I was a player of PWI for years, but have not played it for a long time. (You all know why) But a friend recently discovered EvolvedPW, and it is just like it used to be, only better. I'm absolutely loving it again after all these years. Thanks for the video. I also must say, I can't believe the helpful, and generous players on this server. My Veno actually had someone make a lvl 6 mystical tome (for nothing). I couldn't believe it.
Its pretty active, like 300-400 active obline daily. You won't have any probs finding help with a cave or questions. There are lots of people asking if anyone needs help in WC all fay every day!
I just came back to retail after 11 years of forgetting about this game (PWV was my main jam as a 13yo) and man it brings a tear to my eye knowing it's still active. I'll be looking into Evolved later today so I can continue my nooby Cleric experience
Great stuff and info, but background music is kinda loud, tone it down a little on future vid. Anyways, this convince me to play on the server and I'll say after 2 days of playing that pw is still a fun game and there's a lot of active player still.
Hi Rinkami, I agree with you on the Music, this was an earlier vid and I was not as good with the editing. Check out my newer vids and let me know what you think. I am glad you are trying out this server. If you see me on there say hi!
I wanted to return to this game since I played it as a kid, but the pay to win elements are still worse than ever in the original game. This private server looks exactly like what I am looking for. Thanks for the video!
Jenno, come on down! It's completely free to max out, easy to farm and drama is kept low! I been here 2 years with no plans to leave. Send JinShot an in game mail with your class and I will send you a starter pack. 😎👍
Been playing EvolvedPW for a week now. Well, truly does fits me. Not high rate and not that low rate either. I come to enjoy the free2Play system. Can't do that in PWI nor in PW Philippines.
I am glad you like it here. I agree with you, the rate is perfect. Fast enough that you can have multiple toons but not so slow it takes years to max. 😎👍
Yup, I am. Perfect World has been my first childhood MMORPG and my all time favorite. I last played this way back around 2010, then i came back with mobile version but the mobile version still a classic p2w lol. So I might take a look on this one.
REASON WHY U SHOULDNT PLAY THIS i was really into this server and couldnt wait to try it out! i downloaded it but had some problem so i couldnt make a character, i joined their discord server hoping some admin will help me i had to be verified, so i texted the admins and guess what, nobody replied XD i seriously waited for 1week and no reply xd they didnt even care to verify me LOL so helpfull , i deleted this and now imma play on the official server
Sorry to hear you had such issues Marycore. What was the issue you were having? I know the GM's are busy trying to get the new client and expansion out.
Sounds like you got the game running but couldn't make a charater, maybe the name was already taken? Did you try another name? What was the error message you were getting?
I tried it. Got my stormbringer to 40lvl yesterday. I miss this game so much but at the start I didn't realised that. It didn't even age that bad really. I am little confused by new mechanics but it's ok.
I saw that the base of location of this server is in France. I really wanted to play but since I live in North America, I'm having a dilemma because of the time difference, I'll be missing out on most of the important events. I either have to wake up early or stay late at night just to attend those events.
Hi Chocoffee. I also play in the US (East coast). I can go to most events. TW is at 11am sat and sun. NW is fri and sun at 2pm. Tiger event is 11am or 2 pm. Let me know if that clarigies the times. That is all EST times.
@@jinwolfe2364 Hmm, it wasn't as bad as I thought. Seeing that there's a tiger event, I'm guessing DB players place high in the rankings? Was planning on maining a sin with veno/bm as an alt and debuffers but I was told that sin here was MASSIVELY nerfed.
For Tiger event, top 3 or 10 (cant remember) people in every class gets rewards. So its worth it for Event Gold if you like TE. Sins are still very OP in pvp and pve. I have like 6 toons, DB as PVE main and Archer as PVP, and a bunch of Alts. Give the server a try. It's really fun.
@@jinwolfe2364 I will be trying it out once I have free time to spare. Speaking of alts, do you happen to use VPN to be able to vote on all your accounts? If yes, may I ask which VPN you're using?
You can only vote once per person. Aka I only vote on one of my toons even though i have 3 accounts and 6 toons. People get banned for using VPN's. There is much better ways to make Event Gold once you lvl up. Make 3 accounts and keep them logged in is totally fine.
sir I'm from the Philippines and I would like to try this game as I played PW since I was 10yrs old.. I am just worried that I might be laggy if I'll play this server, do you have tips on how can I minimize lag? thank you
@@J_typoi ooo that is a good question! This is an older game (2005) so it was designed to run on older hardware. You can lower graphic settings in the game menu. Make sure you do not have any other apps opened. Only run 1 client at a time. Let me know if that helps. I should make a vid for this.... 😎👍
I understand the demographic this server is geared towards, but I must correct you about dimlight figure. The proc has only a small chance to activate and when it does it only lasts for 5 seconds, and it can happen at most once per minute. AoE skills will still hit you even if you're untargetable as well.
One of the bests but not recommended for LAN parties. If you think on gathering with your friends together and have some fun at home, it's not possible. Only three of you will be able to. Yes you will be able to login but then the ban hammer to the 4th, 5th, etc. friend will commence. It is understood that they only allow three connections, of which, it is already built-in on the client. You are only allowed to have three instances. This was our mistake when we tried this, we thought that with this in place we plan to play as a group. Alas they only allow 3 connections per IP address hence, as said earlier not for LAN parties and most likely not for those Asians who prefer playing on cafes.
Hi Trevord, I am not familiar with internet cafe's or the rules for them. Maybe try contacting the GM's and have them put that cafe's IP address on a list to allow multiple logins? I know for households you can talk to them and they will allow multiple logins, you have to show them that there are multiple PC's.
@@jinwolfe2364 It would still be a hassle to the GM though to keep on whitelisting us as we have to re-contact repeatedly when our IP changes due to DHCP connection. ISPs around here only offer static IPs to specific businesses. This server is not really for us. But we did enjoy the stability and the smoothness the week or so we played on it. Cheers.
I confirmed on my PC that the game is and has to be on the C: drive. I also confirm that I go to the Element folder and launch the game with the ElementClient2.exe. Y ou can pin the launcher to the task bar and right click it to launch up to 3 clients at a time. No more then 3 or you can get banned. Hope that helps! 😎👍
I think the only pay to win part is the primal boundary. For $20 + $30 cubi (max spirit) = 6 months of dailies? (which is great compare to official server)
quick question. How do you tripple log accounts at the same time? when I start the game up 3 times when I try and log in to my account for the 2th time I get a message saying im already logged in. Could you elaborate?
Ectreme poison, Tangling Mire, and Frenzy are nice to have for both pvp and pve. They add damage to whatever you are hitting. If you use mire u want to NOT use your Metal skills and just use your phy attk skills. Let me know if that helps.
How is the server now ,is it worth joining? How pay to win it is ,to i need to spend money to get best endgame stuff or if not is it years grinding like some private servers say its no pay to win just grind but in actuality u need to grind like a year instead paying to get stuff right now? How is population ,pvp activity? Would be thankful if u could answer :),just looking great server with nice people to chill with.
Hi Forsaken. I have been here 1 and a half years and I love it. It is not pay to win, you can farm everything reasonably. It took my first toon about a month to get rank9x3, but it takes alot longer to get top endgame gear. People are super helpfull, pvp is OK but they are working on more, GM's are active and friendly, new updates all the time. Check out my server specific guides, they will help you out when playing here. Give it a try, it's a great place to game.
Hi Jin, is it still good to play in Evolved? I've been playing Perfect World since 2007 so I wanna come back to it for nostalgia and I miss the gameplay.
Yeah the Evolved server is perfect for coming back to the game and playing for fun. It has 95% nice people who are always asking in world chat if anyone needs help. It's free to play so you don't have to spend any money if you don't want to. They are also doing a big update soon too. Check it out and let me know what you think!
hi about the server, is it classic pwi classes/races only (humans winged elves, untamed) or is it all classes/races? Also is it classic based, meaning 105 cap and classic quests & feel, with none of the newer crazy stuff? i love playing the classic 3 race pwi and even up to the tideborn but then it starting getting all crazy and overwhelming all the new stuff in the original pwi, i'm looking for a good classic (non-boosted if possible) pwi server to play on.
Hi, it has 5 races: human, elves: tideborn, earthgard and nightshade. Lvl cap is 105. It does have Primal and primal skills but no neumas or star charts. It had a Homestead but no homestead skills. As far as pvp amf pve, it is pretty fair and all farmable. Hope that answers your questions
Boutique looks nice and clean, bank and mailbox integrated to inventory are great along with other quality of life modifications, but as an epic perfect world player myself evolved pw is lacking customizations. For example, epic pw has built in pvp ranking, therefore everyone can see your pvp ranking in game so you can identify strong players easily, automatic pvp dungeons every two hours, you can customize your weapon appearance or have someone else do it for you, you can change your character name color and write your own titles and more, but as always there is a catch because at least half the community is toxic or inactive, there are few endgame pve dungeons right now, all current gms are either jaded or inactive, and server is lacking technician+edgerunner class and content (Adventure kingdom, faction battle, etc all new endgame pve). What's my point you may ask, my point is if you could take the good aspects of epic pw and integrate them to evolved, + active developers/gms + scheduled patches + NEW pwi content you could have the best server ever made. Right now I don't feel like playing evolved pw, because the endgame is the same, I don't see new content as I said it is lacking customization or new pwi content, but I will play on it when these aspects are addressed
Hi, thanks for the comment, it helps the channel grow. I am not going to make this reply an argument but I would like to point out some facts. This vid was not meant to entice people from other private servers but rather to let people know what some of the good points are about private servers in general and the good points about this one (maybe to entice people from Retail PWI lol). I have never been on Epic but I appreciate your point of view. As for some of the points you are mentioning, have you been on Evolved? If you had you would see that there ARE custom Titles (My barb has the title UA-camr), Custom name colors, Weps, Wep effects, Custom Endgame Dungeons (Molten Mines which I have a vid for but is outdated), There is a Top 50 PVP ranking list on the from page of Evolved, the GM's are active and are online everyday, there are few toxic people on this server but mostly there are good people, and tanks wars just got a brand new set of tanks (which I will be making a vid of). Oh and let's not forget about Holiday events where you get custom weps, mounts, flyers, titles. It's not perfect though, we don't have Neumas, Cards, Star charts, glyphs and new classes. The Updates and Patches are coming fast, you can see on the front page the frequency and content, it happens so fast that some of my vids are already outdated. It's just a fun version of PWI and I thought people should know why I find it fun. If the GM's ever favor the PVP toxic people (few of them), then I would leave the server and make a new vid about a different game or server.
Just go to evolvedpw.com, make an account then you can download the game, I do the direct download. Follow the directions on how to install it. There is like 20 GB so it will take a while depending on your Internet speed. Let me know if that helps.
Have you ever been to a private server where you get maxed out in a month or less? You max out fast but get bored cause everyone just sits around. That was my take anyways.
Great job on the video. I quit pwi like 2 years ago after 10 years of playing. Gonna give this a try. Will it run in a 32bit OS? How much faster is the torrent compared to the direct download?
I qm fairly sure it will run on 32 bit but why are you running 32 bit? I never did a comparison between the 2 download types. I have 100mbs speeds so the direct takes like 15 mins ish.
Spent 50$ to get my toons with good gear now im 50$ more poor and if I want to get my toons to endgame need pay another 50$ each one to get the boundary pills. Either that or spend all my days doing same quests for 6 months. Nostalgia got me there but its feeling more like a chore than having fun. If you like pvp dont event bother with this server. On top of that they like put their fingers on the game making it even more confusing than it was in retail.
@Jin Wolfe do you have a video on how to download it I forgot how to do it and unpack it from a zip file haha been too long since I have had to down load a private server
I dont have a video on how to do it. But once you have the zipped files. You can use Windows to unzip it or you can use a free tool like 7zip. Then you can just find the Launcher and click it to start it.
@@jinwolfe2364 sorry, i mean. what is max speed in attack interval you can get in your equipment? same question in casting skills.. is there instant cast? like 0 channeling?
I am not sure. I don't usually make aps or fast casting toons. But there are alot of 5.0 toons and fast casting ones. Make a toon and come on the server and ask in WC. Someone should know.
Yes, it is live and active, with people all over the world. It is a nice server. You really should check it out. I will never go back to the original PWI.
I decided to try this game again after 10 years. But dude this game is so fucking out of date.. Just look at the Textures and Performance. Its Fucking Eye Cancer bro!!! I Tried Evolved PW Yesterday. The Graphics and Performance is so bad i almost got a Seizure after 10 minutes playing. xD Especially Evolved is full of little Bugs. After 30 minutes i deinstalled it and now im very sure im never going back to this game again. RIP Perfect World.😵
Pretty normal for pve with orig settings. Like old abyss it takes 4-5 months to get r9r3 set. depends if you gonna spend $$$. Hopping from pvp to pve is a huge adjustment.
I was a player of PWI for years, but have not played it for a long time. (You all know why) But a friend recently discovered EvolvedPW, and it is just like it used to be, only better. I'm absolutely loving it again after all these years. Thanks for the video. I also must say, I can't believe the helpful, and generous players on this server. My Veno actually had someone make a lvl 6 mystical tome (for nothing). I couldn't believe it.
Thanks for the comment Sue! Yeah I remember when PWI was fun and simple. Great example of the generosity. Glad to have you aboard.
@@jinwolfe2364 Glad to be aboard. Such nice people on this server.
Its super super super active?
Its pretty active, like 300-400 active obline daily. You won't have any probs finding help with a cave or questions. There are lots of people asking if anyone needs help in WC all fay every day!
@@jinwolfe2364 Can i know what server you play? Maybe i will play Evolved PW 🙂 I think i will quit PWI sooner.
it would be great if you made some content for total begginers who would like to play this game and not lose intrest very quickly.
i am a new player btw
@@warriortech2230 i did! Search Walkthrough guide. 😝
@@warriortech2230 Welcome to Evoled!
Awesome vid!! Thanks Jin--love playing with you!! Six
Ahhh thanks for the praise Six! I will keep trying to publish more vids every week!.
Thanks for the Videos Jin Wolfe, appreciated a ton! Keep up the great work and enjoy the server.
~ Evolved Staff
Thanks, I am glad you liked it. Took hours to film and edit. I kept finding more reason to add to the list lol.
I just came back to retail after 11 years of forgetting about this game (PWV was my main jam as a 13yo) and man it brings a tear to my eye knowing it's still active. I'll be looking into Evolved later today so I can continue my nooby Cleric experience
Come on over. Everyone is really helpfull on this server!
@@jinwolfe2364 Just wanted to come back here and say I've had a blast playing Evolved so far. Cleric is up to 61 atm
Great! Yeah it's a fun server. Very well balanced and not pay to win style!
Tx for all this info, i ll try this soon, sounds so much betten then the orginal !!
Hi Robert! You are welcome, come on over it's a blast to play.
Awesome Jin loved it ty vm sweetie, weldone!!!
Thank you Sara, took me a while to film and edit it.
Man i love how you do this Tutorial there isn't even a Hate speech that im hearing 😍Goodjob Man wanna play this game with you.
Thanks bro! Come on over to evolvedpw.com it's totally free and a great server.
Thank you Jin for all the information
Great stuff and info, but background music is kinda loud, tone it down a little on future vid.
Anyways, this convince me to play on the server and I'll say after 2 days of playing that pw is still a fun game and there's a lot of active player still.
Hi Rinkami, I agree with you on the Music, this was an earlier vid and I was not as good with the editing. Check out my newer vids and let me know what you think. I am glad you are trying out this server. If you see me on there say hi!
I wanted to return to this game since I played it as a kid, but the pay to win elements are still worse than ever in the original game. This private server looks exactly like what I am looking for. Thanks for the video!
Jenno, come on down! It's completely free to max out, easy to farm and drama is kept low! I been here 2 years with no plans to leave. Send JinShot an in game mail with your class and I will send you a starter pack. 😎👍
Been playing EvolvedPW for a week now. Well, truly does fits me. Not high rate and not that low rate either.
I come to enjoy the free2Play system. Can't do that in PWI nor in PW Philippines.
I am glad you like it here. I agree with you, the rate is perfect. Fast enough that you can have multiple toons but not so slow it takes years to max. 😎👍
@@jinwolfe2364 add to that a very helpful community tbh 🥰😎
@@rgboyshares_7137 Marami ba pinoy paps
It lools like you are Phillipino? I do not speak it but there are a number of Pinoy's here on the server. Evolved Perfect World.
Yup, I am. Perfect World has been my first childhood MMORPG and my all time favorite. I last played this way back around 2010, then i came back with mobile version but the mobile version still a classic p2w lol. So I might take a look on this one.
Jin you are so right about the G17 weapon procs, they are so broken and it's not fun. I really hope Evolve never put the g17 weapons in the game.
Same here. Or I will have to make another vid on another server about this is the place to play LOL.
i was really into this server and couldnt wait to try it out! i downloaded it but had some problem so i couldnt make a character, i joined their discord server hoping some admin will help me
i had to be verified, so i texted the admins and guess what, nobody replied XD i seriously waited for 1week and no reply xd they didnt even care to verify me LOL
so helpfull , i deleted this and now imma play on the official server
Sorry to hear you had such issues Marycore. What was the issue you were having? I know the GM's are busy trying to get the new client and expansion out.
Sounds like you got the game running but couldn't make a charater, maybe the name was already taken? Did you try another name? What was the error message you were getting?
Thats an automated process of verification and you were too dumb it seems to pass it...
nice video...
r u still playing?
Hi franksis, yes i am online at least 3 days a week. It is still a very active server. Come check it out, it's free to play.
I tried it. Got my stormbringer to 40lvl yesterday. I miss this game so much but at the start I didn't realised that. It didn't even age that bad really. I am little confused by new mechanics but it's ok.
@@MH-kj8zs that"s vquick lvling! Ya it's a lil diff but better imo. Welcome to Evolved!
Thanks ! Well a weird NPC on the boat outside archosaur gave me like 6 or 7 levels
That's alot of good reasons! 😎👍
Only thing that we need is no drama 🔥🔥🔥
I can't gaurantee 0 drama but it's really really low.
I saw that the base of location of this server is in France. I really wanted to play but since I live in North America, I'm having a dilemma because of the time difference, I'll be missing out on most of the important events. I either have to wake up early or stay late at night just to attend those events.
Hi Chocoffee. I also play in the US (East coast). I can go to most events. TW is at 11am sat and sun. NW is fri and sun at 2pm. Tiger event is 11am or 2 pm. Let me know if that clarigies the times. That is all EST times.
@@jinwolfe2364 Hmm, it wasn't as bad as I thought. Seeing that there's a tiger event, I'm guessing DB players place high in the rankings? Was planning on maining a sin with veno/bm as an alt and debuffers but I was told that sin here was MASSIVELY nerfed.
For Tiger event, top 3 or 10 (cant remember) people in every class gets rewards. So its worth it for Event Gold if you like TE. Sins are still very OP in pvp and pve. I have like 6 toons, DB as PVE main and Archer as PVP, and a bunch of Alts. Give the server a try. It's really fun.
@@jinwolfe2364 I will be trying it out once I have free time to spare. Speaking of alts, do you happen to use VPN to be able to vote on all your accounts? If yes, may I ask which VPN you're using?
You can only vote once per person. Aka I only vote on one of my toons even though i have 3 accounts and 6 toons. People get banned for using VPN's. There is much better ways to make Event Gold once you lvl up. Make 3 accounts and keep them logged in is totally fine.
sir I'm from the Philippines and I would like to try this game as I played PW since I was 10yrs old.. I am just worried that I might be laggy if I'll play this server, do you have tips on how can I minimize lag? thank you
@@J_typoi ooo that is a good question! This is an older game (2005) so it was designed to run on older hardware. You can lower graphic settings in the game menu. Make sure you do not have any other apps opened. Only run 1 client at a time. Let me know if that helps. I should make a vid for this.... 😎👍
I understand the demographic this server is geared towards, but I must correct you about dimlight figure. The proc has only a small chance to activate and when it does it only lasts for 5 seconds, and it can happen at most once per minute. AoE skills will still hit you even if you're untargetable as well.
Thanks for the clarification. Either way, it ain't coming to this server. No one wants it.
One of the bests but not recommended for LAN parties. If you think on gathering with your friends together and have some fun at home, it's not possible. Only three of you will be able to. Yes you will be able to login but then the ban hammer to the 4th, 5th, etc. friend will commence. It is understood that they only allow three connections, of which, it is already built-in on the client. You are only allowed to have three instances. This was our mistake when we tried this, we thought that with this in place we plan to play as a group. Alas they only allow 3 connections per IP address hence, as said earlier not for LAN parties and most likely not for those Asians who prefer playing on cafes.
Hi Trevord, I am not familiar with internet cafe's or the rules for them. Maybe try contacting the GM's and have them put that cafe's IP address on a list to allow multiple logins? I know for households you can talk to them and they will allow multiple logins, you have to show them that there are multiple PC's.
@@jinwolfe2364 It would still be a hassle to the GM though to keep on whitelisting us as we have to re-contact repeatedly when our IP changes due to DHCP connection. ISPs around here only offer static IPs to specific businesses. This server is not really for us. But we did enjoy the stability and the smoothness the week or so we played on it. Cheers.
Ahhh sorry to hear that. Hope you all find a good place to play and hnag out! 👍
ill give a try on the server, becuse in pwi main server is very frustrating that you have to spend real money so you can be a little strong :c
Yes I totally agree! PWI is rediculous, it is pay for power. On Evolved, you can play toyally free and keep up with everyone. It just takes time here.
hi i just DL evolvedpw but cant log in and keep stuck after i log in to game.🤷🏻♂️
Any recommendation?
Hi Amir, did you reboot the PC after installation? How are you launching it? Did you place all the files on a folder in the C: drive?
I confirmed on my PC that the game is and has to be on the C: drive. I also confirm that I go to the Element folder and launch the game with the ElementClient2.exe. Y ou can pin the launcher to the task bar and right click it to launch up to 3 clients at a time. No more then 3 or you can get banned. Hope that helps! 😎👍
I think the only pay to win part is the primal boundary. For $20 + $30 cubi (max spirit) = 6 months of dailies? (which is great compare to official server)
I agree.
quick question. How do you tripple log accounts at the same time? when I start the game up 3 times when I try and log in to my account for the 2th time I get a message saying im already logged in. Could you elaborate?
Great question Babbel! I will make a vid on that today.
@@jinwolfe2364 Thanks a lot!
@@Babbel-vy4un posting tomorrow morning.
what would u recommend a genie skill for both pvp and pve type archer..pls make a reply for it..thanks
Ectreme poison, Tangling Mire, and Frenzy are nice to have for both pvp and pve. They add damage to whatever you are hitting. If you use mire u want to NOT use your Metal skills and just use your phy attk skills. Let me know if that helps.
How is the server now ,is it worth joining? How pay to win it is ,to i need to spend money to get best endgame stuff or if not is it years grinding like some private servers say its no pay to win just grind but in actuality u need to grind like a year instead paying to get stuff right now? How is population ,pvp activity? Would be thankful if u could answer :),just looking great server with nice people to chill with.
Hi Forsaken. I have been here 1 and a half years and I love it. It is not pay to win, you can farm everything reasonably. It took my first toon about a month to get rank9x3, but it takes alot longer to get top endgame gear. People are super helpfull, pvp is OK but they are working on more, GM's are active and friendly, new updates all the time. Check out my server specific guides, they will help you out when playing here. Give it a try, it's a great place to game.
I will play today in this server
Hi Jin, is it still good to play in Evolved? I've been playing Perfect World since 2007 so I wanna come back to it for nostalgia and I miss the gameplay.
Yeah the Evolved server is perfect for coming back to the game and playing for fun. It has 95% nice people who are always asking in world chat if anyone needs help. It's free to play so you don't have to spend any money if you don't want to. They are also doing a big update soon too. Check it out and let me know what you think!
@@jinwolfe2364 sold. I'll go on it later today. Thanks man!
No prob! See you in game!
hi about the server, is it classic pwi classes/races only (humans winged elves, untamed) or is it all classes/races? Also is it classic based, meaning 105 cap and classic quests & feel, with none of the newer crazy stuff? i love playing the classic 3 race pwi and even up to the tideborn but then it starting getting all crazy and overwhelming all the new stuff in the original pwi, i'm looking for a good classic (non-boosted if possible) pwi server to play on.
Hi, it has 5 races: human, elves: tideborn, earthgard and nightshade. Lvl cap is 105. It does have Primal and primal skills but no neumas or star charts. It had a Homestead but no homestead skills. As far as pvp amf pve, it is pretty fair and all farmable. Hope that answers your questions
@@jinwolfe2364 ok cool, thanks! :) i might try it.
Cool! It's a nice to play, most ppl are helpful and respectful.
@@jinwolfe2364 sounds cool, i'm gonna play it. :)
Boutique looks nice and clean, bank and mailbox integrated to inventory are great along with other quality of life modifications, but as an epic perfect world player myself evolved pw is lacking customizations. For example, epic pw has built in pvp ranking, therefore everyone can see your pvp ranking in game so you can identify strong players easily, automatic pvp dungeons every two hours, you can customize your weapon appearance or have someone else do it for you, you can change your character name color and write your own titles and more, but as always there is a catch because at least half the community is toxic or inactive, there are few endgame pve dungeons right now, all current gms are either jaded or inactive, and server is lacking technician+edgerunner class and content (Adventure kingdom, faction battle, etc all new endgame pve). What's my point you may ask, my point is if you could take the good aspects of epic pw and integrate them to evolved, + active developers/gms + scheduled patches + NEW pwi content you could have the best server ever made. Right now I don't feel like playing evolved pw, because the endgame is the same, I don't see new content as I said it is lacking customization or new pwi content, but I will play on it when these aspects are addressed
Hi, thanks for the comment, it helps the channel grow. I am not going to make this reply an argument but I would like to point out some facts. This vid was not meant to entice people from other private servers but rather to let people know what some of the good points are about private servers in general and the good points about this one (maybe to entice people from Retail PWI lol). I have never been on Epic but I appreciate your point of view. As for some of the points you are mentioning, have you been on Evolved? If you had you would see that there ARE custom Titles (My barb has the title UA-camr), Custom name colors, Weps, Wep effects, Custom Endgame Dungeons (Molten Mines which I have a vid for but is outdated), There is a Top 50 PVP ranking list on the from page of Evolved, the GM's are active and are online everyday, there are few toxic people on this server but mostly there are good people, and tanks wars just got a brand new set of tanks (which I will be making a vid of). Oh and let's not forget about Holiday events where you get custom weps, mounts, flyers, titles. It's not perfect though, we don't have Neumas, Cards, Star charts, glyphs and new classes. The Updates and Patches are coming fast, you can see on the front page the frequency and content, it happens so fast that some of my vids are already outdated. It's just a fun version of PWI and I thought people should know why I find it fun. If the GM's ever favor the PVP toxic people (few of them), then I would leave the server and make a new vid about a different game or server.
There is no new content, because nobody likes PWIs new shit
Jin question if I wanted to play on this server how would I do it I'm just getting back into the game after 10 years
Just go to evolvedpw.com, make an account then you can download the game, I do the direct download. Follow the directions on how to install it. There is like 20 GB so it will take a while depending on your Internet speed. Let me know if that helps.
6 months to gatch up with other players? Isnt that to long for private server without being competible?
Have you ever been to a private server where you get maxed out in a month or less? You max out fast but get bored cause everyone just sits around. That was my take anyways.
defender flaged trojan horse in the game file. Evolved PWI 1.6.2.exe has trojan why!!
@@z4isshuaige some sort of file extension triggers it. But we have like 1k ppl daily playing it. I been here for like 3 years witjout issue.
Great job on the video. I quit pwi like 2 years ago after 10 years of playing. Gonna give this a try. Will it run in a 32bit OS? How much faster is the torrent compared to the direct download?
I qm fairly sure it will run on 32 bit but why are you running 32 bit? I never did a comparison between the 2 download types. I have 100mbs speeds so the direct takes like 15 mins ish.
Hello can you make tutorial on how to gaun event golds. Every possible way
I think I cover how to get Event Gold in my Rank9 vid. Check that one out and ket me know if it helps you.
Spent 50$ to get my toons with good gear now im 50$ more poor and if I want to get my toons to endgame need pay another 50$ each one to get the boundary pills.
Either that or spend all my days doing same quests for 6 months.
Nostalgia got me there but its feeling more like a chore than having fun.
If you like pvp dont event bother with this server.
On top of that they like put their fingers on the game making it even more confusing than it was in retail.
Good points Cringe!
Hello does the server still live ? 28 XII 2021?
Yes sir, come on over!
Jin what is your server ?
Hi Battousai, it is the Evolved PW server. Hope you join!
is this still playable?
Yes sir Amatez, I still play every week. Link is in the description. Free yo pla.
How many players are on this server?
I am not totally sure. You would have to make an account and check it out.
You still playing ??
Yes sir Animeboyz52, you can find my 3 stooges of toons sitting at west Acho! If they aren't there, then I am prob in a cave or on an alt.
@@jinwolfe2364 I will download tonight
Cool! When you get in, send me an in game mail to JinShot and I will send you a new comer package.
@Jin Wolfe do you have a video on how to download it I forgot how to do it and unpack it from a zip file haha been too long since I have had to down load a private server
I dont have a video on how to do it. But once you have the zipped files. You can use Windows to unzip it or you can use a free tool like 7zip. Then you can just find the Launcher and click it to start it.
what about the instant cast and attack interval?
Did I forget to mention those?
@@jinwolfe2364 sorry, i mean. what is max speed in attack interval you can get in your equipment? same question in casting skills..
is there instant cast? like 0 channeling?
I am not sure. I don't usually make aps or fast casting toons. But there are alot of 5.0 toons and fast casting ones. Make a toon and come on the server and ask in WC. Someone should know.
@@jinwolfe2364 thanks
@@iancor9371 no instant cast
How much time have that server?.
I don't understand the question. If you are aski.g how long has the server been around. I believe it has only been around for a year.
Jin Wolfe Ohh sorry, I hadn't even realized that I had misspelled, the word checker trolled me x.x. And thanks :).
Lol OK no worries. I misspelled also!
Epw 2014 was the last great pw private server....
Was that Epic? I never tried it.
Yes. Wish everyone would go back maaaaan
Can I downloaded it even if I'm in the Philippines?
You should be able to. We have Pinoy players.
do you know how to download?
Go to evolvedpw.com click the downloads button, I always just use the Direct download option.
@@jinwolfe2364 hello. Is this private server working? Is it populated? Im lookin for some private PW server since im not able to play on original
Yes, it is live and active, with people all over the world. It is a nice server. You really should check it out. I will never go back to the original PWI.
@@jinwolfe2364 im a noob, i literally know nothing about the game now,but I want to try
Watch my beginner vids, that should help you out alot. Everyone is very helpfull on this server, you will have no problems here.
I decided to try this game again after 10 years.
But dude this game is so fucking out of date..
Just look at the Textures and Performance.
Its Fucking Eye Cancer bro!!!
I Tried Evolved PW Yesterday. The Graphics and Performance is so bad i almost got a Seizure after 10 minutes playing. xD
Especially Evolved is full of little Bugs.
After 30 minutes i deinstalled it and now im very sure im never going back to this game again.
RIP Perfect World.😵
That sucks.
to chose server where i gonna need 5 years to get end gear? lmao
You definitely should not play on this server if you expect to get max gear in a day. Maybe try a game like Shoots and Ladder.
Pretty normal for pve with orig settings. Like old abyss it takes 4-5 months to get r9r3 set. depends if you gonna spend $$$. Hopping from pvp to pve is a huge adjustment.
U can get rank9x4 in like 1 month here