willing to do so. The major problem is how they view a married woman, and especially one with kids.
The females deserve to keep their jobs they worked hard to get. Change this and more will actually want to have a family.
They work to much as well. Bosses expect you to work till late at night all the time. People need a chance to have a life outside work.
It takes two working parents to actually raise a family.
So much needs to change if they want to fix this.
Maintaining gender respect , as to Laws of Nature is duty of Humanity.
Females try to escape , the hardest and responsible job on Earth , which is , House Wife.
Everything is easy , if you know it.
Nothing is hard , if you are used to it.
Japan is Buddhist country.
But Buddha himself renounced material life.
Rediscover purpose of life.
UA-camr 2018 god realization
UA-camr 2018 thats your opinion .everyone has right to have thier opnion and express.
I respect it .
UA-camr 2018 ok tell me weather pot can be made without potter
UA-camr 2018 There is something which is not created in this world.
It's human limitation that we tend to think that everything is created.
Can u imagine inifinity,infinite space.
Nothing comes out Emptiness or zero.
U need to answer my question first.
UA-camr 2018
What is nature
Sun light,heat energy
Water and its forms
Soil earth.
Theory of natural selection.
For selection one needs thinking power.
So nature is just an abstract term used for combination of these.
Do these have any brain,thinking power.
So nature itself cant do anything.
If body is just combination of chemicals why cant a dead body comes to alive.
It has all the chemicals present when it was alive.
Just think combination of these elements of nature making as complex thing called humans,let be in trillions of yrs of time on thier own.
I am living in Japan. I think this is the reality in Japan now. fewer women want babies, fewer women want to get married.
The big reason I think the society of Japan is not supportive for women. They have to quit jobs when they have a baby.
Why do women want to work in the first place?
Helloo come to Morocco i live in the Sahara lets make some babies !! Hahaha i can help we can also get a robot dog . No problem 😁😁😁😁😁
Japan needs jesus
Yingying Luan
Yep, read a comment also outlining that romantic relations are banned in high school. Amidst a myriad of other factors i bet. Overall it seems the Japanese Government caused this, not they're in a panic. kek to that
They need Ghengis Khan
japan was one of the few countries that fend off successfully the mongol empire, respect for that.
Japanese men getting fed up will modern women attitude.
the only problem here is for corporations, who need young slaves to make their mobile phones
Harshit Madan And workaholics. Also exploitation and more.
Do a bit more like the French (or any good example of societies in social aspect) who work to live and not live to work.
It will soon be "The land of the Rising Old".
Don't worry. The Baby Boomers don't live so long as the pre-WW II generations. The Baby Boomers diet is heavily influenced by the unhealthy American diet! They'll die younger, as the present US old people do.
I hope japan will fix this issue japan is needed in this world
Katy Sandlin I know
Ah not really
I really feel bad for that country. I’m half Japanese and my cousins in the Japanese side don’t even want to have a family because they’d rather focus on climbing up in their career way too much. With the population they could lose their identity. I watched a documentary where there are more old people because younger people don’t want to be married and have kids. How they’d rather have a “real” job. So the elders are now having trouble to find anyone to pass on their techniques on making traditional works that represents their culture. They have such a beautiful and colourful culture that’s so different in each prefecture it would be so sad to see it fade.
Opposite in India 😊
Indonesia too
Nandkishore Soni correct😂
Nandkishore Soni India needs the same problem. Overpopulation is bad too
Patrick yes I agree
Amet A. that will not happen
The rest of the world would do well to emulate Japan, the world population is way too high. We should reward Japan.
They still need to have kids though, but so does many European people. Migrants aren't the answer.
And Korea is following the same path Japan is going.
Living longer and not enough children is a major crisis in Japan right now, but that’s what happens in a country that pushing economy first than marriage and the future.
What’s wrong with a smaller population? It relieves the pressures on the remaining natural resources and allows for less crowded cities and more green spaces. Once the oldest die off, there will be a balance in the economy and government programs.
Problem is they're not going to die early... the life expectancy is 84yo. If they start retiring at 60s that's 24 years of increasing debt and less productivity because of lower young population.
The Japanese economy can increase productivity with more technology. Japanese people of all ages can have their work done for them by intelligent robots.
Well that's not a reality yet
Indian and chinese need to reduce
Whole third world needs that.
@@Dawid-kn6mv improve Ur knowledge these two countries are not anymore third world country dude.
@@veer_Gurjar4 I didn't say they are.
@@Dawid-kn6mv alright bro I mistook and misread Ur words i apologize
china already suffering from aging population that is why it changed 1 child policy and in india fertility rates are falling fast which will also result in aging population in future.
too much hentai
nelson zou lol
I think that is a symptom and not a cause. There may be a bot of bidirectional causation though, just mostly it's a symptom.
an overlooked fact!!
If I ever visit Japan, I'll fix this problem really fast.
Sooner aging won't be a problem. Overpopulation will be.
I wish that would happen to Indonesia my home country. I just hate it people in indonesia always look down on others who did not get married. Plus it pisses me off how low income families in Indonesia would give birth to 4 or 5 children thinking that it will help to bring more income to them when their children grow up. Like cmon!
Hakuna matata
Yup ... Kadangkala keimanan berjalan terbalik dengan logika. Semakin beriman, semakin bego. Anak itu rejeki, anak itu titipan Tuhan, pasti akan ada jalan. Kenyataannya :
- Anak itu rejeki kalau kebetulan dapet rejeki. Atau orang tuanya cukup kreatif
- Pasti ada jalan yang tidak diawasi satpol PP. Cukup bawa ecek - ecek dan kemoceng.
- Anak itu titipan Tuhan, jadi sering dibawa ke rumah Tuhan untuk ngemis disana
- Mungkin itulah maksudnya banyak anak banyak rejeki
Mungkin komen ane agak ofensif, tapi ane setuju dengan ente. Siapapun pemerintahnya nanti, jangan dukung kebijakan yang memanjakan orang miskin. Mereka memang perlu dibantu, tapi tidak dimanjakan. Ane sendiri bukan orang kaya. Tapi gemes juga liat orang - orang yang ente deskripsikan tadi.
You should see Turkey... Some woman has more then 20 children!!! When the woman is seen nothing then a baby producer, this kind of ugly things happen!
Ahmet Çınar - Özgürlüğe Uyanış Awaken to Truth You mean Kurds from Turkey.Years ago i met many kurds with more than 3 brothers and sisters.
Actually yes, it is mostly Kurdish people that have so much babies... Before it was not a problem as, many of the children were not able to survive, as actually it is natural if you make so many babies... But now, most of them live, as health care is there. Before the births were mostly at the house, but now even if there is a little difficulty, they give caesarean birth...
I wish India be like this
@Johnny Buoy Freakinger savage comment, wtf
And all of Africa.
I wish this for America. I think they are all already infertile. Thanks to obesity.
Johnny Buoy Really? which school did you go to? the ignorance is impeccable.
It will be 100 years from now.
it's because their ideal person doesn't exist, all animation lol
You do know there is a Japan outside of Akihabara, right?
And that doesn't mean only those who live there have those unrealistic standards
@@Ann-bs7bh The population decline has nothing to do with standards. It's simply a result of each successive generation having fewer children. Families are still having children, just not 3~5 like they did 2 generations ago. Japan has the largest percentage of people over the age of 80. Their population will level off to a more sustainable number in the age of mass automation and AI. While other nations will be at odds with each other culturally and social unrest will continue to be an issue, Japan will continue to be the model of social harmony.
They want to be the best robots in the world.
Japan will be the first country to integrate AI; it doesn't NEED that many people.
苑安雄 I have read about niaking massacre which faded the beauty of your pic
Aman Sahu what are you talking about? Do you mean 'Nanking Massacre', when the soldiers of the Japanese Empire raped, murdered, tortured, and ate my countrymen? How is that relevant here? The past is the past.
Chinese, from Kinmen Island, ROC.
苑安雄 brother r u Happy with your gov we have heard that Chinese can't criticize their government if they are not satisfied with them
To be honest, I'm not too happy with my government at the moment. They are trying to desinicise us and force us to become Taiwanese instead of Chinese.
Wheres Genghis Khan when you need him?
BushDid9/11 😂
hahaha nailed it
To take all the woman to himself and make them pregnant 😂😂😂
I'm a Mongolian and a direct descendant of Chingis Khan, maybe i can help in Japan : )
Danny Sam They do? I know the Mongols tried to invade but the grudge still persists?
My dear friend. I have lived and worked here in Japan for 39 yrs, not three days for a report. I know what it takes. The reporter should spend more time here, put in a bit more effort. Japanese consumers will not suffer- only those Japanese capitalists who have been dining off the masses since the end of the War.
Orient Cambridge Education hi I am thinking about going to Japan
magic vita Ok, good luck :)
Oh please, Japan has one of the lowest gini coefficients in the world. Their overwork is a culture problem, not an economic problem. It's the asian culture of hard work being put on steroids, and as a result young people are forgetting to pursue something other than a career.
But of course, the economically illiterate will always try to find a way to blame someone else. :)
This should be happening world wide! This isn't a problem, it's a blessing.
Club of Rome & the Georgia Guidestones think so too. 🙄
I think the robot solution is on point. Nowadays people are becoming more and more independent and less willing to do uninteresting work for the sake of family/norms. Robots is a great way to automate uninteresting work and make everyone's life freer. Say if robots take care of all housework and tedious part of health care, people would be more willing to get married and will have more time for emotional support of each other. Of course the long hour thing should also change, it's about working smart not working hard.
We already have robots. They're assembling the cars we used to assemble, printing the signs we used to print, making all the everyday items we used to make. Technology has cost us more jobs than offshoring and immigration put together. On top of that, corporations have greater incentive to hire less and work them harder.
"Japan is shrinking, literally."
No, it isn't, its population is, not the country.
Wherever they choose to do, they should not open their doors to foreigners.
m24 hel No, I really hope they don't.
Good suggestion.
Muslim already in japan after US nuked japan you know. What japan need is imigrant that would live there and adapt to their culture.
After the US bombed Japan, the Japanese had to rebuild. And get better. One of the first things that had to go was family and children. You are not just working for a corporation you helped build and maintain it. Think about it, look at how advanced their tech is and yes 3rd economic standing in the world. You don't get there by sleeping, drinking marrying or having intercourse. That was placed after WW2.