this was really cool to watch. insane flying throughout the whole video but i puckered when you got the double kill at 2:25. that was sick man great job lol one of the greats for sure
Thank you for commenting! It’s a complicated topic, because each source seems to state something different. According to this article, the planes were delivered with Schräge Musik, but many crews removed them afterwards for performance.
this was really cool to watch. insane flying throughout the whole video but i puckered when you got the double kill at 2:25. that was sick man great job lol one of the greats for sure
Thank you! Was lucky they aligned like that ^^
That chase and kill at 4:35 was rad! That was cool
Where he "COCKPIT PLACEHOLDER"? Jokes aside, good flying of a heavy hitter like this
I have to admit that I get bit jealous when I see the cockpit model that the Uhu gets in IL-2. And what happened to the double 30mm Schräge Musik? ^^
@@alex_black_9819The double Schräge Musik is only prototype, thats why in IL2 1946 and no in WT, because its full of prototypes there
Thank you for commenting! It’s a complicated topic, because each source seems to state something different. According to this article, the planes were delivered with Schräge Musik, but many crews removed them afterwards for performance.
@@alex_black_9819Very interesting. Do you know any pilot that used it ?
No, I can only find general reports about the plane, but nothing about the usage of specific weapon systems.
that landing was phenomenal! Good saving there.
nice vid, makes me wanna play low tier sim
Do it, it’s fun! ^^
roblox lookin ahh canopy