Dave Hunt has changed my life! Without his teaching and correction I would have been completely lost, for sure. I am SO grateful that the Lord lead me to him so late in my life. THANK GOD FOR UA-cam!!!
Same is the case with me Anthony. I have been a JW and then stumble upon the Grace preachers ( wonderful men) and last of all ( lately) came across this wonderful man whom God has blessed with such knowledge.
This was in 1986... now false doctrine is practically mainstream. Those of us diligently holding to good doctrine are getting less and less. I feel very alone at times.
At times, I feel very alone too. So much deception out there. Main stream Christians don't even see it. I always sound like the negative one, because I warn people. They do not like it.
So many attend church that now are "seeker friendly" doctrine is not taught and for many that will do.People do not want to be challenged on error as it,s uncomfortable and takes effort.I understand your feeling alone but the price is worth paying to hold to truth.
Tim J -Yes very, but we have to be strong. If they persecuted Christ & his followers, they will also persecute us. And as we stand strong in him, he will be with us...
@@bettyglitter4760 Me too, very at times, we have to be strong though, and even rejoice that we are suffering for his sake... We should consider it an honor to suffer for him. Just today, someone called me an evil, blaspheming, hypocrite that was going to burn in hell. All I did was tell him that his use of 4-letter words was giving God a black eye, He claimed to be Catholic and that only the Catholic church had salvation....
When Dave passed, I felt like I lost my most beloved grand father of which I only recently discovered he was alive. I spent over 40 years battling stuff I didn't understand. Then I stumbled upon Dave's work.
Think thankfully for UA-cam most of us have found Dave Hunt I think he inspired everybody that ever heard him to not be deceived and especially to the great deception that's coming upon us Satan has taken over every form of government and religion in the world
I just began studying this false teaching/deception in the church last year. I was shocked & appalled when I realized this great apostasy would come from inside the "church"! i just thought people would stop going to church & those buildings would sit empty. it seems obvious, but I NEVER expected that...now I am calling out false teachers to the people in my life. They don't like it either.
PvtMadnage Honestly, i never thought about it! I was very naive & just believed so much of what preachers/authors said. I was also very into & intrigued by some of the Word of Faith & NAR teachings. I am really embarrassed now by the things i used to believe. Thank fully, God showed me the truth & pulled me out of those heresies.
Craig Laycox You are absolutely right. I see it now...everywhere. Well-meaning, happy-to-serve Christians who are Biblically illiterate & spiritually weak. The church leaders are so wrapped up in creating and maintaining programs, making the church look pretty so visitors will return, and forcing people to be cheerful and friendly that they forget to "equip the saints", helping them mature and strengthen their faith!
Satan found a way to pervert who Jesus really is, he found a way to cause God's people to break the first commandment, it happened in the year 325AD at the Council of Nicaea when the Trinity doctrine was born. Another Jesus was created from men's imaginations-a counterfeit Jesus who is equal to God, and this counterfeit Jesus is the creator instead of God; and this counterfeit Jesus is God. The Jesus of the Bible never believed or taught anyone he is God. (Mark 12:29) (John 17:3) (1Cor.11:3) (Luke 18:18,19) (John 20:17) (Rev 3:12)
"Well-meaning, happy-to-serve Christians who are Biblically illiterate & spiritually weak" --THIS is the bottom line. I've never seen SO MANY Biblically illiterate "Christians" in my life as I have in these comments...AMEN Betty!!!
What a great message from Dave Hunt!! Praise God it is still available. Praying many will open their eyes to what is going on in the world and in their own churches. Love your God with all your heart and soul. We need to ask Jesus to guard our hearts and minds from the wiles of the wicked one. These false prophets and preachers are going to help bring in the one world religion. The reset has begun. I have heard that term being used often now and even in my own church. They are part of the WCC (World Council Churches) and National Council Churches (NCC)which is under the RCC. "Be ye not deceived". These preachers are helping the false prophet bring in the anti-christ. Don't expect a revival. It seems like there is a small group of believers scattered throughout who hear the voice of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, watching as this is happening around them. Praying for God to open these sleeping eyes and claiming many loved ones for what is going to come upon this earth. I am sooo grieved for what is coming upon this earth. We can no longer reach some of these people who are on the broad path, swaying to the beat of the devil. It is the strong delusion. They are believing the lie. When the church condones homosexuality after reading 1 Romans. We as mankind have reached a state of utter depravity. Churches have become a business; very thing the Lord hated in his Holy temple. He called them" thieves". May the Lord have mercy on this generation. Most call themselves identify themselves as having a Christian World view. An oxymoron? Is it possible for a Christian to have a world view. If you love the world, the love of the Father is not in you.....(1 John 2:15).
@Steve Meikle Of course we should study the Bible. But don't discount all the books that great Christian men of the Word have written, sermons they have preached, and the depths of study they have undertaken to give us insight into the Word. The body of knowledge available to us today because of those who have gone on before is massive, and should be made as much use of as possible. To disdain it is to reveal an arrogant heart.
I have praised this man and his message on multiple , multiple postings. So, forcing those not be repeated, I’ll stick to comments about his opening story. I’ve heard that 7 times and have loved it more each time! I cannot get enough of it! Thank you Jesus, for giving us this precious man! I’m so looking forward to meeting SOON! Maranatha!
They can say what they want, *this Evangelical* is not and never will ever be a part of the apostate catholic church again.. Never, never, never! Rest with Jesus, dear brother Dave! How sorely you're missed and NEEDED in these days! See you soon, Jesus is *coming!*
I thank Jehovah and Lord Jesus for giving Dave such wonderful and complete knowledge which amazes me everytime I listen to him. But I feel so sad and lost that he is gone ( actually gone in the sense that the world lost his services). But God keeps his servants till he is finished with his purpose I believe.But he would be meeting the Lord in the air when he comes to take the saints to him. I want to be a part of this amazing and blessed event. Amen
Dave Hunt is incredibly good. We need this Church, bring back the reformation movement because the new one world order has been supported by a lot of the Christians, I guess it could be the falling away. Let's stay true to the teaching of Jesus Christ and the apostles not the false apostles of this age.
I like Dave Hunt and his book, The Seduction Of Christianity really opened my eyes back in the 80's. I disagree with his view of prophecy (I'm not a dispensationalist), but otherwise I like what he teaches. I was saved in 1967 through some Baptists who came to bring us the Gospel in a Los Angeles county probation camp where I was serving a 1 year sentence, I was 14 years old. God has kept me since then even though I was saved they never went beyond evangelizing so I stopped going to church services as there wasn't any discipling. I remember Dave being vilified on so called "Christian" tv. The false prophets were all pretty much unified in saying Dave Hunt was doing wrong, but as he says here he only quotes the false prophets. I find it hard to believe that pastors who are supposed to have the Spirit of Truth cannot discern the nonsense that is taught. Dave was spot on Promise Keepers as well, beware of ecumenical movements. As a true born again Christian where am I unified with Romanist doctrine? I've looked at their official view of salvation by faith and it's not going to make a poor stumbling Christian have any assurance, there isn't any assurance in their system.
Mountain Fisher I wonder what Mr Hunt would say about the seeker friendly movement that has embraced the ways of ungodly men(Peter Drucker)who mentored Rick Warren who wrote a "Christian book" many"pastors"embraced it using business principles of give the people what they want"iching ears"
Yes, this reminds of the “great movement of God” that Beth Moore is prophesying to come. And how the traditional Biblical Christians will sound an alarm when it happens but the ones in this “revival”, such as Beth Moore, will drink in this new “movement”. Scary stuff. Definitely will be apostasy.
the little gods doctrine is ubiquitous today, and many in the church do not realise what it is. I see it most often in the way that Pentecostal and charismatics talk about their words and prayers.
I can't believe that I had never heard of him until recently. I lived in Oregon for 20yrs when he did so as well. We lived in different cities, but the Christian world is small and close nit in Oregon. I don't remember him if he ever visited my church.
Great comment, how memorial, to recall. Praying with someone you respect. Of all the things we forget i. Life, That moment is forever with you .to God be the Glory.
The one world religion officially began in 2014 with the signing ceremony of the unity of religious agreement. The French Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin was the first to say that the world needed a Christ that all religions can agree on. The founders of the United Nations were strongly influenced by Teilhard. He is also known as the father of the new age.
Exactly. It is quite insidious but it feeds into this idea of a dominion theology whereby the return of Christ is reduced to a metaphor, and his victory over evil is in fact already happening through Christians, and we are all therefore heading for the omega point of perfection... perilous times indeed.
I have to admit. After hearing this about the water baptism. It reminds me when I got water baptised at 19. In April 1975. I got slain in the Spirit and would have drowned. Had they not been holding me up. I hope I wasn't afflicted, or possessed of demons To make me swoon in the water. Because I had a hard time walking out of the tank. Incidentally I was baptized in the name of the Father. The Son. Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
IN ALL ACCURACY & PRECISION ... in keeping STRICTLY with Hebrews 6:2 ... "single session of THE 1-TEACHING of BAPTISMs!!!! umpg.blogspot.com/2012/09/216-t004-grade-iii-the-one-ephesians-45.html umpg.blogspot.com/2012/09/217-t005-grade-iii-b-truths-about.html BEFORE we can ever MATURE AS CHRISTIANS in reference to Hebrews 5:12 - 6:3!!!!
I get the same reaction from Catholics when I quote Popes and Councils that Dave got for quoting Schuller. They mark me a "Catholic basher" for the quotes. (I'm ex-Catholic)
We won't get more ministers like this until we cry out to the Lord to send labours into His harvest field. Just like Moses wasn't sent until the Israelites cried out for deliverance.
I notice this guy talks like a regular person, in a regular tone of voice. The senior pastor at the megachurch I left earlier this year, because they accepted a Buddhist program to mix their teachings/beliefs with evangelical Christianity, is always dramatic, talking very excited, jumping off his chair, making everyone "repeat" words, making jokes. He says everything in an "excited" tone of voice. It seems like marketing strategies to me. He's like a 1-man entertainment center, but quite frankly I got tired very quickly of him yelling on podcasts. He takes Scriptures and underlines a couple of words and uses them to prove HIS point, HIS opinion. He says there is no such thing as a "literal hell." A true preacher lets the BIBLE be the authority.
deceptions is the first sign Jesus Christ gave as the sign of the end not wars and rumors of wars. be studying the King James Bible saints because that is where the truth is!!
Matthew 24:24 is talking about the great signs and wonders deception during the time of the abomination of desolation. We're obviously not in those times yet so how do we reconcile what Dave said about it happening (signs and wonders deception) now??
Because the abomination of desolation already happened during the destruction of the temple and and Jerusalem in 70AD. Dispensationalists keep looking to future sings of things that have already happened
What did Paul mean when he wrote to Thessalonica of a "great falling away"? Or what did he mean when he said, "And many shall depart from the faith..." How can anyone depart from something he was never part of? Why did Jesus tell His own chosen 12, "Let no man deceive thee...?" Who was the "thee" he was speaking of? Those very disciples. Peter also speaks of this thought, "It is better for a man to have NEVER KNOWN the way of righteousness, than to AFTER HE HAS KNOWN IT to TURN FROM the holy commandment that was given to them..." I agree with the basic theme of bro Dave's message, apostasy is all around us...but this is just the fulfillment of Jesus' own words, "...wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many (MOST) go in there at...." I do not rejoice in this. I grieve over the thought of even one soul perishing without Christ...but I grieve even more for there who have been taught that the KNOW Christ have not come to know them at all...or, of those who "fall away" from the faith unto perdition, because someone told them there was never a chance of that happening....in Philippians 3, Paul himself speaks of the same concern, "I do not count myself to have apprehended yet..." And also wrote to the Corinthians, "I watch myself always, keeping myself under discipline, lest after preaching the saving gospel to others, I myself might become a castaway..." castaway = reject (and I take bro Dave's defense, these are not my words, but words of the holy apostles, men who heard directly from Christ, in other words, they were "the horse's mouth")
Nancy Bundy A good point sister and one I,ve considered much.Paul said "that if you walk after the flesh you will die but if by the spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live.(Rom 8:13)He's not talking about physical death because he is not talking about physical life because he's talking to live people. I wonder how many think,oh I was baptized into such and such a church,I,ve done what's needed,now I just attend church now and again to keep appearance before God.A truthful read of 1st John is the test of if your Christ.We know that we have passed from death to life ,because we love the breathen.1st John 3:14.The life has the love in it.So different than outside law that tells you what to do but imparts no ability like being born again.
Please check out "Requiem for the American Dream". It explains the implications of greed. Why it is called a "deadly sin" and why we must all refrain from living it and refrain from endorsing it. I do not believe it is a "Christian" video; however, it explains what happens when this sin infects too many; especially those who have fallen into it in the church and those who embrace their teachings. I know that Dave Hunt is correct with his title "Hell in the church" (paraphrased if not exact).
Those who like the video should remember to like the video by press the likes-thumb under the You-Tube video, giving much greater scattering effect, which is very important, more important than we even understand with our mind ... actually bigger positive results for eternity and the kingdom of God! Remember to share the video on as many social media as possible, often join a number of different social media sites if necessary, and not just share their own PUBLIC page, but please send more private to, for example, e-mail and others' social sites media, such as private pages and public pages where several are members of the same Facebook page and other social media. Don't be lukewarm in the eagerness, but properly ignited up in the Spirit inside of you! INFINITE IMPORTANT!
The falling away as it is in 2 Thessalonians is the remnant falling away from the church which will be in full blown apostasy. It will not be falling away from Christ.
The Falling Away in 2 Thessalonians is the Rapture of the church. Falling away in Greek is Apostasia. Apostasia is departure. The departure in this chapter is a physical departure. The "The" word before Falling Away indicates that it is an event. The Apostle Paul did not say A Falling Away, but The Falling Away.
I believe after the setting aside of isreal through their hardness .signs and wonders age stopped .and a new dispensation of the grace God was given that doesnt have sign following.
There are still signs and wonders today by the Holy Spirit. And there are false counterfeit signs and wonders. So use discernment body of Christ. Please Don’t say every sign and wonder is false and is deception. The Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever.
With respect, a believer can fall away. They're still saved, but many believers are deceived by false doctrines, cults, etc. Today we see people who believed in Jesus falling away into cults like Calvinism, Arminianism (ie. "Loss of Salvation-Theology"), EO, Roman Catholicism, NAR, etc...
"You don't have to be too bright" as Pastor Hunt says, to realize the pre-tribulation rapture is a man-made doctrine. There is a singular second coming of Christ at the last day. Not once the Bible insinuate that the rapture will occur before the end of the age.
For those who believe in once saved I backslid and saw hell where I was damming myself to go because I did not repent Beware stay close to Christ In all my unfaithfullness He remained faithful
Unbelief, people are sent to hell for it. Unbelief not only in rejection of Christ and him crucified but unbelief in Gods Word. The heresy today of we chose God and man’s free will is heretical. I will say that there are millions of people who maybe going to church and all of that but they aren’t believing God and his word. They reject election and predestination they reject it whole heartily. I’d say for those who have never heard it can and are still saved and are believers in Christ but those who openly oppose and teach arminius teaching of the false free will are in unbelief and I’d say they will not inherit the kingdom of God.
The late Dave Hunt was a very goodpreacher ive some of his books and still got Judgement Day . But he did make a mistake in condeming Billy Graham a friend of mine now home with the Lord was converted at Harringay 1954
The next and greatest revival will happen in the midst of the Great Tribulation. Those who received Jesus as Lord and Saviour will have been raptured into heaven already. Many will give their lives to Jesus during the Great Tribulation but will suffer.
Mark 16:17-18 King James Version (KJV) 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Any man, preacher or not, who speaks against another man called by God, IS WRONG. I will not listen to this man
SSPX is a good Latin church if you don't like to go to modern Catholic Church as of now; till the catholic church is fixed defrocking the homosexual priests because there were in past centuries, some traditional popes warned not to accept homosexual priest; which the modern popes forgot to follow ; they needed to be defrocked. It means homosexual priestood is invalid. The Orthodox churches are also good; the Orthodox church priests are married and have wives and families.
ok im 25 min in. Doesn't think/believe there is or can be a falling away. Does it really say that. Did God really say...Pay attention everyone. He doesn't scold the people for laughing no he even encourages it by being funny. Says signs and wonders are these people about whom The Lord declares He never knew them. That I do agree with but it can be those who drawn into works salvation or if worksinterferes with fellowship with God. Share a clue with brothers and sisters in Christ, a man that is ever learning and never comes to the knowledge of...? Seek ye The Lord . Stick to the message that saves. Not Trump, football or Nephilim. Its theircurriculum that is doing this to all of them. Glory be to God The Father and Lord Jesus His Son.
+Tim Spangler #1..Then WHY are you at EVERY ONE of his videos? #2.. HE isn't "cray cray" because YOU happen to love the APOSTATE catholic church! It is YOU who is "cray cray" with your TROLLING every one of Dave's videos. This is the THIRD one TODAY I have found you at spewing your LIES and NONSENSE because you HATE the TRUTH......
The only church to have maintained its doctrinal and moral teaching authority for the past 2000 years is the Catholic Church. Many people in mainline Protestant denominations are discovering this truth on their own and finally coming home to the faith of their Fathers and Mothers and Ancient Ancestors. Dave Hunt was correct in exposing many false prophets but went too far in condemning Roman Catholicism. RIP Dave Hunt. Welcome Home to the Faith of the Apostles....www.catholicscomehome.org/home-page-content/
Dave Hunt has changed my life! Without his teaching and correction I would have been completely lost, for sure. I am SO grateful that the Lord lead me to him so late in my life. THANK GOD FOR UA-cam!!!
Same is the case with me Anthony. I have been a JW and then stumble upon the Grace preachers ( wonderful men) and last of all ( lately) came across this wonderful man whom God has blessed with such knowledge.
This was in 1986... now false doctrine is practically mainstream. Those of us diligently holding to good doctrine are getting less and less. I feel very alone at times.
At times, I feel very alone too. So much deception out there. Main stream Christians don't even see it. I always sound like the negative one, because I warn people. They do not like it.
You're never alone brother
So many attend church that now are "seeker friendly" doctrine is not taught and for many that will do.People do not want to be challenged on error as it,s uncomfortable and takes effort.I understand your feeling alone but the price is worth paying to hold to truth.
Tim J -Yes very, but we have to be strong. If they persecuted Christ & his followers, they will also persecute us. And as we stand strong in him, he will be with us...
@@bettyglitter4760 Me too, very at times, we have to be strong though, and even rejoice that we are suffering for his sake... We should consider it an honor to suffer for him. Just today, someone called me an evil, blaspheming, hypocrite that was going to burn in hell. All I did was tell him that his use of 4-letter words was giving God a black eye, He claimed to be Catholic and that only the Catholic church had salvation....
Dave Hunt’s book on psychology helped me to break free of 8 years of bondage to this religion and I thank God for the Berean call for their ministry.
When Dave passed, I felt like I lost my most beloved grand father of which I only recently discovered he was alive. I spent over 40 years battling stuff I didn't understand. Then I stumbled upon Dave's work.
Think thankfully for UA-cam most of us have found Dave Hunt I think he inspired everybody that ever heard him to not be deceived and especially to the great deception that's coming upon us Satan has taken over every form of government and religion in the world
Yes me now !! 01/24
40 years battling or 40 years processing scripture and crucifying the flesh. Like in the wilderness.
@@florapost8901 ...all of the above.
I just began studying this false teaching/deception in the church last year. I was shocked & appalled when I realized this great apostasy would come from inside the "church"!
i just thought people would stop going to church & those buildings would sit empty.
it seems obvious, but I NEVER expected that...now I am calling out false teachers to the people in my life. They don't like it either.
Honestly, i never thought about it! I was very naive & just believed so much of what preachers/authors said. I was also very into & intrigued by some of the Word of Faith & NAR teachings. I am really embarrassed now by the things i used to believe.
Thank fully, God showed me the truth & pulled me out of those heresies.
Thank you & bless you too
Craig Laycox
You are absolutely right. I see it now...everywhere. Well-meaning, happy-to-serve Christians who are Biblically illiterate & spiritually weak.
The church leaders are so wrapped up in creating and maintaining programs, making the church look pretty so visitors will return, and forcing people to be cheerful and friendly that they forget to "equip the saints", helping them mature and strengthen their faith!
Satan found a way to pervert who Jesus really is, he found a way to cause God's people to break the first commandment, it happened in the year 325AD at the Council of Nicaea when the Trinity doctrine was born. Another Jesus was created from men's imaginations-a counterfeit Jesus who is equal to God, and this counterfeit Jesus is the creator instead of God; and this counterfeit Jesus is God.
The Jesus of the Bible never believed or taught anyone he is God. (Mark 12:29) (John 17:3) (1Cor.11:3) (Luke 18:18,19) (John 20:17) (Rev 3:12)
"Well-meaning, happy-to-serve Christians who are Biblically illiterate & spiritually weak" --THIS is the bottom line. I've never seen SO MANY Biblically illiterate "Christians" in my life as I have in these comments...AMEN Betty!!!
What a great message from Dave Hunt!! Praise God it is still available. Praying many will open their eyes to what is going on in the world and in their own churches. Love your God with all your heart and soul. We need to ask Jesus to guard our hearts and minds from the wiles of the wicked one.
These false prophets and preachers are going to help bring in the one world religion. The reset has begun. I have heard that term being used often now and even in my own church. They are part of the WCC (World Council Churches) and National Council Churches (NCC)which is under the RCC. "Be ye not deceived". These preachers are helping the false prophet bring in the anti-christ.
Don't expect a revival. It seems like there is a small group of believers scattered throughout who hear the voice of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, watching as this is happening around them. Praying for God to open these sleeping eyes and claiming many loved ones for what is going to come upon this earth. I am sooo grieved for what is coming upon this earth.
We can no longer reach some of these people who are on the broad path, swaying to the beat of the devil. It is the strong delusion. They are believing the lie. When the church condones homosexuality after reading 1 Romans. We as mankind have reached a state of utter depravity. Churches have become a business; very thing the Lord hated in his Holy temple. He called them" thieves". May the Lord have mercy on this generation. Most call themselves identify themselves as having a Christian World view. An oxymoron? Is it possible for a Christian to have a world view. If you love the world, the love of the Father is not in you.....(1 John 2:15).
I believe that Dave Hunt was a sincere Christian teacher. All Christians should study all of his sermons, speeches and teachings thoroughly.
I agree with you 200%. He was a great bible scholar and teacher. It's a pity his books are not translated abroad.
Couldn't agree with you more my friend. He is sorely missed.
@Steve Meikle Of course we should study the Bible. But don't discount all the books that great Christian men of the Word have written, sermons they have preached, and the depths of study they have undertaken to give us insight into the Word. The body of knowledge available to us today because of those who have gone on before is massive, and should be made as much use of as possible. To disdain it is to reveal an arrogant heart.
I have praised this man and his message on multiple , multiple postings. So, forcing those not be repeated, I’ll stick to comments about his opening story. I’ve heard that 7 times and have loved it more each time! I cannot get enough of it! Thank you Jesus, for giving us this precious man! I’m so looking forward to meeting SOON!
They can say what they want, *this Evangelical* is not and never will ever be a part of the apostate catholic church again.. Never, never, never!
Rest with Jesus, dear brother Dave! How sorely you're missed and NEEDED in these days! See you soon, Jesus is *coming!*
Thank God for teachers like Dave Hunt
This man ignited in me an undying craving for Bible prophecy. God showed me through Hunt what true faith really is.
Thank You Dave,for all of your preaching :) Rest in Peace true saint.
great teacher Dave Hunt!
since "colour coding","fourth dimension " iow, since 1991, laughing in the "spirit " ,catch the "fire",etc,etc etc.....
I thank Jehovah and Lord Jesus for giving Dave such wonderful and complete knowledge which amazes me everytime I listen to him. But I feel so sad and lost that he is gone ( actually gone in the sense that the world lost his services). But God keeps his servants till he is finished with his purpose I believe.But he would be meeting the Lord in the air when he comes to take the saints to him. I want to be a part of this amazing and blessed event. Amen
Excellent, excellent. Praise the Lord.
Dave Hunt is incredibly good. We need this Church, bring back the reformation movement because the new one world order has been supported by a lot of the Christians, I guess it could be the falling away. Let's stay true to the teaching of Jesus Christ and the apostles not the false apostles of this age.
I'm not sure if the New Apostolic Reformation was front and center while Dave was alive. NAR follows suit to what he is referring to.
Vernon Steinkamp
Absolutely! And it really seems that it will bring people into the one world religion of end times. Be on guard!
Vernon Steinkamp i agree yes it does sound like he’s talking about NAR
I like Dave Hunt and his book, The Seduction Of Christianity really opened my eyes back in the 80's. I disagree with his view of prophecy (I'm not a dispensationalist), but otherwise I like what he teaches. I was saved in 1967 through some Baptists who came to bring us the Gospel in a Los Angeles county probation camp where I was serving a 1 year sentence, I was 14 years old. God has kept me since then even though I was saved they never went beyond evangelizing so I stopped going to church services as there wasn't any discipling.
I remember Dave being vilified on so called "Christian" tv. The false prophets were all pretty much unified in saying Dave Hunt was doing wrong, but as he says here he only quotes the false prophets. I find it hard to believe that pastors who are supposed to have the Spirit of Truth cannot discern the nonsense that is taught. Dave was spot on Promise Keepers as well, beware of ecumenical movements. As a true born again Christian where am I unified with Romanist doctrine? I've looked at their official view of salvation by faith and it's not going to make a poor stumbling Christian have any assurance, there isn't any assurance in their system.
Mountain Fisher I wonder what Mr Hunt would say about the seeker friendly movement that has embraced the ways of ungodly men(Peter Drucker)who mentored Rick Warren who wrote a "Christian book" many"pastors"embraced it using business principles of give the people what they want"iching ears"
Yes, this reminds of the “great movement of God” that Beth Moore is prophesying to come. And how the traditional Biblical Christians will sound an alarm when it happens but the ones in this “revival”, such as Beth Moore, will drink in this new “movement”. Scary stuff. Definitely will be apostasy.
Beth Moore is another FALSE teacher......BEWARE!!!!!
@@TheMistysFavs plus she is rude
Check out who Beth Moore runs with: Elizabeth Hagan. Wow!
Everything we see today in Church is a result of no one listening to this guy 20 years ago!! What a shame, indeed 😔
the little gods doctrine is ubiquitous today, and many in the church do not realise what it is. I see it most often in the way that Pentecostal and charismatics talk about their words and prayers.
Better Left Said Back in the 70s Warren Smith was warning people too.
Yep. And others like him
I can't believe that I had never heard of him until recently. I lived in Oregon for 20yrs when he did so as well. We lived in different cities, but the Christian world is small and close nit in Oregon. I don't remember him if he ever visited my church.
Actually no one reading the Bible.
This needs to be replayed over and over.
So sad dave died and I never got to sit under his teaching. He changed my life
He stands for the truth!!
Im asking the Lord for the same courage, the boldness that comes only from the Holy Ghost!
Awesome, sermon. Thank you. God Bless you and yours
I could & do listen to that initial story…… hysterical!!
I had the privilege of praying with Dave at a church in Pennsylvania in the 90's
I'm curious...what city? I'm also from Pa.
Great comment, how memorial, to recall. Praying with someone you respect. Of all the things we forget i. Life, That moment is forever with you .to God be the Glory.
The one world religion officially began in 2014 with the signing ceremony of the unity of religious agreement.
The French Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin was the first to say that the world needed a Christ that all religions can agree on. The founders of the United Nations were strongly influenced by Teilhard. He is also known as the father of the new age.
Exactly. It is quite insidious but it feeds into this idea of a dominion theology whereby the return of Christ is reduced to a metaphor, and his victory over evil is in fact already happening through Christians, and we are all therefore heading for the omega point of perfection... perilous times indeed.
Chrislam. See the yale covenant
Started with Nimrod.
I have to admit. After hearing this about the water baptism. It reminds me when I got water baptised at 19. In April 1975.
I got slain in the Spirit and would have drowned. Had they not been holding me up.
I hope I wasn't afflicted, or possessed of demons
To make me swoon in the water. Because I had a hard time walking out of the tank.
Incidentally I was baptized in the name of the Father. The Son. Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
IN ALL ACCURACY & PRECISION ... in keeping STRICTLY with Hebrews 6:2 ... "single session of THE 1-TEACHING of BAPTISMs!!!!
BEFORE we can ever MATURE AS CHRISTIANS in reference to Hebrews 5:12 - 6:3!!!!
I get the same reaction from Catholics when I quote Popes and Councils that Dave got for quoting Schuller. They mark me a "Catholic basher" for the quotes. (I'm ex-Catholic)
Yes, you are right. I am also an ex-Catholic
A true watchman to the glory of God
We are worshiping worship, praising praise and are in love with love. Describes it well.
Hebrews 11:1 KJV faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
this is faith according to the word of God.
We won't get more ministers like this until we cry out to the Lord to send labours into His harvest field.
Just like Moses wasn't sent until the Israelites cried out for deliverance.
I don't know if its to late now but we do need straight forward gospel preaching like that of Franklyn Graham.
I notice this guy talks like a regular person, in a regular tone of voice. The senior pastor at the megachurch I left earlier this year, because they accepted a Buddhist program to mix their teachings/beliefs with evangelical Christianity, is always dramatic, talking very excited, jumping off his chair, making everyone "repeat" words, making jokes. He says everything in an "excited" tone of voice. It seems like marketing strategies to me. He's like a 1-man entertainment center, but quite frankly I got tired very quickly of him yelling on podcasts. He takes Scriptures and underlines a couple of words and uses them to prove HIS point, HIS opinion. He says there is no such thing as a "literal hell." A true preacher lets the BIBLE be the authority.
Glory To GOD!!!
deceptions is the first sign Jesus Christ gave as the sign of the end
not wars and rumors of wars.
be studying the King James Bible saints because that is where the truth is!!
Deceptions, you can’t be that lax when teaching , it is a massive responsibility
Has nothing to do with what she said......
The Bible is the one thing Satan can't change, it is covered with God's protection it has much power in it as all God's truths, Amen
DH... precious treasure for Christ's kingdom.
Thank you!
Matthew 24:24 is talking about the great signs and wonders deception during the time of the abomination of desolation. We're obviously not in those times yet so how do we reconcile what Dave said about it happening (signs and wonders deception) now??
Because the abomination of desolation already happened during the destruction of the temple and and Jerusalem in 70AD. Dispensationalists keep looking to future sings of things that have already happened
Excellent TRUTH !
What did Paul mean when he wrote to Thessalonica of a "great falling away"? Or what did he mean when he said, "And many shall depart from the faith..." How can anyone depart from something he was never part of? Why did Jesus tell His own chosen 12, "Let no man deceive thee...?" Who was the "thee" he was speaking of? Those very disciples. Peter also speaks of this thought, "It is better for a man to have NEVER KNOWN the way of righteousness, than to AFTER HE HAS KNOWN IT to TURN FROM the holy commandment that was given to them..." I agree with the basic theme of bro Dave's message, apostasy is all around us...but this is just the fulfillment of Jesus' own words, "...wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many (MOST) go in there at...." I do not rejoice in this. I grieve over the thought of even one soul perishing without Christ...but I grieve even more for there who have been taught that the KNOW Christ have not come to know them at all...or, of those who "fall away" from the faith unto perdition, because someone told them there was never a chance of that happening....in Philippians 3, Paul himself speaks of the same concern, "I do not count myself to have apprehended yet..." And also wrote to the Corinthians, "I watch myself always, keeping myself under discipline, lest after preaching the saving gospel to others, I myself might become a castaway..." castaway = reject (and I take bro Dave's defense, these are not my words, but words of the holy apostles, men who heard directly from Christ, in other words, they were "the horse's mouth")
Nancy Bundy A good point sister and one I,ve considered much.Paul said "that if you walk after the flesh you will die but if by the spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live.(Rom 8:13)He's not talking about physical death because he is not talking about physical life because he's talking to live people. I wonder how many think,oh I was baptized into such and such a church,I,ve done what's needed,now I just attend church now and again to keep appearance before God.A truthful read of 1st John is the test of if your Christ.We know that we have passed from death to life ,because we love the breathen.1st John 3:14.The life has the love in it.So different than outside law that tells you what to do but imparts no ability like being born again.
This is so powerful
I Love Jesus my God for His Mercy and Cleansing Blood.
I got saved in 1986 ..the church has been apostasising since..
I miss David.. what a man of GOD.
Please check out "Requiem for the American Dream". It explains the implications of greed. Why it is called a "deadly sin" and why we must all refrain from living it and refrain from endorsing it. I do not believe it is a "Christian" video; however, it explains what happens when this sin infects too many; especially those who have fallen into it in the church and those who embrace their teachings. I know that Dave Hunt is correct with his title "Hell in the church" (paraphrased if not exact).
Those who like the video should remember to like the video by press the likes-thumb under the You-Tube video, giving much greater scattering effect, which is very important, more important than we even understand with our mind ... actually bigger positive results for eternity and the kingdom of God!
Remember to share the video on as many social media as possible, often join a number of different social media sites if necessary, and not just share their own PUBLIC page, but please send more private to, for example, e-mail and others' social sites media, such as private pages and public pages where several are members of the same Facebook page and other social media.
Don't be lukewarm in the eagerness, but properly ignited up in the Spirit inside of you!
R.I.P. Mr. Hunt
+klassenp1 Where Mr. Hunt is at now he is at rest for eternity which is in heaven.
ChristisRisen Amen!
Is the Berean Call newsletter still available?
Whoa, that story at the beginning, ROFL
The falling away as it is in 2 Thessalonians is the remnant falling away from the church which will be in full blown apostasy. It will not be falling away from Christ.
The Falling Away in 2 Thessalonians is the Rapture of the church. Falling away in Greek is Apostasia. Apostasia is departure. The departure in this chapter is a physical departure. The "The" word before Falling Away indicates that it is an event. The Apostle Paul did not say A Falling Away, but The Falling Away.
@@rosasavino7221 Amen!!! You are correct! 🙌
Daniel Blowes ss
I hope you'll show some integrity and post the work Dave Hunt did on "Reformed Theology" as well. Might save someone's soul.
I believe after the setting aside of isreal through their hardness .signs and wonders age stopped .and a new dispensation of the grace God was given that doesnt have sign following.
There are still signs and wonders today by the Holy Spirit. And there are false counterfeit signs and wonders. So use discernment body of Christ. Please Don’t say every sign and wonder is false and is deception. The Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever.
True, but it’s about people who are seeking for a sign or wonder instead of following Christ, serving, loving. It’s a real challenge!
so they apostasy is just unsaved church attenders no longer attending church on sundays?
If you're interested in past "winners" of the Templeton award
Wake Up Call
With respect, a believer can fall away. They're still saved, but many believers are deceived by false doctrines, cults, etc. Today we see people who believed in Jesus falling away into cults like Calvinism, Arminianism (ie. "Loss of Salvation-Theology"), EO, Roman Catholicism, NAR, etc...
"You don't have to be too bright" as Pastor Hunt says, to realize the pre-tribulation rapture is a man-made doctrine. There is a singular second coming of Christ at the last day. Not once the Bible insinuate that the rapture will occur before the end of the age.
For those who believe in once saved I backslid and saw hell where I was damming myself to go because I did not repent
Beware stay close to Christ
In all my unfaithfullness He remained faithful
Unbelief, people are sent to hell for it. Unbelief not only in rejection of Christ and him crucified but unbelief in Gods Word. The heresy today of we chose God and man’s free will is heretical. I will say that there are millions of people who maybe going to church and all of that but they aren’t believing God and his word. They reject election and predestination they reject it whole heartily. I’d say for those who have never heard it can and are still saved and are believers in Christ but those who openly oppose and teach arminius teaching of the false free will are in unbelief and I’d say they will not inherit the kingdom of God.
The late Dave Hunt was a very goodpreacher ive some of his books and still got Judgement Day . But he did make a mistake in condeming Billy Graham a friend of mine now home with the Lord was converted at Harringay 1954
I will miss him!
The next and greatest revival will happen in the midst of the Great Tribulation. Those who received Jesus as Lord and Saviour will have been raptured into heaven already. Many will give their lives to Jesus during the Great Tribulation but will suffer.
Mark 16:17-18 King James Version (KJV)
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
Any man, preacher or not, who speaks against another man called by God, IS WRONG. I will not listen to this man
Tony, do you still feel this way? If we do not hold people accountable to the word of God, we will for sure be misled.
SSPX is a good Latin church if you don't like to go to modern Catholic Church as of now;
till the catholic church is fixed defrocking the homosexual priests because there were in past centuries, some traditional popes warned not to accept homosexual priest; which the modern popes forgot to follow ; they needed to be defrocked.
It means homosexual priestood is invalid.
The Orthodox churches are also good; the Orthodox church priests are married and have wives and families.
Presbyterian churches are better because they teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
ok im 25 min in. Doesn't think/believe there is or can be a falling away. Does it really say that. Did God really say...Pay attention everyone. He doesn't scold the people for laughing no he even encourages it by being funny. Says signs and wonders are these people about whom The Lord declares He never knew them. That I do agree with but it can be those who drawn into works salvation or if worksinterferes with fellowship with God. Share a clue with brothers and sisters in Christ, a man that is ever learning and never comes to the knowledge of...? Seek ye The Lord . Stick to the message that saves. Not Trump, football or Nephilim. Its theircurriculum that is doing this to all of them. Glory be to God The Father and Lord Jesus His Son.
I was very interested but his pedantic, plodding style was too much to bear. If you don't grab the new listener in the first minute, you've lost them.
His image should be removed, it could lead to idolatry.
that's idiotic
This one is so insane. Wow. Dave Hunt is cray cray.
Tim.......... What what?
+Tim Spangler #1..Then WHY are you at EVERY ONE of his videos? #2.. HE isn't "cray cray" because YOU happen to love the APOSTATE catholic church!
It is YOU who is "cray cray" with your TROLLING every one of Dave's videos. This is the THIRD one TODAY I have found you at spewing your LIES and NONSENSE because you HATE the TRUTH......
The only church to have maintained its doctrinal and moral teaching authority for the past 2000 years is the Catholic Church. Many people in mainline Protestant denominations are discovering this truth on their own and finally coming home to the faith of their Fathers and Mothers and Ancient Ancestors. Dave Hunt was correct in exposing many false prophets but went too far in condemning Roman Catholicism. RIP Dave Hunt. Welcome Home to the Faith of the Apostles....www.catholicscomehome.org/home-page-content/
You must be joking. Catholicism is a total abomination
The pope just condoned blessing same sex unions.
I love Daves dry wet I really miss him along with Chuck Missler two great men of God