I would give TNE another look one day. _Yes,_ there is a lot of detail, but that detail is there if you need it, there if you _want_ it. In truth, the entire game is pretty much explained in a small callout text block on Page 106 titled "How to Play Traveller." The task system (roll 1d20 under your attribute+skill) runs 95% of the game session for you. It's basically the NWP system from AD&D 2e turned into a universal game mechanic and it’s dead easy. In my experience, the other 5% of the game session is knowing how to resolve damage (basically the hit body part takes Xd6 damage, and you reduce the number of damage dice if there is body armour involved). I very rarely find myself delving into the details about how to handle sailing boat collisions or how exactly much fuel is destroyed when the air raft gets hit by a plasma gun… I mean, I am glad those details ARE there should I ever need them, but the vast majority of rules in the book go above and beyond what you see in a typical campaign, let alone a game session. In actual practice, Traveller The New Era games involve a lot of talking through problems, exploration, testing skills and the occasional spurts of violence.
I would give TNE another look one day. _Yes,_ there is a lot of detail, but that detail is there if you need it, there if you _want_ it. In truth, the entire game is pretty much explained in a small callout text block on Page 106 titled "How to Play Traveller." The task system (roll 1d20 under your attribute+skill) runs 95% of the game session for you. It's basically the NWP system from AD&D 2e turned into a universal game mechanic and it’s dead easy. In my experience, the other 5% of the game session is knowing how to resolve damage (basically the hit body part takes Xd6 damage, and you reduce the number of damage dice if there is body armour involved). I very rarely find myself delving into the details about how to handle sailing boat collisions or how exactly much fuel is destroyed when the air raft gets hit by a plasma gun… I mean, I am glad those details ARE there should I ever need them, but the vast majority of rules in the book go above and beyond what you see in a typical campaign, let alone a game session. In actual practice, Traveller The New Era games involve a lot of talking through problems, exploration, testing skills and the occasional spurts of violence.