Well that was a great video for a rainy, hot July 15th. Love it. It reminds me of Muskoka, Ontario, which is about 2.5 hours north of where we live and where we used to go camping. Lush and green and lots of water. Thanks, Inspector Lucy seems to also approve of your hard work. 😎🇨🇦😎
I think this is one of my most favorite videos. You guys have done in a long time. I enjoy each and everyone of your videos but some more than others. This definitely goes in the top three. You look like you had such a good day and it wasn’t real stressful and real hard. Maybe that’s what it was. Y’all keep making videos and I’ll continue to watch. Good luck, girls!
Love the long video !!! I see Supervisor Miss Lucy was inspecting before you to make sure it was okay to work. Miss Lucy always looks out for Kim and Jen !!!!
Hi gal's. Do I remember correctly that you got Lucy as a rescue dog? If so, how could anyone want to turn their back on such a smart and beautiful young lady? Thank you both very much for the love that you have for Lucy, and the reason that she pokes her nose into everything is her way of giving you her love in return by making sure that there are no critters around to hurt you. Best wishes to you all and I hope that you have a very happy Christmas and safe new year. And Jeff, you can tag along too, ha. Sue, mum from Adelaide, South Australia 🇦🇺
I watched Kenislovas the other day his potato rake is massive. Maybe keep a look out for one like that or get one made by a blacksmith? It would definitely make a big difference with leaves and pine needles. Great video, as always. Keep safe out there👍
You should come to Hamilton Ontario Canada 🇨🇦 if you love waterfalls. We are the capital of waterfalls with over 100 falls. Unfortunately, some are on private property. But a lot to see.
If your mic’s are the same type as I have for my iPhone, when you turn them on, if you press the on button one press at a time instead of holding the button in, it swaps the settings over, if I turn mine on and press it 3 times so on third setting it echoes, maybe check what setting the mic is on, first or second setting works best on mine.
To begin with I thought Mum was in a Culvert! I wondered what she'd done to Jen to be in there? Great Video I was wondering if you added a spade to your weapons if that would help? just a thought!
Hi there! Been subbed for a few months and love your vids! You probably get asked this a lot so apologies in advance but my wife fell in love with Lucy - what breed is she? Keep having fun.
We’re glad she loved her as much as we do! We aren’t entirely sure of her breed. She is a mix of breeds. We found her wandering the side of the road one day about three years ago and she was slightly still a puppy. She definitely has some pitbull. We think maybe lab. The south is notorious for people not spaying and nurturing animals so mix animals and stray and animals dumped is a major issue. Lots of our rescue animals get sent to the north to be adopted.
Lucy would have to stay home alone all day so we started taking her so she could enjoy the outdoors. Plus she can look for animals for us so we feel protected when she is with us
I love seeing the natural waterfalls and beautiful scenery. Thank you.
Way to go ladies! Helping the flow of water one culvert at a time!
Lucy is the cleanest water dog I've ever seen. She walks so carefully.
Yes, Jeff is also a big help to you two ladies. Love that you bring Lucy !❤
That a great video ❤❤❤❤❤
Thanks so much for sharing that piece of history with us; we have Choctaw in my family, and they were the original code talkers, before the Navaho!!!
Very cool!
I have Cherokee in my family and this is the first time I’ve seen a part of the Trail of Tears
Aloha 🌺 Looks like you're way out in the boonies! Good job explaining each situation to us. Thank you Ladies! 🌺🥰💐💖
Well that was a great video for a rainy, hot July 15th. Love it. It reminds me of Muskoka, Ontario, which is about 2.5 hours north of where we live and where we used to go camping. Lush and green and lots of water. Thanks, Inspector Lucy seems to also approve of your hard work. 😎🇨🇦😎
I think this is one of my most favorite videos. You guys have done in a long time. I enjoy each and everyone of your videos but some more than others. This definitely goes in the top three. You look like you had such a good day and it wasn’t real stressful and real hard. Maybe that’s what it was. Y’all keep making videos and I’ll continue to watch. Good luck, girls!
Hello there! You had a few challenges with the culverts on this one. Very nice waterfall views…👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻
WOW nice water fall
🎵Mountain Lions, Bobcats and Bears, Oh....look a waterfall!!! 😂😂😁😁 Love you both (and Lucy too) be careful but keep enjoying and sharing
did a Great job 💯👍👍
Love mom's echo,sounds Kool lol.
Hello ladies North Carolina alive and Kicking great video
i didn't recognize the one bridge until you said "and i fell a bunch" lmaooo sorry Mom! hahahaha
Lou has a pretty scarf today😊😊
As much as I like sweet Lucy I like Jeff more. His strength, smarts, and work ethic beats the supervisory instincts of Lucy. Bring them both!
Yes but we can have both Jeff and Lucy helping along!
@@iykyk-s8zABSOLUTELY the perfect combination of a hard worker and dutiful supervisor! 😅
Good job. At least it draining
Great video today.
I think Lucy Lou is trying to tell you I'm a dog I know where dig let me show ya! hahah! Love her sleepy eyes
Nice video, love Lucy helping you by getting in your way. And the echo was spooky, but also kinda fun 😂
Loved it!! Well done, ladies 😊
Great video. I look forward to Tuesday mornings in New Zealand to watch your latest one.
Can't belive youve only 23k subscribers. Love your channel 😊
Love the long video !!! I see Supervisor Miss Lucy was inspecting before you to make sure it was okay to work. Miss Lucy always looks out for Kim and Jen !!!!
Your dog is so smart, hes just inspecting your work & knows whats happening, smart like the dog on family guy
Great job ladies!
I think this is when the Midwest was getting so much rain and damns were giving out. Stay safe ladies!!
another good job well done
Hi gal's. Do I remember correctly that you got Lucy as a rescue dog? If so, how could anyone want to turn their back on such a smart and beautiful young lady? Thank you both very much for the love that you have for Lucy, and the reason that she pokes her nose into everything is her way of giving you her love in return by making sure that there are no critters around to hurt you. Best wishes to you all and I hope that you have a very happy Christmas and safe new year. And Jeff, you can tag along too, ha. Sue, mum from Adelaide, South Australia 🇦🇺
We don’t know how anyone could leave her either. She is very sweet and protective.
Could it be easyer with a spade? Good job👏🌺🌺🌺
Hi Kim n Jen do you carry a shovel on board with you cause that could be handy for those times like this episode 😊
I watched Kenislovas the other day his potato rake is massive. Maybe keep a look out for one like that or get one made by a blacksmith? It would definitely make a big difference with leaves and pine needles. Great video, as always. Keep safe out there👍
Robosaw 🎉😂🇬🇧💜 love that gadget
You should come to Hamilton Ontario Canada 🇨🇦 if you love waterfalls. We are the capital of waterfalls with over 100 falls. Unfortunately, some are on private property. But a lot to see.
Sounds beautiful
Your tenacity is inspiring. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
I'll bet you could train Lucy to sniff out those difficult to locate culvert openings you occasionally come across !!
You really live in a beautiful area.
It really is!
Hey get a pair of polarized sun glasses and you might be able to see where the culverts are through the water.
I love seeing Lucy but don't you worry about the snakes getting her when when she is out in the water and woods.
good job
Jen have you tried some of the boom stick for you sinuses?
Hello God is that you lol love the echo
Kim, Jen, Jeff and Lucy.....The Culvert Crusaders!
Good Afternoon ladies.. the puppies are doing quite well.. they'll be 3 weeks old on Thursday. ❤
@@culvertsandmore -- 😉🥰
Love watching your adventures. Maybe we need a camera to let us see from Lucy’s perspective.
I have a GoPro that I put on her the other day but that video won’t be out for awhile since we are ahead with our videos
Boy-howdy….I thought I was the only one who said that!!!!
Lucy 💙💙
I kinda like the echo. . 😜
If your mic’s are the same type as I have for my iPhone, when you turn them on, if you press the on button one press at a time instead of holding the button in, it swaps the settings over, if I turn mine on and press it 3 times so on third setting it echoes, maybe check what setting the mic is on, first or second setting works best on mine.
Are these flows due to the remains of that tropical weather that came thru last week?
No, this video was before the storm
Love watching ya’ll! There is a lot of zoom going on, and we don’t get the big picture. A little zoom is good, but …….
Mom, you sound like you are in a tunnel...😂😂.
I hope you all can swim. But I guess you couldn’t if waders filled with water. The flooded river was scary.
Is the echo because the cam sound is on ? I'm clueless on tech
To begin with I thought Mum was in a Culvert! I wondered what she'd done to Jen to be in there? Great Video I was wondering if you added a spade to your weapons if that would help? just a thought!
Yes we keep a shovel in the truck but for some reason we don’t use it very much
I like the echo effect that you have on the sound
D Shackle..
Why would you chip at the road
I thought it was road too, but I think the culvert was just covered and damaged.
Hi there! Been subbed for a few months and love your vids! You probably get asked this a lot so apologies in advance but my wife fell in love with Lucy - what breed is she? Keep having fun.
We’re glad she loved her as much as we do! We aren’t entirely sure of her breed. She is a mix of breeds. We found her wandering the side of the road one day about three years ago and she was slightly still a puppy. She definitely has some pitbull. We think maybe lab.
The south is notorious for people not spaying and nurturing animals so mix animals and stray and animals dumped is a major issue. Lots of our rescue animals get sent to the north to be adopted.
why does kim have a echo ????
Momma Kim you have an echo
Too long! !!!
Your mom's mic is in a weird place it sounds like she's in a tunnel echo
lots of poison Ivy
Whats the deal with the dog ?
What's your problem with their dog? That's the adorable Miss Lucy.
Lucy would have to stay home alone all day so we started taking her so she could enjoy the outdoors. Plus she can look for animals for us so we feel protected when she is with us
Oh dear you are right next to a bush of poison ivy
You sound echo
I'm not being critical but I hope you are up on your tetanus shots. You could so easily be cut by broken metal. Please be careful.❤
Yes we both have had our shots