Lilian Garcia's best national anthem performance argubly was wrestlemania 2000. Its my favorite performance of her singing it. When Lilian García sings the national anthem or just sings in general... she has always had the ability to captivate her audience
I was 9 years old, the Benoit, Jericho & Kurt match was not confusing, the entire storyline was fun and made me excited. It was probably the only relevant match that night.
I ALWAYS say the same thing. This was my first full length Mania and it will always hold a specialness cause the product was HOT. Everything had meaning. The card top to bottom. I don't get the criticism of this show and SummerSlam 2000...both to me was the biggest ppvs of that year.
Wrestlemania 2000, the game. My family owned it and I played the hell out of it. I preferred that one over No Mercy. No Mercy had a glitch where you couldn't save your progress. It pissed me off.
I don’t remember having any issues with saves on no mercy? Almost positive that I had CAWs that remained saved, etc. maybe scores for matches as well (unless that was only with WCW/nwo revenge, hard to remember 25 years later)
Judgement Day 2000 too. Hell of a finish. Bittersweet finish with Triple H beating Rock in return from Backlash and Undertaker retuning debuting as the American Badass. The spectacular thing about Backlash and Judgement Day 2000 was SCSA and Undertaker returning to kick HHH and the McMahon Helmsley regime asses while assisting The Rock. And HBK being the Special Guest Ref in Judgement Day was an additional bonus. 🍻💯
It x should've been Rock vs. HHH WWF Title no dq Angle vs. Benoit vs. Jericho for the Euro continental title Leaders match for the tag titles Kane vs X Pac Street fight match Hardcore title match Catfight Opener
I’m a hour in and we still haven’t talked about the PPV. Put the time stamp in the description and stop having someone comment on when you actually start talking about the PPV you named the episode after.
Y2JLionHeart I like the back story....sometimes. There are podcasters that put time stamps in the description. I get it. They all love blue chew and I can save thousands refinancing my home lol.
Can we discuss why it simply wasn't HHH vs Rock for the main event That's obviously wat it shoulda ben Crazy how rock has only won one main event for the belt at WM
He hasn't even won one for the belt. He lost 3 years in a row, when he won at 18/19 there was no belt involved, when he beat Cena there was no belt involved then he dropped it to him the year after. Rocky never won a world title match at Mania.
Nah. King of the Ring, Survivor Series and Armageddon weren't good either aside from the main events. The B PPVs were often better than the A PPVs, it's the only year where that happened lol.
How are JR and Conrad confused about the 2 fall match with Benoit, Angle, and Jericho? Both belts were on the line , 1st fall for the IC belt, 2nd belt for the European belt. Or am I crazy?
He fell hard for all of the MSM propaganda over Covid. He preached everything they said…anyone who questioned anything was stupid. Now looking back they were wrong about more than they were right.
Generally love JR but his corporate shilling is downright stomach churning. To shrug off criticisms against the WWE about the number of wrestlers dying young or facing lifelong health/drug issues as either a conspiracy or just bitter talent that couldn't make it, is gross. All you have to do is look at how hard the owners fight unionization to understand there is far more at play.
It's great to know you were apart of this era. Remembering how hot the company was at this time. To me 2000 was it for the Attitude era. It never got any bigger than it was at this point. The Rock was the hottest. His story with Triple H was hot. Austin was hot. But is was the Rock's time. I didn't care for the main event. It could have been done better. It was overbooked. Big names but it was too much. It took away from the talent. Too much going on at once on the main event. Bigger wasn't better. It should have been Triple H, Rock, and Mick. I don't think you had to put Show in there. Idk.. He wasn't the worker those guys were.
@@countof3everybodyOD Yeah, Al won it several times, won it at Summerslam if I remember correctly. I liked Al, very underrated in the ring, did some things I hadn’t seen before.
really would like to hear more of what led to the decision to put HHH over in the main event, whether that was originally the plan or was a result of the usual HHH politicking (forgot how they had the 'main event' three way match between he, Rock and Show a couple weeks before on RAW and of course HHH won that too). Whether they ever seriously considered having Foley go over and retire as champ since the crowd was REALLY behind him in the match (I remember how pissed off the crowd got when Foley ate yet another Pedigree and pin from HHH, same result as the last two PPVs) or if it was ever considered to be just a Rock-HHH main event (which would have been better)
I believe it was HHH. Like his buddies Nash and Hall, it’s been said that HHH was booking matches in his favor too. I always hated him btw, even before the behind the scenes knowledge came out.
I think they just wanted to make hhh look good the guy was there longer then the rock and plus rock looked even better a month later at backlash and plus Austin could nt do the wrestlemania show so they probably wanted him helping rock out like at backlash thow I do agree rock should of won at mania hhh deserves
Foley thought rocky went over the top at royal rumble and hit him with too many chair shots. Foley went on directors commentary of Beyond the Mat and buried rock.
Considering at this time, the company was without Austin, without Undertaker, it made sense to not focus this WrestleMania on any one or two superstars. Instead, lets put the focus on the rest of the team as a whole. Lets get everybody involved, prove to detractors we're not a one-man or a two-man show. And like J.R. said, was it a great show as a whole from a spectators view, not really, but from a financial standpoint, it was a HELL of a show.
This show was the moment when I stopped caring about wrestling. It proved they were in fact a one-man show, and the one-man wasn't even over. And they were going to ruin every storyline including their own biggest pay-per-view just having him beat everyone. They've literally never received another dime of my money since.
I disagree with JR completely regarding the Hardcore and the two-fall matches. Those were interesting, very clear stipulations that I very much enjoyed as being different and cool.
It was great financial sense to sell Mania numbers for Mania because its Mania then pop a massive buyrate for a B show with HHH vs Rock with Steve Austin advertised to appear. Regardless of our creative opinion it was business genius.
This is probably the worst Wrestlemania I watched during my time as a wrestling fan. Nothing was good about this show. I hated the main event. Mick Foley comes back from retirement after 4 weeks just so he can get eliminated second by Triple H (which is the third month in a row Haitch beat him). Then Triple H retains after Vince hits the Rock with the lamest chair shots ever. The Jericho-Benoit-Angle triple threat and the Triangle ladder match are the only things good about this WM.
My opinion the WM main event should have been The Rock vs Triple H with the Backlash 2000 ending if that wasn't possible have The Rock win on his own at WM and the Judgement Day ending for Backlash 2000 and have Austin come back and have the Backlash finish for Judgement Day 2000. My thoughts
It was great financial sense to sell Mania numbers for Mania because its Mania then pop a massive buyrate for a B show with HHH vs Rock with Steve Austin advertised to appear. Regardless of our creative opinion it was business genius.
Yeah I agree. This was the perfect example of Vince throwing shit to the wall and see what stuck. We also have to remember 3 days before the womens division went to hell. Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley defeated Jacqueline to actually win the WWF Women's Championship.
You can tell JR is still a company man somewhat by going off on Giuliani’s hair and supposed cross dressing in response to perfectly legit criticisms lol
Chris being the champ wasn't the question Conrad asked nor what JR answered. And the question should have been since Austin was out why didn't The Rock go over.
Because Vince didn't want Rock as champion look at the booking at the time and you can kinda tell that Vince didn't believe in the Rock it wasn't until he heard the pops he got going into backlash that he finally decided to go with rock
@@jamalwalker04 This is Wrestlemania 2000. Rock was already a top guy and right there in sells with Austin. It wasn't anything to do with Vince believing in Rock it was backstage politics and Vince likes the babyface to be chasing.
Just finished watching this on the netwrok. I love how fans and these guys say this Wrestlemania was awful but when you watch it you see those same die hard fans screaming in ecstasy over every match chanting that stupid chant of "This is awesome!" Yet somehow the fans weren't invested??? And why the hell would Jericho go over at Wrestlemania over the Rock? That makes absolute no sense. Jericho was over at this time but not at Rock's level who was the top babyface in the company.
Triple h shouldn’t have won neither. I believe he wasn’t big enough to beat the rock that year. But of course triple h is the first heel who wins in the main event and retains. Still pissed of until this day
@@murraysaucedo897 my aunt was there with my dad and she recalls being blown away by the ladder match and leaving for a piss and a hot dog in the Kat/terri match and a grim detail is that in the autograph book that she bought there is a page that has Benoit ,Guerrero and test which well they all sadly passed away
I hated this Wrestlemania with a burning passion. I walked away from WWF/E immediately after. I never bought another pay-per-view and didn't bother with the television. The booking was abysmal and the conclusion, which saw Triple H shit on everybody on the roster, set the stage for the next decade of WWE: the Triple H show. To the detriment of the whole product and it's fans, Triple H would crown himself king of the hill and deny the fans a just conclusion. Even at thirteen years old, I could smell the vanity this guy emanated. He thought he was the greatest and he was determined to shove that greatness down our throats by going over and over and over. How many other people like me said "fu*k this show, fu*k this guy...I'm outta here!"?
I thought the main event should’ve been HHH vs Rock a 1 on 1 match with Rocky going over. Back then I thought WM main event should’ve been single matches.
K B crazy because I’ve been saying that for the longest. He must have not pushed for it. He didn’t need it, but he still should have got His moment, he beats hogan and Austin when they’re out of their prime. Trips wins as a heel and a face like Austin. Travesty
And the very next year, they put on the single greatest wrestlemania they ever put on as a company. So yeah, that was stupid of you. You missed out big time. That's fucking hilarious. See that's why the IWC is shit. Because simpleminded people like you that say "fuck it, i'm never watching anymore" the minute your entitlement isn't catered to and then you miss out on the best shit ever that you would have LOVED, had you not been a tantrum throwing, overreacting 5 year old about a single lackluster PPV. Also you sounded like a dumbass mark kid, anyway. Seriously, you stopped watching because Triple H became a heel? Fucking hell, kid, that's worse than all the dumbshits recently who quit because Cena won a match or because Roman Reigns won a match or some other mark-ass little bitch reason. You get played ONCE and all of a sudden your patience runs out for the business entirely? Man, fuck off.... people like you shouldn't have been watching to begin with.
I actually just rewatched WM 16 a few days ago, and I thought the opening match was pretty good. Bull Buchanan did some really athletic moves for a big guy. Did they really say Meltzer gave it a quarter star rating? That's absurd. It should easily get 2 stars at least. The hardcore battle royal and T&A vs Head Cheese were the worst matches. Obviously Kat vs Terri was the worst match technically, but it was never intended to be a classic confrontation. I disagree with Ross saying the hardcore title meant nothing back then. I was a fan back then, and everyone I knew loved Crash Holly and the whole 24/7 thing.
Loved Crash Holly and his Hardcore career. And lying saying he was well over 300 lbs bringing a scale with him he was a great underdog kinda like Spike Dudley in ECW
JR complains about not getting paid for "Beyond the Mat," but a documentarian should NEVER pay the subjects, because that incentivizes the subject to simply tell you what you want to hear and creates the impression of a quid pro quo.
Strongly disagree on the ending with a singles match! A tag match no but triple threat or fatal 4 is great! And they have been great at mania! WM 20s was one of the best ever
This was the first wrestling show I ever went to at 17 years old. Me and my friend went to the fan signing events that weekend and snuck in a bed sheet with FOLEY spray painted on that we hung off the railing. Then the show ended and we left so disappointed. There's was no Foley getting his revenge and no big moment for the Rock. Just the same screwy HHH finish we'd been seeing for months. The tables match is my only positive memory of the show, everything else was forgettable or awful.
Too much was going on at once. Show shouldn't have been in the main event. The three hottest guys were enough. The ending sucked. It was to build Triple H. He's still on top today. I could go on and on. Guys like Punk, Bryan, Matt Hardy, Ziggler, Edge, Sting Orton, The Fiend etc. All of those guys they have blown it creatively with. Because the last several years they have just pushed and pushed and pushed Reigns. Lesnar is a different story. He sells tickets. Seth Rollins they did right. He's a great heel. The Fiend they have screwed up his story. A lot of stupid shit they keep adding on. The Orton angle they blew.
Excuses made on the 4 way by JR. Match was fine until Vince hit Rock with the chair twice. Ideally foley should have come back to ward off Vince and help the rock. Really the ideal is to have Austin return and do what he did at backlash. Or even Jericho had you kept him in the loop with the a beef with trips and Steph.
The thing that confused me the most was that Foley at some point helps HHH take Rock out of the match. Like these dudes had been feuding for 2 PPVs and HHH Kayfabe ended his career why the fuck is Foley helping him beat up the Rock the guy who tried to help him beat HHH and who in Kayfabe is his closest friend?
Should’ve been Triple H vs Rock for the title with Vince on Rocks side and he screws him plain and simple didn’t need two other guys too bad Vince wasn’t confident enough in them two pulling it off
Helwigg needed the money! It was a nuisance suit!!! Well if it truly was a nuisance suit, why did wwe and Vince McMahon settle? If warrior didn't have a case, no way Vince would have gave in. I enjoyed the breakdown of the ppv, I could do without the "stay home and stay safe, were all in this together" bullshit though. Not my fav grilling with JR, but the breakdown was good, skip the first hour is my tip.
Crazy how much y’all shit all over this mania! I really think you’re not giving the audience enough credit for having enough common sense to follow the matches! Hell if anything today they’re too smart for their own damn good!🙄
I have to disagree with JR. Someone like Chyna, with eddie and guys was fine. Shes huge!. Now if a trish or tiny girl like becky lynch... yea its dumb. if you think this person can kick ass just by looking at them, i say book them as such. Not everryone looked at chyna and said oh I could take her.
This mania seemed bad as it was surrounded by much better ppvs. Mania should be the best but it was one of the weaker shows of the year, which is more due to how great the other shows were not that this was bad. I'd still say it was overall the best mania to that date.
The main event was great! It wasn’t too much going on! Lol why the fuck is it so hard for y’all to keep up with it?? I can understand JR because he’s calling it but Conrad saying it’s anti climactic is bullshit!
Great interview of what the legend behind the scenes thought about it! Thanks!
Take a shot every time Conrad says let's keep it going, bottle be gone within an hour lol
“Rumor and innuendo” and “Meltzers gonna freestyle” are some of his bigger hits too.
@@howgamer365 shit...I can't see
Lilian Garcia's best national anthem performance argubly was wrestlemania 2000. Its my favorite performance of her singing it.
When Lilian García sings the national anthem or just sings in general... she has always had the ability to captivate her audience
1:02:45 for those who only wanna hear JR's take on WM 2K
thanks bradda
Damn lol thank you!!
Man I'm loving these breakdowns
I was 9 years old, the Benoit, Jericho & Kurt match was not confusing, the entire storyline was fun and made me excited. It was probably the only relevant match that night.
lot of near falls. I remember loving that Kurt lost both belts without being pinned bc he had been Euro and IC champ for a while if I recall.
@@sethmartin7084 only a month for ic and a month and a half for Euro, which actually considering it was the Attitude Era was pretty long lol
@@MBM1117727 I think it felt longer bc he was such a great heel man lol
I ALWAYS say the same thing. This was my first full length Mania and it will always hold a specialness cause the product was HOT. Everything had meaning. The card top to bottom. I don't get the criticism of this show and SummerSlam 2000...both to me was the biggest ppvs of that year.
@@mike34558 ya summerslam was when Brock beat Rock for the world title if I remember
I'm so glad that I pay for UA-cam Red and still get to see that same commercial at the start of every video. Just makes my day I'll tell ya!!
You’re a fool for paying for UA-cam red lmao
The Nightman no
@@Whasteen I buy it just to download the videos lol
@@Flowerz__ they have free apps for that
UA-cam Vanced for android
I actually liked wrestlemania 2000, better than the tripe they’ve put out over the past ten years
Mania 31 was amazing though. 28 was also great. Most people love 30; I thought it was fine.
Me too Lee!
@@alexiscardoso778 👌🏻 don’t know why it gets such a bad wrap
@@leemyers8292 I hear ya! The Rock is my all time favorite, he lost, but the story was EPIC
I thought it was great to, puzzles me why it receives so much criticism
I owe you a beer. Thank you.
Unsung hero of the internet
Wrestlemania 2000, the game. My family owned it and I played the hell out of it. I preferred that one over No Mercy. No Mercy had a glitch where you couldn't save your progress. It pissed me off.
I don’t remember having any issues with saves on no mercy? Almost positive that I had CAWs that remained saved, etc. maybe scores for matches as well (unless that was only with WCW/nwo revenge, hard to remember 25 years later)
Remember those days. Winning characters and new outfits. It was hard unlocking Shawn Michaels..
All WrestleMania Main Events should be a one on one for the title (imo), especially in 2000. Backlash 2000 was a much better show
Judgement Day 2000 too.
Hell of a finish. Bittersweet finish with Triple H beating Rock in return from Backlash and Undertaker retuning debuting as the American Badass.
The spectacular thing about Backlash and Judgement Day 2000 was SCSA and Undertaker returning to kick HHH and the McMahon Helmsley regime asses while assisting The Rock.
And HBK being the Special Guest Ref in Judgement Day was an additional bonus. 🍻💯
@Ben Shepard No one cares
@@steakkidneypie767 Boring quarantine Saturday nights are perfect for a good ol' JR podcast.
@@michaelcooper9705 Too right
It x should've been
Rock vs. HHH WWF Title no dq
Angle vs. Benoit vs. Jericho for the Euro continental title
Leaders match for the tag titles
Kane vs X Pac Street fight match
Hardcore title match
I’m a hour in and we still haven’t talked about the PPV. Put the time stamp in the description and stop having someone comment on when you actually start talking about the PPV you named the episode after.
Damn, dude. I agree with you, but you could've been less demanding about it. Lol.
Y2JLionHeart I like the back story....sometimes. There are podcasters that put time stamps in the description. I get it. They all love blue chew and I can save thousands refinancing my home lol.
@@Drew-dy4hc where have you been? ALL on conrad's podcasts he does does this format.
@@TheBlindEye90 obviously new lol
Can we discuss why it simply wasn't
HHH vs Rock for the main event
That's obviously wat it shoulda ben
Crazy how rock has only won one main event for the belt at WM
He hasn't even won one for the belt. He lost 3 years in a row, when he won at 18/19 there was no belt involved, when he beat Cena there was no belt involved then he dropped it to him the year after. Rocky never won a world title match at Mania.
This was my first big PPV I ever bought. I remember being mystified by the TLC match. Best match of the show, and best TLC match ever.
The TLC was the year after. It was a ladder match
The irony is that this rest of the ppv's that year were insanely great.
Nah. King of the Ring, Survivor Series and Armageddon weren't good either aside from the main events. The B PPVs were often better than the A PPVs, it's the only year where that happened lol.
Summerslam and the rumble were both great it was just like 3 mid shows compare that 99 where damn near every show was mid expert for a couple
How are JR and Conrad confused about the 2 fall match with Benoit, Angle, and Jericho? Both belts were on the line , 1st fall for the IC belt, 2nd belt for the European belt. Or am I crazy?
That vaccine kayfabe comment listening in 2022...🤣🤣🤣🤣
We love you JR. ❤️
He fell hard for all of the MSM propaganda over Covid. He preached everything they said…anyone who questioned anything was stupid. Now looking back they were wrong about more than they were right.
Did J.R. really just compare Vince Mcmahon's dancing to Elanie's from Seinfield? LOL
the male version of Elaine from Seinfeld lmfao
J.R you are not ever "alone", we, who are your extended wrestling family, we love you and we will always be by your side
Generally love JR but his corporate shilling is downright stomach churning. To shrug off criticisms against the WWE about the number of wrestlers dying young or facing lifelong health/drug issues as either a conspiracy or just bitter talent that couldn't make it, is gross. All you have to do is look at how hard the owners fight unionization to understand there is far more at play.
Jim Ross is keeping it real about his personal feelings of Ultimate Warrior.....
This was the Wrestlemania I finally made it to... To say it was disappointing is an understatement.
Is Jericho that much smaller than HBK? I’m question whether or not Vinnie Mac would’ve had those same size reservations about the heartbreak kid.. 🤔
It's great to know you were apart of this era. Remembering how hot the company was at this time. To me 2000 was it for the Attitude era. It never got any bigger than it was at this point. The Rock was the hottest. His story with Triple H was hot. Austin was hot. But is was the Rock's time. I didn't care for the main event. It could have been done better. It was overbooked. Big names but it was too much. It took away from the talent. Too much going on at once on the main event. Bigger wasn't better. It should have been Triple H, Rock, and Mick. I don't think you had to put Show in there. Idk.. He wasn't the worker those guys were.
The only time the hardcore championship meant anything is when Mankind, Rvd, Kane and Undertaker wore it. Undertaker was an unique hardcore champion.
Didn’t Al Snow ever win it?
Steve Blackman was great, too. And I think Jeff Hardy was a worthy hardcore champion.
Taker would use the hardcore champion as a front piece for his bike
@@countof3everybodyOD Yeah, Al won it several times, won it at Summerslam if I remember correctly. I liked Al, very underrated in the ring, did some things I hadn’t seen before.
really would like to hear more of what led to the decision to put HHH over in the main event, whether that was originally the plan or was a result of the usual HHH politicking (forgot how they had the 'main event' three way match between he, Rock and Show a couple weeks before on RAW and of course HHH won that too). Whether they ever seriously considered having Foley go over and retire as champ since the crowd was REALLY behind him in the match (I remember how pissed off the crowd got when Foley ate yet another Pedigree and pin from HHH, same result as the last two PPVs) or if it was ever considered to be just a Rock-HHH main event (which would have been better)
I believe it was HHH. Like his buddies Nash and Hall, it’s been said that HHH was booking matches in his favor too. I always hated him btw, even before the behind the scenes knowledge came out.
I think they just wanted to make hhh look good the guy was there longer then the rock and plus rock looked even better a month later at backlash and plus Austin could nt do the wrestlemania show so they probably wanted him helping rock out like at backlash thow I do agree rock should of won at mania hhh deserves
@@ashleydominiak9059HHH had already won before though hell he beat everybody going into Mania how much stronger does he have to look lol
Who were the agents at the time of wrestle mania?
Zero chance the plan was ever to have JerIcho going over.
JR a Real G man
Anyone know what Foley and Rock's beef was before the WM2000 main event?
Foley thought rocky went over the top at royal rumble and hit him with too many chair shots.
Foley went on directors commentary of Beyond the Mat and buried rock.
Meltzer also debated the number of people who attended Owens funeral.
Why do audibly hear JRs mouth open about 700 times
I remember wondering why Triple H vs Rock wasn’t the main event.
Considering at this time, the company was without Austin, without Undertaker, it made sense to not focus this WrestleMania on any one or two superstars. Instead, lets put the focus on the rest of the team as a whole. Lets get everybody involved, prove to detractors we're not a one-man or a two-man show. And like J.R. said, was it a great show as a whole from a spectators view, not really, but from a financial standpoint, it was a HELL of a show.
This show was the moment when I stopped caring about wrestling. It proved they were in fact a one-man show, and the one-man wasn't even over. And they were going to ruin every storyline including their own biggest pay-per-view just having him beat everyone. They've literally never received another dime of my money since.
Dude the rock was just on SNL a week prior and was getting built as the top guy since that summer. That finish was pure politicking
Would have been cool to see WWE push Jericho all the way to the main event around this time to tie into his New millennium/Y2J gimmick.
I disagree with JR completely regarding the Hardcore and the two-fall matches. Those were interesting, very clear stipulations that I very much enjoyed as being different and cool.
To much talent in the main event
Should have been Rock vs HHH
And The Rock should have won.
@@PlusUltraAdrian True. But in hindsight we would not of got the classic Backlash main event.
@@michaelcooper9705 That could be just the rematch.
Ironic 2000 had the best PPV’s and Wrestlemania was the worst PPV.
The main event should have been a one on one match between rocky and hunter on top, rocky goes over then tri gets his belt back a month later.
It was great financial sense to sell Mania numbers for Mania because its Mania then pop a massive buyrate for a B show with HHH vs Rock with Steve Austin advertised to appear. Regardless of our creative opinion it was business genius.
This is probably the worst Wrestlemania I watched during my time as a wrestling fan. Nothing was good about this show.
I hated the main event. Mick Foley comes back from retirement after 4 weeks just so he can get eliminated second by Triple H (which is the third month in a row Haitch beat him). Then Triple H retains after Vince hits the Rock with the lamest chair shots ever.
The Jericho-Benoit-Angle triple threat and the Triangle ladder match are the only things good about this WM.
My opinion the WM main event should have been The Rock vs Triple H with the Backlash 2000 ending if that wasn't possible have The Rock win on his own at WM and the Judgement Day ending for Backlash 2000 and have Austin come back and have the Backlash finish for Judgement Day 2000. My thoughts
It was great financial sense to sell Mania numbers for Mania because its Mania then pop a massive buyrate for a B show with HHH vs Rock with Steve Austin advertised to appear. Regardless of our creative opinion it was business genius.
Yeah I agree. This was the perfect example of Vince throwing shit to the wall and see what stuck. We also have to remember 3 days before the womens division went to hell. Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley defeated Jacqueline to actually win the WWF Women's Championship.
You can tell JR is still a company man somewhat by going off on Giuliani’s hair and supposed cross dressing in response to perfectly legit criticisms lol
1:13:09 Wrestlemania 2000 Ladder Match
Chris being the champ wasn't the question Conrad asked nor what JR answered. And the question should have been since Austin was out why didn't The Rock go over.
Because Vince didn't want Rock as champion look at the booking at the time and you can kinda tell that Vince didn't believe in the Rock it wasn't until he heard the pops he got going into backlash that he finally decided to go with rock
@@jamalwalker04 This is Wrestlemania 2000. Rock was already a top guy and right there in sells with Austin. It wasn't anything to do with Vince believing in Rock it was backstage politics and Vince likes the babyface to be chasing.
@@jamalwalker04what are you talking about?
"Pimping ain't, Pimping ain't easy mang."
Just finished watching this on the netwrok. I love how fans and these guys say this Wrestlemania was awful but when you watch it you see those same die hard fans screaming in ecstasy over every match chanting that stupid chant of "This is awesome!" Yet somehow the fans weren't invested??? And why the hell would Jericho go over at Wrestlemania over the Rock? That makes absolute no sense. Jericho was over at this time but not at Rock's level who was the top babyface in the company.
The crowd at this show was nuts.
i agree these guys sound fucking clueless
Triple h shouldn’t have won neither. I believe he wasn’t big enough to beat the rock that year. But of course triple h is the first heel who wins in the main event and retains. Still pissed of until this day
The whole crowd was sitting on their hands the whole first hour
In retrospect
i was there at wrestlemania 2000
Any cool stories? Did they do any crowd conditioning at any point? Did you see any behind the scenes stuff during the weekend?
@@murraysaucedo897 my aunt was there with my dad and she recalls being blown away by the ladder match and leaving for a piss and a hot dog in the Kat/terri match and a grim detail is that in the autograph book that she bought there is a page that has Benoit ,Guerrero and test which well they all sadly passed away
Solid undercard with an overbooked total mess of a Main Event.
I wonder who the undertaker would have faced at the event
He could’ve faced Big Show so the main event could focus on being just HHH vs The Rock
@kylejordan3193 yeah that works especially after the unholy alliance storyline and Mick Foley would have retired after the hell in a cell march
I like the Hardcore title belt.
I hated this Wrestlemania with a burning passion. I walked away from WWF/E immediately after. I never bought another pay-per-view and didn't bother with the television. The booking was abysmal and the conclusion, which saw Triple H shit on everybody on the roster, set the stage for the next decade of WWE: the Triple H show. To the detriment of the whole product and it's fans, Triple H would crown himself king of the hill and deny the fans a just conclusion. Even at thirteen years old, I could smell the vanity this guy emanated. He thought he was the greatest and he was determined to shove that greatness down our throats by going over and over and over. How many other people like me said "fu*k this show, fu*k this guy...I'm outta here!"?
I just remember saying fuck HHH bring back stone cold
I thought the main event should’ve been HHH vs Rock a 1 on 1 match with Rocky going over. Back then I thought WM main event should’ve been single matches.
@@murraysaucedo897 So obvious that's what they should have done. It's a travesty that The Rock has never closed a werstlemania raising the belt.
K B crazy because I’ve been saying that for the longest. He must have not pushed for it. He didn’t need it, but he still should have got His moment, he beats hogan and Austin when they’re out of their prime. Trips wins as a heel and a face like Austin. Travesty
And the very next year, they put on the single greatest wrestlemania they ever put on as a company. So yeah, that was stupid of you. You missed out big time. That's fucking hilarious. See that's why the IWC is shit. Because simpleminded people like you that say "fuck it, i'm never watching anymore" the minute your entitlement isn't catered to and then you miss out on the best shit ever that you would have LOVED, had you not been a tantrum throwing, overreacting 5 year old about a single lackluster PPV.
Also you sounded like a dumbass mark kid, anyway. Seriously, you stopped watching because Triple H became a heel? Fucking hell, kid, that's worse than all the dumbshits recently who quit because Cena won a match or because Roman Reigns won a match or some other mark-ass little bitch reason. You get played ONCE and all of a sudden your patience runs out for the business entirely? Man, fuck off.... people like you shouldn't have been watching to begin with.
Always liked the hardcore match wrestling takes it self way too seriously man
This was a weird Wrestlemania
the only reason I like this show is because my dad and aunt were in this show
I actually just rewatched WM 16 a few days ago, and I thought the opening match was pretty good. Bull Buchanan did some really athletic moves for a big guy. Did they really say Meltzer gave it a quarter star rating? That's absurd. It should easily get 2 stars at least. The hardcore battle royal and T&A vs Head Cheese were the worst matches. Obviously Kat vs Terri was the worst match technically, but it was never intended to be a classic confrontation. I disagree with Ross saying the hardcore title meant nothing back then. I was a fan back then, and everyone I knew loved Crash Holly and the whole 24/7 thing.
Loved Crash Holly and his Hardcore career. And lying saying he was well over 300 lbs bringing a scale with him he was a great underdog kinda like Spike Dudley in ECW
@@juniorsanchez7441 Over 400lbs.
@@zackvanhalen my bad its been over 23 years and there was a lot of drugs n alcohol between then and now
JR complains about not getting paid for "Beyond the Mat," but a documentarian should NEVER pay the subjects, because that incentivizes the subject to simply tell you what you want to hear and creates the impression of a quid pro quo.
Folklore Fauci must have had Good Ol JR on payroll
Nobody asked for the Thimble Nuts perspective.
1:24:40 is all you need to know. I'm fucking dead.
Strongly disagree on the ending with a singles match! A tag match no but triple threat or fatal 4 is great! And they have been great at mania! WM 20s was one of the best ever
This was the first wrestling show I ever went to at 17 years old. Me and my friend went to the fan signing events that weekend and snuck in a bed sheet with FOLEY spray painted on that we hung off the railing. Then the show ended and we left so disappointed. There's was no Foley getting his revenge and no big moment for the Rock. Just the same screwy HHH finish we'd been seeing for months. The tables match is my only positive memory of the show, everything else was forgettable or awful.
Too much was going on at once. Show shouldn't have been in the main event. The three hottest guys were enough. The ending sucked. It was to build Triple H. He's still on top today. I could go on and on. Guys like Punk, Bryan, Matt Hardy, Ziggler, Edge, Sting Orton, The Fiend etc. All of those guys they have blown it creatively with. Because the last several years they have just pushed and pushed and pushed Reigns. Lesnar is a different story. He sells tickets. Seth Rollins they did right. He's a great heel. The Fiend they have screwed up his story. A lot of stupid shit they keep adding on. The Orton angle they blew.
Wow JRs Tom Brady comment aged like a $100 steak. Super Bowl 55 Champion.
💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯
"Guiliani had an Italian vow ending in his name"
I'm sorry, as an Italian this is fucking outright BULLSHIT, Jim.
So did vince hate the rock or something? Who tf wanted Jericho as champion at mania?
Excuses made on the 4 way by JR. Match was fine until Vince hit Rock with the chair twice. Ideally foley should have come back to ward off Vince and help the rock. Really the ideal is to have Austin return and do what he did at backlash. Or even Jericho had you kept him in the loop with the a beef with trips and Steph.
I’m thinking Austin wasn’t in any condition to have came back at WM to help the Rock...but the rock should have still walked out Champion
The thing that confused me the most was that Foley at some point helps HHH take Rock out of the match.
Like these dudes had been feuding for 2 PPVs and HHH Kayfabe ended his career why the fuck is Foley helping him beat up the Rock the guy who tried to help him beat HHH and who in Kayfabe is his closest friend?
I heard triple h saying somewhere that austin was supposed to do that but he wasn't ready yet and that's why they waited until backlash
One of the worst Wrestlemanias
Am i missing something why wasn’t Rock an option? Hollywood?
Should’ve been Triple H vs Rock for the title with Vince on Rocks side and he screws him plain and simple didn’t need two other guys too bad Vince wasn’t confident enough in them two pulling it off
Helwigg needed the money! It was a nuisance suit!!! Well if it truly was a nuisance suit, why did wwe and Vince McMahon settle? If warrior didn't have a case, no way Vince would have gave in. I enjoyed the breakdown of the ppv, I could do without the "stay home and stay safe, were all in this together" bullshit though. Not my fav grilling with JR, but the breakdown was good, skip the first hour is my tip.
Vince he’s too short ff sake vince 😂
Crazy how much y’all shit all over this mania! I really think you’re not giving the audience enough credit for having enough common sense to follow the matches! Hell if anything today they’re too smart for their own damn good!🙄
Spoiler alert! This isn’t about wrestlemania 2000 🙄
I have to disagree with JR. Someone like Chyna, with eddie and guys was fine. Shes huge!. Now if a trish or tiny girl like becky lynch... yea its dumb. if you think this person can kick ass just by looking at them, i say book them as such. Not everryone looked at chyna and said oh I could take her.
I cant believe so.eone as intuitive as J.R. is such a political dummy.
Damn shame.
Dark side of the ring is the only good thing that trash woke slimy company vice has done
They didn’t have Austin their bigger star.
no because the rock didn't win the damn title that's why it's forgettable cuz they had triple h retain.
JR’s Covid takes did not age well
This mania seemed bad as it was surrounded by much better ppvs. Mania should be the best but it was one of the weaker shows of the year, which is more due to how great the other shows were not that this was bad. I'd still say it was overall the best mania to that date.
I gotta admit I wasn't a fan of this wrestlemania the main event defently should've been rock vs triple h
The main event was great! It wasn’t too much going on! Lol why the fuck is it so hard for y’all to keep up with it?? I can understand JR because he’s calling it but Conrad saying it’s anti climactic is bullshit!
Should of been rocks moment. He was on Fire in 2000. Backlash was way better
@@AD-ur1fk I do agree but with that though I think it would’ve been fine had Rock went over
FDM FDM FDM!!!!! Ffs I wish he’d stop reading that garbage!