Festival Of Holidays Is Back With Lots Of NEW Festive Foods! | DISNEYLAND Resort 2022

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Magic_Journeys
    @Magic_Journeys  2 роки тому +88

    Hey sorry for the trippy glitch at 3:50. I guess the Guava Melon Lassi was just that yummy haha sometimes late night editing will have you miss a few mistakes, love you all and thanks for watching! ❤

    • @kristenkeener2631
      @kristenkeener2631 2 роки тому +3

      I thought that was on purpose, it was perfectly timed with the trying the of lassi!! I thought it was just that good!!!

    • @jasonbhatnagar7134
      @jasonbhatnagar7134 2 роки тому +1

      It's pronounced "luh-see" btw 🙂

    • @brownozz
      @brownozz 2 роки тому +1

      I thought it was planned, also. Your editing is always on point so it's still a cool transition as she was going into detail. Salud 🍻

    • @SleepyKaijuAdventures
      @SleepyKaijuAdventures 2 роки тому +2

      I thought the gummies were kicking in

    • @teresaroger8826
      @teresaroger8826 2 роки тому

      We do Mexican food for xmas....muendo and home made tortillas!!

  • @Ryecrash617
    @Ryecrash617 2 роки тому +3

    I'm fortunate enough to get homemade tamales from my sister-inlaw (my wife and her family are from Oaxaca) on Christmas. That's our Christmas tradition.

  • @kutenfluffy9698
    @kutenfluffy9698 2 роки тому +5

    Mig Vee's wholesome chuckle reminds me of Winnie the Pooh's laugh... Not the sound of it, but they both give off those heartwarming vibes.

  • @shellwillson9696
    @shellwillson9696 2 роки тому

    My favorite tradition is watching Its A Wonderful Life on Christmas Eve , I know I’ve see that movie over 25 times. Always I black and white!

  • @violagarcia3355
    @violagarcia3355 2 роки тому +2

    Favorite holiday thing to do is making tamales with my grandchildren ❤

  • @rmannayr2129
    @rmannayr2129 Рік тому +1


  • @dianewoolley5439
    @dianewoolley5439 2 роки тому

    My favorite tradition is opening presents as early as possible, maybe not so much as an adult but do love watching my kids!

  • @rmannayr2129
    @rmannayr2129 Рік тому +1


  • @malaiselindenfeld1112
    @malaiselindenfeld1112 2 роки тому

    Hallacas is my favorite holiday dish. Ohh, and pan de jamón 🤤

  • @geekyfan84
    @geekyfan84 Рік тому

    My wife and I have to thank you guys so this video!! I meant to send this a few months ago but life happens. We came across this video and the other one for Disneyland & you guys help make our trip!! We came with our one year old so we knew, just ride hoping wasn’t going to happen & your videos really help make out trip fun and definitely FULLfilling!! Better late than never, but thank you very much!!

  • @angeo3830
    @angeo3830 2 роки тому

    I like having dinner on Christmas Eve with family my son loves the tamales too at Christmas it is something to look forward too festival of the holidays look’s so fun the music is great 🎄

  • @kelleybrand9931
    @kelleybrand9931 2 роки тому

    I live in Wisconsin, and our electric company was promoting the use of electric stoves years ago, and through their promoting they introduced holiday cookies and meals, so in time they started giving the Wisconsin Electric company customers a cook book for food ,deserts , or cookies.
    My mother had the cookie books from the 60's and 70s, so I was brought up watching my mother bake wonderful cookies, from her electric company cookie books.
    So now I collect them yearly and make cookies with and for my sons. And others.

  • @EP-hm5ue
    @EP-hm5ue Рік тому

    Red pork tamales are my favorite Christmas dish. And menudo on New Years!

  • @violagarcia3355
    @violagarcia3355 2 роки тому +4

    You guys are the best, makes my day to be in Disneyland with you. 🥰🥰🥰

  • @katiebarron486
    @katiebarron486 2 роки тому

    Love chicken tikka masala to its yummy all the Christmas looks fab over thereamd.the rest of the food 😉🌺

  • @Chata2319
    @Chata2319 2 роки тому +19

    You guys always make my day extra special when you post 🥰 hope you both are well!!

  • @ladysnowwhite653
    @ladysnowwhite653 2 роки тому

    Magic Journey's hello again!!👋👋👋👋😜🥰. Always love watching your foodie journey and having fun. Love you two.❤❤❤❤💖⚘

  • @danceninja21
    @danceninja21 2 роки тому

    Wow! The fact that it is going to take you one full day to tackle all the food is intimidating! Ha ha that's how I would want to tackle it. I usually have to bring a team with me to accomplish that so I don't get too full

  • @couponbydesign4133
    @couponbydesign4133 2 роки тому

    Love to watch the two of you. Thank you for doing what you do. God bless.

  • @nadiaaguilar2004
    @nadiaaguilar2004 2 роки тому +2

    I’ll be there this weekend and watching your videos makes it 10x more exciting! I can’t wait.

  • @ericaruiz9192
    @ericaruiz9192 2 роки тому +11

    I’ve been waiting for this video ❤ I always plan my food menu in the parks based on your reviews 😃

  • @valeriefischer8791
    @valeriefischer8791 2 роки тому

    Favorite holiday tradition is we watch the Very Merry Christmas Parade on TV while opening gifts.and one of my favorite treats are my grandma but cookies

  • @fernandodominguez7344
    @fernandodominguez7344 2 роки тому +25

    When I heard people cheering “Feliz Navidad” really gave me the goosebumps. What a beautiful festival with Mexico traditions. Do you know for how long Disney will keep this festival? We’ll be at the park on December 25 and I would love to be part of it…

    • @Magic_Journeys
      @Magic_Journeys  2 роки тому +2

      We love The Viva Navidad show! It will be shown all the way through Jan 8th 😀

    • @fernandodominguez7344
      @fernandodominguez7344 2 роки тому

      Yeyyy !! We are not that far from cheering Feliz Navidad Disneyland 🏰 thank you for helping us!!

    • @susanmcallister4912
      @susanmcallister4912 2 роки тому

      Until the election is over I’d assume :-)

  • @abzzymom
    @abzzymom 2 роки тому +5

    You guys are the best! We can’t make it out to Disney much, so I love watching your videos. It makes me feel like I’m eating the food without getting all the calories. Keep up the good work!

  • @VintageRenewalsTV
    @VintageRenewalsTV 2 роки тому

    Thanks for the pic guys! And awesome video ❤

  • @ShadowStrike28
    @ShadowStrike28 2 роки тому +2

    That Southern Mac was amazing. The pork belly was also pretty tasty. I can't wait for the best tradition ever, my mom makes amazing Italian sausages and we eat them with Mortadella on rolls with provolone and Italian gravy.

  • @RadicalCrazyness
    @RadicalCrazyness 2 роки тому

    Omg the little “that’s good” at the end

  • @OurKnottsAdventure
    @OurKnottsAdventure 2 роки тому +7

    It’s a macaron. The macaroon are the ones they sell at Disneyland shaped like the Matterhorn. 😊

  • @sabrinagill4682
    @sabrinagill4682 2 роки тому

    You guys are amazing. Thank you for such quality videos and informative content ❤

  • @eckertfamily4430
    @eckertfamily4430 2 роки тому +1

    It's killing me I can't remember... who sings the song the band is performing at 16:00 in the video? I love that song.

  • @Mike4metal
    @Mike4metal 2 роки тому +1

    I Love You Both Magic Journeys❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @ChrisHillASMR
    @ChrisHillASMR 2 роки тому +3

    You guys are the only ones I trust with actual foood reviews to theme parks.

    • @jayboogiey
      @jayboogiey 2 роки тому

      I second this, you guys are honest unlike other Disney vloggers who think Disney can do no wrong and every piece of food there is a culinary masterpiece. You guys rock! Also, how do you guys eat soo... much and still look the same?

  • @TheFreedomgal
    @TheFreedomgal 2 роки тому +1

    My favorite holiday dish is latkahs (potato pancakes) my mom used to make the best for Hanukkah. She doesn’t cook them anymore but when I eat them now it brings back wonderful memories

  • @christinaMo97
    @christinaMo97 2 роки тому

    Pozole is my favorite Christmas dish! I love your videos. Thank you!!!

  • @Mandy__479
    @Mandy__479 2 роки тому

    My favorite dish for the holidays is definitely tamales and menudo!! 😋 Happy Holidays everyone, May God bless you all❤

  • @vereniceportales6724
    @vereniceportales6724 2 роки тому

    I love chicken tamales with some ponche!! 🤤

  • @celef9466
    @celef9466 2 роки тому +1

    I agree with you guys, tamales is definitely the fave holiday dish ! Bonus if it's a cheese tamale!

  • @MrShooter72
    @MrShooter72 2 роки тому

    Glad to see the Three Caballeros as part of the show. I am always looking out for Panchito, Pluto and Orange Bird merchandise.

  • @geraldineplacenza8822
    @geraldineplacenza8822 2 роки тому

    I enjoy your posts...trying all the foods n drinks ...fun to watch...you're both so cute...

  • @dawncronquist2701
    @dawncronquist2701 Рік тому

    If you like the layered pumpkin cheesecake try making double layer pumpkin pie...cheesecake bottom and pumpkin pie top...

  • @tanishahogan9396
    @tanishahogan9396 2 роки тому +1

    The southern mac 'n cheese looked good! They put a decent amount of the andouille on it!

  • @Ingrid-pg1gs
    @Ingrid-pg1gs 2 роки тому

    Another great video! Thanks sharing!

  • @suzannessweetkitchen6266
    @suzannessweetkitchen6266 2 роки тому

    Yet another great video, thanks for sharing!

  • @clairejones8960
    @clairejones8960 2 роки тому

    My favourite Christmas tradition, Christmas Eve is my dad's birthday, and I throw the party. For 2 years I've been unable to do it due to restrictions, but this year watch out!!

  • @mariselam4564
    @mariselam4564 2 роки тому +6

    OMG love watching you guys!! Just found your channel this year and love it. Your personalities, your spirits are so nice to watch gets me in a good mood. I can’t wait to go next year to Disney I haven’t been there in over a decade. Love your reviews also. Great job guys!! 😊

  • @teresaroger8826
    @teresaroger8826 2 роки тому

    Muendo and tamales and home made tortillas!!

  • @mykeartie
    @mykeartie 2 роки тому

    Our family tradition is 4 parks in 1 day. Buy a Christmas ornament and take a pic with all 4 🌲. (Universal studios, Knotts, dca and DL)

  • @gracieladyluna
    @gracieladyluna 2 роки тому

    My favorite holiday tradition/food is my moms pozole ❤❤

  • @roxynishijima
    @roxynishijima 2 роки тому +3

    We’re from Hawaii and we love watching your videos. It’s helping me prep for Disneyland when we go next week! 🎉 Thanks for all the updates. We’re excited. 😊 🤙🏽

  • @yesimrightyouiswrong4304
    @yesimrightyouiswrong4304 2 роки тому +1

    Janelle ~ the cranberries taste like cranberries, the blueberries taste like blueberries, the snozberries taste like snozberries!!

  • @kathyc7284
    @kathyc7284 2 роки тому +38

    Macaroon is made with coconut and Macaron is, I think, almond. Good to have you two be everyone taste testers.

    • @alyandaj55
      @alyandaj55 2 роки тому +11

      Both are made with egg whites. Macaron has almond in the base and is that round cookie shape in two parts with filling in between. So it's a macaron janelle is eating. A macaroon, has the same base but it has shredded dried coconut sometimes dipped in chocolate. It's a soft cookie and it's more shaped like a tower ( don't really know how to explaine the shape lol) . Macaroon doesn't have a filling and is just one cookie.

    • @Magic_Journeys
      @Magic_Journeys  2 роки тому +3

      Thanks for foodie knowledge 😀

    • @shellbysy7459
      @shellbysy7459 2 роки тому +3

      Thank you for clarifying this! It’s a pet peeve of mine when people call macarons macaroons 😋

    • @smalls9852
      @smalls9852 Рік тому +1

      ​@@shellbysy7459 Lol, me too

  • @sharlenetatsch5599
    @sharlenetatsch5599 2 роки тому +5

    Always nice to meet you Janell you always look great. Didn’t get to eat the food, but going again and hoping to try the corn muffins with sweet potato. Thanks for the good guides.

  • @happymommaa
    @happymommaa 2 роки тому +6

    I love this!!! We’re going to be there in a couple of days and will keep my eye out for you guys. 😁
    Family tradition as a kid: Putting the Christmas tree up on Thanksgiving day after eating dinner and watching Christmas movies.
    Favorite holiday meals: sweet potato casserole, deviled eggs, warm sweet rolls with a little butter. 🤤🤤🤤🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍

    • @Magic_Journeys
      @Magic_Journeys  2 роки тому

      I have never had a sweet potato casserole but wow that sounds good! 👍🏼

  • @susanjimenez6198
    @susanjimenez6198 2 роки тому

    Our favorite Christmas dinner is roast pig, aroz con gondules, and demblique.

  • @elijahsamuelfigueroa2158
    @elijahsamuelfigueroa2158 2 роки тому +12

    Calamansi is a popular fruit in the Philippines! 🇵🇭
    Can’t wait to hopefully see y’all down the parade route when “Magic Happens” returns ☺️💛

  • @Positivekitten
    @Positivekitten 2 роки тому +1

    You guys usually get it right with macaron versus macaroon! What Janelle had is definitely a macaron.

  • @xjessta913
    @xjessta913 2 роки тому +1

    Calamansi is very tart!! I'm glad they brought that flavor back. Definitely will try on Friday (:

  • @Leslie_B1025
    @Leslie_B1025 2 роки тому +1

    Watching you guys enjoying Disney treats is becoming a favorite of my kids and I. Thank you for the video, we will be there next week.
    Favorite Christmas tradition is candy canes dipped in hot cocoa. Kids love watching the candy cane disappear as they enjoy the cocoa.

  • @blackrockbrewing5141
    @blackrockbrewing5141 2 роки тому

    Looks amazing, thank-you for sharing!

  • @christineanderson7419
    @christineanderson7419 2 роки тому

    Thank you so much for sharing! Love you two! Thankful we don't have wear mask anymore, it's nice to see your faces. Happy Holidays!

  • @nelliebonilla5361
    @nelliebonilla5361 2 роки тому

    I love Christmas time. My and my boyfriend call it Coquito season. That is the thing he likes the most out of the Puertorrican holiday foods

  • @lindsayargo
    @lindsayargo 2 роки тому +1

    I’ll be there Friday and have been making a list of what to stuff in my face! Thanks for making this video 😀

  • @Encantada777
    @Encantada777 2 роки тому

    😍 thank you, we got our annual pass again after 4 years and we are so excited trying delicious desserts and food! ☺️
    Happy Holidays 🌲❄️🤗

  • @manguian8984
    @manguian8984 2 роки тому +1

    You two are adorable!! ❤Thank you for showing all the yummy treats!! 😊

  • @naomil504
    @naomil504 2 роки тому

    You guys are seriously such an adorable couple.. I love watching your content because of the sweet energy you guys bring.

    @KARINCLANE 2 роки тому

    Oh I just looooove the Feliz Navidad! That is also my favorite Christmas song!
    I was personally thinking those were pretty good size sliders. Sliders are made to be tiny, so those were impressive and I want to have one of each! 😄

  • @cquahi3928
    @cquahi3928 2 роки тому

    Thanks Magic Journeys. Just got back home from Disneyland and DCA. Your channel and tips helped my family not feel overwhelmed. Love you guys. Festival of holiday's was amazing!

  • @nancyadamson4153
    @nancyadamson4153 2 роки тому

    We love tamales for the holidays! Thank you for showing all these delicious foods and cocktails at Disneyland. We can live vicariously they your adventures! We would LOVE it if you'd show all the menu descriptions slower so we can pause and read the items that you don't try, too! The hummingbird cocktail looks interesting and we really wanted to see the description. Ty! Happy holidays!

  • @rachelfajardo8821
    @rachelfajardo8821 2 роки тому +1

    So many yummy food 😋

  • @yasmeenw7227
    @yasmeenw7227 2 роки тому +1

    My fave holiday tradition has to be the coziness of it all with my beloved partner along with all the community events. We are a mixed culture couple so we do things from his culture (American) and things from mine (Mexican).

  • @joeleon5009
    @joeleon5009 2 роки тому

    Happy Holidays sweet Mig Vee and Janelle!! Thank you for continuing to bring me great Disney food content. You bring me such happiness and joy to my life and keep up the great work!! I will have to give that Chicken Tiki Masala a try on my next Disneyland vacation. I'm going to be in the park on December 27th and 28th and I hope to run into you during that time.

  • @natalielizcharlson
    @natalielizcharlson 2 роки тому

    my favorite holiday dish is greenbean casserole

  • @andierob
    @andierob 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks for trying such a large variety! Family and I will be there in A few weeks and ready to have some of these tasty dishes.

  • @Jedikimica12
    @Jedikimica12 2 роки тому +3

    This video really made me feel the Disney Holiday spirit and cheer 🥰🎄🎁 Thank you Magic Journeys for another amazing and delicious video! ❤❤❤

  • @sleepykittens4193
    @sleepykittens4193 2 роки тому +3

    Always love your videos 🥰 I like many can’t afford the park all the time/get keys so these are an amazing way to experience the festivities from home ! Thank you guys ❤

  • @Softmomlife
    @Softmomlife 2 роки тому +2

    You guys are so good! Every video makes me feel like I’m there with you guys Can’t wait to try all the festival food ✨

  • @annettegarcia4509
    @annettegarcia4509 2 роки тому

    Tamales, posole, and biscochitos - Southwestern style.

  • @valstewart8573
    @valstewart8573 2 роки тому

    Family and friends

  • @furrypurry8496
    @furrypurry8496 2 роки тому +2

    Disneyland has a lot of tasty looking food options for the Festival this year. I can't wait to see your Holiday food video!
    I'm dreaming of the Peppermint Sundae at DCA, and I'm super excited that I'm going for the holidays this year!
    Magic Journeys, always bringing the Disney Magic🥰

  • @cassandrae_
    @cassandrae_ 2 роки тому +1

    Adore you guys. Your channel is amazing!

  • @andreaca787
    @andreaca787 2 роки тому

    I just got a pass again yesterday so now I am so excited binging all your recents videos 😁😁

  • @ellieplanit
    @ellieplanit 2 роки тому

    Oooo my mom used to make something like that pumpkin layer cheesecake. But, it didn’t have the pumpkin gooey cake! That would be sooo good!!

  • @mooltz
    @mooltz 2 роки тому

    Coquito!! Thats my tradition

  • @MeaslyKatt
    @MeaslyKatt 2 роки тому

    I Love to eat tamales for Christmas 🎄 and to open presents 🎁 on Christmas eve!

  • @robynhunter579
    @robynhunter579 2 роки тому

    Macaron. …macaroon is coconut 💥🔥🔥

  • @tax1629
    @tax1629 2 роки тому +1

    Hi Janelle and MigVee( I think that’s your name 😅) I loveeee your channel sooo much! Right now my family can’t go to Disneyland, so I feel like I’m going and trying all these treats when you post! I”ve been watching you since the reopening last year! ❤❤❤❤

  • @silojm
    @silojm 2 роки тому

    Drinking my first eggnog of the year with a 20 year aged rum in it and watching your vid, it feels like Christmas. I’m going to Disney on the 9th I can’t wait!!

  • @alejandracabrera601
    @alejandracabrera601 2 роки тому +1

    No better feeling like when you guys post 🤗

  • @missysue0926ify
    @missysue0926ify 2 роки тому

    First, I love your ears, second, even when you have a critique it's done in such a positive way that is amazing. Third I'm so happy I found this channel! As for my favorite holiday tradition is making sugar cookie cut out cookies with my daughter and husband. He has a family recipe and the sugar cookies are soft and oh so good.

  • @verobee1120
    @verobee1120 2 роки тому

    Loved this video, thank you being so informative❤️

  • @JordieAndrade
    @JordieAndrade 2 роки тому

    Always love your videos!!! Great job guys!

  • @kellyziegler1426
    @kellyziegler1426 2 роки тому

    Thank you so much for this, we will be there on Dec 2nd and staying at the Disney's Grand Californian Hotel... yay can't wait! You guys are so much fun ❣

  • @OscarPerez-vb4qn
    @OscarPerez-vb4qn 2 роки тому

    Dude I’m extra excited now me and the wife finally got our pass back now we about to eat good lol

    @ATJHTRAVELS 2 роки тому

    Thanks for the awesomeness sledgehammered that like button sharing out full watch stay safe and blessed

  • @suzireed8425
    @suzireed8425 2 роки тому

    Appreciate the taste testing and honest reviews of the food! You both are so adorable and a pleasure to watch.

  • @stephypolarbear
    @stephypolarbear 2 роки тому

    I was originally gonna do the hot cocoa macaron but now you’ve convinced me to do Twix pie instead hope it’s good 😊

  • @sandylopez8202
    @sandylopez8202 2 роки тому

    I appreciate the honest reviews. I’ve been watching your channel for a while and sometimes in the past it seemed like if you didn’t like something you’d give Disney a pass and still said good things about the food. I’d much rather hear if it didn’t taste great. I got so many ideas of what I want to try when we go next week.

  • @ashleypink493
    @ashleypink493 2 роки тому +1

    Omg you both make my day ❤❤❤

  • @lolsen67
    @lolsen67 2 роки тому +1

    You guys make the holidays look like so much fun

  • @_cihferreira
    @_cihferreira 2 роки тому

    Ohh thank you for your always wonderful videos s2