Milton Friedman on Donahue 1980 (3/5)

  • Опубліковано 6 тра 2009
  • Milton Friedman provides a direct and to-the-point defense of capitalism and free trade. He explains how governmental regulations, no matter how well-intended, are inevitably infiltrated by business interests which use governmental power to stifle competition. He also explains the economics of why drug prohibition doesn't work to control drugs.


  • @rjpdh1979
    @rjpdh1979 11 років тому

    Excellent point Andrew. Our current crop of "Donahue's" can't handle more than a few soundbites.

  • @alexnewman5338
    @alexnewman5338 11 років тому

    Murray Rothbard sold me mushrooms. Thank you Brittle13 for loading this video. Friedman was a wonderful man.

  • @Jazzper79
    @Jazzper79 14 років тому

    This guy is brilliant. Made my day.
    Jesper, Denmark

  • @daveBit15
    @daveBit15 12 років тому

    Women had a significant influence in the passing of the prohibition law, and exercised their pressure through churches, specially Baptists. Friedman was right on that, as was on almost everything.

  • @Shrunkenhead61
    @Shrunkenhead61 13 років тому

    @WelfareRobot I love the follow-up statement. "Neither good or bad, just historical fact". I wonder what those who boo'd reacted to the follow-up thought.

  • @mintoo2cool
    @mintoo2cool 14 років тому

    @TimeWarp66 yeah his thought process is so clear ... its amazing

  • @fenderboy88
    @fenderboy88 14 років тому

    Nice talking with you sunny jim

    @DUPDOGGY 12 років тому

    Fantastic segment! LEGALIZE IT ALL!

  • @EvilDandy
    @EvilDandy 13 років тому

    @wheelzwheela I read Free to Choose a few months ago (prompted by Stossel) and discovered where John Stossel got much of his material for his programs. Which of course is a good thing.

  • @pantherfan3763
    @pantherfan3763 13 років тому

    @TreachMarkets totally agree. What show would let someone speak like this now. Phil asks a question and then listens to the answer. A novel idea.

  • @MrFireballbren
    @MrFireballbren 12 років тому

    Its sad how a Donahue interview with Marilyn Manson has more than 20 times the views of this very important and insightful interview with the great Milton Friedman.

  • @DeznSum
    @DeznSum 12 років тому +1

    Man I love watching Donahue try so hard only to fail.

  • @biffster68
    @biffster68 14 років тому

    @hyperseauton For the record it was 28 years and 28 years of the most expansive peace-time economy in history due to relatively limited taxation and relaxed regulation which began under Ronald Reagan. George W Bush and Congressional Republicans who lost their way began the tilt back toward increased gov't spending and regulation and Obama and the Dems are continuing to careen on that same path with likely devastating results.
    We need Milton Friedman more now than ever.

  • @johnsurs22
    @johnsurs22 13 років тому

    @WelfareRobot Ron Paul has and would, but yes you make a good point. Too many people don't understand freedom

  • @Firearmor
    @Firearmor 13 років тому

    @Basaltq Which is why (I think) he defends a smaller Government, since inevitably the "brighter" people will be the ones on top of the "food-chain", imagine if they had tremendous power over the less bright ones, oh wait, they already do ;)

  • @jjmdirector
    @jjmdirector 13 років тому

    Conversations like this just do not take place anymore on tv... its blah blah blah lets go to commercial... it seems the segments used to be way longer or is it just me?

  • @andrewknox92
    @andrewknox92 13 років тому

    @TheAlhero I can imagine a similar Jon Stewart interview, he has similar guests and such, but his show is just too short and his interview segments are only a third of the show on top of that.

  • @hogames9596
    @hogames9596 12 років тому

    I'm wondering why this dude at 7:52 is being shown
    What's up homie

  • @M3di3v4L
    @M3di3v4L 14 років тому

    We all know, that the only cure for addiction is when you've had enough, when you've hit rock bottom right? Well, if it is legal and readily available would'nt you just end up quiting sooner?

  • @810connie
    @810connie 13 років тому

    I am glad that the government can protect the people against corporations that manipulate the poor and the ignorant. Those with power have the resources to blind and manipulate, do we want corporations to have the power to then tell the American people what is best for us? Shouldn't government be able to step in and protect those whose interests are pushed aside?

  • @TreachMarkets
    @TreachMarkets 13 років тому

    @RWFW True. I'm watching Boardwalk Empire now, it takes place in that same exact time period. The women's temperance movement put political pressure on before women could actually vote, though.

  • @Goodatconnect4
    @Goodatconnect4 13 років тому

    @WelfareRobot Morally, I absolutely agree with Friedman on that point about heroin; In practice though, I don't see how it won't lead to a decrease in productivity. I mean, China had opium and in the U.S now it's other illicit drugs.

  • @lessiv
    @lessiv 12 років тому

    @TheDenknach Nice one :D

  • @Vodka2389
    @Vodka2389 15 років тому

    It's something about their morality and values. I know it sounds ridiculous, but apparently that was the case.

  • @dkswede
    @dkswede 13 років тому

    @bonfirejovi actually scandinavia is still very socialist in the sense that there is way too much government intervention in the individuals private economy.

    @SIMKINETICS 14 років тому

    @guyjohn59 Alcohol prohibition is not a subject as the main thrust of my argument. I argue mainly that dissolution of regulations & enforcement concerning corporate & banking corruption has resulted in our economic crisis. Furthermore, the middle-class has suffered repeated blows from corporatism since Truman's presidency, Friedman's influence being the biggest blow. We've been constantly encouraged to partake in our own demise! Congress has been bought! We must unwind this insanity!

  • @JonnyCap
    @JonnyCap 15 років тому

    Isn't it amazing how there are literally ZERO intellectuals anywhere in the public eye these days? We don't need talking head or pundits to understand what is going on these days, we simply need to look to the past for truth and to read the works of those who have already provided the answers to our problems.

  • @paul_bellini
    @paul_bellini 13 років тому

    Take that, ladies!

  • @vangrungy133
    @vangrungy133 10 років тому

    I think the Chinese experience with Opium is a good example of why heroin should be made illegal.

  • @BrazilianGirlDoll
    @BrazilianGirlDoll 14 років тому

    Many countries overcome Sweden in suicide rate but they have either a subestimation in their numbers for bad statistic services or for political reasons like China. The mix of elder population, longer nights and a good death notification might explain the higher rates for Sweden back in those days.

  • @pffffffuckthat
    @pffffffuckthat 12 років тому

    donahue is playing devils advocate to show the intelligence of milton and other guests he's had.

  • @rayme4raw
    @rayme4raw 15 років тому

    Right, the war on drugs is a massive failure. Eight years ago, Portugal legalized possession of drugs. Everything got better, not worse. Drug use declined, HIV infections from sharing needles decreased & the # of people seeking treatment for drug addiction doubled. People using marijuana in Portugal is less than every country in the EU & the US. $ saved on enforcement allowed for increased funding of drug-free treatment.

    @SCHEFFLERPROJECT 13 років тому

    @TheAlhero Really? John Stewart? He couldnt last ten seconds without throwing in some punch line or joke. Granted he does stay calm-ish, but he doesnt take anything serious and always tries to make people laugh instead of debate as a gentleman as these guys do. John Stossel is a man who could actually debate respectfully and intelligently like these two men.

  • @stlstg
    @stlstg 12 років тому

    This is funny. Donahue then was ALL concerned about car safety. Now, today, people buy SUV's, partially because of the safety they offer. If Donahue were still on, would we be hearing about car safety, or the gas those safer cars burn?

  • @andrewknox92
    @andrewknox92 13 років тому

    can you imagine Jon Stewart or Oprah having an hour long interview with a political theorist concerning relevant and contentious issues? tv is dead, long live the internet

  • @Basaltq
    @Basaltq 13 років тому

    @Xantheus07 Whoa, you really think someone is going to take you seriously when you furiously attack them with ad hominem? You have a lot to learn.

  • @codefims
    @codefims 13 років тому

    @WelfareRobot : Ron Paul

  • @bonemailtanks
    @bonemailtanks 13 років тому

    Donahue gets pinned and then he takes things to extremes to get out from under it.

  • @fenderboy88
    @fenderboy88 14 років тому

    Abraham Lincoln on LIBERTARTIANISM''the perfect liberty they seek is the liberty of making slaves of other people''

  • @Basaltq
    @Basaltq 14 років тому

    Friedman is no doubt interesting speaker (and I'm mostly saying this because of all the fanatics that are about to attack me) but seems to me he doesn't take in account the human factor well enough. He only looks at the system from ideological standpoint. People aren't that bright and they are easy to manipulate with advertisements or obfuscating matters. There's also this fetish to own more and more stuff in our society today, stuff that we don't really even need, it's just preposterous.

  • @wheelzwheela
    @wheelzwheela 13 років тому

    @WelfareRobot Only John Stossel.

  • @EchoMike03
    @EchoMike03 13 років тому

    "say anything remotely "negative" about women (that they passed Prohibition while men were off at war)?"
    The real question needs to be, why is stating that fact "negative". He wasn't assigning a negative attitude to it, he was simply stating the fact that prohabition was passed while most of the men were away, and so the idea was supported by the women who were left behind.
    We have to grow some thicker skin, and get over ourselves and quit being so damn sensitive.

  • @shayn68
    @shayn68 11 років тому

    I'd disagree with the suicide thing though, 'cause people that want to kill themselves probably just need help, and are probably insane.

  • @mastercloud977
    @mastercloud977 12 років тому

    @WelfareRobot Ron Paul

  • @defgill
    @defgill 13 років тому

    he lost me a bit at this point. i think if it can be effective without too much negative consequences, the govt should prevent people from killing themselves.

  • @Ramoza1
    @Ramoza1 14 років тому

    Milton Friedman is brilliant. Phil Donahue is obviously a ninny since he seems he's unable to care for himself without government interference.

  • @pffffffuckthat
    @pffffffuckthat 12 років тому

    smoking heroine? lol, o milton, you rock.

  • @pretorious700
    @pretorious700 12 років тому

    lol, Donahue struggles mightily with logic and reason.

  • @beibs2
    @beibs2 11 років тому

    he interrupts him a lot!

  • @rsmoove2000
    @rsmoove2000 12 років тому

    I didn't think women could vote until after WW1?

  • @silentthriller
    @silentthriller 15 років тому

    Can you explain why the KKK wanted prohibition? Sorry, I'm uninformed on this particular subject.

    @SIMKINETICS 14 років тому

    A major reason for Swedish suicides has been identified as gloomy weather, not socialism. A logical conclusion cannot be implicit, speculative or generalized. He also disproved his own argument over legalizing alcohol sales. Did deregulation improve our economy? For a very few only! His disingenuously persuasive style, rather than logic & verification, led to an economic trainwreck. Who did he really work for? Many viewers should be much more skeptical & critical of an obvious con job.