The Beauty of Hockey: The Greatest Game on the Planet (HD) | Reaction

  • Опубліковано 25 вер 2024


  • @mattwood6485
    @mattwood6485 2 роки тому +28

    Fighting in hockey is mostly the players self-regulating. It's understood that if you do something to hurt another player then you can expect to pay the price by getting beat up by one of his teammates.

    • @Games_By_Design
      @Games_By_Design 7 місяців тому +1

      It's hard for people new to the sport to understand but the fighting really deters more injury than it causes.

  • @ryans413
    @ryans413 2 роки тому +7

    Not saying other sports don’t have this but hockey by far is a rollercoaster of emotions and wonderful stories.

  • @cjamesk9584
    @cjamesk9584 2 роки тому +9

    The "club" is called a stick and they used to be made of wood, but now they are made of a lightweight composite material, if you look at the players when they shoot, the stick actually bends

    • @Timmycoo
      @Timmycoo 2 роки тому

      I still find it crazy that sticks are rated on flex.

  • @adamdonovan4071
    @adamdonovan4071 2 роки тому +4

    The Stanley cup is the only professional sports trophy older than the league that awards. Every name for decades has been etched on its surface.

  • @JamesBreazealejcb28431
    @JamesBreazealejcb28431 2 роки тому +5

    To understand what can lead to a major brawl you should probably watch about the rivalry between Colorado and Detroit starting in the mid to late 90's. It led to "The brawl in Hockeytown"

  • @GeoJesse
    @GeoJesse 2 роки тому +12

    i'll state one thing hockey has that you will NEVER see in another sport that is as physically demanding, although it does not happen often. that is overtime in the playoffs. it's play until one team scores. there is not a single high intensity, endurance testing situation in any other sport than a continuous overtime. there have been overtimes that have been the equal of two whole games played. that is indisputably the toughest thing of any of the physically demanding sports. anyway, here are my thoughts on the rest:
    it's the greatest game to me. but "greatest" is subjective. I can lay out every reason why i think it is the greatest and toughest but you can't force people into saying something else is the greatest. some people just view aspects of a sport differently. some aspects that i think are boring or bad may be engaging and good to them so it's hard to argue if one game is greater than another. there are *some* fixed facts of the game that no other game has and that it is undoubtedly better than any other, but there is also the same thing for other sports so it is a little hard to argue what's the greatest and what's not.
    i think it is the greatest partially because of everything said in the beginning, but also the history behind the Stanley Cup is amazing, it is an ever changing game whereas with most sports they were played the same way 100 years ago. the whole way hockey is played today is completely different. the tactics have changed, the physical makeup, etc. I have no doubt 100 years from now it will be different than it is now.
    i like hockey the most because no other sport do you have to have the combination of reaction and decision making in such a fast manner. in hockey you can make one small move 100 feet away from the puck and that small move can cost you a goal. defenders especially. skate the wrong way for just half a second and you'll get beat. if you're a forward carrying the puck you can get demolished/hit hard because your eyes looked down for just a split second.
    at any time a goal can be scored. you can be in the crowd at a game and look at your phone because you got a text and then look up and see the players celebrating a goal.
    others can argue their points and can have some good points and maybe they think their game is greater and that's totally fine. it's all a matter of your mindset towards sports. maybe some people don't want to watch something so fast. but to me that's what makes it great. to others that may be the case. to each their own, but that is my opinion and my argument. if you don't agree, more power to you.

    • @fieldgeneralvids8634
      @fieldgeneralvids8634 2 роки тому

      I would say college/high school wrestling is just as if not more physically demanding

    • @seniormale
      @seniormale Рік тому

      @@fieldgeneralvids8634 maybe you should watch some more games..

  • @JT.Pilgrim
    @JT.Pilgrim 8 місяців тому +3

    6:05 what makes hockey a great spectator sport is the fact that the puck is so small. When you understand the game as a fan, you know where the puck is and where it is likely going. If you can’t find the puck it is because you don’t understand the game. That’s why i believe Hockey is the greatest sport of all time. It is team competition on every level. Physical, intellectual, skill, concentration. It is literally the closest thing in modern day sports that is gladiator like.

  • @marcinspace
    @marcinspace 2 роки тому +2

    Hockey is by far the best sport to watch.. it has everything wraped up into 1 game on steroids

  • @the.wayne.b
    @the.wayne.b 9 місяців тому

    they way marty delivers that "she was a great lady" after his mom dies, wrecks me.

  • @petergeyer7584
    @petergeyer7584 2 роки тому +2

    One great thing about hockey is that - because players are constantly changing and getting short rests on the bench - there are almost never any slow or boring parts of the game. It is always played at 100%.

  • @adamdonovan4071
    @adamdonovan4071 2 роки тому +2

    The physicality of football, the play development of soccer and the fast transition offense of basketball set upon a sheet of ice, played with weapons in hand and strapped to your feet.
    What more could one possibly want in a sport?

  • @gatesdubois9373
    @gatesdubois9373 2 роки тому +6

    In soccer you will never ever have the feeling of winning lord standly he is a part of history

    • @adamdonovan4071
      @adamdonovan4071 2 роки тому +1

      I watch a video on the history of Lord Stanley and his cup every spring to get psyched for playoffs.
      The only professional sports trophy that is older than the league that awards it! Epic.

  • @PaulGuy
    @PaulGuy Рік тому +1

    The Stanley Cup, the NHL championship trophy, is 34.5 pounds and almost three feet tall. It has a number of rings that make up the base, with the names of the annual winners engraved on them. When one gets filled, the oldest is removed and stored in the league's Hall of Fame and a new ring is installed.
    The part where the guy in black threw his gloves off and did jazz hands was him scoring the winning goal for the championship in overtime.

  • @Gantzz321
    @Gantzz321 2 роки тому +2

    that last guy whos mother passed was the day before mother's day, the game was on mothers day

  • @ShuffleUpandDeal32
    @ShuffleUpandDeal32 2 роки тому +2

    He scored the goal on mother's day!

  • @nebidiaswift5200
    @nebidiaswift5200 2 роки тому +8

    On average a skater is skating 15 mph with faster speeds hitting and in fewest cases exceeding 25 mph. Think of an nfl linebacker hitting you open ice at 20 mph. It is devastating.

  • @briansmith6791
    @briansmith6791 Рік тому

    Ice Hockey, this modern version, and Basketball were both invented by Canadians. As a Canadian, who grew up playing hockey and as a proud fan, you are welcome! and you can have basketball!
    This rough style of hockey is Canadian Hockey. It is the reason why Canada is the dominate hockey nation in the world - more than twice as many intetnational wins/medals than the next closest country - Russia. Thankfully, some US players and leagues have adopted the Canadian style of hockey and avoid the European Style of hockey.
    The NHL was a Canadian league that expanded into the USA. Historically, most NHL players are Canadian, but that has dropped from almost 100% down to 50% today. Even hockey teams in the USA are half Canadian players or more.
    Hockey pucks are vulcanized rubber that are frozen for game use, reduces bouncing of puck. Pucks are shot at average speeds of 88 mph up to about 120 mph.
    The glass is 1/2 inch thick safety glass. The boards, can move a little, but are not padded and are boards, hard.
    Body and Hip checks are legal providing 1) the head is not the initial point of contact 2) you don't hit people from behind, on the numbers on back of jersey and 3) hip checks must be above the knee.
    Hockey players move at speeds of up to 28 mph and collisions between two players can occur at over 50 mph. Even though hockey players are app 20% smaller than NFL players, NHL Hockey hits are known to be over 20% harder than NFL or rugby. Then they land on ice or are smashed into boards - lol can't run out of bounds, in hockey, to avoid getting hit.
    You are not allowed to hit anyone with your stick, unless it was a follow- through on a shot.
    Fighting is illegal and results in at least a 5 min penalty or more. Fighting usually results in response to a dirty play/player - retribution and punishment - see ' the code'
    Hockey players do not stay down unless they are really hurt, normally they pop back up and keep playing - other sports could LEARN from this
    Most common hockey injuries are stitches and loosing teeth aka 'spitting chicklets' - when this happens, hockey players don't usually even miss a shift
    Hockey players play through the pain on broken legs, broken feet, broken jaws, noses and facial bones. If at all humanly or inhumanly possible, hockey players finish their shift, the game and the series.
    Ice Hockey is rated as the SECOND most difficult and tough sport, just behind boxing. Less than a 1% difference between the two. It is followed by football, mma....but who really cares about that.
    Each game is a full 60 minutes, made up of three 20 min periods. The clock is stopped when game play is halted.
    The NHL regular season is 82 games ( also has pre-season) and Stanley Cup Playoffs where you must win '4' best of 7 series, hence a minimun of 16 games to a maximum of 28 games played! An entire football season just to win the cup! Hence, it is the hardest trophy in professional sports to win! Finally,

  • @andrewcormier529
    @andrewcormier529 2 роки тому +3

    That was a really good reaction how I love to see somebody find the beauty and elegance in the sport of hockey I've been following it all my life I did hear you say you didn't have a team I would like to officially welcome you to the Boston Bruins organization I think you will find us with a storied and great history that you will be proud of joining God-bless go bruins

  • @kylerivers3536
    @kylerivers3536 2 місяці тому +1

    In football/Soccer the players roll around on the ground like they are about to die and often for very little contact. In Hockey the players at least try to get up and make it to the bench after a very brutal hit.

  • @TheJimprez
    @TheJimprez 2 роки тому +2

    Hockey is basically a speeded-up version of Football/Soccer. With violence thrown in.
    It's the same tactics, the same offense/defense lines, a goaltender, and a thing that people push towards each other to try to get past that lonely person. The goal is smaller, the violence makes for extra padding and head protection and the skates make for car crash speeds when you hit someone going the opposite way. The puck replaces the ball, and it's HARD and goes at again, highway speeds. EVERYTHING about hockey means a better reaction time, athletic ability (it's like the difference between a fixed-wing airplane pilot, and a helicopter pilot. One is using a few senses, the other lives in a constant 3-D world, teetering towards instability at every second. )
    Hockey players need to be REALLY good to be at the top. AT EVERYTHING!!! And most important of all. they CAN'T just roll around and cry like little babies when they fake injuries. THAT would be an INSTANT beat-down at the next shift. And probably the end of a career. WHO DOES THAT???

    • @Maczust63
      @Maczust63 2 роки тому

      People forget that when you are messing with the puck you have to do it by feel because if your head is down you will get decked. You have to be brave, taking the puck means you can get hurt or experience pain because the other team wants it. Hockey has a code and honor. It's almost a gentlemen sport while being barbaric with intensity of trying to get possession of the puck. You have more dexterity in your arms and hand making the deeks require more skill and speed or the defender will just strip you. Its a good balance with offense and defences, soccer the defence is almost easier to gain possession, basketball its hard to gain possession and hockey almost equal

  • @ShuffleUpandDeal32
    @ShuffleUpandDeal32 2 роки тому

    Speaking of beauty

  • @hightie1
    @hightie1 2 роки тому

    Its very rare with filming ( diving) in hockey. In football its an artform. Very manly.

  • @myowndrum286
    @myowndrum286 Рік тому

    I'll admit, my brothers(Canadian Swedes from Western Canada) likely looked like wild Viking invaders to the guy from the other team who saw them coming at him on the ice. Worse yet, if they didn't see them, but believe you me, they had sticks not 'clubs'. haha! Clubs indeed! That was funny! Hockey most certainly is an entertaining sport and I believe the best one.

  • @Rex73777
    @Rex73777 11 місяців тому

    The biggest difference between soccer and hockey fundamentally is the amount of time that you’re on the field/ice. Hockey players are typically out on the ice for only 45 seconds to may be a minute and a half and they’re going full speed full out the entire time. Soccer is more of an endurance game.

  • @davidsias5351
    @davidsias5351 2 роки тому

    It's called a hockey stick and it can be made out of composite materials or wood or reinforced wood and the puck is solid hard rubber that's kept frozen

  • @Guildofarcanelore
    @Guildofarcanelore 8 місяців тому

    It’s not legal to fight.
    It is a 5 minute major penalty.
    Both players will serve 5 minutes in the penalty box, and there is the potential for one to serve an additional 2 minute “instigator” penalty.
    I think you would enjoy it.
    It’s faster than football, and hitting can be exciting. Stanley Cup (the chunky trophy) playoffs are exciting!

  • @1zamboni
    @1zamboni Місяць тому

    The Stanley Cup is the hardest Trophy to win in professional sport it takes skills to play,.

  • @KizaruBorsalino
    @KizaruBorsalino 2 роки тому +1

    Modern hockey sticks are made of carbon fibers, they used to be made out of wood but it was too rigid and broke easily so they switched to carbon which is more durable while having more flexibility, and it's also much lighter.

  • @ShuffleUpandDeal32
    @ShuffleUpandDeal32 2 роки тому

    Hockey sticks are wood or composite

  • @russlemarr398
    @russlemarr398 Рік тому

    Oh, also
    GO SENS GO!!!

  • @Laochri
    @Laochri 2 роки тому

    The Best hockey Rivalry is the Colorado Avalanche-Detroit Red Wings brawl March 26th 1997. Now I am a Av's fan to the bone.

    • @lachazaroony
      @lachazaroony 2 роки тому

      I agree to a point, but being born and raised here in Toronto, the Montreal-Toronto rivalry has been going for 100 years. I have met people that i became friends with, found out they are a Montreal fan and never spoke to them again. I know it sounds dumb, and it is, but i cant help it. I cannot be friends with a Montreal fan.

    • @Mr_Spock512
      @Mr_Spock512 2 місяці тому

      @@lachazaroony Same here ... I'd rather speak with my dog than with a Toronto Laffs LOSER fan.
      Habs rule! ... 24 cups baby!

  • @allanlank
    @allanlank Рік тому

    The sticks, not clubs, are made of wood. The pucks are made of rubber but as it's on ice, is as hard as a rock.

  • @F1rstWorldNomaD
    @F1rstWorldNomaD 3 місяці тому

    It is...
    Its a game for men... real men.
    An UFC champion wouldnt last 10 games in the NHL
    Its brutal on a whole different level

  • @Garkimyer
    @Garkimyer Рік тому

    The puck is made of a very hard rubber, the sticks are made of carbon fibre these days. They used to be wooden or aluminum though.

    • @Mr_Spock512
      @Mr_Spock512 2 місяці тому

      The puck is also frozen to prevent it from bouncing too much.
      It's hard as a rock and it hurts like hell when you get hit on an unprotected part of your body.

  • @gordieparenteau6555
    @gordieparenteau6555 2 роки тому +1

    Modern hockey sticks are made of carbon fibre. Traditionally, they've been made of wood.

  • @waynethera2712
    @waynethera2712 Рік тому

    The stories the Stanley Cup could tell.

  • @carlop.7182
    @carlop.7182 Рік тому +1

    Thanks a lot for the reaction. You're almost right: hockey is similar to foot (soccer) on ice, but with different rules, and with much more speed. As for your question, I'm from Montreal, Canada, so my team is the one from my city, but they don't do so well since the mid 1990's. They reached the Stanley cup final last year, but lost again. I've already subscribed and will watch more of your reactions. Have a nice day.

  • @_andthelike
    @_andthelike 2 роки тому

    omg i loved this

  • @Brandon-th4xx
    @Brandon-th4xx Рік тому

    Good reaction.. I think the beauty of hockey video could be made a lot better

  • @rogueelite8489
    @rogueelite8489 2 роки тому +1

    Should react to NHL greatest saves

  • @KOLLIS1969
    @KOLLIS1969 2 роки тому

    For a better understanding of the use of fighting and why it is allowed in hockey, you should watch THE CODE - The Unwritten Rules of Fighting and Retribution in Ice Hockey

    • @KOLLIS1969
      @KOLLIS1969 2 роки тому

      Sorry, I now see that you have watched that one.

  • @g.pharand6499
    @g.pharand6499 2 роки тому


  • @adamdonovan4071
    @adamdonovan4071 2 роки тому

    The puck is frozen vulcanized rubber. I think it’s about 6 ounces.

  • @nickvandergragt653
    @nickvandergragt653 2 роки тому

    NOW you know why hockey is the worlds greatest game.

  • @ChrisTorris
    @ChrisTorris Рік тому

    The Idea that fighting is "legal" in hockey is not totally accurate. The rules DO prohibit fighting, and a 5 minute major penalty will be charged to any player doing so. However, Hockey is the only sport in the world where a player will not be ejected from the game for doing so. You will receive a penalty, but you will be allowed to stay in the game.

  • @randyvalgardson774
    @randyvalgardson774 Рік тому

    Fighting is TECHNICALLY not legal. You ARE penalized for it, you just aren't ejected from the game for it like other sports. Fighting is also not as common as it used to be, instead players are playing "dirty" because there are so many new rules that make it harder to use fighting to prevent "cheap shots" from happening.

  • @DougGratton
    @DougGratton 2 роки тому

    Some slap shots are over 100 mph

  • @GeoJesse
    @GeoJesse 2 роки тому

    watch some full speed hockey videos. this doesnt do it justice since everything is in slow motion

  • @gavinfloor9581
    @gavinfloor9581 2 роки тому

    The sticks are made of mostly carbon fiber they used to be made of wood I’m only 14 and my top speed is almost 20mph I’ve hit players and the wall headfirst at this speed multiple times

  • @russlemarr398
    @russlemarr398 Рік тому

    Check out LaCrosse

  • @anthonyyarwood9558
    @anthonyyarwood9558 2 роки тому

    If its the greatest game on the planet how come every country on the planet does not play it.

  • @piercesamwcula
    @piercesamwcula 2 роки тому +2

    Soccer is the most boring game in the world filled with tie games and actors. Football and hockey are the best sports on the planet

    • @GeoJesse
      @GeoJesse 2 роки тому +1

      i just absolutely hate how in soccer even on the biggest stage, you can lose to someone by penalty kicks. that's like playing one overtime in hockey in game 7 of the SCF and losing in a shootout. the stupidest concept ever.

  • @tomjudge7920
    @tomjudge7920 2 роки тому

    Fighting is not legal they get 5 minutes penalties for It

  • @anthonybattista2394
    @anthonybattista2394 2 роки тому

    React to NHL dangles

  • @anelson7532
    @anelson7532 2 роки тому

    Brutality 😂...

  • @pasquinitec
    @pasquinitec 2 роки тому

    carbon fiber

  • @cheryla7480
    @cheryla7480 Рік тому

    Soccer is a girls game. I don’t consider it a man’s sport. A soccer player gets a boo boo on his leg and he’s rolling all over the ground screaming like his leg was amputated. The fricken goal is so big you could score by driving a truck in there, and yet what kind of scores? 0 - 0, 1 - O WTF!. They spend all their time running back and forth on a huge field. It’s like watching tennis, no wonder ther’s hardly any goals…..they’re too tired from running to attempt to score.

  • @rounder8329
    @rounder8329 2 роки тому

    I feel like you would have got more from the video if you didn't talk through most of it.

    • @BoredRuky
      @BoredRuky  2 роки тому

      Maybe 🤔

    • @kevinfeeney5309
      @kevinfeeney5309 2 роки тому

      ​@@BoredRuky side note, Philippines has a national ice hockey team. I'm still trying to get my hands on a jersey. my late mom was from batangas and I still have family in muntinlupa.

  • @thomaskolioupoulos6590
    @thomaskolioupoulos6590 2 роки тому

    Do some research before you do a reaction....Learn at least the basics and terminology...

  • @micheldick1736
    @micheldick1736 2 роки тому +2

    Fighting is mostly the players policing the game game you need to let the other team know you ain’t going to get away with to much shit playing against us

    • @Ruosteinenknight
      @Ruosteinenknight 2 роки тому +1

      Funnily enough, when someone gets hurt and I mean really hurt, it's rarely because of fighting (whether Bertuzzi-Moore incident counts as result of fighting is debatable: sure Moore was knocked out cold, but three men dog piling on him when he was on ice is what broke his neck vertebrae. Hardly what I'd call fisticuffs). The greatest treath to a player are checks to the head or knee. If you get really unlucky, those are straight up career enders. Former NHL player Matt Cooke was universally hated because of this, as headshots and kneeing were pretty much of his standard tricks.

    • @micheldick1736
      @micheldick1736 2 роки тому

      @@Ruosteinenknight well said

    • @micheldick1736
      @micheldick1736 2 роки тому +1

      @@Ruosteinenknight players now try sneak in a slewfoot