Apocalypse According to Cioran [Documentary, English Subs]



  • @roma0099
    @roma0099 12 років тому +63

    He learned french when he was 26. Before starting to write in french he already wrote books in Romanian. The same about Ionesco, before being acknowledged as french writer, he had already been reknown in Romania as a poet and a writer.
    By the way, when Cioran was touched by Alzheimer's disease he spoke only Romanian, French was erased from his memory by the disease.

    • @trempire7514
      @trempire7514 2 роки тому +1

      Damn, that's sad!

    • @infinitelyconciousness
      @infinitelyconciousness Рік тому +1

      Really he spoke only Romanian having Alzheimer and lost the French language? That’s interesting!

    • @xenomyr
      @xenomyr Рік тому +1

      @@infinitelyconciousness I've heard the opposite, that he was speaking only french at the end of his life.

    • @kostaborojevic498
      @kostaborojevic498 Рік тому +1

      Interesting i already suspected that he had mercury poisoning....

    • @infinitelyconciousness
      @infinitelyconciousness 9 місяців тому +3

      ​@@xenomyr😅 this is how the Media try Always to make a Legend History Out of a vita

  • @tranquil87
    @tranquil87  11 років тому +76

    I have decided to start working on the subtitles of the other Cioran documentary (the one in French) again. For those of you who have requested it a long time ago, I finally have the proper equipment to do it. It will be uploaded on my channel soon. Also, I remember DerivedEnergy requesting it, so part of the motivation to do it is for him . . . I hope he will get to see it in the near future.

    • @cutalin
      @cutalin 3 роки тому +1

      Thank you, I will watch it right now.

    • @heekyungkim8147
      @heekyungkim8147 2 роки тому

      Thank you.🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  • @digibeet
    @digibeet 7 років тому +158

    "I'm not cured. I'm tired."

  • @KajiCarson
    @KajiCarson 10 років тому +77

    I've never heard an individual speak more astutely about insomnia; this man's insight is vast.

    • @lepetitchat123
      @lepetitchat123 3 роки тому +3

      The turning point in my life is when I started to have insomnia too. I could really relate to Cioran. Life is only bearable if you could sleep

  • @rafaeldeconti
    @rafaeldeconti 3 роки тому +28

    “...life is only possible through forgetfulness” (Cioran)
    “When I debuted in philosophy, consciousness was the problem that intrigued me most, on a philosophical plan. And the idea that consciousness is a fatality - that was my obsession. I could say that my interest in philosophy started with this interrogation, and it ended it. It was my essential problem0 (Cioran)”

  • @lepetitchat123
    @lepetitchat123 3 роки тому +56

    The turning point in my life is when I started to have insomnia too. I could really relate to Cioran. Life is only bearable if you could sleep

    • @infinitelyconciousness
      @infinitelyconciousness 9 місяців тому

      How does your Insomnia Look Like? Do you never sleep?

    • @lepetitchat123
      @lepetitchat123 9 місяців тому +1

      @@infinitelyconciousness I can stay up until 4am and still have no mood to sleep.. and when I am in bed, I just keep turning because I can\t find a comfortable position to sleep.. When I wake up I don't feel I had good sleep. The only way I know I do sleep a bit if when I wake up and remember I have a dream

    • @infinitelyconciousness
      @infinitelyconciousness 9 місяців тому +1

      @@lepetitchat123 this must be tough... Hard to Imagine for someone who hadnt this experience. Do you also write?

    • @lepetitchat123
      @lepetitchat123 9 місяців тому +1

      @@infinitelyconciousness I used to write for a living but I had never enjoyed it. Too much stress. I have never written for therapeutic reasons like Cioran though.

    • @infinitelyconciousness
      @infinitelyconciousness 9 місяців тому +1

      @@lepetitchat123 Write for a living means you got payed for it?

  • @kniazchrobry2712
    @kniazchrobry2712 10 років тому +18

    All hail one of the most important philosophers of the XX century!

  • @Cynicland
    @Cynicland 4 роки тому +16

    Contrary to common opinion, Cioran is NOT a depressing company, on the contrary, his writings are an explosion, like Nietzsche, Cioran too was a "dynamite". He inserted poetry in prose. I made a book review on his first work, On The Heights of Despair. I propose the idea that this is NOT a depressing book, but rather a serenade to life. I will soon post a clip in which I will explain his concept of suicide as a way to protect his freedom.
    And I also talk, in the end, about how Cioran helped me with my suicidal thoughts. It is because of him that I am still alive today. We're talking about a writer who fell in love when he was 75 years old (Friedgard Thoma, 35 years at that time), a writer who loved life and regreted not being a musician, nor, at least, as he rather puts it in his journal/notebooks (1957-1972), a poet.
    "Eternal poetry without words" (Cioran)
    For those of you interested, here's the clip:

  • @PortalEMCioranBrasil
    @PortalEMCioranBrasil 4 роки тому +17

    Thank you for taking the time to generate English subs to it.

    • @minodoraruschita9715
      @minodoraruschita9715 2 роки тому

      Un prieten de-al lui Cioran (isabelavs2.files.wordpress.com/2020/01/radu-portocala-cioran-sfarsitul-furat.pdf) a scris interesant despre el, vezi link-ul.

  • @grandmabev
    @grandmabev 12 років тому +15

    This was very interesting and I am so glad you posted this.

  • @dancooper4443
    @dancooper4443 8 місяців тому +3

    I can't imagine what ordeals he went through to come such a mindset. It's only now that I am beginning to understand. Consciousness, self-awareness. The hyper version of them is slowly turning me insane.

  • @hoochi8044
    @hoochi8044 2 роки тому +9

    he always has the best hair.

  • @mircearau1
    @mircearau1 9 місяців тому +5

    If you ever have an opportunity to visit Rasinari, go on the hills alone, sitting under a tree (in progadie) watching the village, you are going to find out the origin of his nihilism, generated by, as he said, leaving the Heaven.

  • @violetselene244
    @violetselene244 5 років тому +1

    Thank you. This was great.

  • @ennuied
    @ennuied 8 років тому +78

    Well, I'm reading Cioran now, what can I say, he was an extremely self-aware human being, or maybe that is what it takes to be human? He says he doesn't care? Oh but he cares so much and maybe that also is a prerequisite for a true human being. So how can a human being dwell in this world of hate, greed, pride, fear and not turn into a beast driven by ancient instincts of survival? Well he can, but then he will resemble Cioran himself, destined to cry out his thoughts as an act of repentance for the whole humanity or as he explains it for therapeutic reasons.

    • @lepetitchat123
      @lepetitchat123 7 років тому +6

      This is why I don't get Buddhism. Teaching people to be self-aware but not the logical consequences of being so. Buddhists should adopt antinatalism, but they don't. Dalai lama is nothing but a optimism figurehead. What a walking contradiction.

    • @ennuied
      @ennuied 7 років тому +8

      Dalai lama is a poor example of Buddhist philosophy and discipline. I have turned away from the likes of him and Cioran and found better models of human entities. Like Jiddu Krishnamurti, Terence McKenna or Carl Jung. My new found attribute for a human being is the will for self exploration, because when you can see yourself you can see others and you can truly connect and stop being violent. It is this blindfold of ignorance that causes us to break and shake everything in the "room" and disrespect the long-established, ego-less beauty which is the balance.

    • @Monster_Mover_Stocks
      @Monster_Mover_Stocks 7 років тому +16

      Both of you are missing Cioran's point here. Life is meaningless. End of story.

    • @elijahmelendez9864
      @elijahmelendez9864 5 років тому +2

      whaleronthemoon-"the will for exploration"....? yea...god bless you and good luck with that bullshit . Heres the thing ,im 23 years old .i plan on dying young no children.my father was murdered . my step father was raped in prison . Theres nothing to explore in this moist,hot meaningless play dough of a planet. Life is. Thats all you need..! dont you see the travesty ? haa

    • @michaelrainbow4203
      @michaelrainbow4203 4 роки тому +4

      @@Monster_Mover_Stocks No, the thought that life is meaningless is meaningless. Useless. Get it straight. Life doesn't care about your thought. You are life itself. Abandon your thought and you will abandon meaninglessness.

  • @Sulyman-ln9vc
    @Sulyman-ln9vc 9 років тому +19

    attractive soundtrack

  • @gs637
    @gs637 3 роки тому +1

    Monumental, thanks for this documentary

  • @ejcurtis100
    @ejcurtis100 12 років тому +7

    Amazing video documentary - thank you so much. Such a European, poetic philosopher in a very literary tradition. Could you supply a DVD with English subs if I paid for it? Your time and consideration is much appreciated.

  • @Cynicland
    @Cynicland 4 роки тому +2

    absolutely amazing.

  • @0xBorges
    @0xBorges 8 років тому +1

    Thanks for this

  • @EwingAmaterasu
    @EwingAmaterasu 6 років тому +20

    The last of the great philosophers from Spinoza to Schopenhauer. He died the same year I was born.

    • @fanuluiciorannr1xd212
      @fanuluiciorannr1xd212 4 роки тому +1

      Did you hear about Philipp Mäinlander?

    • @obviativ123
      @obviativ123 3 роки тому +2

      @@fanuluiciorannr1xd212 It's Mainländer

    • @fanuluiciorannr1xd212
      @fanuluiciorannr1xd212 3 роки тому +1


    • @EwingAmaterasu
      @EwingAmaterasu 3 роки тому +2

      @@fanuluiciorannr1xd212 of course! I read his book, philosophy of redemption.

    • @fanuluiciorannr1xd212
      @fanuluiciorannr1xd212 3 роки тому

      @@EwingAmaterasu All of it? There is no English translation. Of course, there is a Spanish one and the original german version.

  • @kantinomus
    @kantinomus 6 років тому +11

    The best comment I ever found about Cioran:
    ”Le fameux Roumain exilé ose, selon ses dires, tirer les conclusions ultimes de ses raisonnements. Ainsi, que je sois d’accord ou non avec l’aboutissement de sa pensée, Cioran m’a mené si loin dans l’angoissant et l’irrespirable qu’il m’a aidé à surmonter au moins en partie ma crainte et ma désolation devant le constat dont j’ai fait part. Dire que j’ai surmonté cette crainte est quelque peu prétentieux. C’est plutôt un recul considérable que j’ai acquis, qui ne doit pas être entendu au sens habituel du terme, mais plutôt comme une plongée tellement à pic dans le sujet redoutable et ses menaces que j’ai comme traversé un miroir. Cette traversée m’a fait surgir dans une dimension nouvelle où certains paramètres sont inversés, et qui me permettent, conservant en même temps mon ancien point de vue, de scruter mon objet par devant et par derrière en même temps. Cioran a don d’ubiquité dans les royaumes du Mal et il enseigne assez bien comment l’apercevoir le mieux possible. Étrange sérénité, n’est-ce pas? Ai-je besoin de préciser qu’elle n’est pas totale, mais suffisante pour vivre sans se torturer l’esprit toujours? On pourrait presque parler de désintoxication grâce à une surdose excessive.
    Bien que considéré sombre et négatif, Cioran est peut-être l’un des penseurs modernes (ou post-modernes, selon les catégories utilisées) les plus digérables. Il est difficile d’en expliquer la raison et ce n’était pas non plus le but de mon texte. Néanmoins, une partie de la réponse se trouve déjà ici et une autre ne peut être qu’extraite des écrits eux-mêmes, avec lesquels il faut discuter.” (Mathieu Gauvin, Université Laval - Révue Phares - Volume 3, hiver 2003)

  • @raphaelturrasprenger7394
    @raphaelturrasprenger7394 4 роки тому +1

    appreciate the subtitles

  • @AjNotsri
    @AjNotsri 12 років тому +1

    cool stuff.Thanks Tranquil.

  • @adriespumadevenus6336
    @adriespumadevenus6336 9 років тому +5


  • @Extention6
    @Extention6 11 років тому +1

    Did you make these subtitles yourself? Is there any way you could post the transcripts? I imagine it would be in interview format, right?

  • @gregentertainment3372
    @gregentertainment3372 6 років тому +27

    greatest philosopher of all times

  • @DerivedEnergy
    @DerivedEnergy 12 років тому +1

    @tranquil87 They are certainly adequate and I'm enjoying it immensely. Merci.

  • @cosminpopa5287
    @cosminpopa5287 6 років тому +4

    Nu ştiu absolut deloc pentru ce trebuie să facem ceva în lumea aceasta, pentru ce trebuie să avem prieteni şi aspiraţii, speranţe şi visuri.

    • @Jinars.
      @Jinars. 4 роки тому

      Pentru ca altfel nu ar mai avea rost sa traim

    • @bebe8842
      @bebe8842 Рік тому

      ​@@Jinars. tot mori. si oricat de maret si realizat ai fi esti nimic in univers dar si pe planeta

  • @asderso
    @asderso 10 років тому +13

    Thank You, Emil - interesting you have same first name EMIL, like the philosopher Emil Cioran.

    • @tranquil87
      @tranquil87  10 років тому +1

      Emil Sinclair is a protagonist in a Hermann Hesse novel.

    • @asderso
      @asderso 10 років тому

      Emil Sinclair ah ok, didn't know it...

    • @hehno1
      @hehno1 8 років тому

      +Peter “Asderso” Pan demian

  • @DerivedEnergy
    @DerivedEnergy 12 років тому +1

    Nice one.

  • @chakacaca1372
    @chakacaca1372 7 років тому +43

    Short History of Decay is one of the funniest books ever written! (love it) Two of the coldest necrophiles to come out of Romania: 1. Dracula, 2. Cioran

    • @webcom100
      @webcom100 7 років тому +3

      1-Dracula is a fantasy carachter from a Ghotic novel written by an Irish author, probably suffering of schizofrenia.The nearest one can come to a real character is Countess Bathory who was Hungarian and living in Slovakia.How Romanian is that?2-Read some "feel-good" novels Mr.Caca.

    • @alpenlandhermit2181
      @alpenlandhermit2181 7 років тому +11

      schizofrenia. What. I love the way everybody has a "mental illness" in 2017 lol. Society is a joke.

    • @zoonpolitikon89
      @zoonpolitikon89 4 роки тому +1

      @@webcom100 you are a idiot man.Dracula is based on Vlad Dracul(Vlad the Impaler)ruler of Walachia( South Romania) not Bathory.Learn history man.

    • @porcudracului
      @porcudracului 4 роки тому

      neither are: you misunderstood both of them. keep on reading. onward

    • @porcudracului
      @porcudracului 4 роки тому

      @@zoonpolitikon89 nope. vlad dracul is vlad the impaler's father. he was the one that stoker based his book on.

  • @channelxl
    @channelxl 10 років тому +4

    The music complements the subject so well. Any info on the composer or recording?

    • @channelxl
      @channelxl 10 років тому +1

      Regardless as I'm enjoying "Messiaen's Oiseaux Exotiques for piano and small orchestra" at the moment thanks to your guess James Krendel-Clark.

  • @minodoraruschita9715
    @minodoraruschita9715 4 роки тому +2

    Filmul ilustrează in treacat preocupările religioase și accentueaza scepticismul. Cred că predominant este aspectul religios al operei celui care se considera pe sine „un sceptic bolnav de vesnicie”. A se vedea cele trei referate ale Isabelei Vasiliu-Scraba pentru Colocviile internaționale „Cioran” organizate de Universitatea „L. Blaga” din Sibiu în 2011, 2014 și 2015, vezi nota 2 din textul: isabelavs2.wordpress.com/mircea-vulcanescu/isabelavs-vulcanescudictionar/.

  • @tranquil87
    @tranquil87  12 років тому +2

    @DerivedEnergy Yes, I didn't realize before today that there were subs for this one. The French one I was working on I found better, though, but I've given up on the process for now. These subtitles aren't the best, unfortunately, but that's all there is.

  • @ivtinaf.9007
    @ivtinaf.9007 10 років тому +5

    "Constiinta este o fatalitate"

  • @LendallPitts
    @LendallPitts 6 років тому +5

    History as Wiederholungszwang.

  • @mogaiulian5667
    @mogaiulian5667 10 років тому +8

    alte videoclipuri cu Cioran nu mai ai ? il ador pe tipul asta :D prima mea carte citita de E.Cioran ii Demiurgul cel rau !!!

    • @VestitorulPrimaverii
      @VestitorulPrimaverii 9 років тому +1

      Cartea mea preferata e "Caiete vol 1.2,3"...poate si pentru faptul ca ii citisem si alte carti inainte. O carte (un fel de jurnal de lucru) fermecatoare...una dintre acele carti pe care le tot recitesti..

  • @MannvonGeist
    @MannvonGeist 11 років тому +7

    The background noise is really annoying. Feels kinda ridiculous listening to Ciorans words while hearing this sci-fi noise. Thanks for the upload and the subs though.

  • @thisman3099
    @thisman3099 7 років тому +38

    Cioran + 150 mg of MDMA = ???

    • @Lesboi
      @Lesboi 5 років тому +3

      hallelujah !!!

    • @alexmad69
      @alexmad69 3 роки тому +1

      Many people are experimenting
      With the drug ecstacy
      I heard you say once
      That a lie is sweet in the beginning
      And bitter in the end
      And truth is bitter in the beginning
      And sweet in the end
      I have been meditating
      But I don't have experience as people report
      From the drug ecstacy
      Is a drug like the lie
      And meditation the truth
      Or am I missing something
      That could really help me?

    • @rubendamian8636
      @rubendamian8636 3 роки тому

      More briliant

  • @brianw.5230
    @brianw.5230 Рік тому +5

    Is there a part 2 of this??

  • @Paseosinperro
    @Paseosinperro 11 років тому +1

    the other documentary is wonderful and yes, it seems there is not with english sub. Im trying to find it to show it to a guy but nothing.

  • @SseBb
    @SseBb 4 роки тому +4

    Has the second part ever been made?

  • @RocketKirchner
    @RocketKirchner 4 роки тому +1

    Cioran is not a Nihilist but an Anti - Natalist . Listen to Rust Cole in True detective inspired by Cioran's work.

  • @TheAnangaRanga
    @TheAnangaRanga 12 років тому +8


  • @lostintime519
    @lostintime519 6 років тому +5

    I wonder what is this music piece at 30:30 to 31:17 ???
    i love it

    • @yalnacar4629
      @yalnacar4629 2 роки тому +1

      Did you find it? I tried so hard but nothing. Can you share it with me please, if you did find it?

    @MEJ0RVIDA 8 років тому +1

    do you know by any chance what the name is of the soundtrack? (the romanian violin music).

  • @bertukillo
    @bertukillo 12 років тому +1

    my dear friend i have no problems with rom, even i study romanian and i have lived there. It doesent mother if it is about romanian, russian or spanish, i have no idea ibut if you live outside 40 or 50 years you can loose some fluenty.to find the words. thats the impression i had and i asked because my low level to understand the language.

  • @scoon2117
    @scoon2117 2 місяці тому

    Who ever did the captions deserves 6 months jail time.

  • @AleksandrKoshakoffGS
    @AleksandrKoshakoffGS 8 років тому +4

    Music from the film?

  • @mikaelright1693
    @mikaelright1693 7 років тому +3

    music of the film, PLEASE.

  • @AlexCruceru
    @AlexCruceru 11 років тому +3

    don't mind hime :)

  • @paulfiore9852
    @paulfiore9852 5 років тому +3

    Does anyone know the music at 12:15?

  • @fiercedragon0610
    @fiercedragon0610 2 роки тому +1

    How about part 2

  • @charlotterandall8738
    @charlotterandall8738 3 роки тому +2

    The subtitles need to be corrected by an educated person who speaks and reads English as his/her first language.

  • @brngrs
    @brngrs 12 років тому +2

    Does anyone have more information about this documentary?

    • @cosminblk8359
      @cosminblk8359 5 років тому +8

      It was made in 1991. The interviwer is Gabriel Liiceanu who became a succesful writter in Romania. Liiceanu was a desciple of Constantin Noica, one of the many friends of Cioran, but Cioran was pretty enigmathic at that time, he hated fame and interviews, so Liiceanu decieded to do a more friendly interview in his native language. I hope that this informations helped you ?

  • @AleksandarBloom
    @AleksandarBloom 12 років тому +6

    for all cioran "fans" i recommend the conspiracy against human race by Thomas Ligotti

  • @bertukillo
    @bertukillo 12 років тому +1

    As i know Cioran lived in Paris since he was 20, and he writed in french. It looks that he has some problems to remember romanian language, im right?

    • @Jinars.
      @Jinars. 4 роки тому +2

      I've seen interviews of him, in French, and he talks at the same pace. He just takes a little time to find his words, which is understandable, considering the topics he talks about.

  • @Coletta100
    @Coletta100 3 роки тому +1


  • @AzurefluxMusic
    @AzurefluxMusic 10 років тому +1

    Which book is 0:57 from?

    • @VestitorulPrimaverii
      @VestitorulPrimaverii 8 років тому +1

      +Azureflux ..the photo at 0:57 appears on the cover of the book :CAIETE" vol 1, 2,3 ED.HUMANITaS BUCURESTI

  • @bardoface
    @bardoface 8 місяців тому +2

    He had some great quotes but even he was a poser and too light weight.

  • @stoicamarin2733
    @stoicamarin2733 Рік тому

    Ba nu d-le Cioran (post mortem )lecturile d-vstra v-au ajutat să fiți de partea adevărului existențial moral !!!

  • @OtherSideOfTheVoid
    @OtherSideOfTheVoid 9 років тому +6

    long shot but does anyone know what the soundtrack is?

    • @ListenToBigFace
      @ListenToBigFace 4 роки тому +1

      It’s the recorded sound played over a piece of film

  • @Alecz3333
    @Alecz3333 12 років тому +3

    Why French peoples hate now Romania?

  • @likeskin
    @likeskin 10 років тому +11

    It looks like a very interesting film but the subtitles in English are very, very bad. They look like they might even have been done by Google translate. It is a shame that a well made film should be accompanied by subtitles which don't do it justice.

    • @tranquil87
      @tranquil87  10 років тому +8

      They are indeed lacking and if I spoke Romanian I would definitely make better ones myself. As an alternative to this, I suggest you watch the French documentary which I have done some subtitles for (which is much better): ua-cam.com/video/cBmy34jbZG0/v-deo.html&feature=gp-n-y

    • @manuel_cojocaru
      @manuel_cojocaru 8 років тому +12

      +H.D. Bradell they are just fine. I am a native romanian speaker.

    • @jodawgsup
      @jodawgsup 7 років тому +2

      Thank you for confirming this Manuel

  • @stoicamarin2733
    @stoicamarin2733 Рік тому

    Acum îl înțeleg pe Petre Țuțea cînd spune:Democrația nu are un sistem al ierarhizării valorilor !!! Dar diktatura nu rezolva acest deziderat !! Deci numai libertatea rezolva acest deziderat !!

  • @wolf3104
    @wolf3104 Рік тому +2

    This was the healthiest person inside the head. If they were more mill. like him on this planet.

  • @MrEmmzo
    @MrEmmzo 8 років тому +56

    This guy was the first emo.

    • @savancearadu2793
      @savancearadu2793 8 років тому +43

      Besides that is the dumbest thing i heard about Cioran ,you made me laugh hard.

    • @webcom100
      @webcom100 7 років тому +4

      MrEmmzo is perfectly right.A synthetic "definition" of great aquity and accessibility.

    • @vebzia
      @vebzia 3 роки тому +3

      I'd say Mainländer was the first emo, for sure.

  • @minodoraruschita9715
    @minodoraruschita9715 3 роки тому +1

    As recomanda (ua-cam.com/video/9diCFXDwsrc/v-deo.html) de auzit „CIORAN si Filocalia” din link.

  • @hehno1
    @hehno1 7 років тому +1

    stol de vrabioare

  • @minodoraruschita9715
    @minodoraruschita9715 2 роки тому +1

    Dintre (isabelavs2.wordpress.com/emil-cioran/cioranprophet-fr/) multele inregistrări pe tema „Cioran” aceasta mi se pare cea mai puțin reușită. In link comunicarea de la Colocviul Cioran 2011, Sibiu.