  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @mohammadkhuraibet596
    @mohammadkhuraibet596 4 роки тому +24822

    It's a tradition to watch this every once in a while.

  • @dompeck8351
    @dompeck8351 5 років тому +6236

    “Total privacy”.
    *looks above door*

  • @RiceGum
    @RiceGum 8 років тому +8237

    Where can I watch the uncensored version

  • @Destroyer-676
    @Destroyer-676 3 роки тому +332

    There’s something about his plane videos that bring total calmness. I love it

  • @jonaslarsen7391
    @jonaslarsen7391 4 роки тому +3410

    I come back to this every once in a while.

    • @arr298
      @arr298 4 роки тому +77

      Same and then end up watching every airplane review that ive already watched🤣

    • @Izyanshiraz
      @Izyanshiraz 4 роки тому +12

      me too i love his vids

    • @VtecGuru
      @VtecGuru 4 роки тому +2


    • @ejtamayo5317
      @ejtamayo5317 4 роки тому +8

      This is my 15th time watching this video

    • @GabrielGarcia-ur5tu
      @GabrielGarcia-ur5tu 4 роки тому +2


  • @sn1p3s29
    @sn1p3s29 5 років тому +6046

    "Total privacy"
    *Proceeds to just stand up and look over into other peoples seats and the isle*

    • @salt5537
      @salt5537 5 років тому +4


    • @vrmelly
      @vrmelly 5 років тому +108

      Other people: I want to be a Millionaire, I want to be a astronaut, I want to be a pilot.
      Casey Neistat: I want to shower on an airplane

    • @Cde32eg5
      @Cde32eg5 5 років тому +16

      P A N D A
      Elon musk: WE NEED A SEX BOT ON A PLANE

    • @talhakhosa
      @talhakhosa 5 років тому

      Kardia bhai kardia

    • @hybridgaming2441
      @hybridgaming2441 5 років тому

      @@talhakhosa Kia kardia

  • @Donda857
    @Donda857 5 років тому +2364

    Casey: did you take a shower?
    Passenger: are you saying I stink?

  • @vzwhu
    @vzwhu 3 дні тому +4

    I watched this video around 7 or 8 years ago and randomly it came back to me in pieces today. I am so happy to have unlocked an old memory!

  • @netero_xd3780
    @netero_xd3780 5 років тому +2503

    Casey: Showers with glasses on

    • @iee8260
      @iee8260 5 років тому +51

      Also Casey: Showers with a watch on

    • @lightdeathguy9266
      @lightdeathguy9266 5 років тому +43

      Sleeps with glasses on

    • @Super-Shafs
      @Super-Shafs 5 років тому +16

      Casey: Dreams do come true. I am showering... With my sunglasses and my watch on!

    • @orepainium8584
      @orepainium8584 5 років тому +4

      I ᑕ E ᑕ ᖇ E ᗩ ᗰ The Apple Watch is waterproof.

    • @ppatienxe8838
      @ppatienxe8838 5 років тому +1

      And watch! Oh there’s a comment on that

  • @Gimli_SonOfGloin
    @Gimli_SonOfGloin 5 років тому +3641

    I'm 100% sure that Casey was born with theese sunglasses...

    • @le_mvst
      @le_mvst 5 років тому +8

      Same here, lol

    • @zeusempire7522
      @zeusempire7522 5 років тому +15

      Even bathing 😂😂

    • @kingmalik138
      @kingmalik138 5 років тому +8

      Holy shit you got exactly 100 likes thats crazy

    • @agyt668
      @agyt668 5 років тому +12

      @@kingmalik138 That's crazy Jarvis

    • @KYaraHD
      @KYaraHD 5 років тому +4


  • @cxramel8411
    @cxramel8411 5 років тому +2914

    This is the only airplane that I would *love* to have delays on!

    • @YoutubeUser-zt2wm
      @YoutubeUser-zt2wm 5 років тому +35

      Roblox_ Pineapplez or go around the whole world AND be delayed

    • @jmarconavia669
      @jmarconavia669 5 років тому +7

      Roblox_ Pineapplez did u reply to your own comment

    • @goblingoblin7694
      @goblingoblin7694 5 років тому +2

      J Marco Navia probs

    • @bennett7200
      @bennett7200 5 років тому +17

      Roblox_ Pineapplez if you had a delay you wouldn’t be on the airplane. If you got stuck on the tarmac then you’d be on the airplane in your seat.

    • @arandomguy8352
      @arandomguy8352 5 років тому

      Who played delays on any vehicle provided has a bathroom

  • @GloomzyFN
    @GloomzyFN 3 роки тому +90

    Everything about this video is perfection

    • @trevvfps7918
      @trevvfps7918 3 роки тому +2

      Ayooo gloomzy I never thought I would come across you in this video

    • @dani1yell
      @dani1yell 3 роки тому +1

      @@trevvfps7918 same bro I would have never expected to see him here

    • @zaviationn
      @zaviationn 3 роки тому +1

      AYO 😳 fortnite and aviation gang?

  • @federicogarcia3898
    @federicogarcia3898 4 роки тому +7924

    Upgrading Casey's ticket to first class was one of the greatest accidental business decisions that any company has ever made

    • @hectorcanizales5900
      @hectorcanizales5900 3 роки тому +396

      I definitely think this wasn’t ‘accidental’

    • @Nooshythelynx
      @Nooshythelynx 3 роки тому +194

      Master Oogway: there are no accidents

    • @skateplays8880
      @skateplays8880 2 роки тому +73

      Lol what how does a company accidentally upgrade someone's ticket

    • @diondicello161
      @diondicello161 2 роки тому +82

      He caught an Emirates plane 2 days before this. Got a big Amount of views in 24 hours so they upgraded him.

    • @astrowrld.a1ii
      @astrowrld.a1ii 2 роки тому +7

      @@Nooshythelynx Master Accidents: there is no oogway

  • @Lostkiwi123
    @Lostkiwi123 7 років тому +26325

    Upgrading him was the best marketing decision Emirates has ever made

    • @yagoovirus2751
      @yagoovirus2751 7 років тому +376

      Lostkiwi123 I was thinking the same thing 😂

    • @liniquellemmy9356
      @liniquellemmy9356 7 років тому +794

      i wonder if anyone bought the $21.000 ticket just because watched this vlog

    • @MrEverisforever
      @MrEverisforever 7 років тому +832

      It's selling the brand.. Not just the $21 000 ticket.

    • @Timberjagi
      @Timberjagi 7 років тому +164

      funny part, the ticket is not that expensive ;)

    • @sydoz1956
      @sydoz1956 7 років тому +88

      he probably didnt pay anyway

  • @hallaballaalla123
    @hallaballaalla123 5 років тому +4419

    him: making hes own bed like a normal person.
    flight attendant: am i a joke to you?

    • @ZingyTrends
      @ZingyTrends 5 років тому +16


    • @alvinhagerman8164
      @alvinhagerman8164 5 років тому +3

      Like number 500 even tho nobody cares

    • @excaliber8794
      @excaliber8794 5 років тому


    • @dummmylog3070
      @dummmylog3070 5 років тому +15

      Wish I had a flight attendant at home😆😆😆

    • @AndySaenz
      @AndySaenz 5 років тому +26

      Eric Ny
      Casey Neistat: makes his own bed like a decent man.
      Emirates flight attendant: Stop it! That’s my job!

  • @BarryBruh
    @BarryBruh 2 роки тому +65

    after my 40th time watching this video i realized he showered with his sunglasses on

  • @Rhodyrhodes
    @Rhodyrhodes 4 роки тому +6068

    I just noticed that he asked Olympic swimmer James Magnussen if he enjoyed his shower

  • @lottieloup6761
    @lottieloup6761 5 років тому +2968

    And this guy still showers with his sunglasses on

    • @rmnvldz_
      @rmnvldz_ 5 років тому +62

      Y'all must be new

    • @PuiPui105
      @PuiPui105 5 років тому

      And watches too

    • @minadontcare
      @minadontcare 5 років тому +5

      He even sleeps with his sunglasses on -_-

    • @para-yw9dn
      @para-yw9dn 5 років тому +12


    • @ghic6929
      @ghic6929 5 років тому


  • @yourlocalgiraffe4235
    @yourlocalgiraffe4235 5 років тому +1203

    The guy you talked to about the shower at 8:10 is the 2011 and 2013 freestyle world champion in swimming🤣

  • @aidendudeguy1240
    @aidendudeguy1240 3 роки тому +107

    Casey has the attitude of a sophomore in high school but the informativeness of a teacher

  • @FunkBros
    @FunkBros 8 років тому +3487

    Casey's like a little kid!

  • @_the_nerd5004
    @_the_nerd5004 5 років тому +1618

    You know it's fancy when the flight attendant gets mad at you for making your own bed

    • @ediwow3014
      @ediwow3014 5 років тому +14

      It's not she's mad.. It's like feeling bad for not helping him earlier.

    • @dummmylog3070
      @dummmylog3070 5 років тому


    • @looploCLIPS
      @looploCLIPS 5 років тому +2

      Dude this guy paid 20k dollars and they are mad at him wtf

    • @xaoc6084
      @xaoc6084 5 років тому +4

      BudskJērk He got an upgrade, he didn’t pay that amount.

    • @sahangpubgvideos26
      @sahangpubgvideos26 5 років тому

      OCD include

  • @biancad6498
    @biancad6498 8 років тому +322

    Some people seem to think that he paid for it. He didn't. So in fact- pretty worth it if you didn't have to pay; first class on that plane looked absolutely amazing.

    • @helia9359
      @helia9359 8 років тому +5

      He basically paid the price of a business class ticket but got upgraded to first

    • @eblalgen
      @eblalgen 8 років тому +20

      The fact that UA-cam paid for the flight is a win-win for everyone involved.

    • @DebrajDey006
      @DebrajDey006 8 років тому +4

      He got upgraded because his boosted board was taken away and you know what happens when Casey is pissed...XD He definitely called the emirates and said something worst and emirates upgraded his seat.

    • @wehatedisneystars
      @wehatedisneystars 8 років тому +1

      +Debraj Dey what is a boost board?

    • @flipppeh9426
      @flipppeh9426 8 років тому +1

      +Katya S Electronic skate/long board.

  • @johnny6618
    @johnny6618 Рік тому +144

    Tradition to watch Casey’s first class flights before flying on economy 🥸

  • @LouisWright97
    @LouisWright97 8 років тому +625

    All the new people are like super confused about the sunglasses and its hilarious

    • @biminipenn
      @biminipenn 8 років тому +14

      lmao for us subscribers it's completely grown on us

    • @absurdantiquity5240
      @absurdantiquity5240 8 років тому +7

      explain please?

    • @stareater1870
      @stareater1870 8 років тому +31

      Casey did a photo shoot for Mercedes-Benz on salt flats. The salt got on his glasses and on the edge of the frames. He was editing the photos when he got home and said "Fuck that's cool". So he ended up recreating them but with white paint and not actual salt. He made a video on it.

    • @ronsonhuynh
      @ronsonhuynh 8 років тому


    • @alejotrabado3521
      @alejotrabado3521 8 років тому +1

      Why is he wearing them on the shower?

  • @zwsmn4136
    @zwsmn4136 5 років тому +3296

    Did I seriously watch a dude flex on me for 9 minutes?

    • @3812SCP
      @3812SCP 5 років тому +47

      Your not the Only Broke Boi Here

    • @-PIXELATED-
      @-PIXELATED- 5 років тому +19

      Yup, I wanna be there so bad

    • @alexiastraduzioni537
      @alexiastraduzioni537 5 років тому +1


    • @_saymun
      @_saymun 5 років тому +5

      Fuckin flexing asshole right?

    • @jeffersongo7095
      @jeffersongo7095 5 років тому +11

      Your the one flexing with all your likes😂😂😂😂

  • @josho1404
    @josho1404 5 років тому +1685

    If I went in one of those I would NOT SLEEP... I would embrace the entire experience for the whole 14 hours

    • @TheIndogamer
      @TheIndogamer 5 років тому +18

      What if it were 18 hours?

    • @josho1404
      @josho1404 5 років тому +9

      @@TheIndogamer 🤷‍♂️

    • @nekonomicon2983
      @nekonomicon2983 5 років тому +23

      Just sleep beforehand and you'll just stay up all day on the plane then go back to sleep when you land xD

    • @codylee1682
      @codylee1682 5 років тому +23

      I'd sleep the entire time, after I drank all the liquor

    • @user-lo2qf3lw2q
      @user-lo2qf3lw2q 5 років тому +3

      Who wouldnt

  • @herssonceballos1846
    @herssonceballos1846 3 роки тому +120

    Casually showering with shades on is a vibe not even the guy who drinks cranberry juice and skates understands.

  • @lvmhr
    @lvmhr 5 років тому +3949

    *just a normal day watching a dude bathe with sunglasses on*

  • @yanjiezheng7354
    @yanjiezheng7354 7 років тому +9509

    Too bad it's only 14 hours,

    • @darthmarr3948
      @darthmarr3948 7 років тому +118

      CN_Phantom to bad your poor af

    • @human_like_cat124
      @human_like_cat124 7 років тому +622

      Darth Marr That's not nice to say stupid rich kid................ learn some manners from manner school if your so rich.

    • @memester5316
      @memester5316 7 років тому +510

      Darth Marr dude you can't even afford good Grammar, so you should stop talking

    • @h0mygod
      @h0mygod 7 років тому +41

      Brandon Gamer
      It's actually spelt "grammar"
      So you should stop talking.
      EDIT: I forgot the period, sorry guys.

    • @aaronirineo8590
      @aaronirineo8590 7 років тому +84

      Erect Ding You forgot the period.

  • @nikkiboy9662
    @nikkiboy9662 4 роки тому +5558

    When his airplane ticket is more than your life savings.

  • @blakenicholson2616
    @blakenicholson2616 8 місяців тому +509

    2024 anyone??😂

  • @BilgusO
    @BilgusO 7 років тому +3191

    This video has made more money than it would cost to take the flight

    • @FintaOG
      @FintaOG 7 років тому +24

      Alex Mueller that's the point he expected thos and also my name is Alex Miller so XD

    • @Lordofwarz
      @Lordofwarz 7 років тому +7

      Alex Mueller ther3 is no ads dumbass

    • @niftyrock7596
      @niftyrock7596 7 років тому +80

      Gordon he still gets paid even if there's no ads

    • @daniyal9374
      @daniyal9374 7 років тому +5

      Alex Mueller Yes U are right..

    • @thattard432
      @thattard432 7 років тому +3

      Nazamosity lol minecraft player

  • @ragv2917
    @ragv2917 5 років тому +2546

    Imagine paying 21k for first class just to sleep all the way

    • @hydng
      @hydng 5 років тому +172

      you realize thats the point right, being able to sleep comfortably lmao

    • @ragv2917
      @ragv2917 5 років тому +128

      @@hydng yeah but you will miss all the benefits of that first class flight if you sleep all the way tho

    • @hydng
      @hydng 5 років тому +63

      Another Joker meme well it’s a good thing no one sleeps for 21 hours straight then

    • @ragv2917
      @ragv2917 5 років тому +10

      @@hydng yeah good point

    • @the-red-ghost
      @the-red-ghost 5 років тому +2

      I guess that's the reason

  • @sunshinenguyen98
    @sunshinenguyen98 8 років тому +1101

    Once I got upgraded to the first row of Economy class, it was almost the same experience

  • @PM_Conspiracy
    @PM_Conspiracy 2 місяці тому +8

    I find myself watching this every once in a while, don’t know why lol

    • @Conspo_1
      @Conspo_1 2 місяці тому +3

      Cause it’s so well edited!

  • @Linuxdirk
    @Linuxdirk 8 років тому +295

    Usually “First Class” is similar to “actually sane legroom and maybe a free snack” but damn, Emirates Air really knows what “First Class” is about!

    • @dilynnleidhoff6002
      @dilynnleidhoff6002 8 років тому

      ikr lol

    • @ElectricityTaster
      @ElectricityTaster 8 років тому

      It's about $21k.

    • @georgemcfly9976
      @georgemcfly9976 8 років тому

      Linuxdirk that's business class that you're thinking about the one at the front of the plane. First class is on a SEPERATE plane.

    • @shadman2410
      @shadman2410 8 років тому +11

      SpiderBrick No, first class is not on a 'separate plane' :|

    • @xizzy._x3813
      @xizzy._x3813 8 років тому


  • @deaconrl3281
    @deaconrl3281 3 роки тому +544

    Mans just asked a guy who has the fifth fastest swim in history if he like his shower lol

  • @kathydo7109
    @kathydo7109 4 роки тому +3824

    Did Casey even know the guy he asked if he showered was an Olympian swimmer, James Magnussen?

    • @ArtDrone
      @ArtDrone 4 роки тому +465

      i didnt know that but the second he asked him I was like: dude this guy must be famous too as he flies 1st class :DDD

    • @A--HoangNguyenAnhKhoi
      @A--HoangNguyenAnhKhoi 4 роки тому +152

      Kathy Do yes just look at the shirt :))) Olympic

    • @apriloh9495
      @apriloh9495 4 роки тому +68

      my sport is waterpolo and swimming and to meet an olympic swimmer in any situation, it would be amazing

    • @kathydo7109
      @kathydo7109 4 роки тому +22

      April Oh yes, I’m a swimmer also

    • @nicholaswhatts1380
      @nicholaswhatts1380 4 роки тому +50

      Probably not because no cares or follows swimming

  • @MohamedAnsary
    @MohamedAnsary Рік тому +20

    Wow, that $21,000 first-class airplane seat must be an experience of a lifetime! It's amazing to think that flying can be such a luxurious and comfortable way to travel. Even though it may seem expensive to some, for the right person, it would surely be worth every penny. The level of service and amenities provided on such a flight must be unparalleled, making it an ideal option for those looking to arrive at their destination feeling relaxed, rested, and pampered. If I had the opportunity, I would jump at the chance to try out such a remarkable flying experience!

  • @greyrock6154
    @greyrock6154 4 роки тому +1502

    Now im walking around my house acting like im in a first class airplane

  • @ivinvirus1271
    @ivinvirus1271 8 років тому +2371

    This guy showered with glasses on an airplane... bravo

    • @ivinvirus1271
      @ivinvirus1271 8 років тому +67

      man of the year

    • @jammymusic2729
      @jammymusic2729 8 років тому

      Ikr who does that

    • @TheAmbar23
      @TheAmbar23 8 років тому +3

      Waiting for someone to notice

    • @SGTShootToKi11
      @SGTShootToKi11 8 років тому +5

      That is without a doubt the ballerest thing I have ever seen.

    • @ivinvirus1271
      @ivinvirus1271 8 років тому +1

      I hope he doesn't shower with glasses on at home......

  • @Mikelynnf1129
    @Mikelynnf1129 8 років тому +1368

    1. I truly love, respect and aspire to mr. Casey Neistat.
    2. He's a hard worker and has grown so much on yt that SO many companies fly him around the world so he can talk about his work and accomplishes.
    3. He has a honest non biased review of companies and their products. Wither it be plane carrier, camera brands, motorized bikes, scooter, or skateboard, and so much more other goodies companies reach out to him for his review and views.
    So all you new people who clicked on the video because it happened to pop up on your feed, please try and go thru a few vlogs before you judge and place him in a box. Literally he's a good guy. One of the few decent UA-camrs.

  • @mamaluigi2064
    @mamaluigi2064 2 роки тому +162

    Casey should just have a life time first class upgrade for ALL Emirates flights for the amount of viewership and getting the word out for the greatest first class in the sky

  • @MCFishNuggets
    @MCFishNuggets 5 років тому +1387

    When he asked the guy about the shower, he was probably thinking “dude I do this every week”

    • @para-yw9dn
      @para-yw9dn 5 років тому +6


    • @akaaidan4408
      @akaaidan4408 5 років тому +64

      He is an Olympian

    • @idomemes1024
      @idomemes1024 5 років тому +1

      @@akaaidan4408 whats an olimpian?

    • @scarlettcloete9457
      @scarlettcloete9457 5 років тому +9

      Mrs. Potts someone who is in the olympics

    • @shantu5895
      @shantu5895 5 років тому +21

      @@idomemes1024 dude you seriously that stupid.

  • @herobuba5798
    @herobuba5798 6 років тому +1099

    5:15 *wakes up, removes eye shade, still has sunglasses*

  • @fusionsid
    @fusionsid 4 роки тому +1057

    Casey: there’s so much privacy

  • @KindaCringe094
    @KindaCringe094 Рік тому +41

    So there is also one video about the first class of the Emirates - but the video was published 1 month ago. The same seat, same lounge, same setup - but the cost, unlike it was 7 years ago, is now at whopping 66.000USD. The price for the first class trippled in 7 years, and that's just crazy :D

    • @lowstrife
      @lowstrife Рік тому +2

      If you can afford to pay $20, $40k on a single airplane ticket; the difference between $40k and $66k is a rounding error.
      Most of the people flying don't have a clue how much it actually costs because they're assistant books it for them.

    • @WalrusesAreTheOne
      @WalrusesAreTheOne 8 місяців тому

      Whoever pays that for a 13 hour ride is a tool

    • @markyamaguchi9571
      @markyamaguchi9571 2 місяці тому

      She can make my bed anytime 🛌

  • @ayushshastry8747
    @ayushshastry8747 8 років тому +611

    I love this. He's like a little kid, so excited. He deserves every bit of this. Bless him

  • @TheRedditKing1
    @TheRedditKing1 5 років тому +1408

    Sheeesh.... And I get excited when I get the window seat.

    • @nogoodfalcons1715
      @nogoodfalcons1715 5 років тому +15

      Safe Doughnut exactly lol. This man has 3 windows at his seat

    • @mybloodyvalentineNT
      @mybloodyvalentineNT 5 років тому

      @Gacha Roko same, going to Las Vegas in 1 week in 3 days tho, I'm kinda scared.

    • @Alphastorm7
      @Alphastorm7 5 років тому

      @@mybloodyvalentineNT how was it, im about to have my first flight as well in a few days, sort of hyped but also scared

    • @shuvambhakta9963
      @shuvambhakta9963 5 років тому

      @@Alphastorm7 We are planning to go to Australia in Early 2020 it's not confirmed but I am scared as it is my 2nd flight in my whole life my first was when I was kid!

    • @mrc1anr634
      @mrc1anr634 5 років тому

      Im more of an aisle seat person

  • @fooliganvlogs
    @fooliganvlogs 8 років тому +1939

    "oh shit whaddup" hahahahahaha

    • @eraseplayz1560
      @eraseplayz1560 8 років тому +5

      Hello beautiful grom rider :)

    • @clendenin40
      @clendenin40 8 років тому +5

      didn't expect to see you here lol.

    • @DylanxyJ
      @DylanxyJ 8 років тому +2

      +Logan Clendenin yeah 😂

    • @A.waell1
      @A.waell1 8 років тому +3

      relly is that u

    • @Seymour101
      @Seymour101 8 років тому +9

      that was literally my reaction word for word xD .

  • @abdithenerd7253
    @abdithenerd7253 Рік тому +4

    I've watched this video many times since it was uploaded.
    Watching it every year at least 2 or 3 times
    Never gets old

  • @kendrickjudemausisa6069
    @kendrickjudemausisa6069 4 роки тому +651

    Casey Neistat: total privacy
    Also Casey: stands up to invade others privacy

    • @Paper_Cuts
      @Paper_Cuts 4 роки тому +25

      Better sand up to assert dominance over the other passengers

    • @myatyuwu7303
      @myatyuwu7303 4 роки тому +3


  • @stockton1856
    @stockton1856 8 років тому +1432

    that moment when first class is nicer than your own house

  • @BloodMoonFT
    @BloodMoonFT 8 років тому +1422

    Everyone else there- "Ahh... He must be new to first class."

    • @vander3065
      @vander3065 8 років тому +3

      wait, are ALL first classes like that? (i know airlines like AirFrance, Unitied, Virgin, and Southwest dont)

    • @Leo-ro1vq
      @Leo-ro1vq 8 років тому +141

      Oliver you just answered your own question.

    • @sethtalbot3822
      @sethtalbot3822 8 років тому +1

      Royal Bengal Tigers

    • @kingazaanvlogs1834
      @kingazaanvlogs1834 8 років тому +1

      PreX' BloodMo

    • @Rsvzz092
      @Rsvzz092 8 років тому +1

      Azaan Aa

  • @No69697
    @No69697 3 роки тому +51

    Just imagine if there was turbulence while he was showering and he fell lol

    • @Omxr76
      @Omxr76 3 роки тому +1

      This comment made my day 😂

  • @SuburbanDelinquent
    @SuburbanDelinquent 8 років тому +9557

    If it wasn't for your videos I'd never know things like that exist.

    • @nicoow99
      @nicoow99 8 років тому +24

      true that

    • @irrationalfeminist4053
      @irrationalfeminist4053 8 років тому +16

      21,000 for an aeroplane ticket isn't really expensive...

    • @ninabanana8730
      @ninabanana8730 8 років тому +6

      Exactly right, stupid proletariat amiright?

    • @xtafpfhr5491
      @xtafpfhr5491 8 років тому +6

      Paris Hilton flies first class at that airlines and has posted pics before on her Instagram. though anyone would expect the wealthy to have an absurd level of luxury I did find that airlines's first class appeared to be amazingly luxurious even just in photos.

    • @sk.5
      @sk.5 8 років тому +20

      +Irrational Feminist I can buy a car with that money

  • @RodrigoOrtega17
    @RodrigoOrtega17 4 роки тому +921

    Ok...plant this
    3:00 am you wake up from a nitemare turn around and se this

  • @theodorej.burkhardt8844
    @theodorej.burkhardt8844 3 роки тому +1082

    Flight attendant: “you didn’t pay $25,000 to make your own bed
    Casey: “very nice..!”

    • @SurplusTrader
      @SurplusTrader 3 роки тому +16

      @@jschlatt167 yo chill

    • @spencibidy
      @spencibidy 3 роки тому +18

      @@jschlatt167 someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed

    • @teenagemovieguy7816
      @teenagemovieguy7816 3 роки тому +1

      @@jschlatt167 lmao grumpy

    • @goji9892
      @goji9892 3 роки тому +2

      @@jschlatt167 your that one kid who says every swear word in the book to look cool.

    • @opheliaforgetmenots
      @opheliaforgetmenots 3 роки тому +2

      i was confused as to why he’s making his own bed LMAO

  • @GEU1164
    @GEU1164 4 місяці тому +3

    I really love when I come back to casey every few months, literally saves from being bored for days straight

  • @genericname5569
    @genericname5569 4 роки тому +4249

    I remember the good old days when you could actually buy a plane ticket

  • @josuepreciado3073
    @josuepreciado3073 4 роки тому +3501

    Are we not gonna talk about how he literally just talked to an Olympic athlete without noticing😂

  • @MoizAsad
    @MoizAsad 4 роки тому +1915

    Why is no one talking about the fact that he showered and slept with his sun glasses on 🤣🤣🤣

  • @TheThingsBuy
    @TheThingsBuy 10 місяців тому +3

    2018 was your peak man I always see myself coming back every year

  • @levay9364
    @levay9364 6 років тому +2114

    Why do i always come back to this video?!

  • @sillycrazyloopstraws5819
    @sillycrazyloopstraws5819 4 роки тому +253

    5:07 imagine being the person behind him and hearing this

  • @DDFitness
    @DDFitness 8 років тому +2994

    Only casey can make an airplane vlog incredibly engaging

    • @kri5tian406
      @kri5tian406 8 років тому +5

      Very true.

    • @dimitriskovsr5064
      @dimitriskovsr5064 8 років тому +2


    • @edgarlima8741
      @edgarlima8741 8 років тому +4

      Syndicate is pretty good at it aswell.

    • @aplayerwhoplays7579
      @aplayerwhoplays7579 8 років тому +39

      I guess it helps when you have a 21,000$ first class airplane seat.

    • @TheMatasr97
      @TheMatasr97 8 років тому +3

      he is fucking looser. showering with sunglasses :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  • @KingTony718
    @KingTony718 2 роки тому +30

    I have been watching this video throughout almost 5 years now. I love to watch it when I have a hard time going to sleep, I dream about being able to fly first class like he has.

  • @switchboard8905
    @switchboard8905 5 років тому +435

    5:07 when you wake up for school, but realise its sunday.

    • @hyerai4458
      @hyerai4458 5 років тому +9

      Sampan Grover OH SHIT WHY IS THIS ME?

    • @DixeyDo
      @DixeyDo 5 років тому +9

      I have school on Sundays

    • @danielschmidt9072
      @danielschmidt9072 5 років тому +9

      @@DixeyDo oh you poor soul

    • @koi8432
      @koi8432 5 років тому

      @@DixeyDo thats bad luck

    • @tassfurkann
      @tassfurkann 5 років тому

      @@DixeyDo oh you idiot

  • @vemundkremund3221
    @vemundkremund3221 7 років тому +2922

    If I paid 21,000 dollars for an airplane flight, I'd at least expect noise cancelling headphones...

    • @BohnBerda
      @BohnBerda 7 років тому +51

      VoldeNissen they prob did he just prob didnt show it

    • @zak00101
      @zak00101 7 років тому +130

      VoldeNissen They give you one pair. But you cant take it with you.

    • @vemundkremund3221
      @vemundkremund3221 7 років тому +21

      Oh, OK... They better do xD

    • @Buntyboi784
      @Buntyboi784 7 років тому +14

      VoldeNissen they give that shit to economy class people as well

    • @parsakondori
      @parsakondori 7 років тому +11

      VoldeNissen I've had those in business class :/

  • @bodaniel2024
    @bodaniel2024 8 років тому +337

    Who is sad at the thought that they will most likely NEVER get to experience this in their lifetime? hahaha thanks for showing us first class but my life is coach.

    • @tanvir7188
      @tanvir7188 8 років тому +19

      not being able to afford 1st class is nothing to be ashamed about just like how there is no shame in being able to afford it.

    • @TradeHelp
      @TradeHelp 8 років тому +3

      You never know what could happen to your life. I am 17 years old and I have earned more than 50 000 eur using a LEGAL bussiness.

    • @MrDragos360
      @MrDragos360 8 років тому +1

      Well, you can save for few years and take a trip. How most people can afford 20k euro cars they can afford a plane trip. I know that my chances to take to fly at first class is very low and I am a bit of sad but I see this a motivation to study and work so I can afford.

    • @stephencod
      @stephencod 8 років тому +15

      You have earned 50,000, yet you cannot spell business.

    • @MrSamuel539
      @MrSamuel539 8 років тому +2

      You could afford if you had really fucked up priorities.

  • @thequebee_0101
    @thequebee_0101 3 роки тому +9

    this was absolutely the most mind blowing thing back when it came out, man i still remember it

  • @elyonkunda6772
    @elyonkunda6772 7 років тому +707

    More luxurious than my own house and car.

  • @Ehay03
    @Ehay03 6 років тому +390

    1:24 “total privacy”

  • @vi-qp2fz
    @vi-qp2fz 6 років тому +811

    *total privacy*
    *flight attendant looking at him*

  • @chemly3315
    @chemly3315 3 роки тому +6

    What a classic, always gotta come back to this video every once in a while.

  • @sami05kash89
    @sami05kash89 3 роки тому +3932

    Just imagine. You pay for this, and miss your flight.

    • @San17_
      @San17_ 3 роки тому +163

      You can get a refund

    • @a_s_t_r_o_w_o_r_l_d8466
      @a_s_t_r_o_w_o_r_l_d8466 3 роки тому +23

      Jesus Christ

    • @a_s_t_r_o_w_o_r_l_d8466
      @a_s_t_r_o_w_o_r_l_d8466 3 роки тому +19

      That’s just pain

    • @AdamPlxgs
      @AdamPlxgs 3 роки тому +33

      You get a free flight and a refund, so easy

    • @erickmercadante6130
      @erickmercadante6130 3 роки тому +97

      I believe that before your flight they send a limo (if your in first class) to come and get you to ensure your not late and even then they bring you to the first class lounge so they make it very very difficult to miss your flight in first class, and if they are running late they hold the gate until you get there unless its over an hour then i think they reschedule your flight.

  • @lanklonk6990
    @lanklonk6990 7 років тому +2769

    the cost of this plane ride could pay my rent for the next 3 and a half years

    • @squidgunn
      @squidgunn 7 років тому +91

      lank lonk it could help my family keep my house.

    • @kalpp2515
      @kalpp2515 7 років тому +1


    • @barneyhk3363
      @barneyhk3363 7 років тому +31

      Ghostly Gengar hope you get kicked out

    • @Daniel-tf2vu
      @Daniel-tf2vu 7 років тому +5

      Barnaby Kirby haha edgy haha

    • @squidgunn
      @squidgunn 7 років тому +11

      Barnaby Kirby haters gonna hate.

  • @prankfiles
    @prankfiles 8 років тому +363

    This guy is on the Popular UA-cam page every week!

    • @samsonmiodek
      @samsonmiodek 8 років тому +11

      He is awesome!

    • @JackLeighFilms
      @JackLeighFilms 8 років тому +27

      he deserves it.. he makes by far some of the best content on this website

    • @saintlorent4084
      @saintlorent4084 8 років тому

      Bei der deutschen ja

    • @daveybaby007
      @daveybaby007 8 років тому +6

      Because he supposedly represents UA-cam

    • @Hero4fun77
      @Hero4fun77 8 років тому +20

      He deserve it. Meanwhile, kids in africa... Never mind just joking, hehe.

  • @homiijay
    @homiijay 11 місяців тому +5

    Whenever I’m traveling or about too I always come back to this video 😩

  • @AgentSapphire
    @AgentSapphire 8 років тому +1652

    my favorite part is when the flight attendant got mad at him for making up his own bed.

    • @mesho6762
      @mesho6762 8 років тому +26

      Yeah me too! I wish someone would do like this to me.

    • @Clorox.Bleach
      @Clorox.Bleach 8 років тому +1

      lol ya

    • @hearthagram
      @hearthagram 8 років тому +159

      For $21,000 she better make my bed and read me a bed time story

    • @nationalcitysycho
      @nationalcitysycho 8 років тому +16


    • @christianq95
      @christianq95 8 років тому


  • @nikkirambo
    @nikkirambo 5 років тому +488

    I didn’t even know showering on a plane was a thing.

    • @dinkledan9040
      @dinkledan9040 5 років тому +44

      That's because we are peasants

    • @camilabrooke6694
      @camilabrooke6694 5 років тому +1

      I come from a rich family so I have a jet to go on

    • @nanayay8133
      @nanayay8133 5 років тому +15

      @@camilabrooke6694 lel showoff

    • @theanimalkeaper
      @theanimalkeaper 5 років тому +12

      Flip Andrew like imagine turbulence happens and you are in the shower naked

    • @peoplepeoplehehohajo8897
      @peoplepeoplehehohajo8897 5 років тому +3

      Joudy Hossam ur point?

  • @sarika-patel5263
    @sarika-patel5263 6 років тому +669

    When I can’t afford first class I watch it instead

  • @UncleDavid5077
    @UncleDavid5077 Рік тому +5

    6 years and I’m still watching this I miss the good old days 🤕

  • @ibrahimhassan37
    @ibrahimhassan37 7 років тому +840

    When his airplane trip is cooler than your entire house.

    • @liyana1226
      @liyana1226 7 років тому +1

      Red Panda lol

    • @DiegoHernandez-mk3wg
      @DiegoHernandez-mk3wg 7 років тому


    • @ButtsandFarts
      @ButtsandFarts 7 років тому +2

      Bruh 😂😂😂

    • @uvuvwevwevwevossasmaster3819
      @uvuvwevwevwevossasmaster3819 7 років тому

      Red Panda well considering that house of yours isnt worth 500million dollars i think i know why the plane won

    • @ibrahimhassan37
      @ibrahimhassan37 7 років тому

      JoshCanHearYou Yep, and to think you can buy 10 good houses with that money, but instead you spend it on a temporary 12 hour flight.

  • @humble3dore405
    @humble3dore405 4 роки тому +467

    Me: *watches this video*
    My credit card: *heavy sweating*

    • @themasonexperience6844
      @themasonexperience6844 4 роки тому +3

      Humble3dore no one pays to go to first class. Most of the time, people pay with frequent flyer points. If you could afford to fly first class with cash, many rich people would use the money for other stuff.

    • @officialmregghead750
      @officialmregghead750 4 роки тому

      I don’t think anyone would use a credit card.... your credit score would plummet and put you in debt, if you can’t afford it just don’t buy it.

    • @xgqd9878
      @xgqd9878 4 роки тому

      i love your profil photo

      @RIKKO.CASEMO 4 роки тому


  • @notdevinsyoutube
    @notdevinsyoutube 8 років тому +262

    Am I the only one who would play with the doors the whole time?!?!😂😂

  • @Jose-wk2uo
    @Jose-wk2uo Рік тому +2

    This is mi favorite Casey's video. Time has gone pretty well since I was 17 years old in 2016.

  • @crimsonplayzzz9741
    @crimsonplayzzz9741 8 років тому +324

    The wright brothers would be proud

  • @cassandraavenido5745
    @cassandraavenido5745 5 років тому +590

    Me: that looks intere-
    Wallet: Dont Even Say it

    • @Quvl
      @Quvl 4 роки тому +1


    • @lofivibez182
      @lofivibez182 4 роки тому

      @joel dlima are u joking or are just that stupid

  • @cornflakesandmilk8157
    @cornflakesandmilk8157 7 років тому +1662

    If I'm paying $21,000 for a plane seat. Then I'm not sleeping I'm forcing myself to stay awake.

    • @bh2141
      @bh2141 7 років тому +238

      If I'm paying $21,000 for a plane seat, I better be sleeping with the flight attendant.

    • @maxtrack9008
      @maxtrack9008 7 років тому +11

      @bh : I don't know, looks a little cramped for two people to get restful sleep .... just saying

    • @Gk22632
      @Gk22632 7 років тому +2

      He doesnt pay for his flights....theyre free

    • @sabinenemet3619
      @sabinenemet3619 7 років тому

      NMD what the fuck

    • @loganm.144
      @loganm.144 7 років тому

      Cornflakes And Milk yeah pretty much

  • @b1lawal129
    @b1lawal129 3 роки тому +2

    best era of youtube.

  • @iansmith9989
    @iansmith9989 7 років тому +680

    Every time I look at an airplane now....
    I’ll just think that there is some rich guy showering up there 😂🚿

    • @santiago9086
      @santiago9086 7 років тому +14

      UA-cam By Ian there are very few planes with showers. Most of them, if not all, are emirates planes which fly to or from Dubai so if you live far from Dubai chances are you'll never see one of those where rich guys shower. :)

    • @noeleen1403
      @noeleen1403 7 років тому +3

      Haha same

    • @taelerrwashington9164
      @taelerrwashington9164 7 років тому +3

      Santi Fer tbh I feel like even if u have a super long flight I feel like paying for a flight that cost that much isn’t really worth it but if u get your seats upgraded and u get lucky and u don’t have to pay for some reason ok good

    • @etang134
      @etang134 7 років тому


    • @eggbaby505
      @eggbaby505 7 років тому


  • @kendallgarbrecht2245
    @kendallgarbrecht2245 5 років тому +2219

    This just calls me poor in 100 different ways.

    • @ezzyslays9242
      @ezzyslays9242 5 років тому +8

      Kendall Garbrecht probably more 😂

    • @yevgenyamovsisyan311
      @yevgenyamovsisyan311 5 років тому +3

      100th like

    • @vlad-tf9sf
      @vlad-tf9sf 5 років тому +4

      dont worry same as almost all of us here xD

    • @1533willo
      @1533willo 5 років тому +2

      Not mean your poor 99.999% of the world can’t afford this so don’t worry!

    • @fbi7062
      @fbi7062 5 років тому

      Kendall Garbrecht I can afford this but it isn’t worth it cause your on the plane for like 14 hours or something

  • @PT-qh7bd
    @PT-qh7bd 5 років тому +132

    Imagine the flight attendants just hearing this guy talk to himself

  • @StreetTrainedWarriors
    @StreetTrainedWarriors 2 роки тому +5

    Watched this before I graduated high school and the intro always got to me always wanting to graduate as I left school for a year
    Feels wholesome to be a high school graduate and come back to this video thanks Casey ! 😎

  • @mura0
    @mura0 8 років тому +2189

    Pretty sure most airlines have his name on record and as soon as he checks in they upgrade him automatically. For the airlines it's a cheap advertising proposition.

    • @wokeil
      @wokeil 8 років тому +12


    • @eliasmarseille1038
      @eliasmarseille1038 8 років тому +10

      you're right

    • @TheNonMakeupGuru
      @TheNonMakeupGuru 8 років тому +39

      To be honest probably, but its not exactly cheap advertising... They give him things like a 23 grand seat... thats twenty three grand they are basically giving away..

    • @kennethoon
      @kennethoon 8 років тому +91

      either that or it's a sorry for that boosted board

    • @user-jp3tp7fv1s
      @user-jp3tp7fv1s 8 років тому +2

      omg you clearly don't understand the whole idea -.-

  • @valkyrieli4274
    @valkyrieli4274 7 років тому +1754

    Meanwhile I'm sitting here on a tiny airplane eating pretzels...

    • @millie3799
      @millie3799 7 років тому +65

      Angelic Fire you still have wifi on it though.. check your privilege

    • @eridiance9818
      @eridiance9818 7 років тому +9

      Cupcake63931 your a little late, damn

    • @redicent
      @redicent 7 років тому +7

      +Cupcake63931 ive saw too much jacksfilm references today

    • @JesseLockeHere2Do
      @JesseLockeHere2Do 7 років тому +7

      "Angelic Fire you still have wifi on it though.. check your privilege"

    • @lisalaredo7508
      @lisalaredo7508 7 років тому +1

      How in the world do u have wifi

  • @kazkirinn
    @kazkirinn 4 роки тому +378

    Me when someone trash talk me :

  • @prekrasnyy8728
    @prekrasnyy8728 4 роки тому +195

    My anxiety could never when casey was taking his time in the shower and they will land in an hour.