The song choice tells you alot. "We've got to hang on to what we've got" "It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not" "We've got eachother and that's alot" They're talking about NATO and are trying to hang on to it. Italy you need to focus on yourself and get out of it. It might hurt in the beginning but in the long run your Nation will flourish, like it always has. Stop being a vassal of the U.S. Roma Invicta! 🇮🇹
Ottimo 2025 e buon vento ,da un ex in congedo di Nave Maestrale. F570 VELOCE E VEEMENTE
Auguri di buon anno a tutti il personale della Marina militare italiana in servizio e in congedo 🇮🇹⚓⚓⚓🩵⚓⚓
Buon lavoro a Tutti Voi
The song choice tells you alot.
"We've got to hang on to what we've got"
"It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not"
"We've got eachother and that's alot"
They're talking about NATO and are trying to hang on to it. Italy you need to focus on yourself and get out of it. It might hurt in the beginning but in the long run your Nation will flourish, like it always has. Stop being a vassal of the U.S. Roma Invicta! 🇮🇹
A cosa servite?
lei a cosa serve?
La Marina è molto importante per i ragazzi che vogliono andare nelle forze dell ordine e nelle altre forze armate