It blows my mind that she can care so much about so many issues and fully address them without resorting to dogma. Her mental map of reality must be massive.
i found in 1992 when i read her essay "Junk Bonds and Corporate Raiders" i could literally feel grooves being carved on my brain. she can think well and she can write well, an absolutely first-rate anglo-german thinker of the old school.
Good one. Actually , she doesn't talk fast enough to keep up with her mind. I think she stutters because she can't verbalize her thoughts as quickly as they come to her.
Camille Paglia is such a delight. Even though she talks 1000 miles an hour, I can follow her. I get her. I don't agree with her on everything, but she's the best feminist out there.
@@Ignasimp She is a reactionary because at the end she defends patriarchy and its culture. Unless she has recently changed her mind again, I don't know.
It was okay. The course in question was alright but her knowledge on art and how many different art forms she knows and the history about them was insane. Each student in that class is a different art major and for our final project, we had to talk about arts impact on culture in society. Every student had a different topic and form of art from a different point in history, (we all got to choose ourselves) and yet somehow she knew tidbits of information for EVERY students presentation. It felt like I was in the presence of a true professor. Also, she talks.....a lot, as y'all saw. Lol. The school in question is University of the Arts.
After having gone back and watched her clips from the 90s, I'm convinced that Paglia might be the most consistent and consistently brilliant public intellectual figure alive today. Her claims to have been fighting the PC tyrants for 30 years are absolutely true. It's kind of crazy watching her interviews from 90 and 92, she really was decades ahead of the curve
I've been a fan of Camille Paglia for years; easily 15yrs+. [CAMILLE: PLEASE restart your weekly or monthly columns!!!] And I've been a fiscal conservative, small-gov't, free markets guy my whole life. Paglia is the epitome of intellectual honesty and heft. I don't have to agree with all of her views (although there are many that I do) to respect how she logically supports her views. She's fearless in calling out hypocrisy on either side - I totally love and respect that about her. Don't have time to watch this whole thing but I will. If more people, right and left, would be more intellectually honest about their "side" and think through their views like Camille Paglia, we could still have just as much disagreement but we, as a society, could accomplish so much more.
prschuster Maybe by the purely textbook definition, but in practice I have never met anyone who self-identifies themselves as "liberal," and I'm surrounded by people who do, who are so libertarian and who believe that you shouldn't use Marxism as the only means to find deeper meaning in things, much like she discusses around 10 minute mark. This is so profound, "the large tool box," I never see this in the thought process of the liberals I know, everything stems from Marxism. And if what she and you say is true, then you need to reclaim this label, because the people I know are anything but this.
110 percent agreed, Andrew. she totally ROCKS. I also like Christina Hoff-Somers but Camille Paglia is a GODDESS of Wisdom. The Florentine Renaissance combined with the English Renaissance (art and literature). When I went to Reed college in the late 70s and early 80s, we had two full years of core requirements- enormous Humanities survey courses covering Greece, the Great Thaw of the 12th Century, Italy and England of the 15th-17th Centuries, France 18th Century, Europe 19th Century... where has our culture gone?
feminized way of thinking, reduced to subjectivity and sexuality, they leverage this arguments to bully complience from society, its "Lysistrata" all over western culture and the tail sign of a decadent society.
@@smotnick fallacy?! You can generalize female thinking but you cant do the same about males, males can be objective, females are subjective,one habour freedom, the other undeserve rights by bullying society with sexuality and the dispised motherhood, educate yourself about females and modern feminist sucubbus.
Wow. I'm her age, have been a fan for decades, but never actually heard her verbally. What an exciting and dynamic mind. Nick had all he could do to keep up, at times!
Dr. Stephen J. Krune III Who the hell are you to say such a stupid insulting thing? Go fuck yourself. She is a giant and you are a nobody. Deal with it.
Dr. Stephen J. Krune III You're blocked on wikipedia for being a troll and a troublemaker. You want to take George Lucas to trial for racism? What a fake phoney fraudulent troll you are, you sad fucker.
DaughterOfDoherty 'Dr' Stephen J. Krune III is a skull-fucked moron who wouldn't recognize a brilliant intellect if he tripped over it....Btw, is that Marilyn or you; great pic.
great job to Mr. Gillespie for keeping her on track and having some nice insights along the way, clearly moving right along with her- and anybody who can do that when she talks so frickin fast is def on point!
My politics probably aren't anywhere near Camille's on a day to day basis (I'm more of a centrist) but this discussion was phenomenal, and I thought over and over 'Sing it, sister!' as she spoke. I have to laugh at how many people are complaining about her speed. I must be getting old. All my professors from my college days spoke as fast as she did and you had to keep up. I loved the speed of her brain and would have loved to have her as a professor. She's the kind of person who would be wonderful to debate on anything. It used to be this way, folks. You could have a great discourse and even if you didn't always agree, you could both come away with respect for each other. That seems to be one of the points she was making. Honest intellectual discourse is always uplifting. Today we just shout past each other with convenient links to articles that shore up our own beliefs. Think for yourself and you won't be disappointed.
Tim Gerritsen Can you imagine having her as your professor at a TECH SCHOOL!!That would be cool. A liberal with logic. Every point she makes is based in facts, and REALITY. A place today's liberals refuse to tread.
+bookguitarguy My thoughts exactly! It's like they're treating their interview with Paglia as a joke. She's a genius and the title does her a disservice. I also find it ironic, since, if you listen to her entire interview, she talks about the insipidity of these poorly titled journalistic articles, etc.
***** That is an extremely interesting accusation. I genuinely want to learn more about this. I've never read or heard anywhere that Paglia believes this. And that link you posted doesn't actually mention her. Could you send me something about this that quotes her? I just want to see some proof and then make up my own conclusion. I don't want to be a fangirl of hers if that is what she actually believes, but I'm sure you understand that I need to make up my own mind.
+Rose Red they posted the same thing on another comment. Word for word. They're just copying, and pasted. Basically there only little smear campaign with no actual quote, or comment in their link about the lady herself. It's cute. Assuming they're an upset third wave feminist.
Camille RULES! When I went to Reed College in the late 70s and early 80s, we had two full years of core requirements- enormous Humanities survey courses covering Greece, Rome, the Great Thaw of the 12th Century, Italy and England of the 15th-17th Centuries, France 18th Century, Europe 19th Century... where has our culture gone?
Thanks for doing this interview. I've just recently been getting caught up on her last few years of videos and interviews on UA-cam. She's done a lot of videos relating to art and her recent book, but it's great to hear her comment in depth on contemporary culture and politics here. I really think she should participate in a regular national outlet for her commentary, preferably on video where her energy and enthusiasm is ageless and intoxicating. A weekly segment on a talk show could be great. Her mind is too great a resource of original thought and fearless analysis for us not to be able to tap into it more often. I loved her description of internet comments as a new artform. Thanks for noticing us down here, Camille.
She is so brilliant that she can’t talk as fast as she thinks ! She needs a larger platform ! She is one of the most honest intellectuals that I know of! Love or hate her - she is right on! Ps the title of this video seems intentionally réductive... what a shame
Dave Leach I mean classical liberals as is John Locke, Adam Smith, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Milton Freedman and Barry Goldwater. Modern so-called liberals hijacked the term.
***** I think most libertarians would not think she's a libertarian. She doesn't want government control of things she agrees with, yet wants government to control the things she disagrees with. True libertarians and classical liberals believe in a very confined government that only does what was defined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Paglia’s encyclopedic knowledge recall is awe-inspiring. Instead of isolating current issues, she views them under the lens of history, arts and culture (something modern day feminism seriously lacks). Truly a force to be reckoned with.
The is incredibly smart and strong. Her style of talking is clearly inspired by a machine gun: Words meant to hit hard, uttered at a cadence of 1300/min.
I think this individual is the leftist I would most like to be friends with. It's refreshing to see someone of who hasn't abandoned their faculty for rational thought when pursuing their social ideology.
I've never considered her a Leftist. She's not a communist, socialist nor a fascist and these are all Leftist ideas which she is totally against. She is a feminist in the truest sense of the word though.
I wish I had a professor like her in undergrad, I would have actually been engaged and listened rather than ignored the prefabricated leftist dribble that was blasted at me.
She's an actual lefty, rather than a faux lefty identity politics junky. How many so called "leftwing" social justice morons are from very wealthy backgrounds that focus on how white people and men suck rather than reforming financial systems they benefit from themselves?
I got my undergraduate degree in Philly and then went out to the Midwest for my graduate schooling, and Dr. Paglia's speaking style reminds me of how fast-talking East Coast lecturers (like her) used to drive my Corn Belt and Deep Southern classmates absolutely frantic trying to keep from being rolled over like a gopher trying to cross the Schuylkill Expressway during rush hour. Whee!
She is remarkable for her honesty, her intellect, her range and depth of knowledge and fields of concern, her total freedom from trendiness or fashion or consideration of what others might think of her.
I love her. My favorite thing to do is to listen to her speak and speak while I'm doing other things. It's a great way of passively intaking inspiring information. A big, fat dose of philosophy and introspection. She's fabulous!
This is a highly evolved, highly educated woman. Add to that the fact that she has an ability to process all of these qualities into intense communication that even lesser mortals can understand and this is what you get. It is an absolute miracle that she has navigated life on college campuses surrounded by educated idiots. Listen to her and learn how to think, learn how to be bold, learn how to be. Camille is a national treasure. A thorn in the side of current college administration. She blends all this and manages to be highly entertaining. Thank you so very much! Love
Thank you Reason - always love me some Paglia! And for all you conservatives out there who are just getting a taste, you should know that Camille was death-threatened out of her Salon column in fall 2008 because she DARED to admire Palin as "a new woman of the West" and said that although the two would probably never agree politically, she said Palin should be respected and taken seriously. Paglia has balls the size of Texas but could not even talk sense with the Salon left-wing Nazis & crazies and gave up the column. It was a sad day for me, so I love any chance like this to see her or read her. She simply cannot be pigeon-holed - she is the essence of modern creative thought.
You'd be so out of business if she were the face of contemporary feminism. Don't worry though. That won't happen any time soon. You are still in demand.
It's quite stimulating to hear Camille Paglia talk with such unapologetic conviction on a wide spectrum of issues. Her thinking and ideas are fascinating
What makes her genius so compelling is she can talk 90 mph, stomp across many subjects in one breath and she is still coherent, understandable and able to hold your attn...pure brilliance
this is actually the BEST interview I have ever watched with the great Paglia...I understand that she talks fast, but never does she not make sense or get her point across
It should also be said that Nick Gillespie does REALLY good work in his interviews. Letting people talk... Injecting a timely question WHEN NEEDED... Good shit. Keep up the good work Nick. SOME of us are paying attention.
She is so right about the proliferation of mal-education these days, institutional whining, and an absolute failure of young people being facilitated to remain infantile
Listening to her speak so reasonably and rationally without hyperbole or any sympathy devices was literally like having taken a drug. I actually got a rush. She hit on so many absurdities in modern day academia and society I almost passed out from truth overload.
Listening to Camille talk is, in itself, a work of art. Watching Gillespie try to get a word in edgewise or ask a question is hilarious. Excellent work, excellent interview. Thanks.
I feel like giving her a standing ovation when she's talking about the mal-education happening... it's not only happening in US bu also wherever its culture (and academic culture) is being exported.
Her speaking style reminds me a little of Buckminster Fuller , in that it seems like there is not enough time to get out all the ideas whirling around in her head at any one time. Having only discovered her today though , i am impressed with all i have heard so far. One smart lady .
Wow, there were some pretty good points made here. I was actually rather impressed by some of the points the host made. For instance, when Paglia was criticizing the media, he pointed out how despite the mainstream media's failure to report there is a growing skepticism in the general populous, thus the reason why programs like this are gaining in popularity. This show has just earned itself a new subscriber, the host conducted himself fantastically in a way that is the complete opposite of the modern day mainstream media.
@Simon Goodwind I do - and here’s why. Though as a conservative I don’t agree with many of her positions on morality Paligia is a thinker, she’s intellectually honest and calls out hypocrisy at every turn. Plus she’s refreshingly eloquent. She gives no pass to fake feminists.
Thank you. It's always great to hear what Paglia has to say. She's the college professor I never had. I couldn't have understood her 30 years ago, but now I can.
Her point at around 8:30 reminds me of Thomas Sowell's "Intellectuals & Society" and "Intellectuals & Race" where he basically said that intellectuals are ruining the world, The way in which they're doing that can be illustrated by the Japanese aphorism "To the man who works all day with a hammer, everything looks like a nail".
LOL 52:08 was hilarious. Very smart woman, I'm conservative but can still respect where shes coming from because she has principles that allow her to recognize how far off the deep end our current culture is.. alot of people just go along with it for social benefit, she isn't afraid to speak her mind.
Love the interviewer. I'm writing this because I don't even know his name. You say it so quickly, you should put it in the title, name of the channel or at least the beginning of the description.
I’ve also found that secondary schools for instance, cannot really police themselves either, especially on the issue of assaultive high school kids in their infantile insistence that teachers cannot defend themselves against physical assaults, both from the standpoint of ignoring the issue by not conducting training in how to subdue such kids, but also with the curious belief that getting assaulted by a student is somehow the teacher’s fault from some sort of twisted pedagogical standpoint, much as if the kids are somehow allowed to assault anyone who has presumably done a crappy job of teaching them, or for not having the utmost copacetic rapport even with antisocial creeps. So then the height of absurdity is attained when physically competent male faculty are asked to resign because they supposedly have committed some sort of an offense by successfully deflecting an assailant, especially if the assault was prosecuted so aggressively that the teacher had no choice but to inflict a beating on the assailant since the assailant could not be deflected using more passive techniques. This makes the entire institution so ridiculous that it casts doubt upon whether nor not anyone should be bothering to teach public school anymore, considering the prevailing belief that absolutely everyone not currently confined to a penal institution is perfectly welcome to attend school, no matter how grotesque their behavior.
I love her honesty!! We are opposite ends of the spectrum, yet have drawn exactly the same conclusions about the demise of the secondary educational institutions and the dumbing down of western society. It’s positively Orwellian and literally revisionist history in action. God help us all!!
Great interview with the always fascinating Camille, Great commentary on Hilary at 51:00 by Paglia and Hilarious retort at 54:50, "Is there any reason we should get up in the morning besides fighting an existential battle against Dartmouth" This guy hits the nail on the head about why more people don't join us on the left sometimes. He really trys to get her to say something positive, which reminds me of my friends recent insiteful retore to my question of why people are so brainwashed by religion, nationalism, colonialism, and and are they happier, or rather is ignorance bliss, to which he said, "What do we have to offer uncertainty, unhappiness, doom."
I'm not a feminist, and fundamentally, as a conservative Christian, I disagree with the paradigm of her worldview, especially when it comes to sex. HOWEVER, this is certainly a feminist who represents a brand of feminism that I can understand and respect, and even to some degree sympathize with. IF I were a feminist, I would be one that follows her line of thinking. She truly represents freedom, responsibility, reason, and logic for women.
Nick did a wonderful job controlling the interview. Camille can become so empassioned that she loses sight of her original thought. It was great to see her have to make her points fully before moving to another topic.
Camille thinks like me - just wish I could express my thoughts as well as she does. A passion only found when the truth is spoken. God loves you, Camille.
Absolutely engaging and refreshing points of view! And I say that as a conservative female. The group think of contemporary feminism is a turn off. And I agree with her view that the academic community is fascist in its overbearing approach to so called education. Loved her comments about "whining women" and that the only thing kids learn in early education is "how not to be a bully" and fake conflict resolution. I lived thru that craziness with my own children and found it very frustrating. She is so right about much of our culture.
Paglia is absolutely one of the most sensible people when it comes to identity, feminism, and quite a few more topics. I don't agree with everything she says but she is one of the most influential people in helping me to be more accepting of non-conforming roles. I'm very thankful for her comments and willingness to put herself out there in front of the "PC police shaming culture" in order to inject some sense into the crazy post-modernist view of the world. I don't think it will be enough unfortunately as "the Cathedral" will not allow heretics.
She drives a certain kind of left wing academic BERSERK. I have one friend who froths at the mouth with rage when she hears Paglia's name. This is one reason I love her.
Her thoughts on our education system saddling people with debt while training them in nothing if they aren't interested in medicine and law are very relevant. Also she is right about the death of investigative journalism dying and news now becoming nothing but a mouthpiece repeating political announcements. You don't have to agree with everything she says to agree with at least a fraction of what she says guys. I think that was one of her main points. Left, right, or whatever, she does have some accurate ideas most of us could agree with. Her whole point was that we see things through accurate lense of left or right or whatever and immediately tune out and disagree if it supposedly fits some category we don't label ourselves. I'm not sure either how studying Indian culture will do anything but I do know she was right on some things and you don't have to be left or right to see that.
What she is optimistic about is the potential for America to come out of its hard times through its cultural predilections for innovation and adaptability. Those two cultural traits continue to make America a land of possibilities. I think we can all be optimistic about that.
Nick Gillespie's incessant eye rolling and dismissive emphasis on "positivity" is the exact reason why libertarians get nowhere. While Paglia is just as much of a statist as Gillespie, she at least acknowledges the dire state of "western culture" and the necessity in analyzing the nuances of civilization rather than the "hope of change". Gillespie, like many libertarians, rides on the coat tails of "rights" and this will always lead to unenforceable laws and impractical measure to maintain these states, ergo, involving more state power. The two of them both acknowledge that the system is broken, a ship rapidly taking in water, but still oddly maintain it will get them to shore. At least Paglia has the tenacity to plug the hole first.
It blows my mind that she can care so much about so many issues and fully address them without resorting to dogma. Her mental map of reality must be massive.
very well put.
i found in 1992 when i read her essay "Junk Bonds and Corporate Raiders" i could literally feel grooves being carved on my brain. she can think well and she can write well, an absolutely first-rate anglo-german thinker of the old school.
And Anglo-Italian! The Florentine Renaissance combined with the English Renaissance (art and literature)
Amazed at the amount of people who think this women is smart. You really need to be stupid to think that.
I'll suggest then to go find someone who defies your ridiculous perspective of reality. You will be happier with truth!
My chief problem with Paglia is that she doesn't talk fast enough.
Good one! It's that Italian in her!
Yeah, she has no energy. Kind of sluggish.
Coffee anyone ? Coffee ? Lots of creme ? Lots of sugar ?
Travis Clark Watch her older vids and you'll see her really going at full speed.
Good one. Actually , she doesn't talk fast enough to keep up with her mind. I think she stutters because she can't verbalize her thoughts as quickly as they come to her.
Camille Paglia is such a delight. Even though she talks 1000 miles an hour, I can follow her. I get her. I don't agree with her on everything, but she's the best feminist out there.
+jeepersfreepers Amen. My thoughts exactly.
+jeepersfreepers She is a reactionary. And she and her ideas will be DEFEATED. Nevertheless, she is interesting enough to watch videos with her.
@@emanueledes7 how is she a reactionary. She has been saying the same things for years, way before feminism became so prevalent.
@@Ignasimp She is a reactionary because at the end she defends patriarchy and its culture. Unless she has recently changed her mind again, I don't know.
@@emanueledes7 she is a reaccionar y because you don't agree with her. The patriarchy doesn't exist. It is ideological bullshit.
"Gender myopia has become a substitute for religion" she hit the godamn nail on the head about third wave feminism.
+Alice Lopez yes
i know right
@domnic0 LOL
@domnic0 Wait, that has no relation to your earlier post!!!
Just registered for a class with her. I had NO idea she was an instructor in my school, until yesterday. Sweet!
How was it?
Follow-up comment please?!
also, what school?
It was okay. The course in question was alright but her knowledge on art and how many different art forms she knows and the history about them was insane. Each student in that class is a different art major and for our final project, we had to talk about arts impact on culture in society. Every student had a different topic and form of art from a different point in history, (we all got to choose ourselves) and yet somehow she knew tidbits of information for EVERY students presentation. It felt like I was in the presence of a true professor. Also, she talks.....a lot, as y'all saw. Lol. The school in question is University of the Arts.
@@MelodyMaker365 Thank you for coming back and replying.Cheers to you for that.
After having gone back and watched her clips from the 90s, I'm convinced that Paglia might be the most consistent and consistently brilliant public intellectual figure alive today.
Her claims to have been fighting the PC tyrants for 30 years are absolutely true.
It's kind of crazy watching her interviews from 90 and 92, she really was decades ahead of the curve
I've been a fan of Camille Paglia for years; easily 15yrs+. [CAMILLE: PLEASE restart your weekly or monthly columns!!!] And I've been a fiscal conservative, small-gov't, free markets guy my whole life. Paglia is the epitome of intellectual honesty and heft. I don't have to agree with all of her views (although there are many that I do) to respect how she logically supports her views. She's fearless in calling out hypocrisy on either side - I totally love and respect that about her.
Don't have time to watch this whole thing but I will. If more people, right and left, would be more intellectually honest about their "side" and think through their views like Camille Paglia, we could still have just as much disagreement but we, as a society, could accomplish so much more.
Totally agree!
I'm very liberal and she is what I would call the epitome of liberalism. The liberal DFL party is more collectivist than liberal today.
prschuster Maybe by the purely textbook definition, but in practice I have never met anyone who self-identifies themselves as "liberal," and I'm surrounded by people who do, who are so libertarian and who believe that you shouldn't use Marxism as the only means to find deeper meaning in things, much like she discusses around 10 minute mark. This is so profound, "the large tool box," I never see this in the thought process of the liberals I know, everything stems from Marxism. And if what she and you say is true, then you need to reclaim this label, because the people I know are anything but this.
The most brilliant female public intellectual in the US
110 percent agreed, Andrew. she totally ROCKS. I also like Christina Hoff-Somers but Camille Paglia is a GODDESS of Wisdom. The Florentine Renaissance combined with the English Renaissance (art and literature). When I went to Reed college in the late 70s and early 80s, we had two full years of core requirements- enormous Humanities survey courses covering Greece, the Great Thaw of the 12th Century, Italy and England of the 15th-17th Centuries, France 18th Century, Europe 19th Century... where has our culture gone?
Ayn Rand.Camille, Thatcher. Three count them 3 women on the side of reason. A rare trio.
Andrew Riegle.... you are totally correct..
Ugh, Ayn Rand. Misguided hypocrite who died as one of the 'parasites' she spent her literary career shitting on.
Gender, race, and sexuality have become issues of obsession, rather than natural subjects to be discussed like adults.
They are a religion.
Race IS political, but of our history, and world history. But gender and human sexuality SHOULD NOT be politicized.
feminized way of thinking, reduced to subjectivity and sexuality, they leverage this arguments to bully complience from society, its "Lysistrata" all over western culture and the tail sign of a decadent society.
@@antoniolima1068 Feminized way of thinking??? 1) Generalization fallacy, 2) that makes about as much sense as "masculinized way of thinking."
@@smotnick fallacy?! You can generalize female thinking but you cant do the same about males, males can be objective, females are subjective,one habour freedom, the other undeserve rights by bullying society with sexuality and the dispised motherhood, educate yourself about females and modern feminist sucubbus.
It's nice to see that even as she's gotten older Camille hasn't lost her energy.
Wow. I'm her age, have been a fan for decades, but never actually heard her verbally. What an exciting and dynamic mind. Nick had all he could do to keep up, at times!
Dr. Stephen J. Krune III Who the hell are you to say such a stupid insulting thing? Go fuck yourself. She is a giant and you are a nobody. Deal with it.
Dr. Stephen J. Krune III
You're blocked on wikipedia for being a troll and a troublemaker. You want to take George Lucas to trial for racism? What a fake phoney fraudulent troll you are, you sad fucker.
DaughterOfDoherty 'Dr' Stephen J. Krune III is a skull-fucked moron who wouldn't recognize a brilliant intellect if he tripped over it....Btw, is that Marilyn or you; great pic.
Dr. Stephen J. Krune III "your mind has been destroyed by pot and autism"
So you're as crazy as Rand Paul. And as big a bully as Barack Obama.
DaughterOfDoherty WOW! Assuming your source is correct, it confirms that he's consumed by hatred/
Refreshing viewpoints from a lesbian feminist, that most lesbian feminists hate. She must be onto something.
I've counted many lesbian feminists as among my best of friends. All of them adored Camille Paglia.
lmao this nigga
breaking news: catty, deranged women hate each other for any reason at all, not just because one of them is 'onto something'.
Erik Thompson she always was.
bulkforce5 "lmao this nigga"
And a vile racist also.
Peter Cohen Dang, I've seen you before on other channels. UA-cam is smaller than I thought.
great job to Mr. Gillespie for keeping her on track and having some nice insights along the way, clearly moving right along with her- and anybody who can do that when she talks so frickin fast is def on point!
My politics probably aren't anywhere near Camille's on a day to day basis (I'm more of a centrist) but this discussion was phenomenal, and I thought over and over 'Sing it, sister!' as she spoke. I have to laugh at how many people are complaining about her speed. I must be getting old. All my professors from my college days spoke as fast as she did and you had to keep up. I loved the speed of her brain and would have loved to have her as a professor. She's the kind of person who would be wonderful to debate on anything.
It used to be this way, folks. You could have a great discourse and even if you didn't always agree, you could both come away with respect for each other. That seems to be one of the points she was making. Honest intellectual discourse is always uplifting. Today we just shout past each other with convenient links to articles that shore up our own beliefs. Think for yourself and you won't be disappointed.
Very well-stated.
Tim Gerritsen Can you imagine having her as your professor at a TECH SCHOOL!!That would be cool. A liberal with logic. Every point she makes is based in facts, and REALITY. A place today's liberals refuse to tread.
Yeah, how old school is it? This is the speed I want in my professors, this is the passion I want in my philosophers and commentators.
Her energy is fantastic.
Her comments on the loss of the classical undergraduate survey course are critically important.
Yet she tried to get on Jeopardy! hundreds of times and couldn't.
I just discovered this woman. I’m obsessed with her viewpoints. Wish more people were like her.
She is mesmerizing.
What an asinine title for a video that showcases the brilliant and fascinating ideas of a truly original thinker!!!
+bookguitarguy My thoughts exactly! It's like they're treating their interview with Paglia as a joke. She's a genius and the title does her a disservice. I also find it ironic, since, if you listen to her entire interview, she talks about the insipidity of these poorly titled journalistic articles, etc.
***** That is an extremely interesting accusation. I genuinely want to learn more about this. I've never read or heard anywhere that Paglia believes this. And that link you posted doesn't actually mention her. Could you send me something about this that quotes her? I just want to see some proof and then make up my own conclusion. I don't want to be a fangirl of hers if that is what she actually believes, but I'm sure you understand that I need to make up my own mind.
+Rose Red they posted the same thing on another comment. Word for word. They're just copying, and pasted. Basically there only little smear campaign with no actual quote, or comment in their link about the lady herself. It's cute. Assuming they're an upset third wave feminist.
+IntenseFizz their* copying and pasting * too early for this.
IntenseFizz Ahhh... that makes sense. Thanks for the heads up.
Camille RULES! When I went to Reed College in the late 70s and early 80s, we had two
full years of core requirements- enormous Humanities survey courses
covering Greece, Rome, the Great Thaw of the 12th Century, Italy and England
of the 15th-17th Centuries, France 18th Century, Europe 19th Century...
where has our culture gone?
what was the great thaw of the 12th century?
soapbxprod oh ya, what did porky pig teach you?
Thanks for doing this interview. I've just recently been getting caught up on her last few years of videos and interviews on UA-cam. She's done a lot of videos relating to art and her recent book, but it's great to hear her comment in depth on contemporary culture and politics here. I really think she should participate in a regular national outlet for her commentary, preferably on video where her energy and enthusiasm is ageless and intoxicating. A weekly segment on a talk show could be great. Her mind is too great a resource of original thought and fearless analysis for us not to be able to tap into it more often. I loved her description of internet comments as a new artform. Thanks for noticing us down here, Camille.
She is so brilliant that she can’t talk as fast as she thinks ! She needs a larger platform ! She is one of the most honest intellectuals that I know of! Love or hate her - she is right on!
Ps the title of this video seems intentionally réductive... what a shame
An intellectually honest liberal.
Eileen Dover She is old school Liberal...Not the new Liberal who is more communist than anything else.
Dave Leach An 'old school liberal' is a 'classical liberal'. Classical liberals have almost nothing in common with today's liberals.
AndyFromBeaverton I thought I said that.
Dave Leach
I mean classical liberals as is John Locke, Adam Smith, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Milton Freedman and Barry Goldwater. Modern so-called liberals hijacked the term.
***** I think most libertarians would not think she's a libertarian. She doesn't want government control of things she agrees with, yet wants government to control the things she disagrees with. True libertarians and classical liberals believe in a very confined government that only does what was defined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
I love Camille Paglia. Fearless and brilliant. That is all.
I wonder if she's read Mencken. I'd love to see a book of critical essays by her in his style.
One of the best interviews ever! Just incredible, insightful, intellectually robust, engaging interview style and packed full of humour!
Paglia’s encyclopedic knowledge recall is awe-inspiring. Instead of isolating current issues, she views them under the lens of history, arts and culture (something modern day feminism seriously lacks). Truly a force to be reckoned with.
The is incredibly smart and strong. Her style of talking is clearly inspired by a machine gun: Words meant to hit hard, uttered at a cadence of 1300/min.
her middle name should be Maxim
Or Thompson? she's an "Endicott typewriter"... I LOVE HER!
Put her in a ring with that shill Steinham and charge 49.95 on Pay Per view....
What an incredible thinker and orator. How wonderful to have an opportunity to hear her thoughts on these topics. Thank you.
Mercedes Carrera Thanks for tweeting this video :)
Plebeian :-D
Would never think someone in your field, would appreciate a libertarian chanel such as Reason.
al smith wait why.
al smith
Many of us in the adult industry are libertarians. And I've followed Reason for even longer than I've been in the industry.
I think this individual is the leftist I would most like to be friends with. It's refreshing to see someone of who hasn't abandoned their faculty for rational thought when pursuing their social ideology.
Right?? She is a liberal I will listen to.
I've never considered her a Leftist. She's not a communist, socialist nor a fascist and these are all Leftist ideas which she is totally against. She is a feminist in the truest sense of the word though.
I wish I had a professor like her in undergrad, I would have actually been engaged and listened rather than ignored the prefabricated leftist dribble that was blasted at me.
***** - Maybe I specify a classical leftists?
She's an actual lefty, rather than a faux lefty identity politics junky.
How many so called "leftwing" social justice morons are from very wealthy backgrounds that focus on how white people and men suck rather than reforming financial systems they benefit from themselves?
Gillespie is my new favorite interviewer. So sophisticated with his affable pushback!
What a refreshing dose of intellectual honesty!
A million thanks, Reason!
I got my undergraduate degree in Philly and then went out to the Midwest for my graduate schooling, and Dr. Paglia's speaking style reminds me of how fast-talking East Coast lecturers (like her) used to drive my Corn Belt and Deep Southern classmates absolutely frantic trying to keep from being rolled over like a gopher trying to cross the Schuylkill Expressway during rush hour. Whee!
She is remarkable for her honesty, her intellect, her range and depth of knowledge and fields of concern, her total freedom from trendiness or fashion or consideration of what others might think of her.
I love her. My favorite thing to do is to listen to her speak and speak while I'm doing other things. It's a great way of passively intaking inspiring information. A big, fat dose of philosophy and introspection.
She's fabulous!
a feminist who promotes self responsibility? wow! didn't know they existed lol.
She survived the great culling of the 2000's
filmolosophy, she’s a classic liberal. The vast majority of people called liberals are totally illiberal, and they don’t even know it.
@@savedbygrace2397 self avowed libertarian and pro-Bernie.
This is a highly evolved, highly educated woman. Add to that the fact that she has an ability to process all of these qualities into intense communication that even lesser mortals can understand and this is what you get. It is an absolute miracle that she has navigated life on college campuses surrounded by educated idiots. Listen to her and learn how to think, learn how to be bold, learn how to be. Camille is a national treasure. A thorn in the side of current college administration. She blends all this and manages to be highly entertaining. Thank you so very much! Love
This is amazing.
Also, mad props to the interviewer and his valiant attempt to control this interview. I bet that wasn't easy! :)
Thank you Reason - always love me some Paglia! And for all you conservatives out there who are just getting a taste, you should know that Camille was death-threatened out of her Salon column in fall 2008 because she DARED to admire Palin as "a new woman of the West" and said that although the two would probably never agree politically, she said Palin should be respected and taken seriously. Paglia has balls the size of Texas but could not even talk sense with the Salon left-wing Nazis & crazies and gave up the column. It was a sad day for me, so I love any chance like this to see her or read her. She simply cannot be pigeon-holed - she is the essence of modern creative thought.
If all feminists were like you I would probably not have a YT channel right now.
She personifies what being a liberal used to stand for.
Real equality®.? Welfare and healthcare belong to the authoritarians, (left & right) and have nothing to with being a liberal.
You'd be so out of business if she were the face of contemporary feminism. Don't worry though. That won't happen any time soon. You are still in demand.
"Universal Healthcare" forces people to pay more for their healthcare and enslaves them to die on waiting lists... typical progressive paradise
Sean Toney Your argument is incoherent.
You're also too stupid to realize I'm neither a libertarian or an ancap.
When are you moving to Sweden?
It's quite stimulating to hear Camille Paglia talk with such unapologetic conviction on a wide spectrum of issues. Her thinking and ideas are fascinating
"Canada has a PC problem" understatement of the fucking epoch.
What makes her genius so compelling is she can talk 90 mph, stomp across many subjects in one breath and she is still coherent, understandable and able to hold your attn...pure brilliance
this is actually the BEST interview I have ever watched with the great Paglia...I understand that she talks fast, but never does she not make sense or get her point across
It should also be said that Nick Gillespie does REALLY good work in his interviews.
Letting people talk...
Injecting a timely question WHEN NEEDED...
Good shit.
Keep up the good work Nick.
SOME of us are paying attention.
Paglia is a powerhouse of seasoned and historically informed perspective. I adore this woman.
She is so right about the proliferation of mal-education these days, institutional whining, and an absolute failure of young people being facilitated to remain infantile
Listening to her speak so reasonably and rationally without hyperbole or any sympathy devices was literally like having taken a drug.
I actually got a rush.
She hit on so many absurdities in modern day academia and society I almost passed out from truth overload.
Listening to Camille talk is, in itself, a work of art. Watching Gillespie try to get a word in edgewise or ask a question is hilarious. Excellent work, excellent interview. Thanks.
I feel like giving her a standing ovation when she's talking about the mal-education happening... it's not only happening in US bu also wherever its culture (and academic culture) is being exported.
This is one of the best interviews I've seen with her. Thanks very much.
Her speaking style reminds me a little of Buckminster Fuller , in that it seems like there is not enough time to get out all the ideas whirling around in her head at any one time. Having only discovered her today though , i am impressed with all i have heard so far. One smart lady .
Wow, there were some pretty good points made here. I was actually rather impressed by some of the points the host made. For instance, when Paglia was criticizing the media, he pointed out how despite the mainstream media's failure to report there is a growing skepticism in the general populous, thus the reason why programs like this are gaining in popularity.
This show has just earned itself a new subscriber, the host conducted himself fantastically in a way that is the complete opposite of the modern day mainstream media.
I’ve adored her intellect since my college days in the early seventies. Paglia is a national treasure.
@Simon Goodwind I do - and here’s why. Though as a conservative I don’t agree with many of her positions on morality Paligia is a thinker, she’s intellectually honest and calls out hypocrisy at every turn. Plus she’s refreshingly eloquent. She gives no pass to fake feminists.
@Simon Goodwind seriously? I wasn’t aware of that! No, of course I don’t endorse these things 🤮
Nice job keeping the conversation on track Nick, deeply enjoyed the interview.
Camille is so important these days
Thank you. It's always great to hear what Paglia has to say. She's the college professor I never had. I couldn't have understood her 30 years ago, but now I can.
Her point at around 8:30 reminds me of Thomas Sowell's "Intellectuals & Society" and "Intellectuals & Race" where he basically said that intellectuals are ruining the world, The way in which they're doing that can be illustrated by the Japanese aphorism "To the man who works all day with a hammer, everything looks like a nail".
LOL 52:08 was hilarious. Very smart woman, I'm conservative but can still respect where shes coming from because she has principles that allow her to recognize how far off the deep end our current culture is.. alot of people just go along with it for social benefit, she isn't afraid to speak her mind.
Few if any can get more words out in a given time than Camille.
Love the interviewer. I'm writing this because I don't even know his name. You say it so quickly, you should put it in the title, name of the channel or at least the beginning of the description.
A conversation with Camille, what a thrilling rollercoaster ride that must be!
I’ve also found that secondary schools for instance, cannot really police themselves either, especially on the issue of assaultive high school kids in their infantile insistence that teachers cannot defend themselves against physical assaults, both from the standpoint of ignoring the issue by not conducting training in how to subdue such kids, but also with the curious belief that getting assaulted by a student is somehow the teacher’s fault from some sort of twisted pedagogical standpoint, much as if the kids are somehow allowed to assault anyone who has presumably done a crappy job of teaching them, or for not having the utmost copacetic rapport even with antisocial creeps. So then the height of absurdity is attained when physically competent male faculty are asked to resign because they supposedly have committed some sort of an offense by successfully deflecting an assailant, especially if the assault was prosecuted so aggressively that the teacher had no choice but to inflict a beating on the assailant since the assailant could not be deflected using more passive techniques. This makes the entire institution so ridiculous that it casts doubt upon whether nor not anyone should be bothering to teach public school anymore, considering the prevailing belief that absolutely everyone not currently confined to a penal institution is perfectly welcome to attend school, no matter how grotesque their behavior.
I love her honesty!! We are opposite ends of the spectrum, yet have drawn exactly the same conclusions about the demise of the secondary educational institutions and the dumbing down of western society. It’s positively Orwellian and literally revisionist history in action. God help us all!!
Great interview with the always fascinating Camille, Great commentary on Hilary at 51:00 by Paglia and Hilarious retort at 54:50, "Is there any reason we should get up in the morning besides fighting an existential battle against Dartmouth" This guy hits the nail on the head about why more people don't join us on the left sometimes. He really trys to get her to say something positive, which reminds me of my friends recent insiteful retore to my question of why people are so brainwashed by religion, nationalism, colonialism, and and are they happier, or rather is ignorance bliss, to which he said, "What do we have to offer uncertainty, unhappiness, doom."
Ummmm..... this person is amazing! I absolutely love how she just rants and raves! The fabulous passion in her speaking is a rush of fresh air.
I like that she talks fast, as for diligent listeners it saves time and it gets more points across. :P
I'm not a feminist, and fundamentally, as a conservative Christian, I disagree with the paradigm of her worldview, especially when it comes to sex. HOWEVER, this is certainly a feminist who represents a brand of feminism that I can understand and respect, and even to some degree sympathize with. IF I were a feminist, I would be one that follows her line of thinking. She truly represents freedom, responsibility, reason, and logic for women.
She is on it and has been for decades.
So impressive that no serious academic can recognize that! It would seem like she is a misogynistic fuck just like her fan base!
Such a great interview
No she was great but the interviewer was meh and I don't think he really understood where she is coming from.
No he didn't, especially when he threw around buzzwords like 'marriage equality' you could see he wasn't much of a thinker.
Excellent interviewer. Camille scintillates and illuminates as always
Nick did a wonderful job controlling the interview. Camille can become so empassioned that she loses sight of her original thought. It was great to see her have to make her points fully before moving to another topic.
She knows a lot and is able to put things into perspective and context. I love it
I could listen to her all day long, what a compelling mind.
An hour is such a long time for Camille Paglia, she says so much. lol. :D
Great interview.
This video is terribly titled.
I just scrolled down the comments to find this.
diglossia I concur.
Camille thinks like me - just wish I could express my thoughts as well as she does. A passion only found when the truth is spoken. God loves you, Camille.
Absolutely engaging and refreshing points of view! And I say that as a conservative female. The group think of contemporary feminism is a turn off. And I agree with her view that the academic community is fascist in its overbearing approach to so called education. Loved her comments about "whining women" and that the only thing kids learn in early education is "how not to be a bully" and fake conflict resolution. I lived thru that craziness with my own children and found it very frustrating. She is so right about much of our culture.
Well 9 years later and this hits harder than ever damn!😬
Camille is understatement.
this interviewer interupts Camille each time she is about to expand an idea and give us her gems of wisdom
That's what a feminist looks and talks like! :-D
One feminist I can truly respect.
Paglia is absolutely one of the most sensible people when it comes to identity, feminism, and quite a few more topics. I don't agree with everything she says but she is one of the most influential people in helping me to be more accepting of non-conforming roles. I'm very thankful for her comments and willingness to put herself out there in front of the "PC police shaming culture" in order to inject some sense into the crazy post-modernist view of the world. I don't think it will be enough unfortunately as "the Cathedral" will not allow heretics.
Brilliant! Thanks for this interview!
Truly an honest and educated human being. Thank you for this wonderful piece of video.
I love Camille Paglia ..! Next to Jordan Peterson ... the best minds today.
He interrupts her just when she's coming to a major point. See from 25:00 to 27:00, the interruption at 26:31
She is scary smart... I agree, one of the best classes I ever had was Art History at Burlington County College in NJ.
I so admire Camille Paglia. She is one of the most important thinkers of the 20th/21st century.
She drives a certain kind of left wing academic BERSERK. I have one friend who froths at the mouth with rage when she hears Paglia's name. This is one reason I love her.
Is it because it makes you feel better about you misogynistic and bigoted opinion?
yosoyanayosoy L M A O
Then you ain’t her friend, pal.
Good job - the interviewee, the interviewer, and also video editing.
Her thoughts on our education system saddling people with debt while training them in nothing if they aren't interested in medicine and law are very relevant. Also she is right about the death of investigative journalism dying and news now becoming nothing but a mouthpiece repeating political announcements. You don't have to agree with everything she says to agree with at least a fraction of what she says guys. I think that was one of her main points. Left, right, or whatever, she does have some accurate ideas most of us could agree with. Her whole point was that we see things through accurate lense of left or right or whatever and immediately tune out and disagree if it supposedly fits some category we don't label ourselves. I'm not sure either how studying Indian culture will do anything but I do know she was right on some things and you don't have to be left or right to see that.
Best REASON interview ever. Nick had his hands full on this one.
I'm only 7 minutes in but Jesus Christ, what an awesome woman!
Such a fantastic interview. Not just saying what is what but showing that all her points had and are a building trend.
It's kinda sad that a plea for dignified and reasoned debate sounds so refreshing.
Thanks for bringing this interview to us reason TV. I hadn't heard of her before but I find her very interesting
15 minutes in and not even a whisper of "patriarchy."
What she is optimistic about is the potential for America to come out of its hard times through its cultural predilections for innovation and adaptability. Those two cultural traits continue to make America a land of possibilities. I think we can all be optimistic about that.
Where has Camille been in my life. I think I am in love.
Wow, he actually handled the interview with her quite well!
Nick Gillespie's incessant eye rolling and dismissive emphasis on "positivity" is the exact reason why libertarians get nowhere. While Paglia is just as much of a statist as Gillespie, she at least acknowledges the dire state of "western culture" and the necessity in analyzing the nuances of civilization rather than the "hope of change". Gillespie, like many libertarians, rides on the coat tails of "rights" and this will always lead to unenforceable laws and impractical measure to maintain these states, ergo, involving more state power. The two of them both acknowledge that the system is broken, a ship rapidly taking in water, but still oddly maintain it will get them to shore. At least Paglia has the tenacity to plug the hole first.
She’s speaking so much sense!
God bless her!
Also, the way she speaks reminds me of how Quentin Tarantino speaks.