4-Hour Compilation Of the Dumbest, Stupidest, Most Idiotic People of Reddit

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  • @charliethekobold516
    @charliethekobold516 3 роки тому +11

    16:15 did...did I have a stroke or did the video?

    • @worlds2ndbestlawyer
      @worlds2ndbestlawyer 2 роки тому +1

      FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE SAID IT! i was listening to this video and drifting off to sleep, then suddenly.... *DSDSDSDSDSSDSDSDSDSDSDS*

  • @trendloe
    @trendloe Рік тому +4

    My fiancée is one of the smartest people I know and until today he thought buttermilk was milk mixed with butter.

    • @oddeyes9413
      @oddeyes9413 Рік тому +1

      To be fair, if my family hadn't made our own butter and stuff occasionally when I was growing up, I'd probably not know that either. It is funny though. 😅

  • @electrolyteblend
    @electrolyteblend Рік тому +14

    I respect it whenever someone asks for an explanation instead of pretending that they understand. That shows that they're not really stupid, even if they are dumb

  • @hendyallen5993
    @hendyallen5993 3 роки тому +5

    59:32. That was actually a famous experiment of ancient times. A king (forgot the name) wanted to know what the true language of humanity is. He suspected greek, Latin or Hebrew. To test his theory he ordered three babies to be raised without interactions. They were to be fed, changed, cleaned, and kept warm and safe, but the babies were not to interact with an adult for longer than it took to do this, as their was too much of a chance that a caretaker would talk to them. All three babies died and the king ruled that his experiment shows that humans will not survive without interactions with other humans, especially not as an infant.

    • @hendyallen5993
      @hendyallen5993 3 роки тому +4

      He also wanted to know what was better for digestion, exercise or sleep. He ordered two prisoners of similar height and build ordered them to stuff themselves with a feast. After the feast one was ordered to go hunting for a few hours and the other was told to sleep. A few hours later the prisoners were brought before the king and were disemboweled in front of him. He concluded that sleep was better for digestion.
      Not a nice guy. A very good scientist, but not a nice guy.

  • @justinmitchell2577
    @justinmitchell2577 3 роки тому +18

    For some of the teacher ones, it’s entirely possible that they’re teaching something they didn’t specialize in because the school put them in that position without consulting them. Happened to my mom not too long ago

    • @IGSA101
      @IGSA101 Рік тому +4

      It's a common and very bad practice that many schools do. The admins assume that a teacher is a teacher, without recognizing that having someone teach a field they don't know will result in the students not actually learning.

  • @SasukeUchiha-tc9xx
    @SasukeUchiha-tc9xx 3 роки тому +34

    I had an elementary art teacher who had it out for me. I’m autistic, and I absolutely suck at art. She hated me. So she kept her eye on me the entire time just waiting for me to do something remotely wrong so I would get in trouble. Like lose my focus for 3 seconds, asking someone next to me for help, or just being a curious autistic frick, instead of helping me, I don’t know, be better? One time, we were drawing with something that required rulers, and she said, “And don’t make helicopters with rulers”. Of course, a couple of minutes later, I was like, “Helicopters?”, so I touched the pencil to the center of my ruler for half a second so I could figure out how you would remotely do that. This bitch was standing right behind me the entire time, waiting for me to do something. The moment I touched the pencil to the center, not even doing anything wrong, she yelled at me. She even sent a note home which made me have a massive panic attack (Apparently I had anxiety too, wasn’t diagnosed until last year). Luckily parents realized that all the note said was basically “Your child is a retard who can’t do shit and loses focus all the time and I hate him”, so I didn’t get in trouble. I never took art class in middle or high school because I thought all art teachers were like her.

    • @LittleKitty22
      @LittleKitty22 2 роки тому +3

      Some teachers are monsters. I encountered a few such monsters at school too. They do have it in for the kids that have gentle souls and good hearts. They are energy vampires. I know it's easily said but hard to do, but try not to let this get to you. The way you write is very good and shows me that you are highly intelligent. And I'm saying this as a writer.

    • @mvb88
      @mvb88 2 роки тому

      Art for 5 to 10 year olds? I'm from New Zealand and that's odd. Primary school was math, English and basic new Zealand history. Middle schools is the same but moves to world history and science etc.

    • @humanothumqn659
      @humanothumqn659 Рік тому +2

      It's a real shame when art teachers make creativity the last thing you want to do. I had a music teacher kick me out of band cause I was a nuisance with my ADHD. Took me a little while to learn I liked playing instruments but hated her lol

    • @joeynorris3978
      @joeynorris3978 Рік тому

      @@mvb88 dont know if commenter is in the states, but here we have art as a "mandatory elective" type of class/subject thats smushed into our normal class schedule. we had this by leaving our main class and going to the art room for 30 mins, music room for 30 mins the next day and library the 3rd day **please keep in mind i was in elementary school yeaaaaaaars ago as im 34 so im pretty sure its different in todays time lol** thats where i learned how to draw with oil pastels, also figured out i cant draw with oil pastels the way the art teacher did it so it was wrong. coincidentally i cant read sheet music nor follow when someone is shouting a timed beat at me by my music teacher grabbing the stupid drum from my hands and screaming at me because i messed everyone up for not keeping up with the timed beat. I hated elementary school lol i was also diagnosed with ADD at 13, took me til now to understand my learning style and how it correlates to my ADD and how horrible the states education system is.

  • @kranberry3318
    @kranberry3318 2 роки тому +3

    3:52:15 I do shit like that to my grandma almost every morning. We actually documented a lot of them. There were a few where I got mad at her I and said she was rude for interrupting my baking/party/shopping/magical adventure/space mission whichever one it happens to be on any given day. My personal favorite is when I asked, “Do chihuahuas normally shake or do I need to get Taco a sweater? Because he needs to rejoin the conga line.” I was teaching dogs to dance.
    Another classic was ,“Not only is the cat a good mayor, he is also a talented pastry chef.”

  • @director5902
    @director5902 3 роки тому +18

    Reminds me of back then when I was still in school, one of my teachers set me so enormously under pressure that I was literally unable to learn one dang thing and then she threatened me to take me out of my family and into a foster family.
    To this day, I didn't graduate and have a phobia of schools as a whole.

    • @director5902
      @director5902 3 роки тому +3

      She basically was like "Your family is the reason you're not learning instead of my constant yelling and traumatizing you and even putting you, a boy, into a pure girl's class with the worst behaving students in this school so I will call the CPS(? Idk how Jugendamt is called in english) to take you out of there!"

    • @halweilbrenner9926
      @halweilbrenner9926 3 роки тому +2

      Sympathy 4 your anxiety

    • @Chuckf66
      @Chuckf66 3 роки тому +2

      Christ. I'm so sorry.

  • @samuelbarber6177
    @samuelbarber6177 3 роки тому +19

    As someone who loves learning about the Second World War, who loves to watch movies set during it, the idea that a someone, who must be a decade older than I am, doesn’t know about it, like it were some obscure event that happened a hundred years ago like the Spanish flu pandemic or something… Is a bit horrifying.

    • @dmitri546
      @dmitri546 Рік тому

      Send them in the front lines for WW3, they'll learn real quick then

  • @samuelbarber6177
    @samuelbarber6177 3 роки тому +14

    This is why education matters, people. Especially the ones about conception…

  • @jaesermann
    @jaesermann 2 роки тому +21

    Love the dumb thieves thread. When i was a kid, someone broke into my grandma's house, using a tool to force the window open and stole an old decorative copper pot (valued at €5), a bag of peaches and another very small thing such as a plate or a toy, ignoring the very expensive jewellery my nana had left sitting next to her bed. I still wonder about that one

    • @JaelinBezel
      @JaelinBezel 2 роки тому +7

      They probably just needed copper as a conductor for their death ray and were also hungry.

    • @jackmansarnowski7253
      @jackmansarnowski7253 Рік тому


    • @jackmansarnowski7253
      @jackmansarnowski7253 Рік тому


  • @bert8731
    @bert8731 3 роки тому +10

    The story at 3:48:30 gave me the best laugh I've had in literal years. Thank you, Reddit stranger.

  • @bilindalaw-morley161
    @bilindalaw-morley161 3 роки тому +22

    “Flat earth physics teacher “ seems like the dictionary definition of an oxymoron.
    Edit…later…oh wow, there’s another contender! We have a Creationist biology teacher

    • @Lord_Numpty
      @Lord_Numpty Рік тому +5

      First one is idiotic. Second one, not so much, considering the amount of biological sciences started by religious individuals like Augustinian Friar, Father Gregor Mendel, the ‘father of genetics’.
      Also, Pope Pius XII confirmed that there’s no intrinsic conflict between the Faith and the theory of evolution, just that those of the Faith believe it was through intelligent design. Besides, one can believe in Creationism and understand biological sciences, so still believe the Flat-Earther physics teacher’s the most oxymoronic between them.

    • @minniemin1324
      @minniemin1324 Рік тому +2

      I can understand making fun of a flat earther, but because someone believes in religion that means they're an idiot? how nice and tolerant of you

    • @bigawesomewatermelon9511
      @bigawesomewatermelon9511 Рік тому

      ​​​​@@minniemin1324 No.
      It's not that they're religious. They're allowed to believe in God, that's fine. That doesn't make you an idiot.
      What does make you an idiot is chosing to ignore proven facts in favor of your "religious beliefs". (Evolution doesn't even contradict religion, so it's especially stupid to refuse it.)
      Refusing reality is idiotic. Evolution is proven, it is factual. A teacher denying it is no different from them saying the Earth is flat, or saying that flies spontaneously generate, or denying the Holocaust.
      The Earth isn't flat, flies lay eggs, the Holocaust happened, and evolution is proven fact. Disagreeing with reality has nothing to do with "religion" and everything to do with being an idiot and ignoring facts.

  • @eeeb440
    @eeeb440 Рік тому +1

    i had this teacher who wasn’t dumb but she treated us like total idiots. if anyone asked a question she would start using a baby voice (like the type you use when speaking to a baby) in front of the entire class and would say “ohh it’s okay if you don’t understand what we’re doing” AND THAT WAS SO UPSETTING BC I UNDERSTOOD, we just had shitty worksheets with the most ambiguous wording EVER. like we’d have “fill in the blanks” worksheets with no word bank and vocabulary not even used in the lessons and textbooks

  • @nyanbinary1717
    @nyanbinary1717 2 роки тому +2

    Re: 2:51:00, I kinda feel for the person who didn’t get the jokes. Sometimes people, in particular autistic people, don’t get wordplay jokes. I, an autistic person with multiple degrees in English, sometimes don’t pick up on it right away. The “I don’t like jokes that make you think” might be a cover for embarrassment that everyone else gets it and he doesn’t. It happens often and it’s humiliating.

  • @debshaw680
    @debshaw680 3 роки тому +114

    First teacher probably started out excited and engaged and the futility of working with teenagers wore him down til he’s just killing time til retirement. 😆

  • @riannonr.6097
    @riannonr.6097 Рік тому +2

    15:28 regarding the twin part, it’s actually possible for twins to be semi-identical which is super cool. Also you could have a boy and girl identical twin set if one of them is trans.

  • @johntumahab323
    @johntumahab323 2 роки тому +2

    I don't mind ignorance, no matter how profound. That can always be fixed. It's belligerent stupidity that infuriates me.

  • @potatokitty
    @potatokitty 3 роки тому +10

    I used to laugh at these things. Still do. But man am I not surprised by humanity.

  • @rogerramjet6429
    @rogerramjet6429 2 роки тому +2

    49:50 my entire grade 2 class was held back a year.
    My first teach (Mrs Woodliffe) got married then ended up pregnant, and we all spent from lunch onwards everyday with grade 5s, with a particularly nasty teacher that liked to grab mine and the heads of others, then slam them into a wall, or together.
    So because we had no teacher to fill in, we were abused by a cranky and violent woman.
    Mrs Woodliffe taught us the following year by herself.

  • @nellinightshade3358
    @nellinightshade3358 2 роки тому +2

    i sit with my back to a window... i've done at least one eye-roll so extreme i could see out that window.

  • @tonygugs
    @tonygugs 3 роки тому +3

    Had a health teacher telling us that aids was a punishment from God

    • @amarillocowboy6709
      @amarillocowboy6709 Рік тому

      AIDS was not a punishment from god.
      That would be religion.

  • @beastmaster0934
    @beastmaster0934 3 роки тому +2

    At least that’ll help preventing unwanted teenage pregnancy
    Nobody probably told her that while she was growing up

  • @sasquatchdonut2674
    @sasquatchdonut2674 3 роки тому +9

    I had an English teacher that pronounced cicada as and I quote “Kikahdah.” She was born and raised in America and English was her first language.

    • @addyxinwonderland1473
      @addyxinwonderland1473 3 роки тому +1

      that does sound kinda lit tho

    • @Purpeliex
      @Purpeliex 3 роки тому

      I noticed that a lot of people whose first language is English speak and write worse than myself- and English is my second language… the fact many can’t tell what they’re, there and their mean as well as affect and effect pisses me off 😂

    • @sasquatchdonut2674
      @sasquatchdonut2674 3 роки тому +1

      @@addyxinwonderland1473 not really. She brought politics into class all the time and was pretty bitchy

  • @rogerramjet6429
    @rogerramjet6429 2 роки тому +2

    51:42 my mother is/was equally as pathetic as those people.
    My brother was offered a job in Cambodia and I had to inform him of tribal and other wars engulfing the area so there was a chance he could die.
    My mother simply turned to me and said " he'll be ok, because they have security at the gate.
    This is the same woman that never learnt right or left.
    Plus she NEVER, (after decades of violently abusing me) worked out why calling me a"son of a b!t(h" always made me laugh.
    Personally I'd be stunned if her IQ was above 70.
    She also cannot recognise cause and effect. To the point of being unable to see that her ending my life, on one day, means she goes to jail that day or the next.
    Truly A sad excuse for a parent and waste of oxygen.

    • @LittleKitty22
      @LittleKitty22 2 роки тому

      People with such extremely low IQ's always seem to be the most abusive. It's as if they realize that the person they are abusing, is way above them - without being consciously aware of this fact because their intelligence doesn't stretch to that. Hope you are okay now. I had violent and abusive monsters for "parents" too. I've cut all contact with them 30 years ago and hope karma catches up with them.

  • @ericajoshfrench2309
    @ericajoshfrench2309 3 роки тому +7

    I got into a argument with a teacher over a question she asked the class the convo went a bit like this
    (We are studying basic law) and she calls to the class what crime would someone be committing if they were to randomly punch someone else in the face? A few moments went by and no one said anything so *me* “Assult?” “She got very mad that I seemed to be the first one with a answer (I was not a well liked student ) “No that’s incorrect does anyone else have a guess” “ no miss I’m almost sure that tthe crime would be Assult” “no the crime would be trespassing as your hitting them your entering there property without there permission” she would not back down and neither would I and it ended up getting me kept in over lunch witch was when she admitted she realized she was wrong towards the start but didint want to look “silly” in front of the class so I got punished so she could try to save face this is the same teacher who asked me how to spell tomorrow as she was grading my behaviour card

    • @jarrarwinks8470
      @jarrarwinks8470 2 роки тому +2

      She sounds like a fine specimen. I want to use her to populate Jupiter. So then the center of the universe will be Jupiter, and everybody would be smark.

  • @samsimington5563
    @samsimington5563 Рік тому +2

    "Narwhals aren't real, they're just aquatic unicorns." Okay?????? 🤨

  • @amanda5nicole
    @amanda5nicole 3 роки тому +5

    Whoo, video got uploaded 2 mins ago. Never been this early. Dumb compilations are my favourite!!

  • @mrh8142
    @mrh8142 3 роки тому +1

    Not really answering the first question, but:
    In 7th grade I had a computer teacher. She also taught math. First day of school, the first thing she says to us is "I'm not qualified to teach this, they just couldn't find anyone else to do the job." She mostly just gave us online assignments but was unable to answer most questions we had.
    I also had a biology teacher in sophomore year who spent half a semester on lions (and sometimes other savannah animals) and how many kilocalories they need per day to survive. We were just moving onto other shit when covid hit so I legit learned nothing important from that class except the little she taught us about covid and other viruses when the pandemic first started getting bad. After school became all virtual in spring of 2020, her assignments became "go outside and take pictures of birds" and "send me a picture of your dog"

    • @andiward7068
      @andiward7068 3 роки тому +1

      No one was prepared for going fully online, it's messed up millions of lesson plans.
      Not cool she was so focused on savanna cats or that she's just going through the motions, tho.

  • @stanwolenski9541
    @stanwolenski9541 Рік тому +1

    Had a professor in an MBA program, Dr. Knopp, for the first three weeks he lectured while facing the white board. The next three weeks lectured while facing the windows to the left of the class finally the next three weeks he faced the class while lecturing. If there were question he instructed us to make an appointment to discuss it with him during his office hours. Unfortunately he had office hours only once a week, consequently no one asked questions.

  • @Simfukwe
    @Simfukwe 3 роки тому +1

    59:37 apparently ants speak English because it's the language of business, LOL

  • @metleon
    @metleon Рік тому +11

    I once had a dream I was laying in bed drinking a glass of milk. I ended up waking up in the middle of it, and spent a couple seconds trying to figure out where my glass of milk went.
    I also once nearly poured milk all over my bagel.

    • @ablondehoe
      @ablondehoe Рік тому

      B f N
      J hnj😂ae🤫🇦🇲👍🏻w

  • @samsimington5563
    @samsimington5563 Рік тому +1

    Fun fact about the Magna Carta: The name stands for "Great Charter"

  • @patrikcath1025
    @patrikcath1025 2 роки тому +4

    I remember my high-school geography teacher explaining to me how Greenland was not in fact the biggest island in the world, and then looking it up in class and looking dumb

  • @IGSA101
    @IGSA101 Рік тому +1

    21:05 Dogs are obligate carnivores, yes they can eat plants, but they lack the digestive enzymes to properly process plant proteins. They can eat plants, they cannot survive off of plants, and that is the difference between carnivores and omnivores. Similarily many herbivores will eat meat if they are desperate for nutrition, but it won't keep them alive for long because they cannot digest animal proteins properly.

  • @karlzaunbrecher8241
    @karlzaunbrecher8241 3 роки тому +3

    I give most teachers the benefit of the doubt and believe that they teach out of a desire to educate young minds and make their students better people, but there is a handful who see teaching as an opportunity to bully and manipulate their students with little probability of consequences or reprisal. IOW, bullies and cowards. They may have very little power outside the classroom, but in their own little world they can act as tin gods and petty dictators, knowing that their victims have no recourse.

    • @LittleKitty22
      @LittleKitty22 2 роки тому +1

      Sadly they are the majority. Narcissists, ie abusers, are known to be attracted to professions where they get easy access to vulnerable people to abuse - and where they get believed. They love to go into professions such as teaching, the medical field (especially mental health and gynecology), police, social services, caring, the domestic violence industry etc. They know they get believed no matter what the victim says because they are the "professionals" and the victims are seen as "stupid patients/customers/clients/service users/students".

  • @michaelkoukaras7515
    @michaelkoukaras7515 Рік тому +1

    The sun and moon are the same? Lol. I had a middle school teacher insist that you absolutely could not see the sun and moon at the same time.

  • @UnderTheTableGremlin
    @UnderTheTableGremlin Рік тому

    American here. I didn’t learn about most of Japan’s involvement in WWII until senior year of high school. Learning about the rape of Nanking was a shock to say the very least

  • @firestarhk3875
    @firestarhk3875 Рік тому +1

    The person leaving their friend for going back to the abuser…
    That’s exactly what abusers want. To someone not an abusive relationship or who was able to leave one without issue it doesn’t make sense, but ultimately the abusive asshole is the only one at fault for abusing his partner and in front of their kids no less.
    Like ffs…losing respect for someone for being abused and manipulated.
    “She’s putting the kids in danger.”
    No…the abusive one is doing that. She’s a victim too.

  • @RedneckSwede
    @RedneckSwede 2 роки тому +2

    I tried a French language class in 6th grade. The teacher could barely speak the language herself and just started teaching about everything about France and made us do any related activities. I quit a week before they cooked and ate snails.

  • @mrandrews3616
    @mrandrews3616 3 роки тому +17

    The best teacher I had was a history teacher. He kept us engaged, he helped us out. Once he got something wrong and I corrected him. He double checked and when he realised I was right he said "well done." He was excellent.

    • @amarillocowboy6709
      @amarillocowboy6709 Рік тому +1

      I like teachers that realize learning takes a lifetime, there is always something else to learn, and that you can always learn something new from anyone, even your students.

  • @alexreid7386
    @alexreid7386 Рік тому +2

    What's the deal with the teacher and his giant jar of peanut butter? I sometimes snack on a spoonful of peanut butter at home. I'd have finished off that jar in less than a year for sure. 🥜 Although I guess that might depend what 'giant' means in this case.

  • @darkstarr984
    @darkstarr984 Рік тому

    I was held back a year in math at the recommendation of my evaluator when I was 13. Since my parents only ever yelled at me for not being good at math like they were instead of actually explaining literally anything or attempting to give me assignments in math, I did make progress, but I did badly at algebra all the way until my next evaluator suggested trying precalculus anyways, and then someone actually explained how logarithms work and gave me 3 alternative strategies to approach them in college when I had to take remedial algebra 2 because of failing the logarithms part of the placement exam. I got an A in algebra 2 because I was one of 5 students in the flex session who went to the class every time, so we got lots of good time to discuss whatever the section was and go over anything we were struggling with. Everyone else just did the homework since that was the only requirement, and all of us passed, but I genuinely benefited from someone actually teaching me anything in math, just like how I had benefited from asking a question each week for the short time in high school I would go to the anime club at the local high school since their advisor was the math teacher.

  • @tegantalks9612
    @tegantalks9612 3 роки тому +1

    I can’t remember any really bad teachers, but my boyfriend actually dropped his grade 12 physics course because his teacher was so incompetent. The teacher basically handed them workbooks and told them to figure it out and never helped them. My boyfriend is a really smart guy who got first class honours and had previously been in the gifted program in junior high, so he’s by no means dumb, and he struggled to be able to do well in that class.

  • @WaterDrinkingHydroDragon
    @WaterDrinkingHydroDragon Рік тому +1

    My English teacher (in 8th grade, at a German school) insisted that the word "ancient" referred to something from the period of the French Revolution... because 'ancien regime'. It's been almost 5 years since that happened, I'm going to uni this year, and I'm still salty about it.

  • @bilindalaw-morley161
    @bilindalaw-morley161 3 роки тому +1

    @1:46:40…this *cannot* be true! A cavity search by the side of the road?

    • @Chuckf66
      @Chuckf66 2 роки тому

      Wouldn't be the first time.

  • @hypan0vaULTRA
    @hypan0vaULTRA Рік тому +2

    these teachers made me want to commit toaster bath.

  • @luckycl0ver777
    @luckycl0ver777 3 роки тому +1

    Have a good day :-)

  • @kyacameronelamwood4806
    @kyacameronelamwood4806 Рік тому +1

    I had two students in my class who thought that the county we lived in was the state that we lived in. Only one of them had learning disabilities.

    • @EstelleLuminas
      @EstelleLuminas 10 місяців тому

      How old were they?
      That's the kind of thing I would think at 5.

  • @poisonedflowers
    @poisonedflowers Рік тому

    When I was a toddler, we had a break-in. They took my piggy-bank(approx. 5 dollars in change), the handset part of a cordless wall-phone, all of the couch pillows, and my dads dirty laundry.

  • @lacucaracha111111
    @lacucaracha111111 3 роки тому +2


  • @dennytheangel5604
    @dennytheangel5604 3 роки тому +3

    i had a kindergarten teacher when i was 6-7, before she started the lesson she said " many of you write the plus sign the. x sign" this was math. she explained that the X sign had the same purpose as the X sign, ( time table sign ) bruh did she even go to school
    sorry for bad English

  • @samuelbarber6177
    @samuelbarber6177 3 роки тому +2

    Sherlock Holmes would often intentionally avoid certain knowledge so he could fill his brain with stuff that mattered. So many generally smart people may have just filled their brain too much to know certain things not in they’re general knowledge area.

    • @jurj97
      @jurj97 3 роки тому +4

      Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character

    • @amarillocowboy6709
      @amarillocowboy6709 Рік тому

      "Not in they're general", or,
      "Not in their general".
      Please, tell me which one is correct.

  • @samsimington5563
    @samsimington5563 Рік тому +1

    >England is my city.
    I always love those joke replies for how comical they are 😂

  • @jakekraweckyj2801
    @jakekraweckyj2801 2 роки тому

    Someone I went to uni with, during an intro lecture to studying poetry, decided to butt in. The lecturer started talking about 'things that make the heart beat faster' as part of a poem, and this person shouted 'COCAINE! -chortle-' which fell to dead silence within the lecture hall. The lecturer just nodded, said 'anyway... things to make the heart beat faster' 🤣🤣🤣

  • @xlsfd
    @xlsfd Рік тому +1

    54:40 To be fair, I can't see much difference between an absolute monarchy and a hereditary dictatorship...

  • @IamayMizono
    @IamayMizono Рік тому +1

    My husband had the hub caps on his 2015 vw Jetta. Didn't even take all of them, just the front 2.

  • @marlenesamuels881
    @marlenesamuels881 2 роки тому +1

    My 7th grade English teacher didn’t teach and just ranted about things she didn’t like during class. She also said stuff like “only rich white girls with daddy issue hurt themselves because they don’t know how to let out emotions” and “the only pretty girls are skinny girls but don’t dare show your shoulders, midriff or legs” she also excused SA right under her nose because “he just likes you, don’t be so stuck up”

  • @purplemousemajesty
    @purplemousemajesty 3 роки тому +1

    My 9th grade teacher had to give a talk on how it was their job to teach evolution and that they weren't personally insulting anyone's religion because the prior years during this lesson the teacher regularly got death threats from student's parents and had to have the SRO walk then to their car everyday (also got followed to their house over). This is in bumfuq Texas

  • @metleon
    @metleon Рік тому +1

    21:50 Maybe I didn't pay enough attention to the sermons, but I'm pretty sure Jesus dying was his entire purpose on Earth. Also, he died on Good Friday (note the 'good' in that holiday) and was resurrected on Easter Sunday, so Easter is definitely a happy time.

  • @RayvenTheNight
    @RayvenTheNight 3 роки тому +1

    The first one with the teachers is just horrible in so many ways

  • @Peril_Eyes
    @Peril_Eyes 2 роки тому +1

    My high school typing teacher was trying to teach us how to build a resume so she put hers on the projector and couldn't for the life of her actually pronounce the words on her own damn resume. She stumbled through the first sentence and I paised at every big word and I started just pronouncing them for her until she gave up and I read the whole thing for her. This was within the first week of school.

  • @reallyseriously7020
    @reallyseriously7020 Рік тому +1

    The story re the girl wanting to join the Air Force makes me sick. The mother lied and manipulated her daughter and the teacher. And the teacher went along with it. I hope I could have found a way to fight for my student. Make sure she could graduate. Now her dream is gone over something that doesn't even matter now. Non-Military employers don't care about your high school records.

  • @summerdais325
    @summerdais325 Рік тому

    A middle school science teacher whilst reminding people of the basics of safety in the lab. He told us to handle this safe substance. Sulfur. Turns out I'm highly allergic. If another staff member hadn't taken the risk to treat me for anaphylaxis with her supplies, it's doubtful I would be here.

  • @rogerramjet6429
    @rogerramjet6429 2 роки тому +1

    1:26:11 ah yes those chocolate milk cows can be savage things.
    Those white ones with black dots, are cookies and cream flavoured.
    Not to keen on the milk that comes from those that have handle bars though.
    It's a bit salty. 👀

  • @rhiannonmckinstry6697
    @rhiannonmckinstry6697 Рік тому

    "The toilet will work without power" This is not completely guaranteed. My folks have water directly from a bore. You can flush the toilet once with the water from the cistern on top of the toilet... but the water will not replenish because the downhole bore pump needs power to pump the water into the tank.

  • @codychambers804
    @codychambers804 2 роки тому

    The guy that stole the dog droppings is hilarious 😆

  • @That_G0th_Guitarist
    @That_G0th_Guitarist Рік тому

    I was pulled over on my 4-wheeler when I was about 12. The Cop asked why I was speeding, and if I was old enough, to which I replied, "you won't believe me, but I have to shit and I'm only 12", he told me to go and he would follow me home. And that's how I got a warning when I was 12

  • @queenthefangirl268
    @queenthefangirl268 Рік тому

    actually, there are tons of people alive who've seen dinosaurs. Birds are dinosaurs, so if you've ever seen a bird, you're a living person who's seen a dinosaur

  • @rinfarting
    @rinfarting 3 роки тому +1

    never expected to be so early

  • @reallyseriously7020
    @reallyseriously7020 Рік тому

    'Turn it off and back on' will still solve 90% of electronic problems.

  • @halweilbrenner9926
    @halweilbrenner9926 3 роки тому +1

    This is more like victims of dumb people than dumb people.

  • @teacherteacher1863
    @teacherteacher1863 2 роки тому

    Generally, i hate every math teacher that ever teaches me. Maybe except grade 8 but my grade 7 math teacher is the worst but not because of the subject, it was about something else. We have this sports day thingy at our school and i was so lucky enough to not join a sport so i was sitting in the bleachers the whole weekend like an idiot. I was bored as crap so i just watched on my phone. Then this specefic math teacher came in me and grabbed my phone and never returned it. My parents were so mad at me for that teacher's demise. And that's not even the worst part, you remember why i was sitting on the bleachers all weekend? Well because the entire gymnasium was like prison for those who didn't pick a sports. We can't go outside to watch sports so we are stuck watching volleyball and basketball in the morning and just nothingness in the afternoon. After that sports fest, i politely told my math teacher that i will no longer make service in the varsity team. She was shocked because im the captain of the said varsity team.

  • @rogerramjet6429
    @rogerramjet6429 2 роки тому

    56:11 OMG I've had a friend since 2008, and I'd consider him pretty smart, but during August 2020, he phoned to ask a flat earther question being, "why doesn't a plane have to dip it's nose to fly around the earth?"
    So after a few moments, *(cue the Homer Simpson styled blank mindless blinking from myself in disbelief)* , I spent about 45 minutes explaining the relationship between thrust, drag, lift, gravity, pitch, yaw and roll, plus autopilot and air density.
    I left school in 1985 and obtained 98% in aeronautics. Since then I've been involved in a number of services that calibrate scales for payload balancing, on both winged, variable winged, VTOL and rotary styled lifting systems, both manned and unmanned.

  • @user-saraswatidevi
    @user-saraswatidevi 3 роки тому +1

    My geography teacher thought all the stan countries where the same
    He thought kim il sung was kim jong un and all sorts of dumb stuff, its worse since i love learning about counties

  • @melissaharris3890
    @melissaharris3890 Рік тому +1

    my 2ndgrade(could of been 1st) teacher told me that house cats dont growl. when i said that they did, she said it was a something that sounded like a growl but wasn't actually a growl

  • @jessicawidmeier2862
    @jessicawidmeier2862 Рік тому +1

    I am really tired, the one with the cork got me, where instead of sniffing it, he stuck it in his mouth, I just started giggling uncontrollably.

  • @chrislanglois8275
    @chrislanglois8275 2 роки тому +1

    30:48 my friend matt went to college did pretty well but hed need help often none of his teachers paid him near enough attention in any grade, no matter how much he asked for help. so in college he started to burn out 1/2 way thru cuz he had to take more than 1 course and the 2nd yr he tried the teachers absolutely ignored him, he no longer existed. his dad told him 1st time its u, 2nd time its their fault, also known as fool me once shame on me fool me twice shame on u. he has ADD and a few other issues. point being theres too much ur required to do in college, u can burn urself out. this also being from what a smart friend of mine currently in college with any mental or learning issues, even still its sometimes too much for her. shes not a genius but shes more than smart enough to pass college the issue is the required material in the tiny amount of time :/

  • @davtill1905
    @davtill1905 2 роки тому

    The guy fighting the bear. The was the real Kung-Fu panda.

  • @samsimington5563
    @samsimington5563 Рік тому +1

    Easy question to answer, too many stories for me to answer it with

  • @Ethanisbacknot
    @Ethanisbacknot 3 роки тому +1

    4:44 similar things happened to me too no calculators at all,and if I didn’t show my work I would get half the normal grade, it was so annoying.

  • @LilQuade
    @LilQuade Рік тому +1

    2:56:03 I do this jokingly (I'm actually gay) But it's so odd hearing people call everything gay. Technically, gay means happy, so they're calling all of that stuff happy? It's honestly funny at this point

  • @ironwolf56
    @ironwolf56 Рік тому

    57:49 you know in fairness to the student asking, I had an instructor in college who told us to do the "odd numbered" problems on an assignment and the next class was ranting at us for not doing what he actually meant which was like 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 9 so it's possible he had an incident like that happen as well and wanted to avoid it again.

  • @oddeyes9413
    @oddeyes9413 Рік тому

    Had someone with a PHD try and tell me that Latin was a made up language that only existed for a little over a century and that I was, and I quote: *"a stupid woman who didn't know anything"* I was literally speaking Latin and we were doing a history lesson on Rome.... I hated that class so much. 😒
    btw: he was thinking about Esperanto, and lost his shit when someone explained that. He was only a teacher at my university for a semester. 🎉

  • @evanlangnes2700
    @evanlangnes2700 2 роки тому +1

    My female physics teach claimed physics was to complex for girls because girls where biologically dumber the boys. She the only called on boys, docked all the girls grades by 10% and spent her first two weeks complaining on the phone to a poster making company that they used the wrong pigeon on the banner they made for her pigeon racing team.

  • @samuelbarber6177
    @samuelbarber6177 3 роки тому +1

    2:57:57 I’d like to see her watch The Prestige. Or an old Doctor Who story (preferably 1989’s Survival, that episode is confusing as heck).

  • @riazmiah2327
    @riazmiah2327 3 роки тому +2

    I’m really early today

  • @addyxinwonderland1473
    @addyxinwonderland1473 3 роки тому


  • @alecmagill5337
    @alecmagill5337 Рік тому

    I like the person who tried to be ambiguous and said “a French province of canada” I really struggled to figure out which province that was

  • @PlebianGorilla
    @PlebianGorilla 2 роки тому +1

    Identical twins of opposite gender is possible, though. Very, very rare. But possible.

  • @actually_zer
    @actually_zer 2 роки тому

    I had an English teacher that was very good in english but we were the last class he had because he retired the next year. The last few months you could really notice he just wanted to be done with teaching. The last exam we had was graded with „good“ and „not good“

  • @dre1978
    @dre1978 3 роки тому +1

    I had an art teacher in middle school that ALWAYS had us draw in circles, if we needed a base color we'd have to draw the whole thing in circle motions. If we didn't she'd down grade us for quality

  • @mysteryminx2619
    @mysteryminx2619 3 роки тому

    Someone broke into our car once in order to steal mediocre factory issue cassette deck (it was the late 80s). Next morning, radio'/cassette still there with the hook up wires were pulled out from under dash, Still works. So instead they stole the knobs and the posts from the interior door locks. We just sat there, and then laughed like hell. Never replaced either.

  • @mileytharp6590
    @mileytharp6590 2 роки тому

    My Science teacher said snakes don’t have backbones

  • @hwgray
    @hwgray 2 роки тому

    13:33 The Magna Carta granted privileges to the barons. It didn't grant shit to the people.

  • @Lunabug2021
    @Lunabug2021 3 роки тому +1

    1:46:00 had me laughing my butt off 🤣

  • @jackb7494
    @jackb7494 Рік тому

    The Indiana teacher stories hurts my Indiana soul😢

  • @chatcat4168
    @chatcat4168 Рік тому +1

    3:17:55 I'ma need a vocab list to understand this entire post

  • @Tirats63
    @Tirats63 Рік тому

    When I went to high school(I think I was 15/16 years old atm) I was in home economics, we supposed to bake something can’t remember what we were baking, so I was waiting for the oven to finish pre heating. My teacher asked me why didn’t I put the item in the oven, i told her why. I’m thinking she’s going to be like great job I was testing you, nope she had a look on her face like she didn’t know you supposed to pre heat your oven before you bake your food

  • @reasonsvoice8554
    @reasonsvoice8554 3 роки тому +1

    Ive had it raining out the front of my house but not out the back
    So raining and not raining
    Kid was right