So I'm new to tumbler making and using my Cricut. The stencil that you used from Etsy, does it come already sized? Or do you have to size it? If so what dimension do I use for a 20oz. I love the way it turned out. It's beautiful. Really would love to try this.
You would need to measure after you’ve epoxied to ensure the stencil is sized correctly! Each brand of tumbler is different and the amount of epoxy you put on your tumbler may differ from me depending on the viscosity and amount of layers. I just take a fabric tape measure around the cup and from top to bottom after the cup is ready for the stencil 🙂
Stunning 😍
This tumbler is gorgeous!
I love this one 💙
Stunning! Great for Christmas!
Love!!! 😍😍
Beautiful ❤
❤❤ love this design
Thank you!!
Absolutely gorgeous ❤️
Love Mr. Nolas epoxy ❤️
This is absolutely stunning ❤❤❤
So I'm new to tumbler making and using my Cricut. The stencil that you used from Etsy, does it come already sized? Or do you have to size it? If so what dimension do I use for a 20oz. I love the way it turned out. It's beautiful. Really would love to try this.
You would need to measure after you’ve epoxied to ensure the stencil is sized correctly! Each brand of tumbler is different and the amount of epoxy you put on your tumbler may differ from me depending on the viscosity and amount of layers. I just take a fabric tape measure around the cup and from top to bottom after the cup is ready for the stencil 🙂