From 1 mum to another.... there is nothing wrong with feeling overwhelmed, and feeling like being a mum is suffocating.... because it can be overwhelming and suffocating, even when you have an incredible support network, the expectations we put on ourselves can be unrealistic. This is gentle reminder to you and any other mum that needs to hear it..... you can only do what you can do x
I love that you talked about feeling suffocated and overwhelmed because no one was talks about that. And EVERY mom has felt like that. My kids are 16 and almost 13 and I just recently started to talk about this with people. It's so hard, especially when your kids are little or sick. Thank you thank you thank you for letting moms know they are not alone and their feelings are valid and normal. You're doing a great job 😊
I think it's funny but also kind of cool when Cory inserts his voice and says little comments to some of the things you're doing in your videos. He's an awesome editor. Also Flynn is very nice towards the insect creatures with helping them out.
You have no idea what a comfort your channel is, plis dont stop posting!!! We need more people like you. Sending tons of love from the Dominican Republic ❤❤❤❤
Koko’s sound effects and voice overs crack me up. I had to watch the unboxing of the candy 3 times 😂. Also, I think it’s great that you’re discussing your feelings so openly. Things aren’t black and white. No one is 100% happy or sad. Emotions are like waves. They’re a constant swirl of highs and lows. You can be so happy to see how big and strong your babies have gotten, and sad that it’s over, and overwhelmed, and, and, and!!! The more this stuff is discussed openly, the more it is normalized, and the less isolating these experiences are!
Whether or not they admit it, EVERY mom struggles to find the balance of caring for their kids and themselves. It's important for you to express these feelings. I think the way our society is set up, puts this unrealistic pressure on moms. You're doing your best and that's fantastic!
I love when I see Colleen wrapping up a video in her office yet the video still has 10 minutes left. These are some of my favorite moments, thank you for being vulnerable with us 🖤
Colleen, I feel this in the deepest part of my soul. I have a 21 month son and a 3 month daughter plus I’m a November 1st Christmas person but on Nov 1 - I fell down a full flight of stairs holding my toddler. We’re all fine, just bumped and bruised pretty bad. Then this past weekend, the kids and I all got super sick. They’re much more miserable than I am and my husband has been super amazing helping take care of us when he’s home - but we’re exhausted and I cried so much today from them both being so sick then realizing that I’m already “a week late” switching to Christmas because life is happening made it worse. It’s nice to hear someone else put words to how I feel, plus it gives me hope that we will get through this just like you guys did! You make me feel better about having hot mess moments as a mom, we’re still good moms even when life happens! ❤
Oh my, a full flight of stairs! I'm glad you and your toddler are okay. That's very scary, thank God nothing terrible happened to you or toddler. Then to get sick on top of everything, ugh. Sending love and prayers for fast healing from the fall and y'all getting over the sickness soon!! ❤️🙏
As a mother myself, it can be so hard when things don't go the way we plan but the one thing I always try to remember when I feel like my life is becoming slim is "this too will past" the bad times, the good times, the baby times, it all passes, even if life hurts feel it, it's exactly how you need to feel. Take time for yourself mama, if you don't take care of yourself, you can't take care of your family
oh Colleen, the end of your video is a perfect example of two things can be true at the same time. You are one person I would NEVER think doesn't want to do everything they can for their kids. You are a great mom and it's ok to feel tired, exhausted and overwhelmed. Knowing you need rest too is smart, it will help you be a better mom to allow others in your life to step in (one the kids are feeling better). Also it reminded me of the saying when you're raising kids, the days are long but the years are short....for example the recent week and the NICU days I'm sure felt like super long days, but then in a blink it's seems like those sweet babies are ALREADY 1
Colleen, it’s 100% ok to feel overwhelmed. being a mom is the hardest job in the world but you are a literal superhero and you are doing an incredible job. those kiddos are so lucky to have you ❤️❤️❤️
I think your honesty and vulnerability in this is incredible and we need SO MUCH MORE of this 💛 I have worked in childcare + Early education for a very long time now and as a result am accutely aware of these realities,though also aware I get to go home at the end of the day. It honestly terrifies me! how hard and overwhelming I know parenting can be and I am only seeing the the tip of the iceberg ! You are an inspiration Colleen,if only more parents spoke this honestly about parenting I think more people would go into parenthood with their eyes open,the love and joy and the trials and hardships, all of it! Keep being you open,honest and beautiful self Colleen ! Love you x
I feel like Wesley looks different! His little features seem to be getting stronger it’s so cute ❤ I loved the dance party, so adorable. It’s so nice seeing how Colleen’s family has grown 🥺 Sending good energies !!
That’s really good to feel your emotions even if it’s all over like the sickness. “Falling apart” or having a “breakdown” are healthy because bottling it up leads to disasters. Thank you for letting us in Colleen ♥️
im not a mom yet and your family is literally my dream and i will take so much of what ive learned from you when it is my time to be a mom! i love your authenticity and i appreciate you being so open about it. you and i are very similar in the ways we think and create and it helps me prepare for feelings that may come. i love you and i hope you get some self care and rest 🫶🏽
There is absolutely no shame in feeling overwhelmed when you have to care for everyone! My husband was recently sick and I only have two kids and I still felt out-touched and overwhelmed. You also go above and beyond for your kids- the way you set up a halloween decorated sick room for flynn was the sweetest thing! You are an amazing mom and an inspiration to me as a mom. Your vlogs are so comforting and heart warming! Try to do something for yourself if you get a chance ❤
I mean this honestly, but I think you may have a purchasing addiction. (Using online shopping as a means of feeling satisfaction/entertaining yourself/feeling good about yourself for spoiling the kids etc). It's a legitimate addiction and just putting it out there because it's not only a means of feeling temporarily better yourself, but it can lead to behavioral issues with children and their expectations down the road.
It’s amazing to watch the twins grow up and become their own people with little personalities! They have come so far! Can’t wait to watch them grow up even more and start interacting more ❤
Thank you for being honest Colleen being a mom is hard no matter how much help you get. You’re a super star and I hope you feel your Christmas spirit soon!!
Dear Colleen, I have watched you for a while now, and I get so excited every day to see that you have posted a new video. What I am saying is that there are people who really relate to you, love you, and care truly about you. I am speaking for many when I say you have helped in so many ways. I find you talking about what is in your mind, helps understanding that real, beautiful people struggle to. When you said you put on music I realized how truly amazing it actually is. I listen to music when stressed and it really helps me. You are amazing, and you know you are. You are a great mum and you know you are. You are inspiring and open. Thank you Colleen ❤❤❤ total sweetheart. You don't have to apologize for feeling overwhelmed with having all three of your children sick at the same time. And you don't have to apologize for trying to explain how it made you feel. Please just know that your feelings are valid and you don't have to feel bad about them. It makes sense because you had to be strong and get through all that tough stuff and now that you're on the other side it makes total sense that you're coming down from having to be strong and tough and feeling emotional now. You're a great mom and a great human being.
Didn’t Erik care for the kids a lot too while they were ill? It doesn’t have to be all on Mom. I know he’s a phenomenal Dad, but just wonder if for some reason he wasn’t able to help when you and the kids were sick. So happy that everyone is on the mend now. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF COLLEEN ❤❤❤
I have watched you for years and I absolutely love watching you and your family grow, and also hearing about your troubles. I think it’s so healthy and amazing that you are able to emote all of those feelings about being overwhelmed. Everyone who either works with children or is a mother themselves, understands EXACTLY how you feel.
Girlfriend!!! You are 1000% allowed to feel this way! All of us have our breaking point, just because you are a mom doesn't mean you aren't allowed to feel like you are being smothered! I have 2 kids of my own and know what this feels like, so you being able to handle 3 kids at a time is astonishing! Try to take a step back and breathe, even if you need to hide in the bathroom for 5 minutes, that still makes you a good mom! Keep going because you are one of the strongest moms I know! 💛
I'm so confused. Why couldn't Erik, the grandparents, or even Kory hold or comfort any of the kids? Or the nanny? I was basically a single mom and would have LOVED to have all of the adult help living in that house. Colleen needs to let go a bit and let others help. The kids can and do pick up on her stress and will show anxiety and distress. Everyone will be happier.
They do help. Colleen’s feelings are valid but this whole “I only have two arms but three children “ is misleading. She tours, works in her office, does TikTok videos, answers Q for her vlogs. For some reason when she talks, she likes to give the impression, she is living on her own.
@@lisasullivan4174 I know she feels she has to be there at all times and I feel her stress. But she is soo lucky to have people there with the kids 24/7 besides herself. She needs to start sharing and delegating. She will be a happier parent, spouse, and person. And the kids will be happy to bond and learn how to self soothe too.
TTQ: when you first told Flynn the twins names, what did he think of them? Did he like them or have any strong opinions about them? Did he want to name them anything else?(other than Buttus and John of course 😂) Love you and can’t believe the twins are 1!! 🤍🥰
Korys voice over for the babies, Priceless!!! When the kiddos are sick you can't be the only one to hold and comfort them. Let Eric or grandparents hold them and leave the room so they don't see you. You have to take care of you. YOU CAN'T feel like you are the only one to take care of them. Let Eric help you.
I’m shore Eric helps all time when she asks, she explains in previous videos that the kids only want her when she’s in the room and if she’s not holding them then they cry or if they hear her then they want her
Your talk at the end of the vlog really hit me :( I am no where near a mom but I resonate with how you're feeling 100%. The responsibility you are taking on as a mom right now is HUGE and I am so proud of you for handling it the way you are. It is ok to be overwhelmed and disappointed when things don't go as planned, even if you know rationally that it won't always be like this. Us with ADHD and anxiety tend to be really big people pleasers too, and we can get so caught up in caring for other people that we forget about ourselves or feel like there is no one else to give us the care we need because we have spent it all on other people. I don't really have any solutions for it but just know you are not alone. And honestly, sometimes crying and talking about it is all we need to feel a bit better. Thank you for being so open about this, we love you, you're doing your best and that is all that matters
I mean this in the best way, I think you really should talk about this with your therapist. You keep saying "small potatoes" but it's affecting you. It's causing you emotional strain- no matter how big or small you need to work through it. It sounds to me like you had one of those weeks where you just need to scream and let everything out. We've all been there. You're a superhero whether you believer it or not ♥️ sending you and your fam well wishes
Thank you so much for sharing your mom truth. I’ve been there so many times I have six children. And I can feel completely suffocated by them. Doesn’t mean I don’t love them but it’s so hard when they all need me at the same time. Thank you for making me feel less alone in this mom journey.
Colleen, you need to get over feeling like solely you need to comfort the babies. It doesn’t matter if they are not as comfortable with another person, give yourself a break and let someone else pick up your kids.
I feel that way all the time ! Just because you are blessed doesn’t mean you can’t be overwhelmed you do so much !! I’m a treatment foster mom and I think I’ve aged in 5 years my job is exhausting but like you said we are blessed to enjoy children.
Colleen the chances of you seeing this are so slim, but I genuinely appreciate everything you do. You have gotten me through the toughest times in my life & I hope you know that you truly make an impact 💞💞💞
I am really glad you talked about that suffocating feeling- thank you. I guarantee every mom can relate to that drowning/suffocating feeling and it is not talked about enough!
Imagine what it feels like when you have to feed your family but you dont have enough money. You have 2 arms. Your partner has 2 arms. Your nanny has 2 arms. Your mom has 2 arms. Errrr
don’t invalidate your challenges! i just had a great talk with someone and she told me to stop saying: “i have a good life” “everything is ok” etc. your feelings are real and everyone’s battles in life look different, but they are still real and relatable issues. we hear you, we relate to you, you’re so loved!
She has immense help yet projects that’s she’s a single mom constantly. Erik, Kory, nanny, her mom, and visiting in-laws + privileged af to afford to hire even more help. But she’s the ever-victim and trauma dumps onto her viewers rather than working with therapists/counseling to find balance and solutions.
I'm not trying to bash her but to be grateful for her husband and family and friends that surround her would be nice. I feel this might have hurt their feelings. There are a lot of single mothers that do it and everyone is entitled to feel their feelings and its her experience but if I was in her support group I would feel hurt by the end of this video.
Colleen… hard is hard for everyone. Even people with the ‘best’ lives are allowed to find things hard. Allow yourself the grace to feel your feelings without the guilt 💕
Colleen, be sad, express your emotions, be overwhelmed and do not feel guilt or the need to apologise. This is your safe place. Being a mother is so extremely difficult and all consuming. It takes over your entire being. You are an absolutely amazing mother. In all honesty watching how amazing you are with your sweet little humans and how you always seem to be on top of everything and enjoy it so much encouraged me to try to be a better mum, to see that you do get overwhelmed by it all aswell is somewhat comforting. You are human. You are allowed to feel and express whatever you want. So much love to you and your beautiful little family 💗
You just perfectly explained motherhood. RIP to anything but taking care of their needs and them. I’m glad you have Erik and Kory. As a single mom of 4, you explained how I’ve felt for years-and I was married when I had them so single mom wasn’t the plan. Thank you for sharing. It helps to know I’m not alone.
I feel like last year at this exact time you were feeling similarly overwhelmed by feeling torn into a million different places. But, you overcame then and look how far you have come in a year. You have 3 beautiful kiddos and you have consistently shared your life with us via vlogs. Thanks for being vulnerable and confiding in us ❤
I 100% understand where you’re coming from with the exhaustion and caregiver fatigue (even though I love my people). My daughter and I caught RSV last week and just as we were hitting the worst of it, my husband tested positive for COVID. So he’s been in quarantine while I’ve been taking care of all three of us while also being sick. I’m totally wiped out and I want someone to take care of me for a minute, but that’s not an option right now. Sending you a hug. ❤
You are a WONDERFUL mom. Every time I watch you I am literally amazed at everything you do in a day (and that’s just what we see in a few minutes of footage). Of course you’re exhausted. Taking care of sick kids is so difficult and heart wrenching. I have been there too, you’re not alone!
I’m watching this after *literally* being projectile-vomited on by my toddler about an hour ago. AND my two other kids are sick. I 👏🏼 GET 👏🏼 IT 👏🏼 I’m starting to feel crummy too and I just want to lay in bed and escape. You’re doing your best, and you’re not a bad mom for saying being a mom is freaking hard. ❤ Hang in there, sis.
If Erik was correct, your guys anniversary is today!! Congratulations!! I've watched you two grow from when Erik was a guest "friend" rarely in your vlogs, to being your boyfriend in a few vlogs here & there to how he is now, your husband looking comfortable in your vlogs! You've built a beautiful life with beautiful children ❤️ Here's to a lifetime of fun, adventure & lots of love 🥂
TTQ: Hi Colleen!! I love you so much and your videos bring me so much joy! A few vlogs ago, you mentioned that you really want to get your hair cut/get bangs. Can you give us any updates? You could totally pull of short hair and bangs btw!!
I question where Eric is while ur juggling everything? It’s okay if he shares in these responsibilities as well. I understand ur children are attached to you but as you described it’s drowning u. Maybe say hey Eric I need you to comfort Flynn while I hold the babies or I need help with xyz. Maybe I don’t have the full picture but I hope u can build a support system around you so that you experience less burn out. Ur not meant to do this alone… it does take a village! Much love you! ❤ Also, from a viewing perspective it seems like you’re trying to juggle way too many things at once. It’s okay if Halloween or any other holiday takes a back seat. Give yourself permission to take a break this year from all the hoopla… especially if you’re feeling burnout. Best thing is to hire people to help you out, I think a nanny would be helpful or consider even a reputable childcare program… maybe they attend 3 days/ week? You deserve to prioritize ur own health nd well-being too. Coming from a place of genuine concern.
Exactly all of this. She has immense privilege and resources yet rather than create balance and solutions she just trauma dumps onto her viewers and the cycle continues. She can easily hire more help, have her laundry picked up and dropped off, hire an assistant, get a therapist, stop daily vlogging, etc. but then she’s have less to complain about while she spends hours a day talking to a camera then up making TikToks at 2 and 3 am. Majority of her woes are self-imposed problems that have solutions.
I cried with you, mine are teens and I still feel this way. This mom guilt, and feeling suffocated never really goes away. Being a mom is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. ❤
I just want to mention, as an early childhood educator, saying "good job" to children actually confuses them. They don't know what they did, so try to be specific for example, "I see you opened the box wow!" They will understand that what they did was "good". Just a thought!
It takes a lot to be vulnerable and thank you for sharing. What you’re feeling is so relatable for many moms. I do hope your allowing Erik to help take care of the kids. You need a break my dear. And that’s ok. In fact you will be an even better mom for taking care of yourself FIRST. Just how you need your creative outlet/Miranda time, you need Colleen time too.
I’m always blown away by how much you get accomplished every day! You’re a wonderful mother & you’re giving your kids such a cool childhood. Give yourself some grace. Have Eric watch the kiddos more & let you have a few moments to yourself. We all have to have our alone time. Seriously, you’re a badass.
Something I have learned so much through motherhood (and therapy🤣) is the ability to hold two truths at the same time guilt free. There is so much power in the word “and”. When you replace “but” with “and” it’s like a weight off your chest. For example: I love my kids, my life is wonderful, I’m a good mom AND it’s overwhelming, suffocating, I need to be cared for etc. You can feel both and that’s ok:) You’re doing such an amazing job! Don’t forget to be kind to yourself and give yourself grace because it’s hard, but you’re doing it!
#Tortillatalk I love how Colleen does multiple things/channels to build a happy and better life for her and her family ❤️❤️ You have made the good and bad situations the best possible for you and your family which is why you're such an incredible Mom and person in general!!❤️ I know you won't see this but I wanted to try and just let you know you're the best!
TTQ: this may be a presumptuous question but I’m genuinely curious.. does Erik contribute the same amount that you do? The way you explain your feelings makes it sound like you’re doing 80% of the work and he’s doing 20%. It could be just the way you’re expressing yourself maybe, but I think of this often when you talk about parenting.
I love how real you are, you are so so valid! I definitely look up to you Colleen! you seem like the best mom! I love you!!! And appreciate your videos so much!
I’m sure you won’t see this, but I have watched you for years, and I had my first baby November 2nd of 2021, so I’ve always felt close to you through watching your babies grow up so close to mine! My sweet boy was sick with RSV for his first Halloween, his first birthday, and first birthday party too. It was HORRIBLE. On top of it I was also sick and I know exactly what you mean! I’ve only been this exhausted when he had colic! It is so incredibly refreshing to see your vulnerability, so THANK YOU for being so open and honest about your feelings because YES TO LITERALLY ALL OF THEM!!!
Please tell me you let Eric know that you needed someone to hold you. D: Also Halloween is three days, you don’t need to worry about having Christmas started yet.
Hey Colleen I’m sending you lots of love during these overwhelming times. I’m not a mom just yet but I work with college students, particularly undocumented immigrant students and I really relate to being overwhelmed and being pulled in so many directions. These students have so many different challenges, not to mention just the heaviness of going through the situations they go through. I’m the only person on campus to support these students and I get so overwhelmed because all the work I do is of high priority in supporting them. I’ve been going to therapy for over 3 months now and I’ve come to recognize that in order to best help those around me I need to be okay too. Your feelings are totally valid and you’re resilient! I think it’s great that you did an activity you enjoyed with the platter - it was a great way to decompress by yourself and get into the Christmas spirit. Love you lots!
Mom life is always running on low, yet making miracles happen. The fact you got done what you have is actually amazing. Give yourself time to relax. My hardest lesson as a mom is I need to take time to reset or else I end up getting overwhelmed. And pushing through and faking it is never helpful. So thanks for sharing how crappy life can be. It sucks, but it’s real. Glad you got to paint and vent to us! 😘😘😘
Try being a single mom..... when you never get a break and have to work a full time job and come home to start your full time job as a mom. Enjoy your life and how much time you get with them.
Colleen; that is a perfectly natural feeling when sickness hits a family. It can wreak havoc on every part of your life and mind. Just try to remember the times you are in the depths of bad; before you realize it, you will be back up again. Just like when the twins were in the NICU; you made it through! We just try to make it through one disaster to another. Lean on others; and give yourself a break sometime.❤
I can totally relate to feeling overwhelmed. My daughter's were recently sick and they are 10 and 4. You want to do everything to make them feel better that you forget about yourself.
I promise you, every mom feels this way. Please let your husband help you. Leave the house when Eric gets home. The days are long but the years are fast. You are doing a great job!!
I have 3 kids (5,3,1) and am an elementary school teacher. I am needed CONSTANTLY and I feel like this often! Your videos bring me back from my breaking point so THANK YOU and you complain all you want and get all the Christmas things out!!! Treat yo self!
I’m so glad you uploaded that last bit of the vlog. I’ve been feeling like I’ve been suffocating lately too and hearing you say it really validated my feelings. It just helped to know I wasn’t alone.
Your talk at the end explained exactly how I feel as a single mom. It’s honestly nice to hear someone else talk about that feeling. I think it’s normal but we’re all made too ashamed to talk about it.
From 1 mum to another.... there is nothing wrong with feeling overwhelmed, and feeling like being a mum is suffocating.... because it can be overwhelming and suffocating, even when you have an incredible support network, the expectations we put on ourselves can be unrealistic. This is gentle reminder to you and any other mum that needs to hear it..... you can only do what you can do x
^^^^ THIS ^^*^^ ❤❤❤❤
I needed this! Thank you for the sweet reminder! 🤟🏼
Thank you 🥹
I don’t know how my mom Raised me
I love that you talked about feeling suffocated and overwhelmed because no one was talks about that. And EVERY mom has felt like that. My kids are 16 and almost 13 and I just recently started to talk about this with people. It's so hard, especially when your kids are little or sick. Thank you thank you thank you for letting moms know they are not alone and their feelings are valid and normal. You're doing a great job 😊
There is literally nothing funnier than Kory narrating for the babies and Flynn. Top tier 😂
Lol yes 🤣
Yes 😂
I love Eric’s reaction to Colleen talking about how she found the pickle cotton candy 😂😂😂
Lmao his whole mood = “are you done? Bc I’m done” 😂😂
Exactly how my husband would react too 😂😂
I was dyingggg
He has the best reactions 😂
hahaha i know!!!
I think it's funny but also kind of cool when Cory inserts his voice and says little comments to some of the things you're doing in your videos. He's an awesome editor. Also Flynn is very nice towards the insect creatures with helping them out.
I came to say about Kory’s little “ya snooze ya lose” voice inserts. So funny! 😂
*huge hugs colleen!!!*
This vlog and yesterday had me dying. He’s so funny
You have no idea what a comfort your channel is, plis dont stop posting!!! We need more people like you. Sending tons of love from the Dominican Republic ❤❤❤❤
Koko’s sound effects and voice overs crack me up. I had to watch the unboxing of the candy 3 times 😂. Also, I think it’s great that you’re discussing your feelings so openly. Things aren’t black and white. No one is 100% happy or sad. Emotions are like waves. They’re a constant swirl of highs and lows. You can be so happy to see how big and strong your babies have gotten, and sad that it’s over, and overwhelmed, and, and, and!!! The more this stuff is discussed openly, the more it is normalized, and the less isolating these experiences are!
We love koko
@@moriahmagana yes we do!
Whether or not they admit it, EVERY mom struggles to find the balance of caring for their kids and themselves. It's important for you to express these feelings. I think the way our society is set up, puts this unrealistic pressure on moms. You're doing your best and that's fantastic!
I love when I see Colleen wrapping up a video in her office yet the video still has 10 minutes left. These are some of my favorite moments, thank you for being vulnerable with us 🖤
Me too!
watching flynn become so loving and protective towards the twins is adorable.
I agree
Oh my god really
Colleen, I feel this in the deepest part of my soul. I have a 21 month son and a 3 month daughter plus I’m a November 1st Christmas person but on Nov 1 - I fell down a full flight of stairs holding my toddler. We’re all fine, just bumped and bruised pretty bad. Then this past weekend, the kids and I all got super sick. They’re much more miserable than I am and my husband has been super amazing helping take care of us when he’s home - but we’re exhausted and I cried so much today from them both being so sick then realizing that I’m already “a week late” switching to Christmas because life is happening made it worse. It’s nice to hear someone else put words to how I feel, plus it gives me hope that we will get through this just like you guys did! You make me feel better about having hot mess moments as a mom, we’re still good moms even when life happens! ❤
I hope you all heal up well! I’m sure that was scary
That’s one of the scariest things to ever happen as a mother. I’m so glad that you’re all alive and healing.
Hope you are doing ok
Oh my, a full flight of stairs! I'm glad you and your toddler are okay. That's very scary, thank God nothing terrible happened to you or toddler. Then to get sick on top of everything, ugh. Sending love and prayers for fast healing from the fall and y'all getting over the sickness soon!! ❤️🙏
As a mother myself, it can be so hard when things don't go the way we plan but the one thing I always try to remember when I feel like my life is becoming slim is "this too will past" the bad times, the good times, the baby times, it all passes, even if life hurts feel it, it's exactly how you need to feel.
Take time for yourself mama, if you don't take care of yourself, you can't take care of your family
oh Colleen, the end of your video is a perfect example of two things can be true at the same time. You are one person I would NEVER think doesn't want to do everything they can for their kids. You are a great mom and it's ok to feel tired, exhausted and overwhelmed. Knowing you need rest too is smart, it will help you be a better mom to allow others in your life to step in (one the kids are feeling better). Also it reminded me of the saying when you're raising kids, the days are long but the years are short....for example the recent week and the NICU days I'm sure felt like super long days, but then in a blink it's seems like those sweet babies are ALREADY 1
Colleen, it’s 100% ok to feel overwhelmed. being a mom is the hardest job in the world but you are a literal superhero and you are doing an incredible job. those kiddos are so lucky to have you ❤️❤️❤️
I think your honesty and vulnerability in this is incredible and we need SO MUCH MORE of this 💛 I have worked in childcare + Early education for a very long time now and as a result am accutely aware of these realities,though also aware I get to go home at the end of the day. It honestly terrifies me! how hard and overwhelming I know parenting can be and I am only seeing the the tip of the iceberg ! You are an inspiration Colleen,if only more parents spoke this honestly about parenting I think more people would go into parenthood with their eyes open,the love and joy and the trials and hardships, all of it! Keep being you open,honest and beautiful self Colleen !
Love you x
I am LOVING Kory's editing lately with his little interjections. Lolol
I feel like Wesley looks different! His little features seem to be getting stronger it’s so cute ❤ I loved the dance party, so adorable. It’s so nice seeing how Colleen’s family has grown 🥺 Sending good energies !!
That’s really good to feel your emotions even if it’s all over like the sickness. “Falling apart” or having a “breakdown” are healthy because bottling it up leads to disasters. Thank you for letting us in Colleen ♥️
im not a mom yet and your family is literally my dream and i will take so much of what ive learned from you when it is my time to be a mom! i love your authenticity and i appreciate you being so open about it. you and i are very similar in the ways we think and create and it helps me prepare for feelings that may come. i love you and i hope you get some self care and rest 🫶🏽
Oh man I forgot how much I love Kory’s voiceovers hahahaha it makes the babies interactions so much cuter and funnier
There is absolutely no shame in feeling overwhelmed when you have to care for everyone! My husband was recently sick and I only have two kids and I still felt out-touched and overwhelmed. You also go above and beyond for your kids- the way you set up a halloween decorated sick room for flynn was the sweetest thing! You are an amazing mom and an inspiration to me as a mom. Your vlogs are so comforting and heart warming! Try to do something for yourself if you get a chance ❤
@@SauerDunn28 did you not hear her say all three kids wanted mommy at same time?
@@SauerDunn28 she's not painting it as it's just her. When kids are sick they usually just want mom or just want daddy not both
it was sooo nice being able to see Wesley in the videos more, he's the cutest!!!
I mean this honestly, but I think you may have a purchasing addiction. (Using online shopping as a means of feeling satisfaction/entertaining yourself/feeling good about yourself for spoiling the kids etc). It's a legitimate addiction and just putting it out there because it's not only a means of feeling temporarily better yourself, but it can lead to behavioral issues with children and their expectations down the road.
Who else is super excited now that kory is finally doing a voice-over for the twins? ❤️ ❤️
It’s amazing to watch the twins grow up and become their own people with little personalities! They have come so far! Can’t wait to watch them grow up even more and start interacting more ❤
Thank you for being honest Colleen being a mom is hard no matter how much help you get. You’re a super star and I hope you feel your Christmas spirit soon!!
Dear Colleen,
I have watched you for a while now, and I get so excited every day to see that you have posted a new video. What I am saying is that there are people who really relate to you, love you, and care truly about you. I am speaking for many when I say you have helped in so many ways. I find you talking about what is in your mind, helps understanding that real, beautiful people struggle to.
When you said you put on music I realized how truly amazing it actually is. I listen to music when stressed and it really helps me.
You are amazing, and you know you are. You are a great mum and you know you are. You are inspiring and open.
Thank you Colleen ❤❤❤ total sweetheart. You don't have to apologize for feeling overwhelmed with having all three of your children sick at the same time. And you don't have to apologize for trying to explain how it made you feel. Please just know that your feelings are valid and you don't have to feel bad about them. It makes sense because you had to be strong and get through all that tough stuff and now that you're on the other side it makes total sense that you're coming down from having to be strong and tough and feeling emotional now. You're a great mom and a great human being.
I love that Wes does his car noises while he's crawling. They are too precious
The most we've ever seen you with Wesley or even jusy seen wesley 🤣 the last 2 vlogs comments deffs got to her lol
What do you mean no one to take of you? What about Erik, Kory, your parents in law, and your Nanny, who were all nearby…?
yeah that confused me too
Amazing comment. So true.
Didn’t Erik care for the kids a lot too while they were ill? It doesn’t have to be all on Mom. I know he’s a phenomenal Dad, but just wonder if for some reason he wasn’t able to help when you and the kids were sick.
So happy that everyone is on the mend now. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF COLLEEN ❤❤❤
I have watched you for years and I absolutely love watching you and your family grow, and also hearing about your troubles. I think it’s so healthy and amazing that you are able to emote all of those feelings about being overwhelmed. Everyone who either works with children or is a mother themselves, understands EXACTLY how you feel.
Girlfriend!!! You are 1000% allowed to feel this way! All of us have our breaking point, just because you are a mom doesn't mean you aren't allowed to feel like you are being smothered! I have 2 kids of my own and know what this feels like, so you being able to handle 3 kids at a time is astonishing! Try to take a step back and breathe, even if you need to hide in the bathroom for 5 minutes, that still makes you a good mom! Keep going because you are one of the strongest moms I know! 💛
I'm so confused. Why couldn't Erik, the grandparents, or even Kory hold or comfort any of the kids? Or the nanny? I was basically a single mom and would have LOVED to have all of the adult help living in that house. Colleen needs to let go a bit and let others help. The kids can and do pick up on her stress and will show anxiety and distress. Everyone will be happier.
They do help. Colleen’s feelings are valid but this whole “I only have two arms but three children “ is misleading. She tours, works in her office, does TikTok videos, answers Q for her vlogs. For some reason when she talks, she likes to give the impression, she is living on her own.
@@lisasullivan4174 I know she feels she has to be there at all times and I feel her stress. But she is soo lucky to have people there with the kids 24/7 besides herself. She needs to start sharing and delegating. She will be a happier parent, spouse, and person. And the kids will be happy to bond and learn how to self soothe too.
TTQ: when you first told Flynn the twins names, what did he think of them? Did he like them or have any strong opinions about them? Did he want to name them anything else?(other than Buttus and John of course 😂) Love you and can’t believe the twins are 1!! 🤍🥰
That’s a good question!
Korys voice over for the babies, Priceless!!! When the kiddos are sick you can't be the only one to hold and comfort them. Let Eric or grandparents hold them and leave the room so they don't see you. You have to take care of you. YOU CAN'T feel like you are the only one to take care of them. Let Eric help you.
I’m shore Eric helps all time when she asks, she explains in previous videos that the kids only want her when she’s in the room and if she’s not holding them then they cry or if they hear her then they want her
Your talk at the end of the vlog really hit me :( I am no where near a mom but I resonate with how you're feeling 100%. The responsibility you are taking on as a mom right now is HUGE and I am so proud of you for handling it the way you are. It is ok to be overwhelmed and disappointed when things don't go as planned, even if you know rationally that it won't always be like this. Us with ADHD and anxiety tend to be really big people pleasers too, and we can get so caught up in caring for other people that we forget about ourselves or feel like there is no one else to give us the care we need because we have spent it all on other people. I don't really have any solutions for it but just know you are not alone. And honestly, sometimes crying and talking about it is all we need to feel a bit better. Thank you for being so open about this, we love you, you're doing your best and that is all that matters
I mean this in the best way, I think you really should talk about this with your therapist. You keep saying "small potatoes" but it's affecting you. It's causing you emotional strain- no matter how big or small you need to work through it. It sounds to me like you had one of those weeks where you just need to scream and let everything out. We've all been there. You're a superhero whether you believer it or not ♥️ sending you and your fam well wishes
Colleen….there is NO mom out here that cannot relate to feeling overwhelmed or suffocated at times.
Kory is killing me with the voice overs. 💜😂
Thank you so much for sharing your mom truth. I’ve been there so many times I have six children. And I can feel completely suffocated by them. Doesn’t mean I don’t love them but it’s so hard when they all need me at the same time. Thank you for making me feel less alone in this mom journey.
Colleen I think it’s best if you go up in sizes with the baby clothes . Will last longer.
You didn’t wear your Wesley shirt today like you said you would 😢
Yasss, a Wes vlog finally! He seems like such a quiet, gentle soul!
Colleen, you need to get over feeling like solely you need to comfort the babies. It doesn’t matter if they are not as comfortable with another person, give yourself a break and let someone else pick up your kids.
No but korys editing makes my day I laugh so hard “you snooze you loose ma-ma”
I feel that way all the time ! Just because you are blessed doesn’t mean you can’t be overwhelmed you do so much !! I’m a treatment foster mom and I think I’ve aged in 5 years my job is exhausting but like you said we are blessed to enjoy children.
Colleen the chances of you seeing this are so slim, but I genuinely appreciate everything you do. You have gotten me through the toughest times in my life & I hope you know that you truly make an impact 💞💞💞
I am really glad you talked about that suffocating feeling- thank you. I guarantee every mom can relate to that drowning/suffocating feeling and it is not talked about enough!
Imagine what it feels like when you have to feed your family but you dont have enough money. You have 2 arms. Your partner has 2 arms. Your nanny has 2 arms. Your mom has 2 arms. Errrr
don’t invalidate your challenges! i just had a great talk with someone and she told me to stop saying: “i have a good life” “everything is ok” etc. your feelings are real and everyone’s battles in life look different, but they are still real and relatable issues. we hear you, we relate to you, you’re so loved!
Did Eric and your in-laws not help? I know you feel you need to do it all but you need to let others help you. Its okay to rest.
She has immense help yet projects that’s she’s a single mom constantly. Erik, Kory, nanny, her mom, and visiting in-laws + privileged af to afford to hire even more help. But she’s the ever-victim and trauma dumps onto her viewers rather than working with therapists/counseling to find balance and solutions.
I'm not trying to bash her but to be grateful for her husband and family and friends that surround her would be nice. I feel this might have hurt their feelings. There are a lot of single mothers that do it and everyone is entitled to feel their feelings and its her experience but if I was in her support group I would feel hurt by the end of this video.
Colleen… hard is hard for everyone. Even people with the ‘best’ lives are allowed to find things hard. Allow yourself the grace to feel your feelings without the guilt 💕
Colleen, be sad, express your emotions, be overwhelmed and do not feel guilt or the need to apologise. This is your safe place. Being a mother is so extremely difficult and all consuming. It takes over your entire being. You are an absolutely amazing mother. In all honesty watching how amazing you are with your sweet little humans and how you always seem to be on top of everything and enjoy it so much encouraged me to try to be a better mum, to see that you do get overwhelmed by it all aswell is somewhat comforting. You are human. You are allowed to feel and express whatever you want. So much love to you and your beautiful little family 💗
You just perfectly explained motherhood. RIP to anything but taking care of their needs and them. I’m glad you have Erik and Kory. As a single mom of 4, you explained how I’ve felt for years-and I was married when I had them so single mom wasn’t the plan. Thank you for sharing. It helps to know I’m not alone.
Eriks background reaction to the pickle cotton candy is the best thing I’ve seen in a long time HAHAHAHAHA
I feel like last year at this exact time you were feeling similarly overwhelmed by feeling torn into a million different places. But, you overcame then and look how far you have come in a year. You have 3 beautiful kiddos and you have consistently shared your life with us via vlogs. Thanks for being vulnerable and confiding in us ❤
I 100% understand where you’re coming from with the exhaustion and caregiver fatigue (even though I love my people). My daughter and I caught RSV last week and just as we were hitting the worst of it, my husband tested positive for COVID. So he’s been in quarantine while I’ve been taking care of all three of us while also being sick. I’m totally wiped out and I want someone to take care of me for a minute, but that’s not an option right now. Sending you a hug. ❤
You are a WONDERFUL mom. Every time I watch you I am literally amazed at everything you do in a day (and that’s just what we see in a few minutes of footage). Of course you’re exhausted. Taking care of sick kids is so difficult and heart wrenching. I have been there too, you’re not alone!
I’m watching this after *literally* being projectile-vomited on by my toddler about an hour ago. AND my two other kids are sick. I 👏🏼 GET 👏🏼 IT 👏🏼 I’m starting to feel crummy too and I just want to lay in bed and escape. You’re doing your best, and you’re not a bad mom for saying being a mom is freaking hard. ❤ Hang in there, sis.
I can’t stand Flynn being adorable protecting and making sure his siblings are participating when they where playing on the sofa ❤ my heart 🥹🥹
If Erik was correct, your guys anniversary is today!! Congratulations!! I've watched you two grow from when Erik was a guest "friend" rarely in your vlogs, to being your boyfriend in a few vlogs here & there to how he is now, your husband looking comfortable in your vlogs! You've built a beautiful life with beautiful children ❤️ Here's to a lifetime of fun, adventure & lots of love 🥂
Unless he meant December 8th 🤔😬🤦♀️
TTQ: Hi Colleen!! I love you so much and your videos bring me so much joy! A few vlogs ago, you mentioned that you really want to get your hair cut/get bangs. Can you give us any updates? You could totally pull of short hair and bangs btw!!
I question where Eric is while ur juggling everything? It’s okay if he shares in these responsibilities as well. I understand ur children are attached to you but as you described it’s drowning u. Maybe say hey Eric I need you to comfort Flynn while I hold the babies or I need help with xyz. Maybe I don’t have the full picture but I hope u can build a support system around you so that you experience less burn out. Ur not meant to do this alone… it does take a village! Much love you! ❤
Also, from a viewing perspective it seems like you’re trying to juggle way too many things at once. It’s okay if Halloween or any other holiday takes a back seat. Give yourself permission to take a break this year from all the hoopla… especially if you’re feeling burnout. Best thing is to hire people to help you out, I think a nanny would be helpful or consider even a reputable childcare program… maybe they attend 3 days/ week? You deserve to prioritize ur own health nd well-being too. Coming from a place of genuine concern.
Exactly all of this. She has immense privilege and resources yet rather than create balance and solutions she just trauma dumps onto her viewers and the cycle continues. She can easily hire more help, have her laundry picked up and dropped off, hire an assistant, get a therapist, stop daily vlogging, etc. but then she’s have less to complain about while she spends hours a day talking to a camera then up making TikToks at 2 and 3 am. Majority of her woes are self-imposed problems that have solutions.
I have felt this way. Being a mother is overwhelming. Thanks for being transparent.
What is Erik doing while you're suffocating!?
I cried with you, mine are teens and I still feel this way. This mom guilt, and feeling suffocated never really goes away. Being a mom is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. ❤
I just want to mention, as an early childhood educator, saying "good job" to children actually confuses them. They don't know what they did, so try to be specific for example, "I see you opened the box wow!" They will understand that what they did was "good". Just a thought!
Your feelings are valid, mama. 100% of the time! Prayers and good vibes your way! Thank you for sharing your life, even the vulnerable parts! ❤
I freaking love Kory's lil voice-overs and editing! He's the best ♡
It takes a lot to be vulnerable and thank you for sharing. What you’re feeling is so relatable for many moms. I do hope your allowing Erik to help take care of the kids. You need a break my dear. And that’s ok. In fact you will be an even better mom for taking care of yourself FIRST. Just how you need your creative outlet/Miranda time, you need Colleen time too.
I’m always blown away by how much you get accomplished every day! You’re a wonderful mother & you’re giving your kids such a cool childhood. Give yourself some grace. Have Eric watch the kiddos more & let you have a few moments to yourself. We all have to have our alone time.
Seriously, you’re a badass.
Something I have learned so much through motherhood (and therapy🤣) is the ability to hold two truths at the same time guilt free. There is so much power in the word “and”. When you replace “but” with “and” it’s like a weight off your chest. For example: I love my kids, my life is wonderful, I’m a good mom AND it’s overwhelming, suffocating, I need to be cared for etc.
You can feel both and that’s ok:) You’re doing such an amazing job! Don’t forget to be kind to yourself and give yourself grace because it’s hard, but you’re doing it!
#Tortillatalk I love how Colleen does multiple things/channels to build a happy and better life for her and her family ❤️❤️ You have made the good and bad situations the best possible for you and your family which is why you're such an incredible Mom and person in general!!❤️
I know you won't see this but I wanted to try and just let you know you're the best!
flynn’s little “maisyyyy!” when colleen showed him her matching dress at 2:15 melted my heart🥺
That was Colleen that said "Maisy," not Flynn. Watch again.
Being a mother who strives to be the best you can is HARD! It's ok! Don't freak out, just do the best you can in the moment. ❤❤❤
Colleen!! Since Flynn loves the scavenger hunts, have you ever done geocashing? I feel like he would have a BLAST!
TTQ: this may be a presumptuous question but I’m genuinely curious.. does Erik contribute the same amount that you do? The way you explain your feelings makes it sound like you’re doing 80% of the work and he’s doing 20%. It could be just the way you’re expressing yourself maybe, but I think of this often when you talk about parenting.
That Army crawl tho @4:00😅😍🤟🏼LOVE seeing their milestones 🥰🤟🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼
I love when Koko does voices for the twins. It’s so funny.
HAHAHA I love korys voice inserts for what the babies r thinking😂😂 so hilarious we love kory😂❤️❤️
I love how real you are, you are so so valid! I definitely look up to you Colleen! you seem like the best mom! I love you!!! And appreciate your videos so much!
I think the fact that you get so overwhelmed shows how much you care and love your family and although it is hard, it is beautiful.
What's up with Erik 😂
I’m sure you won’t see this, but I have watched you for years, and I had my first baby November 2nd of 2021, so I’ve always felt close to you through watching your babies grow up so close to mine! My sweet boy was sick with RSV for his first Halloween, his first birthday, and first birthday party too. It was HORRIBLE. On top of it I was also sick and I know exactly what you mean! I’ve only been this exhausted when he had colic! It is so incredibly refreshing to see your vulnerability, so THANK YOU for being so open and honest about your feelings because YES TO LITERALLY ALL OF THEM!!!
Please tell me you let Eric know that you needed someone to hold you. D:
Also Halloween is three days, you don’t need to worry about having Christmas started yet.
Hey Colleen I’m sending you lots of love during these overwhelming times. I’m not a mom just yet but I work with college students, particularly undocumented immigrant students and I really relate to being overwhelmed and being pulled in so many directions. These students have so many different challenges, not to mention just the heaviness of going through the situations they go through. I’m the only person on campus to support these students and I get so overwhelmed because all the work I do is of high priority in supporting them. I’ve been going to therapy for over 3 months now and I’ve come to recognize that in order to best help those around me I need to be okay too. Your feelings are totally valid and you’re resilient! I think it’s great that you did an activity you enjoyed with the platter - it was a great way to decompress by yourself and get into the Christmas spirit. Love you lots!
You are such a big inspiration. I love you so much you’ve been such a good mom, even through the hardest of it all. ❤💕
Mom life is always running on low, yet making miracles happen. The fact you got done what you have is actually amazing. Give yourself time to relax. My hardest lesson as a mom is I need to take time to reset or else I end up getting overwhelmed. And pushing through and faking it is never helpful. So thanks for sharing how crappy life can be. It sucks, but it’s real. Glad you got to paint and vent to us! 😘😘😘
Try being a single mom..... when you never get a break and have to work a full time job and come home to start your full time job as a mom. Enjoy your life and how much time you get with them.
I just wanna say you are so fair to Flynn with the babies I love it, unlike these other you tubers I watch. I love you Colleen!!
Colleen; that is a perfectly natural feeling when sickness hits a family.
It can wreak havoc on every part of your life and mind.
Just try to remember the times you are in the depths of bad; before you realize it, you will be back up again.
Just like when the twins were in the NICU; you made it through!
We just try to make it through one disaster to another.
Lean on others; and give yourself a break sometime.❤
I can totally relate to feeling overwhelmed. My daughter's were recently sick and they are 10 and 4. You want to do everything to make them feel better that you forget about yourself.
I promise you, every mom feels this way. Please let your husband help you. Leave the house when Eric gets home. The days are long but the years are fast. You are doing a great job!!
when flynn says masie at 2:14 it melted my heart he sounds so cute and excited
Woah throughout the entire rant you haven't mentioned Erik once, not that he helps, or that his a great support system or anything
I have 3 kids (5,3,1) and am an elementary school teacher. I am needed CONSTANTLY and I feel like this often! Your videos bring me back from my breaking point so THANK YOU and you complain all you want and get all the Christmas things out!!! Treat yo self!
Hahahaha says the lady with a nanny and live in helpers.
I’m so glad you uploaded that last bit of the vlog. I’ve been feeling like I’ve been suffocating lately too and hearing you say it really validated my feelings. It just helped to know I wasn’t alone.
I understand how she feels but she kinda disregarded/forgotten that she has a husband to support and look after her.
Your talk at the end explained exactly how I feel as a single mom. It’s honestly nice to hear someone else talk about that feeling. I think it’s normal but we’re all made too ashamed to talk about it.