Это не земное, это небесное чародейство!!! Здесь лаконичный дуэт, настолько тонко откликается рояль сливаясь с вокалом. что душа слушателя улетает в небеса !!!
Вы так прекрасно всё сказали, что я не решилась, что- либо добавлять, я полностью с Вами согласна, божественное исполнение, необыкновенной красоты голос,звонкий чистый звук, необыкновенный тембр и прекрасный акомпониатр, начав слушать невозможно оторваться, спасибо большое исполнителям - браво!!!
Great singing by DiDonato as well as piano accompaniment by Zobel (the introduction on piano is so well played that it sounds almost as rich and expressive as with an orchestra).
To be able to so fully get into the Emotion of the song. I Wish Joyce could teach Me how to do it!!. How she’s on the verge of tears BEFORE she even utters a single word. 😚👌
This used to be the signature aria of Maria Malibran, the world's leading diva. She could even play the harp herself before singing the aria. Chopin was a huge fan of hers. Later Verdi's Otello eclipsed Rossini's, and this opera was forgotten. Luckily we have had June Anderson and Joyce DiDonato to bring this aria and entire opera back to life.
You forgot to mention the entire recording of the opera with Carreras in the title role and Federica VonStade as Desdemona at least 20 years before Bartoli released her CD of Malibran's arias. The credit really goes to VonStade.
....Affronatre in questo modo un'aria sublime come il canto di addio di Desdemona di Rossini...é segno di una capacità d'Interprete superiore.Il pianista un vero parrtner di lusso.Scelta rischiosa...ma vinta a man bassa da entrambi.
Rough translation: Assisa a 'foot of a willow, immersed in pain, Iaura is a gem from the most cruel love: The aura among the feeble branches he repeated the sound. The limpid streams to his warm sighs, the murmur mixes of their several laps: The aura among the feeble branches he repeated the sound. Salce d'amor delzia! Shady shadow prepares, of my forgetful misfortunes, at the urn my disaster; or repeat the aura of my laments the sound. What did I say! . . . Ah, I mistreated! . . .It is not of the song this is the gloomy end. Listen to me. . . [A gust of wind breaks some windows in the window. ] Oh God! What is never this noise! What a fatal presage!
DiDonato singt gut - keine Frage, aber die Flexibilität der Stimme, wie die der russischen Barocksängerin Julia Lezhneva mit allen ihren stimmlichen Facetten, lassen mich mehr berauschen und mein Herz berühren.
why do you have to leave such a useless comment . I just don't understand people who think that way . Keep it for yourself man because its just so useless
And I love Julia Lezhneva also , that's not the point . But to sing like this from the heart and deep from the soul you dont have to compare it to someone . Have a life
La versión original es con un solo de harpa.desdemona y Emilia están solas .Emilia trata de consolarla.se oye el canto de un gondolero,que recuerda a Desdémona a una amiga muerta y hay otra versión que es a su madre qu le cantaba estacancion del sauce
Far too dry toned, goaty or warbly to be taken seriously in much of opera. This boy soprano tone is annoying and howly in much of opera. The sound is feathery and in and out of being focused. It’s an Irish voice white toned and gives me a headache.
Великолепно! Блистательная Джойс, Давид Зобель тонкий и чуткий музыкант! Замечательный дуэт!!!
Every time I listen to this aria, I keep asking myself how such beautiful music could have been written. Dare I say the finest Rossini work!
Joyce really nails it - her increasing anxiety and finally resignation.
🙆♀️ She really makes me wish I could sing opera!. 💖
Это не земное, это небесное чародейство!!! Здесь лаконичный дуэт, настолько тонко откликается рояль сливаясь с вокалом. что душа слушателя улетает в небеса !!!
Вы так прекрасно всё сказали, что я не решилась, что- либо добавлять, я полностью с Вами согласна, божественное исполнение, необыкновенной красоты голос,звонкий чистый звук, необыкновенный тембр и прекрасный акомпониатр, начав слушать невозможно оторваться, спасибо большое исполнителям - браво!!!
Great singing by DiDonato as well as piano accompaniment by Zobel (the introduction on piano is so well played that it sounds almost as rich and expressive as with an orchestra).
This is my first time hearing Zobel; he’s simply brilliant. He colors the music like a fine singer. Fantastic!
I love Joyce, but accompaniment was so beautiful, that it got me emotional!
Such beautiful voice. Will listen to anything she sings. She’s a gift to us opera lovers
This is quite possibly one of the most moving, affecting performances of anything I've ever experienced. So beautiful. Pure magic!
To be able to so fully get into the Emotion of the song. I Wish Joyce could teach Me how to do it!!. How she’s on the verge of tears BEFORE she even utters a single word. 😚👌
Rossini heard the voices of angels and recorded them for us so we could hear them, too.
Brava....y bravo....gorgeous just breathtaking...ethereal and just perfection from both Joyce and pianist.
Introdotta da un sentito assolo di pianoforte, la Canzone del Salice si sviluppa in tutta la sua mestizia, interpretata magistralmente
bravissimo! Its cool
Un placer escucharla!!! Qué hermosa voz!!!
Amazing performance from both!
Prestigieuse interprétation de Joyce Di Donato et accompagnement au piano splendide ! Merci du partage .
Perfect music! Joyce is a amazing musician.
This used to be the signature aria of Maria Malibran, the world's leading diva. She could even play the harp herself before singing the aria. Chopin was a huge fan of hers. Later Verdi's Otello eclipsed Rossini's, and this opera was forgotten. Luckily we have had June Anderson and Joyce DiDonato to bring this aria and entire opera back to life.
Doug Ronald Check out Virginia Zeani's recording. It's also excellent.
You forgot to mention the entire recording of the opera with Carreras in the title role and Federica VonStade as Desdemona at least 20 years before Bartoli released her CD of Malibran's arias. The credit really goes to VonStade.
Bartoli’s recorded version is very good as well.
Chopin, George Sand, Verdi and Liszt loved La Malibran. Liszt wrote her a letter in which we can read: you have more than genius.
Believe it or not there's a live recording from the 50s with Eileen Farrell singing a cut version of the opera
Bravi , both are fantastic ! Joyce and the pianist .
Incredible voice stunning how great this is
Amazing! 💖💖💖Great duetto! Great Thanks for this aria too!
That was such a wonderful recital! Bravo! Thanks for posting
Sublime ❤
Какой ансамбль замечательный!)
#joycedidonato that beautiful dress is the personification of a blood ruby! Spectacular!
Ein Hochgenuss !
@@EternalFootman-kr6yx kkkkk pourquoi ?
Fabulous, nothing less.
Meravigliosa! Molto, molto brava!
Saluti da Bergamo.
¡Qué maravillosa interpretación de ambos! ¡Bravo!
....Affronatre in questo modo un'aria sublime come il canto di addio di Desdemona di Rossini...é segno di una capacità d'Interprete superiore.Il pianista un vero parrtner di lusso.Scelta rischiosa...ma vinta a man bassa da entrambi.
Cuando se canta con el corazón, te llega al corazón..!!
Canta como los ángeles,
Siempre maravillosa..!!
Buon anno.
Danke schöön
Rough translation:
Assisa a 'foot of a willow,
immersed in pain,
Iaura is a gem
from the most cruel love:
The aura among the feeble branches
he repeated the sound.
The limpid streams
to his warm sighs,
the murmur mixes
of their several laps:
The aura among the feeble branches
he repeated the sound.
Salce d'amor delzia!
Shady shadow prepares,
of my forgetful misfortunes,
at the urn my disaster;
or repeat the aura
of my laments the sound.
What did I say! . . . Ah, I mistreated! . . .It is not of the song
this is the gloomy end. Listen to me. . .
[A gust of wind breaks some windows in the window. ]
Oh God!
What is never this noise!
What a fatal presage!
По поводу кашля в зале: Бернард Шоу говорил,, что люди, страдающие кашлем, идут не к врачу, а на концерт.😮
I am extremely surprised that nobody is talking about giuliani in the comments of this video
grossartig !
Joyce DiDonato actuación en Hamburgo ayer 2 de seriembre 2028
DiDonato singt gut - keine Frage, aber die Flexibilität der Stimme, wie die der russischen Barocksängerin Julia Lezhneva mit allen ihren stimmlichen Facetten, lassen mich mehr berauschen und mein Herz berühren.
why do you have to leave such a useless comment . I just don't understand people who think that way . Keep it for yourself man because its just so useless
And I love Julia Lezhneva also , that's not the point . But to sing like this from the heart and deep from the soul you dont have to compare it to someone . Have a life
You just have to be a smart arse....just appreciate the performance for what it is
La versión original es con un solo de harpa.desdemona y Emilia están solas .Emilia trata de consolarla.se oye el canto de un gondolero,que recuerda a Desdémona a una amiga muerta y hay otra versión que es a su madre qu le cantaba estacancion del sauce
Bella interpretazione.
Heute ist der Freitag. Freitag is Freitag :*) .
Too bad the recit is missing. It's wonderful!
Почему.они расходятся?
the 80's called they want that hairstyle back LOL
Far too dry toned, goaty or warbly to be taken seriously in much of opera. This boy soprano tone is annoying and howly in much of opera. The sound is feathery and in and out of being focused. It’s an Irish voice white toned and gives me a headache.
Treat your headache. Let the rest of us enjoy the sheer beauty of her art
mediocre voices resort to over the top affectation to distract form the many flaws.