Living & Worship // Season 4, Episode 2 | Honest Tea Talk
- Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
- Living and worship can often feel like two separate experiences, and in this episode we explore if and how we can close the gap between them.
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About Honest Tea Talk
with Aliyah, LaYinka & Sumayah
Honest Tea Talk is a platform to speak openly and honestly, giving viewers an unedited insight into the minds and life of Muslim women. Honest Tea Talk brings deep and often unspoken topics to the table to lay down our masks and start much-needed discussions about matters related to Muslim women and the ummah at large.
© 2024
What Sumayyah said about being sick and prioritizing Allah, SubhanAllah...
I just love how this is titled Living and Worship - you'd initially think it's going to be an episode about how everyone should manage their time better to fit in extra salah, tahhajud, Qur'an recitation etc. into daily life, making worship like that a priority over the needs of the dunya....but no, it's as simple as just living your normal life, but with Allah in your heart...and that's what makes all the difference. SubhanAllah, how profound, Allah has made it that easy for us❤🩹
Before watching this episode, I was feeling like a fraud because I feel somewhat distant from Allah. and then while watching, I thought to my self that watching this episode and being in this gathering virtually is an act of ibadan. May Allah accept this effort from you and I
Ameen sis, I can relate to this as well. May Allah subhanahu wata'ala accept from all of us our good deeds Ya Rab Allahuma ameen ❤
This episode made me realise my anxiety has drawn be closer to Allah, waking up and sleeping with anxiety allows me to do my dhkir
I will tell you how to overcome anxiety because i suffered from it due to my health. Basically anxiety comes from not being able to express how you are feeling and validating it. So if you feel scared or in pain take it for what it is and express it and do not allow yourself to think bad or the worst thoughts about something that is singular. meaning alot of the tine we have for example one problem maybe we are tired or have the flu or are meeting new people just take it for what it is and feel the way you do about it but also reassure yourself that things are just that thing it won't lead to a negative outcome and if it does then it does you can deal with that once that happens but most things get better rather then worse for example feeling exhausted, if we rest our body we will feel refreshed and normal again and even negative things such as illness, tiredness and new experiences are part of normal life they will continuosly come our way and our bodies are very capable of tolerating and dealing with such life circumstances.
Anxiety is a fear of something negative, so if you feel anxiety alot it means your thoughts are probably making a situation feel bigger then it is or even if the situation is big you have believed you cannot handel it but you can handel whatever life throws at you and you can take it for what it is inshallah.
I hope this helps and may allah cure your anxiety. and yes allah tests us to bring us closer to him but it is a test to consistently have anxiety so i ask allah to heal you and relieve you of this trial and still allow you to be close to him ameen 🌸
I'd highly recommend as part of your dhikr recite prophet yunus alayhi Salaam dua
SubhanaAllah!!!!! This was touching Alhamdulillah beautiful topic Sisters Ma shaa Allah 🤲🏾🤲🏾♥️
Subhanallah! While talking about remembrance of Allah, I see my sisters remembering Allah, the clickers are going 😊
I literally sat on the end of my bed. I have some trying days with such hard decisions. Being so unsure and depressed . Allah has only shown me he is here and he hears me. This videos validated so much for me.
Allah is Akbar
I love how Sumayyah brought up the fact that istighfar unlocks a new level of ibadah and it grows from there, we just have to make the intention and remain consistent SubhanAllah
JazakumAllahu Khaira to you three for coming back because we need more sisters speaking on these topics ❤️ really appreciate it
I see yall wearing dhikr buttons on your fingers. Perfect episode for such a reminder. I went on a trip recently, and mine is still buried in my luggage… but now i will strap up so i remember to remember 💜
I like what LaYinka said -- how not to compartmentalize our daily life and our worship into separate sections, when we do something and then we stop to pray. How is it possible to make it one big flow of life, and not like the one stops for the other to begin. I am saying this because this is my problem because of which I am not regular with my prayers. Throughout this talk I've been thinking if I achieve the state of mind with 24/7 awareness of Allah then I may not feel the separation wall between these 2 worlds. In such a case, Allah would be an active participant in all my actions throughout my day and when the prayer time comes there would be no Oh I must stop now whatever I am doing. I would need for prayer times to naturally and painlessly flow into whatever my daily duties are.
Thank you sisters, I love that you are back!❤❤❤
I founf myself nodding harder and harder and Sumayah‘s intervention made me understand why dua is an act of worship more than the thing we came in the 1st place. Beautiful. Macha Allah. May Allah protect you and increase you.
Great reminder about worshiping Allah during washing the dishes or laundry. 🥰
Subhanallah! This clip is a powerful reminder of the importance of living a life pleasing to Allah. May we strive to be among those who are truthful, compassionate, and just, and may our actions be guided by the light of the Quran and the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Ameen."
So healing. Thank you so much for coming back. This episode did so much to heal me spiritually and emotionally. May Allah grant you all tranquil hearts and a life He is pleased with.
Sisters, you continue to make my days
And the moment Alyaa mentioned Sudan is when my heart started to pump even harder😭♥️ thank you so much جزاكم الله الجنة
Lovely episode ladies! What Sumaya was saying reminded me of what of ibn Taymiyyah said profoundly.
“Sometimes, I have a certain need that only Allāh can fulfill , so I call upon Him. Then, I find that the door of dialogue with Allāh opens up for me, and through it I taste the sweetness of discourse with Him and the joy of knowing Him that far surpasses the urgency of obtaining an answer to my prayer, and so I prefer for the answer to my prayer be delayed for fear of losing this connection once my need is fulfilled.” Ibn Taymiyah.
[Majmūʿ al-Fatāwa 10/333]
A profound episode, oh how we need these beautiful reminders and perspectives. You help us grow, so really, Barakallahu feekum for that.
I swear being ill and then cured is a blessing i could understand with conviction Sumayya's view 14:30 talking about how we prioritize Allah before any other thing after being sickened then cured.
Such a profound episode from beginning to end, I am truly going through some challenges right now internal and external, I pray everyday that I am able to find a community of sisters to not go through this journey alone.
I have been waiting for this show for a long time.❤❤❤one of my favourite show
Alhamdulilah. Watching this on a friday morning before fajr even makes my day better. The approach to how remembering Allah in our everyday activities even while doing little things makes worship and connecting to our Rabb seems elevating.
Jazakhallah khayran jaza.
I felt this so deeply. It’s been a really difficult year for me and I’m in season of rediscovering. Thank you for the reminder 🤍🤍
same sis. I hope that things work out for you beautifully
Jazakumulahu khairan sisters, this episode elevated my afternoon alhamdulilah, reminders are so important and good for the heart 🌸
اللهم أعني على ذكرك و شكرك و حسن عبادتك
Subhanallah, Allah keeps that thing we want so much so that we keep our connection with him and don't forget him.
Ur loved.Thank you so much
6:00-8:20 in my opinion Layinka hit the nail on the head and Aaliyah hammered it in. For me the hammering was uncomfortable but it was so true and I feel like both points were so important . I agree with both. May Allah preserve you all and grant you all the best of this life and the hereafter aamiin
What you said sister!! Ameen
I agree, I have recently become more conscious of Allah and in that awareness I have started to look at everything I do in my day as, 'how can I make this beneficial for me? How can I dedicate this action to Allah?' ... I was not doing this before and I'd be in autopilot going from task to task. I required that initial switch from asleep to awake alhamdulilah, may Allah guide us all and keep us steadfast upon the religion, increase us in knowledge and increase us in faith. Ameen
This episode is so insightful. It's a great reminder of the purpose in this Dunya.... May Allah ease your affairs and grant your entire happiness ❤
Hahaha “see the humans yeah”…”the man dem” 😂😂😂 ma shaa Allaah! Lovely episode. May Allaah bless you all Aameen!
Love the intro, love the topic, love you sisters and love your outfits every 👏single👏time 👏!!! Jazakumullh khair ❤
Subhanah I can see that you changed ladies. As I went through most of the episodes of the previous seasons recently. I think what I meant by change is growth or maybe the impact of what you went through in the last few years
welcome back !! 💚شكرا جزاك الله خير
Ma Shaa Allaah, may Allaah grant you tawfeeq. I would like you to discuss the topic " Balancing Living and seeking Islamic Knowledge "
Thank you sister جزاكم الله خيرا
MaashaAllah interesting topic may Allah reward you all sisters
Masha Allah enlightening episode
Lovely! Excited for the episode of duaa
Spot on ladies! Mashallah thank your for your honesty. May Allah grant you barakah! 🤲🏾☪️❤️
Assalamu alaikum my dear sisters so good to have you all back to this sessions alhamdulillah
Very beautiful Discussion as always Beneficial too there so real this conversation that you sisters having I'm that point feeling walking on this bridge to cross the test of life with many things.
May Allah rewards you all ❤❤❤Ameen Ameen Ameen
Beautiful episode ladies. Honestly beautiful. I used to pray but fell off the bad wagon when life got ridiculously busy. But I like what you guys said. I want my baby steps to be that I’m conversing with Allah on a day to day. In the most simple way. Maybe when I wake up, or give thanks, or before bed.
Know what I mean??
And thankyou for your stories. Wishing you good health Sumayah and Layinka the same of your little girl. ❤ X
Jazakumullah Khairan
Alhamdulillah. JazakaAllahu khairan🥰
Jazak Allahu khayran 💕
Layinka, صبرك الله فيما ابتليت به ،حفظ لك ابنتك وجعلها لك شفيعا في الجنه اللهم امين
Allahumma ameen! What a beautiful du'a.
I asked Allah to rectify my heart and my actions and I also asked him to show me the proof and to allow me to act upon it. Ameen
Ma sha Allah. Thank you sister and may Allah reward
I think it all comes down to 2 things.... Intention and definition. There's soo many daily things that can be counted as worship if we make it our intention that we are doing it for the Sake of Allah
Sisters you’ve become my gym Jam ❤❤
I love this video
subhanallah very2 good discussion
Great women!!! great discussion!!!! keep up
Alhamduliah beautiful episode
Ameen Yaa Rabb
I and my cousin sister missed you. ❤
Mashallah my beautiful sisters may Allah bless you and your families and grant you all your wishes and may Allah make all your wishes come true Ameen 💖💖💖🫶🫶🫶🌷🌷🌷🥰
Allahuma Ameen
🙏🏾☪️🤍thanks sisters 😊
Insofar as I have the capacity to judge these things (I am kufar and would honestly never convert) you ladies are much better at Dawah than the aggressive male dawahgandists.
You go to the core of a loving creator in a way they really do not.
so the sister in the middle is saying when answering the first question that, we don't need to make intention or renew the intention because the act we are doing is in accordance with the way of Allah all the time, for eg if we are cooking we don't need to specifically do the zikr although you can, but the cooking itself for the family is an act of ibadah, with the intention that its gonna serve and feed the family and its for Allah which makes the act the ibadah apart from the other zikr you do in between
then the sister in white is also correct that all of that becomes an autopilot only after first you do it manually,
but i believe that she understood 'by remembering Allah' they're specifically talking about zikr which i believe middle sis didn't mean,
so the sis in the middle is saying that you need to want to make an intention of remembering Allah all the time that would make you utilize the time with the zikr then,
but i believe zikr can be on autopilot too sometimes the tongue is making zikr and the heart is not in it, but sometimes hearts is doing the zikr and outwardly you are working on something else.
so the zikr and remembering Allah are two diff things,
for sis in the white "intention/remembering Allah = zikr "
sis in the middle means by " intention/remembering Allah = remembering Allah in the heart not zikr specifically "
@@tubaziaconure true, i was kinda confused two by the different tangent they both were talking in, you summed it up pretty well
Please kindly make the videos downloadable
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَىٰ مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَىٰ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ ❁ كَمَا صَلَّيْتَ عَلَىٰ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَىٰ آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ ❁ إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ ❁ اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ عَلَىٰ مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَىٰ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ ❁ كَمَا بَارَكْتَ عَلَىٰ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَىٰ آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ ❁ إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ
I think majority of people are not in " Consistent remembrance of Allah" there are to many distraction. Really. We dont need to count them. LaYinka says its important, Mindful and intentional of Dhikr. They more you do then it become natural without remindering yourself.
After the looong hiatus, i think i was expecting more from the episodes, like for them to get deeper but they seem very surface level and glides over many things it seems just to say “here lol here’s an episode” but alhamdulillah still beneficial and a pleasure to see you ladies.
And from the views, I think most previous subscribers may agree with me.
@BintHalwa as with all episodes, we haven't planned the content but we were very intentional with the chosen topics. This season is a direct reflection of where we're at. We're at a stage in our lives where we're not counting views - we're looking ahead to what's truly important- our relationship with Allah and our akhirah. Alhamdulillah so many podcasts and shows have started since we started 6 years ago, if HTT isn't your cup of tea anymore - you're welcome to say Masalama. 😊
@ I love you ladies , and i’m here for the long haul in shaa allah 🤍🩷 just wanted to express my thoughts after watching the episodes thus far. i know evolution in these spaces is bound to take place.. we grow , evolve, our thoughts and emotions, ideas and so on change over time involuntarily and of course it’s reflected in our output. khayr in shaa allah, May allah bless your efforts. ameen
Sister Aliyah in al Islam the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet is attayamun (starting by the right), so you need to always start with the person on your right and same for all.
I'm trying to learn the Dua in arabic. Can anyone write how it was said from 27:05?
اللهم أعني على ذكرك وشكرك وحُسن عبادتك
Surat 13 Ayat 28.
I want to speak English like a native
What do you advice me?
I maybe sharing something shocking but there are people who have very fragile nervous system whom even that putting of the cup can harm them a lot. I know what I'm saying. Jazākumullahu khayran
I would be very careful with saying “Allah is serving us” better to say Allah is wanting the best for us
Layinka said “Allah is serving us a test” in the sense that he is displaying it for us and putting it into our lives, not as a means of literally being in service for us
@@lovelysdeen6330 yes i understand the context that was expressed and that’s fine but literally using those words “Allah is serving us” is disrespectful to our Lord. May Allah forgive us
I have a question: how do we remember death?
Right now is just by knowing news and what's going on in Gaza. It can be going to a Janaza or remembering and making Dua for someone you know that died. Making the morning and evening Ashlar. Going to sleep is a small death so before you sleep, think that only Allah can wake you up