Dr. Ahmed Deedat - Reverend Jimmy Swaggart - Muslim, Christian Debate (Q & A - Part 5/6)

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Religion, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, Bible, Torat, Injeel, Quran, Old Testament, New Testament, Inter-Religious Debate, Birth of Jesus, Marry, Marium, Holy Ghost, Gabriel, God, Allah, Will of God, Israel, Arab, Hebrew Bible, Zakir Naik


  • @wasimakram9905
    @wasimakram9905 9 років тому +14

    Deedat has chewed and spit Jimmy swaggart .

  • @suryanaization
    @suryanaization 7 років тому +5

    When Jesus is eating something, does the Father and Holly Spirit do the same thing?

  • @mansoortv3979
    @mansoortv3979 7 років тому +1

    well replied. Allah may grant Jannat to deedat

  • @qhais123
    @qhais123 7 років тому +4

    1+1+1=1 how is this possible?

  • @mazharpavel6149
    @mazharpavel6149 4 роки тому

    😂DEEDATH SAY,what language are you talking its not english😂🤣😂🤣its fire

  • @zulfi707
    @zulfi707 9 років тому


  • @nenassusu9333
    @nenassusu9333 7 років тому


  • @sinyoden2963
    @sinyoden2963 8 років тому +3

    how can 3 = 1 ???
    crishtian made math become more confusing & far from logic

  • @hope1218
    @hope1218 7 років тому

    may ALLAH give you jannah

  • @adeakukesahhh
    @adeakukesahhh 7 років тому

    i wish i have all knowledges in Late Sheikh Ahmed Deedat's brain.

  • @yaanyassbabaasakora5392
    @yaanyassbabaasakora5392 8 років тому

    مشاءالله deedat

  • @umikholwatin7721
    @umikholwatin7721 8 років тому +2

    Alm. Ahmad Deedat lulusan SD min, arti Dr. di atas itu apa ya

  • @herwinmignon3654
    @herwinmignon3654 7 років тому

    Islam love u full

  • @badrbaderm9
    @badrbaderm9 10 років тому +3

    Jimmy was soooo fool and he fell down when he was caught with a prostitute and he confessed that he did it.

    • @khalidintidam6772
      @khalidintidam6772 8 років тому

      he sure did confess !!!
      MUSLIMS do not confess SIN of adultery mostly. MUSLIMS usually do look for excuses to justify their SIN i. general , and adultery in particular !!!
      - now let's forget about what man do wrong or right !!!
      1- God kicked out our first parents from paradise , from HIS"GOD" Presence because of ONE SIN.
      just ONE SIN ,
      2- islam teaches and in Koran itself that Allah has SCALE to weigh our SINS and our goods!
      3- old TESTAMENT and new testament are befire QURAN!
      does God changes !
      God does not change , and HIS WORD do not change either .
      ((( by GRACE are you SAVED through FAITH...)))
      GRACE is not WORK
      by the way Adam after his SIN , he was afraid , and knew he did wrong , so he made him and to Eve his wife clothing made of tree leaves so cover their shame , their nakedness :
      do you know what that means???
      it means exactly what you and I do as we disobey God or our "superiors ", we cover our tracks, .
      have you ever thought about that , or you need AHMED DEEDAT to explain it to you !
      God made us with conscience: meant we get to know the consequences of wrong and rights !
      It amazes me how so shcolar MUSLIMS claim to be , and how highly educated they claim to be , but the simplest think as pertaining to self without outside help they do not get !!
      watch this that is written documented in Genesis 3 for thousands of years , that even MUSLIMS teaches .
      After Eve and Adam covered their nakedness and after God called them saying ((( where art thou ?= Adam where are you ? )))
      ADAM's response was as this !!!
      We heard you coming and we hid ourselves among the trees of the garden ?
      a. they did already clothe themselves with leaves fro fig tree !!!
      and yet that was not enough , they still feel naked and sought to hide behind lots of trees !
      making clothes from fig true to atone, to cover their SIN was their WORK .
      and after that running to hide from God becausd of their nakedness, their shame , their disobedience to God, their SIN : Runnig to hide is nothing but another attempt to cover up their SIN ,
      and did not work either.
      SIN is to be confessed to God , not to make amendment to it .
      listen to this that is the WORD of GOD:
      ((( not by WORKS of RIGHTESNESS we have done but according to HIS MERCY He"GOD" SAVED us !!!
      now watch this that I did not finish its wording to help you undetstand better !!!
      ((( by GRACE are you SAVED...)))
      by GRACE that is not WORK
      ((( by ....SAVED through FAITH...))
      not finish the verse yet !!!
      by the GRACE but through FAITH!!!
      FAITH comes by HEARING and HEARING by the WORD of GOD!!!
      are you listening to GOD or to LIARS!!!
      you need to remember that the DEVIL through the serpent did not trick Eve but something else but by using the WORD of GOD with little twist to it as to make her doubt GOD's WORD!!!
      MUSLIMS fall for this kind of work of the DEVIL using your people all the times , and even some that calls themselves christians doing the same tbing to you all.
      ((( by GRACE you are SAVED through FAITH))).
      none of us can make you CHRISTian today, tomorrow, next 30 years . SALVATION is by the grace of God through FAITH!!!
      I still belueve until today that people not SAVED, not accepting JESUS to atone for their SIN , is because they do not want to .
      JESUS because MAN SIN, and the judgement , the justice was clear about SIN .
      God because also HE loves Adam, Mankind made a plan to atone . that is : God HIMSELF took a body as human to die for our SIN so tjat we may live FOREVER in heaven instead of HELL with the DEVIL forever : that is what GRACE is : that is also MERCY: we did not get what we deserve.
      you may think lots of good works eould help you !!!
      no sirs !!!
      you still have SINNED, even if one SIN.
      and God as with first parents will not take us even with only ONE SIN.
      so JESUS the perfect man , no SIN at all died for oyr SIN .
      years ago in restaurant after I ate , I discovered I forgot my wallet home.
      someone saw me sweating so bad, thought I was getting very sick.
      after I explain to him that I forgot my money home , he decided to pay for my meal I already ate.
      it was up to me still to accept or face the justice tjat is to pay tbe owner or police to come and put me in prison.
      I accept the offer of the kind man I just met that day .
      - I walked as free bird from that restsurant , the restaurant's owner could not chase me to pay again . The meal already was paid for it and had my receipt.
      do you get it ???
      I have SINNED, I have penalty to pay for it because of my SIN.
      no I sure could not pay for it and get to heaven , none of the works will do , still SINNER.
      my JESUS the sinless, the only SINLESS man paid for my SIN, SINS if you are pleased , and the resl JUDGE, the FATHER, the GOD is sp just that HE can not demand another payment !!!
      did you get that???
      AHMED DEEDAT got paid lots of money to keep others from receiving the TRUTH, he sold himself to the DEVIL for publicity , for money , for self pride, for self recognition!!!
      not just him , Muslims leaders has done that for years, and so some jews, and even lits if so called Christians did the samething !!!
      but that does not mean the WORD of GOD has changed !!!
      none of human effort can change what God already said .
      GOD himself does not change himself or otherwise HE will be not trustworthy!!!
      ((( by GRACE you ate SAVED, through FAITH, not of ourselves , it is GIFT of GOD , not by WORKS, lest any man should boast )))
      that is BIBLE
      did you see all the good wording in the verse . A donkey can understand it if only listen and let his pride go to hell with the DEVIL.
      did you see in the verse it is : GIFT of God !!!
      watch tbis other verse of the WORD of GOD
      ((( for the wages of SIN is DEATH: but the GIFT of GOD is " ETERNAL LIFE" through JESUS CHRIST our Lord)))
      wages means penalty
      ETERNAL life same as SALVATION

    • @mohdshukor9642
      @mohdshukor9642 8 років тому

      +Khalid Intidam
      jimmy "force" to confess, its all about money, followers and fame between famous pastor late 80..he been kick by who's his kicked b4..

    • @khalidintidam6772
      @khalidintidam6772 8 років тому

      +mohd shukor
      NOW you are judge and GOD himself !!!
      how do you know if Jimmy honestly confess or not .
      how do you know is all about money.???
      by the way I am.not of any affiliations woth Jimmy's kind of denominations???
      I am CHRISTIAN who is proud that I am not muslim anymore !!!
      do you have something else important to discuss ?
      BIBLE or QURAN???

    • @mohdshukor9642
      @mohdshukor9642 8 років тому

      +Khalid Intidam
      look by urself,its in yt..ur got eye but blind..

    • @khalidintidam6772
      @khalidintidam6772 8 років тому

      +mohd shukor
      what happened your helper is not around !!!!
      I told you there is hardly any MUSLIM that is HONEST???
      no MAN in aslamic faith : they all ru. for cover :::
      sooner or later we caught you : you guys fight each others about nothing.
      sooner you get caught fighting over the cover, the hidding spot: "" THE cave """.
      you may build a memorial place over Osama ben Laden cave: and call it holy place " THE brown stone """

  • @AliMuhammad-zk9er
    @AliMuhammad-zk9er 8 років тому

    You read Bible Mr Swaggart how you want to read! You have to read it in original Hebrew then you will be able to know tha name MUHAMMAD, but i think it will not help you because you are programmed not to believe the TRUTH!!!

  • @irfanbaig1494
    @irfanbaig1494 7 років тому

    Indian peace peace

  • @huzaifahzaharudin5946
    @huzaifahzaharudin5946 7 років тому

    swaggart caught with prostitude...how can a pastor did that?

  • @gatotsubroto9137
    @gatotsubroto9137 8 років тому


  • @samuraibersepah9761
    @samuraibersepah9761 7 років тому +2

    1+1+1=1 stupid bro swaggat

  • @alrojali6542
    @alrojali6542 8 років тому

    person person person.. they are not three person.. but one person..
    are u fuckkin kidding me xD so what language? why can be one person?

    • @Origenian334
      @Origenian334 8 років тому

      Qs 70:40 said your god swear in the name of god who has east and west,is that true your god has another god??

    • @alrojali6542
      @alrojali6542 8 років тому

      +Joy Cristian i have only one god. . allah.
      allah have a great kingdom in heaven. its called "arsy". .
      and allah didnt born or have a parent.. allah dont have a three subjects different or same. .
      my god is the all mighty.

    • @Origenian334
      @Origenian334 8 років тому

      aldy Bomod i have only one god,my god is trinity,he is one god who has 3 person
      He swear by his name not by another god like your god (qs 70:40)
      My god was not foolish the people they hate like your god (Qs 2:26,Qs 4:88)
      My god love the people who obey his law (deutronemy 5:10)

  • @finalworld8706
    @finalworld8706 8 років тому
