Milton Friedman on Donahue 1980 (4/5)

  • Опубліковано 6 тра 2009
  • Milton Friedman provides a direct and to-the-point defense of capitalism and free trade. He explains how governmental regulations, no matter how well-intended, are inevitably infiltrated by business interests which use governmental power to stifle competition. He also explains the economics of why drug prohibition doesn't work to control drugs.


    @DUPDOGGY 12 років тому

    AMAZING! This is from 30 years ago and is still applicable today!

  • @KyleSkullz
    @KyleSkullz 12 років тому

    Despite my philosophical disagreements with Phil, I think his show was amazing. He asked truly objective questions, in a format that is unmatched by any TV show on the air today.
    A truly honest and enlightening form of discussion.

  • @brad3
    @brad3 14 років тому +1

    yeah, on the 79 or 80 interview, Friedman won every question/debate with Donahue. Friedman was a genius. he was 100% correct.

  • @SMSUMarine
    @SMSUMarine 13 років тому

    Wow! Donahue had a convincing point about Adam Smith's gold standard policy being outdated, which could mean many of his other policies could be outdated as well, and Friedman gave the most perfect answer possible.
    Friedman gives answers on the spot that most people (including myself) would need time to think about.
    Also impressive is his ability to remember multiple questions that the audience asks. I would have to stop and say "Okay, what were the other two questions again?"

  • @WideWorldOfWisdom
    @WideWorldOfWisdom 13 років тому

    @08MVPyouKnowWho That was my favorite too. The first time I saw this clip and heard that I couldn't help but smile just like that lady does.

  • @Myndir
    @Myndir 12 років тому

    @SMSUMarine I think it's a skill that academic teachers should learn, especially in seminars when people like to ask REALLY long questions to show off. Friedman's ability to communicate to the general public had a lot to do with nearly 30 years of teaching.

  • @Toywithme200
    @Toywithme200 13 років тому

    i agree. the worse parents are the ones who are either too strict or too lenient.
    kids need to be taught to think for themselves.

  • @lcblahollywoodgrunt
    @lcblahollywoodgrunt 12 років тому

    Friedman is brilliant

  • @Myndir
    @Myndir 12 років тому

    Friedman was in favour of 100% reserve banking, on the basis that it was the best way to prevent inflation. However, there is also a prudential advantage to such a system and he pointed out in the early 1990s that the S&L crisis would not been what it was had the US had a 100% system. He wanted to combine that with deregulation in other aspects of finance.
    So, if he had his way with financial regulation, we'd BOTH have less pinickity regulations in finance AND be proof against crises like 07/08

  • @MAMP
    @MAMP 14 років тому

    why is it everytime a clip comes on a tv show and the conversation moves towards the fed or the gold standard, we suddenly have to cuto to commercial break. I've seen this happening in so many vids over the years and its disturbing

  • @MrBibbyneal
    @MrBibbyneal 3 роки тому


  • @parrotsnest
    @parrotsnest 14 років тому

    @Joem734 Yes, the more I learn about the man, the sadder I get because he's not around anymore. He would have been a great person to meet.

  • @Myndir
    @Myndir 13 років тому

    "Not a shock treatment."
    What a misunderstood man.

  • @xlfutur1
    @xlfutur1 11 років тому

    Where the hell are Milton and Ronald Reagan when you need them!

  • @ffmarkm
    @ffmarkm 13 років тому

    In the States there is Peter Schiff, Ron Paul and his son Rand.

  • @PivotB3stZ
    @PivotB3stZ 13 років тому

    @K20ej88 Last I heard, Friedman was Agnostic. Whether or not he changed since then, I'm not sure. (The letter where he stated he was agnostic was way before he passed away)
    Needless to say I hope so too (:

  • @MrMrmike5
    @MrMrmike5 12 років тому

    @Rightwing123123 Exactly!

  • @Bigturns33
    @Bigturns33 14 років тому

    I dont know if thats a sound critisism. As stated before he would be totally for it but you must have some stablization in the market for products and government spending before we could jump on to the gold standard. He is for it in that regard and would be. In Free to choose he talks about money in great detail. Its a very tough question as this point to deal with and would take some years to fix though we should asap.

  • @Atreus21
    @Atreus21 13 років тому

    Someday you might go to wikipedia and check out the economic boom that occurred on Reagan's watch, after he inherited Carter's mess.
    You might also take a single basic economics course.

  • @Tyrant_13
    @Tyrant_13 14 років тому

    Milton Friedman's hair makes him look like he just woke up, lol.

  • @flukemate
    @flukemate 14 років тому

    The closest person we have to him are Ron Paul and Peter Schiff although they are Austrian economics and not from the chicago school but there general libertarian principles are very similar

  • @Ambient_Scenes
    @Ambient_Scenes 13 років тому

    @08MVPyouKnowWho Of course freedom is fairness, because if you have true freedom, then everyone has the same rights. That is pretty fair in my opinion.

  • @defgill
    @defgill 13 років тому

    okay i get it now. I'm back on the Friedman bandwagon!

  • @Tasadaru
    @Tasadaru 15 років тому

    What's funny is that we could have backed up all the paper money and coin that existed in 1980 by gold in the U.S. treasury.

  • @meghaljani
    @meghaljani 13 років тому

    @Joem734 Try Peter Schiff and Ron Paul.

  • @Sivels
    @Sivels 14 років тому

    it's good he asks the tough answer's so that Friedman can give even better answers.. Compare him to Bill O'reilly for example

  • @CAinfowarrior
    @CAinfowarrior 13 років тому

    @Joem734 There is still a lot who our principled in personal individual liberty & economics. There called Libertarians - the third largest 3rd party.

  • @Sivels
    @Sivels 14 років тому

    Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, look up the libertarian movement.. They argue for many of the views that Milton Friedman held

  • @Tyrant_13
    @Tyrant_13 14 років тому

    Even if that were true which there doesn't seem to be any evidence in favor of such a claim, would it matter?

  • @myhipsi
    @myhipsi 13 років тому

    "I do not believe it's either feasible or desirable to establish a gold standard IN THE CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES. The gold standard served well in the 19th century, if you could restore the conditions of the 19th century...namely where gov't spending was 3% of national income, I'd be in favor of a gold standard."
    So I think what he's saying is that the gold standard is impractical ONLY when government is too big, which explains why the government/fed is against the gold standard.

  • @Crabitat
    @Crabitat 13 років тому

    @Joem734 Thomas Sowell is cut from similar cloth. :-)

  • @myhipsi
    @myhipsi 13 років тому

    Hey man, I hear you. But in the context of keeping a stable economy and society, you would have to slowly reduce the size of government, then transition. If you suddenly switched to a gold standard, the government would default and collapse.
    I advocate what Dr. Ron Paul advocates and that is to legalize competing currencies. That way the market decides.

  • @Tyrant_13
    @Tyrant_13 14 років тому

    Cause he's having fun; he prepares people for bomb drops in a sense. He does the same thing in other videos.

  • @RossEnzo
    @RossEnzo 10 років тому

    What happen to tv shows like this.

  • @faafafineartist
    @faafafineartist 13 років тому

    @08MVPyouKnowWho and 'fairness' is MORE about whats 'right' and what's 'wrong' which is inconsistent constantly changing and contradicting itself...where as 'freedom' is about an individual choosing to live, die, smoke, diet, swim, jump, sleep, take drugs, or not, etc...governments like society on a bigger scale is always trying to get in other peoples business as opposed to minding their own business under the guise of 'for the people as a whole' when there's a hidden agenda...

  • @razerfish
    @razerfish 13 років тому

    He's wrong about the gold standard. I wonder how he'd feel if he were alive right now on the precipice of a currency crash. Some of my fellow Austrian Libertarians seem to really have a problem with Friedman, but I love the guy. I don't agree with some of his ideas, but I don't think he's that far outside the Austrian Libertarian philosophy some make him out to be, plus I think he communicates Libertarian ideas better than anyone I've ever seen.

  • @razerfish
    @razerfish 13 років тому

    He's wrong. What happens when the dollar implodes? Do you think anyone will accept another fiat currency? It's not a question of what someone thinks practical, it's about what happens when people will ONLY accept real money -- gold or precious metals. That's what will happen in a currency crisis. And read Rothbart about how to go to a gold currency, not just a standard. It will be done damn any concerns about practicality politicos may have.

  • @razerfish
    @razerfish 13 років тому

    I'm all for competing currencies and I guarantee a gold backed one would be chosen by the market, as it did many times over the last 6000 years. And the competing currency idea would collapse the Fed and dollar in VERY short order, trust me. It would not be gradual. There is a reason why all govts with central banks poo poo the idea of a gold standard, and that's because it would reign them all in. Competing currencies would do the same. I love it and it would crash our govt FAST.

  • @DeepHauz
    @DeepHauz 14 років тому

    Reagan agreed with Friedman and he won...TWICE lol

  • @03Kabbotta11
    @03Kabbotta11 11 років тому

    He said "as good" not someone similar.

  • @aaeoni
    @aaeoni 14 років тому

    Its so interesting to see How Donahue gets in Milton's face all the time but ends up looking like an idiot when Milton answers him..

  • @K20ej88
    @K20ej88 13 років тому

    If there is God, I hope he set aside a nice place in heaven for Friedman's soul.

  • @asierra1492
    @asierra1492 14 років тому

    evolution is a theory (i do believe in evolution)

  • @DoesNotApply
    @DoesNotApply 13 років тому

    @Joem734 Ron Paul buddy. Ron Paul.

  • @howya111
    @howya111 13 років тому

    Phil Donahue voted 4 times

  • @theredraven
    @theredraven 14 років тому

    I'd say the majority of people in the Conservative Party can't stand the fact that by getting rid of her they opened up a huge wound which led to Labour getting elected in 1997.

  • @longlivecrow
    @longlivecrow 11 років тому

    Everybody listen @ 6:14 - what is that sound? Sounds like a couple girls screaming bloody murder.

  • @Shrunkenhead61
    @Shrunkenhead61 13 років тому

    The first woman, to me, admitted she is a bad mother.

  • @CAinfowarrior
    @CAinfowarrior 13 років тому

    @mrgeestacksalot Easy on the GOD talk, but i agree. We can all be like these men, just STUDY STUDY STUDY and SPEAK when you hear a liberal talking. Engage them in a discussion. PS 1:14 is the kinda scared people that want the government to be mommy & daddy WE NEED TO TALK TOO!

  • @JohnTagliaferro
    @JohnTagliaferro 12 років тому

    @mike6459 He also thinks we have too much Israel.

  • @MrMaritoJavier
    @MrMaritoJavier 12 років тому

    Donahue, objective? I suppose you believe Brian Williams if objective too. Good grief.

  • @bilaljeYT5
    @bilaljeYT5 14 років тому

    except Bush and Obama

  • @feck2112
    @feck2112 13 років тому

    8:50 He is out of business.

  • @Sivels
    @Sivels 14 років тому

    I guess a conservative then is a libertarian today

  • @andrewjefferson1776
    @andrewjefferson1776 13 років тому

    First beoch got owned... ha ha.

  • @thefakenewsnetwork8072
    @thefakenewsnetwork8072 2 роки тому +1

    Long term communist

  • @inbredagogo
    @inbredagogo 11 років тому

    Obama is by far the worst, but Reagan was a big government Republican, and so were both Bushes.