Defining and measuring our public value

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • While many of the performance measures diligently reported by regulators focus on activity, like the number of inspections or the number of prosecutions, how many of us are satisfied these go to the heart of what we do, and why? When we come to define our public value, we’re really thinking about dimensions like achieving worthwhile outcomes, trust and legitimacy, acting fairly and delivering well on behalf of citizens, and using public resources wisely. Harder to measure than the number of improvement notices issued! How are thoughtful regulators grappling with the dilemmas of analysing their public value and telling a public value story to the community?
    This webinar features:
    - Tony Keenan, General Manager Well-Being and Inclusion, City of Port Phillip
    Tony Keenan has held many leadership positions including in local government and the community sector, and has served in a wide range of advisory roles for governments. He is currently General Manager, Wellbeing and Inclusion at the City of Port Phillip where he leads a range of areas including housing, homelessness, indigenous programs, aged care, childcare and family services, diversity and open spaces. He was previously CEO of Launch Housing and Hanover Welfare Services. He has been President of the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations, the Victorian AIDS Council, Chairperson and Director of the Australian Foyer Foundation and a Director of VCOSS. He was awarded a Harkness Fellowship in Public Policy to the University of California - San Francisco and is a graduate of ANZSOG’s EMPA program.
    - Emily Sanders, Director Regulation, Victorian Commission for Children and Young People
    Emily is the Director Regulation at the Victorian Commission for Children and Young People, looking after the administration of the Reportable Conduct Scheme and Child Safe Standards. She has a background in law and has previous experience working at regulators including the Environment Protection Authority and Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation. An alum of ANZSOG’s EMPA, she also has policy experience in law enforcement and youth justice.
    And is facilitated by:
    - Dr Chris Walker, Associate Dean ANZSOG and Academic Director of the EMPA
    Chris Walker is the Associate Dean (University Relations) and Academic Director of ANZSOG’s Executive Master of Public Administration. As Academic Director, he leads the management and delivery of ANZSOG’s flagship offering. Chris is a highly skilled teacher active in knowledge translation and has contributed extensively to ANZSOG executive education programs, while also maintaining an active program of research in public policy and regulation. Prior to joining ANZSOG, Chris was the Head of the School of Social Sciences at UNSW,. preceded by a highly successful 20-year career in the departments of health, road transport, rail safety and Cabinet Office.