Do you like to pay taxes from your income or do you like your customer to pay cash? Do you want the government and the asvertising industry want to know exactly how you behave on the market or do you prefer paying your stuff cash? Do you like to give your bank a fee only for purchasing a good or do you like to pay cash without extra costs?
For every transaction the Bank take a Procent of your Money. After seeral Transaction the money went trough there will be no Money anymore left. But did it get lost? No it ended in the Bank. Thimk about it.
Guten Abend!
Happy, to have you back! Missed you!
Happy Christmas time 🎄🎊🎁
Most time germany is not so cold like canada. But you standing houres and of sure become cols.
Do you like to pay taxes from your income or do you like your customer to pay cash? Do you want the government and the asvertising industry want to know exactly how you behave on the market or do you prefer paying your stuff cash? Do you like to give your bank a fee only for purchasing a good or do you like to pay cash without extra costs?
Two different topic completely.
For every transaction the Bank take a Procent of your Money. After seeral Transaction the money went trough there will be no Money anymore left. But did it get lost? No it ended in the Bank. Thimk about it.