Watched :RE PLAY "on Beyond live. How Yuzu finds the stamina to skate all those programs is beyond belief. He's a genius a god it was a masterpiece from start to finish. Never thought he would outshine GIFT but he surely as.How he will get through another performance tomorrow but , we are talking about the man which is definitely not human and is from Planet Hanyu.of coarse he'll do it. Mr. HANYU does not use cannot in his vocabulary, he's an utter GENIUS. Rest well and eat well Yuzu ready for tomorrow you will have another packed Super Arena later as it's now turned midnight in Japan. My very best wishes for your performances and hope everything runs smoothly.
Yuzuru Inigualável... fantástico...
Watched :RE PLAY "on Beyond live. How Yuzu finds the stamina to skate all those programs is beyond belief. He's a genius a god it was a masterpiece from start to finish. Never thought he would outshine GIFT but he surely as.How he will get through another performance tomorrow but , we are talking about the man which is definitely not human and is from Planet Hanyu.of coarse he'll do it. Mr. HANYU does not use cannot in his vocabulary, he's an utter GENIUS. Rest well and eat well Yuzu ready for tomorrow you will have another packed Super Arena later as it's now turned midnight in Japan. My very best wishes for your performances and hope everything runs smoothly.