Aya Sofiya - The House of Worship || The Truth || Ottomans || Naksibendi Saints

  • Опубліковано 17 жов 2024
  • BismillahirRahmannirRahim,
    More than 800 years after the Feth-i-Mecca, one of the Grandsons of Holy Prophet (AS) was honored with another Feth, and with holding the title of Fatih. That Grandson of Holy Prophet, that Sultan, that Saint, Sultan Mehmet Fatih Han, is the one who was praised in the Hadith of Holy Prophet (AS). “Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful Amir will that Amir be, and what a wonderful army will that army be.” (Musnad Imam Ahmad). And the words of the Prophet speak the Truth.
    And Sultan Mehmet Fatih Han, he followed the Tradition of the Holy Prophet (AS) when he entered Istanbul. When he entered the City, he did not go to where the palace is, he did not go to where the treasury is. He went straight to the Aya Sofya. Why was that? Because it was established as a House of Allah, dating all the way back from the time of Suleyman (as). He was returning it to its original state. The Ottoman Evliya they are saying that when the Byzantine Emperor was building Aya Sofya, that the foundation it was not working. And in his dream he saw Khizir (AS) who gave him the plans and said, “Look! This is the building plan for Aya Sofya, which were drawn long ago on the Tablet of Destiny.” So even the name, Aya Sofya, came from the Paradises. The meaning came from the Paradises. The Ottoman Evliya said that ‘Aya Sofya’ itself, the meaning of it is “Ibadat-Gah,” the Place of Worship. Evliya Chelebi Hz is saying that on the night of the Mevlid-i-Nebi, the Dome of Aya Sofya fell down. And Khizir (AS) came to the King of that time and told them to go, go to Arabia, find that last Messenger, find the Promise of Isa (as), find the Promise of Musa (as), find the Promise of Suleyman (as), find the Promise of Ibrahim (as), and ask him for help. Years later, they went, the royal delegation from the Byzantine King, to the Holy Prophet (AS), who mixed his blessed saliva with the water of Zamzam. They returned with 70 camels loaded with Zamzam and the soil of Mecca and returned to Istanbul. They used it for the mortar of the Aya Sofya, which kept the Dome in place.
    So Fatih Sultan entered Aya Sofya and, and like his predecessor before, Hz Eyyub Ansari, who entered the Aya Sofya, he prayed two rakaats. And he looked at the people and he said to them, “Stand up! I am Sultan Mehmet and I am telling you, your brothers, and all the people here that your lives and freedoms are protected.” And what did Fatih Sultan do once he purified that House of Allah? What did Fatih Sultan do, once he bought, with his own money, the Aya Sofya that had been in a state of abandon and dereliction for a very long time, by the Christians themselves? What did Fatih Sultan do once he purified that House of Allah? He wrote a Wasiyyat that is preserved until today. He wrote his will that has been legal and effective since that day until today. He purchased the Aya Sofya from his own wealth. It was the personal property of Sultan Mehmet Fatih Han. And according to the laws of Shariat, according to every law of every civilization, he dedicated that Aya Sofya to be a House of Allah, to be an Ibadat-Gah, a House of Worship until Judgment Day. He wrote a contract on the skin of a gazelle, a contract that is preserved until today. A contract that includes not only Aya Sofya, but hundreds of other buildings.
    And he wrote, “Whoever changes this Waqif, which establishes Aya Sofya as a Masjid, whoever changes it from a Masjid, I’m stating in your presence that he would be earning the greatest sin. All the things I have explained have been written in this Waqif. The conditions may not be changed. The laws may not be amended. The Waqif may not be changed from its intention…changes of any kind are haram, according to what Allah has made haram. May the curse of Allah, the angels, and all human beings be upon anyone who changes even one of the conditions of this Waqif.”
    The Opening of Aya Sofya is the fulfillment of the Words of our Sheykh and our Grandsheykh and the duas of millions of Righteous Ones. This is not a small event. It is one of the Great Events. And it is an event that is leading to the Age of Mahdi (AS) and Isa (AS). They are coming to bring down tyranny. They are coming to bring down evil. They are coming to bring down dajjal and sheytan, who have been ruling. The separation that our Sheykh told us about is happening. And we are seeing now who is on the side of Dajjal. Holy Prophet (AS) said, “Seventy thousand scholars with turbans from my Ummat, seventy thousand scholars with turbans from my Ummat will follow the dajjal.” (Ahmad).
    May the Ottomans return, may the Ottomans return, may the Ottomans return. Ya Rabbi, please count us as those who are loving and honoring and respecting the Ottomans. Count us as those who are making the Aya Sofya opening as a Bayram. Count us as those who want to be on the side of Hakk, and who want to stand against batil.