Y'all wouldn't recognize a real "non conformist" if your life depended on it, or worse you'd annihilate them out of paranoia, jealousy, and resentment.
One of the tough things about nonconformity is that, even after you’ve been proven to be right, nobody will care, as they had the privilege to be wrong with everybody else.
It's all so disappointing. They'll never let you forget you broke the vase 50 years ago, but they can't remember that other time, when they were wrong.
it’s surprising, but I don’t think it’s always because of pure, “YOU DONT THINK LIKE ME!!!” mentality. At least not all the time. Some people have never thought a different way, and when they would act differently their authority figure would intervene and discourage such behavior. Sometimes very harshly, and I believe that’s the people who DO act harshly when you think differently to them. They themselves are afraid. Ppl just don’t understand, I think, that you can act differently and make the choices you really want to happen, happen. Most live in blind obedience and ignorance, with self-limited choice.
It's because they think you are being hostile and holding up the mirror. They do want to be independent, but non-conformists remind them of how weak and gutless they are so they turn on you to justify themselves. You're analogically trying to take away heroin from a hardcore addict...not gunna be pretty....
The sad thing is that throughout life you will be told you are wrong or somehow defective. This can be a soul-destroying thing to try to deal with, especially when young. The greatest gift in the world is when you finally realise that you are in fact free.
I used to worry I was extremely arrogant. Eventually I realized that my only crime was refusing to take things as fact without any evidence. Today most people use concensus to determine facts instead of evidence.
I'm so old, i can recall a time when lies were frowned upon. Now? If i tell the truth, it sends people into a rage and they cannot believe it, so long have they been lied to.
What if humans were never bred to seek the truth? If we were, the media outlets today would have gone bankrupt a long time ago and would have changed their business model to compete for high viewer ratings of people seeking truth and critically thinking.
When we look at our challenges today in the light of the past we see an opportunity to learn from our collective past and be the change we wish to see in the world... We can see how others rebuked tyrannical behaviors and learn models to counter bullying in our own lives...
I think one of the simplest ways to disobey is by eating healthy and staying in shape. We're bombarded by advertisements for food thats only one step above poison. Learn to cook and get exercise. Healthy body =healthy mind.
I think that if you do the opposite to what the media and advertising tell you to do you won’t be going far wrong, and even if you do at least you’ll be thinking for yourself and can learn from your mistakes.
The ultimate rebellion is homesteading. Become totally self sufficient. Grow your own food, make your own clothes, make your own tools. It’s hard at first but the more you do the easier it gets. Never buy products from a corporation. Only do business with local independent businesses
That’s kinda hard to do when food is being manipulated without consent or knowledge. Also being marketed as normal healthy food. I think it’s more of shaping your mind to go out and seek and LEARN. I do think you statement is correct. If I could add to it I think learning about health in general towards all people. My weight would fluctuate due to reproductive disorders that generic in my bloodline on my fathers side. I’ve been a practicing vegetarian/vegan for more than 20 something years, I’m not 40 yet- I have major allergies to synthetic produce food . But medications controls my thyroid also disrupts my hormones in a time where my body is suppose accommodate my adulthood. They never taught that in school or my parents. I think with the times it’s gotten more nuance than that.
@@stevencooper3202I couldn’t agree more, being more self sufficient . I think farming programs should be taught in public schools if allowed. I grew up in a farming migrant setting in the eastern shores of Maryland where in the 1940s the state allocated for the sale of land to immigrant families. I grew up in melting pot but In a farm community.
I've always been a non-conformist and sadly it has driven a lot of people away. However, I've never struggled so much in society as I'm struggling now. In this generation of Tiktok, porn and social media addiction, hook up culture, deteriorating attention spans and communication skills, I find it hard to relate to anybody any more and feel very alone in the world.
Solitude standing isn't the worst state of being there. You perfectly described the state of affairs with other people. I'm sure you wouldn't stay sane when joining in to pack.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" Jiddu Krishnamurti Stay on the path less travelled,those who are closest to the truth,suffer the most.
I have recently become a non conformist out of shear exhaustion. I'm happier, sleeping better, getting toxic people out of my life and becoming more comfortably self sufficient. The relationships I have kept are becoming deeper and better. Exercising more and eating better. Every day I ask myself "Why didn't i do this YEARS ago?!"
"Keep constantly in mind who these people are whose admiration you seek and what guiding principles they have. You will have no further wish for their approval once you look into the sources of their motives and opinions." - Marcus Aurelius
As I go my way through full recovery from my depression, the videos of Academy of ideas really helped me a lot since I started watching all your videos. Thank you so much, you have no idea how much your contents helping me way out of darkness.
Not all originality is positive, not all conformity is negative. To have a functioning society, we need some degree of conformity, but to have a better future we need original thinkers. Balance is, as always, in the middle.
This brings to mind Japan and Japanese culture. Japan to many people is a beautiful country that's safe, has more social cohesion than most countries in the west, and has a rich culture. But the dark side to Japan is that it is founded in collectivism and deeply conformist and repressive and different ways. They don't have the same level of legal or cultural freedom as we in America do. There's no utopia, only trade offs...
@@jpphilosopher I agree, but they have low crime rates, great respect for the elderly and a country among the cleanest in the world. It would be wonderful if they could open up culturally, but there will have to be trade offs... The point is that every society has desirable aspect both in conformity and originality, but a balance needs to be struck. They are both useful in measure.
@@omarwest2430Ah, balance. It's the most difficult thing to achieve and even then, it won't be a perfect society and will also be full of trade-offs. It's easier to just go on the far sides. This is why we should value freedom. Everyone should be heard and not be repressed. Everyone should practise critical thinking. The COVID stuff is a perfect example, people who go against the narrative (including medical professionals) are repressed.
Balance is a good thing, but it shouldn't give us an excuse to compromise our principles. Emerson was a vegetarian, rather than going along with the majority who ate animals. He didn't compromise by just eating fewer animals. Some other intelligent, widely admired people who chose not to eat meat- Pythagoras, Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, Voltaire, Newton, Benjamin Franklin, Nikolai Tesla, Albert Einstein, Gandhi, Albert Schweitzer, George Bernard Shaw, Tolstoy, Thoreau, Saint Francis of Asisi, Nobel laureate and holocaust survivor Isaac Bashevis Singer, and many more. Some on this list switched late in life, but stayed on it to the end. "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." -Einstein (Of course today, he would be vegan. So would the others on this list.) The famous Professor of Physics Brian Greene is vegan. You may have seen him on PBS hosting science shows for the layman. Stanford professor Christopher Gardner, PhD, is a nutrition scientist. Jane Goodall recently went from a long time vegetarian to vegan. Greta Thunberg is vegan. Jon (Daily Show) Stewart is not only vegan, he owns a farm animal sanctuary!
Innovation has revolutionized the world and made many aspects safer and faster. Without as many free thinkers anymore, we lessen the chance of someone actually inventing the time machine haha
I was diagnosed with a life changing health condition 13yrs ago when I was just 25yrs old that messes with my ability to maintain a normal routine. I have good days and bad days, but every day I try my best physically. My extended family have not all been the kindest to me because it is not a visible disorder like an amputated leg. They remember who I used to be before I got sick, and they attributed my inability to perform as reliably for them as me being lazy, uncaring, or not good enough. Thank God my husband and son are supportive of me in my immediate family, they are what keeps me going through the pain. It took me until a few months ago to get honest and frank with the extended family about my embarrassing health issues in graphic detail, and that they need to choose to love me as I now am, or to kiss off. I am done feeling guilt and shame for a health condition I never anticipated or asked for (which is ironically a genetic health condition too!). The Ralph Waldo Emerson quote at the beginning was really touching regarding this situation for me. I realized people expect us to conform even when it literally might be physically impossible...that's not healthy or just to expect with personality or physical differences alike.
It's a fact that people such as you almost always are embattled within the family. I'm one. I was nearly killed at age seven and have been severely disabled since. Yet, except my mother, for most of my life, they have thought I was just lazy.
Not too long ago, we use to call these men "Pioneers", "trail blazers", "being your own man", "free thinkers" They were inspiring, yet today society treat these characters as enemies.
Conformity is now, and has always been a double-edged sword . Safety in numbers vs. standing out. Sacrifice vs. compromise. Fact vs. fiction. Pick your poison, the results are anybody's guess.
Being in my 50's now and a nonconformist, I was always used to being the odd man out to some degree. Now though as I get older I start to see people taking notice and alot of people starting to consider my life style a good option... especially over the last few years
Yeah that's the thing about getting older, as a child in you're 20's being a non-conformist will make you isolated, but as you grow older it becomes more desirable. Conformity is a young man's game.
As a non conformist I've had my struggles and have few friends. The good thing is, is that I'm happy and don't answer to many but myself. And it's humorous to watch others fold into the mold
As Sven Erlandson put it “when you start living your life as you want it’s not the fear of unknown that stops you it’s the fear of KNOWN. You know exactly what your friends will say. You know exactly what your old man or mother will say. You know exactly what your wife and children will say. And that’s what scares you.”
@@Max-Quagmire Not really, it's not a social media if you don't want it to be. A lot of people, elder ones especially, don't ever upload videos, read or write comments so there's no communication whatsoever and that means no social aspect. It's not a tv because you can choose what to watch and the content (most of it to be precise) isn't created by corporations which push a certain agenda.
"Never depend on the admiration of others. There is no strength in it. Personal merit cannot be derived from an external source. It is not to be found in your personal associations, nor can it be found in the regard of other people. It is a fact of life that other people, even people who love you, will not necessarily agree with your ideas, understand you, or share your enthusiasms. Grow up! Who cares what other people think about you!" ―Epictetus
As a child when my friends would get drunk on cheap cider, sniff glue and smoke I refused to conform with their norm. As an adult I haven’t changed. You’re either a leader or a hapless follower. I love solitude but I’m no recluse. Brilliant video
I nearly killed myself trying to fit in. Now i live alone in a van on a field and live life my way out of the repressive system and my mind and body has never felt better. I feel free and happy and finally on a path to better myself and live life to the fullest
Focus on the things you gain and what makes your life better by being a non-conformist. For me it is a gift. There are moments when it feels lonely but in the end it is safer and more peaceful on many levels. Living a non- conformist life strenghtens the character.
Agreed. I hate it. I feel like I don't belong and as great and mysterious and cool it sounds to "be yourself, don't conform!" it sucks when society rewards you for conforming. Being a non-conformist is an extremely hard path and the worst part about it is that I don't feel you can choose which you are. We are innately predisposed to either want to go with the grain or against it. Whenever I've tried to conform in the past I always felt empty inside and unsatisfied with life and myself. I'm still having similar feelings as a non-conformist but I feel more free and as if I'm living life the way it's meant to be. It's definitely not as good as people make it out to be.
I stood amidst the ridicule and the mean while gaining a self strength even in solitude. I've seen it all so many times in my life and never faltered to their ways. It was through their conformity that they depicted me a an outcast and I cherished it as I was an am a nonconformist, especially to their simple minds.
Even though I'm alone now it was my time in the thick layers of conformity when I was truly alone. Now through years of stripping away these blinding layers of sickness I feel almost completely sane in a world gone mad. I dare say almost happy.
Because people are the cause of loneliness. It's only when you look around and see everyone has sunglasses on except you, that loneliness kicks in. Otherwise, we're like Tarzan living life in peace.
To me, it's like an adult being mocked by a small child for what the child doesn't yet understand. The only difference is children are eager to learn. These supposed adults won't. They remain voluntarily ignorant. I have a hard time feeling offended by people I pity.
Non-conformity is one of the most important traits of the free-thinking individual. It is the driving feature of revolutions, enlightenment and evolution. When people are too afraid to be different they will be easily led to their own slavery by charismatic manipulators, rather than designing their own beliefs, purpose and future. Non-conformity might be the only trait that would save humanity at this point.
@@beingsshepherd You have read something odd into that statement. It means instead of allowing mass culture to dictate your belief system you should decide for yourself what you believe in. Nihilism is a lack of belief.
@@signsfrombeyond4863 The option to subjectively believe _anything_ is in itself testament to truly believing in nothing. An irreverent, unfocused life of capricious whim and fancy.
Not to conform requires to be completely honest with oneself, this must be done in solitude and it is the very best effort a human being can make. To be alone requires wisdom, loneliness is an emotional state that can be overcome by building our inner self. Solitude and a good book, what a blessing!
Introversion is the modern comformity. The world wants you to stay inside, with netflix at home. They don't want you to socialize, be outgoing, happier and populate. They don't want you to live life. The cops are a good example of that. Like getting a ticket for going 5 over and the court will side with the cops. The court is against straight men in America. The USA is a great example today of a brainwashed and weakened culture. People are scared to speak up or fight back against corruption. This place is already toast. Those like me who want a woman who isn't corrupted by western culture are going overseas for her.
Your videos have been very helpful in the past few years. They are helpful to me. For years, I've tried meeting other psychology needs only to fall short of their praises. Pushing myself into despair. Once I lifted the veil of society, I truly started to find happiness. Conforming is simply an illness of the soul. Thank you for your very well put together content. It seems that those who speak truth need to be the thorns in conformity if we are to protect the growth of our surroundings towards a positive outcome.
No friends for years so not conforming isnt something I do by choice its because i'm not around people. Even when I did have friends it was hard to fit in, works better this way. I see groups of friends dressed the same and I'm kinda happy I dont have to do any of that, would be nice to eventually find people who can be my friends without trying to change me and instead just understanding I have my own taste and like to do things the way I do them. Conformity in someways is disease, alot of people doing things they dont want to and they dont even know why. People who conform are typically the most close minded people
Conformity is what builds cultures and common values without that you will have a hollow society, conformity isnt always bad. You want nihilism be my guest but do so at your own peril
@@u2beuser714conformity is the essential building blocks of Marxism itself ! Without such it would never get past the idea phase . Individualism but caring for your fellow man is what made the United States the super power it once was ..... we see now how it has been usurped into a gradual Marxist outpost with all of the basic building blocks of a young Communist Russia / USSR Collectivism is the catchphrase for all the enslavement that is being engineered upon the U.S and the western world .
@@u2beuser714 yes , mindless conformity has been on full display over the last nearly 3yrs in all of those whom fell for the Bat Soup disease story and the Miracle Cure at warp speed therafter !!
I’ve never been one to conform. My classmates thought I was a rebel without a cause. My cause was not comply blindly or swallow BS without asking questions.
Thank you! What a refreshing video ! Beautiful reminder. To be in this world but not of it…there is a lot of freedom from….blablabla when we do not conform. Solitude is the gate to self mastery……to enjoy solitude does not mean, to be anti social. Au contraire, in solitude one gets to take the time to contemplate, investigate, discern, and question one s motives, to understand wether the importance, we give to what we value most is rooted in clarity or not…… and if not are we even aware that we may be subjecting ourselves to subordinating to others values instead…that is not what life is meant to be….. I found that whatever time i spend slowing down allows me to realize that i have a duty to take 100% responsibility for my behavior, thoughts, speech and actions…. That in life there is what’s happening which i do not control, and my response to it, which when free from fulfilling others expectations, grounds me into authenticity and integrity…..freeing myself from manipulation….others and my own. At the end of the day, i can close my eyes with a clear conscious knowing that what i know to be true for me is adequate, regardless of the massive systemic circus at play… conformism for me also means Take no shit and do no harm. Thanks again for posting this video i truly enjoy-and appreciate. 🙏
« There are moments when one has to choose between living one's own life, fully, entirely, completely - or dragging out some false, shallow, degrading existence that the world in its hypocrisy demands » Oscar Wilde
Brilliant and necessary! I say this as I was listening to this in the presence of my 6 yr old son and the part about doing what you fear resonated with him and he asked to pause it as he recounted his experience of feeling fear while he was learning to swim but told himself that he will do it still.
I feel this video wholeheartedly. As a nonconformist life can be difficult, with so much empty space to fill, I can see why people conform so easily. Sitting by yourself and getting to know the authentic self makes people uncomfortable.
Being a contrarian is the best way to test someone's genuineness. If you disagree with them and are met with them rushing to agree with you, you have found a situational conformist. If they disagree and believe you are a crazy or stupid for believing in the opposite to them, then they are a general conformist. But if they question why you think the opposite of what they do and still disagree with you whilst being intrigued, you have found yourself somebody who appreciates outside thinkers.
Yup I've come across too many general conformists when politics came up. I expressed faults in both sides and they still ridiculed me and didn't own up to the fact that their side isn't perfect and stood by then and denied what I said. It fell on deaf ears
@@Robespierre-lI my opening statement reflects my sentiments entirely. The genuine part would answer wether or not they are being authentic with you, regardless of their stance on them liking you or not. A genuine person would not be afraid to tell you their own stance even if they didn't like you. Everyone has a different point of view to offer, including yours. You're right however, I can only imagine the possibility of them having constructive conversations with others that would go in depth that they would otherwise not have with me for whatever reason. Though, I will reconsider my original statement, as I made it to be a point of debate. We must dare to seek that which we do not know.
The contrarian takes the opposite side of the conformist, like the negative of a photograph is the opposite of the original film. Two sides of the same coin. They are both slaves. A contrarian is a conformist standing on his head.
"...those who treat us with contempt sometimes reveal truths of our character that those who care for us are too timid to point out." SOMEtimes. But MOST times, they reveal only truths of their own character, or the lack thereof.
The biggest problem for an autistic child such as myself was being pigeonholed and ostracized into a categorical term which was used to conform us to a self destructive stereotype; of how our superiors thought we ought to act. We were often taught in special education that due to our disorder, we were incapable of growing to be self reliant. Oftentimes we were treated as if we were braindead, and were denied the same liberties and rights as neurotypical students, and were subject to extra moral obligations without personal boundaries. As a result, people like myself have obtained and underdeveloped mentality.
Conversely to Ralph Emmerson's quotes, one can also meet another man who's honesty reaches to this point and when you meet him he may reveal himself as a genuine article amongst a sea of counterfeits... It was extremely satisfying to me to walk into my local watch repair store and find that the local clocksmith is a fellow man of truth and dignity... I instantly envisioned our two ancestors forming a resistance in another simpler yet equally dangerous time.
But here's the thing, by embracing nonconformity, we break free from these expectations and allow ourselves to be our true, authentic selves. 💪 We no longer feel the need to fit into a certain mold and can instead focus on our own individuality.
I once carried an old, outdated ALICE pack while in the army. A fellow soldier asked if I were mentally ill, because I chose to be different. To use something better than what I was given. Years later, I met a man in the boilermakers who talked with me, and said that I reminded him of that quote; "whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist". No longer am I a soldier, no longer am I a boilermaker. Those memories simply rest adjacent to each other in my mind.
"I was not born to be forced. I will breathe after my own fashion. Let us see who is the strongest." - Henry David Thoreau, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience
I'll be 70 in a few weeks and find it diffiult to be in the world. Freinds and even family consumed by all BS are slowly pushing me out, I get strange looks and find myself missunderstood. When most people are all on the same drugs the ones who are not are labeled abnormal.
That's what I've ever thought and done along most of my life ( now I'm 73... ). Excellent video, fundamental watch. I wish most inteligent people watched it. Thank you very much for posting it.
My momma raised me to be myself and that's exactly how I carry myself. I couldn't care less what people think of me or how they want me to behave. I'm myself and I'm going to continue to be myself.
You need to go on a low carb diet of only ancestral foods, like Dr. Ken Berry describes. No modern oils, alcohol, or refined carbs! You'll feel far better, and be able to change your horrific picture.
When one overcomes their fear of the truth and the fear of rejection, one finally becomes able to discover who they really are. Then all they need to do is be who they are, regardless of what others think of us. Until then, all you are is a shell of a man. A shadow, a ghost, a charade…..a lie.
I retired early from my job at a public library. The managers introduced a document where they wanted staff to all think the same. I kid you not. And of course, there was all of the woke and Covid crap as well.
I work in county government, and have been supporting our libraries for years. The entire library culture is utterly cringeworthy, but one of ours is a special breed of liberal sickness.
@@alisaaustin8431 There are absolutely some lovely people working at some of ours, but it's primarily sad old cat ladies obsessed with woke and covid, just like you said. One of the managers has a statue of Anthony Fauci on her desk and pride crap everywhere. It's mind poison.
Thank you for telling this. I've been noticing how libraries have become bastions of crap, laziness and (as another commentor said) utterly cringe worthy). At my local branch, ALL librarians are double masked. I can barely hear them when they speak. I guess I'm just missing the libraries of yore.....
@@Firevine Cat ladies is the perfect description! I seriously think that the cat parasite, toxoplasma, is the real culprit of the woke society. Up to 70% of American adults are infected with it, mainly as a latent infection, but it causes OCD, depression, hypersexuality, hyperactivity-activism! We really need to test for toxo and get rid of it!
You are one of the best channels on UA-cam. This is from someone who has subbed to 500 channels because I genuinely am interested in many different things but heavily scrutinize those things.
I relate to my cat and my garden in a way that is just as rewarding as being with humans. But I get weary of humans very quickly. Then it’s back to plants and fur babies. Stay safe. ❤
As you go along your journey to non-conformity and self-affirmation, remember not to stray into the other, perhaps darker path that such journeys have resulted in for many others: that of the contrarian. Remember that in the vague and often abstract realm of society, there is still some value in the checks and existing norms of others, and your relations with others will necessarily form a part of your journey to constructing a genuine self. To oppose them simply because they are mainstream may very well lead to your downfall, so think deliberately about what you choose to refuse and accept in society and why you are ultimately refusing or accepting it. Be the non-conformist individual, not the contrarian dogmatist.
this needs to be pinned. many siding with non-conformity suffer an addiction to negative emotions such as resentment, shame, etc, and are fundamentally no different than the herd they despise.
Not going to ever have square, normie, conformist members of personal circle. Especially now that the nanny deep state swamp has contrived, thru their safety senseless micromanagements, into injurating me out of being medically qualified for vocation I had for 30 years and expected 20-30 more years but now I'm gov't boned. Who gives a💩!?
man, being an introverted child was fucking brutal and I was punished by society for not being able to conform. I am trying now to fix decades of pain to move on and do my own thing. Hope to be able to find something that I can do to fight for now.
Conformity is a disease, I remember when I used to work in a horrible sweatshop, the kind of place that doesn't give a damn about their workers, and I told a co worker that I was sick of it and I wanted to find a new job, he called me a parasite and told me that I would be better staying there since another job wasn't guaranteed. Fast forward 7 years and I am earning 5x the amount I was being payed with much better working conditions. Some people are born to lick the boot and I find that disgusting
I dealt with this issue many times by employers. Eventually, I just stopped letting them know. After I lost a good job, I made a huge mistake. I was going to be a pizza delivery driver for 6 bucks an hour. Didn't know wtf I was thinking. Told the employer I want to go to another job which was an hour away and they pay more and weekly. He was scribbling up a bunch of fake math that wasn't calulated properly to my weekly earnings, saying I could make a living off of it. I averaged about 250 a week when I was 26. I missed rent a couple times because of this job. GM kept disrespecting me in front of everyone calling me names and brought me into his little office to accuse me of flirting with women on the job. I walked out. At the next place for a month or two, got sick of sleeping the whole work week in my car until it was the end of the week. Told the boss I needed a job with obviously more than 30 hours a week, they gave me loads of crap and bash me for it. My work history was so screwed up for months, I ended up becoming major broke. After a month of being jobless, a staffing agency got me some random job cleaning some chairs, and I took it. Turned out to pay pretty solid for random hours. I got up just barely enough to move out and go back up north. Got a job, just like that, and I'm back to banking it. I'm trying to get myself together and not screw it up again. I almost got stuck forever in the south. Bad idea when I moved down there. All retired old bags, no social setting whatsoever in the area. People walking dogs in strollers. Made no sense. Thx for reading
Agreed very much when you mentioned those that reject us or hate us give us an insight into ourselves that those who love us don’t dare to do. I’m all for self betterment so I love when this occurs. I used to live with someone who’ll constantly criticize me, but I see all of that as a good thing in retrospect as it’s allowed me to evolve. It’s challenged my character and I think that’s what people need.
I once was a conformist. Hard to believe my transformation. It surprised me as much as my fellow conformists. Thank you to the Universe and algorithms for bringing this to me today. Finding peace within may bring you thru a stormy time.
There was a UK TV Advert that ran years ago and the story was simply a typical workday morning in London where everyone was walking to work on a sidewalk that circles around a pond. Everyone is dressed in grey, black shoes, heads-down. I personally know that time and place and it really has a kind of 'militaristic feel'. If you so much as drop something and stop to pick it up you can feel eye-lasers burning your head as if you've really messed up the march. Everyone is an office worker and has to look serious for some reason. It's a grey day and in the advert a man suddenly stops and looks at something off to the pond. He's already given dirty looks for such a strange thing as stopping but then begins taking off his shoes. The many workers never break stride but crinkled faces and glares as he actually takes off his socks! some are even afraid, they don't stop their march to work but now are turning and rolling eyes, grimacing at this madman and the man then begins rolling his suit pant legs up to his knees and steps onto the grass and begins walking into the pond. the crowds never stop their morning trudge to work but now some are aghast, surely someone will call the police, what kind of a mental case has gotten loose? As the camera pans back we realize he's seen a little boy playing with a toy boat at the pond. The boy's toy boat has gotten too far out and the boy is crying as he's unable to get his toy back. the man has waded barefoot into the pond to knee-level, rescued the toy boat and brings it back to that boy. the boy is beyond grateful and thanks the superman. the man laughs a little and scoots back to his shoes and socks, puts them back on, rolls down his suit pants, checks his watch confirming he'll still be on time for work.and yet, the grey suits and workaday 'drones' on the sidewalk hurried routine are really giving him the faces, what a fool, how stupid, what kind of nutter, what an idiot, he's crazy. the narrator asks "but who is the crazy person after all? or is he the most sane and normal person and everyone else is really doing something crazy.
I was always nonconform. Every time whem it came to "like everyone else" or "my way" I chose the second one. It never felt good or right to me being like everyone else and following the mainstream. Wether it came to world views, trends or opinions, I always did what felt right - and that always was of nonconform nature. As a child no one takes you seriously, as a teen you start to think that youre crazy, as an adult you learn to embrace your way.
Tragically, we live in a society where trying to live a life that can be summed up as "I mean you no harm; I simply wish to be left alone to live my life as I see fit" often results in having the mamluks set on you.
As an only child in high school, it is sad to see everyone on their phones and struck down by lust and drama when they could be hanging out in clubs, getting to know everyone’s passions. When storms come, it’s like the foolish man who built their house on sand.
Yes, although clubs are also a form of social conformity with a certain dancing ritual that goes on there. The more we can be unapologetically authentic in ourselves around each other though the better. Phones are just voids and traps that lead to self-sabotage.
When people encounter ideas that may threaten something they see as crucial to their identity they go on attack. Not that dissimilar to what happens when people are threatened physically. Overcoming that instinct consistently is something that very few actually ever do.
I'm currently in the 'aimless and meaningless despair' part of this path, I'm glad to find this video! I've realised I feel very at odds with where I live and after much loss, need to find a new path in life. I often feel extremely depressed and alone but I know I need to fight the despair and keep going.
Another home run. This channel distills all that is healthy and positive in Western thought and points to a world that could have been. It's a veritable freight train of wisdom, and as of today, immortalized in my mind.
Nonconformity cured my sick self. I used to eat meat and dairy but thought I was eating a healthy diet. I did drink soy milk, but got scared of soy so I quit. I then started using whey protein powder to try to gain muscle. I developed a lump in my chest. Breast cancer in men is rare, but possible. I went to my doctor, and he put me through a series of tests for cancer. I researched what I could eat to help my chances. The documentary "Forks Over Knives" convinced me. I dumped the whey and switched to a mostly Whole Food Plant Based vegan diet. By the time I was supposed to have a biopsy, they weren't able to get a sample, because my lump had shrunk so much. I felt so much more energy on my new diet, so I kept it. I then learned the facts about why others have gone fully vegan. I went 100% around the age of 60. I am now in my mid 60's, and never felt better. I get glowing reports from my doctor and need no prescriptions. Both my siblings have had heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, or a combination.
This was from the essay 'self reliance ' by Ralph waldo Emerson. It is one of the most perfect pieces of thought I have ever read. Everyone should read it.
Support our work, and access 77 more videos like this! - academyofideas.com/members/
Can we get more videos on economics?
Your videos are works of art.
Y'all wouldn't recognize a real "non conformist" if your life depended on it, or worse you'd annihilate them out of paranoia, jealousy, and resentment.
youtube already pays you for these videos though.
@@veronica_._._._wtf lolololol...
One of the tough things about nonconformity is that, even after you’ve been proven to be right, nobody will care, as they had the privilege to be wrong with everybody else.
How I feel around my family post Covid
Yeah. So true.
@@pathkeepers This!
It's all so disappointing. They'll never let you forget you broke the vase 50 years ago, but they can't remember that other time, when they were wrong.
@@malcolmapplet4313 a typical case of "selective amnesia."
Story of my life. It’s taken a long time for me to be mostly ok with the fact that most people are hostile when you think differently.
it’s surprising, but I don’t think it’s always because of pure, “YOU DONT THINK LIKE ME!!!” mentality. At least not all the time.
Some people have never thought a different way, and when they would act differently their authority figure would intervene and discourage such behavior. Sometimes very harshly, and I believe that’s the people who DO act harshly when you think differently to them. They themselves are afraid.
Ppl just don’t understand, I think, that you can act differently and make the choices you really want to happen, happen. Most live in blind obedience and ignorance, with self-limited choice.
Hostile is using a friendly term. Even in jail people side with their slave masters. It's very sad but when you think about it your a differnt breed✊️
It's because they think you are being hostile and holding up the mirror. They do want to be independent, but non-conformists remind them of how weak and gutless they are so they turn on you to justify themselves. You're analogically trying to take away heroin from a hardcore addict...not gunna be pretty....
Lol you’re from Boston? People are just hostile around here period!
"The opposite of courgage in our society is not cowardice - it is conformity"
I think it's both, but you made me think, so thank you.
i applaud your refusal to conform to standard spelling customs - you are the general of your own revolution
@@360.Tapestry Go away "i".
@@moefritz9568 i can do whatever i want, sucka
That is a coward. Conformists are cowards. They are one in the same
The sad thing is that throughout life you will be told you are wrong or somehow defective. This can be a soul-destroying thing to try to deal with, especially when young.
The greatest gift in the world is when you finally realise that you are in fact free.
Well said😊
matrix programming is one of these reasons
I feel a Joker vibe in this comment, but I will assume that you are referring to the positive interpretation.
Correct and you need to grow older to realize that, for young people it's hard
I used to worry I was extremely arrogant. Eventually I realized that my only crime was refusing to take things as fact without any evidence. Today most people use concensus to determine facts instead of evidence.
We live in a society where the truth means nothing and lying is as normal as breathing.
It's a shame.
It's a part of the digital age where popularity acts as a replacement for validity.
I'm so old, i can recall a time when lies were frowned upon. Now? If i tell the truth, it sends people into a rage and they cannot believe it, so long have they been lied to.
@@BioluminescenceOfTheSpirit That's basically the internet in this day and age.
Some "Christians" are among the worst liars.
What if humans were never bred to seek the truth? If we were, the media outlets today would have gone bankrupt a long time ago and would have changed their business model to compete for high viewer ratings of people seeking truth and critically thinking.
"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane" - Marcus Aurelius
I Prefer to Be a Minority of One Than a Majority of Zeros
Great quote! Thank you!
probably a quote from BEFORE the Romans became christians , wasn't it ?
have a little google , i would bet my life on it
F$%k Rome
When we look at our challenges today in the light of the past we see an opportunity to learn from our collective past and be the change we wish to see in the world... We can see how others rebuked tyrannical behaviors and learn models to counter bullying in our own lives...
I think one of the simplest ways to disobey is by eating healthy and staying in shape. We're bombarded by advertisements for food thats only one step above poison. Learn to cook and get exercise. Healthy body =healthy mind.
I think that if you do the opposite to what the media and advertising tell you to do you won’t be going far wrong, and even if you do at least you’ll be thinking for yourself and can learn from your mistakes.
@@robertquirke6110 To go "wrong" in one's own way is better than to go "right" in someone else's.
The ultimate rebellion is homesteading. Become totally self sufficient. Grow your own food, make your own clothes, make your own tools. It’s hard at first but the more you do the easier it gets. Never buy products from a corporation. Only do business with local independent businesses
That’s kinda hard to do when food is being manipulated without consent or knowledge. Also being marketed as normal healthy food. I think it’s more of shaping your mind to go out and seek and LEARN. I do think you statement is correct. If I could add to it I think learning about health in general towards all people. My weight would fluctuate due to reproductive disorders that generic in my bloodline on my fathers side. I’ve been a practicing vegetarian/vegan for more than 20 something years, I’m not 40 yet- I have major allergies to synthetic produce food . But medications controls my thyroid also disrupts my hormones in a time where my body is suppose accommodate my adulthood. They never taught that in school or my parents. I think with the times it’s gotten more nuance than that.
@@stevencooper3202I couldn’t agree more, being more self sufficient . I think farming programs should be taught in public schools if allowed. I grew up in a farming migrant setting in the eastern shores of Maryland where in the 1940s the state allocated for the sale of land to immigrant families. I grew up in melting pot but In a farm community.
I've always been a non-conformist and sadly it has driven a lot of people away. However, I've never struggled so much in society as I'm struggling now. In this generation of Tiktok, porn and social media addiction, hook up culture, deteriorating attention spans and communication skills, I find it hard to relate to anybody any more and feel very alone in the world.
Solitude standing isn't the worst state of being there.
You perfectly described the state of affairs with other people.
I'm sure you wouldn't stay sane when joining in to pack.
It seems like you never meet decent people
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society"
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Stay on the path less travelled,those who are closest to the truth,suffer the most.
It’s a blessing and a curse. Embrace the solitude
Cheers!--Many can relate to your comment. Believe it or not, you're in good, plentiful company... : )
I have recently become a non conformist out of shear exhaustion. I'm happier, sleeping better, getting toxic people out of my life and becoming more comfortably self sufficient. The relationships I have kept are becoming deeper and better. Exercising more and eating better. Every day I ask myself "Why didn't i do this YEARS ago?!"
Yeah, I've been there. When you stop trying to please others, you can find what makes you happy.
i agree@@jjay350
only idiots work for others. Only idiots do it because other idiots do it
that's funny because me being a nono conformist makes me stress a lot... you go against the social current.
IKR same well done and keep it up!
“We live in a world that is built on promises constructed by liars.”- Sushan Sharma
"Keep constantly in mind who these people are whose admiration you seek and what guiding principles they have. You will have no further wish for their approval once you look into the sources of their motives and opinions."
- Marcus Aurelius
Great quote 👍🏽
There is a reason that Greek and Roman philosophy is glossed over in public schools.
@@bobhope5114 Most anything that will help you in life is glossed over in public schools.
@@TaRAAASHBAGSYeah,well...I rest my case.
@@bobhope5114 absolutely. Take _The Prince_ for example. Compulsory reading, it ought to be.
We need more philosophy, critical thinking, and spending time in nature to get back in touch with our purpose as a species
On it.
Good luck, because most people now say, "I Will Give Up My Smartphone When They Peel My Cold Dead Fingers From Around It".
You do. We’re good here in New Zealand.
Sacraments help bring you in touch with nature too. Avoid insecure and dbag like people they will compete with you and try to bring you down.
All I can say, as a lifelong nonconformist, I have faced real obstacles.
Sure. Been worth it though. Self-esteem & personal growth have soared since I matured & embraced it.
Everyone faces obstacles, even the conformists face them while being ignorant of the fact.
@@niconine268 and that takes some real strength of character.
@@sentinel2.064 yes, they do.
True words. No one said its easy to be nonconform.
Theres actally a saying where I come from:
If you follow the masses, you see nothing but asses
“Freedom is What You Do With What’s Been Done to You “- Jean-Paul Sartre
As I go my way through full recovery from my depression, the videos of Academy of ideas really helped me a lot since I started watching all your videos. Thank you so much, you have no idea how much your contents helping me way out of darkness.
Not all originality is positive, not all conformity is negative.
To have a functioning society, we need some degree of conformity, but to have a better future we need original thinkers.
Balance is, as always, in the middle.
This brings to mind Japan and Japanese culture. Japan to many people is a beautiful country that's safe, has more social cohesion than most countries in the west, and has a rich culture. But the dark side to Japan is that it is founded in collectivism and deeply conformist and repressive and different ways. They don't have the same level of legal or cultural freedom as we in America do. There's no utopia, only trade offs...
@@jpphilosopher I agree, but they have low crime rates, great respect for the elderly and a country among the cleanest in the world.
It would be wonderful if they could open up culturally, but there will have to be trade offs... The point is that every society has desirable aspect both in conformity and originality, but a balance needs to be struck. They are both useful in measure.
@@omarwest2430Ah, balance. It's the most difficult thing to achieve and even then, it won't be a perfect society and will also be full of trade-offs. It's easier to just go on the far sides. This is why we should value freedom. Everyone should be heard and not be repressed. Everyone should practise critical thinking. The COVID stuff is a perfect example, people who go against the narrative (including medical professionals) are repressed.
Balance is a good thing, but it shouldn't give us an excuse to compromise our principles. Emerson was a vegetarian, rather than going along with the majority who ate animals. He didn't compromise by just eating fewer animals. Some other intelligent, widely admired people who chose not to eat meat- Pythagoras, Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, Voltaire, Newton, Benjamin Franklin, Nikolai Tesla, Albert Einstein, Gandhi, Albert Schweitzer, George Bernard Shaw, Tolstoy, Thoreau, Saint Francis of Asisi, Nobel laureate and holocaust survivor Isaac Bashevis Singer, and many more. Some on this list switched late in life, but stayed on it to the end.
"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." -Einstein (Of course today, he would be vegan. So would the others on this list.)
The famous Professor of Physics Brian Greene is vegan. You may have seen him on PBS hosting science shows for the layman. Stanford professor Christopher Gardner, PhD, is a nutrition scientist.
Jane Goodall recently went from a long time vegetarian to vegan. Greta Thunberg is vegan. Jon (Daily Show) Stewart is not only vegan, he owns a farm animal sanctuary!
Wise words
"Just be yourself, everyone else is already taken".
Mind Begs the Question:
- If Politicians/Govts narrative
- Must not be Challenged
- Must conform to unquestionably
- Democracy or Fascism?
fascism of course@HumanBeingsRThinkingBeings
A wise man once said *"Your boos mean nothing I've seen what makes you cheer!"*
Rick Sanchez nice
So true for today. When people cheer for things that put me off, I couldn't care less about their disapproval.
That is a real good one, going to remember this one thanks for sharing!
Boos? All I hear are the sheep
Who was the wise man behind this quote?
Where would the world and humanity be without non-conformists? Bless their courageous, bold and transformative hearts!
Someone understands Thk you
Innovation has revolutionized the world and made many aspects safer and faster. Without as many free thinkers anymore, we lessen the chance of someone actually inventing the time machine haha
I was diagnosed with a life changing health condition 13yrs ago when I was just 25yrs old that messes with my ability to maintain a normal routine. I have good days and bad days, but every day I try my best physically. My extended family have not all been the kindest to me because it is not a visible disorder like an amputated leg. They remember who I used to be before I got sick, and they attributed my inability to perform as reliably for them as me being lazy, uncaring, or not good enough. Thank God my husband and son are supportive of me in my immediate family, they are what keeps me going through the pain. It took me until a few months ago to get honest and frank with the extended family about my embarrassing health issues in graphic detail, and that they need to choose to love me as I now am, or to kiss off. I am done feeling guilt and shame for a health condition I never anticipated or asked for (which is ironically a genetic health condition too!). The Ralph Waldo Emerson quote at the beginning was really touching regarding this situation for me. I realized people expect us to conform even when it literally might be physically impossible...that's not healthy or just to expect with personality or physical differences alike.
It's a fact that people such as you almost always are embattled within the family. I'm one. I was nearly killed at age seven and have been severely disabled since. Yet, except my mother, for most of my life, they have thought I was just lazy.
it gets lonely sometimes but better to be alone than to waste your time with conformists
" Someone despises me, that's their problem. "
~Marcus Aurelius
Introvert, Keep believing your own lies.
Choose solitude rather than hollow minds seeking to empty your being.
Correct 💯
Dependswho the conformists are and what they're conforming to.
Not too long ago, we use to call these men "Pioneers", "trail blazers", "being your own man", "free thinkers"
They were inspiring, yet today society treat these characters as enemies.
Because they need to control
Some cast anger upon us we don't subjugate ourselves to the norms of society.
We are the majority
Not today. It has always been that way.
If the last 3 years hasn't taught you the downfall of conformity then you're a lost soul
Conformity is now, and has always been a double-edged sword . Safety in numbers vs. standing out. Sacrifice vs. compromise. Fact vs. fiction. Pick your poison, the results are anybody's guess.
There’s a lot of lost souls.
3 years? Lol, you need to look further than your immediate life.
Or a dead one 💀
Most people won't find time to reflect... they are like clamped in their daily routine. It's kind of sad.
Being in my 50's now and a nonconformist, I was always used to being the odd man out to some degree. Now though as I get older I start to see people taking notice and alot of people starting to consider my life style a good option... especially over the last few years
Yeah that's the thing about getting older, as a child in you're 20's being a non-conformist will make you isolated, but as you grow older it becomes more desirable. Conformity is a young man's game.
I was very fortunate to have read self-reliance in an American literature class at 19 years old. Now, at 51, I say it's guided me well.
As a non conformist I've had my struggles and have few friends. The good thing is, is that I'm happy and don't answer to many but myself.
And it's humorous to watch others fold into the mold
I don't care what others think about me never did😂
As Sven Erlandson put it “when you start living your life as you want it’s not the fear of unknown that stops you it’s the fear of KNOWN. You know exactly what your friends will say. You know exactly what your old man or mother will say. You know exactly what your wife and children will say. And that’s what scares you.”
Fave comment here, so very true
Deleting my social media 5 years ago automatically made me an outcast to my peers.
haven't used social media in that long--yes!
i use it. 😂
@@thatbitch1111 technically it is, but its not like the others where you post about yourlife every other hour
That's the best thing one can ever do for their own good, along with stopping watching TV.
@@Max-Quagmire Not really, it's not a social media if you don't want it to be. A lot of people, elder ones especially, don't ever upload videos, read or write comments so there's no communication whatsoever and that means no social aspect. It's not a tv because you can choose what to watch and the content (most of it to be precise) isn't created by corporations which push a certain agenda.
@@thatbitch1111UA-cam is not the same shit as tiktok or X.
"Never depend on the admiration of others. There is no strength in it. Personal merit cannot be derived from an external source. It is not to be found in your personal associations, nor can it be found in the regard of other people. It is a fact of life that other people, even people who love you, will not necessarily agree with your ideas, understand you, or share your enthusiasms. Grow up! Who cares what other people think about you!"
As a child when my friends would get drunk on cheap cider, sniff glue and smoke I refused to conform with their norm. As an adult I haven’t changed. You’re either a leader or a hapless follower. I love solitude but I’m no recluse. Brilliant video
I nearly killed myself trying to fit in. Now i live alone in a van on a field and live life my way out of the repressive system and my mind and body has never felt better. I feel free and happy and finally on a path to better myself and live life to the fullest
Man that's it bro
@@jeshurandianga1251 to go forwards we need to go backwards
Strong men don't conform to sick societies 💯
"To cultivate our own path through life requires hard work, discipline, and a ruthless persistence for action."
I been a non conformist since birth. It’s been many times I wish I could conform, it seems much easier it’s hard walking alone at times
Yeah, mindless followers have is way easier in society...
Yer mate but when ya post that … on youtube
You come across as full of shite👍🏻✌🏻
Focus on the things you gain and what makes your life better by being a non-conformist. For me it is a gift. There are moments when it feels lonely but in the end it is safer and more peaceful on many levels. Living a non- conformist life strenghtens the character.
I'm glad I'm a non-conformist...
Agreed. I hate it. I feel like I don't belong and as great and mysterious and cool it sounds to "be yourself, don't conform!" it sucks when society rewards you for conforming. Being a non-conformist is an extremely hard path and the worst part about it is that I don't feel you can choose which you are. We are innately predisposed to either want to go with the grain or against it. Whenever I've tried to conform in the past I always felt empty inside and unsatisfied with life and myself. I'm still having similar feelings as a non-conformist but I feel more free and as if I'm living life the way it's meant to be. It's definitely not as good as people make it out to be.
I stood amidst the ridicule and the mean while gaining a self strength even in solitude. I've seen it all so many times in my life and never faltered to their ways. It was through their conformity that they depicted me a an outcast and I cherished it as I was an am a nonconformist, especially to their simple minds.
It is better to walk alone than with a crowd going the wrong direction
Even though I'm alone now it was my time in the thick layers of conformity when I was truly alone. Now through years of stripping away these blinding layers of sickness I feel almost completely sane in a world gone mad. I dare say almost happy.
It's ok to be happy alone.
Because people are the cause of loneliness. It's only when you look around and see everyone has sunglasses on except you, that loneliness kicks in. Otherwise, we're like Tarzan living life in peace.
good now learn leadership ans social skills to show the conformists a better way
I think instead ill leave the conformists to their own trough of swill.
It's better to be on your own than feeling alone with others, at least you will be staying true to yourself.
In most cases, you will be ridiculed and ostracised if you refuse to conform.
Freedom and honesty always come with a price.
Welcome to my world.
So be it
It is the distain of conformity that feeds my soul.
To me, it's like an adult being mocked by a small child for what the child doesn't yet understand. The only difference is children are eager to learn. These supposed adults won't. They remain voluntarily ignorant. I have a hard time feeling offended by people I pity.
Non-conformity is one of the most important traits of the free-thinking individual.
It is the driving feature of revolutions, enlightenment and evolution.
When people are too afraid to be different they will be easily led to their own slavery by charismatic manipulators, rather than designing their own beliefs, purpose and future.
Non-conformity might be the only trait that would save humanity at this point.
If you want to stick it to the system, become a Nazi. They really hate that.
Designing their own beliefs, purpose and future?
Sounds very nihilistic.
Imo they'd be better off striving for that which makes the most sense.
@@beingsshepherd You have read something odd into that statement. It means instead of allowing mass culture to dictate your belief system you should decide for yourself what you believe in. Nihilism is a lack of belief.
@@signsfrombeyond4863 The option to subjectively believe _anything_ is in itself testament to truly believing in nothing.
An irreverent, unfocused life of capricious whim and fancy.
@@beingsshepherd 🐑
Not to conform requires to be completely honest with oneself, this must be done in solitude and it is the very best effort a human being can make. To be alone requires wisdom, loneliness is an emotional state that can be overcome by building our inner self. Solitude and a good book, what a blessing!
Makes me think nonconformity is easier for introverts.
Good music and hobbies are also a blessing.
@@jjay350it is I love being an introvert
Introversion is the modern comformity. The world wants you to stay inside, with netflix at home. They don't want you to socialize, be outgoing, happier and populate. They don't want you to live life. The cops are a good example of that. Like getting a ticket for going 5 over and the court will side with the cops. The court is against straight men in America.
The USA is a great example today of a brainwashed and weakened culture. People are scared to speak up or fight back against corruption. This place is already toast. Those like me who want a woman who isn't corrupted by western culture are going overseas for her.
Your videos have been very helpful in the past few years. They are helpful to me. For years, I've tried meeting other psychology needs only to fall short of their praises. Pushing myself into despair. Once I lifted the veil of society, I truly started to find happiness. Conforming is simply an illness of the soul. Thank you for your very well put together content. It seems that those who speak truth need to be the thorns in conformity if we are to protect the growth of our surroundings towards a positive outcome.
No friends for years so not conforming isnt something I do by choice its because i'm not around people. Even when I did have friends it was hard to fit in, works better this way. I see groups of friends dressed the same and I'm kinda happy I dont have to do any of that, would be nice to eventually find people who can be my friends without trying to change me and instead just understanding I have my own taste and like to do things the way I do them.
Conformity in someways is disease, alot of people doing things they dont want to and they dont even know why. People who conform are typically the most close minded people
Conformity is what builds cultures and common values without that you will have a hollow society, conformity isnt always bad. You want nihilism be my guest but do so at your own peril
@@u2beuser714conformity is the essential building blocks of Marxism itself !
Without such it would never get past the idea phase . Individualism but caring for your fellow man is what made the United States the super power it once was ..... we see now how it has been usurped into a gradual Marxist outpost with all of the basic building blocks of a young Communist Russia / USSR
Collectivism is the catchphrase for all the enslavement that is being engineered upon the U.S and the western world .
@@u2beuser714 yes , mindless conformity has been on full display over the last nearly 3yrs in all of those whom fell for the Bat Soup disease story and the Miracle Cure at warp speed therafter !!
cultural marxism IS conformity. It cannot exist unless it's adherents conform to it's ideology.
Those who conform follow the rules made by those who don't.
They love paying taxes to p3d0s
Bang on!
Short answer is that it's difficult to find happiness when trying to live up to outside expectations of who you should be. Be who you are.
Acting in bad faith is never fun.
Too bad we (most of us at least) need to be part of the system if we want to be able to make use of civilization's achievements.
I’ve never been one to conform. My classmates thought I was a rebel without a cause. My cause was not comply blindly or swallow BS without asking questions.
Thank you! What a refreshing video !
Beautiful reminder.
To be in this world but not of it…there is a lot of freedom from….blablabla when we do not conform.
Solitude is the gate to self mastery……to enjoy solitude does not mean, to be anti social. Au contraire, in solitude one gets to take the time to contemplate, investigate, discern, and question one s motives, to understand wether the importance, we give to what we value most is rooted in clarity or not…… and if not are we even aware that we may be subjecting ourselves to subordinating to others values instead…that is not what life is meant to be…..
I found that whatever time i spend slowing down allows me to realize that i have a duty to take 100% responsibility for my behavior, thoughts, speech and actions….
That in life there is what’s happening which i do not control, and my response to it, which when free from fulfilling others expectations, grounds me into authenticity and integrity…..freeing myself from manipulation….others and my own. At the end of the day, i can close my eyes with a clear conscious knowing that what i know to be true for me is adequate, regardless of the massive systemic circus at play… conformism for me also means Take no shit and do no harm.
Thanks again for posting this video i truly enjoy-and appreciate. 🙏
« There are moments when one has to choose between living one's own life, fully, entirely, completely - or dragging out some false, shallow, degrading existence that the world in its hypocrisy demands » Oscar Wilde
Thank you brother. Thank you so much. 👍
Time spent trying to please others is ultimately a waste. You should naturally derive joy from your connections.
Brilliant and necessary! I say this as I was listening to this in the presence of my 6 yr old son and the part about doing what you fear resonated with him and he asked to pause it as he recounted his experience of feeling fear while he was learning to swim but told himself that he will do it still.
I feel this video wholeheartedly. As a nonconformist life can be difficult, with so much empty space to fill, I can see why people conform so easily. Sitting by yourself and getting to know the authentic self makes people uncomfortable.
But worth it...
The mention of lies is intensely important. To consent to a lie, to support a lie changes and degrades one and society
Being a contrarian is the best way to test someone's genuineness. If you disagree with them and are met with them rushing to agree with you, you have found a situational conformist. If they disagree and believe you are a crazy or stupid for believing in the opposite to them, then they are a general conformist. But if they question why you think the opposite of what they do and still disagree with you whilst being intrigued, you have found yourself somebody who appreciates outside thinkers.
Yup I've come across too many general conformists when politics came up. I expressed faults in both sides and they still ridiculed me and didn't own up to the fact that their side isn't perfect and stood by then and denied what I said. It fell on deaf ears
Interesting description.
@@Robespierre-lI my opening statement reflects my sentiments entirely. The genuine part would answer wether or not they are being authentic with you, regardless of their stance on them liking you or not. A genuine person would not be afraid to tell you their own stance even if they didn't like you. Everyone has a different point of view to offer, including yours.
You're right however, I can only imagine the possibility of them having constructive conversations with others that would go in depth that they would otherwise not have with me for whatever reason.
Though, I will reconsider my original statement, as I made it to be a point of debate. We must dare to seek that which we do not know.
The contrarian takes the opposite side of the conformist, like the negative of a photograph is the opposite of the original film. Two sides of the same coin. They are both slaves. A contrarian is a conformist standing on his head.
@@Respect2theFallen Let me guess, are these general conformists you talk about fans of Joe Biden (or the US in general if you're not American)?
"If we all break ourselves for society, then we end up with a society of broken people." -- Me, circa just now --
'Broken by and for others, I put myself together to watch them try over and over again.' - Me - circa two days later-
"People don't want to see an actor, they only want to see the acting."
-me at some point :/
"...those who treat us with contempt sometimes reveal truths of our character that those who care for us are too timid to point out."
SOMEtimes. But MOST times, they reveal only truths of their own character, or the lack thereof.
Just made a school essay discerning this. Thank you for all the thoughts and ideas.
The biggest problem for an autistic child such as myself was being pigeonholed and ostracized into a categorical term which was used to conform us to a self destructive stereotype; of how our superiors thought we ought to act. We were often taught in special education that due to our disorder, we were incapable of growing to be self reliant. Oftentimes we were treated as if we were braindead, and were denied the same liberties and rights as neurotypical students, and were subject to extra moral obligations without personal boundaries. As a result, people like myself have obtained and underdeveloped mentality.
Lol think about what you're actually capable of, instead of what others say. You can always become smarter. Learn new things, don't be stagnant
Stop playing the victim. Grow up and develop yourself the way you want to be.
Thank you. This is exactly right. Long live nonconformists. Praise nonconformity when you see it. Think for yourself.
Pfft, As if you haven't.
Pederasty and necrophilia?
I am obliged to not now
Conversely to Ralph Emmerson's quotes, one can also meet another man who's honesty reaches to this point and when you meet him he may reveal himself as a genuine article amongst a sea of counterfeits... It was extremely satisfying to me to walk into my local watch repair store and find that the local clocksmith is a fellow man of truth and dignity... I instantly envisioned our two ancestors forming a resistance in another simpler yet equally dangerous time.
Such people always reveal themselves to be traitors sooner or later. Always.
As always, amazing video.
The two best UA-cam channels 💪
Thank you. 🤌🏼. I worked hard on it.
But here's the thing, by embracing nonconformity, we break free from these expectations and allow ourselves to be our true, authentic selves. 💪 We no longer feel the need to fit into a certain mold and can instead focus on our own individuality.
I once carried an old, outdated ALICE pack while in the army. A fellow soldier asked if I were mentally ill, because I chose to be different. To use something better than what I was given.
Years later, I met a man in the boilermakers who talked with me, and said that I reminded him of that quote; "whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist".
No longer am I a soldier, no longer am I a boilermaker. Those memories simply rest adjacent to each other in my mind.
Do not be conformed to the world, but be renewed by the transforming of your mind
Advice I got from a wise man:
If you want to succeed in life, take a good look at what other people do. And don't do that.
very nice. I wish our youth would follow this advice instead of copying eachother on social media.
This year I finally broke fully from conforming to what I partially had for years. I lost many friends, most. It's worth being truly myself.
"I was not born to be forced. I will breathe after my own fashion. Let us see who is the strongest."
- Henry David Thoreau, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience
Love it 😁
I'll be 70 in a few weeks and find it diffiult to be in the world. Freinds and even family consumed by all BS are slowly pushing me out, I get strange looks and find myself missunderstood. When most people are all on the same drugs the ones who are not are labeled abnormal.
That's what I've ever thought and done along most of my life ( now I'm 73... ). Excellent video, fundamental watch. I wish most inteligent people watched it. Thank you very much for posting it.
My momma raised me to be myself and that's exactly how I carry myself. I couldn't care less what people think of me or how they want me to behave. I'm myself and I'm going to continue to be myself.
a white supreme being
You need to go on a low carb diet of only ancestral foods, like Dr. Ken Berry describes. No modern oils, alcohol, or refined carbs! You'll feel far better, and be able to change your horrific picture.
@@DietArchitect Nothing could be more horrific than that Jew in your picture.
When one overcomes their fear of the truth and the fear of rejection, one finally becomes able to discover who they really are. Then all they need to do is be who they are, regardless of what others think of us.
Until then, all you are is a shell of a man. A shadow, a ghost, a charade…..a lie.
Why should we accept one's attention when all we crave is to better our world. At times, to better the world, is without their attention.
I retired early from my job at a public library. The managers introduced a document where they wanted staff to all think the same. I kid you not. And of course, there was all of the woke and Covid crap as well.
I work in county government, and have been supporting our libraries for years. The entire library culture is utterly cringeworthy, but one of ours is a special breed of liberal sickness.
@@Firevine Libraries need to be overhauled.
@@alisaaustin8431 There are absolutely some lovely people working at some of ours, but it's primarily sad old cat ladies obsessed with woke and covid, just like you said. One of the managers has a statue of Anthony Fauci on her desk and pride crap everywhere. It's mind poison.
Thank you for telling this. I've been noticing how libraries have become bastions of crap, laziness and (as another commentor said) utterly cringe worthy). At my local branch, ALL librarians are double masked. I can barely hear them when they speak. I guess I'm just missing the libraries of yore.....
@@Firevine Cat ladies is the perfect description! I seriously think that the cat parasite, toxoplasma, is the real culprit of the woke society. Up to 70% of American adults are infected with it, mainly as a latent infection, but it causes OCD, depression, hypersexuality, hyperactivity-activism! We really need to test for toxo and get rid of it!
"I wish I lived the life I wanted ; not the life others expected of me" -
One of the five regrets collated by patients in end-of-life care homes.
You are one of the best channels on UA-cam. This is from someone who has subbed to 500 channels because I genuinely am interested in many different things but heavily scrutinize those things.
I relate to my cat and my garden in a way that is just as rewarding as being with humans. But I get weary of humans very quickly. Then it’s back to plants and fur babies. Stay safe. ❤
The timing of this video is spot on for what’s coming....
thank you
He knows what's up, a consistent voice of reason throughout 2020.
Always posting when your channel’s word is needed most. Thank you
I really needed to hear this.... It lets me know that i dont need to change or stop anything im doing, but to keep going...
I started life as a rebel , society broke me to conform ,after many years , i once again rebeled to become free , but there is a price to pay .
As you go along your journey to non-conformity and self-affirmation, remember not to stray into the other, perhaps darker path that such journeys have resulted in for many others: that of the contrarian. Remember that in the vague and often abstract realm of society, there is still some value in the checks and existing norms of others, and your relations with others will necessarily form a part of your journey to constructing a genuine self. To oppose them simply because they are mainstream may very well lead to your downfall, so think deliberately about what you choose to refuse and accept in society and why you are ultimately refusing or accepting it.
Be the non-conformist individual, not the contrarian dogmatist.
this needs to be pinned. many siding with non-conformity suffer an addiction to negative emotions such as resentment, shame, etc, and are fundamentally no different than the herd they despise.
Not going to ever have square,
conformist members of personal circle.
Especially now that the nanny deep state swamp has contrived, thru their safety senseless micromanagements, into injurating me out of being medically qualified for vocation I had for 30 years and expected 20-30 more years but now I'm gov't boned.
Who gives a💩!?
Said this earlier: Automatically doing the opposite of everyone doesn't make you a free thinker, it makes you a hipster.
"Men walk as prophesies of the next age". Wow, that is powerful
man, being an introverted child was fucking brutal and I was punished by society for not being able to conform. I am trying now to fix decades of pain to move on and do my own thing. Hope to be able to find something that I can do to fight for now.
a remote job.
Conformity is a disease, I remember when I used to work in a horrible sweatshop, the kind of place that doesn't give a damn about their workers, and I told a co worker that I was sick of it and I wanted to find a new job, he called me a parasite and told me that I would be better staying there since another job wasn't guaranteed. Fast forward 7 years and I am earning 5x the amount I was being payed with much better working conditions. Some people are born to lick the boot and I find that disgusting
I dealt with this issue many times by employers. Eventually, I just stopped letting them know. After I lost a good job, I made a huge mistake. I was going to be a pizza delivery driver for 6 bucks an hour. Didn't know wtf I was thinking. Told the employer I want to go to another job which was an hour away and they pay more and weekly. He was scribbling up a bunch of fake math that wasn't calulated properly to my weekly earnings, saying I could make a living off of it. I averaged about 250 a week when I was 26. I missed rent a couple times because of this job. GM kept disrespecting me in front of everyone calling me names and brought me into his little office to accuse me of flirting with women on the job. I walked out.
At the next place for a month or two, got sick of sleeping the whole work week in my car until it was the end of the week. Told the boss I needed a job with obviously more than 30 hours a week, they gave me loads of crap and bash me for it.
My work history was so screwed up for months, I ended up becoming major broke. After a month of being jobless, a staffing agency got me some random job cleaning some chairs, and I took it. Turned out to pay pretty solid for random hours. I got up just barely enough to move out and go back up north. Got a job, just like that, and I'm back to banking it. I'm trying to get myself together and not screw it up again. I almost got stuck forever in the south. Bad idea when I moved down there. All retired old bags, no social setting whatsoever in the area. People walking dogs in strollers. Made no sense.
Thx for reading
Agreed very much when you mentioned those that reject us or hate us give us an insight into ourselves that those who love us don’t dare to do. I’m all for self betterment so I love when this occurs. I used to live with someone who’ll constantly criticize me, but I see all of that as a good thing in retrospect as it’s allowed me to evolve. It’s challenged my character and I think that’s what people need.
As a recluse, thank you for this video.
Always always always excited to see a new Academy of Ideas video. Gonna get the membership soon.
When others try to force something on you the natural response is to rebel. These are the true authentic people.
We live in an age where the unfamiliar is met with hostility.
It has always been the case😢
I once was a conformist. Hard to believe my transformation. It surprised me as much as my fellow conformists. Thank you to the Universe and algorithms for bringing this to me today. Finding peace within may bring you thru a stormy time.
It was the Universe, the algorithms and yourself!
2000 years ago, "Do not conform to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind and spirit", go figure, must have been a smart guy
"Be who you are and be that well." - St Francis
non-conformity is increasing becoming difficult with the advent of social media
There is an easy fix for that - don't use social media.
True non conformists see thru the BS and aren’t swayed by all the noise.
I just want Taylor Swift, the Kardashians and Cardi B to lead and tell me what to do!
No it not…..No it’s not….
No it isn’t.
There was a UK TV Advert that ran years ago and the story was simply a typical workday morning in London where everyone was walking to work on a sidewalk that circles around a pond. Everyone is dressed in grey, black shoes, heads-down. I personally know that time and place and it really has a kind of 'militaristic feel'. If you so much as drop something and stop to pick it up you can feel eye-lasers burning your head as if you've really messed up the march. Everyone is an office worker and has to look serious for some reason. It's a grey day and in the advert a man suddenly stops and looks at something off to the pond. He's already given dirty looks for such a strange thing as stopping but then begins taking off his shoes. The many workers never break stride but crinkled faces and glares as he actually takes off his socks! some are even afraid, they don't stop their march to work but now are turning and rolling eyes, grimacing at this madman and the man then begins rolling his suit pant legs up to his knees and steps onto the grass and begins walking into the pond. the crowds never stop their morning trudge to work but now some are aghast, surely someone will call the police, what kind of a mental case has gotten loose? As the camera pans back we realize he's seen a little boy playing with a toy boat at the pond. The boy's toy boat has gotten too far out and the boy is crying as he's unable to get his toy back. the man has waded barefoot into the pond to knee-level, rescued the toy boat and brings it back to that boy. the boy is beyond grateful and thanks the superman. the man laughs a little and scoots back to his shoes and socks, puts them back on, rolls down his suit pants, checks his watch confirming he'll still be on time for work.and yet, the grey suits and workaday 'drones' on the sidewalk hurried routine are really giving him the faces, what a fool, how stupid, what kind of nutter, what an idiot, he's crazy. the narrator asks "but who is the crazy person after all? or is he the most sane and normal person and everyone else is really doing something crazy.
What was it advertising?
The most profound video I have watched about Non-Conformity Thanks for posting this video
I was always nonconform. Every time whem it came to "like everyone else" or "my way" I chose the second one.
It never felt good or right to me being like everyone else and following the mainstream. Wether it came to world views, trends or opinions, I always did what felt right - and that always was of nonconform nature.
As a child no one takes you seriously, as a teen you start to think that youre crazy, as an adult you learn to embrace your way.
Non conformist need protection from envy, esp when they do it right
Tragically, we live in a society where trying to live a life that can be summed up as "I mean you no harm; I simply wish to be left alone to live my life as I see fit" often results in having the mamluks set on you.
Very true
As an only child in high school, it is sad to see everyone on their phones and struck down by lust and drama when they could be hanging out in clubs, getting to know everyone’s passions. When storms come, it’s like the foolish man who built their house on sand.
So hard for young people who are intelligent
You are wise beyond your years ❤️
Yes, although clubs are also a form of social conformity with a certain dancing ritual that goes on there. The more we can be unapologetically authentic in ourselves around each other though the better. Phones are just voids and traps that lead to self-sabotage.
When people encounter ideas that may threaten something they see as crucial to their identity they go on attack. Not that dissimilar to what happens when people are threatened physically. Overcoming that instinct consistently is something that very few actually ever do.
I'm currently in the 'aimless and meaningless despair' part of this path, I'm glad to find this video! I've realised I feel very at odds with where I live and after much loss, need to find a new path in life. I often feel extremely depressed and alone but I know I need to fight the despair and keep going.
Your videos are brilliant. Keep up the great work
Another home run. This channel distills all that is healthy and positive in Western thought and points to a world that could have been. It's a veritable freight train of wisdom, and as of today, immortalized in my mind.
Nonconformity cured my sick self. I used to eat meat and dairy but thought I was eating a healthy diet. I did drink soy milk, but got scared of soy so I quit. I then started using whey protein powder to try to gain muscle. I developed a lump in my chest. Breast cancer in men is rare, but possible. I went to my doctor, and he put me through a series of tests for cancer. I researched what I could eat to help my chances. The documentary "Forks Over Knives" convinced me. I dumped the whey and switched to a mostly Whole Food Plant Based vegan diet. By the time I was supposed to have a biopsy, they weren't able to get a sample, because my lump had shrunk so much. I felt so much more energy on my new diet, so I kept it. I then learned the facts about why others have gone fully vegan. I went 100% around the age of 60. I am now in my mid 60's, and never felt better. I get glowing reports from my doctor and need no prescriptions. Both my siblings have had heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, or a combination.
This was from the essay 'self reliance ' by Ralph waldo Emerson. It is one of the most perfect pieces of thought I have ever read. Everyone should read it.
I hate it when people try to "teach" me how to think.