Will Belgrade Waterfront ruin Belgrade?

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024


  • @olgagantverg1533
    @olgagantverg1533 4 роки тому +31

    This summer I fell in love with Belgrade. My favorite place is the Waterfront. I'm seriously thinking about selling my townhouse in USA and buying new apartment in a new Waterfront construction places. Especially I have my steady income in US dollars with which I'm in a low middle class in America but upper middle class in Serbia. Feel very close to Serbian people (I'm Russian by nationality), love the food and feel totally at home in Belgrade!

    • @talent103
      @talent103 4 роки тому +8

      I am not Russian but starting to think the same.

    • @mrlds3202
      @mrlds3202 4 роки тому +4

      @@talent103 East Europe is the future, undoubtedly

    • @prika2000
      @prika2000 4 роки тому

      Olga, what would be income range for US lower mid class (equivalent to BG upper mid class)?

    • @talent103
      @talent103 4 роки тому

      @@prika2000 I would say at least $50,000 a year.

    • @olgagantverg1533
      @olgagantverg1533 4 роки тому

      @@prika2000 In US It varies very much from state to state and city to city.

  • @Boban83
    @Boban83 4 роки тому +13

    its ok for me, dont like every building but i do like some. think old belgrade is big enaugh and they should renovate a lot of facades, this is a small part and i think it will be much more different when its finish than now

  • @juli1037
    @juli1037 4 роки тому +6

    This location is definitely the best in the whole city. Walk distance from downtown, quick access to the river, main roads, markets, and cafes. Compared to the new building construction in Novi Beograd, it is far better and somewhat cheaper. This is all pro vs the loss of the soul, and even that is questionable having in mind devastation and sadness in the block's previous life.

  • @citadel3727
    @citadel3727 4 роки тому +3

    Im ok with Belgrade Waterfront being on the other side of the river bcs there was actually room for everything and the place where they build now is an elite location reserved for cultural purposes(buildings) there was a plan actually made long ago by the old architects.

  • @ognjenntonijevic1773
    @ognjenntonijevic1773 4 роки тому +7

    I personally wouldn’t mind the project if it was built on the other side of the river. Belgrade’s “old town” is really not an old town at all anymore since the construction of brutalist buildings and these new modernist ones. We need to preserve our history and historic city by investing in repairs of facades, reconstruction of old buildings destroyed during WWII ( Hey Germany and Poland are doing it why can’t we?) and overall preserving the cultural influence that part of the city has on the entire nation.

    • @chilechichich465
      @chilechichich465 4 роки тому

      I agree with your concept but... which historic building was destroyed during BWF construction?

  • @georgepapa2950
    @georgepapa2950 4 роки тому +2

    Who needs a mortgage , i'm in IT like you. See you in Belgrade Waterfront!!!!

  • @Pauli650
    @Pauli650 4 роки тому +2

    as long as they stay out of vracar, dorcol etc

  • @ovrskr
    @ovrskr 4 роки тому +2

    For me I don't really have a problem with it, I think it's a net positive for Belgrade.
    I think the buildings look pretty cool with the lighting and match with the lit bridges as well.
    BUT!!! that comes with a caviat, if it is at the expense of old, traditional parts of Belgrade going away, then that's not a good thing. I love how Stari Grad is , and wish there would be a revival of this medieval style, because it is georgeous and something people can take pride in. I don't want all countries to become replicas of Toronto.

  • @barbarian1946
    @barbarian1946 4 роки тому +13

    The erosion of the soul of Belgrade has started with the Belgrade waterfront. This erosion will spread thruout Belgrade over the next 50 years at which point the soul of Belgrade will disappear. I have visited Belgrade many times over the last 30 years and am in tune with the Serbian soul and love it. Belgrade waterfront? There goes the neighborhood. At least the smaller cities and villages will take a lot longer to lose their Serbian souls as the Western ways of living (hi stress, pushing long hours for money only as its reward) is not for me. I live in the Boston area and do not like the big cities anymore. They too have lost their souls which can still be found in the numerous small cities and town in the USA. I have a home in Karan, Uzice and stay there when I visit. Some day, and the clock is ticking, I will take my three Yorshire terriers with me and move permanently in Karan. It is not if but when. I feel at home being a commoner (rather than the elite upper class) in life where the soul survives. I can complain all I want but progress (?) and change (for better or worse) marches on.
    Eric, thanks for this thoughtful video.

    • @frostflower5555
      @frostflower5555 4 роки тому +1

      Well put, except it's high not hi: "Western ways of living (hi stress, pushing long hours for money only as its reward)"

    • @barbarian1946
      @barbarian1946 4 роки тому

      @@frostflower5555 you are quite right. I was in a hurry and did not proof read

    • @frostflower5555
      @frostflower5555 4 роки тому

      @@barbarian1946 Sigh, I wish English was written the way it sounds. But I have to guess that that is what happens when verbal changes happen to a language relatively quickly (compare Old vs Middle vs Modern).

    • @chilechichich465
      @chilechichich465 4 роки тому +1

      Spooky river bank with swamp and snakes was your neighborhood? Have you EVER been there? There was nothing but old unused tracks and dumpster around them. Thats the soul of the city according to you?

    • @frostflower5555
      @frostflower5555 4 роки тому

      @@chilechichich465 leave nature be

  • @rawuneditedvideos
    @rawuneditedvideos 3 роки тому

    1. Not everything is about the local people living in the country. Big business invests big money in sure markets . The clientele will most definitely be tourists and foreigners who will go to the fancy hotels and buy the luxury apartments.
    2. The waterfront project is of exceptional international standard unlike most of the local construction in Serbia. The vision to transform that derelict empty lot into something that will bring that city into the 21st century is exceptional!
    3. No heritage was lost in this development or rather the lack of development in that part of Belgrade. Id love to see that development done up and down both sides of the river.
    4. The idiots crying ah this will ruin the city’s silhouette or whatever. No it wont. Every great city is a mixture of the old and modern ideas and architecture. You either decay and rot whilst revelling in the old way or you move forward and evolve and develop!
    5. All dissenters must be idiots who are so ungrateful that a foreign company and one especially prestigious would even invest in Serbia. Instead of looking for further investment and helping them transform Belgrade they rubbish the development. Crazy people and crazy times!
    Viste samo zatucani seljaci jebem li vam mater u sred pizde!

  • @albatros280
    @albatros280 4 роки тому +13

    Displacing the main train station was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The people will see absolutely no benefit from the project. It's not their land to do with as they please. Nobody asked us if we are cool with criminals tied to the government (or from the government) building on our land, and making a shitload of money from huge rents. Maybe we wanna do some kayaking on the river. We don't want it to become a private property of some shady 'businessman'

    • @nimax123
      @nimax123 4 роки тому +4

      A da ja vas pitam nesto - sta cemo sa 500 miliona neprijavljenih Kineza i sa privatizacijom u Slovackoj? Cutimo, a? Sta ima neko mene i tebe da pita mozemo samo na izbore ili na ulicu, ali ja i ti necemo ni jedno ni drugo. Ovi iz waterfronta bar znaju sta hoce, a ne kao ja i ti. Odkud kamila na zeleznickoj i ko ju je tovario, jel Vesic? 😃 uzdravlje

    • @albatros280
      @albatros280 4 роки тому +2

      @@nimax123 Ja izlazim i na izbore i na ulicu. To je javno zemljište, tako da ne može tu da radi ko šta hoće. Mislim, može, ali to ne bi trebalo da dozvoljavamo

    • @nimax123
      @nimax123 4 роки тому +4

      @@albatros280 pa tako su se ljudi zalili i kada je pravljen Singidunim, Kalemegdan, Trg republike, Slavija, Novi Beograd, zamisli kako je bilo ljudima kada su im otimali njive da grade zgrade po Vracaru, Paliluli... Sta cemo, civilizacija napreduje ko se ukljuci malo moze i da je oblikuje na bolje ili losije. A to sto je javno, to je samo paravan, javan je i Parking Servis, pa cistim kriminalom terorise gradjane i niko nista, Djilas ga napravio, pa ga predao Vesicu, pa ce ovaj njemu ili nekom drugom ponovo.

    • @albatros280
      @albatros280 4 роки тому +4

      @@nimax123 Kakav civilizacijski napredak predstavlja Beograd na vodi?

    • @nimax123
      @nimax123 4 роки тому +2

      @@albatros280 ja to ne znam, ne zalazim u taj deo grada, ali definitivno to ostaje iza nas za buduce generacije, kao npr Ajfelova kula sto je ostala Parizu ili onaj krivi toranj u Pizzi. Civilizacija napreduje svakako, do sada se nije desilo da je nazadovala, tako da ne bi trebalo ni u buduce. E sad pesimistima i kocnicarima je uvek nesto smetalo. Ista ta pruga i zeleznicka koju si pomenuo ne bi bila napravljena da nije bilo jednostranog dekteta tadasnjeg vladara, jer su se poslanici bunili protiv djavolje parne masine koja ce poplasiti svu stoku i sav zivi svet u Srbiji. Sada imamo nesto slicno sa ovim 5G mrezama, pa ce i one biti uvedene i tako...

  • @williamdieffenbach3264
    @williamdieffenbach3264 3 роки тому

    Damn, if you are going to pay over 2000 Euro a month for a place, why would you live in Serbia? I would be in Western Europe once you get over 2000 plus Euro for a place.

  • @c5478.
    @c5478. 4 роки тому +2

    BW have definetely refreshed that part of the town which is in my opinion one of the most attractive locations in Belgrade. If we compare it with some other 'popular' residential locations in the city centre, it has huge advantage in any sense.

    • @zpetar
      @zpetar 3 роки тому

      What advantage? I can't imagine somebody with family and children would want to live in BW. It will be all about flaunting money,
      Airbnb, nightlife, whores.. Dubaification as it is said in video. New Year's Eve every night.
      And it is so ugly. Just one more generic glass and concrete project.

  • @marcoyankovich
    @marcoyankovich 4 роки тому +6

    Why do some people have problems with rich people? (I'm not rich). And one more thing, why are your country Canada allowed to invest and build new but Serbia are not?

    • @likbezlik
      @likbezlik 4 роки тому +1

      I personally have a problem with shit like this being built in the middle of a city where people from Serbia who are mostly poor and live by renting and barely affording to buy food have to look at this... You kinda feel fucking pissed when you see that things like this exist when there are soooo many people in Serbia who can barely feed themselves.

    • @chilechichich465
      @chilechichich465 4 роки тому

      @@likbezlik So you do have something against rich people? Do you think poor people could build up economy in any given country?

  • @beydacm2931
    @beydacm2931 4 роки тому +3

    Astute observation. People, rich or poor, that grow up in scarcity minded households, tend to be more flashy with their stuff. Scarcity mindset should be categorized as a mental illness.

    • @frostflower5555
      @frostflower5555 4 роки тому

      What do you mean by scarcity?

    • @beydacm2931
      @beydacm2931 4 роки тому +2

      @@frostflower5555 The feeling that whatever they have is never enough or that they will lose it somehow. I have seen this in more wealthy people than the poor.

    • @BelgradeBeat
      @BelgradeBeat  4 роки тому +4

      @@beydacm2931 If you're interested in a great psychological framework for examining such issues, check out spiral dynamics... It breaks mentality down to stages... The stage I'm talking about here is ORANGE... Capitalism. It's the same nonsense that makes owners of big farma companies want to earn more and more... After orange there's green and yellow... Once someone transits to Yellow they can truly look at life from beyond a survival mindset. Check out this video as an intro: ua-cam.com/video/23aDNBvn_2g/v-deo.html

  • @mushishi9684
    @mushishi9684 4 роки тому +2

    What do I think? It is a disaster to come. Knowing how Beograd was, and now with this, it reminds me of the States, with the Malls, condos......
    Yes, they destroyed a big part of Beograd. I mean we don't even take care of the old historical building, and other serious things in the city.
    Not my scene either, I love the old Beograd. I came from the States with a Master degree and a year and half has passed and still can't find a job

    • @chilechichich465
      @chilechichich465 4 роки тому

      Which part of city was destroyed by BWF? Dumpster around old, unused tracks? Spooky river bank with snakes in a swamp? I guess nobody EVER dared to go to that "part of the city" even in daylight. Old railway station building is going to be a museum. Old Central Post building is gonna be renovated. Chamber of Truth is already renovated. What exactly are you talking about?

  • @frostflower5555
    @frostflower5555 4 роки тому

    PARKVIEW? 0:35 🤦

  • @mellotron_scratch
    @mellotron_scratch 4 роки тому +2

    Buraz viri ti kapitalac iz njuskice

  • @GokhanCebecioglu
    @GokhanCebecioglu 4 роки тому +2


  • @mahadifrombangladesh4194
    @mahadifrombangladesh4194 4 роки тому +1

    1st view