this really caught my attention when I saw this - cuz PvE games (at launch) don't usually have PvP at the top of their to-do list seeing that it's basically astronomically more difficult to create a PvP game than a PvE game.... which makes me believe they have had PvP planned all this time I hope their PvP is successful!
was orignaly gonna be PvP but they held off the PvP to prevent the gank fest of people killing noobs aslong as they have server option for PvE only like we have now and server with pvP i think we can keep everyone happy.
From someone that has played ark for years and probably along with yall, this game with pvp seems very promising and I believe if done right it will be a very good game. I hope theres some sort of raiding concept and I hope they push more defensive engrams as well. Excited for the future on this game!
Since it is already similar to Pokemon, I think my character should be able to stand absolutely still until another player crosses my path...then I battle them with my level 6 chicken
I think they should release a new map. In this said new map, it will be a pvp map. You can transfer to and from the pvp map or even choose to build on pvp map in certain locations. It can be called "gladiator island" or something. It would require a lot of resources but atleast it would keep pvp and pve people separated with an option to still go in and pvp if you wanted
I'm so happy content creators of the survival game genre have something fresh they can play with. I'm so excited to see hod, boblee and the boys get some early game pvpon palworld l!
Hearing that they will be testing out pvp with different game designs gives me hope for the future of this game. Hope they take their time and communicate with the community well.
Honestly i hope they scrap the pvp idea cause we all know what comes next all the really op pals you love get nerfed to the ground itll be just like ark where only about 5 pals get used then the crying starts then they get nerfed more till guns are better than the pals then nothing is fun anymore i honestly hope they focus more on content, pals, and better AI that will actually keep the game alive over pvp that might add another 20-30k player
My guess for open world PvP is that it would have raids as a main point, being able to launch raids from your base against other players that aren’t in your guild. Speaking of guilds, they’ll probably make larger pvp servers be more full on warfare between guilds.
Imagine if the raid system would be similar on pvp servers, lets say every hour or so you get to select the raid option in your palbox, then you get to select an online tribe to raid. Break in their base, get the ressources and kill their pals while you can. Also imagine full pvp engagement against both players and pals in the open world. They could make it that you can loot weapons/armor/ressources from players and when your pal dies you just have to heal it in your palbox just like pve.
My friends and i are SO excited for the pvp. If done right this could be a very very fun experience but i totally understand how the devs think its has a 10% success. If you really think about it, ALOT of stuff will need to be rebalanced and you can tell they went basically all in on pve at at first. Its goona be expecially hard once it comes because they will have a bunch of pvers complaing about a mode they have no clue how to play. So maybe this is what you mean by "soft" pvp, which i am NOT looking forward too. so so so many things will need to be balanced. Of course we try out dedicated servers with pvp but we all know officials are where its at(atleast on console, pc officials can be hell with cheaters). Considering most dedicated pvp servers in this genre are basically ez mat gathering mode anyways, officials will be the best way with normal rates. Hopefully people understand how many things are going to have to be rebalanced for a true survival pvp experience. And i dont mean settings that can be changed by the server owner, im talking fundamental mechanics and features. * Also to add, I really hope they do not go through with character transfers. Ruined conan pvp for reeeeeeally long time, even now people still have body vaults that can bulldoze a server in the right hands. Heard ark had a tough time with the map transfers. I honestly feel like its a feature that sounds great to pvers and casual pvpers, but in the end gives way too much power to the top players.
I don't understand why people are taking the words of a community manager as gospel. The game has a guild system clearly to implement player faction conflict later, base structures have HP, and dataminers found a pal sphere that can catch player pals. I think theyre going to add this dueling/arena system so theres always an optional system for pvp even on a pve server. surely there will be different pvp options for server operators too, like duels only, one setting with no base raiding, one setting with everything enabled, anarchy style.
I prefer pve, but a Borderlands style pvp where you challenege someone to a duel and it puts up an uncrossable dome around the two of you until the fight is done would be cool. Base raiding would be cool too but much harder to balance
Every company that ever added PvP did it for one reason: It's lazy endgame. Or rather: A low hanging fruit. If you can make one player interact with other players you do not have to create actual content. It keeps players interested for quite a while.
well said about let the community do the PVP could not agree more but this game could have a long long life ahead if done correctly, pvp in the game would be unreal and some good replayabilty but its right they want to take time and do it proper.
A lot of MMOs, and also Diablo 4 does this: separate instance/region for open world PVP free-for-all, and battle arena with matchmaking for those who want something more structured. Voila!
I only play games for the pvp. So I severely hope they add this sooner rather than later, and just let the chaos ensue honestly and embrace it. Ive been theory crafting on builds and such I will do.
I am new to survival games and never played Ark Would an element like PVP be a feature enabled within the single player( base) game? Or would I have to create a character within an official server. I guess my question is. Should I feel comfortable progressing on the single player mode ( multiplayer turned on) , so that later I can use my character built, for PVP?
If they want to do PVP they need to emulate some of the most successful. I would not mind seeing a MOBA style palworld PVP. There could even be a fruit stand vendor that sells skill fruit upgrades.
Palworld needs PvP to stay successful imo. People do like PvP and to build etc but the only reason games like Ark stay going so strong for so long is PvP. You can have your own server like now if you want to just pve but PvP would give you that rush to attack a base and protect etc. if they want to keep it more soft and you have like a “pokemon battle” type thing then that’s fine too but with how rough the AI is to let pals fight on their own is unpredictable and annoying when they just stand there getting hit, doing nothing.
There is a easy solution here keep pve servers for people who don't like pvp and have hard-core pvp servers for people like me who is actually good at pvp and love it.
I think something akin to the current pve raids would be cool. It's limited in a sense and would still offer fast travel, but you could invade other worlds to conduct a raid for base rewards and takaway loot
All they have to do is add some fast traveling balances on servers with pvp enabled and leave it alone if you don't have pvp on. Could also make fast traveling in pvp require an item you only find and collect spawned randomly in the world to craft it, which would make people want to walk around more Maybe have it cost more of them the further you teleport as well. On top of that a 5 minute fast travel cool down after using one, unless it's back to base. No fast traveling for a certain amount of time after being attacked by an enemy player or attacking them or their base. No bases can be built within certain distances from teleport points, which would protect from people going to a travel point and end up right at a base to attack. All of this would severely limit people who want to pop in and out of fast travels to hit a base and run repeatedly. It would cost an item, take more time and if they messed up and got attacked they wouldn't be able to abuse the teleport unless they won the fight. The only problem I can see arising from this list of balances would be if somebody would camp teleport points just to shoot people so they couldn't teleport, but I'm sure something could be done about that as well.
@HOD, as a fellow Aussie, what servers have you been using to escape obscene lag? Private games seem to be fine, we had a private server but kept getting hit with the characters being wiped after each large patch update (because all your player specific data is saved on your end whilst the server/map based/base stuff is saved on the server end...that's my understanding, it sucked, burnt a lot of us out), so yeah sucky. I tried some pub official servers today but even at the 105 ping that was the lowest I could find, connection time outs or if you got in lag so bad you were stood still teleport moving, unplayable. So, very curious what servers you are playing on because of the lag issues and wanting to play with others. __ Palworld open-world PvP is gonna be a pretty shitty experience imho, it is so easy to get ahead it Palworld and then it's pretty much who can restrict access to the key resources on the map (coal will be that key one). Anyway, hopefully they have PvP as a setting so as you don't screw over the PvE players - the fast travel is massive for the PvE. They could easily have PvE separate to PvP and their servers be one or the other. Anyways, wait and see.
@@HOD I managed to find a community one this morning (yesterday morning Sydney time lol) with all of 10ish ping, very generic name...a mate tried joining and where I had 3 servers sharing the name with varying pings he had a couple dozen showing up, in the end 15 minutes later he just started joining possible ones based on low ping till it clicked. There's no invite friend function to the servers and no reliable find server tools yet, it's very much the atrocity that ARK servers were when they launched. Official servers, IF you manage to get into one, it's standing teleport movement, the lag so horrendously bad for us Aussies that it's unplayable, and I'm sure it's fair to say that like me, you can tolerate a rather high amount of lag before you proclaim something unplayable, but the official servers, completely unplayable. To PvEvP currently - everything burns. You can set yourself on fire by passing over a campfire and then just stay on wooden foundations etc and watch an entire base just self-destruct. Fire Pals do the same thing and fire will eventually kill people too. I feel like if non-arena PvP is implemented to Palworld it most definitely needs to be a separate server option, don't worry as much about balancing vs PvE but balance vs PvP and then have separate balance for PvE, because it very much feels like a Rust Wipe Day run, where whoever gets the better building locations first followed by the best pal's the fastest can snowball out of control and dominate and then it's just an exercise in how toxic can those players be to the rest of the player base, because it's gonna be a slog for everyone else.
We need pvp.already Death bags with purges, a.k.a. Base raiding All the mechanics are there for a conan exile style pvp They should do no pal killing and no pal stilling So everyone can easily build right back up. Raid for resources. fight for glory have raiding on weekends I'd be down for that.
I hope they add it all in settings and leave it up to servers and hosts to add what they want their experience to be like along with different servers for pve and pvp to live
I don't understand, they can set the battlefield in a different environment isolated from any of the player's world like a Colosseum battle. The pals don't die but rather tagged as defeated.
Maybe like a guild or kingdom function and certain islands where u compete for rare rss and benifits. Pvp islands and guild wars. And an island for pvp arena
Hi I'm from the future. Here's what it looks like: People can break your shit and your pals won't do anything about it. There is nothing you can build in the game that will in any way do ANYTHING about a player attacking your stuff while offline. Lol. Looking forward to the future but they shouldn't have enabled it yet.
There’s so many game breaking glitches that I can’t see them implementing pvp too soon. Not when you can capture tower bosses and stack shields on your character. In the future they could do pvp the same way as v-rising with partial loot or full loot servers. But that’s a long way off.
Having open world where you can see other players everywhere and you can you can offer to duel and the other player has to accept or you can team up to take down bosses would even be cool it doesnt have to be i log on one day and i dont have a base anymore
I want it completely open world pvp but should be an option via server so PvE players can play on non pvp games. Having just pal battles then u loose all the riding ability skills like firebox flamethrower Death penalty should just be what server setting is (inventory drop or all drop maybe add one for inventory/pal drops and what not) I also would prefer if base raids were on a set time either set by server or clan owners because raids when asleep suck for everyone tbh.
@@kingofkings2597 full pvp but without structure damage as i was typing this i also remember v rising has something similar but you can destroy everything but not everything drops in chest and stuff when destroying a building it just goes invisible and can be repaired cant remember how exactly it works but close enough the point of this is there in game mechanics that hard limit what someone on the losing side of a raid loses to not just get fully wiped and quit
Reading the comments about soft pvp and pvp only areas etc it just seems like a bunch of pve players that want to role play actually fighting. If it's not all on the line then I'm not interested and the fact I've no excitement about pokemon regardless so looks a game I'll never play. Wish wc would just work on fixing their game and enforcing tos. Ark would be so good if was done right but been saying that for 8years😂 Wonder if funcom have learnt from the mess they made of Conan and will make dune worth playing.
I’m all for pvp, I think it has a lot of potential. However I don’t really care much for base raiding. Yes it’s fun and all, however for me i can only get on during weekends so I cant devote a lot of time monitoring my base like other pvp games. Personally I hope they have a regional pvp area.
Would it be possible to implement cross server pvp? Local players cant attack each other, but players from other servers can raid, but only at a certain time. There would at least some downtime Sorta like the last episodes of shield hero if anyones ever watched 😅
imo it needs pvp, like what is there to do when youve beaten the game, its not as creative as terraria or minecraft to keep people playing, but its also not got any pvp to keep people playing. obviously "just have pvp" isnt perfect, im reminded of new world, but would surely keep a large proportion of people interested for longer
Actually they can delete fast travel. Would it make more realistic if someone want to raid you instead fast travel next to your base. Happy to know there will be a pvp. Its a game changer, i also hope they add it to xbox soon. Im more a console guy and will enjoy it for sure.
hopefully they wipe the servers first because there's a lot of cheaters and exploits going on already. huge disadvantage if they dont wipe the servers to a fresh start.
You didn’t mention the leaks that they already have coming for PVP like the fact that we’re gonna be able to catch other players pals! They’re definitely gonna start it off hard I don’t think you had a good interpretation of what they actually said.
from what i read and rsearched it sounds very soft they are worried to do pvp dont you think? all these articles and interviews say that i thought. do you have a link about the black ball?
Pvp with no base destruction but you drop items outside of base circle on death easy for pvp and the kids won’t lose their base or your 1 of 3 bases can’t be raided and they could call it main pal box or something it’s not that hard and it still makes it so people playing right now won’t lose their progress moving to new servers also maybe don’t drop pals on death?
Being ana duly I don’t have the time to grind to then lose my stuff and having to redo it. I rather have arena style pvp or maybe separate servers or worlds
cheater stole my base my character on official NA 0054 I caught a jetragon and they stole everything deleted my game. Gonna get a refund not worth playing. @@Dimetrodon_0
How is it so hard to add pvp and pve servers and just turn on damage done to other players. This cannot be true what they are saying I feel like they are just trying to push it down the line of course they want the rust / ark community
This game really don't need PVP. If anything it will only complicate things later on for the devs. Some of the most toxic and nasty people I have met on ARK are PVP players. This game was created with the intentions of PVE survival, think that is how it should stay. PVP will just bring more negativity they the devs need.
I thought they would of just done what they did with the pve raiding system. A player can send their Pals as a raid team to another players base, that player can join the raid. If player gain experience and if you destroy the palbox you gain loot and a rare egg for a chance to hatch one of a few very rare pals. If they have a cooldown on sending another that will stop the spamming. The pals that get knocked out go on a extended long rest timer. I would be interested with that.
every game rushing for new content but wont just fix the issue we keep dopping connection this game sucks as is rn could be good but a waste of money rn
What in the ever loving is this CRAP… Where are all of our original maps (Rag, Center, Gen, AB, VAL etc) that we paid for with ASE? What are they doing to Ark? If I wanted to play with cartoons I would play Fortnite. Just give us ASE back if you’re going to do this stupid crap with ASA.
@Kourz Wait, I am confused now... This is not coming to ASA? I don't care who makes it, they just need to leave ARK alone and give us back what we paid for in ASE if they are going to make all these mods for ASA. Give us our paid for ARK we had in ASE if they are going to do all this garb to ASA.
Pvp is actually out now check my channel to see the newest vids and ive been livestreaming our pvp server!
Today we talk about the latest pvp update in Palworld and what we know so far! Are you guys excited for it or not interested let me know below
this really caught my attention when I saw this - cuz PvE games (at launch) don't usually have PvP at the top of their to-do list seeing that it's basically astronomically more difficult to create a PvP game than a PvE game.... which makes me believe they have had PvP planned all this time
I hope their PvP is successful!
yep i really hope it goes well i think pvp will be good if they are being this careful. i just hope they dont limit it too much
@@HOD yeah exactly - well I'll be 1st in line for the H.O.D. Palworld faction opening tryouts 😎
was orignaly gonna be PvP but they held off the PvP to prevent the gank fest of people killing noobs aslong as they have server option for PvE only like we have now and server with pvP i think we can keep everyone happy.
Survival games aren't really fun for very long without PVP
From someone that has played ark for years and probably along with yall, this game with pvp seems very promising and I believe if done right it will be a very good game. I hope theres some sort of raiding concept and I hope they push more defensive engrams as well. Excited for the future on this game!
Since it is already similar to Pokemon, I think my character should be able to stand absolutely still until another player crosses my path...then I battle them with my level 6 chicken
Then he throws out his lvl 50, lifmunk with maxed out passives and killls you in half a second
Loving your coverage of Palworld man. Im super excited to see your lets play of a pvp series!!
thanks awesome to hear i cant wait for pvp
same @@HOD
That dragon that fires the rockets will be absolutely insane in pvp
I think it will probably be zone based PVP.
Palworld feels like the first game in years to have a team of actual nerds making it amd its feels great
I think they should release a new map. In this said new map, it will be a pvp map. You can transfer to and from the pvp map or even choose to build on pvp map in certain locations. It can be called "gladiator island" or something. It would require a lot of resources but atleast it would keep pvp and pve people separated with an option to still go in and pvp if you wanted
I'm so happy content creators of the survival game genre have something fresh they can play with. I'm so excited to see hod, boblee and the boys get some early game pvpon palworld l!
Hearing that they will be testing out pvp with different game designs gives me hope for the future of this game. Hope they take their time and communicate with the community well.
Honestly i hope they scrap the pvp idea cause we all know what comes next all the really op pals you love get nerfed to the ground itll be just like ark where only about 5 pals get used then the crying starts then they get nerfed more till guns are better than the pals then nothing is fun anymore i honestly hope they focus more on content, pals, and better AI that will actually keep the game alive over pvp that might add another 20-30k player
Ark without pvp would've never sold. Pve players will never understand how much better it is for a game to offer it.
My guess for open world PvP is that it would have raids as a main point, being able to launch raids from your base against other players that aren’t in your guild. Speaking of guilds, they’ll probably make larger pvp servers be more full on warfare between guilds.
pretty sure theyve gone on record to say that pvp will not function like Rust
I kinda figured they would bring in pvp when the message said “pick up your stuff before someone else does” came on my screen the first time i died
I think specific zones where a raid boss or good schemes maybe even dungeons have pvp enabled so only like late game.
Imagine if the raid system would be similar on pvp servers, lets say every hour or so you get to select the raid option in your palbox, then you get to select an online tribe to raid. Break in their base, get the ressources and kill their pals while you can. Also imagine full pvp engagement against both players and pals in the open world. They could make it that you can loot weapons/armor/ressources from players and when your pal dies you just have to heal it in your palbox just like pve.
My friends and i are SO excited for the pvp. If done right this could be a very very fun experience but i totally understand how the devs think its has a 10% success. If you really think about it, ALOT of stuff will need to be rebalanced and you can tell they went basically all in on pve at at first. Its goona be expecially hard once it comes because they will have a bunch of pvers complaing about a mode they have no clue how to play. So maybe this is what you mean by "soft" pvp, which i am NOT looking forward too. so so so many things will need to be balanced. Of course we try out dedicated servers with pvp but we all know officials are where its at(atleast on console, pc officials can be hell with cheaters). Considering most dedicated pvp servers in this genre are basically ez mat gathering mode anyways, officials will be the best way with normal rates.
Hopefully people understand how many things are going to have to be rebalanced for a true survival pvp experience. And i dont mean settings that can be changed by the server owner, im talking fundamental mechanics and features.
* Also to add, I really hope they do not go through with character transfers. Ruined conan pvp for reeeeeeally long time, even now people still have body vaults that can bulldoze a server in the right hands. Heard ark had a tough time with the map transfers. I honestly feel like its a feature that sounds great to pvers and casual pvpers, but in the end gives way too much power to the top players.
I don't understand why people are taking the words of a community manager as gospel. The game has a guild system clearly to implement player faction conflict later, base structures have HP, and dataminers found a pal sphere that can catch player pals. I think theyre going to add this dueling/arena system so theres always an optional system for pvp even on a pve server. surely there will be different pvp options for server operators too, like duels only, one setting with no base raiding, one setting with everything enabled, anarchy style.
fast travel isnt a problem citadel is a survival mage game and they had fast travel towers similar to palworld and it was fine.
If you're allowing people to make their own dedicated servers, you should allow the server owners to decide what type of PVP they want in their server
I prefer pve, but a Borderlands style pvp where you challenege someone to a duel and it puts up an uncrossable dome around the two of you until the fight is done would be cool. Base raiding would be cool too but much harder to balance
Every company that ever added PvP did it for one reason: It's lazy endgame. Or rather: A low hanging fruit. If you can make one player interact with other players you do not have to create actual content. It keeps players interested for quite a while.
Faction islands where clans own territory and fight to control the map. or a lawless area could be fun modes to try
well said about let the community do the PVP could not agree more but this game could have a long long life ahead if done correctly, pvp in the game would be unreal and some good replayabilty but its right they want to take time and do it proper.
A lot of MMOs, and also Diablo 4 does this: separate instance/region for open world PVP free-for-all, and battle arena with matchmaking for those who want something more structured. Voila!
I only play games for the pvp. So I severely hope they add this sooner rather than later, and just let the chaos ensue honestly and embrace it. Ive been theory crafting on builds and such I will do.
They're lucky their pve is SO good I still wanna play it lol.
I am new to survival games and never played Ark Would an element like PVP be a feature enabled within the single player( base) game? Or would I have to create a character within an official server. I guess my question is. Should I feel comfortable progressing on the single player mode ( multiplayer turned on) , so that later I can use my character built, for PVP?
If they want to do PVP they need to emulate some of the most successful.
I would not mind seeing a MOBA style palworld PVP.
There could even be a fruit stand vendor that sells skill fruit upgrades.
Nice bro i love the game
I wait for the new build system
Palworld needs PvP to stay successful imo. People do like PvP and to build etc but the only reason games like Ark stay going so strong for so long is PvP. You can have your own server like now if you want to just pve but PvP would give you that rush to attack a base and protect etc. if they want to keep it more soft and you have like a “pokemon battle” type thing then that’s fine too but with how rough the AI is to let pals fight on their own is unpredictable and annoying when they just stand there getting hit, doing nothing.
There is a easy solution here keep pve servers for people who don't like pvp and have hard-core pvp servers for people like me who is actually good at pvp and love it.
Shame PlayStation is left out. I want to play this.
You can run it on a pretty low spec pc
I think something akin to the current pve raids would be cool. It's limited in a sense and would still offer fast travel, but you could invade other worlds to conduct a raid for base rewards and takaway loot
They should do consensual pvp. Meaning you ask to Battle someone and select if you want to just fight with pals or with ur gun as well.
what if the other person will decline the duel?
Nah it’s better to just fight em hopefully they add base raiding to
All they have to do is add some fast traveling balances on servers with pvp enabled and leave it alone if you don't have pvp on. Could also make fast traveling in pvp require an item you only find and collect spawned randomly in the world to craft it, which would make people want to walk around more Maybe have it cost more of them the further you teleport as well. On top of that a 5 minute fast travel cool down after using one, unless it's back to base. No fast traveling for a certain amount of time after being attacked by an enemy player or attacking them or their base. No bases can be built within certain distances from teleport points, which would protect from people going to a travel point and end up right at a base to attack. All of this would severely limit people who want to pop in and out of fast travels to hit a base and run repeatedly. It would cost an item, take more time and if they messed up and got attacked they wouldn't be able to abuse the teleport unless they won the fight. The only problem I can see arising from this list of balances would be if somebody would camp teleport points just to shoot people so they couldn't teleport, but I'm sure something could be done about that as well.
@HOD, as a fellow Aussie, what servers have you been using to escape obscene lag?
Private games seem to be fine, we had a private server but kept getting hit with the characters being wiped after each large patch update (because all your player specific data is saved on your end whilst the server/map based/base stuff is saved on the server end...that's my understanding, it sucked, burnt a lot of us out), so yeah sucky. I tried some pub official servers today but even at the 105 ping that was the lowest I could find, connection time outs or if you got in lag so bad you were stood still teleport moving, unplayable. So, very curious what servers you are playing on because of the lag issues and wanting to play with others.
Palworld open-world PvP is gonna be a pretty shitty experience imho, it is so easy to get ahead it Palworld and then it's pretty much who can restrict access to the key resources on the map (coal will be that key one). Anyway, hopefully they have PvP as a setting so as you don't screw over the PvE players - the fast travel is massive for the PvE. They could easily have PvE separate to PvP and their servers be one or the other. Anyways, wait and see.
yeah pvp would be a mess right now. ive been playing on a friends server with just 4 of us. official looks like a dumpster fire of pve pvp haha
@@HOD I managed to find a community one this morning (yesterday morning Sydney time lol) with all of 10ish ping, very generic name...a mate tried joining and where I had 3 servers sharing the name with varying pings he had a couple dozen showing up, in the end 15 minutes later he just started joining possible ones based on low ping till it clicked.
There's no invite friend function to the servers and no reliable find server tools yet, it's very much the atrocity that ARK servers were when they launched.
Official servers, IF you manage to get into one, it's standing teleport movement, the lag so horrendously bad for us Aussies that it's unplayable, and I'm sure it's fair to say that like me, you can tolerate a rather high amount of lag before you proclaim something unplayable, but the official servers, completely unplayable.
To PvEvP currently - everything burns. You can set yourself on fire by passing over a campfire and then just stay on wooden foundations etc and watch an entire base just self-destruct. Fire Pals do the same thing and fire will eventually kill people too.
I feel like if non-arena PvP is implemented to Palworld it most definitely needs to be a separate server option, don't worry as much about balancing vs PvE but balance vs PvP and then have separate balance for PvE, because it very much feels like a Rust Wipe Day run, where whoever gets the better building locations first followed by the best pal's the fastest can snowball out of control and dominate and then it's just an exercise in how toxic can those players be to the rest of the player base, because it's gonna be a slog for everyone else.
We need pvp.already Death bags with purges, a.k.a. Base raiding All the mechanics are there for a conan exile style pvp They should do no pal killing and no pal stilling So everyone can easily build right back up. Raid for resources. fight for glory have raiding on weekends I'd be down for that.
yep its in now i just did a vid :D
They can do cool downs on ports like ark beds and gear drops only and items
I hope they add it all in settings and leave it up to servers and hosts to add what they want their experience to be like along with different servers for pve and pvp to live
pvp should be like rust in dedicated servers but single player could have like a pvp colisseum
I don't understand, they can set the battlefield in a different environment isolated from any of the player's world like a Colosseum battle. The pals don't die but rather tagged as defeated.
yeah i think this is what they are saying pvp will be like to begin with
Maybe like a guild or kingdom function and certain islands where u compete for rare rss and benifits. Pvp islands and guild wars. And an island for pvp arena
Hi I'm from the future. Here's what it looks like: People can break your shit and your pals won't do anything about it. There is nothing you can build in the game that will in any way do ANYTHING about a player attacking your stuff while offline. Lol. Looking forward to the future but they shouldn't have enabled it yet.
What type of server should I set up if I want to do pvp later
There’s so many game breaking glitches that I can’t see them implementing pvp too soon. Not when you can capture tower bosses and stack shields on your character. In the future they could do pvp the same way as v-rising with partial loot or full loot servers. But that’s a long way off.
would LOVE if the arena pvp had a ranked mode but ik probably not lol
Having open world where you can see other players everywhere and you can you can offer to duel and the other player has to accept or you can team up to take down bosses would even be cool it doesnt have to be i log on one day and i dont have a base anymore
PvP should be an Arena and a duel option on players. Forced PvP with no option to opt out would be ass.
I want it completely open world pvp but should be an option via server so PvE players can play on non pvp games. Having just pal battles then u loose all the riding ability skills like firebox flamethrower
Death penalty should just be what server setting is (inventory drop or all drop maybe add one for inventory/pal drops and what not)
I also would prefer if base raids were on a set time either set by server or clan owners because raids when asleep suck for everyone tbh.
No fast travel is fine when a games world is fun and interesting to travel through. Palworlds map is quite boring so I guess it needs fast travel.
yeah i hope they add a lot more to it soon it feels very much like an unfinished foundation i am very curious to see what updates we get
I want to be able to raid somebody and take all their stuff and possibly Pals
I'm just excited to watch Wild Card and Snail Games soil their pants.
Ranking pvp would be a good start
seens like conan conflict style pvp would perfectly fit with what they are trying to create
Never played that game. Can u explain?
@@kingofkings2597 full pvp but without structure damage
as i was typing this i also remember v rising has something similar but you can destroy everything but not everything drops in chest and stuff when destroying a building it just goes invisible and can be repaired cant remember how exactly it works but close enough
the point of this is there in game mechanics that hard limit what someone on the losing side of a raid loses to not just get fully wiped and quit
Before they add pvp i hope they will fix the random data loss and random server wipes.
Would love to have some use for large city and voted in leadership
Reading the comments about soft pvp and pvp only areas etc it just seems like a bunch of pve players that want to role play actually fighting.
If it's not all on the line then I'm not interested and the fact I've no excitement about pokemon regardless so looks a game I'll never play.
Wish wc would just work on fixing their game and enforcing tos. Ark would be so good if was done right but been saying that for 8years😂
Wonder if funcom have learnt from the mess they made of Conan and will make dune worth playing.
yeah im really hoping dune comes through with the pvp carry cause everyone is scared of pvp now
@@HODonly if they add npc recruits at dune.
I’m all for pvp, I think it has a lot of potential. However I don’t really care much for base raiding. Yes it’s fun and all, however for me i can only get on during weekends so I cant devote a lot of time monitoring my base like other pvp games. Personally I hope they have a regional pvp area.
Would it be possible to implement cross server pvp?
Local players cant attack each other, but players from other servers can raid, but only at a certain time. There would at least some downtime
Sorta like the last episodes of shield hero if anyones ever watched 😅
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imo it needs pvp, like what is there to do when youve beaten the game, its not as creative as terraria or minecraft to keep people playing, but its also not got any pvp to keep people playing. obviously "just have pvp" isnt perfect, im reminded of new world, but would surely keep a large proportion of people interested for longer
Why not just add pvp as a toggle in the meantime?
Actually they can delete fast travel. Would it make more realistic if someone want to raid you instead fast travel next to your base. Happy to know there will be a pvp. Its a game changer, i also hope they add it to xbox soon. Im more a console guy and will enjoy it for sure.
Yes I want PvP!!!! Especially if it’s cross platform
hopefully they wipe the servers first because there's a lot of cheaters and exploits going on already. huge disadvantage if they dont wipe the servers to a fresh start.
Palworld will be dead in 2 months with no pvp
You didn’t mention the leaks that they already have coming for PVP like the fact that we’re gonna be able to catch other players pals! They’re definitely gonna start it off hard I don’t think you had a good interpretation of what they actually said.
from what i read and rsearched it sounds very soft they are worried to do pvp dont you think? all these articles and interviews say that i thought. do you have a link about the black ball?
Does anyone have the video link ?
ill get it when back at pc sorry forgot to add links
@@HOD all good 😊 I have found it took me few minutes to find the search word.
Why they just dont make it where you can make a server pvp or pve
Pvp with no base destruction but you drop items outside of base circle on death easy for pvp and the kids won’t lose their base or your 1 of 3 bases can’t be raided and they could call it main pal box or something it’s not that hard and it still makes it so people playing right now won’t lose their progress moving to new servers also maybe don’t drop pals on death?
Being ana duly I don’t have the time to grind to then lose my stuff and having to redo it. I rather have arena style pvp or maybe separate servers or worlds
No it dies fast if you dont give people options. Thats not the reason for conan, you can choose between pve and pvp.
I'm hoping they use Rust for inspiration. Imagine being raided and losing 1000 iron ingots.
No raiding just pal battles or the game will die to cheaters lol.
cheater stole my base my character on official NA 0054 I caught a jetragon and they stole everything deleted my game. Gonna get a refund not worth playing. @@Dimetrodon_0
cheater just took my whole base and character and i had a jetragon at level 34 I can tell you how to get it.@@Dimetrodon_0
i am fine with pvp in like a duel way but if its like raiding in ark it's going to be so fucked
They need to do ranked pvp
How is it so hard to add pvp and pve servers and just turn on damage done to other players. This cannot be true what they are saying I feel like they are just trying to push it down the line of course they want the rust / ark community
This game will die without pvp. Pve is fun for some but gaming is all about being competitive once all pve content is completed.
Give me Solo and Trios Battle Royale on a seperate Island & pvp Pal Battles.
raiiding other bases would be good as everyone wants 190 -30 ore/coal base (my mate got that pal box there already T.T i want to raid his ass)
It will be a mess of cheaters and hackers
This game really don't need PVP. If anything it will only complicate things later on for the devs. Some of the most toxic and nasty people I have met on ARK are PVP players. This game was created with the intentions of PVE survival, think that is how it should stay. PVP will just bring more negativity they the devs need.
it would be great with pvp acutally...
i came here after ARK btw
I want it to be like rust
Dear god no.
The AI Issa mess. And this game isn’t even close to being finished so why tf are even thinking about this?
no raidin, just kill for fun like red dead online
I hope they add pvp I bought Xbox for palworld just thinking I can raid plp otherwise I’m just going to get bored
I thought they would of just done what they did with the pve raiding system. A player can send their Pals as a raid team to another players base, that player can join the raid. If player gain experience and if you destroy the palbox you gain loot and a rare egg for a chance to hatch one of a few very rare pals. If they have a cooldown on sending another that will stop the spamming. The pals that get knocked out go on a extended long rest timer. I would be interested with that.
I love this game!!!
“Pvp is gonna be the end to this game” remember that quote
i thought they already had pvp so thats like counterstrike and pokemon or sumpthin...
Im sick of the palworld content, everyone is putting it out and i have never been interested in pokemon, so hopefully the overhype dies soon....
I think ark lost a great number of its everyday players, as soon as it opened up travel to other servers. It became a shit show after that.
I was thinking about how this game would work in pvp …. Great minds think alike
every game rushing for new content but wont just fix the issue we keep dopping connection this game sucks as is rn could be good but a waste of money rn
I think pvp areas would be good. I think full loot openworld pvp and raiding would be too much.
Should work on arena pvp first then go into an open world pvp.
What in the ever loving is this CRAP… Where are all of our original maps (Rag, Center, Gen, AB, VAL etc) that we paid for with ASE? What are they doing to Ark? If I wanted to play with cartoons I would play Fortnite. Just give us ASE back if you’re going to do this stupid crap with ASA.
@Kourz Wait, I am confused now... This is not coming to ASA? I don't care who makes it, they just need to leave ARK alone and give us back what we paid for in ASE if they are going to make all these mods for ASA. Give us our paid for ARK we had in ASE if they are going to do all this garb to ASA.