Pirates, Storms and Covid, HOW do we get HOME? - Ep.80

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Sailing across the Indian Ocean can be fearsome. Pirates off of Somalia combined with storms off of South Africa make the choice of route difficult, throw in closed borders due to the pandemic and we find ourselves in a very difficult situation. We want to show a little of the concerns and stresses that lay behind the life we lead here in Isolation, so this video is a little different to usual. We are in no way complaining about our situation, we are just explaining our thoughts and feelings behind our reasoning for where and when we go from here.
    We are a British couple who set off from England in 2016 to fulfill our dream of sailing around the world on our 37ft sail boat, Florence. Along the way we share the live aboard lifestyle with the highs and lows of travelling around the world by boat, our own little tiny house. Boat life out at sea on the ocean.
    Support us on Patreon: / sailingyachtflorence
    You can also follow us via our blog at www.sailwiththe...
    Music in order as played:
    Keep Walking - Alvaro Angeloro - www.hooksounds.com - Creative Commons - Attribution
    Sound Generation - www.hooksounds.com - Licenced


  • @Ijustcantbelievethis
    @Ijustcantbelievethis 4 роки тому +33

    Seems like it might be time to shift your perspective from “sailing to explore”, to more of a “stay put and live on the boat” and enjoy living in that beautiful area. Your positive attitude is solid gold. Enjoy building a small yacht club on your island and share your daily life of collecting, fishing and living in these crazy times.

    • @rudiekeyser2495
      @rudiekeyser2495 4 роки тому +3

      That small yacht club on your island is a good idea, Delos and friend's started the two titties yacht club on there island and it is growing.

  • @michael_hahnell
    @michael_hahnell 4 роки тому +21

    Stay with Florence and make a home where you are. You are a lovely couple and keep looking on the bright side 😆 look forward to your next viod soon

  • @danielkoehn3209
    @danielkoehn3209 4 роки тому +33

    Just keep sharing your story. It won’t be long you’ll be back sailing.

  • @MrLebro11
    @MrLebro11 4 роки тому +21

    Your situation would seem overwhelming right now. Like you said Amy everyone has been touched in someway by this pandemic. Doesn’t mean it sucks any less.
    A great man who led your nation and the world heroically through times of trouble, Sir Winston Churchill said “It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time.” Take each day as it comes and do want is within your control & let the rest go.
    This pandemic is but a teaching moment in time for us all. Patience, gratitude, selflessness are but a few. Continue to remain positive and be your amazing wonderful selves. You both are an inspiration too many. Sending you my love❤️

    • @pierrebergeron4089
      @pierrebergeron4089 3 роки тому +2

      This is, to me the best message so far. Churchill was a great man with a lotof life experience and this quote is so true right now.
      We should all try and apply it to our sitiation in these times.
      Your videos still brings sunshine in many peoples life. Thank you and please keep sharing with all of us.
      Thanks again, Pierre

    • @nickacelvn
      @nickacelvn 3 роки тому

      Smart man that Sir Winston Churchill.

    • @Coleen-Love
      @Coleen-Love 2 місяці тому

      Amy, I must disagree regarding your "privilege" vs right comment. It is indeed your right to use your sailboat that you guys paid for and worked for. It is your right to travel the Earth as a free person with God given rights. You have a right to enter any country if you meet their legal conditions for entry - none of that is "not" a right and none of that is a "privilege". You neither need anyone permission nor consent to sail the oceans. If anyone tries to stop you it is they that are in the wrong - we are long past the time where Kings decided you fate based on some royal whim. I do wish people would stop speaking like you have no rights and must be granted rights by some "government" employee or something.

  • @danielculpepper8772
    @danielculpepper8772 4 роки тому +3

    Thank you for a wonderfully balanced look at your current situation and your place in the world. Your compassion and respect for others is always evident in your videos and I look forward to you delving more deeply into the culture that surrounds you.

  • @sails3538
    @sails3538 4 роки тому +17

    A suggestion.... From a sailor and someone who has spent loads of time in SEA.
    1- go to Miramar. A wonderful budist country with loads of sailing.
    2- the islands off Cambodia. Loads of food, wonderful sailing. Trips inland.
    Please don't rush around the world. Try for the indian ocean next year.

  • @lisaswallow80
    @lisaswallow80 4 роки тому

    Hello Amy and Matt,
    The universe has decided to send us a big lesson to learn patience, gratitude, resilience , to slow down and enjoy our lives in more stillness. We all have to ask ourselves “ what is my lesson?” I started watching your UA-cam channel to learn the finer challenges of passage sailing , sail trim, and tips on rigging, equipment and what not. Perhaps you could create a series of learn to sail from the basics ...teaching people about the vast vocabulary of sailing, all the points of tack...film in detail How to Sail. Maybe a beginner series first , then a series of more advanced. I’m sure you have more amazing footage from past sailing you could also post. We all love watching you both and I would love to watch how you sail and the decision you make and why you trim a sail the way you do and how to improve sail trim. My vote ..stay put for now. Make more videos. We are all bunkered down and our travel is limited too. Be well - I smile each time I watch you and just know you bring me so much joy ! Thank you 🙏

  • @Al.W7263
    @Al.W7263 4 роки тому +9

    S/V Delos did that trip around the tip of Africa a few years ago. Their trip included ducking into a couple of bays rather than one leg round the tip. You may be able to get some info if you watch their video.

  • @simonwilson9610
    @simonwilson9610 4 роки тому +7

    Stay where you are. We are all locked down whether at sea or not. Unprecedented times.

  • @jornantrillsark1437
    @jornantrillsark1437 4 роки тому +21

    Hang in there guys. Tough times for everybody everywhere in the world right now. Don't be in a hurry to get back. Europe, the UK, is no paradise right now. You're in a great spot... I know, paradise is not a beautiful postcard, it is a combination of an acceptable material standard and a rich social context where you are surrounded by the ones that you love and love you back. But you are in a great spot as I said and got each other.
    Things are really weird. As a minor example, my third child was born a week ago. I was allowed to be there during his birth (thankful for that).... but I wasn't allowed to leave the unit and come back (I got 2 tickets, 50€ each, cause I couldn't move the car to another spot where I could be parked for more than 6 hours). 2 Days later we had to go for a control to see that everything was okey, and the baby was bouncing back from the initial weigh loss.... I wasn't allowed to be there, only one parent... but my wife has been with me until I left her outside the doctor, what's the difference?! As I said, things are weird so, enjoy your time in your beautiful postcard (Gosh it looks nice out there!! :)) and take your time to get back, and for God sake, don't get back to England in a hurry and during fall or winter :P
    This became a quite long message... on the other hand, you got plenty of time now 🤣😝 (just kidding)

    • @sails3538
      @sails3538 4 роки тому +3

      The new rules are poorly thought out. It's petty buricrats with little to no intelligence implementing useless procedures.

    • @lobotomyboy666
      @lobotomyboy666 4 роки тому +1

      Mr. Trillsark makes some excellent points. The entire world is falling apart, not because of some virus, which appears to be nothing more than a bad flu, but because the people who are really in charge are using that virus to implement Draconian control on the world's population for reasons known only to that same ruling elite. The entire world is experiencing an economic and geopolitical meltdown that is akin to a planetary cyclone or hurricane and we humans have no option but to batten down the hatches, do what we can to love and help one another, and ride out this storm. Take care of each other, and of Florence, and when the storm clears you will be in a terrific position to move forward and help your fellow humans.

    • @sails3538
      @sails3538 4 роки тому +1

      @@lobotomyboy666.... A good friend is a heart surgeon in Vancouver. In March he told me what the government was doing... And said this bad flu would kill an extra couple of thousand very old people in Canada.
      His exact words were... "The government is going to cool the world economy "

    • @lobotomyboy666
      @lobotomyboy666 4 роки тому

      @@sails3538 I believe your friend is spot-on. The economy was collapsing before this virus came on the scene. It has been collapsing since 2008 but that fact has been hidden from the public thanks to the central banks printing many trillions of dollars in programs such as the Federal Reserve's "quantitative easing" and pumping that money into the markets to create the illusion that the economy was functioning, but that's not the case. The fiat-currency system that the Federal Reserve and OPEC created with the abandonment of the Breton-Woods Accords and the creation of the petrodollar has run its course. What comes next only the people who go to the most exclusive meetings at the Bilderberg Group gatherings know, but it seems to be the adoption of a new system in which China controls the world not through some imaginary "reserve currency" but rather through ownership of all the world's infrastructure. To paraphrase Mayer Amschel Rothschild, China cares not who controls the world's currency as long as it controls the world's infrastructure. But I digress. The point is that the world's economic system based on the $US dollar as the world's reserve currency is imploding and has been for over a dozen years. Whoever it is that our elected officials represent (and it's not us) knows this and took advantage of this virus to distract the world by providing a scapegoat upon which they could blame the economic collapse.

  • @deanwinsbury
    @deanwinsbury 4 роки тому +16

    What a mess the world is in at the moment. I could see the tears welling up and the tangible stress you are feeling, that was a brave video. Staying put or getting to enjoy what you can of the local scene for as long as it takes seems to be the logical option for the time being. The art of adventure is riding all that is thrown at you and not falling off. I am certain you will make the right decision, whatever that may be, you have come so far at such modest ages that this may feel insurmountable but all things pass and it will be great again. Try to enjoy each day where you are and let go of planning for a while to try and get some peace of mind.

  • @backthebadge4009
    @backthebadge4009 4 роки тому +11

    Don’t rush to the scene of the accident.....wait to do it safely

  • @atiamuri101
    @atiamuri101 4 роки тому +1

    Its rediculously sad that you lovely people are in the situation are in.i hope all works out well for you

  • @johnlees1176
    @johnlees1176 4 роки тому

    Well guys, a tough vid to witness, and watching a young face crumple before my eyes was upsetting and humbling in equal measure.
    Now I'm an old(ish) chap who's spent a good chunk of each year visiting the places you've fallen for. If there's a lesson I've learned (from being stranded in the Himalayas with altitude sickness, struck down by malaria in Rwanda & dysentery (in India & Indonesia), an arrest & a broken ankle in Thailand, a mugging in Burma & held up at gunpoint (twice) in Aus) is that it is often true that the right decision, is to make no decision at all.
    I'm 63 & that's been the greatest lesson. We feel the need to strive, to be in control, to make things happen but sometimes, you can't.
    It will be OK one way or another coz you are fine people temporarily in a tough spot.
    Good luck, I'm rooting for you (as are many others) & if you wanna chat I'm free on jl@globalimpact.dk
    By the way, if you think you're having it tough, although a Yorkshireman, I've just moved to Edinburgh from Denmark. IT'S COLD UP HERE!!!!!!
    Enjoy what you can & take care.

  • @erichyney6287
    @erichyney6287 4 роки тому +1

    Patience is a virtue, procrastination is a bitch. Keep going the way you're doing, you'll be fine. Don't go the northern route - the Suez canal.... not safe. Quicker is not always better. You have been gone for three years now. One more year isn't going to change anything. Be strong. God bless the two of you.

  • @good_king_guitarman1334
    @good_king_guitarman1334 4 роки тому

    Great decision. Take the weather over pirates every time, even if it takes a bit longer than you have originally planned. Make sure you enjoy every day, life is there for living.

  • @michakj4994
    @michakj4994 4 роки тому +3

    Amy, Mat, please do not stop sharing your every day comments about your journey even if you are stuck in one place.
    Your story is fascinating to me, you are gifted story-tellers.
    My prayers are with you, do not lose good mood. Cheers!

  • @leighharrison9632
    @leighharrison9632 4 роки тому +7

    It feels like you guys are under pressure to make a decision. Remember decide in haste repent at lesiure. Keep the content going and I'm sure people will support you after watching Amy get emotional about loosing your dream this open expression of your feelings one of most powerful clips you have made. If I can work pateron out I am going to support you just because of your attitude honesty and commitment. Stay safe and don't rush things

  • @seawench555
    @seawench555 4 роки тому +8

    Amy Matt, This video was the most honest, emotionally charged and heartfelt message. Ur both very intelligent, totally capable people and sailors. I've read all comments and have to say most advice it sound an knowledgeable, but the one thing I believe is what my gut tells me, generally if it feels wrong it will be an visversa. As U both say we all don't know what will happen tomorrow so take ONE day at a time, most importantly get Ur passports back ASAP no authority has the right to hold them unless U are a prisoner or have been charged with something ok. Get provisions do any maintenance and please above all remember Ur both healthy safe and love each other. The time 4 U to move on will show itself and the decision will be easy much love from Aussie. ⛵🌊🌏🌈🐳

  • @jasonwatson9401
    @jasonwatson9401 4 роки тому +1

    Love the videos
    #79 answered several questions. Since your kind of stuck right now have you thought about filming a questions and answers episode?
    I have so many questions about your lifestyle and I am sure other viewers do as well.
    Have you ever feared for your lives on this trip
    How often do you get to call home
    What will you do after the trip ends
    If you could go back in time 4 years, what would you do differently, would you buy the same boat, anything you wish that you had packed, would you skip any places you visited.
    Why did skip exploring north and south America?
    Have you missed any big family events back home that you regret
    The questions are endless

  • @andrewmullen4003
    @andrewmullen4003 4 роки тому +1

    thanks for sharing your dilemma, you are quite right to explain your thoughts and feelings, I hope you stay safe and enjoy the wait, greetings from NE Scotland, take care

  • @vraymond108
    @vraymond108 4 роки тому +1

    I think another way to look at your situation Is to say to yourselves if you had purchased a home on land and some natural or unnatural catastrophe happened what do you do? Abandon home or so how make a go of it? Could be forest fire, earthquake, volcanoes, Tsunami etc, although highly unlikely in GB, there might other situations that could make life less than rosy for a bit. I think the key here is patience and a look at the big picture. Are your basic and basic plus needs being met? It appears your food and shelter are OK, clothes not sure but you are not in rags yet.
    Although we are on our boat in San Diego, California we find ourselves in a similar situation. We have food, can travel a bit etc. but certainly are not as free to move around as we wish. We can’t go to Mexico or Hawaii due to hurricane season. We can’t get back to our home state of Alaska because Canada is closed. So we we sit and wait. I know we not anywhere near remote as you are but perhaps that allows you to survive this pandemic and the rest of us get it from some carelessness of strangers.
    Don’t be victim of “the grass is always greener” syndrome. However boring life might be for you at least you don’t have COVID. As you might one YT cruiser did die in South Africa due to COVID.
    The greatest blessing is that you two love each other and that alone will carry you through to a brighter future which we all look forward to.
    Stay safe but most importantly happy.

  • @johnguirguis2244
    @johnguirguis2244 4 роки тому +6

    Stay put don't go thro Red Sea . it will be ok later on , enjoy the sun 🤗

  • @randomtraveler3363
    @randomtraveler3363 4 роки тому

    I am in exactly the opposite position.
    I have a boat I left in Tunisia, last summer to return to Canada. I was hoping to get back to her much earlier than this. Covid put those plans on hold. My biggest challenge has been waiting or countries to open up and finding various flights.
    As of today will be heading back to her in Mid September, Luckily she is stored in a boat yard, so should be in good condition when I get back. Once there I will get her ready and sail off toward Greece for the winter. There I will wait out the weather and hope the Covid situation has improved enough to allow me to spend the following season cruising the Med.
    The sailing world has been thrown a loop, yet, the one skill we sailors all have is the ability to make a plan and adapt it quickly if things change.
    Do what is right for you, do what is safe for you and enjoy what may come.

  • @SailingCatamaranElement
    @SailingCatamaranElement 4 роки тому +8

    Seychelles is open and accepting yachts...I would advise a discussion with Windancer IV (currently in Seychelles) which may assist with your decision making...EU boats currently in Reunion will have a tough slog passing below Madagascar. Personally if you chose to cross this year, I would sail direct to Chagos, then onto Seychelles and use the Northeast monsoon and coastal protection for the trip south.... Spoke with Windancer IV a couple days ago regarding his plan to Cape Town this year...multiple delivery skippers are based there for the charter fleet, and they say the wind dies down and changes north to south in late Sept early to mid October for reasonable sail to Richards Bay from Seychelles with sheltered anchorage options along the way. Then hop, hop, hop to Cape Town. Hope you are doing well and staying sane. We are also awaiting the reopening of Malaysia for our return to Element....Crossing my fingers for a dry season November opening! ~ Element ~

    • @SailingYachtFlorence
      @SailingYachtFlorence  4 роки тому +2

      Hi Shaun, We are in contact with a few boats in the Seychelles (Osprey are also there). We are hoping that by waiting until next year things will be open for us to visit along the way instead of just a delivery trip. Good luck with getting back home to Element, tricky times for everybody! M&A

  • @_Astrovert
    @_Astrovert 4 роки тому +4

    Can you get ashore and build a little hut? Just something to keep you occupied. Have fun, best wishes!!

  • @ronnchase4872
    @ronnchase4872 4 роки тому +1

    You are an amazing couple with an adventurous lifestyle. Tho it’s uncertain times right now you have each other. Stay safe, healthy and positive. Thanks for bringing us along.

  • @aaronsmith4949
    @aaronsmith4949 4 роки тому +3

    Stay where you are. Really get to know the wildlife, film everything you can. Learn to surf as well as you can. Thailand will open its borders sooner than a year I would hope. Love your videos! Keep your chin up chaps!

  • @MichaelMechsner
    @MichaelMechsner 4 роки тому +5

    I hope that you are also in contact with the British Embassy. I'm sure they can be immensely helpful with all the visas and your requirements for sailing across the Indian Ocean. I hope that I can express, with other patrons to your channel, that we will be patient and continue to support your channel in any way we can. Your videos have been awesome, and I totally understand that it is creatively difficult to continue to produce them when locked down for months on end in one location. So "stiff upper lip" and carry on.

  • @CapitalVideo
    @CapitalVideo 4 роки тому

    Your story is a million times better than any so called reality TV series and regardless of what you do, I'm certain that those who subscribe to your channel and support you with donations will accept whatever you choose to do. Just remember that having to overcome adversity brings an increased level of strength that can only benefit you in the years to come. Keep you chins up.

  • @stevethuss2707
    @stevethuss2707 4 роки тому +6

    at the least, just keep letting us kno ur safe.

  • @GeneRossano
    @GeneRossano 2 роки тому

    I can completely understand you both being very stressed out about this lockdown business. That said, almost anyone on earth seeing where you are now and hearing how very understanding and helpful the Indonesian government people have been and are being, would say thank God, relax, layback and enjoy each day until it changes for the better. God be with you and help you in your choices and your ultimate trip. Good luck and good sailing with whatever you do, whenever and however you choose to do it.

  • @wombatone5577
    @wombatone5577 4 роки тому

    Your not alone, you are safe at a wonderful place so don’t rush into a crazy situation where there is no return. Stay safe have lots of fun and keep busy and don’t worry, it will all work out

  • @NealyLL
    @NealyLL 4 роки тому +1

    Good luck guys whatever you choose to do. Thanks for sharing the real life trials of sailing the world. The sun will shine again.

  • @moksastudio9962
    @moksastudio9962 4 роки тому

    I wouldn t even bother coming back, you r still in paradise, enjoy it:))))

  • @barbarianlife
    @barbarianlife 4 роки тому +4

    I would love to know more about your location. Let's go deep into the area. What ever you do, chin up and have fun.

  • @Laland10000
    @Laland10000 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks for all the great videos. What I like the most about your videos are that you are not just sharing your adventures, but your videos are often educational as well. As someone who is planning to do something similar, this is what makes your videos so interesting and special. I particularly enjoy it when Matt explains technical stuff, while Amy makes her nice illustrations so that we can all understand it easily. What about making more educational sailing videos while on lock down? That would be such a great help for us, and hopefully something rewarding for you guys to do while staying in Indonesia.

  • @Sirena_Edonismo
    @Sirena_Edonismo 4 роки тому

    I could hear the disappointment and sadness in your voices which is totally understandable. You dreams and plans have been put on hold by something completely out of your control and there is no certain answer as to when it will end. Just take solace in the fact that you still have each other, your home, your health and a beautiful place to wait out the craziness in the world. You’re a beautiful couple and you will find your way to the other side and maybe even greater adventures than you planned. Stay strong, stay safe and God bless you. ❤️

  • @mikethomas2138
    @mikethomas2138 3 роки тому

    Watching this for the first time in August 21, it’s a thorough explanation of the situation you were in. I first caught your channel last month, so I know you are hopefully on the crossing to Africa, but I have been captivated by your vlogs, having gone right back to the start.

  • @martinjames9250
    @martinjames9250 2 роки тому

    That was a tough watch! I really can empathise. It's tough on everyone.
    I admire your stoicism. All power to you. ------- (Feb 2022)

  • @clairebrown9129
    @clairebrown9129 4 роки тому +2

    I love watching your videos & marvel at how professional they are. Having read some of the comments below, I imagine you will be overwhelmed with good advice. I am not a sailor but I would say stay put for the time being. You are a lovely capable couple & I believe you will know when the time is right to move on. Try to live each day as it comes & keep making videos & keeping everyone updated. Thank you both for giving so many people a great deal of pleasure. Stay positive & enjoy your surroundings.

  • @cecilenowers4022
    @cecilenowers4022 4 роки тому +2

    South Africa is great. I hope you get to visit and hopefully the covid situation will be over when you arrive here, so that you could see some of the beautiful country. Greetings from Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

  • @simoneclarke5104
    @simoneclarke5104 4 роки тому +1

    It’s good to share your feelings, it helps to reduce stress🥰. You both are young and hopefully have many more years of sailing, so let things unfold in the time that it will take. Enjoy the water - swim, snorkel. Enjoy games, journaling, reading, art. Relax about it all. You have each other and your family knows you are safe. Love your videos, thank you for the gift you give us all❤️

  • @heathforeman7227
    @heathforeman7227 4 роки тому +14

    Having been to all the SE Asian countries multiple times with friends...stay there and enjoy it! Out of all the options you listed, that’s just a no brainer IMO.
    Wish I was on my own boat next to y’all with a margarita machine 👍🏻
    Oh yeah, just don’t get pregnant over there right now like sailing Nanji just did 😬. Obviously happy for them, but yikes! What a time and place for that to happen!

  • @tgchism
    @tgchism 4 роки тому +3

    Feeling your anguish over the situation you are in! Nothing like having your dream turn into a nightmare of sorts. As hard as it might seem, I would think staying and waiting would be better. I agree with you thoughts on the northern route. I wouldn't risk it! You're safety is always most important.
    All of us that enjoy you videos are hoping for the best for you! I say Keep Calm and stay put for now.

  • @SerbanOprescu
    @SerbanOprescu 4 роки тому +1

    I wish you luck and hope. Please remember that you are not alone.

  • @anitatroyer2066
    @anitatroyer2066 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you for sharing your options and situation. Hang in there and be safe.

  • @charlieford5523
    @charlieford5523 4 роки тому +1

    Your in a safe place relax and wait and see

  • @bw1482
    @bw1482 4 роки тому +2

    We continue to be amazed and impressed with how you have handled the challenges thrown your way, especially during these unprecedented times. It appears from your last couple of videos you may feel beaten down by it all, but you continue to think with level heads and positive attitudes. Thank you for continuing to share what's going on with you. We wish you all the best and hope you continue to stay safe, no matter what you choose to do.

  • @rosswaugh1254
    @rosswaugh1254 4 роки тому

    I know Australia are closed at the moment, but once they open they would seem ideal in terms of options for lift out, maintenance, any refitting needed, out of the tropics to preserve Florence, plus a safe option to leave Florence and fly back to the UK if you needed to. Then once everything is opened up again you could still take the Southern Indian Ocean route from West Australia.

  • @fethalrahman
    @fethalrahman 4 роки тому +3

    Keep the high spirit, every thing is gonna be alright.

  • @simonallan6148
    @simonallan6148 4 роки тому

    I would echo what Pete fromtheisland is saying. You are safe where you are and have food and water. Don't abandon your dreams for a short(ish) delay and miss the great adventures you planned for. The problem is one of uncertainty for you that I can fully understand. If you can sit it out then do so, you can maintain the boat and socialise with the other boats there for mutual support. Not easy but wishing you all the best and sending our thoughts.

  • @kimforrester7073
    @kimforrester7073 4 роки тому +2

    Thanks for the great video. You will make the right decision. Just remember things will change.

  • @markperry7842
    @markperry7842 4 роки тому +1

    Stay put until you can dock, haul out and re-supply. Options will be different in a month. A window will open. Just try to get all set when possible. Sail on !!!

  • @bennettian
    @bennettian 4 роки тому

    stay safe, knowing your limits is what a good sailor is

  • @waynebrush3817
    @waynebrush3817 4 роки тому +1

    Just skim read the comments and it’s plain to see you have so much support. I’ve been enjoying all of your videos and out of all the sailing vlogs, I chose you two to support. Because you are so real and know how to tell a good story. Whatever choices you make I can’t wait for the next update :)
    Peace and good weather

  • @hxspace5455
    @hxspace5455 4 роки тому

    Good luck and thanks for sharing you thought process and your awesome adventures.

  • @mikemiller9867
    @mikemiller9867 4 роки тому +1

    Chin up Team Flo, look at this as an opportunity to adventure new areas on a smaller scale, boarders will open soon for sure and trip to explore India or Nepal on terra firma might be an idea? Your great at what your doing and best vlogs out there by a country mile! All the best from sunny Falmouth x

  • @KP-rz3gk
    @KP-rz3gk 4 роки тому

    Praying for your safe return to the UK.

  • @suziq5293
    @suziq5293 4 роки тому +1

    Best wishes for you to continua your adventures safely. I kept thinking no news. Is good news,! I pray your safety.

  • @tapan1937
    @tapan1937 4 роки тому +1

    Just watched and listened to this. Well said! Well explained! Thank you

  • @clark7662
    @clark7662 4 роки тому +4

    Second :-) I don't envy your choices. You both possess intellect and common sense and I'm sure you'll find your way safely. Best wishes to you both. On the upside, If you have to wait a year you'll have spent a year in a tropical location and perhaps be able to plan for next year to make new friends from all the work you've done with your videos.

  • @pythman
    @pythman 4 роки тому

    The last part with fotage of the island was the best bit take us on a full tour of the island if you can safely sail round the island on your little boat help us by giving us a moment to imagine we are on the island with you and be your happy selves and tell us how amazing it is light a fire if you can watch the sunset. Cook some food on the fire If you could do this for us that would be amazing and it would give us hope and a escape from this situation.

  • @andypennybrown6848
    @andypennybrown6848 4 роки тому +2

    Stay strong we are all behind you, love the vlogs, what's 9 months in a lifetime! :-)

  • @irisvidalpareja1668
    @irisvidalpareja1668 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks for sharing how you feel and for your honesty. You are very brave! It would be a pleasure to find out more about your life on the island🍃

  • @mikeharrison5089
    @mikeharrison5089 4 роки тому +1

    Keep your spirits up and please keep the videos coming. I fully get how you feel, I was once in a not dissimilar situation and I didn’t cope with it at all well. It actually felt as though I was in prison. This is when you pull together and look out for each other.

  • @waynevanballa8292
    @waynevanballa8292 4 роки тому

    South Africa have eased restrictions as infections are declining and a sense of normality is slowly returning. I'm hopeful that you would be able to head this way soon.

  • @chipbhi
    @chipbhi 4 роки тому +1

    I hope you can eventually continue your trip as you had originally planned it. I am thoroughly enjoying everything you experience, even in these tough times. You two are incredibly inspiring.

  • @Anton-cn3of
    @Anton-cn3of 4 роки тому +1

    I always love watching your videos! Hoping for the best

  • @chinoodin4735
    @chinoodin4735 4 роки тому

    Just thinking out loud...another way may be to go East, but certainly the logistics and stops could be just as problematic? Thanks for sharing your situation. Making the best of a difficult time. Take care, so much more tomorrows to see and do.

  • @tonyamorati9432
    @tonyamorati9432 4 роки тому

    Love your show. Florence is your home, enjoy her and the ride you ate on. Don't make a hard plan to get back to the UK. Keep sailing that way but take in the life you are on.
    You are awesome.....enjoy.

  • @coriemills7510
    @coriemills7510 4 роки тому +1

    Stay safe guys, Hopefully the ports open up sooner than later.

  • @b1gbaf
    @b1gbaf 4 роки тому

    Love you guys, I know this time is hard and uncertain but I look forward to hearing the news when you guys are finally free and sailing again for pleasure. You guys are an inspiration to us who aren’t free inside our tiny homes and cities. Thanks for sharing as always. You are beautiful

  • @iwashpowercleaning7724
    @iwashpowercleaning7724 4 роки тому

    I wish I had that problem.... Guys, stay there and let the wind take you where it blows. I bet you will regret these moments if you rush back home.....

  • @mikehutch9903
    @mikehutch9903 4 роки тому

    Hi Amy and Matt, we love watching your vids, more often than not on our own boat here in Falmouth (UK). The tone of the last episode (80) changed slightly and I fully understand the stress you both most feel. There is so much uncertainty with regards to weather, C-19, borders, visas, getting good, looking after the boat and loads more I don’t doubt. But hey, if anyone can handle it you guys can. We are immensely proud of the way you have taken yourselves off on an adventure of a lifetime that so many of us can only dream of. And there you are - doing it. Stuff happens all the time and maybe a slight recalibration would help. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. You are still on a journey and it’s an epic one. This bit might not follow the original plan (but do they ever?) but if you allow the Universe to have its say then you precisely where you are meant to be. Always put yourselves first. Stay safe. Stay healthy. If you have a choice to make, choose the one that gives you peace. This is a remarkable time in a world that was already going bonkers. It’s teaching us all the hard lesson of patience in a ‘want it now World’. I like the guy who said ‘write a book’ but whatever you do you have built a wonderful story and you keep on giving such joy to so many of us who are dreaming and full of admiration of what you do. We can hardly wait for the next episode and know that if you need to reach out for any reason you have hundreds (thousands?) of people who’ll drop what they are doing to help. Have fun you guys - you are doing such a wonderful thing. X

  • @GrantGrove
    @GrantGrove 4 роки тому

    Unfortunately there is a dark side to full time live-a-board cruising and you have been subject to one of these circumstances. Keep your spirits up and enjoy a piece of paradise. Cheers, and good luck on your future plans.
    Far Winds... "Reality"

  • @jimlotspeich7117
    @jimlotspeich7117 4 роки тому

    You situation is pretty close to the same as the Wynne's when the had to hole up in Fiji. We will be praying for you and hope things work out!

  • @viking8889
    @viking8889 4 роки тому

    As long as you have a functional live-aboard boat you are home.

  • @Cedandkikisailing
    @Cedandkikisailing 4 роки тому

    Great explanation of the pickle you are now in. As some other followers suggested, consider exploring some more of SE Asia as the lockdown measures get relaxed (I hope for you, soon). If so, hopefully you'll have access to resources now to plan some more local cruising when things open up. I'm sure you are already making the best of it and wishing you two all the best! Thanks for sharing. Ced and Kiki, Montreal, 🇨🇦

  • @francinegolbeck3116
    @francinegolbeck3116 4 роки тому

    Sobering but honest video. You are stuck just like we are stuck here on Land, we are all fed up and frustrated but just have to hang in there, Certainly the southern route is best for you, you can deal with the weather using the best available weather forecasts, plus you can hop from one Island to the next until you get to Capetown. Suggest you find one or more boats that you can team up with ? If you stay thats ok also we all need time to get through this, cheers to both of you, P&F Sechelt, BC, Canada

  • @brettkramer
    @brettkramer 4 роки тому +3

    Read up on the tragic story of SV Quest, that should dissuade you from any Northerly route.

  • @alexandrinem5709
    @alexandrinem5709 3 роки тому +1

    Hi guys! I have been following you on your UA-cam channel for a while now, and in real life literally since we are traveling roughly the same route as you with our sailing boat. We are now in French Polynesia, and already worrying about how to sail back to Europe ! I am looking forward to hearing your feedback on which route you choose, it will definitively help us make our decision! Maybe we’ll meet one day on the sea 🤗 best of luck and fair winds!

    • @SailingYachtFlorence
      @SailingYachtFlorence  3 роки тому +1

      We're going south in May. There boats going the red sea route too, so both are options but on balance we still prefer south. It changes all the time with where you can and cannot stop, but the Med doesn't sound easy either especially for us post Brexit hence our decision. We are still unsure if it will be via Reunion or Seychelles yet though. Best of luck!

    • @alexandrinem5709
      @alexandrinem5709 3 роки тому

      Thanks for your answer, it isn’t always interesting to discuss with fellow sailors! Seychelles look so beautiful!! Best of luck in your travels, I’ll keep on watching your videos 😉

  • @MrJudgementday99
    @MrJudgementday99 4 роки тому +7

    I would advise going the Red Sea route, we live in the region and there haven’t been any pirate actions in the gulf of Aden for years. We know plenty of delivery captains in Dubai who have sailed the route from Dubai around without any issues. I would try and enjoy SE Asia and the come over. If you want any more information on pirates checkout the ICC pirates site or the link on noon site. The Red Sea is a wonderful place to sail and dive especially the lower regions.
    I would stop at Djibouti, it is very stable and has good clean diesel, then if Egypt is open stop of as many places as you can.
    If you have any issue with the canal ping us a message my wife my be able to help as she knows people in Egypt who can sort things.
    As long as you can put up with the Mediterranean it is a great way to go.
    We are sailing the reverse way next April

  • @Captain-Paul
    @Captain-Paul 4 роки тому +2

    God, grant you the serenity to accept the things you cannot change, courage to change the things You can, and wisdom to know the difference - keep smiling

  • @rogerw6582
    @rogerw6582 4 роки тому

    Thanks for sharing your situation. Keep smiling and enjoy everything you are blessed with. We are with you in spirit!

  • @sailingmoonshadow3169
    @sailingmoonshadow3169 4 роки тому

    I think you've made the right choice. Just stick it out, ride the "storm" and carry on when you can do so properly and safely.

    • @sailingmoonshadow3169
      @sailingmoonshadow3169 4 роки тому

      Actually, my advice would be don't come "home" - not on a permanent basis anyway. The whole country is "going to hell in a handcart" as they say. Anyway, Florence is your home! Why not just keep going? Once you get to SA you could head East instead of West and explore western Australia, Tasmania, Easter Island, the Chilean fjords... Plenty more of the world to see 👍

  • @stephaniedean7926
    @stephaniedean7926 4 роки тому

    It is always so nice to see your faces. They are two very difficult choices for sure. You two are so incredibly level headed, you will make the right decision. Keep your heads up!

  • @corujariousa
    @corujariousa 4 роки тому +1

    What a tight spot you are! I trust you'll find a quick solution. This will at least be the source of extra exciting stories later aside from the learning I am sure you are getting. The best of luck to you. Stay strong, healthy and together.

  • @james5x7
    @james5x7 4 роки тому +1

    You guys are special! I appreciate that you know you have 1st world problems, but as Amy says, it still sucks. I am 73, will lots of medical issues and enough arthritis that What you're doing is impossible for me. But the most drastic issue we've had here was when people were hoarding toilet paper and we thought we might have to switch brands... whew, we didn't have to. We have infinite hot fresh water, infinite TV & internet access, and all the food we can eat about 1k away with a car to get there and back. But my kids and grandkids can't visit due to travel restrictions and quarrentines, and we essentially can't leave the house without wearing masks. New neighbors moved in in February and we have only spoken from social distances, can't visit. COVID-19 has certainly put a kink in the plans and lives of every human being - but our dogs don't even know it's happening.
    All of us who live vicariously through y'all are praying for your safety and the solutions for your problems. If you could teleport home with Florence, you'd just miss the adventure, so enjoy the positives around you; we'll keep watching, you inspire us.

  • @petecarr9824
    @petecarr9824 4 роки тому

    Very sobering and heartfelt, I hope things in the world sort themselves out and you can continue you fantastic adventure?

  • @pollux4092
    @pollux4092 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks for sharing !!

  • @georgehockaday7584
    @georgehockaday7584 4 роки тому

    Thank you, Thank you for not crying. It breaks my heart to see a women cry. Dee, Chesapeake Bay Virginia

  • @MrNelmo2
    @MrNelmo2 4 роки тому

    Where you are is the iconic picture we all have of 'paradise' but It will be interesting to see how long that lasts if you have to live there, day in, day out for months. Might make a wet day in Bognor quite appealing? 😁 Good luck!

  • @mrhelichopper
    @mrhelichopper 4 роки тому

    Just returned from a 3 week family sailing trip in Denmark. On our travels we met a couple who told us about a Danish family in their sail club who were taken hostage 1000km from Africa. They were held for Months and were permanently scarred by the harrowing experience. Stay safe guys, no pressure to sail.

  • @mickeyfactory
    @mickeyfactory 4 роки тому

    Thank you guys. It is tough! I can't even imagine from my safe spot on the lake In TX. Love you guys. Keep safe!! Believe me, you're not complaining!!

  • @music-man
    @music-man 4 роки тому

    Hey guys. I think its a good idea you stay put I agree with Pete. Dont take any chances going up to close to some of those Hot spots you mentioned. Im sure all your content and videos will be amazing. stay safe and enjoy the beautiful place you are in. From the Brit in southern California. cheers.

  • @fliss362
    @fliss362 4 роки тому

    Svdelos talks about the pattern of weather to take around the cape. It’s an excellent lesson in safety.

  • @fazlurrahman7439
    @fazlurrahman7439 4 роки тому +1

    U may come Bangladesh.

  • @neilgordon8145
    @neilgordon8145 4 роки тому

    Very easy for me to say, tucked away in SW France, but try not to overthink it guys. You both have a great deal of common sense, and sooner or later a door will open. You are right to stay with Florence. I also follow The Wynns, who went back to America, saw family and friends, then tried to return to their boat, only to get locked down one island hop away from their boat in Fiji. Stay well, don’t fret, things will work out and the adventure will have a little more spice when retold (when you are as old as I am). 🇫🇷🥰

  • @Jmmondeau
    @Jmmondeau 4 роки тому

    We’re all getting along in this. Jean & Cody S/V Alita Fox.