I had a similar set-up in my attic years ago with the track. I had (3) 2x6s side by side across the joists and then another turned up on each edge (like a rat run). It formed a U shape that kept the cart lined up. I had a little seat on one end of the cart and a flat area for moving stuff. Many years later after a few different owners, I heard it was all still up there working great. Kinda satisfying.
I have some 2x4 stringers down and plywood over that for a floor in places. Im going to pick up a couple of studs (lag screw on one end and threads on the other) put a nut and washer on the threads and put it in the end of a piece of steel conduit. Drop a piece of all thread, washer and nut in the other and there's your jack. I have some rubber feet on a stud for the legs on my saw and Ill put one of those on the end of the all thread with a coupling nut. That makes it easy to lift up the plywood decking along the truss to find and cut any nails. Im planning to put on a new roof after some repairs are made.
I had a similar set-up in my attic years ago with the track. I had (3) 2x6s side by side across the joists and then another turned up on each edge (like a rat run). It formed a U shape that kept the cart lined up. I had a little seat on one end of the cart and a flat area for moving stuff. Many years later after a few different owners, I heard it was all still up there working great. Kinda satisfying.
I have some 2x4 stringers down and plywood over that for a floor in places. Im going to pick up a couple of studs (lag screw on one end and threads on the other) put a nut and washer on the threads and put it in the end of a piece of steel conduit. Drop a piece of all thread, washer and nut in the other and there's your jack. I have some rubber feet on a stud for the legs on my saw and Ill put one of those on the end of the all thread with a coupling nut. That makes it easy to lift up the plywood decking along the truss to find and cut any nails. Im planning to put on a new roof after some repairs are made.
I kept thinking "jack, use the jack, use a jack" and I see you used a Jack...nice!
Nice rail car 👍
Very Very helpful Thanks so much.
Everybody needs a hobby
It's 2022 March now... I just saw this... Any concerns about your weight on a single bottom chord? Thanks
Am I wrong, if it's this bad, take some of the plywood off so you have room to repair. 🤷