Headed Outdoors this Victoria Day Weekend? How prepared are you for a potential emergency?

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • No one ever expects to get into trouble outdoors. But, a turn in the weather, a mistake in judgment, unexpected injury, equipment failure, or sudden nightfall can quickly change any recreational outing into a crisis.
    Does anyone know where you have gone and when you expect to return?
    In an emergency 🚨
    Don't Panic 😮‍💨- Stay calm and maintain a positive attitude.
    STOP 🛑 Stop, Think, Observe and Plan.
    Stay Put - It reduces time and search area for the authorities looking for you.
    Seek Shelter 🛖 Protect yourself from the elements by staying warm and dry.
    Signal for Help Think BIG, Think CONTRAST, Think 3’s💥💥💥Use whistle blasts x 3, mirror flashes x 3, horn blasts x 3, signal fires x 3 or rock piles x 3 to signal distress. Create a ground-to-air symbol by making the letter “V” or “🆘”, at least 3 meters in length.
    Stay safe this long weekend. Be prepared. Be AdventureSmart and think of our 3Ts:
    •Trip Planning
    •Take Essentials
    🎥: South Columbia Search and Rescue(British Columbia Search and Rescue Association