If you have the same type of knocker as mine in the video there are no visible screws that's why I got behind the knocker a bit and had to pull it off with a cable tie behind it. The knocker has 2 lugs on the back that go into the holes that are in the backing plate and go through into the door.
Thanks for the advice and demonstration
Any time!
What the author isnt telling you is ... this isnt his house :P
But there are no screws visible ? Mine too does not have any visible screws?? Help
If you have the same type of knocker as mine in the video there are no visible screws that's why I got behind the knocker a bit and had to pull it off with a cable tie behind it. The knocker has 2 lugs on the back that go into the holes that are in the backing plate and go through into the door.
Ended up pulling the whole thing out with the screws and lug intact
How is it possible to make this 5 second video this long?
Why are you wearing gloves?
Pulling hard on cable ties can hurt