Perfect timing! I just picked up a used Gigabyte B550 mother and installes a Ryzen 9 5900 CPU. The CPU Cooler fan is crazy loud. I'll adjust the fan curve as you suggested. Thanks!
Ooo nice pairing, I love the 5900 :) Yes I was surprised at just how noisy the CPU cooler was when I changed from an ASUS to Gigabyte motherboard. Surprised they setup the default fan curves like that.
Perfect timing! I just picked up a used Gigabyte B550 mother and installes a Ryzen 9 5900 CPU. The CPU Cooler fan is crazy loud. I'll adjust the fan curve as you suggested. Thanks!
Ooo nice pairing, I love the 5900 :) Yes I was surprised at just how noisy the CPU cooler was when I changed from an ASUS to Gigabyte motherboard. Surprised they setup the default fan curves like that.
You fixed my PC noise thank you so much
Glad I could help 🙂 My Gigabyte build was noisy AF at first too. I'm glad they have a good fan curve feature.