Opened for Greg at a Military Veterans Benefit gig - he was so gracious - and hilarious. I couldn't breathe from the laughter. Then he paused briefly and you could feel the entire crowd try to catch their breath... and then he was off again and we were dying from laughing so hard. He's MANIC!
@Sonicisbadazz Tom had an accident in early summer of 2009 (?) that I understand was involved with a motorcycle. I listen to the whole show every weekday. It is really hard to totally figure out, but I am really sure that it is embarrassing to him. The whole story never has come out on the show, but I surmise that it was a thing with is kids and his kids friends. I don't know any of this for sure, but it is put together from the odd mention to this day about it.
I met Greg Hahn once a couple years ago. He's super funny but he's also one of the nicest guys I've ever met.
Opened for Greg at a Military Veterans Benefit gig - he was so gracious - and hilarious. I couldn't breathe from the laughter. Then he paused briefly and you could feel the entire crowd try to catch their breath... and then he was off again and we were dying from laughing so hard. He's MANIC!
Seen Greg Hahn last night at the Toledo Funny Bone. Awesome show. He is hyped up from start to finish.
That whole group of people make for a great morning!
Greg Hahn is hilarious!!
"Oh you must be Patricia's brother."
Saw Greg live tonight. Halarious!!!!
Oh maaaan....I just discovered this guy...awesome......he makes fun of all the regular pressures...finding a job...relationships.. awesome.
He has so much damn energy......... especially in the morning....I would be half asleep if i was him......
years...holy shit...great stuff
"#3. We will have a dog that I can play with , and You to care for, same with children. "
Wow how true
I'm just confused how Mike butts in about Jesus, but it has nothing to do with what Greg was saying...unless it was something that came up earlier
Hey, what happened to Tom's arm?
Jerking off too much 😂 .. well that's what chick said!
WGN sucks for taking the Bob And Tom TV show off. Their radio program is on too early in the morning for me to listen to.
GreenDay1981 they have a podcast now
@Sonicisbadazz Tom had an accident in early summer of 2009 (?) that I understand was involved with a motorcycle. I listen to the whole show every weekday. It is really hard to totally figure out, but I am really sure that it is embarrassing to him. The whole story never has come out on the show, but I surmise that it was a thing with is kids and his kids friends. I don't know any of this for sure, but it is put together from the odd mention to this day about it.
It’s so mean to invite another comedian on at the same time as Greg Hahn.
Greg sounds like a white George Lopez