Chinese engineers plan 1,000km tunnel to make Xinjiang desert bloom

  • Опубліковано 2 лис 2017
  • Chinese engineers are testing techniques that could be used to build a 1,000km tunnel - the world’s longest - to carry water from Tibet to Xinjiang, experts involved in the project say.The proposed tunnel, which would drop down from the world’s highest plateau in multiple sections connected by waterfalls, would “turn Xinjiang into California”, one geotechnical engineer said.China’s longest tunnel is the eight-year-old 85km Dahuofang water project in Liaoning province, while the world’s longest tunnel is the 137km main water supply pipe beneath the city of New York.China starts 8,000 water clean-up projects worth US$100 billion in first half of yearHowever, the Chinese government started building a tunnel in the centre of Yunnan province in August that will be more than 600km long, local media reported. Comprising more than 60 sections, each wide enough to accommodate two high-speed trains, it will pass through mountains several thousand metres above sea level in an area plagued by unstable geological conditions.Researchers said building the Yunnan tunnel would be a “rehearsal” of the new technology, engineering methods and equipment needed for the Tibet-Xinjiang tunnel, which would divert the Yarlung Tsangpo River in southern Tibet to the Taklimakan Desert in Xinjiang. Downstream, in India, the river becomes the Brahmaputra, which joins the Ganges in Bangladesh.The Tibetan Plateau stops the rain-laden Indian Ocean monsoon from reaching Xinjiang, with the Gobi Desert in the north and the Taklimakan Desert in the south leaving more than 90 per cent of the region unsuitable for human settlement.However, the Taklimakan sits right at the foot of the Tibetan Plateau, which is known as the water tower of Asia. The more than 400 billion tonnes of water it releases each year - almost enough to fill Lake Erie in the United States - also feeds the source of other major rivers, including the Yellow, Yangtze, Mekong (known in China as the Lancang) and the Ganges.The earliest proposals to divert water from Tibet to Xinjiang were made by Qing dynasty officials Lin Zexu and Zuo Zongtang in the 19th century. In recent decades, Chinese government branches, including the Ministry of Water Resources, have come up with engineering blueprints involving huge dams, pumps and tunnels.The project’s enormous cost, engineering challenges, possible environmental impact and the likelihood of protests by neighbouring countries have meant it has never left the drawing board, but Zhang Chuanqing, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics in Wuhan, Hubei province, said China was now taking a quiet, step-by-step approach to bring it to life.“The water diversion project in central Yunnan is a demonstration project,” said Zhang, who has played a key role in many major Chinese water tunnel projects, including the one in Yunnan. “It is to show we have the brains, muscle and tools to build super-long tunnels in hazardous terrains, and the cost does not break the bank.”The construction of the tunnel on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, the country’s second-highest, would make political leaders more confident about the Tibet-Xinjiang project and more likely to approve it, he said.The Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in southwest China is, like the Tibetan Plateau, an earthquake-prone zone with many active faults.Huge hidden ocean under Xinjiang’s Tarim basin larger than all Great Lakes combined“Fault zones are our biggest headache,” Zhang said. “If we can secure a solution, it will help us get rid of the main engineering obstacles to getting water from Tibet to Xinjiang.”The solution they came up with was inspired by subway trains, whose carriages are connected by elastic joints. In the tunnel, Zhang said, flexible materials that were also waterproof and strong would be used to bind concrete pipes together when they passed through fault zones.The Yunnan tunnel and support facilities will take eight years to build at an estimated cost of 78 billion yuan (US$11.7 billion). It will carry more than three billion tonnes of water each year from northwestern Yunnan to the province’s dry centre and directly benefit more than 11 million people, according to the provincial government.The Yunnan Daily said the tunnel would create 3.4 million jobs, more than 30,000 hectares of new farmland and give the local economy a 330 billion yuan boost.Wang Wei, a researcher who helped draft the latest Tibet-Xinjiang water tunnel proposal, which was subm


  • @MadeinChina-ui9my
    @MadeinChina-ui9my 5 років тому +7

    This project has been under debate for quite a few years and now it looks like the Chinese will proceed it. It’s not as simple as building a 1000km tunnel. I’m pretty sure China can build such a tunnel in only 2 or 3 years. We call it a mega project because it contains a full of four stages, was planned to finish in 20 years. The waters will flow in east first, with a few dams, then flows northwest, eventually goes into xinjiang’s desert area. Meanwhile creating millions hectares of farms and forests. This will shift Chinese population from east to west and create impacts to neighbor counties as well. With such a huge impact, it’s reasonable to proceed with cautions.

    • @user-it4uc8le7p
      @user-it4uc8le7p Рік тому

      Бред не неси, не собирается они перемещаться на Запад, им это нафиг не надо. Они спасают свои природные и водные ресурсы, а не захватывают их у чужих стран! Вот сколько наша Россия дружит с Китаем, и когда у них стала разрастаться эта пустыня, они же не напали на нашу Россию, а начали восстанавливать свои ресурсы. Это может сделать каждый человек в своей стране, но у большинства ума хватает только на то, чтобы воевать, а не востанавливать, правильно и бережно относиться к природе и водным ресурсам. Запомните что вода это самый главный ресурс нашей планеты, ведь если закончиться весь её мировой запас, то наша планета превратиться в Марс и всё человечество и всё живое умрёт. Так что таким как Илон Маск и все остальные богатеям вместо того, чтобы думать над тем как переселиться на другую планету, надо свою спасать от глобальной засухи. Ведь наша Земля это наш дом и другого у нас и наших детей и внуков не будет никогда!!

  • @pvajit1109
    @pvajit1109 6 років тому +114

    If anyone can undertake such a project, that would be Chinese engineers. This will be the greatest project ever. God bless China.

    • @pvajit1109
      @pvajit1109 6 років тому

      Donald Kasper , ever hear of sichuan project executed in 272 BC. It still works and irrigates 5300 besides providing drinking water to millions of people. It's the greatest feat of engineering in the history of mankind. Google it. Very interesting read.

    • @vocalcords7397
      @vocalcords7397 6 років тому

      I know words, I have the best words. Nobody respects women more than me. I am the least racist person who you have ever met. Nobody lies better than me. Believe me. Sad!

    • @AndrewManook
      @AndrewManook 6 років тому +1

      OOO jealous much.

    • @MrBugman2525
      @MrBugman2525 6 років тому +1

      Ajit Nair but the eastern part of China needs Russian Siberian water which in Russian opioin is the best water in the world

    • @cyrusdelacruz1235
      @cyrusdelacruz1235 6 років тому +4

      yup that will be amazing converting desert into forest,while the U.S. can convert the city into desert.

  • @suthungting
    @suthungting 6 років тому +64

    Making desert produce more oxigen is good thing globally and hopefully it will reduce extreme weather. Hope it will jump start the circle of eco system...

    • @mohannair5671
      @mohannair5671 Рік тому +1

      The actions could be readily replicated in deserts in Iran and Afghanistan, helping the world overcome carbon dioxide emissions and generating agricultural produce for local countries,and gainful emploment.

    • @mohannair5671
      @mohannair5671 Рік тому

      To baffle water bearing winds to cross over the Himalayan mountains, carefully located wind turbines upwind

    • @mohannair5671
      @mohannair5671 Рік тому +1

      Very soon china would achieve self sufficiency in food products!!!

  • @laopang91362
    @laopang91362 5 років тому +9

    This will provide prosperity to people in region. Essentially it turns Xingjiang to California.

  • @bobjackson4720
    @bobjackson4720 6 років тому +93

    The Chinese government's stability enables it to think long term. Something sadly lacking in the West. Most impressive concept.

    • @islandsunset
      @islandsunset 3 роки тому +1

      What you say as stability is called authoritarianism. 🙄

    • @pankajjain8794
      @pankajjain8794 3 роки тому +7

      @@islandsunset well if it brings development and people are happy ; what's the problem ?

    • @islandsunset
      @islandsunset 3 роки тому +1

      @@pankajjain8794 I can't explain. You have to live under it to realise how bad it must be.

    • @pankajjain8794
      @pankajjain8794 3 роки тому +4

      @@islandsunset How long have you been living under it ?

    • @islandsunset
      @islandsunset 3 роки тому

      @@pankajjain8794 zero. My bad. You can also read about it. I am not very good at explaining that kind of stuff.

  • @bireswarhalder9765
    @bireswarhalder9765 3 роки тому +3

    When implemented it will be a engineering marvel like Beijing Lasha railway line and south to north water divertion project.
    When desret turn green, it will improve environment also.

  • @forlornvaalan7630
    @forlornvaalan7630 5 років тому +11

    China continuing to build a hydraulic empire. Neat.

  • @LYZWW
    @LYZWW 6 років тому +32

    Impressive civil engineering

    @DOGANBAYRAK 5 років тому +28


  • @kaumuchishi148
    @kaumuchishi148 3 роки тому +5

    Never give up.gooddest job for our future

  • @netsurfer2680
    @netsurfer2680 5 років тому +7

    Go China! Ignore the US bully!

  • @edge4367
    @edge4367 5 років тому +4

    India and China should be best friends.

  • @Dragstar47
    @Dragstar47 5 років тому +5

    if China does that it will be a spot to west face that they are a greater nation by far. that area would create jobs more homes, more area for military, farming and better weather conditions.

  • @lohdiwei9778
    @lohdiwei9778 5 років тому +2

    They'd better get on the stick about the climate/carbon problem if they want to move through on this.
    The ice-water in Tibet is retreating at about the same express rate as Greenland is falling into the sea, so this is going to be a 21st-century flash in the pan if they, and we, don't get the Big problem solved.

  • @ramisgreenful
    @ramisgreenful 6 років тому +14

    Amazing project !

  • @mohammedkarim5687
    @mohammedkarim5687 6 років тому +10

    A strong China will take into consideration the interest of her weak neighbors to reap benefit of this great project!

  • @colleenmcgrady6387
    @colleenmcgrady6387 6 років тому +8

    The Australians were the first to green the desserts using a novel prize winning plant genetically engineered to live without water .. the plant with a beautiful flower named “ Lupin”
    Self seeds and creates compost and soil ..!

  • @larrysherk
    @larrysherk 5 років тому +3

    God bless Chinese initiative and inventiveness. With this attitude, they can lead us all to saving Gaia for the future.

  • @asimmasood7891
    @asimmasood7891 2 роки тому +2

    Its a great project. It will help China to build the western part of China. So new cities and industries will be developed in the western part of China.

  • @eatthis6777
    @eatthis6777 6 років тому +14

    This system calls for Damming portions of water yearly and releasing to further down stream when full capacity is attained, in controlled stages.
    Patiently collecting and stocking from one stage to the other whereby the ecosystem at the intake portions remains untouched.
    This preliminary controlled intake coupled with full capacity achieved through years of slow minimal intake then only start releasing with an on/off control system will keep it sustainable without unnecessary water loss.
    When Green vegetation is achieved, it could then further widen the project due to its self sustained moistured environment.
    Akin to our household water tanked theory, no water is lost and sustainable.
    No damage or literally zero damage to the natural ecosystem of the intake source.

    • @bongmerced5842
      @bongmerced5842 5 років тому +2

      What a brilliant preparation keeping water control to irrigate the land for agriculture . It can also help to reduce heat by planting more trees . They planning for the future helping nation to be self sufficient in agriculture . Not supplying guns for rebillion .

  • @michaelsun4366
    @michaelsun4366 5 років тому +3

    In this circumstance, the water from this megaproject would be much more expensive than what the currently have...
    However, it can provide enough water if Xinjiang requires more in the future. It would be too late to build it when you require it...
    Anyway, it will take a few decades to plan and finish. Maybe I can see it before I am dead...

  • @chaz4609
    @chaz4609 5 років тому +16

    To fulfill a century old dream of making Central Asia green again.

    • @kirangrg924
      @kirangrg924 3 роки тому

      At what cost??? It is Drying out south east Asia!!!

  • @wisdom_wellness365
    @wisdom_wellness365 6 років тому +4

    Very nice! Well done China!

  • @michelng5630
    @michelng5630 5 років тому +3

    I think that the well she refers to is called a Morning Glory spillway.

  • @lionelwong5842
    @lionelwong5842 2 роки тому

    Water sources are not just from Tibet but also within Xinjiang itself.
    There're many snow capped mountains and glaciers in xinjiang such as the Tian shan and Kunlun mountain ranges. Melting snow and glaciers from these mountains are great sources of water for Xinjiang.
    Kunlun and Tianshan mountain ranges are huge. The whole of tianshan mountain range with all its snow capped mountains and glaciers are so huge, it can cover whole of Japan! If all the melting water from tianshan mountains could be collected in huge reservoirs, then it could solve water shortage problem in Xinjiang. Furthermore in northern xinjiang, it's not as dry as southern xinjiang. There're many lakes and rivers that can be tapped for its precious water resources to supply water to the thirsty deserts in taklimakan deserts in Tarim basin.
    Once water sources been identified , water supply problems in xinjiang will be solved and deserts can be transformed into productive farmlands and beautiful forests.

  • @krishnachannel9768
    @krishnachannel9768 6 років тому +144

    Good luck and God bless Chinese

    • @knownunknwon8230
      @knownunknwon8230 6 років тому +1

      Np god in china.

    • @hilldp9kz
      @hilldp9kz 6 років тому +1

      One third follow Christianity

    • @prosantomukerji3931
      @prosantomukerji3931 6 років тому +2

      Krishna; I want to build in consultation with the IIT engineers. 1500 mile long concrete wall 25 ft tall with used materials on each bank to prevent floods and containment followed by building canals for few miles to irrigate the fertile land for agriculture. It will not work as Ganga is located in North India. Fools have built many temples to calm Ganga Mata which have not worked for last few centuries. Religion is a problem.

    • @charmxilee5593
      @charmxilee5593 6 років тому +4

      it is not easy for the tunnel, but possible. think about the ancient chinese built up the great wall, given the technology today, the chinese could build the tunnel in no doubt. just matter of resolution to do it.

    • @amandagirlygirl12
      @amandagirlygirl12 5 років тому

      hilldp9kz one third of one percent.

  • @moonhashmi4534
    @moonhashmi4534 5 років тому +1

    Pakistan desert converting in green bloom. because of wars pakistan economically much weak.but pakistan people ownself doing this job.i am proud to be a pakistani china pakistan friendship zinda bad next super power pak and china

  • @CharlesGann1
    @CharlesGann1 6 років тому +16

    It is amazing and I find the undertaking phenomenal.
    What does this do to Tibet. The California reference was very good. Many highly productive food producing areas turned to desert (ie Apple Valley and Victorville) when LA took the water. Just sayin

    • @chrissuka2557
      @chrissuka2557 5 років тому +2

      Tibetan mountains is a massive watershed.

    • @Ponen77
      @Ponen77 3 роки тому

      Necro posting but I look at the Aral Sea and the Salton Sea as examples to learn from. The Aral and Salton were both terminal bodies of water, ie no outlet. The Aral massively dried up as the waters were diverted, as part of the soviet 5 years plans, towards irrigation projects. With agricultural runoff and evaporation the salinity and toxicity rose killing off most animal life and salty toxic sand storms that negatively affect the region.The Salton sea formed by a canal break, initially was a boon to the local economy, holiday resorts and beachfront properties came up, tourism, sport fishing, animal sanctuary etc but decades down the line as increased salinty and toxicity, shrinking waterlines is having negative effects i fear that these massive Chinese projects, while initially bringing massive developments may be another disaster waiting to happen in the long run

  • @thewanderer9740
    @thewanderer9740 5 років тому +3

    Oh... If they look at the design of the qanat in Iraq and Iran... So amazing, and still used today's.

    • @Thisissueblog
      @Thisissueblog 3 роки тому

      There are the same qanat in Xinjiang for a long time too.

    @GS_DEOGUN 5 років тому +4

    China has plan-action implemention and finally result.

  • @i-told-you-sodear1526
    @i-told-you-sodear1526 2 роки тому +1

    The proposed 1000km tunnel would be as impressive a project as the Great Wall of China.

  • @bobjohn7338
    @bobjohn7338 5 років тому +4

    Best of worth and luck from india.

  • @duinay3
    @duinay3 3 роки тому +1

    keep up the good work, China, and don't let the US & it's allies lie about Xinjiang

  • @corneliusdrvanderbilt822
    @corneliusdrvanderbilt822 5 років тому +3

    It appears to be a great project. If carried out properly, it would like the Arteries of human body providing nutrients to the whole area ...

  • @Ste74H
    @Ste74H 6 років тому +1

    Maybe they should follow their own model of restoring the ecosystem in The Loess Plateau from dessert to habitable land and apply it to this region. Most likely new rivers will return once moisture is retained in the soil. Work with nature instead of trying to conquer it, as in the long run, it wins. Everything has a limit, is part of a cycle and actions cause a reaction. I saw documentary called Sand Wars and the construction of dams stop sentiment cycle from reaching beaches which act as a buffer to coastal erosion

  • @kdouble9618
    @kdouble9618 4 роки тому +1

    I'm from Assam (Brahmaputra). It will effect on us.

  • @david1234lee
    @david1234lee 6 років тому

    If the water is to be directed from Yunnan province, the water basically comes from the Shangri-La area where peaks of snow-capped mountains pile up many of which have never been explored. That is very far away from the mountains in Tibet which supply water to Mekong delta and India and China.

    @GS_DEOGUN 5 років тому +5

    India has only plans(seat plans,who will be in centre and statte),,actions(ruling party fights with opposition party),,reult(another elections),,,no plan to green india,,no plan for greening rajsthan

  • @corrinetsang1478
    @corrinetsang1478 5 років тому +1

    Xingjiang might get water from the flooded Altai Region in Russia.Water can be diverted from the Altai Region into the Urumqi canal into Xingjiang desert.

  • @gphilipc2031
    @gphilipc2031 6 років тому +5

    Can U say BIG TIME unintended consequences.

  • @TheKkpop1
    @TheKkpop1 5 років тому +2

    It may affect water supplies to India.

    • @qiufusheng3058
      @qiufusheng3058 5 років тому +1

      India ball's licker, mind your business

  • @solar0wind
    @solar0wind 6 років тому +2

    Someone give the creator of the videos some spaces, please.

  • @vmanglona72
    @vmanglona72 5 років тому

    That's an awesome solution to the water problem in that area. As for India and Bangladesh, why don't they partner up with the Chinese? They are all going to benefit from it anyway. Fighting and complaining aren't going to solve their dilemma.

  • @thexxmaster
    @thexxmaster 5 років тому +9

    Yes CHINA best country - very good engineering, very good prosperity. Bless Xi Jinping and his family.

  • @henrikaize
    @henrikaize 6 років тому +17

    waooo , great project indeed

  • @k.ganesanganesan6825
    @k.ganesanganesan6825 5 років тому +1

    Modern China maintaining environment as economicsactivity.

  • @jho4832
    @jho4832 5 років тому +1

    I am not familiar with this Chinese water diversion plan they talk about in the video. To those in India, you can relax, there is no mention of completely blocking the water from flowing down stream. The Chinese most likely just divert some of the water. But India needs to manage its share of the water more carefully. Stop dumping dead bodies and sewage into the rivers would be a great start.

  • @69dashon
    @69dashon 5 років тому +1

    If this was one gov they could make certain countries specialize in certain things but all work together but we all love our sifi movies lol

  • @solohoh
    @solohoh 3 роки тому +1

    India & Bangladesh are helpless and doomed without water: 2:02 & 10:08 "Downstream, in India, the river becomes the Brahmaputra, which joins the Ganges in Bangladesh." Mao said: "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun... whoever has an army has power, for war settles everything."

  • @Babel2.0
    @Babel2.0 6 років тому +16

    Astounding project!

  • @hellohun7331
    @hellohun7331 6 років тому

    Smart China. The us should build pipelines and tunnels from water areas to non water areas. Everything else is shipped , why not water.

  • @bongmerced5842
    @bongmerced5842 3 роки тому

    China plan is to divert the water to Xinjiang desert to agricultural land, india will sufer cutting supply water to their places. Tibet is source of water should be share both country and downstream country as well

  • @KGopidas
    @KGopidas 3 роки тому

    Planning is an economic activity and should nit be politicised

  • @wric01
    @wric01 3 роки тому +1

    Bringing wealth to impoverished areas.

  • @mohan4114
    @mohan4114 2 роки тому

    impressive, if Xinjiang have more water, more people can reside in Xinjiang and more farm will appear.

  • @WadcaWymiaru
    @WadcaWymiaru 6 років тому +1

    HOW they will produce some water if they lack of power?

  • @javiersosa3368
    @javiersosa3368 5 років тому +1

    All that work for only 30.000 hts. ? Please it has not sense at all.

  • @bobjackson4720
    @bobjackson4720 6 років тому

    The Taklimakam desert is a huge distance from central China. If it became a food bowl it would be an enormous distance from large markets for the produced food.

  • @pratapdas1113
    @pratapdas1113 5 років тому +1

    This water come from Brahmaputra the river of assam

  • @lokesh303101
    @lokesh303101 Рік тому

    Better to connect the tunnel to Yellow River, and bloom gobi desert.

  • @mohan4114
    @mohan4114 3 роки тому

    An open artificial river to Xinjiang, if cheaper is better

  • @andibelalang6530
    @andibelalang6530 4 роки тому +2

    Viva China's 👍👍👍👍👍

  • @windsong3wong828
    @windsong3wong828 3 роки тому

    Make peace not WAR 💣.
    Help to alleviate POVERTY .

  • @atharbasit9223
    @atharbasit9223 6 років тому +15

    Great news hoping for the best

  • @yangchongghaleyangchonggha9881
    @yangchongghaleyangchonggha9881 6 років тому +5

    I like

  • @bangladesh52
    @bangladesh52 3 роки тому

    Takla makan desert will be green after this?

  • @peterzhenguopan6212
    @peterzhenguopan6212 5 років тому +1

    From the results of China development, our government here should think about to change the political system run by the engineers instead just for the lawyers. By this way it might more beneficially to the citizens 😀

  • @onestagetospace4892
    @onestagetospace4892 6 років тому

    Try to use more slides.

  • @nd7908
    @nd7908 Рік тому

    Plant trees in debet hills to green 💚💚💚👍

  • @mrr4979
    @mrr4979 3 роки тому

    why not hdpe pipe...more flexible.

  • @mohannair5671
    @mohannair5671 Рік тому

    Wish the Chinese all the very best in desert reclamation!!!.trust they are able to overcome their coal burning and carbon dioxide emissions by building solar panels in the desert!!!.
    It is time they developed countries with deserts in West Asia, with desert reclamation with consequent agricultural output and solar power generation, by deputing uigur and Hui people for a moderate fees to reclaim about 100 square kilometres perannum.

  • @randomguyodst46
    @randomguyodst46 2 роки тому

    Look like the water starts to rise, so much for the dragon king of pride boiling the ocean away.

  • @rahul17023
    @rahul17023 5 років тому +1

    What if it ends up like the Aral?

  • @medostylish
    @medostylish 5 років тому +1


  • @padredemishijos12
    @padredemishijos12 4 роки тому +1

    India and China chose different paths. India followed the British parliamentary system, and China followed the Stalinist Communist dictatorship system. The rest is history. India has the highest extreme poverty in the world, and China will soon eliminate all poverty from its society. The difference cannot be more revelatory.

  • @muse3992
    @muse3992 6 років тому +3

    Make it come true. Love from India NE

  • @kailashpatirai
    @kailashpatirai 3 роки тому

    If any country can control fertility rate then he can do many many many things.

  • @RAVISINGH-hq8eu
    @RAVISINGH-hq8eu 5 років тому


  • @binbinchen4756
    @binbinchen4756 4 роки тому


  • @69dashon
    @69dashon 5 років тому

    Does China's projects like this work well?

  • @Jean-vz8co
    @Jean-vz8co 6 років тому +2

    I was already talkt many times.... any deserts have a very good soil, ground, it needs only water.... Khadafy has done that.. to grow wheat.... all losted today!!. the same in the Cameroon... losted!!!.. an so one!!.. By bravo for them... the rest of the world talks and sleeps!!!... one of the great questions...: the Mali... very good soils and many many water and to many nothing!!!!....By

    • @zenlei8258
      @zenlei8258 6 років тому

      Egypt and Libya got good soil too. But no good water canal ?

  • @jeffreykalb8810
    @jeffreykalb8810 5 років тому

    Tibet doesn't want its water, and anyways, if it did, no matter. They are occupied territory. I'm sure the Dalai Lama approves, and China is very environmentally conscious in all its construction projects. Yay for China!

  • @pinoyrawr
    @pinoyrawr 3 роки тому

    If only the US planted avocado trees, strawberry’s, cannabis, lsd, coco plants, etc all across the US we would end world hunger forever and usher in the age of the garden of eating

  • @donasyngo5921
    @donasyngo5921 3 роки тому +1


  • @aldrinmiguel6862
    @aldrinmiguel6862 3 роки тому

    Jai China Jai Nepal Jai Pakistan

  • @islandsunset
    @islandsunset 5 років тому +2

    1000kms tunnel... I don't think that's possible. Diverting rivers might be possible but that would lead to angry neighbours where the river flows. Diverted river is above the ground so any problem can be sorted out effectively. But under ground tunnel is suicidal. Very risky.

  • @mrpp3222
    @mrpp3222 5 років тому

    It will turn my country into desert

  • @anthonyaguila9919
    @anthonyaguila9919 5 років тому

    China is amazing

  • @personalfinaceblog
    @personalfinaceblog  Рік тому

  • @rohitgautam1195
    @rohitgautam1195 5 років тому

    Good luck

  • @sookiatkho5092
    @sookiatkho5092 5 років тому

    China is impressive

  • @jakelabete7412
    @jakelabete7412 5 років тому

    Yes, they can do it, but will it work. The other water transfer project bringing water from South to North is already problematic. Water is 'funny'. It's heavy and in-compressible so it can't be transported cheaply. Diversion through canals over long distances is very inefficient due to evaporation. And disrupting the natural water circulation cycle is always problematic.

  • @absolutenice9100
    @absolutenice9100 6 років тому

    Only Chinese can do it . God bless China .

  • @shaunvanniekerk7711
    @shaunvanniekerk7711 3 роки тому

    Step by step means force slowly like
    In sa the anc is forcing the Afrikaner to leave south Africa...

  • @tenzinkdolma5441
    @tenzinkdolma5441 6 років тому

    Om Mani Padme Hung. Samara

  • @jacksonwongesq
    @jacksonwongesq 3 роки тому

    Someone with more background in language, who won't mis-pronounce English and China names terms, names, etc., is needed to read the script.

  • @alexsio8336
    @alexsio8336 5 років тому +1

    It is mentioned that " China is taking a quiet, step by step approach". Actually, the river in Tibet, the DOWNSTREAM is bhramaputra river in india. So, if upstream is diverted to taklimakan desert, indianas will be very thristy.

  • @ed9709
    @ed9709 6 років тому

    FGS guys keep your shirts on , these are all in the drawing stage no one has built it yet.

  • @rogerdodger8415
    @rogerdodger8415 5 років тому

    Water will become the New Oil. They will pay dearly for this move.

  • @MartijndeGraaf1001
    @MartijndeGraaf1001 6 років тому +3

    it would be better to green the deserts, change of the climate will be the result and rain will come.