HELP ! Who knows the lyrics of GIVE IT UP? People from UK, USA, Canada - don’t be so lazy! Please, sit, listen the song and write the song text here. Spend just 5 minutes of your time to leave your trace in the world music legacy, ‘cause nobody didn’t it before you. As for me, English is just my second language and I can’t do it…
simply beautiful!
i love give it up
I have a russian version of the album. It is as bonus track.
Give it up was the best one... without a doubt ^^
@ferdin12 you turned the arrows wrong way :P
HELP ! Who knows the lyrics of GIVE IT UP? People from UK, USA, Canada - don’t be so lazy! Please, sit, listen the song and write the song text here. Spend just 5 minutes of your time to leave your trace in the world music legacy, ‘cause nobody didn’t it before you. As for me, English is just my second language and I can’t do it…
I'd say it's pretty similar to I'm Going In, but it's still so different, hard to say what is the truth.
can you please put give it up for download???
can't get it anywhere...
I think it got reworked into Mr. Bigmouth (at least the lyrics did)
is that screaming or singing?
Hypocrisy > bloodbath > PAIN
If give it up was instrumental i would love it, i hate so much screaming/growling.