Hi Denny. Thanks for sharing your amazing collection - really appreciate it 😊. That orange CP Air brought so many memories. Only collectors like you and old timers like me remember that plane. The Spirit of Canadian airplane is a mystery. My brother in law who lives in MTL collects planes. I will ask him about it and see if he knows. By the way I saw the same plane on EBay asking for $129US for it. The seller is from Hong Kong. If I come across any information about it I will let you know. ✋
Kitchee Tam Thanks for watching and your support 🙏☺️ I am glad my vlog brought you some memories 👍🏻 Those signature on the CP plane may possibly from Hockey Players or someone related to sports in Canada 🇨🇦? But can’t confirm 😅 Thank you
@@Denman826 Hey Denny. It appears that the signatures are from employees of Canadian Airlines. I can’t confirm but take a look: 1. airodyssey.net/2010/05/01/tvc-canadian-signatures/amp/ 2. There’s also a newsletter called the NetLetter, about the aviation news of Canada: “Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CPAir, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.” Maybe you can find more info about it. I got a few more pictures to share but too bad I can’t do it on UA-cam. I think the first link above should be good enough.
Hello Denny thanks for sharing nice collection 👍👍💕💖💪💪😍🥰🙋♀️
Tammy Leung Thanks for watching and your support 🙏☺️
Wow 原來你有好多飛機 ✈️ collection 好靚👍 大開眼界有深深的回憶, thanks for sharing 🙏
Lisa Ho 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ 係呀有時睇吓呢啲飛機✈️都勾起好多回憶 👍🏻
丹尼晚上好,每个人都有自己的喜好,你的喜好是飛機,跟網友們分享,謝謝你。我對這方面不熟悉。Good night Denny 🙏👍✌️
@Wayne Leung 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ 雖然你不熟悉這方面但都收看支持、非常感謝 🙇♂️Have a Good Night
Raymond Yu 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ 係呀呢啲飛機模型收藏都帶俾我好多回憶 , 今次藉着拍片又好似每隻攞出嚟抹乾淨 😉
大開眼界 Bravo
@Frances 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️
Rosanna Wong 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ 我自己真係好鍾意飛機✈️ 所以選擇之前喺航空公司做都係其中一個原因 😉
@Rosanna 👍🏻👍🏻
非常喜歡這一集 ,你的多年珍藏精品飛機模型,令人大開眼界, 嘆為觀止,加上你詳盡的講解,真的 獲益良多 ,謝謝Denny的 慷慨分享👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏。
Peggy Lam 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ 感謝您喜歡我嘅分享。因為呢啲比較另類嘅題材影片未必咁多人會揀黎睇、所以好多謝你欣賞我嘅製作 🙇♂️
@@Denman826 另類題材只要有內涵有趣味就一定受歡迎,Denny继續發掘新題材,支持你👍
@Peggy Thank you 多謝支持 🙏
好正,好靚!大開眼界。難得重有導赏员介紹 😂,我們大飽眼福。
HO HO 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ 我都有儲一啲航空公司啤牌..不過唔多 😉
Eye opener! Thank u for sharing ur collection. I hope u can showcase in an exhibition in the future. 🛩
Lynn Ian Thanks for watching and your support 🙏☺️ 👍🏻😉
Denman 多謝分享👍
Peter Hon 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️
Ying C 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️
Wai Ming Wong 多謝你的收看同埋支持 🙏☺️
Nice collection
B T Thanks for watching and your support 🙏☺️
大開眼界👀依家冇得飛 睇下飛機✈️模型都好開心😃 另外感謝你的分享👍🏼👍🏼
2407 yiyi 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️
King Ying 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ 感謝欣賞我嘅用心製作、特別係嗰條飛機餐影片 🙇♂️
dare2speed 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ 除咗飛機模型我都儲巴士,而家仲開始學人玩 Bearbrick 100% 😅
Kiki Li 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ 原來你同你老公係青梅竹馬😉 咁其實港龍航空對你倆來講都有一個好大嘅意義喎、依家佢哋結束左真係好可惜 😰 希望航空業可以撐住啦。而家都唔知要等到幾時先至可以再坐飛機✈️
Carmen Hong 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️
Good day Denny, 原耒你有这么多模型飛機,多謝你的分享。我也有幾個模型飛機,因为有家庭成員一直在航空業服務,亦曾在国泰做了多年。很感觸港龍和 Canadian airline 先後関閉。
@Phyllis 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ 唔知你家庭成員係唔係喺多倫多國泰做呢?如果係我應該會認識 😉
我坐過,国泰三星式,加航 DC 10 , 727, 737 , 747 ,777 , 蘇聯制的尹流申,
@nigelwongable 都很多啊👍🏻
Denny, 好鍾意果幾隻 Hello Kitty 模型飛機呀,仲有冇得賣同埋邊到買?🙏😜
Mandy Wong 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ 我都唔係好記得我嗰隻係邊度買 ? 不過喺香港有幾間賣飛機模型嘅公司 其中一間叫做西幹線飛機專門店、 你可以喺Facebook揾吓佢哋啲資料,都可能有得賣。不過如果坐長榮嘅 Hello Kitty 機就一定買到。另外我都見 Carousell 都有人賣二手嘅。😉👌👍🏻
@@Denman826 Thank you very much.
Mandy Wong 如果你係 Hello Kitty Fans 定要試吓佢哋嘅 Sarino 飛機 ✈️ 😉
@@Denman826 收到🙋♀️🙏
Nina Tang 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ 係呀我當時喺國泰做、都可以用員工價錢平啲買到啲國泰飛機模型 😉👌
空爺 👍👍👍👍👍👍
大仙得助 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️
我都有Eva air嗰隻Hello Kitty飛機🥳
AA CC 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ 長榮航空有好多款唔同嘅 Sarino 飛機✈️ 你嗰隻係唔係同我一樣款呀?
國泰60週年果套真係好正,如果佢出1:200 就好喇。🥺
以前細個去東南亞旅行坐國泰嘅話基本上都係坐L1011。不過都無乜印象lu 🤣
Kenneth Mar 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ 呢條片年拍攝、剪接、配樂及上字幕都用咗四日時間😉 不過最緊要觀眾朋友睇得的開心🥳 因為我都想我個頻道有多啲唔同嘅影片題材。我都只係記得我第一次搭飛機係去菲律賓馬尼拉 🤣
Denny 我同你一樣很喜歡飛機餐, 看見派餐就很開心, 提起 Dragonair 何止心酸, 心情無法形容💔💔💔💔💔
Tam Tam 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ 係呀我坐飛機都好期待食飛機餐 ✈️ 真係唔知幾時再可以喺飛機上面食飛機餐...希望今年年底先可以啦 😅
Those signatures on Canadian Airline DC-10 are employee’s own signature. It represents that the airline is employee owned.
J M Thanks for watching and support 🙏☺️ appreciate your feedback and letting me know 👌👍🏻
KOO Jacbby 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ 嘩好特別 ... 半島 I like 👍🏻 不過 Paris 半島應該好貴 🤣
犀利 幾乎包羅萬有
我覺得除了747之外 在我心目中最靚嘅應該係法國和英國合作製造的 和諧客機 .
@Michael Low 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ Concorde 模型我都有、另外我都覺得 A-380 都係一個比較經典嘅製作、但係就無747咁多款式型號。
@@Denman826 我好似幾個月前有上傳過我公司收藏的飛機模型給您分享!
2020農曆新年從洛杉磯到台北也是無意中坐長榮航空最後一班 Hello Kitty 最好笑這班機廁
紙已經沒有印Hello Kitty logo 可能俾乘客順手牽羊次數太多. 空姐多送一雙拖鞋同埋枕頭留
@Michae 係呀...你之前有send過你公司的大隻飛機✈️收藏俾我睇 👌😉 除咗Hello Kitty我仲好鍾意長榮商務艙個鼎泰豐小籠包、雖然無喺餐廳食咁正、但在30,000尺高空食都零舍唔同 👍🏻
@@Denman826 三萬八千呎高空仲可以品嚐龍蝦大餐 提供小籠包只可以從台北飛北美洲先至有 可惜每次都係777ER 我諗因為長空長途飛行機種不多.
我心目中到目前為止長榮航空公司商務艙絕對係THE BEST transpacific airline's.
@Michael 非常認同 👍🏻✈️ 我只係坐過佢哋香港-台北-東京嘅商務艙都覺得超正 👍🏻 下次返加拿大🇨🇦都會試吓用長榮 👌😉
曾文鍵 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️
Do you have any Pacmin models?
Mr Wade Thanks for watching 🙏☺️ I don’t have any Pacmin Models .. 😅
I want bus next video
Benny Cheung Thanks for watching and your support 🙏☺️ My bus collection is not as many as airplane ✈️ 😅 will see if I manage to do a vlog on that
對飛機模型冇乜認識But anyway thanks for sharing
W h 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ Thank you
講漏了 767, 和国內一些不知型号羅旋長飛机。
@nigelwongable 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ 對呀😉我不是每款飛機模型都有收集😅
Hi Denny. Thanks for sharing your amazing collection - really appreciate it 😊.
That orange CP Air brought so many memories. Only collectors like you and old timers like me remember that plane.
The Spirit of Canadian airplane is a mystery. My brother in law who lives in MTL collects planes. I will ask him about it and see if he knows. By the way I saw the same plane on EBay asking for $129US for it. The seller is from Hong Kong. If I come across any information about it I will let you know. ✋
Kitchee Tam Thanks for watching and your support 🙏☺️ I am glad my vlog brought you some memories 👍🏻 Those signature on the CP plane may possibly from Hockey Players or someone related to sports in Canada 🇨🇦? But can’t confirm 😅 Thank you
@@Denman826 Hey Denny. It appears that the signatures are from employees of Canadian Airlines. I can’t confirm but take a look:
1. airodyssey.net/2010/05/01/tvc-canadian-signatures/amp/
2. There’s also a newsletter called the NetLetter, about the aviation news of Canada:
“Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CPAir, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.”
Maybe you can find more info about it.
I got a few more pictures to share but too bad I can’t do it on UA-cam. I think the first link above should be good enough.
@Kitchee Tam Thanks for finding the info for me.. you’re right those signature are from some key employees of Canadian airlines 👍🏻😉
@@Denman826 You are welcome 🙋♂️
Elle Elle 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ 係呀我之前嘅幾份工作都係旅遊同航空業有關 😉 而家就全時間投入左做UA-cam
你一定会識得我们的老朋友 Sunny , 不方便講姓,他太太是國泰空姐。
哈哈,airchina 真係好膠
Alan Leung 多謝收看及留言支持 🙏☺️ 🤣🤣