Hearing this ancient forgotten Germanic language gives me a feeling I cannot describe. Slightly sad but slightly impressed in the past and relaxed, and soothtly rallied by the singers story telling.
Goth isnt forgotten. There still very words and names/surnames of spanish that derivates from gothic. Example : -Sanchez -Gomez -Hernandez -Ramirez -Guerra -Catalunia
Gothic is one of the prettiest languages ever created, like Norse and English and Dutch and Icelandic and Norwegian and Faroese etc, but many of the ones making song videos are ruįning what would have been a good video with such ofv pictures, pfff - only simple black or grey background with a nice Runic design should be used! (I would suggest that someone remake this video with simple black background and nice Runic designed, without any ofv pictures or other distracting pictures, and with better text that is easy to read on a simple black background, or just a nice green nature picture!)
I did a DNA test recently and I found that a large part of my ancestry is from Northern Spain and Portugal, and there’s some Germanic DNA in there as well. It’s very interesting to learn about our Visigothic/Germanic ancestors
@@Sina.575 This is very true, and you can see that Spaniards and Portuguese look like modern day Germans. We also have Celtic ancestry from the various tribes that lived in the peninsula, but definitely from the Visigoths too
Si te llamas Gómez o Hernandes tienes apellido gótico, puedes buscar en internet de dónde viene tú apellido; mí padre se llama Rodrigo por ejemplo y Rodrigo viene del Rey godo Roderick
TRANSLATION TO ENGLISH !!!! "The Destruction of Rome" It was long ago that the Goths from the east brought their shields from Scythia, oppressed with their force many a nation, when two conquering peoples set out southwards. The Goths’ empire grew by the year. They had two lawful kings, Radgoth and Alaric; they grew in power. Then over the Alps were many enticed full of Gothic vainglory, eager for battle, near conflict. Banner billowed bright on its shaft. The spearmen thought all Italy, to overtake did the shield-fighters. They achieved this up to the famous coast, full from the Alps where amid the sea's currents Sicily the great island marks and bounds the territory. Then the Romans’ kingdom was won, taken by force the finest of cities, by warriors was Rome wasted. Radgoth and Alaric entered that tower. Caesar fled with the nobles away to Greece. The remnants of that disaster could not by fight resist the Goths in battle; their ancestral gold the guardians of the land gave up unwillingly and swore sacred oaths. These things caused anguish. Yet the warriors’ minds were with the Greeks, whether their leaders would help them. So it was a while. A people were conquered for many winters, till fate decreed that Theoderic rode, daring of mood, ruled the stead, lord of the Hreth-Goths He sits now in full war gear, on his horse, shield girt, of the Marings. Thiudimir’s son, for thirty years, ruled Rome, and rightly dealt with Goths and Romans, that was a good King
@@ImperiumRomanum476 that's Google translate. UA-cam has a new feature that can translate in the app. Maybe it's only on mobile and not on PC. But it is able to translate some of it. And it's some Icelandic it thinks it is, and a bit of danish, norwegian, and dutch. It's a mess but it's a cool mess. Also the translation is only partial and no completely accurate. Still cool though
*3:00* Gave me goosebumps, and to be frank, I’m honestly glad it did. (Just picturing what the Goths/Gutþiuda had in mind once readied in their “war gear” gives me shivers down my spine)
Shamefull my Visigothic is very basc and I don't have the books nor the albums of Avery, all these songs were already online, I recommend you his books and albums
@@raduraducu2668 because when Muslims invaded the collapsed Roman Empire the goths became second class citizen and was forced to integrate with the Roman’s to repopulate because the Muslims massacred many of their people.
from barbarians to the destroyers of Rome. and then becoming modern Day Spanish and Portuguese people that discovered the America's.. goths were truly an amazing people
They are very fascinating, and I love learning about them. I believe that the Spanish and Portuguese should return to their Visigothic roots, and form a United Iberian nation
@@LesAmericainsenAmerique depends on where they are fro m. the Goths ruled Iberia for 250 years And they were already romanized And spoke Latin. And before the Romans they were already a large amount of Germanic tribes living in northern Spain and Portugal such as the suebi and the alans. most Iberians have Latin heritage with those from northern Iberia such as Galicia / Asturias / Leon / Alava / Navara / Burgos / Coruna / La Rioja / Lugo / Soria / Zaragoza /. before the Romans they were already germanic tribes living in Iberia already had their own culture's / after the Romans the other germanic tribes started living in Iberia and they were already romanized and start larping as Romans so intermarriage with the local population was pretty normal. then when the Muslims invaded. only one kingdom was never conquered and it was a Germanic kingdom of Asturias. when Asturias was separated into the kingdom of Leon and Portugal they completely abandoned the Old germanic culture and completely became Spanish and Portuguese during the Reconquista many Spaniards want North to help the Germanic kingdoms to take Iberia beck. I'm not even European. I'm middle Eastern from Iran And I know more about this shit than you do lmao. the answer to your question could have been solved by the one click on Google and you could see the DNA results from people of northern Spain and Portugal that they All have DNA either from Ukraine / Scandinavia And the Saxon region of Germany. so next time do some research before you just come on UA-cam and start commenting with goofy emojis pal. lmao
It feels wonderful to have I1-Z63>Y7627 Y-DNA haplogroup. Goths came to Balkans in 4th and, 5th century, and here I am, Serb with far Gothic ancestry. 🇷🇸
Fun fact :The arabs were invited by a Julian a latin lord descendent from Honorius ,so ironically the emperor who could not defeat the goths was the one who led to the obliteration of the gothic germanics be the arabs.
Fun fact :The arabs that destroyed the visigoths were invited by a Julian a latin lord descendent from Honorius ,so ironically the emperor who could not defeat the goths was the one who led to the obliteration of the gothic germanics be the arabs.
Fun fact :The arabs that destroyed the visigoths were invited by a Julian a latin lord descendent from Honorius ,so ironically the emperor who could not defeat the goths was the one who led to the obliteration of the gothic germanics be the arabs.
@@Teapoid Im not a disgusting slav, I am gothic through royal blood. Their blood really only survives in royalty. I am a descended of every English King that was ever notable ( not the modern "royals", although they are my cousins). I also have blood in various old Germanic and Scandinavian houses which is where the Goths are originally from.
@@bobroberts4085 You’re a LARP. Why would you even want the legacy of goths? They never achieved anything besides destruction and went extinct when their subjects were more socially competitive than them. Your ancestors would cringe laying eyes upon you. A Serb gullible enough to believe nazi Germanic supremacist theories is hardly a Serb & more a sheep.
I'm from northern Spain with significant amount of German and Scandinavian DNA and some Italian and Irish - British DNA as well so I don't know if I'm really considered a Goth or whatever 😅
I have ancestry from Northern Spain and Portugal, and I have DNA from Germanic Europe too. I do think Modern Spaniards can be considered gothic, cause we are descended mostly from Germanic and Celtic tribe
Oh... makes my Goth blood sing. West Gota land in the land of the Sviar. (Swedes) South of Eastern Aros (where the last temple of the ancient Aesir gods stod befor it was burned and where Frey was buried under a high hill.) and south of the valley of the grinding sea where the new city Stockholm ( islet protected by timber walls) Further southwest we have the land of the East Gota landand to the east the Iland of the Goths. And yes. It was from here many Famous Vikings came. Beowulf, Björn Ironside, Ragnar Lothbrok, and it is from here the gods of old made their home. The clan of the young. Ynglinga ätten. (not from norway or denmark like they say in movies or series)
Do a video about a latin song about Pammachius,the leader of the roman garnizon who died defending the city and held the savages for 7 monts being defeated onlly because they ran out of arows. As there is a song about the vilain there is one about the hero .
@@nicholasoneal1521,The goths were so op if they asasinated a viking jarl (title stolon from the goths that ment duke) the beserkers will beg for Mercedes, holding them will be an ancoplishment.
I believe he's meant to be Radagaius. Which is the latinization of his unknown gothic name. So Radgoth would be the anglicization of the hypothetical gothic version of the name.
@@garurumon1203No it was the visigothic kingdom, in which the Kingdom of Asturias, Leon, Portugal, and Castile would base its cultural origins around. They saw the Muslims as invaders throughout the hundreds of years they were fighting them against, that’s why they went so far to even take over the North African ports of Ceuta, Melilla, and a couple of others because the Visigoths once’s owned those parts.
@@elcoringas La Hispania romana era una provincia del Imperio no un estado independiente y la Reconquista no era más que la recuperación del reino godo peninsular original arrebatado por los musulmanes.
Here is a song in latin about Pammachius (the leader of the latin garnizon who held Alaric for 7 mounths: Ea difficilia tempora, Latinis undique conpertum, praeterea divisi, novissime imperii Romani bipertitum est. In occidente stultus Honorius imperavit Barbari sunt qui volunt nos occidere Vandali ad septentrionem, Hunni ad orientem, Gothi ad meridiem hostes undique Pamichius, animae tuae misereat Deus Pro populo usque ad mortem pugnastis Germani Rhenum transeunt, Vandali Galliam vastant, Constantinus III eos pugnat Sero Stilico dux Latinus mortuus est et Vandali in Hispaniam eunt Gothi Italiam invadunt Stilicho interficitur clypei aurei, fortes et periculosi sagittarii optimus sagittariorum Latinorum optimus miliens rarior quam blondes rad catervas frondes et gramina Radagaisus invadit eumque Latinus exercitus vicit tempus inferrent, iaculis excurrere sagittarii Pammachius jurat Imperatori , ut Romam ad mortem defendat Venit Alaricus cum magna multitudine LX millia Gothorum in solo Latino incendere agros Latinos Romam appropinquare Imperator ut ignavus fugit Ravennam , dux autem scutorum aureorum cum trecentis aliis sagittariis ad capitale defendendum remanet. Romanl clamat; si pacem noluerit Alaricus , a Romanis tolletur Latini in muro rideant exercitum ex nive Dux Pammachius et Gothus latine exclamaverunt; de Roma Alarico Ordinario non dabo, nec terram in qua sepelietur. hostes undique Pamichius, animae tuae misereat Deus Pro populo usque ad mortem pugnastis Gothi saxa de catapultis, Latini machinis incendiariis sagittis semper intendunt Fuerunt 20000 Latinorum et Gothorum XXXV Solae illi cum clipeo aureo habebant arcum ad sagittas salvandas Gothi oppugnant et sagittis Latinis semper feriuntur Sagittas septem mensibus arctis proximas servamus Mittimus equitem ad petendum Honorium auxilium Post diem quartum, avis advenit cum epistula imperatoris in qua scribit: "Gratias tibi ago pro heroismo tuo, resistendo serva". Ce las putabatur cum exercitu Romam venire ad debellandos Gothos Gothi dormiunt et Latini se defendunt Gothi adeunt, Romanus obtusus illis portam aperit Etiam praetores fideliores erant Latini insiliunt in equos, sine equis murum scutorum; Voce tonitrui clamavi; EX ROMA Alaricus stuprat mulierem Latinam, Pammachius irascitur Multi Gothi super equo rapti veniunt et caput ad porcum ordiarium cum suis scipioni Unus ex militibus Gothorum hastam erigit, et Pammachius, velociter equitans, ab ea confoditur; Maledictum monstrum diro morbo et dynastia mori per duos sæculas Legenda cadit, Alaricus vincit Mortuo bulla, Latini inordinati a Gothis vincuntur Alaricus Romam diripit, turma eius rapit et opprimit et interficit adversantem hostes undique Pamichius, animae tuae misereat Deus Pro populo usque ad mortem pugnastis As there is a song for the vilain there must be one for the hero.
English translation : In those difficult times, the Latins from all over found themselves, moreover, divided, and finally the Roman empire was divided into two. In the west the fool Honorius ruled They are barbarians who want to kill us The Vandals to the north, the Huns to the east, the Goths to the south enemies atack on every side Pamichius, may God have mercy on your soul You fought for the people to the death The Germans cross the Rhine, the Vandals ravage Gaul, Constantine III fights them Late Stilicus, the Latin leader died and the Vandals went into Spain The Goths invade Italy Stilichus is killed by the fool golden shields, strong and dangerous archers the best of the Latin archers a thousent rarer than blondes beat hordes beyong the coun of grief unles the archers run out of time Radagaisus attacked us, and the Latin army defeated him Pammachius swears to the Emperor to defend Rome to the death Alaricus came with a large army of 60,000 Goths in Latin soil to set fire to the fields of the Latins as they approached Rome The emperor fled Ravenna like a coward, but the leader of the golden shields remained with three hundred other archers to defend the capital. Roman cries out; if Alaricus refuses peace, he will be taken away by the Romans Let the Latins laugh at the army from the snow on the wall The captain Pammachius and the Gothus cried out in Latin; I will not give Alaric the Ordinary of Rome, nor the land in which he will be buried. enemies on every side Pamichius, may God have mercy on your soul You fought for the people to the death The Goths throw stones from catapults, the Latins always aim at incendiary devices with arrows There were 20,000 Latins and 35 Goths Only those with a golden clip had a bow to save the arrows The Goths attack and are always hit by the arrows of the Latins We keep the arrows close for seven months We send a horseman to ask Honorius for help After the fourth day, the bird arrived with a letter from the emperor in which he writes: "Thank you for your heroism, keep resisting." Ce las was supposed to come to Rome with an army to defeat the Goths The Goths sleep and the Latins defend themselves The Goths are coming, and the Roman opens the gate to them obtusely Even the governors were more faithful The Latins jump on their horses, without the horses shielding the wall; I cried with a voice of thunder; FROM ROME Alaricus rapes a Latin woman, Pammachius is enraged Many of the Goths come on horseback and head to the swineherd with their staff One of the soldiers of the Goths raises a spear, and Pammachius, riding swiftly, is pierced by it; The monster was cursed with a terrible disease and the dynasty died for two centuries The legend falls, Alaric wins The leader being dead, the Latins were defeated by the Goths in disarray Alaricus sacks Rome, his army captures and crushes and kills the opponent enemies on every side Pamichius, may God have mercy on your soul You fought for the people to the death
@@garurumon1203 lo decía de broma porque son los Reyes Católicos, pero los hispanoárabes eran hispanos autóctonos convertidos y arabizados. Los logros de al-Ándalus son de la península y los peninsulares actuales son los descendientes de los andalusíes.
When I found this song, my heart leapt for joy! I am NOT a fan of ANYTHING that comes out of Rome, especially the POPE. Praise be to GOD who delivered the Evil Empire into the hands of our forefathers!
@@wooo1186 that is utter nonsense The Visigoths were the ones that ruled Spain before the Arabs, and who founded the northern Christian kingdoms that would become Spain What you saying is equivalent to saying the Franks had no impact on France, or that the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and Friesians had no impact on England
@@jonathanwilliams1065 lol the Anglo Saxons are much different, Visigoths assimilated very quickly before they left any impact. They spoke latin and used Roman legal codes. They didn't have an impact on Spanish culture whatsoever
Hearing this ancient forgotten Germanic language gives me a feeling I cannot describe. Slightly sad but slightly impressed in the past and relaxed, and soothtly rallied by the singers story telling.
Goth isnt forgotten. There still very words and names/surnames of spanish that derivates from gothic. Example :
Gothic is one of the prettiest languages ever created, like Norse and English and Dutch and Icelandic and Norwegian and Faroese etc, but many of the ones making song videos are ruįning what would have been a good video with such ofv pictures, pfff - only simple black or grey background with a nice Runic design should be used! (I would suggest that someone remake this video with simple black background and nice Runic designed, without any ofv pictures or other distracting pictures, and with better text that is easy to read on a simple black background, or just a nice green nature picture!)
This serves as definitive as a backstory as we'll ever get for the Visigoths.
The answer to an old joke, "How do you piss off an Italian?' send them this song! 😄
Italians are ironically much more related to Ostrogoths and Lombards than the romans.
I did a DNA test recently and I found that a large part of my ancestry is from Northern Spain and Portugal, and there’s some Germanic DNA in there as well. It’s very interesting to learn about our Visigothic/Germanic ancestors
well the same could be said for all Portuguese and Spaniard people. you guys are all visigothic Iberians from Germania
@@Sina.575 This is very true, and you can see that Spaniards and Portuguese look like modern day Germans. We also have Celtic ancestry from the various tribes that lived in the peninsula, but definitely from the Visigoths too
Maybe we're far, far cousins. I found that I have Gothic DNA (I1-Z63>Y7627), and I'm from Serbia.
@@Povest1389 well. Ostrogoths used to live in your country as well. so not surprised
@@Povest1389 That’s very possible, cause on my fathers side I have Russian and Baltic, and the Goths traveled to the east too.
i love gothic music. what i meant gothic music is not the emo stuff but this
My Spanish heart flows my German heart sings ♥️🇩🇪🇪🇸✋🏻💪🏻⚔️🛡️
Yo no sabría que decirte ya que soy chileno. Con apellidos españoles, pero ni de coña visigodos, quizás celtibero o romano/fenicio.
Si te llamas Gómez o Hernandes tienes apellido gótico, puedes buscar en internet de dónde viene tú apellido; mí padre se llama Rodrigo por ejemplo y Rodrigo viene del Rey godo Roderick
@@leonake4194 hay apellidos cabrera, arias, ruiz, holguin. En la familia
@@leonake4194 lo se. Apellido español es de Sardegna el alemán es Sorbisch (Serbos slavos del norte). Pero no importa.
Goths came from today lithuania poland ruthenia ukraine
Rumós Gataúrþs
Af fairnin garda Gutans austraþó
Skwþilanda skildáus táuhun
þrasiba þéhun þiudós filu
sunþr satidédun sigisþiudós twós.
Gutané reiki gaírniba wahs.
Þáim wésun kindjé kindinós twái
Réþagaízis jah Alareiks; reikiba gaþéhun.
Þan warþun ufar Muntiupa manageins gahvatidái,
gaírnjái gunþa gutafláutái
wigsa manné; wagida þufs
skeirs ana skafta skiutands þuhtun
Italia-land all gajiukan
lindidraúhtái. Láistódédun swé
fram Muntjupa du mérjin staþa
þarei Sikilja, sáiwaflódum in,
áuja mikila aþaljó markóþ.
Þan was Rumané reiki bláuþid
gabrukan só baúrgs; badumannam
Ruma gariurida. Réþagaízis jah Alareiks
fórun ana fastan. *Fláuh sa Kaisar
miþ aþaliggam ut ana Krékans.
Ni mahta wái-láifi weiha faurstandan
Gutans miþ gunþa; gulþ anané
salidédun unwiljam aþalawardái
háilagans áiþans. Aggwiþa þái waúrhtun.
Þáuh was magugadraúhté móþs miþ Krékam,
jabái izé harjós hilpan wildédeina.
Stód þeihs du þamma. Þiuda was jiukana
wintruns managans unté Waúrþs dómida
þatei Þiudareiks reidái sa þaurismóda.
Stada fráujinó, faþs Hraidamérjis,
sitiþ nu garws ana gutin seinamma,
skildáu umgaúrdans, skarja Marhiggé.
Þiudamérjis sunu, þrins tigjuns wintruns
Rumái reikinóda, raíhtaba dáilida
du Gutnam jah Rumónim, sa was góþs reiks.
(Ν Μ Α)
"The Destruction of Rome"
It was long ago that the Goths from the east
brought their shields from Scythia,
oppressed with their force many a nation,
when two conquering peoples set out southwards.
The Goths’ empire grew by the year. They had two lawful kings, Radgoth and Alaric; they grew in power.
Then over the Alps were many enticed
full of Gothic vainglory, eager for battle,
near conflict. Banner billowed
bright on its shaft. The spearmen thought
all Italy, to overtake
did the shield-fighters. They achieved this
up to the famous coast, full from the Alps
where amid the sea's currents Sicily
the great island marks and bounds the territory.
Then the Romans’ kingdom was won,
taken by force the finest of cities, by warriors
was Rome wasted. Radgoth and Alaric
entered that tower. Caesar fled
with the nobles away to Greece.
The remnants of that disaster could not by fight resist
the Goths in battle; their ancestral gold
the guardians of the land gave up unwillingly
and swore sacred oaths. These things caused anguish.
Yet the warriors’ minds were with the Greeks,
whether their leaders would help them.
So it was a while. A people were conquered
for many winters, till fate decreed
that Theoderic rode, daring of mood,
ruled the stead, lord of the Hreth-Goths
He sits now in full war gear, on his horse,
shield girt, of the Marings.
Thiudimir’s son, for thirty years,
ruled Rome, and rightly dealt
with Goths and Romans, that was a good King
The fact UA-cam can partially translate it is amazing.
@@MrMorgan316 It reads most of it as Latin though
@@ImperiumRomanum476 that's Google translate. UA-cam has a new feature that can translate in the app. Maybe it's only on mobile and not on PC. But it is able to translate some of it. And it's some Icelandic it thinks it is, and a bit of danish, norwegian, and dutch. It's a mess but it's a cool mess. Also the translation is only partial and no completely accurate. Still cool though
@@MrMorgan316 I meant Latin as in it translates it with the Latin alphabet, instead of a Runic alphabet. It reads as Iceland because of thorn (þ).
*3:00* Gave me goosebumps, and to be frank, I’m honestly glad it did.
(Just picturing what the Goths/Gutþiuda had in mind once readied in their “war gear” gives me shivers down my spine)
A frank?
In this comment section?
More Visigothic Saga please!😊😊😊
Shamefull my Visigothic is very basc and I don't have the books nor the albums of Avery, all these songs were already online, I recommend you his books and albums
@@europeanfolklore3890If we go to Heaven we'll sing Visigothic chants ❤ for ever!
Not only music 🎶🎵 to my ears. But music to my ❤️ and soul!
Spain, Croatia, Bosnia, Provence, Italy, Austria= Gothic blood
I1-Z63>Y7627 Serb here. ;)
Virgin romans VS Chad goths
And why the romance langueces are still a think while gothic is extinct?
Who reconquered Italy?
@@TrajGreekFire eastern rome/Byzantium.
@@raduraducu2668 because when Muslims invaded the collapsed Roman Empire the goths became second class citizen and was forced to integrate with the Roman’s to repopulate because the Muslims massacred many of their people.
from barbarians to the destroyers of Rome. and then becoming modern Day Spanish and Portuguese people that discovered the America's.. goths were truly an amazing people
They are very fascinating, and I love learning about them. I believe that the Spanish and Portuguese should return to their Visigothic roots, and form a United Iberian nation
Spanish and Portugese are not the descendant of Goth People 😂
@@LesAmericainsenAmerique Spanish and Portuguese are mostly descended from the Celts and Romans, but also from the Goths and Suebi
@@LesAmericainsenAmerique depends on where they are fro m. the Goths ruled Iberia for 250 years And they were already romanized And spoke Latin. And before the Romans they were already a large amount of Germanic tribes living in northern Spain and Portugal such as the suebi and the alans. most Iberians have Latin heritage with those from northern Iberia such as Galicia / Asturias / Leon / Alava / Navara / Burgos / Coruna / La Rioja / Lugo / Soria / Zaragoza /. before the Romans they were already germanic tribes living in Iberia already had their own culture's / after the Romans the other germanic tribes started living in Iberia and they were already romanized and start larping as Romans so intermarriage with the local population was pretty normal. then when the Muslims invaded. only one kingdom was never conquered and it was a Germanic kingdom of Asturias. when Asturias was separated into the kingdom of Leon and Portugal they completely abandoned the Old germanic culture and completely became Spanish and Portuguese during the Reconquista many Spaniards want North to help the Germanic kingdoms to take Iberia beck. I'm not even European. I'm middle Eastern from Iran And I know more about this shit than you do lmao. the answer to your question could have been solved by the one click on Google and you could see the DNA results from people of northern Spain and Portugal that they All have DNA either from Ukraine / Scandinavia And the Saxon region of Germany. so next time do some research before you just come on UA-cam and start commenting with goofy emojis pal. lmao
@@LesAmericainsenAmeriqueA good part yes, there are many surnames of Gothic origin in Spain
It feels wonderful to have I1-Z63>Y7627 Y-DNA haplogroup. Goths came to Balkans in 4th and, 5th century, and here I am, Serb with far Gothic ancestry. 🇷🇸
Fun fact :The arabs were invited by a Julian a latin lord descendent from Honorius ,so ironically the emperor who could not defeat the goths was the one who led to the obliteration of the gothic germanics be the arabs.
Anyone know where to find a translater for Gothic? I've been wanting to learn but can't find anything.
I can't recommend a translator rather i'll suggest that you start with gothic primer and then progress to grammar books. Good luck
Alaric will continue to live in history 🏛️!! Of the best Visigothic warriors!! 🪖⚔️!!
Fun fact :The arabs that destroyed the visigoths were invited by a Julian a latin lord descendent from Honorius ,so ironically the emperor who could not defeat the goths was the one who led to the obliteration of the gothic germanics be the arabs.
@@raduraducu2668what?😂 evidence?
@@AaronTruffer .Kings and Generals made a video on the batlle of Guadalete .
@@AaronTruffer ,Julian's own Genealogy (book depicting someone's ancestors proto-genetics).
Alaric the Great, was a hero! A great man who conquest the most power force of the era.
Fun fact :The arabs that destroyed the visigoths were invited by a Julian a latin lord descendent from Honorius ,so ironically the emperor who could not defeat the goths was the one who led to the obliteration of the gothic germanics be the arabs.
Porkes Ordinarus
Devine music of our forefathers 🎵❤️!!!
It brings me great pride to know my ancestors destroyed Rome.
You’re a Serb, have some respect. We are no goths we are the the descendants of Slavs & Eastern Romans.
@@Teapoid Im not a disgusting slav, I am gothic through royal blood. Their blood really only survives in royalty. I am a descended of every English King that was ever notable ( not the modern "royals", although they are my cousins). I also have blood in various old Germanic and Scandinavian houses which is where the Goths are originally from.
@@bobroberts4085 You’re a LARP. Why would you even want the legacy of goths? They never achieved anything besides destruction and went extinct when their subjects were more socially competitive than them. Your ancestors would cringe laying eyes upon you. A Serb gullible enough to believe nazi Germanic supremacist theories is hardly a Serb & more a sheep.
@@bobroberts4085 reflect on life choices and beliefs
@@totalmartyrdom sub 80 IQ moment.
Who is supposed to be Radgoth?
What is that instrument that have a sound close to organ
man this just makes for feel even worse for Stilicho
on a scale of 1-10 how evil was ricimer?
@@magyarorszaguszofiu9945 8 or 9
@@Innerste_ totally agree
@@magyarorszaguszofiu9945 I 100.
@@Center_Plaza ita
This History’s turning point sounds familiar.
I'm from northern Spain with significant amount of German and Scandinavian DNA and some Italian and Irish - British DNA as well so I don't know if I'm really considered a Goth or whatever 😅
I have ancestry from Northern Spain and Portugal, and I have DNA from Germanic Europe too. I do think Modern Spaniards can be considered gothic, cause we are descended mostly from Germanic and Celtic tribe
Average asturian
@@elcoringas ?
@@Astrid.101 asturiano promedio xD
I FGC9550 I am of Gothic blood too.
Oh... makes my Goth blood sing. West Gota land in the land of the Sviar. (Swedes)
South of Eastern Aros (where the last temple of the ancient Aesir gods stod befor it was burned and where Frey was buried under a high hill.)
and south of the valley of the grinding sea where the new city Stockholm ( islet protected by timber walls)
Further southwest we have the land of the East Gota landand to the east the Iland of the Goths.
And yes. It was from here many Famous Vikings came. Beowulf, Björn Ironside, Ragnar Lothbrok, and it is from here the gods of old made their home. The clan of the young. Ynglinga ätten. (not from norway or denmark like they say in movies or series)
Long Live the gothic blood!
As a Puerto Rican it’s make me happy to learn about my ancestors and their conquests in these days.
@@jerrytoonsz665 The Spanish came from the visigoths due to their conquest of Spain
@@jerrytoonsz665 Us Latin people do
Indigenous Taino + Gothic is pretty badass
@@youarewrong5523 I know right Germanics for the win!
Rico is also a gothic borrowing of the word reiks which means rich.
@@turro3212 goths in that tides was christens.
you are as treacherous as Ricimer
Do a video about a latin song about Pammachius,the leader of the roman garnizon who died defending the city and held the savages for 7 monts being defeated onlly because they ran out of arows.
As there is a song about the vilain there is one about the hero .
He held back the savages for seven months? So he defected to the Goths?
@@nicholasoneal1521 ,he ran out of arows.
@@nicholasoneal1521,The goths were so op if they asasinated a viking jarl (title stolon from the goths that ment duke) the beserkers will beg for Mercedes, holding them will be an ancoplishment.
I'm very confused by who Radgoth is. I can't find anything online about him.
I believe he's meant to be Radagaius. Which is the latinization of his unknown gothic name. So Radgoth would be the anglicization of the hypothetical gothic version of the name.
@@nicholasoneal1521 thanks mate
True, who really is *Réþagaízis* ???
Keep up the excellent work 👍👍👍!!!
Every person with Spanish Ancestry right now 😏😏😎😈
Yes!! 💪💪🗿🗿
Многие саги и молитвы дошедшие до нашего времени звучат печально- это так и есть. Нет радости в саге на смерть Аэрманариха и саге о гибели Амала.
the origin of Spain
El origen de España fue Al-Ándalus.
@@garurumon1203No it was the visigothic kingdom, in which the Kingdom of Asturias, Leon, Portugal, and Castile would base its cultural origins around. They saw the Muslims as invaders throughout the hundreds of years they were fighting them against, that’s why they went so far to even take over the North African ports of Ceuta, Melilla, and a couple of others because the Visigoths once’s owned those parts.
Asturias, galicia y león. Hispania romana.
@@elcoringas La Hispania romana era una provincia del Imperio no un estado independiente y la Reconquista no era más que la recuperación del reino godo peninsular original arrebatado por los musulmanes.
Is this Visigothic language?
Here is a song in latin about Pammachius (the leader of the latin garnizon who held Alaric for 7 mounths:
Ea difficilia tempora, Latinis undique conpertum, praeterea divisi, novissime imperii Romani bipertitum est.
In occidente stultus Honorius imperavit
Barbari sunt qui volunt nos occidere
Vandali ad septentrionem, Hunni ad orientem, Gothi ad meridiem
hostes undique
Pamichius, animae tuae misereat Deus
Pro populo usque ad mortem pugnastis
Germani Rhenum transeunt, Vandali Galliam vastant, Constantinus III eos pugnat
Sero Stilico dux Latinus mortuus est et Vandali in Hispaniam eunt
Gothi Italiam invadunt
Stilicho interficitur
clypei aurei, fortes et periculosi sagittarii
optimus sagittariorum Latinorum optimus
miliens rarior quam blondes rad catervas frondes et gramina
Radagaisus invadit eumque Latinus exercitus vicit
tempus inferrent, iaculis excurrere sagittarii
Pammachius jurat Imperatori , ut Romam ad mortem defendat
Venit Alaricus cum magna multitudine LX millia Gothorum in solo Latino
incendere agros Latinos Romam appropinquare
Imperator ut ignavus fugit Ravennam , dux autem scutorum aureorum cum trecentis aliis sagittariis ad capitale defendendum remanet.
Romanl clamat;
si pacem noluerit Alaricus , a Romanis tolletur
Latini in muro rideant exercitum ex nive
Dux Pammachius et Gothus latine exclamaverunt;
de Roma Alarico Ordinario non dabo, nec terram in qua sepelietur.
hostes undique
Pamichius, animae tuae misereat Deus
Pro populo usque ad mortem pugnastis
Gothi saxa de catapultis, Latini machinis incendiariis sagittis semper intendunt
Fuerunt 20000 Latinorum et Gothorum XXXV
Solae illi cum clipeo aureo habebant arcum ad sagittas salvandas
Gothi oppugnant et sagittis Latinis semper feriuntur
Sagittas septem mensibus arctis proximas servamus
Mittimus equitem ad petendum Honorium auxilium
Post diem quartum, avis advenit cum epistula imperatoris in qua scribit:
"Gratias tibi ago pro heroismo tuo, resistendo serva".
Ce las putabatur cum exercitu Romam venire ad debellandos Gothos
Gothi dormiunt et Latini se defendunt
Gothi adeunt, Romanus obtusus illis portam aperit
Etiam praetores fideliores erant
Latini insiliunt in equos, sine equis murum scutorum;
Voce tonitrui clamavi;
Alaricus stuprat mulierem Latinam, Pammachius irascitur
Multi Gothi super equo rapti veniunt et caput ad porcum ordiarium cum suis scipioni
Unus ex militibus Gothorum hastam erigit, et Pammachius, velociter equitans, ab ea confoditur;
Maledictum monstrum diro morbo et dynastia mori per duos sæculas
Legenda cadit, Alaricus vincit
Mortuo bulla, Latini inordinati a Gothis vincuntur
Alaricus Romam diripit, turma eius rapit et opprimit et interficit adversantem
hostes undique
Pamichius, animae tuae misereat Deus
Pro populo usque ad mortem pugnastis
As there is a song for the vilain there must be one for the hero.
English translation :
In those difficult times, the Latins from all over found themselves, moreover, divided, and finally the Roman empire was divided into two.
In the west the fool Honorius ruled
They are barbarians who want to kill us
The Vandals to the north, the Huns to the east, the Goths to the south
enemies atack on every side
Pamichius, may God have mercy on your soul
You fought for the people to the death
The Germans cross the Rhine, the Vandals ravage Gaul, Constantine III fights them
Late Stilicus, the Latin leader died and the Vandals went into Spain
The Goths invade Italy
Stilichus is killed by the fool
golden shields, strong and dangerous archers
the best of the Latin archers
a thousent rarer than blondes beat hordes beyong the coun of grief
unles the archers run out of time
Radagaisus attacked us, and the Latin army defeated him
Pammachius swears to the Emperor to defend Rome to the death
Alaricus came with a large army of 60,000 Goths in Latin soil
to set fire to the fields of the Latins as they approached Rome
The emperor fled Ravenna like a coward, but the leader of the golden shields remained with three hundred other archers to defend the capital.
Roman cries out;
if Alaricus refuses peace, he will be taken away by the Romans
Let the Latins laugh at the army from the snow on the wall
The captain Pammachius and the Gothus cried out in Latin;
I will not give Alaric the Ordinary of Rome, nor the land in which he will be buried.
enemies on every side
Pamichius, may God have mercy on your soul
You fought for the people to the death
The Goths throw stones from catapults, the Latins always aim at incendiary devices with arrows
There were 20,000 Latins and 35 Goths
Only those with a golden clip had a bow to save the arrows
The Goths attack and are always hit by the arrows of the Latins
We keep the arrows close for seven months
We send a horseman to ask Honorius for help
After the fourth day, the bird arrived with a letter from the emperor in which he writes:
"Thank you for your heroism, keep resisting."
Ce las was supposed to come to Rome with an army to defeat the Goths
The Goths sleep and the Latins defend themselves
The Goths are coming, and the Roman opens the gate to them obtusely
Even the governors were more faithful
The Latins jump on their horses, without the horses shielding the wall;
I cried with a voice of thunder;
Alaricus rapes a Latin woman, Pammachius is enraged
Many of the Goths come on horseback and head to the swineherd with their staff
One of the soldiers of the Goths raises a spear, and Pammachius, riding swiftly, is pierced by it;
The monster was cursed with a terrible disease and the dynasty died for two centuries
The legend falls, Alaric wins
The leader being dead, the Latins were defeated by the Goths in disarray
Alaricus sacks Rome, his army captures and crushes and kills the opponent
enemies on every side
Pamichius, may God have mercy on your soul
You fought for the people to the death
Theodoro Based
This sounds kinda sad
I guess im something of a goth myself
Where are the interprets from?
My tribute dialect😮😮😮
Los fundadores de España🇪🇦
Los fundadores de España fueron los árabes. Lamento si no te gusta.
@@garurumon1203 lo decía de broma porque son los Reyes Católicos, pero los hispanoárabes eran hispanos autóctonos convertidos y arabizados. Los logros de al-Ándalus son de la península y los peninsulares actuales son los descendientes de los andalusíes.
De hecho entre esos andalusíes habían visigodos como los Banu Qasi
@@garurumon1203lmao someone failed at history class 🤣
When I found this song, my heart leapt for joy! I am NOT a fan of ANYTHING that comes out of Rome, especially the POPE. Praise be to GOD who delivered the Evil Empire into the hands of our forefathers!
Embrace your catholic faith ancestors from medieval ages
The period after the fall of civilization was called the dark ages ,and now its stall caled than in a European contest.
In french plz ! TÝR 🙏
Háils Alareiks, Mikil atta!
To think that this Language is an ancestor of Spanish
Not really, the gothic language didn't have an impact on Spanish whatsoever
@@wooo1186 the Spanish are literally descended from the Visigoths
@@jonathanwilliams1065 they aren't lol, the Visigoths left absolutely no genetic impact on Iberia. The Spanish are descendants of celts and romans.
@@wooo1186 that is utter nonsense
The Visigoths were the ones that ruled Spain before the Arabs, and who founded the northern Christian kingdoms that would become Spain
What you saying is equivalent to saying the Franks had no impact on France, or that the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and Friesians had no impact on England
@@jonathanwilliams1065 lol the Anglo Saxons are much different, Visigoths assimilated very quickly before they left any impact. They spoke latin and used Roman legal codes. They didn't have an impact on Spanish culture whatsoever