when doing the calculations, you will round to 5. Example: the 1st VP measurement read ".240"- so (the square root of .240 times 4005)= 1962.0412. Since this number is closer to "0" than "5": the reading they are looking for is "1960". If, for example, the answer was "1962.6" that would equal 1963. This would prompt you to "round to the nearest 5": giving your answer 1965.
Learn more about EAB: www.eabcoinc.com
excellent explanation, you wrote round nearest 5fpm & round nearest 5cfm, whats this mean?
when doing the calculations, you will round to 5. Example: the 1st VP measurement read ".240"- so (the square root of .240 times 4005)= 1962.0412. Since this number is closer to "0" than "5": the reading they are looking for is "1960". If, for example, the answer was "1962.6" that would equal 1963. This would prompt you to "round to the nearest 5": giving your answer 1965.