
  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • HydroVent Europe on vedellä toimiva alipainetuuletus - ja sammutusjärjestelmä. Se on palomiesten suunnittelema.
    HydroVent Europen edut:
    • Luo pelastajille turvallisemmat työolosuhteet
    • On nopeampi, turvallisempi ja yksinkertaisempi käyttää
    • Hyödyntää työvoimaa tehokkaammin
    Hydrovent europe är ett undertryckventilations- och släckningssystem som fungerar med vatten. Utvecklad av Brandmän.
    HydroVenteuropes fördelar:
    • Ger räddningsmanskapet bättre arbetssäkerhet
    • Är snabbare, säkrare och enklare att använda
    • Använder arbetskraften mer effektivt


  • @Rescue-mt7fl
    @Rescue-mt7fl 3 місяці тому

    The amount of information on this that is lacking is phenomenal. How does this system work with fire in more than one compartment. How does it work if the door is open or the ceiling has already failed giving larger volumes of air to draw upon? In short, this is a unitasker. Why would I choose to reconnect this, when we know a conventional handline flowed at 150-180 gpm or more will drop the same fires they are showing, in less than 30 seconds, and yet still give you a line you can reach into attic spaces or walls for extension.

  • @JB91710
    @JB91710 3 місяці тому

    This makes no sense. You have to fog water in to cover the burning material, while the other nozzle pulls all the gasses out. A straight stream from a booster line could have soaked that entire room in 10-15 seconds. The gasses would continue out those windows.

  • @Thatboigabe
    @Thatboigabe 4 місяці тому

    Can this be done with a smoothbore nozzle?