Sadly, even if I buy an authentic bag, some people will think it's fake because I'm a person of color. But some people will also think my *condup* is authentic.
Hey! I was in Chanel buying a few other things and showed them the bag stap. The sales lady showed us lots of the other Chanel bags for sale in the store had the same thing with the strap! She said all the bags have it. I hope this helps!
Hello, please take your bag back to the store, those two exposed pieces of leather is a defect in the strap. There will replace your bag. Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift.
His COPYMAXY tote is beautifully colored, very sturdy and the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. I look forward to joining my rotation.
love you!! okay now i’m sold on *xbagy* bag! good price point too!!
Come across this video randomly and I watched COPYMAXS . OMG your closet is every women’s dream! Love your voice and the way you talk
So pretty and such a classic! You will get so much use out of the bag!! Congrats 🎁
Thank you lovely 💕
Sadly, even if I buy an authentic bag, some people will think it's fake because I'm a person of color. But some people will also think my *condup* is authentic.
I prefer to buy bags online than offline, *condup* , and its quality has never let me down.
You're so gorgeous, you're finally back❤
So happy to be back! thank you so much 💕
She is really beautiful. She should model..her smile is just perfect!
Just beautiful! I have the same WOC and love it. Glad I found your channel. New subbie here!
Yaay thanks for subscribing! Yess I love this woc 💕
I wanted to buy a bag as a gift for my good sister. She is a practical person. Finally, I ordered a bag from *condup* and she liked it very much.
Hi Ann, love the bag! 🎉❤ Were you able to replace it re: strap concern? Curious to know how it goes 😊 Thanks
Hey! I was in Chanel buying a few other things and showed them the bag stap. The sales lady showed us lots of the other Chanel bags for sale in the store had the same thing with the strap! She said all the bags have it. I hope this helps!
@@annawini thank you! 🙏💖 I look forward to your bag review one of these days ✨🥂
So so beautiful and look good on you beautiful🌸🌸🌸
Thank you lovely! 💕
Hello, please take your bag back to the store, those two exposed pieces of leather is a defect in the strap. There will replace your bag. Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift.
Ah thank you so much for this it’s my first one so I had no idea! I’ll take it in to the store 💕
How much those bag?
Yes please return. Let us know how everything thing went.
Thank you💕
Congratulations! Could you please share the model reference number? I am going to ask my hubby to get me the same one :)
It’s just a standard wallet on chain ☺️