So, I've been working on a bug control map, and it's hilarious they are using chariots to repopulate hives because that was a core mechanic I'm working out. The Devs reallllly didn't think you'd be controlling bugs, so there's lots of custom triggers for 'basic' things troopers can do. Hopefully I can get it to a point where I can (hopefully) upload it, or I give you the map folder and you can play using the editor screen.
I don't like the constantly down ticking threat gauge. You basically have all bug types by like 18-20 minutes but the games usually last over an hour (and on other maps that means tanker/scorpion bugs etc.). I'd like to see a different way to fix the exploit of hoarding passive income at the start, like maybe put a resource cap tied to how many control points you have. This would also avoid that exploit and incentivize capturing control points if you want a larger army or more upgrades and better units
@disillusioned8686 I don't mind the constant tick, but I think it needs to be filled with more threats. Like waves or other random events. (Not just bug types.) You're right about all the bug types being spent pretty early, then there is just increasing aggression, but nothing tied to it. I also agree that the early game needs tweaking. I think your idea about resource cap being tied to territory is a good one. Thanks for watching. 🫡
@@CmdrTyrael Maybe it could even be something linked to the difficulty setting. The easy setting could have a tick bar linked to capture points and medium/hard can have a constantly moving one. Maybe hard mode also doesn't show you what the next enemy type will be. Idk, but right now I don't really get what is different about the difficulty settings
@@CmdrTyrael Would be cool but I think that would require them making a lot more maps and planets that don’t have dlc content out for them. I don’t know if they plan to put that much extra work into the mode but I would certainly be down for it if they could!
You letting your troops to get sandwiched and separated into pockets way too often, other than that its okay. But i can see how hardcore cheesy players would just shred those arachnids in half the time.
omg you are the worst RTS player i have ever seen. very bad tactical control, very bad awernes and very bad strategic moves, i understand from your voice that you are a bit of age but dam you reflexes and your eye site cant be that bad coz of the age is just that you are a very very bad at RTS games
@henriking5881 dude, I play games to relax and have fun. Not earn virtual carrots from edgelords Feel free to publish your blind gameplay and commentary and see how you go multitasking.
Drawn 31st January 2025
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So, I've been working on a bug control map, and it's hilarious they are using chariots to repopulate hives because that was a core mechanic I'm working out.
The Devs reallllly didn't think you'd be controlling bugs, so there's lots of custom triggers for 'basic' things troopers can do.
Hopefully I can get it to a point where I can (hopefully) upload it, or I give you the map folder and you can play using the editor screen.
That's some real dedication, I'll be sure to check it out if you get it up!
I don't like the constantly down ticking threat gauge. You basically have all bug types by like 18-20 minutes but the games usually last over an hour (and on other maps that means tanker/scorpion bugs etc.). I'd like to see a different way to fix the exploit of hoarding passive income at the start, like maybe put a resource cap tied to how many control points you have. This would also avoid that exploit and incentivize capturing control points if you want a larger army or more upgrades and better units
@disillusioned8686 I don't mind the constant tick, but I think it needs to be filled with more threats. Like waves or other random events. (Not just bug types.)
You're right about all the bug types being spent pretty early, then there is just increasing aggression, but nothing tied to it. I also agree that the early game needs tweaking. I think your idea about resource cap being tied to territory is a good one. Thanks for watching. 🫡
@@CmdrTyrael Maybe it could even be something linked to the difficulty setting. The easy setting could have a tick bar linked to capture points and medium/hard can have a constantly moving one. Maybe hard mode also doesn't show you what the next enemy type will be. Idk, but right now I don't really get what is different about the difficulty settings
I like the new changes to this aspect of the game
Looks like this might become the primarty game mode once it gets more time in the oven.
Now that I have seen the galaxy map.
I want it to be like a conquest mode! Where the bugs push and pull with you for territory on a galactic scale.
@@CmdrTyrael Like Battlefront II Galactic Conquest mode
@disillusioned8686 Yes! Exactly!
@@CmdrTyrael Would be cool but I think that would require them making a lot more maps and planets that don’t have dlc content out for them. I don’t know if they plan to put that much extra work into the mode but I would certainly be down for it if they could!
Discord confuses the heck outa me.. lol
did you just join? if so ill greet you soon
You letting your troops to get sandwiched and separated into pockets way too often, other than that its okay. But i can see how hardcore cheesy players would just shred those arachnids in half the time.
omg you are the worst RTS player i have ever seen.
very bad tactical control, very bad awernes and very bad strategic moves, i understand from your voice that you are a bit of age but dam you reflexes and your eye site cant be that bad coz of the age is just that you are a very very bad at RTS games
@henriking5881 dude, I play games to relax and have fun.
Not earn virtual carrots from edgelords
Feel free to publish your blind gameplay and commentary and see how you go multitasking.