Chicago rapper reacts to In The Beginning - ONEFOUR

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Unknown-zp3ed
    @Unknown-zp3ed 5 років тому +84

    Both guys in the mask got locked for 4 years (yp and lekks) and another guy celly14 got 10 years

    • @JR-iz1yy
      @JR-iz1yy 4 роки тому

      No I'm pretty sure lekks is getting 30

    • @kefetoks2742
      @kefetoks2742 4 роки тому +2

      Captain Cardiii wtf is wrong with you cuz? 😂🤦🏽‍♂️

    • @enchtrays.1412
      @enchtrays.1412 4 роки тому

      Cells is locked up Rn

    • @outcastcoco785
      @outcastcoco785 4 роки тому +6

      Captain Cardiii aint no nigga gonna get 3 whole bricks which is more than a life sentence for beating some dude at a pub 🤣🤣🤣

    • @urmcchromez9426
      @urmcchromez9426 3 роки тому +1

      @@JR-iz1yy lmaoo no?

  • @TheSlummydog
    @TheSlummydog 4 роки тому +8

    Guy in the grey shirt understands good shit when he hears it.. the other 2 thinks that their shit don't stink... some hating mudda fukkers... Grey shirt leave those hating fools they only Gona bring you down in the long run..

  • @enchtrays.1412
    @enchtrays.1412 4 роки тому +6

    2:15 look at that man dancin

  • @capatheist
    @capatheist 4 роки тому +13

    Their ancestry is islander (New Zealand, Samoan etc)
    But their nationality is Australian 🇦🇺

    • @chancenuon2116
      @chancenuon2116 3 роки тому

      They have asians in their crew too.

    • @CJ-nu7dp
      @CJ-nu7dp 3 місяці тому

      they are Samoan 🇼🇸 bro 😆😭

    • @samstapes7471
      @samstapes7471 Місяць тому

      nah, they're ethnically samoan & Aussie nationals. NZ has a lot of Polynesians so I get why people assume all islanders are from NZ

  • @popetui7463
    @popetui7463 5 років тому +22

    More Australian drill
    Section 60: freestyle

    • @JohnJohn-nn3hv
      @JohnJohn-nn3hv 5 років тому

      No it was made in Australia us whites don't like one four no whites only islanders

    • @kefetoks2742
      @kefetoks2742 4 роки тому +3

      John John wtf r u on about he’s saying react to section60 avtv freestyle

    • @Chottlytte
      @Chottlytte 4 роки тому

      @@JohnJohn-nn3hv just cause they aint white doesnt mean there not Australian ya racist

  • @sharonp4094
    @sharonp4094 5 років тому +16

    Why is the light skinned dude on the left acting the most ghetto...

    • @nmkos3784
      @nmkos3784 4 роки тому +6

      how? 😂 he just has too much energy that aint ghetto at all

    • @twenks4443
      @twenks4443 4 роки тому +6

      so because he is lightskin he cant be ghetto ?

  • @mikaioahchong1146
    @mikaioahchong1146 4 роки тому +18

    Kinda annoyed me that he told the rapper yp was gonna take off his mask

    • @koimatai4600
      @koimatai4600 4 роки тому +6

      Facts the best reactions are when they really are the first time reacting

  • @outcastcoco785
    @outcastcoco785 4 роки тому +5

    Tell shaun g to lighten up 😂

  • @badbutreal6769
    @badbutreal6769 5 років тому +29

    Samoa 🇼🇸 and Tonga 🇹🇴

    • @maddentre4104
      @maddentre4104 5 років тому +9

      No no just samoans 🇼🇸

    • @Coconut-mf2zz
      @Coconut-mf2zz 5 років тому +1

      @@maddentre4104 Aus Samoan

    • @inyabruh7520
      @inyabruh7520 5 років тому +2

      I don’t see no Tongans 🤷🏾‍♂️

    • @Coconut-mf2zz
      @Coconut-mf2zz 5 років тому

      @@inyabruh7520 NZ

    • @inyabruh7520
      @inyabruh7520 5 років тому

      vPerfex where ? 🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️

  • @brockiestephosaussielife
    @brockiestephosaussielife 2 роки тому +1

    Brother react to YP - out of sight, hes out of jail

  • @in4mus_122
    @in4mus_122 5 років тому +16

    Pacific Islander 🌴 swag 🇵🇭🇬🇺🇼🇸🇹🇴🇦🇺🇫🇯💪🏽🌊

    • @suwoopsamoa6884
      @suwoopsamoa6884 5 років тому +4

      What is you doing??? Onefour are Samoans 🇼🇸🇼🇸🇼🇸🇼🇸🇼🇸🇼🇸🇼🇸🇦🇸

    • @chillaxfahg1500
      @chillaxfahg1500 5 років тому +2

      @@suwoopsamoa6884 The singers are samoans but the entire group consist of islanders legos Africans etc

    • @suwoopsamoa6884
      @suwoopsamoa6884 5 років тому +3

      @@chillaxfahg1500 Brah I'm talking about the rappers, who the fuck cares about the other cunts. Use your brain

    • @_figure4k_698
      @_figure4k_698 5 років тому +2

      IN4MUS PATNIC_FX im fijian indian 🔥

    • @_figure4k_698
      @_figure4k_698 5 років тому +2

      SUWOOP SAMOA there not just samoans

  • @I.lafaele
    @I.lafaele 5 років тому +18

    JM and YP are brothers

    • @JohnJohn-nn3hv
      @JohnJohn-nn3hv 5 років тому

      That are getting raped as we text

    • @gruntman7001
      @gruntman7001 4 роки тому

      JM not in Jail only YP and prison in Oz is different to US Prison hahahaha

    • @I.lafaele
      @I.lafaele 4 роки тому +1

      @@JohnJohn-nn3hv lmaoooo stop hidin behind a burner ya dog

    • @gpraised5014
      @gpraised5014 4 роки тому +1

      John John you sound envious

  • @jensenbro275
    @jensenbro275 5 років тому

    What's the intro song tho🔥🔥

  • @thegrinder3401
    @thegrinder3401 5 років тому +1

    Yo don't Americans have Polynesians down there there's alot at Long Beach

    • @mcqueeensworld
      @mcqueeensworld  5 років тому

      Yeah probably in California. I stay in Atlanta- so we really don’t see any.

  • @lewissmith3143
    @lewissmith3143 5 років тому +5

    Ktrap took his mask off in his music video? Only guy to ever do it 😂

    • @husnainkhan2603
      @husnainkhan2603 5 років тому +1

      Josh Rockford RV as well

    • @samwoo6962
      @samwoo6962 5 років тому

      And all of 1011

    • @RGTD1
      @RGTD1 5 років тому

      and ko

    • @kingmally3602
      @kingmally3602 5 років тому

      Josh Rockford trust me rv done it as well loool

  • @Kustom2170
    @Kustom2170 5 років тому

    Yo ...
    They Samoan, Tongan, Moudi, Vietnamese, Cambodian, German, Assyrian, Russian, English, Irish, Lebanese, Turkish, ect ect ect fuck that...
    Sydney is the multicultural heart of Australia...

  • @outcastcoco785
    @outcastcoco785 4 роки тому

    Thier aussie just samoan background they got the accent cos they grew up around thier family who are actually from samoa

  • @suwoopsamoa6884
    @suwoopsamoa6884 5 років тому +6

    Dont get it twisted boys, onefour are Samoans🇼🇸🇼🇸🇼🇸🇼🇸

    • @mmt8263
      @mmt8263 5 років тому

      Majority is

    • @davidfotukava2090
      @davidfotukava2090 5 років тому

      They all aussie no mounty in samoa lol

    • @JR-iz1yy
      @JR-iz1yy 4 роки тому

      No😂 there's a few that are Samoan some are aboriginal etc

  • @keyskey362
    @keyskey362 4 роки тому

    The Authorities in Aus cancelled all there tours around Australia and the cops keeping their eyes on the Group.

  • @hamohamozup5207
    @hamohamozup5207 5 років тому +1

    Don't forget to like aswel !

  • @kerstinahwitchard514
    @kerstinahwitchard514 4 роки тому

    No face no case💯

  • @hotublue2749
    @hotublue2749 4 роки тому

    Nah man half of the gang is inside lol

  • @popetui7463
    @popetui7463 5 років тому +1

    Dudes in the black hoodie and black hat dead as fuck with their reactions lol

  • @enricopadilla2800
    @enricopadilla2800 5 років тому +3

    React to 30 kings - winning and Mrvz - no one

  • @yodaddy3596
    @yodaddy3596 4 роки тому +1

    How the mood changes when they found out they were Samoans.😁😁we're not all like that guy's.i mean most of us won't show up in church with a mask on but we'll be outside waiting."we respect the LORD".!

  • @bridgettehaynes1910
    @bridgettehaynes1910 4 роки тому

    Polynesian 🇼🇸🇹🇴
    Samoan and Tongan

  • @vailima49aston99
    @vailima49aston99 5 років тому

    They they they they they they got mad lol

  • @reemz6939
    @reemz6939 5 років тому +3

    Yooo g, gotta react to ' Richi ' New Somali rapper out of East London. 🇸🇴📈
    [ Ohh Please ]
    [ Crooks ]
    [ Mobbin ]
    [ Bingo ]

  • @Mr666Liam
    @Mr666Liam 5 років тому +2

    LD from 67 did it too, well hes in a music video with his mask on then in second half hes got it off

  • @Capcut_ediiiitttt
    @Capcut_ediiiitttt 4 роки тому

    Y'all need to react to welcome to prison by onefour 💯

  • @dregnar85
    @dregnar85 5 років тому +2

    Listerine 😂

  • @testosteronetyron4520
    @testosteronetyron4520 4 роки тому

    He took his mask off cause of the charges and he was boutta get booked already

  • @lifeguarddrillaz5425
    @lifeguarddrillaz5425 5 років тому +2

    React to country dons - sticky situations

  • @kingmally3602
    @kingmally3602 5 років тому +5

    Brudda I beg u stop chatting wass doe u do waffle on and talk wass I’m ngl

    • @jiggypuffrn7881
      @jiggypuffrn7881 5 років тому


    • @JohnJohn-nn3hv
      @JohnJohn-nn3hv 5 років тому

      @@jiggypuffrn7881 attitude people are aloud opinions slave so calm down and shut up

  • @MadVill04
    @MadVill04 5 років тому

    UK man been un masking since way back

    • @mcqueeensworld
      @mcqueeensworld  5 років тому

      Nah I Meant as far as on screen. Maybe I’m wrong. K-Trap maybe did it too?

  • @Unclejord_2832
    @Unclejord_2832 4 роки тому


  • @kelston230
    @kelston230 5 років тому +4

    Do a reaction to KJ x Auzzy - KELI

  • @imadeyoureadthis1500
    @imadeyoureadthis1500 3 роки тому

    Everyone talking about how Australia weak because they stab and not shoot, stabbing is scarier your close up to the guy, anyone can shoot a guy From far away not much can go right up to a guy that has a knife as well and stab him

  • @jaydiebunny
    @jaydiebunny 4 роки тому

    U fukkin up the vibe when u keep pausing at inappropriate times my guy 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • @fhaqsxbl2095
    @fhaqsxbl2095 5 років тому +1

    react to german by nme

  • @nachobidness_luv
    @nachobidness_luv 4 роки тому

    React to: YOUNG GO - EASY.... A Polynesian artist out of Los Angeles, California. Inglewood city to be exact.

  • @alexiautupo9988
    @alexiautupo9988 4 роки тому

    React to Elijah Yo- 3Deep

  • @aysal9377
    @aysal9377 5 років тому

    React to Freek - Wala Kilma. Its Arabic drill from Dubai

  • @colourofair192
    @colourofair192 5 років тому +2

    Best rapper mmm I dunno about that

  • @Ay-ho2jk
    @Ay-ho2jk 5 років тому

    You should listen to war with us unrealeased song by yp

    • @mcqueeensworld
      @mcqueeensworld  5 років тому

      They got it up on UA-cam?

    • @Ay-ho2jk
      @Ay-ho2jk 5 років тому

      mcqueeens world not one fours channel but it’s on UA-cam search it up

  • @pitala6135
    @pitala6135 5 років тому

    React to nme - German and Suave

  • @tinoape657
    @tinoape657 5 років тому +1

    They all look the same? Lol kefe thats just like saying all black dudes and Hispanics looks the same. See how that taste lol

  • @RGTD1
    @RGTD1 5 років тому

    react to c1 - sure

  • @samwoo6962
    @samwoo6962 5 років тому

    React to Meekz he’s hard

  • @gunlean7738
    @gunlean7738 5 років тому +1

    Sorry but the guy on the left should do this on his own. The other 2 guys r completely disrespectful to him & the viewers and completely disinterested..more interested in there phones..dont waste there time and ours. Stick with it guy on the left..ur the personality king here...not a good match with the other 2.

  • @popetui7463
    @popetui7463 5 років тому

    Yo can u react to the group I lost in the comments

  • @japiknows2279
    @japiknows2279 4 роки тому +1

    I like your other reactions but this one was just cringe tbh. Those 2 did nothing to add value to the video but also you trying so hard to get them to be involved and react was the most cringe part of the video. Keep up the hustle bro 🤙🏽

  • @jordanbertinetti7572
    @jordanbertinetti7572 4 роки тому

    Cod MW 2

  • @iggri
    @iggri 5 років тому


  • @teflonbang7925
    @teflonbang7925 5 років тому

    React to jay lekz 21 district - a greater story 🔥🔥 just dropped bro

  • @JohnJohn-nn3hv
    @JohnJohn-nn3hv 5 років тому +1

    They can't afford to make an album how are they going to afford guns

    • @mmt8263
      @mmt8263 5 років тому

      Stfu you flop

    • @darealist_2589
      @darealist_2589 5 років тому +1

      shanks and shivs, I SWEAR THATS ALL WE NEED!!!!

    • @JohnJohn-nn3hv
      @JohnJohn-nn3hv 5 років тому

      Don't forget your sticks and stones remember if there was a war you don't have guns so have fun being slaves

    • @JohnJohn-nn3hv
      @JohnJohn-nn3hv 5 років тому +1

      @@darealist_2589 hahaha we have guns you have a knife so short you couldn't be that guy holding that knife in crocodile Dundee where he says that's not a knife now that's a knife😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😘😘

    • @JohnJohn-nn3hv
      @JohnJohn-nn3hv 5 років тому

      @@mmt8263 I'm an Aussie get some manners for the people who saved your country along side America there wouldn't be any of you's and your little island left if not for us you ungrateful tell your people to get guns there made out of medal and when you press the trigger it fires do you know what fire is probably not your all going backwards in the growing