You don't pay for it. An advertisement is set up and paid for by you, scheduled, targeted toward a certain demographic. Usually you pay a graphic designer to create the ad, then pay a marketer to create the marketing strategy, then pay the platform (Instagram, Google, facebook, any magazine) to post your ad.
I never thought about the process of getting your business in major media outlets. Awesome information. Thanks Beth and Jessica!
Amazing video, this is so helpful!! Thank you!
This is super helpful! Thank you!
This was great information thanks
I’m curious what you mean by media not being an advertisement?
You don't pay for it. An advertisement is set up and paid for by you, scheduled, targeted toward a certain demographic. Usually you pay a graphic designer to create the ad, then pay a marketer to create the marketing strategy, then pay the platform (Instagram, Google, facebook, any magazine) to post your ad.