It's tinfoil hat time! Time to put my college years to good use 🍌 Timestamps for your convenience :) 0:00 Intro & Exposing Hypothesis 4:17 Links between Absolute Solver and Black holes 8:08 Solver Powers may have been inspired by black hole phenomena - A Sciency Explanation 11:07 Definite Evidence & Expanding on Hypothesis 14:34 Wrap-Up & Outro
There’s something I thought of and I’m not sure if this is a long stretch or I’m just watching my favorite shows too much but the absolute solver is kinda similar to void Ghidorah (if you even know what that is) Their both supposedly entities of the void They both have their own symbols and the fact it’s yellow They both have the power of singularities They Both can defy the laws of reality And they both have their own little puppets Cyn (The Absolute Solvers Host) Miana (Void Ghidorahs Guide)
Physics student here. I fucking squeed when I saw Einstein's Field Equation. I was also very happy to hear you mention some of the unintuitive effects of GR, especially in the context of the illusions we see in the show. Great video!
A fellow harmonic oscillator enjoyer I see. Glad you enjoyed the video, and good luck with college! I'm working and doing my PhD in climate science, but astrophysics will always be my second home :) Honestly? This went from a lore video to a crash course in black hole physics very quickly. The level of detail in this show straight up baffles me
@@TheLoreDroneMy respect for shows immediately goes up when they have actual math/physics in backgrounds, but even then, it’s pretty rare for them to have the actual relevant equations! Best of luck on your Ph.D, and long live the harmonic oscillators!
Murder drones went from cute survival series about robots to the same cute robots trying to prevent the revival of a sentient black hole with a dope ass nickname “THE SOLVER OF THE ABSOLUTE FABRIC, THE VOID, THE EXPONENTIAL END.”
I think that the absolute solver in final form not only engulfs a bunch of planets, but the entire universe since Tessa stated that, “I’ll need you to choose the universe over one little drone, N.” Implying that Cyn threatens the universe in some kind of way, and your hypothesis actually provides us with how she threatens the universe.
Damn. This show went from cute robots killing each other to stopping a.i cthulu from awakening 😂 But serious though if this is true (or not) it does begs the question on how the fuck is N,Uzi,J and tessa (and maybe V if she is somehow survived) are going to beat that shit. Cause im pretty sure its not going to get killed by the power of friendship or love.
My take? I don't think they will (again, assuming that all of this is true in some way). Power levels and stakes are rising, to the point that I see more likely that AS destroys Copper-9 by the season finale than the DD trio and Tessa gaining the upper hand. Heck, what if, in Episode 7, Tessa calls J for backup, only to find that J has been ambushed by Solver Powered Drones back at the ship? I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing tho. A bad ending could set things up for a cloned version of the main trio trying their hand in a different planetary system altogether, with the knowledge that they cannot make the same mistakes. We'd get some big character moments here and there, because by then the main trio would have lost so much already (Uzi, Tessa, Earth) that they'd have to grapple with the consequences of it all. They have to stay stoic and murderous, else they risk putting the fate of the universe over the lives of a few
Very intriguing concept honestly. I personally figured that the black holes were kinda like hammer spaces for code, information or physical materials of the host of the absolute solver or something, mostly cause of episode 2 w/ J, but this makes way more sense
I think that the absoluteSolver powers work a bit differently. My theory is that it is able to manipulate the electromagnetic field, which explains every power that the absolute solver has, from telekinesis to making black holes to the regeneration to changing an object's shape to "duplicating" objects to that one moment in ep3 where doll makes V recall memories, which would require first locating the memory in V's SSD and making the instruction to recall said memory to the CPU. In my opinion, this is the only power that is a bit harder to explain using black holes, although it could just be an illusion from Doll's own memories. Now for the "proof": 1. The bonding of atoms, whether it be an ion, metal or covalent bond is governed by the number of outer shell electrons and electrons are negatively charged, which means that they can be affected by the EM field 2. Objects touching each other don't pass through each other, even though they're mostly empty space, because the electrons repelling each other due to the negative charge. 3. We can already know the type of tissue we are scanning in MRI machines because of the high strength magnets, given that they can "read" an object's information (in the show shown as code), it is safe to assume that the AS can do this too. 4. The EM field is responsible for carrying the photons and this means that the AS can create light through exciting an electron in an atom, just adding enough energy to a specific area... There is probably more stuff i just don't know/can't remember right now The first and second points explain Doll's ability to duplicate knives, change that one fan's blades' shape, Doll exploding one drone, regeneration and much more The second point explains pretty much all of the telekinesis of the AS, as well as the ability to create black holes, because this point essentially means that the AS can impart forces from afar The third point as well as the first explain how Doll made V recall memories The fourth point explains the holograms, the floating symbols, the "code" that appears when using the AS and all the illusions(although those could just be explained by the third point) The first and second point also explain the disassembly drones' seemingly limitless weapon supply I think that your theory is just as valid as mine and there may be a lot of holes in my theory, because i don't have any formal education, I just watch a lot of science youtube. One thing that bothers me with the show is that doll wasn't able to manipulate the disassembly drone because they have the AS, but Doll was still able to make her remember/see an illusion.
Genuinely interested in this take, and I think both ideas could mingle together. How would you consider EM manipulation explains J's corrupted core collapsing into a black hole by the end of Episode 2, let alone creating black holes when using NULL? This is the only contentious evidence I find with your reasoning, because EM manipulation alone can't possibly generate them (you need to throw in gravitational interactions in there somewhere to manipulate mass and create black holes by compressing a target) As per explaining Doll making V recall memories by using black holes, allow me to go on a little tangent here about the concept of information: According to quantum mechanics, information must be preserved throughout any transformation of matter, but fundamentally speaking, any information that falls to a black hole is lost. A possible solution to this information paradox is that information could be found in the particles that escape the black hole by Hawking radiation, in such a way that we could actually retrace what fell or not into them (in this case, we could recreate Doll's memory, duplicate objects, rewrite matter, etc) Thanks for sharing btw! Glad to see another science nerd around here :)
Hello! Im a science nerd too, and i wanted to tell you about some things that you should have added into your theory, first cause we know the solver is highly intelligent, so it can create insanely complex and probably correct astrophysics/mathematical equations, we saw that in the basement in ep 5, there was a HELL ton of equations there, but i tried looking at them but they were too small, and the ones that i did see were just random gibberish, also i made a theory, since we know black holes stop the thing inside of them known as a naked singularity, Im just gonna call it NS for short :3, and the equation proves it, "Rs over MBH−RNS over MNS+D squared over 1=0" so i was thinking, if black holes basically are the final form of the solver, than there must be a NS in the show too, but since we know that black holes use their event horizon to cover up the NS, with the event horizon being the black part of a black hole, and since we know they cover up the NS using themself, well what characters are exactly like that? Uzi and nori, we saw both of them literally become cyn, and this equation is about the fact that basically the black hole sugarcoats the NS "RBHMBH over minus RNS over MNS + D over 1 = 0 " so since we saw uzi literally become cyn in episode 6 for a split second, than im pretty sure that uzi's family is the NS of the show, but one thing, the reason i think uzi has the universe ending abilities, along with her mother, we know that since episode 1 showed that n can detect "Plot armor" than that means that plot armor is a literal time and space bending ability that can be visible, the arm uzi picked up in episode 1 was touched by her and was slightly infected, and since she slapped n with that, n gained plot armor, and the reason why v died was cause she didnt gain any plot armor, uzi never touched v. and since uzi is spreading the plot armor, the solver is trying to stop it, also lets talk about the fact that uzi literally warped multiple black holes, the reason cyn is starting the singularity is cause she wants to gain so much power that she can take down the plot armor, an equation that is about the "Hand Theory" is "P=T2+G⋅B−L over M" i feel like this is a slightly good theory, also your too underated, you gained a new sub!
Nice theory but let me play devils advocate for a bit because throughout the series Uzi has ended up in physical contact with a few other characters. Wouldn't that mean these characters also have plot armour. - in episode 6 V ends up carrying Uzi on her back for a bit so wouldn't that mean that V had plot armour passed to her. It's the part after they escape from Alice but before the final confrontation at the elevator. Solver Uzi also grabs V in episode 4. - in episode 3 Uzi kicks Doll in the head at the end of the prom fight sequence, sure she had a boot on but wouldn't that mean that Doll now has plot armour as well. - Uzi bites Tessa's hand at the start of episode 6 so she might have it to, unless only robots can be infected with plot armour. - And Khan to because of the hug at the end of episode 2.
One problem, Liam has said HP Lovecraft inspiration is involved in Murder Drones...........the Black Holes are a tear in Reality for the Elder or Outer God and it has Zombies Drones accept it's "Friendship" look at episode 4.
We all know Cyn is #001 and so the solver after possessing Cyn it had studied the personality of humans and N was the only one nice to Cyn so let's assume N, V, and J's names stand for something so N might stand for Null, and Tessa is called Tessa similar to Vanessa and Janessa so we can assume that's the names of V and J
I think this is a good hipothesis, probably the most plausible one weve got so far (at least better than just assuming that AS is some sort of eldritch god). Good video, nice editing, i really like the choices of music and some of the references you put into these videos (the Mario & Luigi rating thingy brought a smile to my face).
Honestly? Amazing theory. And knowing Liam, since he's not afraid to kill off major characters (Rip Kali from design), the main trio is in some serious danger. But N can always solo the AS by using some main character bullshit or idk.
Since I know there will be some fellow science nerds like me in the comments, let me elaborate on a few things: 7:50 The first two equations assume gravitational interactions between two objects ( a black hole and Uzi, for instance) to be based on classical Newtonian physics, a valid approximation for most cases in astrophysics. Once in the near-boundaries of the black hole (past the event horizon, where not even light is able to escape), this approximation stops being accurate, as we now have to throw the effects of general relativity into the mix. In order to calculate any parameter, we would have to use way more complex equations instead 9:59 "Hey, you didn't explain Uzi's perspective in the black hole!!!" Didn't have to for the purposes of the video, but might as well do so here :D Imagine Uzi was watching Season 1 of MD as she fell in the black hole (it's her favorite show, she's lead actress after all). As her body approaches the speed of light, the effects of time contraction would speed up her phone screen so that not only would she finish S1 in a flash, she would also see the entire lifespan of the universe happen right before her eyes. Her vision would tunnel outwards into the size of the whole universe, which would tint itself blue overtime... until she finally sees nothing
LoreDrone could be talking about complete gibberish but there's no way in heck I'm fact checking LoreDrone's work. The moment I see letters in math equations my brain collapses in on itself! So I'm just gonna take LoreDrone's word for it.
back at it again watching the best theories known to mankind and this time its funny because i love space and everything about black holes so i might know a thing or two about them also i dont know if this helps but if you did not know if you squish something say earth if we squish earth down to the size of a peanut it should form a black hole so anything can be a black hole if squished small enough like J's core in episode 2 that was probably squashed down to like the size of an atom or something to form that black hole that's probably how the absolute solver if making these black holes also judging on how big of a black hole J's core made must meant that thing must have had a lot of mass sorry for long comment and i hope this helps a tiny bit in your research :)
You're all good! And yeah, it's possible to break any object down to a black hole once this object has surpassed its Schwarzschild radius. Just didn't want to highlight that in this vid in case I'm going way too off-topic One of my planned Yellow Videos (the one called This Makes No Sense), while not theory focused, will cover all the physical inconsistencies of the show, so do look out for that :)
I know that cartoons and animated shows aren't a place for physics but that "small black hole" that was made from J's core has a mass of idk 2, 3 maybe even 5 earths? (we would have to squish earth to a size of a coin to make a black hole and that was bigger than one coin)
You love me?? 😳😳 Aw, thanks for the compliments! I reckon the MD theory community is pretty niche, so I think about this image a lot: I just want to make and share cool vids about wacky theories of my favorite show, and if only a fraction of the Internet listens, then it's all worth it in the end (Bonus points if I get stuff right)
I had a very similar theory after watching EP6. Only difference was I assumed the black holes were portals to let it into the universe, rather than the AbsoluteSolver itself. Kind of like Gravity Falls Bill Cypher, who can only manifest by reaching out to living creatures in their dreams/mind.
My theory is that there’s some kind of gateway/portal somewhere on copper 9 and they can link to it kinda like how soundwave (transformers:prime) was able to use the ship’s portals anywhere on the planet, only difference being that these portals connect to a lovecraftian dimension and/or a black hole
So murder drones whent from worker drones avoiding being killed by murder drones their company sent to kill them to An astronaut and a group of murder drones with two solver infected worker drones trying to stop an eldritch god like cyber virus THIS SHOW JUST GOT MORE INTERESTING
See this is why I think you have better theories than matpat not only showing proof on how the “s” character isn’t probably a main character drone but instead the sentinels (yes I know this was a theory in itself but still very likely) But you also just have more time on the topic and you have the scientific evidence to back it up. So good job!❤
I just noticed that AbsoluteSolver's icon is kinda like black hole that destroyed earth. Plus main AbsoluteSolver's color is yellow and earth black hole's outline color is yellow too!
THIS IS SUCH A COOL IDEA AND I AM ABSOLUTELY LOVING THE SCIENTIFIC AND CONCRETE EVIDENCE TO BACK IT UP!!! Got literal chills watching this as a science nerd ans huge Murder Drones fan :DD
Video recommendation/ could you explain?:whats your process of making theories , I would like to start making some of my own theories so id like to know the steps of making one or sum like that?
the thing is if it actualy dose create a block hole it can make a point in space so dense its more dense then an entire neutron star with 1 ''progream''
what if the AS was an material that JCJenson used to create the WDs that achieved A.I and it's now trying to destroy everything? I'll explain better in another video.
The singularity in the field of AI refers to the point where a self-improving AI becomes infinitely smart. Singularity on general means a point in time or space where a metric becomes infinitely large. You will often see theorists refer to the creation of superhuman intelligence as the singularity. This is because we don't actually know whether the singularity is reachable, and an important predicate is that intelligent actors can create artificial actors that are smarter than their creator. The creation of superhuman intelligence would be proof that this is generally true, and thus strong evidence that the AI singularity is possible. (in practice infinitely smart AI is probably impossible because of quantum physics, so a real implementation of the singularity would probably be the smartest machine that can be built from the atoms of the observable universe)
A theory: In the teaser of ep 7 and 8 murder drones (yes it released) When Cyn laughts and says: ''Thanks for giving me the planet, fricking idiot'', when she laugths, her laugth sounds like N's. My theory is that N might be possesed by Cyn somehow in ep 8. ( Day 1 of spaming this XD)
I have the coolest they're the sentinel thing was looking at Uzi's mom nori's necklace, and nori was leaning on a sentinel like it didn't wanna kill her, maybe it wasn't gonna kill her
7:22 Short answer: Premiere Pro has its benefits Long answer: While this is not explicitly a black hole, this warping of the plane of spacetime clearly refers to one. The more gravity a celestial object has (like a planet or a star), the more spacetime bends over around it. For black holes, this warping is so extreme that it literally punches a hole through reality. See this image for a visual aid: What I find interesting of this 8th black hole image (if you can see it clearly, that is) is that it is implying how matter sucked up by black holes has to end up somewhere else in space and time See this image for a visual aid: This suggests the existence of a polar opposite, a white hole, which is a theoretical celestial object that, while discussed in astrophysics, we haven't been able to discover as of yet. This tunneling through space and time through black holes and white holes are, you guessed it, what we effectively call wormholes irl (again, only exist in theory so far) Honestly, it BAFFLES me that there's this much level of detail in an online show (they even threw Einstein's Field Equation in there wtf)
I have a little theory that everyone in copper 9 is infected with the absolute solver because of the colors of their eyes, its seems like if they are safe their eyes are white and if they are infected they have colored eyes, if everyone is infected this gives this theory more credibility
Random thought, can J still be controlled by absolute solver? Or did Tessa remove the solver core from her, this way she can keep her disassembly powers and upgrades without the risk of her being taken over at any moment
Sorry, was inside of a black hole and my upload schedules got warped through the fabric of reality :/ Got out of that black hole though (I'm canonically faster than the speed of light with the power of my editing)
Real talk, it depends. I'm heading back to my full-time job soon, so upload frequency will likely slow down. I'm prioritizing purple vids now (theories) because I can always push yellow vids (non-theories) post-Episode 7
It's tinfoil hat time! Time to put my college years to good use 🍌
Timestamps for your convenience :)
0:00 Intro & Exposing Hypothesis
4:17 Links between Absolute Solver and Black holes
8:08 Solver Powers may have been inspired by black hole phenomena - A Sciency Explanation
11:07 Definite Evidence & Expanding on Hypothesis
14:34 Wrap-Up & Outro
Imagine he actually matpat
I never said I wasn't Liam Vickers
Ahh yes making a video on the common mistake you made.
Please don't put me in the basement
There’s something I thought of and I’m not sure if this is a long stretch or I’m just watching my favorite shows too much but the absolute solver is kinda similar to void Ghidorah (if you even know what that is)
Their both supposedly entities of the void
They both have their own symbols and the fact it’s yellow
They both have the power of singularities
They Both can defy the laws of reality
And they both have their own little puppets
Cyn (The Absolute Solvers Host)
Miana (Void Ghidorahs Guide)
“Let’s throw Uzi into a black hole” is so funny after episode 7
Physics student here. I fucking squeed when I saw Einstein's Field Equation. I was also very happy to hear you mention some of the unintuitive effects of GR, especially in the context of the illusions we see in the show. Great video!
A fellow harmonic oscillator enjoyer I see. Glad you enjoyed the video, and good luck with college! I'm working and doing my PhD in climate science, but astrophysics will always be my second home :)
Honestly? This went from a lore video to a crash course in black hole physics very quickly. The level of detail in this show straight up baffles me
@@TheLoreDroneMy respect for shows immediately goes up when they have actual math/physics in backgrounds, but even then, it’s pretty rare for them to have the actual relevant equations! Best of luck on your Ph.D, and long live the harmonic oscillators!
Murder drones went from cute survival series about robots to the same cute robots trying to prevent the revival of a sentient black hole with a dope ass nickname “THE SOLVER OF THE ABSOLUTE FABRIC, THE VOID, THE EXPONENTIAL END.”
The most underrated theorist ive seen so far. You earned a sub 🗿
Ayy thanks! Welcome aboard the tinfoil hat crew :D
@@TheLoreDroneI am tinfoil
Full confession katana zero
Epic song
I think that the absolute solver in final form not only engulfs a bunch of planets, but the entire universe since Tessa stated that, “I’ll need you to choose the universe over one little drone, N.” Implying that Cyn threatens the universe in some kind of way, and your hypothesis actually provides us with how she threatens the universe.
"Why? Bananas are fantastic"
Truer words have never been spoken
Damn. This show went from cute robots killing each other to stopping a.i cthulu from awakening 😂
But serious though if this is true (or not) it does begs the question on how the fuck is N,Uzi,J and tessa (and maybe V if she is somehow survived) are going to beat that shit. Cause im pretty sure its not going to get killed by the power of friendship or love.
My take? I don't think they will (again, assuming that all of this is true in some way). Power levels and stakes are rising, to the point that I see more likely that AS destroys Copper-9 by the season finale than the DD trio and Tessa gaining the upper hand. Heck, what if, in Episode 7, Tessa calls J for backup, only to find that J has been ambushed by Solver Powered Drones back at the ship?
I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing tho. A bad ending could set things up for a cloned version of the main trio trying their hand in a different planetary system altogether, with the knowledge that they cannot make the same mistakes. We'd get some big character moments here and there, because by then the main trio would have lost so much already (Uzi, Tessa, Earth) that they'd have to grapple with the consequences of it all. They have to stay stoic and murderous, else they risk putting the fate of the universe over the lives of a few
Yeah, but Uzi canonically has plot armor. Beat THAT, robo-blackhole-cthulu!!!
@@TheLoreDronewhat SkilledNub said
Yo what's AS. And what is Copper 9 exactly? Pls answer
@@Saltyair04 AS stands for absolute solver and copper 9 is the planet that the show takes place
watching this is like getting extra serotonin
Gotta get those brain chemicals in :)
So, the Absolute solver is an eldritch entity which consumes planets by puppeting sentient life forms.
Oh my god it's robot Dead space!
Outstanding work as always, the wait has surely been worth it!
Here hoping you are able to garner more attention to your awesome videos!
Ayy thank you so much! Things are looking up so far ;)
Very intriguing concept honestly. I personally figured that the black holes were kinda like hammer spaces for code, information or physical materials of the host of the absolute solver or something, mostly cause of episode 2 w/ J, but this makes way more sense
I think that the absoluteSolver powers work a bit differently. My theory is that it is able to manipulate the electromagnetic field, which explains every power that the absolute solver has, from telekinesis to making black holes to the regeneration to changing an object's shape to "duplicating" objects to that one moment in ep3 where doll makes V recall memories, which would require first locating the memory in V's SSD and making the instruction to recall said memory to the CPU. In my opinion, this is the only power that is a bit harder to explain using black holes, although it could just be an illusion from Doll's own memories.
Now for the "proof":
1. The bonding of atoms, whether it be an ion, metal or covalent bond is governed by the number of outer shell electrons and electrons are negatively charged, which means that they can be affected by the EM field
2. Objects touching each other don't pass through each other, even though they're mostly empty space, because the electrons repelling each other due to the negative charge.
3. We can already know the type of tissue we are scanning in MRI machines because of the high strength magnets, given that they can "read" an object's information (in the show shown as code), it is safe to assume that the AS can do this too.
4. The EM field is responsible for carrying the photons and this means that the AS can create light through exciting an electron in an atom, just adding enough energy to a specific area...
There is probably more stuff i just don't know/can't remember right now
The first and second points explain Doll's ability to duplicate knives, change that one fan's blades' shape, Doll exploding one drone, regeneration and much more
The second point explains pretty much all of the telekinesis of the AS, as well as the ability to create black holes, because this point essentially means that the AS can impart forces from afar
The third point as well as the first explain how Doll made V recall memories
The fourth point explains the holograms, the floating symbols, the "code" that appears when using the AS and all the illusions(although those could just be explained by the third point)
The first and second point also explain the disassembly drones' seemingly limitless weapon supply
I think that your theory is just as valid as mine and there may be a lot of holes in my theory, because i don't have any formal education, I just watch a lot of science youtube.
One thing that bothers me with the show is that doll wasn't able to manipulate the disassembly drone because they have the AS, but Doll was still able to make her remember/see an illusion.
Genuinely interested in this take, and I think both ideas could mingle together. How would you consider EM manipulation explains J's corrupted core collapsing into a black hole by the end of Episode 2, let alone creating black holes when using NULL? This is the only contentious evidence I find with your reasoning, because EM manipulation alone can't possibly generate them (you need to throw in gravitational interactions in there somewhere to manipulate mass and create black holes by compressing a target)
As per explaining Doll making V recall memories by using black holes, allow me to go on a little tangent here about the concept of information:
According to quantum mechanics, information must be preserved throughout any transformation of matter, but fundamentally speaking, any information that falls to a black hole is lost. A possible solution to this information paradox is that information could be found in the particles that escape the black hole by Hawking radiation, in such a way that we could actually retrace what fell or not into them (in this case, we could recreate Doll's memory, duplicate objects, rewrite matter, etc)
Thanks for sharing btw! Glad to see another science nerd around here :)
bro, how many PHD do you have ?
Hello! Im a science nerd too, and i wanted to tell you about some things that you should have added into your theory, first cause we know the solver is highly intelligent, so it can create insanely complex and probably correct astrophysics/mathematical equations, we saw that in the basement in ep 5, there was a HELL ton of equations there, but i tried looking at them but they were too small, and the ones that i did see were just random gibberish, also i made a theory, since we know black holes stop the thing inside of them known as a naked singularity, Im just gonna call it NS for short :3, and the equation proves it, "Rs over MBH−RNS over MNS+D squared over 1=0" so i was thinking, if black holes basically are the final form of the solver, than there must be a NS in the show too, but since we know that black holes use their event horizon to cover up the NS, with the event horizon being the black part of a black hole, and since we know they cover up the NS using themself, well what characters are exactly like that? Uzi and nori, we saw both of them literally become cyn, and this equation is about the fact that basically the black hole sugarcoats the NS "RBHMBH over minus RNS over MNS + D over 1 = 0 " so since we saw uzi literally become cyn in episode 6 for a split second, than im pretty sure that uzi's family is the NS of the show, but one thing, the reason i think uzi has the universe ending abilities, along with her mother, we know that since episode 1 showed that n can detect "Plot armor" than that means that plot armor is a literal time and space bending ability that can be visible, the arm uzi picked up in episode 1 was touched by her and was slightly infected, and since she slapped n with that, n gained plot armor, and the reason why v died was cause she didnt gain any plot armor, uzi never touched v. and since uzi is spreading the plot armor, the solver is trying to stop it, also lets talk about the fact that uzi literally warped multiple black holes, the reason cyn is starting the singularity is cause she wants to gain so much power that she can take down the plot armor, an equation that is about the "Hand Theory" is "P=T2+G⋅B−L over M" i feel like this is a slightly good theory, also your too underated, you gained a new sub!
Nice theory but let me play devils advocate for a bit because throughout the series Uzi has ended up in physical contact with a few other characters. Wouldn't that mean these characters also have plot armour.
- in episode 6 V ends up carrying Uzi on her back for a bit so wouldn't that mean that V had plot armour passed to her. It's the part after they escape from Alice but before the final confrontation at the elevator. Solver Uzi also grabs V in episode 4.
- in episode 3 Uzi kicks Doll in the head at the end of the prom fight sequence, sure she had a boot on but wouldn't that mean that Doll now has plot armour as well.
- Uzi bites Tessa's hand at the start of episode 6 so she might have it to, unless only robots can be infected with plot armour.
- And Khan to because of the hug at the end of episode 2.
One problem, Liam has said HP Lovecraft inspiration is involved in Murder Drones...........the Black Holes are a tear in Reality for the Elder or Outer God and it has Zombies Drones accept it's "Friendship" look at episode 4.
When ?
So, you're not only a man of comedy, but also a man of science... Very nice!
Wait wait wait…… Tessa tooks like Cyn in the shadow scene!!!!! Is Tessa….. CYN??!??!?!??
This comment aged well
You answered what I wanted to know and what matpat never answered, I’m still waiting for film theory murder drones part ii
We all know Cyn is #001 and so the solver after possessing Cyn it had studied the personality of humans and N was the only one nice to Cyn so let's assume N, V, and J's names stand for something so N might stand for Null, and Tessa is called Tessa similar to Vanessa and Janessa so we can assume that's the names of V and J
I think this is a good hipothesis, probably the most plausible one weve got so far (at least better than just assuming that AS is some sort of eldritch god).
Good video, nice editing, i really like the choices of music and some of the references you put into these videos (the Mario & Luigi rating thingy brought a smile to my face).
I love that cyn and n talking about the information
Honestly? Amazing theory. And knowing Liam, since he's not afraid to kill off major characters (Rip Kali from design), the main trio is in some serious danger. But N can always solo the AS by using some main character bullshit or idk.
Since I know there will be some fellow science nerds like me in the comments, let me elaborate on a few things:
7:50 The first two equations assume gravitational interactions between two objects ( a black hole and Uzi, for instance) to be based on classical Newtonian physics, a valid approximation for most cases in astrophysics. Once in the near-boundaries of the black hole (past the event horizon, where not even light is able to escape), this approximation stops being accurate, as we now have to throw the effects of general relativity into the mix. In order to calculate any parameter, we would have to use way more complex equations instead
9:59 "Hey, you didn't explain Uzi's perspective in the black hole!!!"
Didn't have to for the purposes of the video, but might as well do so here :D
Imagine Uzi was watching Season 1 of MD as she fell in the black hole (it's her favorite show, she's lead actress after all). As her body approaches the speed of light, the effects of time contraction would speed up her phone screen so that not only would she finish S1 in a flash, she would also see the entire lifespan of the universe happen right before her eyes. Her vision would tunnel outwards into the size of the whole universe, which would tint itself blue overtime... until she finally sees nothing
Still makes more sense then cartoon universe trying to connect this back to Greek mythology
these videos always give me so much more info about murder drones that i didnt even know before
LoreDrone could be talking about complete gibberish but there's no way in heck I'm fact checking LoreDrone's work. The moment I see letters in math equations my brain collapses in on itself! So I'm just gonna take LoreDrone's word for it.
Broo you are a lore lord and now you also have a Phd in Physics??? Wow hats off to you
back at it again watching the best theories known to mankind and this time its funny because i love space and everything about black holes so i might know a thing or two about them also i dont know if this helps but if you did not know if you squish something say earth if we squish earth down to the size of a peanut it should form a black hole so anything can be a black hole if squished small enough like J's core in episode 2 that was probably squashed down to like the size of an atom or something to form that black hole that's probably how the absolute solver if making these black holes also judging on how big of a black hole J's core made must meant that thing must have had a lot of mass
sorry for long comment and i hope this helps a tiny bit in your research :)
also sorry if i got something wrong im currently studying physics and im not all that good at it
You're all good! And yeah, it's possible to break any object down to a black hole once this object has surpassed its Schwarzschild radius. Just didn't want to highlight that in this vid in case I'm going way too off-topic
One of my planned Yellow Videos (the one called This Makes No Sense), while not theory focused, will cover all the physical inconsistencies of the show, so do look out for that :)
The way you were right LMFAO
I know that cartoons and animated shows aren't a place for physics but that "small black hole" that was made from J's core has a mass of idk 2, 3 maybe even 5 earths? (we would have to squish earth to a size of a coin to make a black hole and that was bigger than one coin)
Idk how you only have about 500 subs, I love you and this channel keep up the good work
You love me?? 😳😳
Aw, thanks for the compliments! I reckon the MD theory community is pretty niche, so I think about this image a lot: I just want to make and share cool vids about wacky theories of my favorite show, and if only a fraction of the Internet listens, then it's all worth it in the end
(Bonus points if I get stuff right)
Great editing, great theory, and great perception. I owe you a sub.
I had a very similar theory after watching EP6. Only difference was I assumed the black holes were portals to let it into the universe, rather than the AbsoluteSolver itself. Kind of like Gravity Falls Bill Cypher, who can only manifest by reaching out to living creatures in their dreams/mind.
The best theorist.
Yes I liked my own comment,but who cares
Bro your vids are amazing super theories and also awesome edits, I wish I could sit with u and N in this bar
Btw I'm 500th like yay how the ...
I like your voice way your words fit perfectly in zin and i can see that theroy to come true i want to see your channel grow
I put in just that little effort to fit clips so they sort of match my voice. Glad it doesn't go unappreciated :)
My theory is that there’s some kind of gateway/portal somewhere on copper 9 and they can link to it kinda like how soundwave (transformers:prime) was able to use the ship’s portals anywhere on the planet, only difference being that these portals connect to a lovecraftian dimension and/or a black hole
6:13 Kurdgezat clip :D
So murder drones whent from worker drones avoiding being killed by murder drones their company sent to kill them
An astronaut and a group of murder drones with two solver infected worker drones trying to stop an eldritch god like cyber virus
We are reaching Kirby levels of satanic imagery with this show, and I'm all in for it
same here 😎🍷
let us hope the main characters can defeat the eldritch god before it's unholy perfect form in complete
@@TheLoreDroneme when the crown of limitless power or giant bleeding eyeball appear in a "kids game".
See this is why I think you have better theories than matpat not only showing proof on how the “s” character isn’t probably a main character drone but instead the sentinels (yes I know this was a theory in itself but still very likely) But you also just have more time on the topic and you have the scientific evidence to back it up. So good job!❤
I just noticed that AbsoluteSolver's icon is kinda like black hole that destroyed earth. Plus main AbsoluteSolver's color is yellow and earth black hole's outline color is yellow too!
THIS IS SUCH A COOL IDEA AND I AM ABSOLUTELY LOVING THE SCIENTIFIC AND CONCRETE EVIDENCE TO BACK IT UP!!! Got literal chills watching this as a science nerd ans huge Murder Drones fan :DD
Video recommendation/ could you explain?:whats your process of making theories , I would like to start making some of my own theories so id like to know the steps of making one or sum like that?
I plan on doing a 1k sub QnA special (both theory and non-theory questions), and I'd be super happy to answer this!
@@TheLoreDrone oo alr!! I am excited :D
the thing is if it actualy dose create a block hole it can make a point in space so dense its more dense then an entire neutron star with 1 ''progream''
Also notice that Tessa is referenced as null by the velociraptors.
Let me ask, where did you get the information about making gravitational waves divided into 3 equations?
what if the AS was an material that JCJenson used to create the WDs that achieved A.I and it's now trying to destroy everything?
I'll explain better in another video.
4:51 This looks a little bit like the Core already has a Black Hole inside.
The singularity in the field of AI refers to the point where a self-improving AI becomes infinitely smart. Singularity on general means a point in time or space where a metric becomes infinitely large. You will often see theorists refer to the creation of superhuman intelligence as the singularity. This is because we don't actually know whether the singularity is reachable, and an important predicate is that intelligent actors can create artificial actors that are smarter than their creator. The creation of superhuman intelligence would be proof that this is generally true, and thus strong evidence that the AI singularity is possible.
(in practice infinitely smart AI is probably impossible because of quantum physics, so a real implementation of the singularity would probably be the smartest machine that can be built from the atoms of the observable universe)
Predicting an endless war between humanity and the solver right now
Earthbound and Omori I found my favorite YT theories
A theory: In the teaser of ep 7 and 8 murder drones (yes it released) When Cyn laughts and says: ''Thanks for giving me the planet, fricking idiot'', when she laugths, her laugth sounds like N's. My theory is that N might be possesed by Cyn somehow in ep 8. ( Day 1 of spaming this XD)
I have the coolest they're
the sentinel thing was looking at Uzi's mom nori's necklace, and nori was leaning on a sentinel like it didn't wanna kill her, maybe it wasn't gonna kill her
How did u spot the 8th black hole????? I tried to zoom the image and hardly saw it.
Short answer: Premiere Pro has its benefits
Long answer: While this is not explicitly a black hole, this warping of the plane of spacetime clearly refers to one. The more gravity a celestial object has (like a planet or a star), the more spacetime bends over around it. For black holes, this warping is so extreme that it literally punches a hole through reality. See this image for a visual aid:
What I find interesting of this 8th black hole image (if you can see it clearly, that is) is that it is implying how matter sucked up by black holes has to end up somewhere else in space and time See this image for a visual aid: This suggests the existence of a polar opposite, a white hole, which is a theoretical celestial object that, while discussed in astrophysics, we haven't been able to discover as of yet. This tunneling through space and time through black holes and white holes are, you guessed it, what we effectively call wormholes irl (again, only exist in theory so far)
Honestly, it BAFFLES me that there's this much level of detail in an online show (they even threw Einstein's Field Equation in there wtf)
Kurzgesagt I love them(゜.゜)
I have a little theory that everyone in copper 9 is infected with the absolute solver because of the colors of their eyes, its seems like if they are safe their eyes are white and if they are infected they have colored eyes, if everyone is infected this gives this theory more credibility
you just made my brain hurt
obsessed with the theory! but still didn’t answer my question. What does [ null ] mean?
[n u l l]
Looks like in eps 7 and 8 we would have some black holes and revelations
now i regret saying collage was useless
Random thought, can J still be controlled by absolute solver? Or did Tessa remove the solver core from her, this way she can keep her disassembly powers and upgrades without the risk of her being taken over at any moment
whats that music in the pre-outro (at the end)? just cant find it.....
He’s still wearing the hat 8:34 into the video
Came out 42mins ago :D
it's to mach for me
well that hurt
5:20 Lore?
Sorry, was inside of a black hole and my upload schedules got warped through the fabric of reality :/
Got out of that black hole though (I'm canonically faster than the speed of light with the power of my editing)
@@TheLoreDronei guess you don’t have to worry about if the episode 7 teaser or even worse episode 7 comes out early
Real talk, it depends. I'm heading back to my full-time job soon, so upload frequency will likely slow down. I'm prioritizing purple vids now (theories) because I can always push yellow vids (non-theories) post-Episode 7
@@TheLoreDrone goood
Nice video
I like this but
Some viruses will actually kill their host before they have time to spread
very good video
W hypothesis
Smash or pass v
PASS (canonically a kid wtf)
guys i will explain the meaning of null for you in 0.1 second.
null means "nothing" or anything that means the same
Thats a good theory, but unfortunately we all know its just cyn dividing by zero.
Cyn typed 0/0 in a calculator and this happened
Meanwhile my tv "The meaning of [[][][][]]"
null is a term from programming, denoting the absence of a value/nothing